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tv   Zhenshchina s proshlim  RUSSIA1  July 28, 2024 12:25am-3:55am MSK

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something happened? and what is noticeable? well, yes, i’ve loved you since childhood, i feel like i’m sick, or what? great, go home, yura, and that’s enough, that ’s true, that’s enough, that’s it, live calmly, don’t bother me yourself, oh, zhenya, zhenya, you see everything, only one thing you don’t see is how happy we were with you, if only you've been like this all my life. go home, zhenya, hello, oh, hello, tea, coffee, here are the cakes, oh, how beautiful, wow, zhenya, this is ira, my friend, she really needs yours.
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help, zhen, but the man was traveling very far, just look, tell me what happened to her husband, zhen, a good husband, a family man, who doesn’t drink, went on a business trip and disappeared, hasn’t called for a month now, you understand, i’m worried, maybe there’s some kind of trouble, just one word, alive or not, she was traveling from a very long distance. he’s alive, he’ll call soon, he’s alive, thank you, zhenya, but what about where he ended up, well, he’s calling, he’ll tell you, thank you, the main thing is that he’s alive, everything she says is forgotten, don’t cry, don’t cry, the main thing is that alive, that’s it, oh, “he calls and
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says, he fell in love with someone else, i won’t come back to you. what moscow, why are you going, the girl has her own life, please leave her alone, let her feel your independence, zhenya, again your premonition, well, what could happen to our mink, the mink calls us every day and reports that he ’s renting an apartment with a good friend. she
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’s a good student, she met a boy, but what ’s wrong with that, she’s already an adult, i ’ll call her now, my daughter, maybe there’s really no need to go, “if i’m wrong, then at least i ’ll eat with my daughter, the ticket has already been bought, a taxi he's coming now, i'm cold, call, oh, grandma, come on, hello, hello, grandma, hello, my dear, where are you, and we're in the park we're walking, here with lera, hello, the weather is good, we're walking, breathing fresh air." how are you doing there? is your mother
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flying to you? when right now? baby, you 're hanging out with me, i can't hear you, grandma! what ’s wrong with you, maxim? maxim, no, he’s at work today, i’ll call you back later, otherwise you hang out with me all the time, okay, bye, okay, goodbye, bye, i heard he’s doing well, so what? hand over the ticket, olya, it’s not my fault! she will do as she decided, uh-huh, do what you want, she’s angry, it’s okay, you’ll calm you down quickly.
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still can't stop. nor, did you make the bed? yes, all the dishes have been thrown out, that’s it, when is it? just about there, it's already approaching. i'm worried, what are you doing? you're worried, well, it's your mother after all, mom has arrived, mommy, hello, great, hello, hello, come in, how did you
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get settled here, oh, nothing, i'm lera, nora's friend. “we study together, we rent an apartment, and you’re probably hungry, mom, you guessed right, listen, i’m sorry, there’s a mouse hanging in our refrigerator, why didn’t you say that you were coming, it’s okay, i’ll buy everything today , just now it’s my week to cook, so we only have soup from a package, uh-huh, do you want it, no, no, so, during the week of the week, what, oh, well, during the week of the week we have cutlets? " then lera fries potatoes with onion soup, well, sometimes mushroom , sometimes borch, well, why do we have enough money? you can’t eat like this, girls, you can’t eat like this in a week, nora, but look how thin i’ve lost, hmm, yes, i see, i see, you can hide behind a mop, i like lera better. , and you
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already know all our news, um, no, probably not all, news number one, lera wants to dye... her hair green, oh god, well, i haven’t decided this yet, i just , you know, i want some changes, maybe i’ll just cut my hair, great, news number two, max, max, this is maxim, well, i’ve already heard this, this is not news, mom, what something that i said wrong, i promised lera that i wouldn’t talk about it, why? but lera says that this can scare away my happiness, she’s right, you know, she’s right, please don’t be offended, lera, i didn’t think you were your boyfriend, now tell me about your studies, i hope it’s not a secret, no , everything is fine with our studies, lera, lera is excellent, i i knew it, mom, it’s impossible
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to get her out of the library at all, but you, and i’m trying, you’re crazy, i also go to the parachute section, oh you jump with a parachute, right? but you can’t, and i didn’t intend to, you know that i’m afraid, mom, tell me, if we put you to sleep on this sofa, it’s fine, that’s great, great, i can go to zhulebino, after boarding school they gave me an apartment, i can live there, no need, no need to go anywhere, why, no, in general, girls, i won’t spend the night with you today, i’ll go to a friend whom i really love i haven’t seen you for a long time, she seems to live... not far from you, this is aunt anya, this is aunt anya, you guessed right, hello, i’m telling you, definitely, how long will you stay?
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grandma said yesterday that mom was coming, but i didn’t think it was today, but maybe he just missed you, well, she didn’t miss you so much as she was worried, but it’s not clear why, maybe because of max, most likely, she promised that you wouldn’t tell anyone, and that you don’t know how to be silent, you know, you will fulfill your happiness, oh-oh-oh, well, you’d think that i have some prince of monaco fell in love, well, on the other hand, of course, max, i really like him too, i still don’t understand that
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you met the best person in the world, that i understood everything, that you yourself fell in love with him, yes stupid, or what? i’ve been in love with another man for a long time, well, who do you love then, but tell me, i won’t tell you, well, you won’t even tell me, well , tell me, i’m telling you this, damn it. girlfriend.
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come tomorrow, no one is there anymore, someone from the intilet company. give me your phone, we don’t give phones, come back tomorrow, but two are easier than one. thank you, that's it, both
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washed them, go put them out, no, no, my friend came to see me, go, go, go, go, you, you, you, it’s okay, i taught them my fairy tale songs myself, am i going to sing to them, come on, sing , i’ll sing, i’ll sing like that, they won’t sleep with me until the morning, come on, go, zhenya, i’ll be very quick, how’s your business going, cafe, and have you also bought gazprom? i was thinking, i haven’t bought it yet, everything is fine, the profit is small but constant, there are a lot of customers, even though the place is not in the center, it’s great, i thought your competitors would drown you, they haven’t drowned yet, but what about visitors? luring them, telling them fortunes? no, i came up with a better way, i have fresh food, oh well, you can’t guess, but how... you refuse or whatever it’s called, anka said you have a gift,
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listen, tell me what awaits me at work tomorrow, the contractor will let you down, i don’t know, i’m a fighter, well, it doesn’t happen like that, it’s just like that, or maybe it’s all fantasy, people just believe that i’m the future and they know. they want to pull this out of me with pincers, but it’s not for nothing that it ’s hidden from people, it’s not given to them to know what will happen, if only you had it, so i predict, go sleep, otherwise you won’t get enough sleep, it’s logical, come on, come on, come on, that’s it, good night, good night, just don’t stay too long, okay, fell asleep, yeah, i promised them that tomorrow we’ll go to the zoo, come with us, and i i came to see my daughter, i was just scared for her,
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well, everything is fine with her, yes, everything is fine, she’s studying, she’s trying, she’s in a great mood, she fell in love, oh well, the guy, i don’t know who he is, maybe he’ll introduce her, well, it’s not like getting to know everyone you run into her, she’s a beauty, yes, it’s true, but you know, trouble is coming to her, yes, big, i feel, i just don’t know where this trouble is coming from, i’m just, you know, i’m all exhausted, i can’t understand anything, it’s just not for nothing, some kind of curse, i’m so tired, listen, i know everything about you, who nora's dad, you 're still silent, who is he, who? well, she doesn’t have a father, okay, then tell me how it is
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at home, oh, everything is great at home.
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hello, hello, can i talk to your boss, to mine, uh-huh, yes, on what issue, on an important issue, but tell me, you can cancel this holiday, just cancel it, yes, so, yes, call the boss, please. sergey sergeevich, excuse me, there ’s a citizen here, hello, hello, i’m the head of security, what’s going on here, excuse me, please tell me, could you move this holiday of yours, corporate anniversary, somewhere to another room, what? or at least the next day, and where are you
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actually from, are you from the mayor’s office, from the fire department, and, to be honest, you couldn’t cancel it altogether, cancel it? yes, thank you very much, now please leave the room, listen to me, i understand that this all sounds very strange, but a terrible accident could happen, i have a feeling, a feeling, yes. “take her out of here, don’t let her in again, well, listen to me, well, even if i’m crazy, well, people could get hurt, well, don’t go to this holiday, tell others not to go, cancel it all, well, cancel it, it’s dangerous, call the police , register the hooliganism, let me
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in, let me go, all the best, ler, hello, hello, hello, hello, i brought it, listen, it hasn’t worked out yet, but before we start , everything will be fine, yes, exactly, yes, exactly. exactly, look, if you come 5 minutes before the start, there will be several tickets, okay? eh, do you have two invitations? yes, i understood everything, everything, everything, thank you, thank you. in 5 minutes, lera, aunt zhen, uh, what are you doing here? yes, i was walking past, i went into the store, i, and what are you doing here? food, uh, i came to get invitations,
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as an excellent student, i was given one ticket, and hera, my friend, works here, i promised to get another one. i don't need to go there. no need to go there, why, it’s a cool rock concert, i already promised nori and max, i ran to the institute, the key is under the rug, goodbye, sunday on rtr, a grandiose naval parade, the maritime capital of russia welcomes ships of all fleets and flotillas of the country, glory to the navy. hurray for the russian navy! live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. on sunday , navy day on rtr. discover a real gem on
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the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. through the clouds, i fall into the sky, if we are guided. you sang very well. and this is for you, thank you very much, masha, we are actually in a hurry, on navy day, there is an order under the glass, and it would be nice if you quietly took it and brought it to me. we have one small request, what should we do, we can’t take the order from the school, not only your girl, then you must fulfill steal the order, if you want me to return it , we can, we must, in order not to stray from the right
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course, we need the right crew, guys, maybe we need help, no, we need it ourselves, where is the order, we want to see masha now, where are you from, stand, that's it, i've taken the helm, got out of here, davarich commander, there seems to be a semaphore there. nakhimovtsy, sunday on rtr, on navy day, two short, one long, hurray, hurray, the sea spread out, i walked around half a ball, my favorite trips were in the arctic ocean. i’m sitting, tears come to my throat, you’re a sailor, i’m a sailor, you are a fisherman, song from the bottom of my heart,
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andrei malakov’s holiday show on sunday on rtr, i really don’t want to say goodbye, i still have 5 minutes, 5 minutes. eternity, but i would sit here for another 100 years, i really feel very good with you, as if there are no problems at work, listen, maybe you’ll already answer, now is only our time, yours and mine, and my mother flew to me, she afraid that you will seduce me and leave me, and how your mother is going to prevent this, i don’t know, she
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guessed right, i really really want to seduce you, my mother can see the future, sometimes in this since she made a mistake, i’m not going to leave you. and you, and i live in the present and the future, i’m not interested, you just haven’t fallen in love with me as much as i have with you, no, but i feel something, but i don’t know if it’s love or not yet love , and what else could there be between a man and a woman, well, friendship, for example, or a business relationship, well... i’m not interested in you as a friend, definitely not a professional interest, you’re not at all like those with whom i work,
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maybe you you will already answer, okay, yes, hello, no, terminate until... instead of his lackeys they offer a good apartment in a new house, and he cleans up, you say, your mother has come for a long time, no, not for long,
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she can’t stay for long, she has her own small business there, a cafe, okay, i’ll run, otherwise i’m already late, and i'll call you, okay, thank you very much everyone, see you on thursday. mesterova, i want to warn you separately, with this attitude towards my lectures you will not pass the exam. nor, you really spent the entire lecture studying, i don’t understand why. well, i remember it that way. you will fly out of the institute. take it to yourself. maybe, but i’ll get married. max, have you already proposed? well, i haven’t done it yet, but i think he will do it soon. well, you’re right in some ways, of course, where will he find such a beauty? certainly. only such
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beautiful ones are quickly broken off, you will be left alone, without money, without work, without a profession, you will go to your mother as a waitress in a cafe, thank you for the prophecy, friend. “i didn’t want to offend you, no one is offended, okay, i just don’t want you to fly out of the institute, yeah, i ’ve heard this 100 times already, if you get expelled, i ’ll feel very, very bad without you, well, you’ll find yourself a new girlfriend, what are you saying, never, i’m as
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loyal as s’. dog world, you are bold, i completely forgot, i almost got you and max two invitations to the corporate party, oh well, and hera said that she would bring it in 5 minutes, and how cool that is, thank you, thank you, so cool, hey, what are you doing, what am i doing? “take it for yourself too, i don’t want it, but it’s delicious here, yes i know, i really don’t want anything, don’t go too heavy on it either, mom cooks everything in the evening, and you i’ll eat everything, by the way, you’ll be max and mom introduce you, i don’t know, aren’t you happy, well, i’m afraid that mom
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will start telling him something"? "she ’s so strange to me, of course i don’t know what’s going on with you, but it seems to me that it’s not good to criticize your mother, well, i always forget that you grew up without parents, but that’s okay for me it was in the boarding school that people like me are more ready for life than children at home, this is true, by the way, you know how to cook, everything in your life is wonderful, you learn to give an a or something, and you will see how i organize my life , by the way, they gave me a certificate that i can jump with a parachute, oh, even with a parachute, well, you, you totally crazy, of course, why? well, i would, i would go crazy with fear, that’s why i want to jump, so that i can end my fears in life without being afraid of anything. m, no, i’m really, i’m afraid of everything, i’m afraid of everything , i’m afraid to ride in an elevator, i’m afraid to fly on planes, i ’m even afraid to take exams, of course, okay, if you don’t know anything, you’ll be afraid of everything, yeah, that’s what, so,
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mom, he works in some kind of construction company, but i don’t really understand anything there, he either moves residents into new houses, or resettles them from old ones, but well actually, he’s a lawyer, oh, what a good profession, mom, you’ll definitely like him very much, lera, you know how much you admire him, i wish you happiness.
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oh, something doesn’t feel right, oh, i’ll go and lie down on the sofa, maybe i’ll go out soon, you had a corvalok somewhere, come here. a few days ago, students of the pedagogical institute tatyana kozlova, now a girl is being investigated at the crime scene, did you know her, no, we heard that she
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was missing. they interviewed everyone who studied with her, we are on a different stream, never go to this park, never, hear, never don't go to this park. you hear, calm down, we study in a different building, we don’t go through this park at all, what’s better for you, uh-huh, yes, she let me go, i’ll sleep for 5 minutes, let’s turn it off, that’s it, turn it off, max will come, wake me up, pies pull it out, i'm now.
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what's there? max asks what, how? he will arrive in 20 minutes. i will write that we are meeting in the park. do you want it right now? well, do you think it’s possible to leave mom alone? listen, he seems to be sleeping peacefully and breathing evenly, let’s go, yes, just quietly. nora, girls!
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i don't think she's drunk, but she's violating public order, let's sort it out, please,
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so, where will your friend be, he usually keeps his word? hello, zina, to hell with you, make an appointment for me to see your doctor, my heart is hurting, yes, i ate these pills of yours, it doesn’t help, but you write it down, write it down, yes, write it down, ah... that means there are no documents, there are , i just quickly ran out of the house, and there they were: first name, last name, patronymic, place of residence,
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mesterova, evgenia anatolyevna, according to the words of the detainee, mesterova, but you understand me, i wanted to warn you, you know, so that? a planted message about a bomb, yes - there is no bomb there, and i don’t know what is there, well, where is it, we still have patience. 1 minute, she won’t come, oh, i’m saying, hi, hi, hi, but you said you will be there,
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attention to all the personnel. this level means victims, many victims,
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this kamaz truck came from somewhere, broke the barrier, i can happen, i need it, i’m safe, yes, i asked you not to come here. who are you, the same max, yes, hello, let's go home.
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hey, little mermaid, come, look at rtr, you will marry me, yes, this reptile ruined our lives, are you planning to marry your daughter to her, decide who is more dear to you, either us or this girl, she will fight for love, even if your son gives it to her, like you once did to me... you are a fool , fool, because i loved you all my life, you will make sure that they break up, that i hate you, you give me a chance, katya, agree, you will be like a stone wall, i told you, get away from her, you think it’s easy for me this decision was made, together forever, from monday.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, holiday exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reоrts: we are here for you! titanic delux hotel in belek, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delux golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday. friends met here one hundred percent confidence that friends will not let you down. your humble servant. i’m thoughtful about something, well, maybe it’s the ones who lay the asphalt, the asphalt pavers. 100% guarantee that it won’t be boring. don't be afraid of howling, the light bulbs here can break. what are tourists?
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riding does not put a fine dash with a shovel on the glass working canteen ate yourself get out of the cages with monkeys in the pet store don’t knock they won’t open for you. slag and company to you ha-ha-ha, yeah, premiere, sunday on rtr, it’s like he came out of nowhere, we we we stood there, nothing, and then
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these people came running from somewhere? “we cooked it ourselves, it’s amazing, and i also love italian cuisine, you’ve been to italy, yeah, you ’ve been, no, mom hasn’t been anywhere yet”? i just flew to bulgaria with my classmates, that’s all, that means we all need to fly to italy together sometime, it’s very beautiful there, you’ll definitely like it there, it’s beautiful there, i want to buy a villa there someday, a villa, well, the italians are like that they just call it a house, but in our opinion it turns out to be a good dacha, there is such a town not far from
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venice, it’s all about thermal waters, healing, yes, like springs and tired drinking bowls everywhere in the city. not rich at all, somehow i try to earn money myself, i hang around there, help them, my father’s legs are generally sore, he’s there, it would be very good for him, these thermal waters, i think about him every time, so ska, but the hole i told you a funny story about how we met, no, i’m not telling you. yes, spring, gorky park, kopel, i’m walking with a friend in a jacket, i see students standing, i was selling popcorn there, i also had a badge like that, written in poster, i think they already know the name, now you think, i’ll joke, the time has come, i open my mouth, the joke doesn’t work, it’s not a joke,
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i can’t breathe, i saved the lump, well, i actually thought that but it’s probably not mine , and most likely also stupid, and then suddenly, by chance, some balloon behind him bursts, he jumped up like that. well, thank god at least he’s not deaf, and nora told me that she met a cool mute guy, gave him her phone number, i said, how can he call you if he can’t talk, and i call you, we agreed, i found out, where she’s studying, i arrive, she’s standing there with her friends, i get out of the car, i also want to start a dialogue somehow, and the same thing, absolutely, everything’s at a standstill, i’m standing there, smiling like a fool, mom, i’m already so ashamed, so embarrassed in front of the girls, i took her right by the hand and took her away from there, so that, well, he’s leading me, i think that’s it, as if he’s leading me to the police now, he ’s so funny, really, funny, we’re generally sitting well and could have done well even earlier sit if you both listened to me. i have
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a mother, she sometimes sees the future, she i knew what would happen, hello, hello, come in, so, you undress, come in, the girls are still sleeping, now turn on the tv, be like... i just now a terrible accident happened on the sports street near the building of the intellect company,
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an out of control truck crashed into a crowd of guests gathered for the holiday, as a result of the collision, three people died, four more were injured... what is there to discuss, the driver felt bad, there was no barrier, everything is clear, and i could have prevented it, zhen, don’t take on too much, man i have no control over fate, let's do it better let's drink tea, calmly, while the children are sleeping, yes . no one cares, what use is it from my premonitions, when they do not bring any benefit, no one believes anyone, no one believes anyone. in general, it’s simple, and if they had listened to me, then no one would have been hurt,
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you say so, as if it’s all your fault, yes, i’m to blame for everything, for everything, for everything, i always blame myself, turn on the bad weather, i think , that you need to be hired by the ministry of emergency situations, yes, for a huge salary, and there they will feed you, take care of you, or listen to the tv attentively, what you feel there, yes, just imagine what they can do... to prevent accidents, catastrophes and how much to save, these are millions, millions, zhenya, how is the mink, but it’s normal, it seems fine, everything worked out, but the feeling of anxiety still remains, it’s like i have to fly home, but i’m procrastinating about it , i just have dreams that there is a black cloud at the bottom, every day these dreams become a cloud, blacker and blacker, well, you know, i wake up, walk around there, drink some water, go to bed and sleep, again this black cloud is over my girl, zhen, well,
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there was an accident, everything turned out okay, no, it’s not accident, it’s something else, i don’t know, i’m not going anywhere, as if with my girl next to me, if you don’t go, then you’ll stay. zhen, it means that barusik has an old army friend, zhen, i ask you not to start, yes, listen, it means that he has been divorced for a long time, a three-room apartment, zhenya, he left his wife, this says what, it means he is a decent person, so why i must be interested in all this, a successful, smart, wonderful man. i’ve been dreaming of introducing you for a long time, and he, you ’re just perfect for each other, that’s it, don’t ask me to marry you, don’t
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you need to marry me, i’m not worthy of love, you, what kind of idiotic phrase is this, why are you repeating it, i don’t understand, it’s screwed up, you, you’re tired of not living boring? i feel like i’m howling with anguish, why are you punishing yourself like that? i don’t understand why? what have you done that you can’t even tell me? mom, mom, damn it, the kids woke up.
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i'm sorry, i'm sorry, please, forgive me, please, i just wanted to ask this, because you warned people there not to go to the holiday, isn't that you, you're clairvoyant?
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i looked, don’t be alarmed, i won’t give you away, you’re there worked, no, i came to get a job, they promised to take me, today i come, but there’s no time for me , consider yourself lucky, you’re alive and well, i’m valentin, you probably meet the rules according to the rules, some good person would have brought me to you your friend would say, meet me, worthy gentleman, despite the fact that he was recently released from prison, where he served time, although he was
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completely innocent. zhenya, very nice, a convenient name, convenient, well, let’s say, let’s say i’m married, i can call you from home, call my wife, zhenichka, and my jealous the wife will not guess anything, a lot of experience in adultery, while i was in jail, my wife divorced me, got married, gave birth to a son, completely... happy, i’m also very happy for her, not getting out soon, great, but can i i'll see you, i'm still unemployed, i'm short on time, so i can follow you around all day, 5 years for fraud,
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right? are you thinking about how to get rid of me? in general, yes. what an accountant, who did she give birth to? no one. she deceived the investigation and me, but i was not offended. shouldn't we go to the cinema? you are frank with me, i will be frank with you too. i'm leaving moscow. therefore, i am not suitable for a romantic relationship.
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so, don't waste your time. do you know what? for now, give me your phone number, and then we’ll see, remember that i suffered, was in captivity, i need to be treated humanely, give me your phone number, just remember that i ’m leaving soon, of course, that’s right. thank you, goodbye, goodbye, who's next? come on, please,
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have a seat, yeah. nora nefterova. nora is an interesting name. ibso for a doll's house. no. and there is no need to be more correct. so, first question. pension systems in different countries using the example of two countries. i am listening really carefully. an interesting question, by the way, and a relevant one. of course, he doesn’t seem like that to you yet, so.
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for example, for example, in countries like norway, yes, here, in norway there are simply excellent pension systems, go on, you know, maybe i ’m getting ready to come to you tomorrow, i’ll tell you all this, i’m not ready, i'm worried and in general, it's a hassle. charming, i'm actually worried, don't rush, let's try the second question. the first general population census in russian empire, structures and conclusions. remember who led this census? well, no, let me, probably tomorrow, tell you, the famous russian geographer and public
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figure, pyotr petrovich semenovsky. very interesting, by the way. you still don’t understand how beautiful you are. such charm is given to girls very rarely, it was bestowed upon you in full, what are we going to do with you, you are ready to put it mildly, rather weakly, you agree with me, yourself, but meeting you gave me great pleasure. yeah, i hope we're still with you i'll see you more than once, yeah, i'll leave you the score,
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thank you, goodbye, goodbye, who? the next one is ready.
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let's go, let's go! let's go, let's go, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let 's go, the first time is always scary, i usually push, but i won't push you. i’ll jump, you have all the signs of high blood pressure, i’ll pull myself together, i’ll jump, your instructor said that your nerves are not okay, everything is fine, i
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’ll jump, so, let’s do some more training in general groups, you’ll jump next time, push me, push me, so... no, let's go to the bench, you 'll give me a heart spasm when you jump, i need it, it's okay, you'll jump next time, but...
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hello, busy, you're always busy now, okay , i want to tell you that i jumped, you doubted, i jumped, talk to me, now it’s so good, you are a hero, and i am a hero, an apparatus of victory, and where did you jump from? i didn’t jump from anywhere, i dropped in, but first we’ll drink to you, nothing, juice, nothing,
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fly my bird, always come back to the ground. thank you, so let me tell you, i today it became a test, can you imagine? what? you didn't know anything at all, did you? well, it turns out that she knew. yeah, let's be more specific, shall we? well, i came, and he was sitting there like... looking at me, who? well, professor, velensky, i gave it to him for the first time and i came and i didn’t know anything at all, the first question was nothing, the second was also nothing, and he said: give me your record book, he took my hand and began to stroke it, wanted to kiss it, and you know, he looks at me like that, his eyes are so shiny, and you can’t even tell that he’s elderly, he put credit for me. what are you doing, ler,
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everything is fine, your cakes are definitely fresh. ler, how are you, let me call a taxi, let’s go home, i need to go to the library, what a library, you feel bad, look at yourself! i can do it,
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thank you very much, i think that's all i wanted to say, well done! brilliant work, thank you very much, your opinion is very important to me, bravo, bravo, lerochka, thank you, yes, sasha, yes, my dear, yes, i’m already running, i’ll be there soon, wait.
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your apartment is beautiful, thank you, i was afraid that you wouldn’t come, oh, cool box, who gave it, my mother, and i... for a long time, my mother is just worried about me, she thinks that all the cars in the city will hit me, all the icicles from the roofs will fall on me, all the maniacs will rape me, and we will call my mother and say that wants you, just one maniac, he's ready to marry, well then she'll come here to check if you strangled me, but you're already a big girl and mom doesn't... should
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go on a date with you, you want me, yes , and you, i’m not ready yet, it’s clear. those bastards, were they shooting at us? no, they tried to scare us, why? nor, i have one like this the work involves risk. we need to call the police immediately. no, no, no, i don't want to spend the whole night with the investigator. i had completely different plans. i want to go home, nora, they just
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wanted to scare us, don’t be afraid, they’ve already run away, i want to go home, okay, i understand, i ’ll take you, pick up the phone, sit down, max, i don’t understand, why would someone take you it’s scary, you’re a lawyer, i can’t tell you everything, listen, it’s very hard to love a person about whom you know nothing at all, do you know everything about me, everything? max, you you move away from me when you talk to someone on the phone so that i don’t hear anything, i ’m not married to you yet, and you already have a lot of secrets, max, i want to be alone, okay, get in the car and i’ll take you you home. no, no, i’ll get there myself, nora,
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what are you doing here, have you lost your keys or something, i’m just sitting here, i messed up the report, the report went great. and then i’m a very unlucky person, as soon as something good lights up, it ends immediately, let ’s go home, well, we’ll freeze, listen, you mom, just don’t say anything about this, please, max was shot today, what? well, thank god, everything worked out. weakling, just imagine, i freaked out there, had a fight with him, had a fight, through the clouds, i’m falling into the sky, if our path is in our way, you sang very cool, and
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this is for you, thank you very much, mash, we’re actually in a hurry, on military day navy, there is an order under the glass, and it would be nice if you quietly took it and brought it... are you asking us to steal the order? if you want me to return your girl to you, then you must fulfill one small request. what to do? we can't have you studied yet to pick up the order? not only can we, but we must. to stay on the right course, you need a loyal crew. guys, maybe you need some help? no, we need to do it ourselves. where is the order? we want to see masha now. where are you from? stand! that's it, i'm done, i'm out of here. commander, it seems there.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. sunday at rtr, a grandiose
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naval parade. the sea capital of russia welcomes ships from all fleets and flotillas of the country. along the waves of the neva and the gulf of finland. sails to proud sailing barques and frigates, submarines, the wind in the baltic will fill the most breathtaking shots from the most unexpected angles, an unforgettable triumph of valor, courageous beauty, glory to the russian navy, hurray! live broadcast from st. petersburg. main naval parade. sunday is navy day at rtr.
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please excuse me for. it's late, but who do you want? i need evgenia nesterova. mom, forgive me, forgive me, please, i understand that this is all very indecent, but i just found me, the guard found me out to the police, help me, please, help me, please, you also have a daughter, just one question, noran. what 's there? i don’t know, some kind of aunt. and i raised her alone, skating, dancing, whatever, i really couldn’t do much, but because
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the salary was small, but i did everything i could, and most importantly, she was also such a girl, good, modest, suddenly she got sick, no, no, well, thank god it’s great, she just left home, got together with a married man, and lives with him at his dacha, and he’s an adult, a family man, but she’s been off for several days mobile phone, so how can i help? just tell me what’s wrong with her, i brought a photo of her, good evening, and nura is at home, nura is sleeping, i’ll come in later, yes, yes, of course, and she told you what, you offended her, no, so like me, i love her, i have to go to my parents for two days, you can tell her that it’s okay, i’ll call you later. all the best, mom, i
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don’t fully believe that my premonitions come true, so they come true, well, yes, almost always, yes, in general, in general, always, but here i was hit like lightning... what’s wrong hole something terrible, irreparable will happen and i, well, it seems i was mistaken, it turns out that you were mistaken, because max is a great guy, but he lies, he constantly lies, he is in some kind of capsule of lies, you think he’s married and hiding it from the hole, well, he’s married, it’s not scary for the hole, he’ll cry a little, then he’ll calm down. will forget, sometimes you fall in love so much that you can’t even forget about yourself, mm,
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when a person is rushing, you can be afraid of anything, maybe he’s hiding his romances, or maybe he eats people, max definitely doesn’t eat people, go to sleep, the mink is already sleeping . "well, i'll still have an hour i’ll work and go to bed, you’re already with your studies, you’re just like that, just go, go to sleep”?
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veranika, you screamed, screamed. i can imagine what kind of nightmares you see, i always dream the same thing, but you see dreams, i don’t have my dreams i remember, you are an amazing woman. i would give a lot to become ordinary, nori is lucky that her
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mother, don’t feel sorry for me, good night, don’t get fat, but you look gorgeous, gorgeous, i’m saying the right words, zhenya, you are still. and speak up, otherwise we ’ll start crying and for peace of mind, we’ll go for new clothes swim, don’t make me angry, i’m upset, mom, buy me a mask and me, so girls, let ’s go to your room, quickly, quickly, quickly, look at the hotel you booked, it’s gorgeous. you need to return your tickets, what is it, why should you return it? zhen, you, you, you again,
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you don’t need to go now, just change your tickets. you’ll go later in a month, zhenya, i’m on my first vacation in 3 years, he’s got everything paid for, everything’s booked, uh-huh, so i’m up, what happened, zhenya, you can tell me what you saw there, just look, look, there so beautiful, there is the sea, there it’s convenient, everything is arranged for children, you don’t have to go there, zhenya, you’re cool, we love you very much, but don’t be offended, i just don’t believe in this mystical nonsense, i like it in the movies, i’m sick of it in life, it’s strange, even , why are you scaring us so much, i'm sorry guys, i don't know, i don't know, i'm sorry guys, i
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can't explain to you why you don't need to go to thailand, i just, please, i... i beg you... , there is no need to fly there now, just believe me, she was mistaken, she flew here now, said that her daughter was in trouble, but she was fine ok, she needs a mental check, we’ll come back, if she hasn’t left yet, i’ll persuade you to see a doctor, dad, you’ll buy us mobile phones, why do you need mobile phones, sambi day, let’s take a selfie now, come on, let ’s go.
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“mnuk, scoundrel, mnuk, what can you do, your own blood, well, big, big, we put you in the hospital and called psychics, everything they could do, nothing helped, the player, yes, it’s a tragedy, it was small, grandma’s
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joy, called, squeaked, “grandma, i caught a bug, i caught it, i’m stopping by, goodbye, you next, please forgive me, what is your question, excuse me,
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boys, they found me themselves and offered to move to a new house, not far from the forest, well, i say, i’m old, how can i not pack up my things and move, they say that no problem, we ’ll collect everything for you and move you, yeah, an apartment in the center costs much more than an apartment near the forest. “you’ll get a big difference, of course, i’ll be able to buy a new kitchen and even a washing machine, yeah, next you, i ask you, come on in, where is this apartment
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located, i’m interested too, and you know, i haven’t remembered yet, but i have a piece of paper, here is pavlova posad district. so, that is, this is some kind of new area, yes, yes, new, the houses are beautiful, family, you know, maybe i can get myself a dog, walk with it, no, the boys say that this is a very good place, yeah, well, you went there yourself, looked at this place, oh, well, where should i go, yes, why, who’s next, come on in. you know, the main thing is that my things are collected and transported,
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hello, come in, thank you, please, please, is this hers?
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is this somewhere out there? yes. shiris cancelled? here what did your wife mean? and if we
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had taken off earlier, imagine what would have happened to us. i thought you wouldn’t pick up the phone, where are you saying, should i go? and tea, where are you going, you called at the right time, pavlovo posad district, this is some new area, okay, you’re going to buy an apartment, i don’t know how to explain it to you so that you don’t think i’m crazy. but, and my daughter, i have a daughter, there is a young man, he is a lawyer, works in a company, well, he doesn’t say something, but maybe everything is fine, maybe
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it’s just my maternal jealousy, yes, well i just don’t want to let my daughter go, yes, again some premonitions, uh-huh, again, women’s intuition. no, my intuition is not a woman’s, for sure, it’s a gift, a punishment, forewarned means forearmed, isn’t that right, no, you see, i don’t even know how to explain to my daughter that he is unreliable, he, in general, she is his loves you, but i need proof, that is... “now you and i will go for proof, and i’m seeing you for the second time in my life, i’m already going with you, but there’s
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a feeling that i’m a complete maniac, there’s a feeling that i’m i've known you for a very long time, great." we're going, i won't even drink tea, it's a joke, let's go! oh, look, someone is coming, come on, let's ask, are you looking for something, there's a conversation, my time is valuable, i realized that right away.
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hold, hello, tell me, please, they don’t live there, in the winter no, it’s cold, but in the summer there are villages, gypsies, tajiks, builders, i wonder how one can live there, but no way, you see, the house is not rented, well, that is what this means this unfortunate grandmother will be brought here, they will throw her out here and what to do, so you want to settle the grandmother, is this possible, the house is considered rented, that is, how? handed over, there’s nothing there, they bring lonely old people here, they bring them in, and then what happens to them, so nothing like that, once a week, or even more often, a cop comes with flashing lights and takes them to this nursing home, not far from here, 30 kilometers from here, but they live there, well, i’m going to go and get my health treated , so are you bringing your woman? we won’t
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offend you, until the cop comes back, they live with me, i give them my room, they’re so happy, dear ones, well, that’s a premonition, that’s all, now it’s clear how mean max is earns his money, but nora won’t believe me, yes, it’s a pure scam, especially with drunks, not for a bottle of vodka, well, not for a bottle, but for a box, they are ready to give up an apartment and a house, well, the police are probably involved if the house is considered suitable for accommodation, here i think not only the police are involved, what can we do, poor grandmother, zhen, i promise, we will find your old lady, we will help her, i will find her in the database of real estate transactions, and this is possible, yes, and for you you need to talk to
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your daughter and explain that her boyfriend is a scoundrel, and a brat, and that his place is behind bars, i’m sure of this, as a former prisoner, we’ll talk to her today, well, maybe tomorrow, now we’ll go somewhere to eat, we’ll talk about our future, we have no future, valya , let's go, okay. tell me, who is this? did he undress you with his eyes? please, let's not talk about this, look at rtr, together forever, the life that was invented for you, you will help me, tell me how you will do it, i don't care, you are selling it, you won't understand, the role that was imposed on me i dream of living with you for the rest of my life,
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i won’t be able to put up with it or break away. live i know that you are with this, i really don’t know how to make everyone happy, together forever, from monday on rtr, discover a real pearl, on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxery collection bodrum. 40 years ago, the tv series tazh is authorized to
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declare on the screens of the country. it was founded. the real story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, also a trianon spy, who was recruited by cia agents. in our program, kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate rain of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov on monday on rtr. did you catch the robber? no, not me, raya. what's the difference? why can't you live. like all women work, wait for my husband at home, and not run around the city and not catch presnepics, but he ’s gone, there’s no husband, what else can a free woman do, what happened? kostyukov asked me to marry, for love, do you even know that taking a photo with the groom on the eve of the wedding is a bad omen, they got caught up again, raya knows
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everything, technology, she’s like a woman, she loves brute force, on monday on rtr, welcome to us on... we have one of the answers, perhaps it is correct, puddles, 100%.
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beauty is a long jump. ler, i just beg you, for god’s sake, never do that myself. do it. i'll definitely jump. soon you will see it, why you need it, explain it, but leave her alone, it would be better if she learned how to achieve the goal herself, well, let her tell me, well, mom, i really, i’m interested, you are
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your mother’s favorite daughter, everyone is worried about you, over there, zhenya rushed over as soon as she imagined that a hair had fallen from you, hush, hush, hush, okay, really, really... well, you don’t understand anything in life, let him understand, when you’re rotting in a boarding school, no one in the world you need it, you'll die, just the teacher will cry for a couple of days, well how will skydiving help you with this, because i also want to be admired, loved, and managed. you don’t have a heart, max is already back, yes,
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when you met him today, yes, mom, we made up. so, stop controlling my life? no, i just asked, i, and i see that you don’t like him, well, i didn’t say that, it ’s written all over your face, you know, i just want you to study and not run around on dates, mom , i'm studying, yeah, yeah, well, tomorrow i'll go on a date with max, you won't go anywhere with him, i forbid you, something happened, nothing happened, it’s just - you just completely abandoned your studies, you don’t study, and you came to moscow to study, you don’t want to study, let’s go home, mom, but i’m really fine,
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but you it's time to go home before you and i start to get salty, noran, listen, i wanted to talk to you about max, no, no, mom, well, i'm a grown girl, let me decide everything myself, who is mom, this is - the girl is that she is no longer alive, well, stay, really. come, rent an apartment, so what? will the mink get married soon? i need to go home, why do you need to go home, what are your parents doing there? no, they are doing just fine without me. that i can handle it, i just want to go home, you know, i feel so
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anxious here every day, in general, i really regret that i sent nora here, very much, zhen, what are you doing, nora again, this cloud again, yes, yes, yes, i want to take her, take her away, hide her, it seems to me that you are going too far, take her away, hide her, she’s a grown-up girl, where will you hide her, she’s doing well, she’s studying, guy, i don’t know, i it seems that you... you're really going too far, you know, listen to you, it's time for me to swallow pills for premonitions, the worst thing is that these premonitions come true, they always come true, this is terrible, i know the means, i know, but no, well let us introduce you, really, he’s a very nice man, no need, thank you, i ’ve already met you myself, okay, are you kidding, no, where in the subway? metro, zhenya, zhenya,
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won’t you tell me what? about how it all started, well, something happened, where this gift, premonition came from, i can’t talk about it say, yes, why do you need it, maybe i want to help? so, the studio has just received urgent news, another victim was found in the north of moscow, the girl’s corpse was discovered by a local resident who called the police, the victim’s identity has been established, she is a student of one of the moscow universities, the girl’s name and details of the whole incident have not yet been disclosed , while the investigation is underway, what a nightmare of a case? absolutely, zhenya, what are you doing, you
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feel bad, zhenya, that her mother came to me, brought a photograph, and i already understood from the photograph that they were girls. what a pleasant surprise, bur, we need
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to talk, something happened, i have to explain everything to you, what to explain, we made peace, let’s go, where are we going, so you believe me, well, of course i believe, then let’s go, well, let’s go. she wanted to go home after college, but why didn’t you go with her? should i have sat in the library when you broke up? no, i don't remember. okay, give me max's phone number. max, out of reach all the time. okay, call one of your classmates, maybe she’s with them? i called. no one knows. nor, pick up the phone no. valentin, business. they can come,
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you need to call the search for missing people, but what kind of service is there? well, go ahead, call, call, yes, it’s very urgent, in general, in a good way, of course you need to call the police, just what i ’ll tell them is that i’m a crazy mother, i haven’t had a child for 2 hours, and i and no one will even talk to me will be a genius along with my brother. the subscriber is unavailable, don’t call anymore, i’m scared, it’s your premonition, they tell you, what does the premonition have to do with it, i’m scared like any mother, i found it, they were moving along the mozhaisk highway, at forty-five we turned a kilometer away, now we’ve stopped here, the connection here is bad, there are no towers, no one really lives, they and both phones that they left with me have printed out. listen, let’s talk calmly about what could have happened,
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the girl’s phone died, there’s no connection on her mobile, that’s all, but with her boyfriend, but he’s a scoundrel. we know about his business, i promised to sort out his office, i’ll sort it out, but it has something to do with but, why did he take her there, that’s why, it’s done, thank you, fedya, let’s go, good luck, it’s already reaping from this roads, where we are going is soon.
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we’ve arrived, let’s go, i’ll show you everything, it’s somehow scary here, don’t be afraid! so, now listen to me, i’m not crazy, not a maniac, i just wanted you to see all this with your own eyes, take me home, noor, please listen to me, then i’ll take you right away, i give my word, okay, a year ago i got a job in a real estate company,
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buying and selling real estate, working with papers, at some point it seemed strange to me that old people were selling theirs
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, so i would interfere with these bastards as best i could, they wanted to remove me. “we will find them, we will find them, what should we do, nor, i am most afraid for you, they will be able to get to you, this is probably
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why my mother was so worried then, do you need to leave?” where will i go without you? i’ll go with you, sure, sure, they’re here, hands, uh, let him go, calm down, girl, mom, who is this? oh, it’s very good that you are here, i want to make you... that is, your daughter a marriage proposal, i promise to make her happy, yes, i understand you, thank you, well, ladies, congratulate me, that’s it, i
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unemployed, hurray, zhenya, you are ready to give your daughter in marriage to nischi, well, this is better than to a bandit, i agree, we... the vile office was dispersed, all my former colleagues are closely under investigation, all thanks to your wonderful valentin, your friend of mine, who is it that i should be like that? ask questions, i am solely a family member as a future son-in-law, now you will lose the role of a future son-in-law, that’s all, well, wait, well, here i am your daughter, you are my mother, lera is my best friend, max is my future husband, who is valentin for us? just know what i'm like choose a dress, i don’t know, there’s a white one, and there’s... an ivory one, take both, well, i understand that you’re tired of me, but it just seems to me that the white one will suit me better, and
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max will probably like the other one, i i say, we have to take both, well, what did you do, both, both, where did you decide to celebrate in moscow or at home, listen, we haven’t decided yet, mom seems to want us to celebrate at home, but on the other hand, i already have it here a bunch of girlfriends showed up, hello, well, the views are so beautiful and the weather is completely different, and i can go there with my school friends. he’s old, he’s not, ler, he probably already has grandchildren, and what, he doesn’t know about it, yes, i wrote to him: ler, he’ll be fired, you know that a teacher can’t have affairs with students, i absolutely. admit it, you probably invented this whole conversation just so you don’t have to talk to me about the wedding anymore, come on admit it, i love him, but when
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i was sitting, i painted this picture for myself, when i’m released, i’ll come to a restaurant, i’ll sit alone and... but you once said it with sadness, no, no, everything is fine, everything ended well, well, the feeling of misfortune has not
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gone away, let’s drink some wine, good wine, of course we haven’t known each other for long, but it seems to me. there was something in your life that torments you, it ’s not fears for the future, it’s something from the past that won’t let you go, am i right? let’s put it this way , i want you... to let go of your past yourself, i’ll try, but i could, well, you
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’re a different matter, you weren’t to blame, but you, every guilt has its own statute of limitations, it was necessary to ... but to tell you everything, what to say, and everything that happens to you, zhenya, the tricks have begun, i just saw a man. who have long been dead.
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lera, mishkova, tatyana sergeevna, oh, how glad i am, how glad i am to see you, look. oh, you're kesha, hello kesha, how are you, you got settled, you're working, i'm studying at the institute, listen, all our teachers were confident that you'd achieve anything, you have such a bright head, and your character has always been iron, yeah, well, what do you live on if you don’t work? i rent
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an apartment, which the state gives me, i rent a room. i live on the difference, plus they pay me a stipend, and usha, clever girl, in on the internet was the best, thank you, thank you, verchika, how is your health, what’s okay, i’m running, i’m jumping with a parachute, what a parachute, the doctors cleared you, i’m healthy, otherwise they wouldn’t have let me near the jumps , no, well, i...
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girlfriends, why would you invite all your girlfriends? uh-huh, we probably won’t have enough of a whole restaurant, classmates, uh-huh, that means girlfriends, grandma, grandpa, max’s parents, and he, by the way, lives with them or separately, well, of course separately, uh-huh, and you when- ever lived separately from your grandparents, no, not i had to, no luck. why so? no, well , my grandparents, of course they are wonderful, but i want to live separately. well, you know, life doesn’t always work out the way you want. god grant that you succeed. can i ask you something i’ve never asked before? who is your dad? yes. grandma made me promise that i
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would never ask you about it, and in return she herself would tell me everything about it. so what did you tell me? yeah, she said that my dad was very good, but he was a young guy, and he left our city, i don’t know what i should was born, then you found out that he got married and didn’t tell my husband anything about me, i think you did everything right, reasonable girl, now i want him to know what i am, that i am, that i ’m getting married , i do not understand why. well, so that he can see what i’m like, i actually look like him, it looks like my grandfather, well, mom, okay, it’s a little like him too, he really was wonderful, but we were just children, and what did you miss about dad? no, mommy, i
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had enough of everything, you know what? around me there was a sea, a sea of ​​love, even max, who is your father? i say: i don’t know, i have, i have such a family that i never even asked about it, thank you for not asking, so, we also need to call aunt anya, and her husband, her boris, well, the twins too . yes, so why don’t they leak the photo? it's me, i didn't wait, you blocked my number, i'm
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with'. nasimka, you know that you can’t be so rude with me, of course, that means by accident, but i accidentally got through on the phone, wait, let’s talk about something, can i come to you, please, why, when, i can’t forget you, wait, just don’t hang up.
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“don’t wish for anything else, we have very good pancakes, they often have them for breakfast, no, thank you, thank you, uh-huh, okay, oh, excuse me, please, but you don’t happen to know, here about three days ago, right there in the corner there was a woman sitting with a boy, one with a beautiful face, you don’t know who, sorry, but it’s hard to remember, yes, of course, i understand, well, they’re just like that.”
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in the kitchen we remembered the boy, yes, indeed, and the woman, she came to us more than once and ordered empty broth without noodles, without noodles, no noodles, and therefore remembered, a lot of hassle, pulling out noodles and soup, we don’t have broth, soup, interesting, yes, every time on wednesday. on wednesday, uh-huh, uh-huh
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, oh, noora, hi, hi, hi, they say you ’re getting married, i’m getting married, my mother definitely says, the visiting kids are taking away the guys, and do you have any problems with that? no, just how did you manage to seduce him, they say that he is very successful, can you tell me a way? yes, there is no way, we have love, why did he love you, because i’m smart and beautiful, what are you talking about, the institution of marriage collapsed long ago, only open relationship, if you fall in love, you yourself will want to get married, no, i definitely won’t fall in love, love and marriage are incompatible, is this a social or economic contract? come into my office, i don’t have any tails, and i’m writing an essay, i need to talk to you
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about a very delicate issue, you came, okay, uh-huh, okay, this won’t be long, valery, hello, please look, here i have a plan for the seminars, which course, the second one, send it to me by email. better print it out, i'll look at the paper version, nora, come to my office, and i have you know, there was another question about, i ’ll be free soon and we’ll solve all your questions, sit down, i won’t keep you long, the thing is... the fact is that an emergency situation has happened in my life, i really hope that you will help me out of it come out, i can help you, but how? you know lera mishkova, right? yes, you
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know her well, that’s enough, we rent the same apartment together. great, this is exactly the reason why you can help me. the thing is that alera got it into her head that she was in love with me, but... she didn’t tell you anything like that, well, something like that i told you, believe me, it’s extremely awkward for me to discuss all this with you, but i have no other choice, i could ask for protection in the dean’s office, but i don’t want to do this, and lera’s parents, alas, do not have protection from lera, from harassment, after my complaint, lera could have been expelled from the institute in no time, don’t be surprised, not only bad guys are harassing her, but also... such sweet, young students, a wonderful head, a wonderful job, a brilliant future awaits her if she continues to study science, but why bothers you so much? that she's in you
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in love, it all started innocently enough, she began to write me notes, confessing their love in them, before, students often confessed similar things to me, but i didn’t answer, i thought that all this would pass, she found out my email address, began to write huge, passionate letters... eh, i was constantly cleaning my mail, i had to get a new one, she recognized my phone number and started calling day and night, well , you can just block her number , she calls from another, from a third, she recognized my home phone number, my wife starts be nervous and not believes that i didn’t give any reason, you understand, it’s just lera, she’s a very unhappy person, she grew up in an orphanage, and you’re like this with her, i know, i know everything very well, i understand very well, but understand you
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me, i’m just a teacher nora, i know that growing up students often fall in love with their adult teachers, but that’s where it all naturally ends, try, you convince her, to stop this bullying, what kind of bullying, real bullying, i feel. .. with a foreign animal that is being hunted. okay, i'll try of course, talk to her about it. thank you. and yet, you know, there is some very high hysterical degree in all this. i have a feeling that lera needs serious treatment. try to convince her of this. fine. thank you. you again,
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sorry for taking up time, nora, thank you, once again, on the day of the navy, two short, one long, hurray, hurray, spread out.
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hotel titanic deluxe golf resort, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in salona and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. now i only want to play for one person, for you. on friday. your heart? no matter what happens, i will always love you. and i need nastya. what coincidence? me too. you can become a world star, but you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton. we will perform
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together, if you really love him, you have to let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, forget it, is he dead, you ruined my life, deprived me of my future, i ’m pregnant, only this was missing now, music. .. my soul on friday on rtr, ler, i thought about what you told me, i said a lot of things, i’m talking about you about velensky, we won’t discuss this, okay, why?
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because you don’t understand anything, i shouldn’t have told you, it has no future in this love, don’t you dare.” says i have no future everything will be for me, it will be, of course, it will be, but not with him, he is an old and married man , he will get divorced, he won’t live in two houses, listen, i understand why you liked her so much, i know that you were in childhood i missed my father, mink, i missed everything, father, mother, home, money, even food, i understand, you don’t understand anything, mink. “if i give up now, i won’t have anything in life, any grandfather at home knows, die, but don’t give up, or they’ll crush you. lera, calm down, i love him, nor, and he will love me like i used to love you, when he loved you, when
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everything started with us, nor, he invited me to his dacha, we drank wine. we were sitting by the fireplace, nora, we had everything, we were fine, and now i think about it every minute, lera, don’t feel sorry for me, now he... doesn’t want to know me, he’s always busy, he doesn’t pick up the phone, let’s go , nera, everything
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will pass, however, i know how much it hurts you. you'll get vodka, they offer a very good salary, but business trips are once a month, sometimes more often, yeah, far away, in all regions, business trips for 2-3 days, yeah. you can handle it without me? well, one day i’ll cope, but the second i’ll start to get bored, on the third i’ll die of melancholy, then i refuse, kiss me, madam, look at
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the appetite, what did i even want to tell you about lera, lera fell in love with the professor, he... what a bastard, yeah , now she doesn’t walk around on her own, well, look at what a dangerous professor, we like it, he kissed my hands, he kissed yours, yeah, i’ll kill him, but he kisses everyone’s hands like that, really, everyone wonders
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where you are going, now, now, i found it here. information on two murdered students, yeah, one of them i studied at your institute, yes, then we were constantly dragged to the investigator, the second one studied at plekhanovsky, and velensky gives a course of lectures there, which means that it means that if it is velensky, then lera is in danger, this is lera. to warn you about this, i could be wrong, and if not, you are in a hurry to draw conclusions, but i’m right, your conclusions are not substantiated by anything, you were taught, don’t pour water, just facts, absolutely right,
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you just don’t have facts, instead of facts you have a chain of chance, hello, max, listen, but somehow he walks around the institute very calmly and teaches classes, i don’t know, maybe we were mistaken about him, igor vasilyevich. igor vasilyevich, igor vasilyevich, we’re not even starting school, you’ve been training on the ground for 2 months, we’ll see, igor vasilyevich, please, i understood everything, i give my word of honor that i will always obey you in everything, exactly, exactly, okay , next week on thursday. thank you very much, igor vasilyevich, thank you, you’ll tell me when you jump, but if
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you let me down, i’ll kick you out to hell, let it sit, let it sit, it’s good, what’s going on here, how are things with nora? everything is still the same, you are a little calmed down? the wedding date was set, well, max wants to find a job first, well done, and we followed him like in a movie, could you move in with me? no. why, couldn’t you, don’t ask, i don’t understand,
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please explain nora, you hardly see her, she’s at the institute alone, in the evening max, that’s not the point, what’s the matter, you have a person you love. no, we are adults, free people, why not, valya, i’m not fit for roman, neither am i, we’ll get married, no, this can’t be. why not, can't everything, everything, can't, no
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don’t ask if everything can’t be done, okay, you will, i will. did you call me? yes, please have a seat. hello, hello, i am investigator smirnov, vladimir yuryevich, i am conducting an investigation into the murder of alexandra korolkova, is your mother saying something? no, he doesn’t say anything, you don’t remember at all, a young student, no, twenty years old. her body was found near the holiday village of gribnoy bor, i watched
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the report on tv, but they didn’t mention her name, unfortunately, the case has not yet been solved, i can help with something, i don’t know of this girl, her mother showed me a photograph for what purpose, apparently she thought that i could help find out where she is, but... some people just think it sounds so stupid now, i understand, well, that i have a gift, yes, well, yes, it’s something like psychic battles on tv, well, yes, something like that, it seems that i just couldn’t tell her from the photo where she was, but when i just looked, i realized that she was no longer in alive, well... "you may not believe in this, and rightly so, you shouldn’t, to be honest, i don’t believe in all these
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miracles, prophecies, predictions, the point is that 3 days ago another tragedy occurred, her mother committed suicide, yes, oh, a very sad story, but a lonely woman saved her daughter, took pills, they lived together, there were no relatives, they did not communicate with neighbors." the police were called , because the cat was screaming for 3 days, unfortunately, with her departure we reached a dead end, because we were told by the man with whom alexandra was communicating that this is our... the only suspect, but all we know about him is that they met at the institute, but not a single friend or classmates we saw that after the death of our mother, we searched the king’s apartment, found a diary there, and i drew attention to one entry, urgently find a woman who knew about the accident and
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your address was indicated, and she may also know about sasha. “no, i don’t know, well, you don’t believe it, and no, i don’t believe it, but from the photo, you were able to determine that the girl is dead, yes, and you won’t mind if we do something, like an investigative experiment , if?" who can help, then i don’t mind, let’s try, here’s a photo, look carefully, what can you say, this one the woman is not alive, the rest are all alive and
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well, is this true? honestly, i don’t know how you do it, but you guessed it, how do you live with such abilities? may these abilities be impenetrable. beautiful, yes, good, of course, no, no, i will,
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i will definitely be. sorry, i'll call you back. veronica. you’re surprised that i’m alive, you live in moscow now, you’re married, you curse me.
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it’s good that you’re alive, i’m sorry, well, this is so stupid, i’m sorry after so many years, but i’m sorry, mom, but i’m hungry. this is my son, and you are my mother's friend? we are with this my aunt and i went to school together, and i ’m learning to swim, i want to grow up and become a master of sports, like my mother, zhen, well, we
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were children then, you... don’t judge too harshly, vlad and i have already paid for everything a long time ago, then a year later we quarreled, separated, nothing worked out for us, i haven’t seen him since then, they even say he’s gone downhill, drinks, works as a security guard, what’s your name, saveli, good luck to you saveli, thank you. who is this, mom? i'm telling you, we went to school together.
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zhenya, have they come to see you? vlad? no, thank god, this bastard has not yet appeared. mom, you again, what? well, who came there? i, yurik, well, i asked you not to come.
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you again? yur, this, this is not funny anymore. hello, well, remember the devil, he will appear. i'm glad to see you too. it's vlad, it's time to run away. oh, a competing company. well, hello, hello. maybe you can tell him to his face? you should know, zhen, he’s in
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love with veronica now, but he doesn’t need you, everyone knows about veronica except you, so go. this is true, i can explain everything, it’s true, you have love with veronica, we have a wedding in 2 weeks, i will have it from you child, and you're sleeping with veronica, well, listen... let's postpone the wedding, next year, next year we'll play, veronica!
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what? this is true? what are you talking about? do i know about you? everyone already knows about this anyway. is it true? so what will you do now?
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you were my best friend. do you seriously believe that vlad will marry you? an hour ago i believed it. yes, you must understand, finally, vlad was in love with you for only a couple of months, and then everything went away for him, and you clung to him and won’t let him breathe. i should have told you everything a long time ago. what to say? that's it, vlad is with me a lot better than with you, but how do you know? but he has no secrets from me, and in general, he and i
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decided to run away to moscow together. moscow, yes, from you, from me, from you, i'm pregnant, unlucky, ah, unlucky. veronica, veronica.
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zhenya, daughter, zhenya, well, you can’t do this, well, you have to, i don’t know, live, fight, you have to. “ come on, now we’ll all go out together, let’s take a walk, he’s going to the sea, no, no, zhenya, yura has come, hello, zhenya, they say it takes time.”
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she's been lying like this for a whole month and not moving, this has to end someday, i i killed her, i killed her, daughter, don’t blame yourself for anything, she didn’t know how to swim. well, you were driving, yes, yes, right after that day, and how do you know, from somewhere, i will have a child, and we know, girl, how do you know that there will be a girl, i just
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know, close the windows. why, there will be wind, very strong wind. yes, you can, nistera, will you come in? what 's happening? the deadline for submitting korsov was the fourteenth, are you sick? or do you have some difficult family circumstances? yes, i'm already finishing. yeah, we should have finished it a month ago. this is what you were given for there were two extra weeks, you will ignore them. well, please, i’ll finish everything, i promise you. you yourself know that you
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won’t finish anything. the conversation is over, i’m submitting your documents for expulsion, no, no, wait, well, something else can be done, it’s a pity, it’s an unpleasant situation, the coursework hasn’t started, there’s nothing, i could help you, in principle, but unfortunately , i’m leaving for a conference, and i could come to you there, if of course you had time to help me there, but i could try. i have a report, and then if only i could find time to help you sketch out a plan for your coursework and determine the main theses, i really ask you, just save me, you helped me, and i owe you too, but i really ask you, don’t tell anyone about this, otherwise your coursework won’t will be considered independent by you, but simply will not be counted, i would like to believe you, the conference will be held in the sniger holiday home, i will book your rooms from tuesday, okay,
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thank you very much, hello, ler, hello, can you imagine who promised to help me? yes, your velensky, he he said that when he goes to a conference he will have free time there, he will write a plan for me, and i will go with him, he said that he will rent me a room there, imagine, hello, ler, ler. max, hello, listen, well, in general, everything is not so bad, yes, velensky promised to help me, he
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said that when he goes to the conference, if he has free time there, he will definitely write a plan for me, well, yes, i ’ll go with him, well, of course, why are you yelling at me, no, it’s better that... i was expelled, yes max, you’re generally normal, that's it, bye, what's the matter, lera, let go of the door than but... better than me, that the better nora is than me, she won't chase men, she has a sense of dignity, you promised me that we 'll be together, stop, i never
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promised you anything, i don’t need problems, that’s it, go away, wait, what else, if you call me, we ’ll be together, no... what are you talking about, what happened to you, something that you ’re keeping quiet , ler, i'm crazy, i'm working, i told you that he's mine, velensky, what does that have to do with it,
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ler, they can count me, velensky is just promised to help me, what’s the problem, i kissed him already, i just went crazy. he abandoned me, you know, he abandoned me, yes, forget it, well, well, why do you need him so much, this old man? ler, all the guys fall for you, you’re a star, ler, maybe see a doctor. to which doctor? i don’t know, well, see a psychologist, i’m healthy.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. hello, dear friends, your
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favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, go out readiness. what an image of victory he is, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, i’m not a wimp, see you later. navy day at rtr. main naval parade. live you will see white tunics and bright banners. the ships of the russian fleet, covered in glory. glory to the russian navy. hooray. watch a film about lovers at sea. nakhimovtsy. we will be happy to welcome the winners of the tournament on the day of the naval
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parade. and a special holiday episode of the show “songs from the whole heart.” every time my father brought huge beautiful shells to present. russia honors its fleet. russia congratulates its heroes. sunday. all day long i have to go home, wait, what about the theater? do we have tickets? what, what did you say? zhenya, stop waiting for trouble. everything is fine with your norai, she’s getting married, she’s happy, and
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the guy turned out to be normal, i’ll call you, zhenya, let me take you, it’s not far from here, mom, you, me... where is lera, sleeping, sleeping, uh-huh, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, yes, yes.
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she was at a lecture somewhere here, thank you,
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forgive me, please, but you don’t know yulia kristova, yulia? yes, here she is, thank you very much, yulia, yes, hello, hello, could you spare me a few minutes, who are you? my name is maxim, i want to talk to you about sasha korolkova, okay, great, we can sit down somewhere, right?
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she didn't say his name? no, she kept repeating that she was ashamed to destroy someone else’s family. maybe you know where they met? also no. no, the last time she called me in paris, she said that she had left her mother and was now living at the dacha of a friend and her man. so, what kind of dacha? she, she said? no, she said that when i return, we will meet, and then she will definitely
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tell everything. we won't meet again now. so, maybe she... said that there is a forest, a lake, a church next to this dacha, she said, there is a park and some nice bridges, a park, a park, a jur, thank you very much and forgive me that took up your time. but nothing, can you please? and i can leave you a number, you never know what else you’ll remember, call then, yes, of course, mom, what are you doing, and
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you understand that because of your antics they can expelled from the institute, lera? call, otherwise she needs to eat before the flight. lera, go have breakfast, what is it? did you have a fight? what nonsense? lera, everything is ready, go have breakfast. ler, i won't eat anything. well, take it with you, i don’t eat before jumping. let me wrap it up for you later. ler, lera, i wish you good luck today, i love you, ler, wait a minute, verochka, then eat.
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lera, you can’t jump today, you can’t, on any other day, just not today, so zhenya, i’m tired of all this, i have a very important jump today, 300 meters, and i’m going to him it took a very long time.
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“let’s talk calmly, please understand, i really really need to go there, write it yourself, why should some guy write for you, write it yourself, well, because i won’t write it myself, that you have no brains, or something, why then sit in moscow, let’s go home, your grandparents are there, they miss you, what are your grandparents like, i have a wedding, i have max, max, and max can do it too”? lawyers should go and get a job there, listen, mom, you and your fears, you’ve already gone, don’t be rude, mom, lera, come back.
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hello, oh, it’s so good that you came, please, can you explain to my mother that if the professor himself offered to practically write a term paper for me, then i should go to him, there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with that, you understand, otherwise i'll be expelled, stop. now slow down, i’ll sit down, can i? yes, sit down, of course, you understand, i could be expelled, but this our professor obelensky, he promised to help me, i just have to go to his conference. in the moscow region, there he will write everything for me, i’ll just sit and say thanks to him, i’ll leave, that’s it, what’s the problem? the problem is that my mother is worried,
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it seems to her that some kind of misfortune will happen to me, which she has been waiting for for a month now, and it just won’t happen, i personally don’t see anything like that, if nora goes to the professor for a conference in the middle of the day, well i don’t know if at least one normal person appeared in our house. promise to call your mother, well, i promise you, i will call you often, often, often, take your exercises, okay, thank you.
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the opponent is temporarily unavailable. i’m listening, hello, zhenya, hello, but you don’t know where expensive? oh, yes, max, hi, she went out of town to write a course paper for professor velensky. zhenya, where exactly is she? podolsk district, snegeria boarding house. there's a conference right now, did something happen? no, nothing, thank you,
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everything is fine, hello, good afternoon, i am nesterova noera and a room has been ordered for me, your passport, please, professor velensky has the floor. good afternoon, i’m glad to see familiar and unfamiliar faces in this audience, i hope most of you are familiar with the topic of my report, i’ll be happy to discuss with you its main theses. let's get down to business.
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well, how are you feeling, thank you, good, this is great, there are two news, good bad, which one to start with, good, the flight will take place today, bad, take-off is delayed for...
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again you, as much as possible, i told you 100 times , it’s all over, it’s burned out, it happens, why do i have to make excuses to you all the time, that you have no pride at all, where are you now, i’m at a conference, nura came to see me, we’ll be busy, i beg you, never call me again , all. no communications in every sense, boarding house snegeri, please, as soon as possible! vera, it’s me, on the day
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of the navy, you knew that they didn’t go to english, and that they had abandoned everything else, you also knew. andrey mirzlikin, i should have sent them to khimovskoe in the summer, olga pavlovets, i don’t want them to collect them for me, sergey garmash, i hope my head doesn’t spin, to the start, attention, march, to khimovskoye, sunday on rtr, discover a real pearl on coast of bodrum. titanic luxer collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshear collection bodrum. 40 years ago on.
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the tv series tas is authorized to declare that it was founded on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, aka trianon spy, who was recruited by cia agents. in our program , kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, on monday at rdr. under the guise of prisoners of war, well -trained university students may end up in moscow. weapons are crazy, they have to pierce somewhere, artist, on monday on rtr, hello, hello, does lera meshkova live here? you understand, on the internet lera was always under constant supervision by doctors, we even
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called her with psychiatry once. there were attacks of rage, aggression and most it’s amazing that she didn’t remember anything at all, she didn’t even believe us when we told us what she had done, you know, and what she did during the attacks, well... once she threw a huge box, a table set, out of the window , which was given to us by sponsors, i can’t even imagine how she even picked up this box, another time she killed a cat, our favorite, strangled her, and her hands were completely bleeding,
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her hands were broken, she couldn’t remember where she was i got hurt, i don’t know, i need a psychologist then explained that this was a defensive reaction from a very serious childhood trauma, you know, her father killed her mother in front of her eyes, then shot himself, she was 3 years old when it happened, of course, we didn’t tell her anything about it, but i think that she remembered something, she didn’t want to remember, but she remembered, you understand, the point is that she must definitely be seen by
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a doctor. “well, who’s going to keep track, she has an adult life now, everything is on her own, uh-huh, actually, please, you remind her to go to the doctor, you don’t know, pills, you don’t you know, she, she generally takes pills, well, that’s what i’m actually after..." came to find out if the poor girl is taking pills?
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hello, hello, ler, well, did you jump? i ’m not, i’m still sitting, i'm waiting, he's there at the conference. what, are you here? well, come to me, my number is 108. well, okay, come on, nora, pick up the phone,
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nora, please pick up the phone, nora, please answer, nora, please, where is this lera jumping, at what airfield, i don’t know, call and ask, i don’t know her number, ask nora, she doesn’t answer. doesn’t answer, calm down, let’s go to the boarding house behind the hole.
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ler, where are we going? will you see? everything will be fine, zhenya. i will do everything to make sure everything is fine for you, i have never been so scared, never. nora.
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so i won’t go anywhere further, explain to me what’s happening, how you dared to come to him, but i didn’t come to him, i came here on business, he’s mine, anyone. anything that comes near him, i’ll kill him,
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hello, good afternoon, tell me, what room is nora nesterova in, please forgive me, i’m her fiancé, and room 108, 108, thank you, young woman. what are you doing here? yeah, you actually. hole, hole, i ask where the hole is, and i
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ask you, who are you? i, her fiancé, fiancé, what are you talking about, did you kill sasha korolkova? sasha was killed when i was not in the country, i have an alibi, they called me in, interrogated me, the alebi was confirmed, i was released. i’m very sorry that this all happened, this is nora’s phone, yes, but i don’t know where she is, we agreed to meet after my report, i promised to help her with her coursework, young man, don’t look at me like that, but i have a weakness to to young students, yes, but i'm not a murderer,
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back to the air house.
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no, i know she's there, thor.
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breathe, thank you. so we checked everything, there is nothing to be afraid of, nerves aside, the weather is excellent for the jump, there is no wind, jump closer together, stick to each other so that they don’t have to look for you later, they’ve prepared you, are you okay? meshkova, meshkova,
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don’t lose your temper, are you an athlete or what, i’m a killer. what is she doing? open up! open up! lera, spare tire! late!
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hold on, how beautiful, come on, come on, dad, come on, come on, get up, everything was very beautiful, thank you for calling, nora wanted to to get to know you, they say you know the future, truth or brut, brud. who can know the future, everything will be fine.
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come in, well, the information has been confirmed, we are waiting, what is this, huh?
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captain zotov called, yes, everything is fine, met, yes, he will be here soon, how soon, what is your moscow, there was a ruckus, there was no crowd, but we have the sea, the sun, fruits, help yourself, whoever is morigathon. why nothing, thank you moevonsky, hello?
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before what? well, can you give me the payment for the apartment? exactly, today is the date of the parade request. you didn’t pay the fee, but you bought a new computer? i'm money? yes, i understand that you have no family, no children, this is an apartment building for you in a hurry, but you understand me, i have small children. well, i understand, i understand, listen, wow, well, i didn’t come up with this general queue, you understand, there’s one who didn’t
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pass, that you can’t pass everything, i have a list here, when will you pass? now, excuse me, hello, goats, wait, uh, did you crap yourself? no, we won’t wait for my mother, take clean diapers, since the troops are here! listen, asshole, yesterday this microphone sent two soldiers to the infirmary for me, but you did nothing, well done, you just showed up there in 3 hours and fixed everything, where did you sharpen the anchor, it’s your fault point moderator, definitely don’t shock anyone anymore. i’ve fixed it, the head, the golden hands
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of the goats that we’re sitting in, in half an hour there’s a rehearsal, parade, change clothes by running, march, comrade lieutenant colonel, i’d go for the ribbon a couple more times, it’s normal and it’ll do just fine, you’ll show your reliability in the campaign, i’ll run i told you, and for assholes like you, i repeat, not in an hour and a half, not in an hour, but in 29 minutes 17 seconds, that i was here like a bayonet. jump, we've arrived, wow, cool, please, and the domari is ready, hello, we've arrived. oh dad, me
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arrived, delivered, comrade kamdiv, bash, who is it, larisa, yes, yes, so free, do you want tea, arina, yes, make tea for my daughter and i, for me as usual, for you, and for me green jasmine with ice and cane sugar, just like that, with what kind of sugar, with cane, with cane, 26 minutes 32 seconds,
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did i lie to you, or what? kamdiv’s daughter arrived in the morning, a little thing from the capital, we saw her through the window, and in moscow, everyone dresses like that, i don’t know, girls, she wears this whole nightmare of hers, like a maslennik in uniform, some kind of crazy person, but kamdil submariners on they send us a pension, as if ours wouldn’t be sent there, but it’s not secret information, what are you talking about, i’m a grave, maryanskaya... i would say 26 minutes exactly, thank you, girls, what do you think of my khane? well, as i understand it, daughter, if you came to me, it means you needed something, well, i have... an idea, but more about that later, you better tell me what’s next according to our plan, i have further plans there's a parade rehearsal planned, and
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they'll put you in a car and take you home so you can change clothes, you won't be walking around like that part, in what form, it ’s called a super-duper style, japanese lolita, but you’ve completely gotten used to it here, maybe daddy hasn’t read the letter yet, so japanese lolita, you won’t walk around the territory of my unit in this form, arina, zotova ko me, i ’ll put you on a plane and send you back to moscow to your grandmother, you’ll scream there, on the territory of my part, thank god no one will see or hear you, oh, daddy, won’t hear you. comrade conturaadmiral, surface
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ships division at the event dedicated to the exit ships for military service, built, chief of staff, captain peranga belozorov, hello, comrade populists, hurray, hurray, hurray, ceremonial march, folder, you are better, you know! now the captain of the goats will show you the entire depth of the unfolded abyss of the salty group straight ahead, the rest to the right, yes.
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“captain, do you even understand the depth of the abyss that opens up in front of you, that you are shaking here, depicting your own powerlessness, today i will personally dial a hand to clean the fan systems, captain of the goats, communications support battalion, touch control immediately, how to fire a tachkonme, decide to contact, well, this is my officer, this is an officer, this paraguayan toad is not an officer, i told you to fire me, comrade coral, i beg you, don’t get excited, well, first of all, a better specialist than the captain of the goats in communications "? we can’t find him, and secondly, at the previous exercises, you yourself protected him, and now i’m dismissing him, he showed up at the parade like a mummer, he almost killed me, but prepare an order for dismissal, order him to carry out, carry out, yes, so , this home, and before she leaves, personally in front of me, you answer for all her tacks.
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they won’t let us into our apartment, or what? exactly, i’m a fool, bear, bear, i bought new furniture for my home, there’s nowhere to fit in, yes, i have children, children, children - that’s good, by the way, this is an idea, so that means, captain, listen to me carefully, you and i are like captain kozlov’s comrades in arms are simply obliged to help him and
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do something, i understand, that’s it, that’s it, they serve for a long time, they carry the admiral here. with a visor on the mooring wash, and are you blowing roses? when you finish the renovation in my office, or do you propose to me to the admiral, as old as a boot, peter was the first to roam around other people's cabins, it was necessary to immediately say that you, comrade, out of happiness did not reveal yours and did not reveal your possessions, did not let out snot with a drooling polyadr. meek, it will destroy me, my kindness, what kind of view is this, here is a fleet, not a clapper, i won’t tolerate equal girls in cleavage, where is the log of events? who is this, the mushroom should be creepy, not lumpy, the case can become steel, but the magazine should
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go, you're stabbing, princess, well, whoever goes, i 'll quickly arrange a business trip for you. ilya, together let's go, that's right, otherwise you 'll say something unnecessary again? zalasty, he won’t bite me. arinochka, division commander at home? in myself, but not in myself. the division commander ordered not to let you out of the apartment. oh yes, lieutenant colonel maslennikov. captain of the medical service lentsov. comrade rear admiral, allow me to address you. farewell! we are very worried about our, so to speak, stumbled comrade, an excellent, intelligent officer, moreover, an excellent specialist, captain kozlov, whom we actually raised, it’s okay, raise another, but let me grow there is nothing to check, i said fired, that means fired, but what about the children, what kind of children, his children,
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for whom he is building an apartment, well, yes, yes, you already know our cleaning lady zenoid, well , she has two children, both from kazlo. captain kozlov is to be married by the end of the week, time has passed, let him do it, russian officer, example for the children, come on, come on, come on, i said it’s an adventure, but it’s not an adventure, everything is fine, listen to me, everything is going great, there will be a wedding, let’s save it cooperative, i understand, we have a groom,
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we have a bride, we have one, and we have children, but not true, they don’t know anything about this yet, but now they will find out. “hello, vikulya, baby, hello, is your boss, the captain of the goats, in place? yeah, yes, i have an order to marry him, so no normal person will marry him, he ’s a motherfucker, listen, if.. "captain kozlov, i’m not getting married, i won’t see an apartment for another year, or maybe we’ll give irka for him, irka, you’ll get married, i’ll marry him, but for whom, no, i can’t have irka, it’s necessary for zinoid, specifically zinoid, that doesn’t mean anything , what can i tell you, well, the cleaning lady of the officers' house, always with buckets, bochkin's last name, tell me, she was married, never, but she had two sons, like your women, it's all simple, very simple, so she ran into someone like you? i didn’t want children at all, i just found out that zinka was pregnant right away. vika, i don’t bother with children, i just warn you right away that there will be no children. genochka, come in the evening, we
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’ll discuss everything. yes, i will come, of course, where are we going? vika, doesn’t he like children? can't stand it. that's why he doesn't get married. getting married? how else do you get married? is your scarf still there? stupid nadplatsen, what do you look like? in japan, by the way, this is the most fashionable style. yes, but is explaining it at the podium in front of the officers also a fashionable style? well, i flew to the ends of the world to take my beloved father on a hike, but there’s no need to, i know why you rushed, that i tell you, daughter, you understand, this is not moscow, a garrison, here everything is in plain sight, but you kamdiv's daughter in this form. you can't get enough bromine for the rank and file, i have to take everything into account, there is bromine to take into account, folder, i have a gift for you, what a gift, so, so, so, so, set for sushi, what kind of
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sushi, it’s too early for me to sushi, san-san, crossroads 3,3, san, san, san, san, ponunuki, ponu, ponuki, new. i'm building an emerging one, well, the killer of admirals, yeah, you're sitting in a checker, you're playing, oh, my god, by the way, this is an ancient chinese game, this is an ancient chinese game known as weiqi, wei what, qi, then it came to japan and got the name go, confucius himself played it, but you are still far from confucius, i play at the sixth dan level. i intend to achieve the high rank of kisey, that's it, captain kozlov, confucius.


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