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tv   Bakhar  RUSSIA1  July 24, 2024 3:00pm-5:01pm MSK

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now it will be called eurasia square. let me remind you that it was opened in 2002, and the central composition of the urban space next to the berezhkovskaya embankment was the sculpture of the abduction of europe. a real first aid for books , about 100 paper publications are restored every month at the nekrasov central universal scientific library. here they work, among other things , with rare specimens of the 16th century, as well as with maps, posters and others.
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but somewhere there may be a lost text, maybe these pieces are also all in place we put it in, we definitely check the text, if we have a foreign edition, then we call a specialist if in doubt. before disassembling the book, the restorers take a photo report so that nothing gets confused later during reassembly; the book is returned to the shelf in its historical form. before installing the book , each page undergoes water procedures. paper can be of different types, so an individual composition is selected for it. the water can be filtered. or distilled, the main thing is to observe the temperature regime when washing. no water at all in this case, it should not be either cold or hot; the most optimal is 25-30°. you can’t use tap water either, it contains a lot of impurities that can negatively affect the pages. there is no need to exert any mechanical influence on the sheets, and the yellowness will gradually come out of the paper structure. after washing, the sheets are sent to rest and dried. if there are
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lost elements, patches are made; to compensate for the losses using the topping method, the selected restoration paper is torn into small pieces, soaked in water, and then grind in a blender to make a paper cocktail. here it is very important to get into the thickness; if it is a little less, it’s not so scary, because we can add paper and when stitching it will be unnoticeable, the main thing is that it holds well. flour glue will serve as a fixative, ready. the sheets are wrapped in felt, it absorbs moisture well and is put under the press for a day. this collection of shakespeare's plays is over 100 years old; it came to the restoration workshop from the gitis library. specialists need to restore the book binding, paying special attention to the pages. the illustrations here are hand-painted, so under no circumstances should they be washed using the classic method. contaminants will be cleaned using a dry method. but the buffon masks were luckier. books from the collection of count sheremetyev will restore semi-book binding. there are only a few such books a year that are restored
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, about twenty, and they belong to a rare collection. it is very important to us to preserve all the original components of the book. and the main principle that a restorer should be guided by is do no harm. and of course, all the processes that we carry out, they must be reversible. for careful storage, book monuments after restoration and those waiting in turn are placed in a special protective cover made of acid-free cardboard. it is made immediately to the size of a specific work. in addition to books, nikrasovka restores maps, posters and documents, and you can also bring publications from your home library for restoration; experts will assess the degree of preservation and tell you how it can be saved. artyom kuznetsov, maxim gavrilets, mikhail yanusov and alena felatova. news. the cycle will take place in moscow excursions pre-revolutionary appearance of the capital. it is organized as part of the future territory festival. 12 walks are planned in august september, which will be led by the winner of the competition.
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the best guide in moscow. participants will be shown renovated historical buildings, these are houses on ostozhenka, znamenka and bolshaya nikitskaya. no pre-registration required. the list of route dates can be found on the mayor's website. the next episode of federal news will air at 17:00. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website we have everything by this time. see you.
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good morning, vladimir petrovich, good morning,
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ra, i’m glad to see you in a great mood, and you know what i dreamed about today, i’m even afraid to imagine. goose, today i dreamed of a goose, he pinched me on the leg, and i ran away from him all night, can you imagine, vladimir petrovich, very vividly, and why are you glad that you dreamed of a goose, because it’s not alena, then of course, yes , this is great news, tomorrow will be ready soon, and i also wanted to apologize, i behaved yesterday like a fool, i didn’t notice, uh-huh, i was freaking out, i was packing my things, forgive me, but you have nothing to apologize for, heaven, thank you very much, for what? for kissing me, by the way, i
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liked it, but even better, i would have slept if you were nearby, while i was preparing breakfast. you know what i was thinking, this major of ours, tolkachev, it seems that with yesterday’s visit he understood a very important issue, what an issue, and the privatization of your apartment, well, yes, important, yes, well, this issue must be resolved somehow, and it is generally possible to privatize it , the apartment is a service one, perhaps, according to the law on privatization of the housing stock, the organizations to which the housing stock is assigned can decide on privatization, but since out of the two of us he is a police officer. i agree, today i’ll ask lariska for leave early, i’ll take care of this issue, well, i’ll start collecting all sorts of papers, by the way, what kind of papers are needed in general, wait, what do you mean i ’ll take care of it, and what do you and i have to do with it, the apartment is mine, you’re here generally without a week, yes, but
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it would be more reasonable, don’t worry, when i privatize, i’ll give you this room for 5 kopecks a month, well, to comply with all the formalities, so you will be with me. the fact is that you want to do privatization yourself, this is not entirely correct, who, if not me, i’m trying to explain to you, strictly speaking, the apartment belongs to the police, i am a police officer, it will be
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easier to privatize the apartment if it’s me, shut up, why are you shutting my mouth, quietly, do you hear, cat, maybe the owners left, left her alone, but lydia dmitrievna lives right there, she’s old, she doesn’t leave the house at all. and it seems like she lives alone, maybe something happened, i’ll call, lidia dmitrievna, are you all right? lidia dmitrievna, are you sleeping? breathe, hello,
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see you soon, she’s completely alone, no children, no grandchildren, her husband died a long time ago, only social workers visit lydia dmitrievna, rima says, it looks very much like poisoning. oh, well, no, no, no, the doctors have already pumped out her stomach, they said that there is no danger to her life, really, yes, so you came in just in time, but this is all heaven, this is all a cat, you will at least have to come in and feed her , while lady dmitrievna is in the hospital, what about the blood that was found nearby? no, no, it’s not the owner’s, there are no scratches on it, but someone thoroughly rummaged through the wardrobe, they were looking for something, these bastards, no, vladimir petrovich, tell me, don’t be bastards... bastards, bastards, bastards, we’ll definitely find everyone, raya, you ’re not late for work, oh, really, well, you
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won’t say when they will find these bastards, but definitely, heaven, go already, volodya, listen, you’re very busy today, but it seems not, you’ll help interview the neighbors, well, maybe someone saw who this morning i went to visit my grandmother, and of course, oh, so unpromising? ask the protocols to be drawn up, what do you already know than lidia dmitrievna they tore her down, but she was on sleeping pills, just a horse dose, an examination report, i left you on the table, listen, and raya said that social workers visited krizi dmitrievna, maybe one of them suggested... the horse should, well, that’s a good version, promising,
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at first kostyukov said that he would privatize my apartment himself, and now this story follow dmitrievna, it’s a nightmare , of course, but is it really possible to privatize your apartment, kostyukov says that it’s possible, but it’s only better to do it supposedly for him, if it’s better, that means , well, yes, today i want to talk to korovayev about privatizing it for myself, that’s right, you’re a police officer, besides
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, it’s still a formality, well, yes, after your own it won’t matter at all, and you’ve already told rai about your decision, he said, she started to argue, which means he said unconvincingly, listen, come and visit us tonight, you’ll talk about privatization again, only firmly in a manly way, and i’ll support you, if together we’ll explain what and how, maybe it’s necessary, show me who is the owner in the house?
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andrey evgenievich, i just wanted to come to you i wanted to come in on a personal matter, i wanted you, let’s go, what’s your... question, yes, i wanted to talk about the apartment, about the raikina, yes, kostyakov has a very important mission for you, i mean, well, this is a difficult apartment, with a history , stepan, raya’s father drank it with great difficulty from the authorities,
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he was in a hurry to get through the forest, well, his wife ilena, just then raya was pregnant. oh, we took a walk in novosili, and then we celebrated the birth of raya in this apartment, in my eyes she grew up in this apartment, she cried from her mother’s rudeness, and then her father was buried together, well, in general , take care of this apartment. well, what was your question? yes, you already answered it, andrey evgenievich, thank you very much. no problem, goodbye, goodbye,
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a young man came straight from the morning, he was so nice. he said that he was a social worker and gave me new medicine, but you didn’t ask him for documents. lidia dmitrievna, if she had known that she would turn out to be a criminal, she would have asked, tell me, what did you keep in the closet? money, for a rainy day, for a funeral, why do you ask? what is this the villain stole everything, right? i'm afraid so. lidia dmitrievna, no need, we will definitely find him. you better calm down, try to remember what he looked like. now, now,
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now. the beard is so wide. yeah, the glasses are big, citizen nameless, but all your previous statements about sexual harassment were not confirmed, now you are accusing farhad, i am accusing him of this, what’s his name, karasmintevo, yes, and how he pestered you, every time i i’m walking through the yard, he looks at me like that, lustfully, maybe it seemed to you, it seemed, but today he actually called me a beauty, and if i call you a beauty, you will also complain about me, what are you saying, comrade district police officer, you are a different matter, what kind of woman would complain about you,
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only a complete fool, citizen emelyanova, if you there are no real facts to your complaints, “let me go, i’ll mind my own business, kostyukov, you ’re busy, citizen emelyanova is already leaving, why are you, volodya, kicking out such a beauty, why is it all for the district police officer, nothing for the investigator, comrade investigator, be careful or you will be accused of harassment, and i don’t think so, comrade investigator, or maybe we..." comrade, investigator, busy, citizen emelyanova, come when you have real problems, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, don’t even look at her,
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crazy, i soon started throwing myself at all the women i met, well, when these tests were ready, i had to go to the left of my wife, don’t poison your soul, stay with me today, seresh, please, not today, the premiere is on. rtr, well, it didn’t agree on her, you finally agreed with the glue light, and also for lashing, receiving from ours, you are suspected of stealing someone else’s property, you smile. and seryozha is in prison because of you, and i, actually, was also detained, a sailor, today at rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax,
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you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax anex cognac monte shococa product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. cognac old barrel is a product of the stellar
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group. welcome to the newest rixsus sharmelsheikh hotel. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment! enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday! rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group.
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who's there? it's me from zhek, open up, zhek. oh, i forget now, zheka. do you have money? i have a wife. she puts them in her nails, hair, eyelashes, like her wife bought a fur coat, she became harmful, she became rude, it was all from that mink scandal, the animal suffered from rabies, humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, we have no principles in our city, we bet you'll sit down before you wait, let me invite you to dinner, or maybe i... can somehow cheer you up? all your words were lies, all declarations of love , our dreams about the future were lies. i love you very much
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please don’t leave grisha, okay, i’ll give you a week to find the father, start filling out documents for the child, you really have a crush on this katya, what kind of nonsense is this? of course not, you need your own family, here... the third woman, or maybe i’ve already met her? katya, no, they said that they came from you, you also betrayed us, from love to hate, on friday on rtr, hello, christina, i just met such an investigator, he looked at me like that, and... “yes i’ll find out his name, we don’t have many investigators, yes, tomorrow i’ll start active actions, yeah, come on,
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meslisk in general, every evening he harasses me, i would be content, but you can’t give me complete harassment a little longer, did you come to me to complain about your personal life, but no, actually, the experts just called, there are prints on the closet door? left by sashka murashov, shura , ostapenka’s drinking buddy, what kind of people, hello, ostapenka, yes, where is your friend shura, like where, at home, of course, yes, but at home they said that he was drinking somewhere, but how can he drink without you, i don’t know, i’m not in spirit, i’ll bet what happened, but muoshova they suspect of robbery and attempted poisoning of citizen sergeeva, and... what kind of teacher would sergeeva lidiya dimitrievna be, and she taught me this singing and
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gave me grades all the time without any problems. eh, well, sashka, murashka, well, the bastard, so where is he, just a minute, come here, here he is, darling, in a spider’s web, sign, what’s the matter, we’re at the zakse, or something, good morning , well, shurik, how? but i drank the last of my brains, yes, i didn’t drink anything, that’s right, there’s nothing left to drink, how could you poison lydia dmitrievna, she you were a fool singing, i was poisoning anyone, prints, fresh prints, on the closet door where the money was, but there was no money there, by
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god. as it was there, i’m walking, i see the door is not tightly closed, i think i’ll go in, dmitrievna, from old memory, will give money for a bubble, i go in, he’s sleeping, and you went to the door, stroked it, and go home, no, i know where the money is kept money, there would be... linen in the closet, i thought i’d take a little, and then give it right away, but there wasn’t a spear there, i rummaged through the whole closet, well then it doesn’t add up, if there was no money, what kind of dodges did i spend, my dog ​​turned up to me, the grocery store is around the corner, they told me that the car there urgently needs to be unloaded, i helped me out, can you
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check? let's check, check, goosebumps, but this is not a damn alibi, you better tell me where the money is, and there was no money, if i wanted to rob, i would have taken the stereo from her, it is more expensive than all the furniture in this apartment, and in fact, i didn’t poison lidya dmitrievna, who poisoned, i know, i give it a damn, he’s... a neighbor, their apartment is wall to wall, and the day before yesterday i came in and threatened, and this is not the first time, luken, there, well, she understood, lukin constantly complained about lady dmitrievna, because she, shut up, he works at night and sleeps during the day, or rather doesn’t sleep, because the old lady really likes to listen to classical
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music at full... volume, even it gets to us, and even more so to his ears, well , don’t kill because of this, well, when he last came to me, he was not himself, and the lack of tone, by the way, drives people crazy, yes, we need to talk to this lukin, well, let’s talk when we finally went wild from insomnia, came to the poor, somewhat deaf woman... the old women fed her all the sleeping pills, you didn’t want to kill her, you wanted her to sleep a little, at that time you would have gotten some sleep, but they just didn’t calculate the dose if it weren’t for the vigilance that vladimir petrovich and raya showed, they would have buried the poor old lady with the whole entrance, and this is already an attempted murder, come on, what an attempt, what kind of murder, by negligence, article 109 of the criminal code of the russian federation, well, if you sincerely repent, then, stop, in
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what time is this lady at... that is, ludia have you found dmitrievna? about half past eight, infection, i returned home at eight, you see, that means you don’t have an alibi, write, yes, but i saw a strange guy coming out of our entrance, you can describe it, of course, a shovel beard, black, in bulgarian glasses are ish and the right one is scratched, obviously he just wiped off the blood as he walked, well, a cat could have scratched his cheek, the blood on the floor is also his, yes, well , let’s say we believe you, where did this mysterious bearded man go, but he didn’t go, he went, got into the car, drove away, remember the number, of course not, a gray foreign car, and the headlight is on the right sealed with tape, i even thought then,
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right headlight, right cheek, over what you said about privatization, but i said nonsense, you’re right, the apartment should be privatized in your name, nothing like that, you’re a policeman - this is one, and a man is two, that means you will do this, it will be easier
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and more logical, so since i am a man, then you will do as the women ask, let’s go, let’s go, that means, even here. this is why comrade investigator petrov, citizen yemelyanova, i knew that you would remember me, but you know, i have to come to you business, great, finish my work day tomorrow, i need to go, great, i can tell you on the way which way, you know, your local policeman, he’s so not... terrible horror, you’re a completely different matter, you are understanding, you are feeling, it’s immediately clear that you are a real investigator, it seems you said something about the case, but yes, in our area there is
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complete harassment, literally all the men do not allow me to pass, firstly, my ex- husband, i completely... trust you with everything, so you should privatize the apartment for yourself, it’s like a beautiful ring with a diamond, you know, not quite, so a man gives a woman a ring with a diamond, and at the same time he seems to say: here is the ring, it’s yours, it will be yours, even if you leave me. do you want me to give you a diamond ring? yes, i’m not talking about that at all, i’m talking about trust, a man gives a woman a diamond ring, and he is not afraid that this woman will leave with the ring, if you were going
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to break up with me, but i wasn’t going to break up, on the contrary, this is an apartment. it's like the ring that i 'm giving you, it's like. in short, volodya, come on you are privatizing yourself. and, it seems, i understood, well, okay, we agreed, only the petrovs are waiting for us. paradise, maybe we’ll privatize it for you after all, this apartment means so much to you, you again, here we go again, no, no, paradise, okay, for me, so for me,
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the petrovs are waiting for us, let’s go, and this alcoholic ostapenko, he’ll even look in my direction, i’ll immediately feel bad, i’ll be in overdrive, if he had, you know, such a lustful look, i’d be immediately confused about... he told you something reprehensible, you know, a man doesn’t have to have something... anything to say about this ostabinko, he has all his lustful thoughts written on his face, you know what, what kind of thoughts, i definitely won’t be able to attract him, do you have something significant, or i’m going home, i’m here very important, well, say it or goodbye, ours janitor farhad, it's just, just a sexual maniac, no, it's even, even a monster, farhad didn't please you, you know what he said when... he saw me this morning, i have no idea, he said, next to you, i feel like a real male, i want you, stop immediately what you allow yourself to do, i just want,
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so that you understand what i feel, this is some kind of madness, yes, this is madness, this is madness, this is some kind of chemistry, stop immediately, you are crazy, i can’t help it, oh, you’re so on me you influence, so, here people are watching... and actually, i’m married and we are near my house, and this is the only thing that stops you, this is not enough for you. if a burning passion draws two lonely hearts to each other, then what kind of conventions can there be obstacles, what kind of passion, what do you carry, i see you first, oh you male, you not a decoy? yes, that’s even putting it mildly, men just turn me on, i realized, but
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you know what, let’s just leave now and never appear near my house again, okay, but my heart feels that we will meet you again, nothing was missing , i ’m warning you, if you show up at my home or work again, i’ll attack you, i’ll set the local police officer on you, why so much trouble? you yourself want to meet with me, it’s unlikely, you yourself want it, promise, lisa, don’t, lisa, don’t, i’m already straight under the windows, and started pawing. i barely
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fought off her, yes, i saw how you fought off, you groped her so much, yes, you are completely lost, i am lost here, you know, lisa, this petrov is such a man, he was simply stunned by me, can you imagine, tomorrow he will definitely will be mine, won’t he want to meet? yes, now he ’ll run after me himself, lisk, what are you like, maybe we’re at the wrong time, but not the other way around, it’s good that we came, at least i’ll laugh, volodya, come on! don’t forget the main thing about the apartment, i
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’ll support you, listen, because you’ve already played everything there, you don’t understand, and you won’t privatize, we’ll explain for a long time, then, well, as they say, the gala dinner, i declare it open, have a seat. what is the reason for taking drugs? well, so, old friends came to visit, which is not a reason, i propose to drink to family conflicts. petrov, lish, i
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’ll explain everything, let’s have a drink, there’s no need to be afraid of family conflicts, they strengthen the family, oh well, judging by my experience, everything is just the opposite, rai, but we’re not considering your past frivolous relationships with suspicious types. in a normal, strong family, conflicts are commonplace, well, thank god, now at least i know that our family is normal, well, of course, you remember when we were doing the renovations, just don’t remember about it, okay, no, lisa, we must, we must, when we were doing the renovations, we both went to this room they were choosing, they almost got divorced, but what are you talking about, uh-huh, well, because i wanted yellow ones, and petrov wanted blue ones, what the hell are yellow ones, why is he starting again, he’s starting again, that’s it, that’s it, i don’t care.
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well, they glued the green ones, and cool, if you mix yellow with blue, you’ll get green, well done, well, i don’t really care i like it, although it's tolerable. i just wanted to drink a compromise as the basis of family life, but it just seems to me that the basis of family life is love. alice, love is not the basis, love, it fills everything, like the ether, that’s absolutely true, a comrade district police officer tells you, lisa, you and i very often make trouble, we often quarrel, but i love you very, very much, for love.
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navy day at rtr. main naval parade. live you will see white tunics and bright banners. oveyan glory and ships of the russian fleet. glory russian navy. hooray. watch a film about lovers at sea. nakhimovtsy.
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russia honors its fleet! russia congratulates its heroes! sunday! all day. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely exhausted and stressed. it 's over now. introducing the dremalina swan pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones. that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be
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and if you order right now, you will receive a shampoo container as a gift and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he will come to your home. we are starting, it will always help, we will train, how walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, just like a child am i sleeping? but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor who you can trust 100%. you will be
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happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. well, answer when they ask you, sister, julia could have died because of you, my daughter because of my daughter, absurdity, someone else’s family on saturday on rtr. oh, you know, i spent the whole evening thinking about what petrov said, and what exactly? petrov spoke all evening today.
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well, about a compromise, right? yes. i also think about it all the time, but i don’t understand how to find it all. i think i know. each of us will privatize half of the apartment, and after the wedding, we will unite them, great, but how... wait, you called me stupid just now, yes, just frivolous, but i have you smart, vladimir petrovich, can’t we repeat your medicine from yesterday? for a restful sleep, i really liked your medicine,
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all night long without hind legs, let's do this every evening, what exactly is heaven, well, at least a kiss, eh... open again, the criminal returned to the crime scene, well, how can you defend him? it’s necessary to detain, wait, but it’s also impossible, oh, little darling, well, hello, lidya dmitrievna, why aren’t you in the hospital, well, you persuaded me...
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this is me and my mother, you see, yes, this is my mother and father, and this my grandmother, oh, right here. must be,
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there should be photographs of the grandmother and her sister, where did she go, maybe this social worker stole them, you think, well, why, what kind of people, and the money was stolen, photographs too, lidia dmitrievna, maybe you need a sedative, no, no, rachka, give me better than my favorite discho. yeah, what is it, lyutya dmitrievna, what, give me ludwig our van betho, no, no, no, here’s a bust, yes, yes , yes, yeah, well, of course, 2 days ago i had all
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my savings . i hid it, petkhovina, he is the closest to me in spirit, petrov is listening, oh, of course, i remember you, ulyana, you won’t forget your kind, you have my id, pale, pale. okay, just let's do it quietly, in the park, great, agreed, again, uh-huh, that's it, bye, scary, weird, yes, that's it. “
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i brought you some food, i ran away in the morning as if scalded, thank you, please, all the evil is from the women, well, after the revolution, my own grandmother stayed in russia with my mother, and her sister, regina segorskaya, along with my great-grandfather y..." we were on our way to france, and these photos just disappeared, it’s amazing how interesting, but we’re late for work, oh, i’m getting really old, i don’t understand anything, hello, see, i’ll come to you now, and firstly, shurik really didn’t take the money, the money was found, and secondly, there’s information on the lidi dmitrievna case, yeah, at the meeting, oh,
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well, did you find our grandmother’s relatives? i ’ll tell you more, the relatives of our ledia dmitrievna are looking for them themselves, seriously, or rather not the relatives, but their lawyers. you told me that ledia dmitrievna had grandmother nadezhda, and she had a sister regina. yes, she's in paris has left. so, regina’s last descendant recently died, and now our grandmother lida has become the heir to their entire family fortune. how many million euros? and this is not counting real estate, it’s amazing, but they had no idea where to look for the last russian heir until i wrote to them, after all, they didn’t even have photographs
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left from the hope of regina’s sister, only the first and last name, and then the maiden name, they hired how. .. our lawyers, but everything is pointless, now i’ll send the french the address and telephone number of lidia dmitrievna, and then her and i’ll make you happy, wait, yes, what’s the point, or are you afraid that the old lady will leave the ket out of joy? no, i have an idea, what if there was an attempt on lydia dmitrievna’s life because of her inheritance? did anyone know who the french were hiring to find an heir? yes, ask the french who they hired to find an heir in our city. yes. in our city, the french only contacted one office: golubev and partners, so you won’t believe it, i come to talk to them and see a gray foreign car with a broken headlight, covered with with tape, exactly as lukin described. you don't think there are enough grounds for accusations,
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right? nay cheek, police, we can talk, now there are enough reasons. the aging of photographic paper, that gorbunov wanted to quickly take possession of the inheritance, right? freebie, freebie, take the freebie! you see, it was as if an eclipse had come over me, well, we received
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a request from the french to search for this nadezhda sekorskaya, i was lucky, although many were looking. i found records of this hope and its relatives. eh, this lydia dmitna turned out to be the only heiress, why? is she in this condition? well, she will die soon anyway. really. do you need money? well, i ’m telling you, there was an eclipse, well, you inserted your great-grandmother into this damn photo, as if she were reggae’s sister, and you falsified her birth judging, and you poisoned ledia dmitrievna with a large dose of drugs, i hoped you would think that she herself took too much of the sleeping pills , you almost succeeded, if not for the starving cat, okay, everything is clear here, accept the citizen’s sincerity and close the office. and it’s time to run towards me,
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comrade, investigator, citizen emelyan, you are you aware that stealing an official id is a crime? yes, i am ready to suffer any punishment you wish. don't sulk like that. here's your id. “well , understand, i was forced to do this by extreme circumstances, you are running away from me, i need to tell you about the crime, well
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, tell me, i’m listening, the fact that we are not together is a terrible crime against nature, what do you mean , come to me, at my house you will find all the evidence and prove it?” " okay, please, if i see you again on my horizon, i will write a statement to kostyukov, and the funeral,
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hello, hello, lis, there is. eat, hungry as a dog, otherwise i don’t know, i’ll be stunned, but... do we have guests again? no, some kind of holiday? my husband came home from work, sit down and eat.
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allow me, come in, and kostyakov! well, come on in,
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come on in, have you already met major tolkachov? yeah, we know each other, hello, why did i call, there was a problem with your apartment, ed., someone has already privatized your apartment, who? when? i don’t know who yet, but i’ll try to find out, but not today, today i have a whole day. at meetings, i can take control of this matter, well, if you don’t mind, well, i don’t know, that’s great, keep me informed, i ’m telling you, great place, great bite, no one in... yes, no one knows, who is this? what are you
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doing, you bastard, let her go, you bastard. drowned, count. police, come to the lake, here, here a girl was drowned, paradise, maybe everything is not hopeless, major tolkachev will find out who and how privatized your apartment and... and this is illegal, we will
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fight, sue, oh, vladimir petrovich, how naive you are, don’t you know how it’s done, whole families are kicked out of their own apartments, but ours is a service apartment, i won’t just give up, i might have good news, yes, murder. yes, i’ll be there now, very young, 23 years old, kupchina, veronika leonidovna, they called my relatives. the phone
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was in the water, it won’t turn on, well, there is an address , volodya, not for the service, for friendship, go there, and i and the witnesses will go to the department, we’ll make an identikit, well, it’s already clear that the killer is clearly not from the murdered social circle, why? well look at it like one thing, a smartphone, i can’t afford one, and the guy who killed her, as the fishermen say, looks like a typical robot. see, hey, there are two sets of fresh prints on the bottle, it’s generally great, so tell the girl’s relatives, we’ll find the killer soon, and 1 2 1, yeah, aren’t you afraid that since someone took over your apartment, he’ll now you can be evicted, that's... well, we'll see, oh, raika,
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i don't want to escalate, but i just read an article about how entire families are forced out on the street, oh, hello, hello, so what, comrade major, i managed to find out something, i managed, i managed, by the way, no, tie my hair while i’m telling you, yes, yes, of course, sit down.
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he died a long time ago, yes, but before his death, as it turned out, he managed to launch the privatization process. karovaev was not yet the head of the police department at that time, so he was not in the know. why then don’t you know? well, apparently, because the father did not load it with this horse. by the way, he managed to submit all the papers before he passed away. according to raichik in the region, your apartment has long been registered in your father’s name, and the city authorities are not in spirit. well, are you going to cut my hair or what? comrade major, maxim, you are my gennadievich, yes, i gave you a free treatment, thank you, my head is just breathing, thank you, such a cobblestone
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has been removed from my soul, maybe you need something else, go with me to a cafe so that ... to celebrate the removal of the cobblestone from the soul, yes, of course, volodya and i will be happy to treat you, and where and when? let's tomorrow, partly all evenings, cafe sail, we agreed, what kind of sweetheart are you anyway? raya, did you send an sms saying there is urgent news? yes, it turns out it is dad privatized the apartment, do they have some kind of apartment there? happened, and maxim gennadievich found out everything, thank you, comrade major, please, well, i have to go, goodbye,
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you don’t seem to be happy, but i’m just glad. “the girl drowned, she’s young, and i need to tell my family this news, you know what, i’ll go with you, i’ll probably have to console people there, and you’re sorry, of course, but i’m not an expert in this, hey, little mermaid, come, let’s look at the mouth, will you marry me?" "yes, this reptile ruined our lives, are you planning to marry her daughter, decide who you want more expensive, either we or this girl, she will fight for love, even if your son gives it to you, like you once gave me, you fool, fool, because i loved you all my life, you
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will make sure that they break up, that i hate you, give me a chance, agree, you will be like a stone wall. “i told you, get away from her, you think this decision was easy for me, together forever, from july 29 on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury.” forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover the true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into
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a fairy tale, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, a hotel for an unforgettable experience. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. pixos sharma sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. rom castro is a product. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. sit down with a water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral
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reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at riksus premium segate, riixos premium segate, mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection box. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the eternal world elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. can i see you? i'm unemployed for now. “don’t marry me, i’m not worthy of love, why
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are you punishing yourself so much, what have you done that you can’t even tell me, a terrible accident will happen, cancel it all, well , cancel it, it’s dangerous, mom, you went with your fears already, i just don’t know where this trouble is coming from, another victim was found in the north of moscow. it’s easier for her to see someone else’s future than to forget her past in yours. was there something in life that torments you? i'm right? i just saw a man who has been dead for a long time. evgenia dobrovolskaya, women with a past. saturday at ttr. it’s not good , the wind is howling, my son hasn’t written
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to me for a long time. today we will spend the evening with the amazing actress svetlana kryukova with her colleagues, friends and relatives, we will sing her favorite songs, don’t follow me , good one. mine, when the battle subsides, tiredly, and the explosions are almost inaudible, burn, burn, my star, your eldest son dmitry, here he flew backstage to hug his mother, let's meet him, hello andrey,
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andrey malakhov's holiday show on saturday on rtr. rima, what can you please me with? the act is on the table. so, does that mean it was sasha’s girl who choked? yeah, alcohol was found in the blood. minimum dose, literally saved up for 2-3 years, no more foreign substances. that is, it turns out that this freak held her head under water, she tried to escape and choked. yes. you know, rome, sometimes you want to take your service weapon and shoot these freaks. so the prints from the bottle were useful to you? yes, this tokarev, vasily nikolaevich, only since 1994
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year of birth, yeah, but he was already judged for hooliganism causing grievous bodily harm. the identikit matches, vrosk announced, and sent the photograph to kostyukov. all that remains is to catch and not shoot this freak during his arrest. thank you. the examination found a small dose of alcohol in veronica’s blood, this is excluded, my daughter does not drink alcohol, in general, not even beer, even beer, i’m keeping an eye on this, tell me, do you know this person? first time i see who it is? alleged killer.
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and you don’t know what veronica was doing on the shore reservoirs? i don’t know, she went on a date with her boyfriend yegor, a married man, a good guy, from a very decent family. i have one more request: can i look at veronica’s room, well, in your presence, of course, please. i gave it to valeryanochka, and this is clarice, yes, they say the band is a carbon dioxide, i was against it at first,
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but then i read the lyrics and allowed me to listen to this group, they mostly sing about love, but... it’s not dangerous. is this your daughter's computer? yes. can i have a look? i 'll unlock it. thank you. do you know its password? i control, controlled all her communications. the virtual world is extremely toxic.
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like a schoolgirl, but apparently they were overprotected, it turns out that instead of a date, veronica went to the shore of the reservoir, for a walk or to take a break from total control, the turner meets her, treats her to beer and thinks that now veronica will sleep with him, but what about typical male logic, well veronica is not like that, she sent him, intelligently, of course, yeah. tokarev went berserk and drowned her, in general, a stupid accidental death, maybe it’s not so accidental, look, i found this beauty from veronica is on the shelf with souvenirs and took someone else’s thing without permission, can you
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imagine what her dad-controller would have arranged for her, they find out that his daughter received a gift from the zone, it looks like... crazy folk art, and you said that this tokorev was imprisoned? yes, somewhere in karelia, yeah, and now i need to clarify something, sorry, but it’s better for me myself, yes, i recognize beauty, i myself gave such gifts to girls in my time. can you tell me where they are made, this is in one of the koreli camps, the pattern is very characteristic, thank you very much, and also the heart is red, not pink, not purple, not burgundy, but pure red, and
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that the person who gave it was truly in love. how interesting, they had a relationship between veronica and tokarev, this heart was made in karelia, just... where was your tokarev imprisoned? well, karella is big, and he chose the red heart because he sincerely loved veronica, and she reciprocated his feelings, why did they take him? well, she accepted the gift, didn’t throw it in the nearest trash can, kept it with her, well, what happens, veronica met with two people at the same time with yegor estokayev, well... yes, and tokarev, having found out about the existence of a rival, jealousy flared up , he killed veronica, for sure, this is unlikely,
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well, there’s a red heart, here’s veronica’s laptop, where it’s full of correspondence with different people, and there’s not a single mention of tokreev, look, wait a second, what an advertisement. sleepy, wait, there’s just a promotion here, and i was just about to change the interior doors, it’s a little expensive, so i’ll dig up and do this kind of renovation for my apartment, ours, well, yes, of course, in ours, just now , purely formally, the apartment will be completely mine, yours, uh-huh, huh... what are you, vladimir petrovich, i i say, purely formally, uh-huh, excuse me, i need to go to petrovna, it’s time for me too, i’ll run,
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otherwise lariska is already going to hell. and the children have been sleeping for a long time, and i miss you so much, and you miss me, yes, very much, but i really want to sleep, and my eyes are sticking together, good night. good night, well, that’s who our
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drowned woman called, mom, dad, taxi service, help desk of pharmacies, pharmacies, why does a healthy young girl need a pharmacy, maybe she was looking for medicine for her parents, listen, i have an idea, i need sleeping pills at the pharmacy. after all, iliz gives a little sleep in the evening, she will he start hinting at sex again, but i can’t, what if i conceive her when your test results are ready? the other day, i ordered a full analysis of men's health, what did you order, petrov? so, i ordered a copy of all the calls from the murdered woman from the mobile operator, but there’s no use so far, because the suspect disappeared somewhere, he’s not at his place of registration, he’s not at work, listen, veronica’s father turned out to be a big shot, they’ve already called me three times from above , they demand reports, well, we’ll catch
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tokarevo and no, petrov, reports on this case you will write to me every day instead of whining about your men’s health, work, and what should i write in the reports that the murdered woman used? flesh -colored, how's the investigation going? petrov, put down the powder, this is not your tone. raya, get out of here already, my head is spinning without you. what is it? these are veronica's things, this is the key to the mailbox. yes, and what is he doing in the bag of the girl who. why isn’t it with mom and dad , and in general, who among young people uses paper mail today? i understand that
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veronica and tokorem communicated by mail, daddy controlled everything, everything except the mailbox, yes, that’s from us. veronica took it to clean the advertising box, but what? yes, here, and you also have the keys to the post office, you used to have them, then they got lost, why do you need this? secret of the investigation, thank you, you helped us a lot, girl, excuse me, and you are a police officer, practically, goodbye, let's go, remember, veronica, i immediately realized that daddy would not think of keeping an eye on the mailbox, he asked for all the keys, except one, postman
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confirmed, to veronica's address constantly letters arrived almost every day. and from whom did he not remember? there was no return address. the lady was curious and studied the stamps. and then it turned out from which post office these letters were sent. yes, this guy appears with us often. he takes the mail from box number three. his last name. shepkin ivan denisovich, okay, we’ll sort this out, now please open the third cell for us, beloved vasenka.
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beloved, every hour, every minute spent alone, i think only about you, my love, what did i say, tell me, when renting a cell, do you take passport data?
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fan of the group clarice, like you? damn, what does clarice have to do with this and are you accusing me of anything? yes, not yet, then goodbye. listen, what did you ask me about clarice? i saw the same poster in veronica's room. larisa came to our town on tour last summer. listen, maybe they met for the second time at a concert? maybe shchepkin clearly got nervous when you mentioned clarice. that's it, so he's lying and knows exactly where i am now, his friend tokarev. i agree, but he has nothing to show for now. i will still get to the bottom of the truth. bye. where are you going, you know, my husband and i
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are stuck, egor’s parents, friends from college, when the children were born, we decided to get them married as a joke, and nika and egor were amused by this as children, they enjoyed playing bride and groom when they grew up , realized that they are just friends?
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i came to terms with this, began to control her, checked her smartphone, computer, how you smack of the middle ages, but who cares, the main thing is that it worked, in the end, nika she said that we were right, they started dating yegor. a... and when did this happen? it seems that last summer they went to a concert of some band, and there they accepted this as reasonable. and the name of the group was clarice? seems to be yes. yagor, tell me honestly what happened between you and veronica. there was no romance. we lied to our parents to
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get rid of them. i don't understand. well, okay, veronica, girl, well, you are a man, you could calmly tell your parents that you don’t love each other. yes, for my dad’s sake i kept quiet, he works for veronica’s father in the company. his deputy, but themselves you see, you need to maintain a good relationship with your boss, why did you lie to your parents that you were dating, and had fun separately, and veronica was dating someone at that time, from what i know, she didn’t report to me, last year at clarice’s concert veronica met someone, there seemed to be two kind of gopniks standing there, veronica seemed to be talking to them, but i didn’t pay attention, listen, she’s generally... kind of creepy to me and she was constantly swallowing some kind of pills, here are the calls to the help desk, free, yes, jealousy tokarev as a motive for murder disappears,
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i agree, i wonder what kind of pills she took? why were you interested in this, it has nothing to do with business, by golly, if it hadn’t, i wouldn’t have asked if veronica took any pills or not? no, why are you lying, why are you afraid that someone will find out that veronica had epilepsy, now what's the difference, god, yes, she had epilepsy, and veronica regularly took pills, well, they had love , so what? drank, had a fight, he blew up, kill i didn’t want her, it just so happened, in short, we need to look for tokarev, only he will be able to tell what really happened there, the orientations have been sent out, even though he is hiding somewhere,
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sooner or later he will still get caught, better sooner than later, then to me karavaev will eat his whole brain because of this tokrev, i forgot to write karavaev’s report, although in principle there is nothing to write there... i’m sorry, i have something to do, come to me today, seresh, please, not today, premiere on rtr , well, i didn’t agree on it, light...
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ultraviolet radiation, bright sunlight blinds you while driving, then you need sunglasses that filter out the bright sunlight while ensuring vibrant colors, perfect contrast and clear vision. we present hd polaris, 100% polarized sunglasses for perfect viewing, equipped with original polarization technology to protect your eyes and vision. regular sunglasses only obscure your view, but hd polariс offers clarity, vibrant colors and perfect contrasts. almost every surface reflects the bright sun light, it irritates and strains the eyes.
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special polarization technology filters out reflections and ensures clear vision, helping you while driving, walking and cycling. get your polished sunglasses today at an incredible price. price for only 39.95, but wait, today we are adding a second hd polarris glasses in a cool brown frame for free, and the price remains the same, only 39.95, you save almost 40 euros, but attention, an absolute sensation, if you call right now , you will get the third hd polaris is also completely free. today only you will receive three original hd polaris for the price of one, a convenient case with a microfiber cloth, and the price will remain the same, only 39. and you are already saving almost
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80 euros. enjoy clear, high-contrast vision without glare. attention, the offer is strictly limited. sale, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence at a special price from only 6.95. with its help , you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, alcove. they will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, there are four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination occurs , just rinse it with water, beautifully, quickly, conveniently and easily. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence. about vibrant life at a special sale price from only
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6.95. just choose the design that suits you create a unique look for your suburban area. twenty-six-year-old vladislav sidorov from the primorsky territory is looking for a young soldier who became his brother at the front, saved his life, covering him with himself in a difficult battle. vladislav remembers that the savior’s name is victor. he is 19 years old. contact with him was lost when victor left the hospital. injured and sent to the hospital. vlad doesn't know if he survived? malakhov, today on rtr.
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“they found tokarev, no, not yet, there are more questions in this case than answers, you’ll see, he ’s not to blame, he loved her, heaven, it’s all emotions, i need facts, vladimir petrovich, why did you put a furashka on the table, another folder." "excuse me, landlady, where can i put this now, why are you starting again, i told you, the apartment is formally only mine, and the cap wherever you want, go there, there is no verb to lie down, there is a verb to put."
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vitya, are you sleeping, yes, no, not yet, i’m not going to either, i’m so thirsty, don’t you want to drink, drink, yes, i don’t want to drink . and i ’m so thirsty.
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are you kidding me, vitya? are you really offended by me?
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i began to feel like a mistress in my own apartment, what nonsense, heaven? why did you start so early in the morning that you didn’t even have breakfast? well, because the doctors sent a report, well, do you want me to come home for lunch, i want it, otherwise you’ll ruin your stomach, and what do the doctors write? the alcohol found in veronica's blood was beer from a bottle found by the fire, and apparently she drank for the first time in her life, so alcohol could have provoked an epileptic attack, that is... she herself drowned, according to witnesses, nearby tokarev was with her, and not only was he drowning her, but maybe he didn’t drown her , he was saving her, but why didn’t he save her then, why did he run away when the fishermen appeared, and didn’t call them for help, i don’t know, but tokarev
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definitely didn’t guilty, he loved her, i’ve already heard that, heaven, you need to follow facts, not emotions, i’ve already heard that too. okay, i ’ll prove to you that i’m right, eat, otherwise it’ll get cold, hello, andrei evgenievich, hello, lisa, you have a question for me, i have a big question for you, why petrov falls off his feet in the evenings, or to bed crawls, he has there’s nothing left for anything else, just to eat and sleep, and... to clean it, well , this is no good, i’ll figure it out, i’ll find out why he’s so busy, actually, i’m serious, in the end he, he lives on me, and not on this service of yours, i will complain
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to the ministry about unscrupulous exploitation, now, vanya, wait, i came alone, without the police, take me to tokarevo, i don’t know where he is, listen, i don’t i’ll bring the police to him, on the contrary, i want to help him, i know that he is not to blame for veronica’s grief. hello, who is this? who did you bring? yes, that's it, i'm off. i read the letter to veronica that he wrote to you before his death. where is he? at the police, we
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can prove that you are not guilty, and you will take him away. listen, are you a man or not? are you in murder? and women unfairly accuse, and you hide here like a cockroach, we always met outdoors so that veronica’s father wouldn’t find us out, tell us about the mail, it was veronica who came up with the idea of ​​writing paper letters so as not to get burned, and how often did you meet, every week, and that means you wanted to seduce her, beat her, cared for her i was protecting her, that day i didn’t keep track, she got so excited that she drank beer, well, in general, i screwed up, in general, veronica felt bad, she went to the shore to get some air, and tokarev
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just went into the grove to get some dead wood, according to him , he noticed too late that the girl fell into the water and began to struggle there, yeah, that means he... didn’t drown her, on the contrary? well, according to him, yes, the bottom is slippery, he fell and almost choked. by the way, witnesses said that he was wet from head to toe. well, he might have fallen while drowning the girl. i could, but then the fishermen came running and started yelling. and he ran away, leaving the love in his life to die. well, he says that she was no longer breathing, he had been saving her for too long. so, when i saw the fishermen, i thought that a crime would be pinned on the criminal, and i got scared and ran away. when i came to my senses, it was already too late, and you believe him, to be honest, no, so i delayed you for 72 hours, well, everything is correct, that means, today you will draw up a report, uh-huh, by the way, where is the one from yesterday, andrei evgenievich, i wrote it, but with coffee it was filled with, oh, coffee, then your wife
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came to complain that you were so busy with work, that there is no energy left for the family. i wondered, what are you so busy with? and you, it turns out, are pouring coffee on the reports, and i will, if tomorrow you don’t provide me with yesterday’s reports. you can’t imagine, vladimir petrovich, how many times i dreamed of redoing everything here, but
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every time i thought, suddenly they’ll kick me out of here tomorrow, but now i’m in my apartment, and eat more carefully, i’m already in my apartment, i ’ll turn around, that’s all i’ll do it as i want, so what? so sloppy, oh, it’s a pity that everything can’t be redone at once, that’s a lot i need money, well, nothing, mine, i wanted to say, our apartment, raya, ah, yes, well, of course, i just wanted to say, finally, my apartment will be ours, what a tasteless soup, what are you saying? i lost my appetite, and that’s right, we’re still going to a restaurant tonight, we ’re going to a restaurant, yes, tolkachev called, and i
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agreed, but i didn’t tell you, oh, it’s all because of the apartment, no way i can’t believe that she’s mine now, ours, i have a feeling that you ’re telling tolkachev more than me, are you jealous of me for tolkachev, just breathe out, i found a gun, i need to come,
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no matter how long to detain him, for half an hour, at least, good girl, yeah, if you do everything right, tomorrow morning i ’ll make you a more serious drink, thank you, damn, dali, i’m working, because some wives go they complain about my bosses, then the bosses go berserk and fill me up to my ears with work, don’t bother me, my caring one. lisa, the more often you call me, and volodya, i
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’m sorry that you found, and that in this video, this is the last minute of your daughter’s life, what a great life, cheers, nick, you sang pills, leave me alone! boring, my father is too small for me, have a drink, i'll go while i pick up some dry food, god, how caring everyone is, it's just the end of the world, hello, daddy, well, you watch all my videos, yes, look, this is my boyfriend, vasya, uh-huh, uh i have a boyfriend, we ’re having sex, okay, don’t grab your heart, i ’m joking, but your pills, daddy, they make me sick all the time, well, that is, i feel sick. because i haven’t taken them for 3 days, nothing, look, i’m alive and happy, and you know what
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i’ll do now, i’ll take it and drink beer, because that i’m an adult, an independent person, and i can do anything, god, what a piece of trash you are, but it’s okay, i’ll drink anyway, and you won’t do anything to me, vasya. stop tormenting my wife, we then looked at everything carefully several times, all the testimony. were confirmed, he didn’t drown your daughter, he wanted to save her, but didn’t have time, veronica spent too much time under water, i’m very sorry,
4:55 pm
it’s my fault. i didn’t fly away, i didn’t assure you, maxim gennadivich, you can’t imagine how grateful we are to you, but that’s enough, enough for raechka to thank me, you’d better tell us about yourself. what are your plans? we have great plans, we’ll get married, have children, live happily ever after, and never die. tell me, vladimir petrovich, i’ll translate. yes, raechka, you are absolutely right. sorry, vladimir petrovich,
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not out of malice, for the sake of health. yes, hello, comrade district officer, yes, i’m listening, well, i understand, it’s not the right time, excuse me, well, there’s a pistol here, a combat one, how do i know, maybe a combat one, where, well, here in our trash heap, stay there, don’t let anyone near, i i'll be there soon, i'm sorry. i need to go away, i ’ll try to quickly, i can’t eat dessert without you let's not say goodbye, oh rayechka, you can't even imagine how beautiful you are, why can't i imagine, i look in the mirror every day, no, the mirror doesn't give the most
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important thing. your energy, charm, aura, well then for the aura, lizenko, my good one, just not with a stool.
4:58 pm
vid, vitya, let’s go home, but i left or something, i still have three more reports to finish, so, you’ll finish it tomorrow, that’s it, come on, come on. "can you imagine, it’s the husband’s wife who beat the stool, let’s go home, the crib, yes, yes, yes, let’s go, you definitely saw him here, yes exactly, there’s a public place right there, yes, what if the children
4:59 pm
find it, yes, okay, i’ll have to call the duty officer? and i remembered, i saw it in that container over there, yes, yeah, right here, oh, here it is, a weapon, yeah, what about a toy , maxim? well, is it possible to tell such jokes to girls, well, he’s funny, oh, listen, where did he go, but why do we need him? we’re having a great time, but we can spend it even better. number, i have excellent wine there, not that
5:00 pm
it’s sour, raechka, you’re sour, braya, you goat. okay, that’s even more interesting, on the russia channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, the main thing by this hour is to set up a big meeting in the kremlin.


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