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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  July 30, 2024 11:30am-1:00pm MSK

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penza region. this afternoon on our tv channel a new episode of the popular turkish series bahar named spring. the heroes begin volunteering in the village and unexpectedly come across patients with a love story similar to their own. could this be a reason to show all cards and tell the truth? we will find out two new episodes today immediately after the release of vesti at 14:00, don’t miss it. the news is following developments. russia abroad, stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, live broadcast of your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, in the kherson direction, where after the destruction. plastarma
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apu in krynki. clashes are taking place over the islands between the left and right banks of the dnieper. russian uav operators have re-qualified the conventional vsso boat, the podvodka boat, with a precise throw. frames on your screens. and this is a video of the hottest destination from donetsk in the krasnogorovka area. the russian army launched a powerful strike with cluster munitions on ukrainian ground forces. formation, judging by personnel, the damage is as serious as possible, but perhaps the most fierce battles at the front are now taking place in the pokrovsk direction, almost every day information comes in about the advance of our troops. today, reuters writes that the russian army is very close to the strategic supply route for the ukrainian armed forces for the entire group in the donbass. the fact is that pokrovsk is a transport hub on the main road, which serves as an important route.
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however, in addition to an important strategic crossroads, pokrovsk also has economic significance, in its eastern in the suburbs there is the largest operating coal mine of the ukrainian oligarch renat akhmetov, where coking coals are mined more than 5 million tons per year, which provide.
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25 km, beshi, goblin, small, bitch, combat exit of the scouts of the alexandrian brigade, towards the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the pokrovsk direction, soldiers are sneaking through the rubble of brick houses , dried branches of trees cut down by a machine gun, here it is, here it is.
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it was this unit that liberated the village of volchie the day before, another step towards pokrovsk, the citadel of ukrainian nationalists in the donbass, in the center of the village, soldiers raise the russian military tricolor, the banner of the black hussars. near kharkov, at the temporary deployment point of the 92nd brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the crew of the su-34 bomber is practicing the heaviest winged bomb. tons of cast iron explosives literally press the central building of the administrative building into the ground along with the foundation. and this is unique footage of the storming of a private house with the armed forces of ukraine, with the forces of just one soldier. a russian fighter, using an optical sight, examines the enemy's positions, determining the best direction for a sneak attack. after
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several short bursts of three bandera men, only one remains alive. he goes out of print without weapons, with his hands raised. immediately an attack by a ukrainian fbv drone, choosing between a russian soldier and the ukrainian soldiers who raised their hands, the ukrainian armed forces aim at one of their own, but even here the enemy’s copter misses and crashes into the roof of the building. in these frames , a lanced uav directly hits a 152mm towed gaulitsa geatsin p. the calculations of the installation are russian. the hunters hunted for several hours, waiting until the gun finally will take a position. and this is another western trophy of the lancet, the swedish wheeled self-propelled gun archer. at the time of arrival, the installation was loaded with a 155 mm howitzer projectile
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and it burst into flames in a matter of seconds. drones, fabs, are here all the time. we won't start working right away because we don't have any ammunition and we won't shoot on a guess; they 're showing us their meager supplies. this is all that's left. when we were near kupinsk, i thought that it was hard there, but after i came here, i realized that here is the most shit. on the zaporozhye front, the artillery of the russian army burned an entire column of enemy vehicles, they acted according to the textbook. the first blow stopped the armored car moving in the vanguard, the second blow hit
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the vehicle closing the formation, a platoon blocked at a forest plantation, and came under a firestorm from several batteries of self-propelled howitzers at once. and this brave woman goes to the russian positions. by the way , operators of russian fpv drones are hunting for heavy ukrainian hexocopters like baba yaga in all tactical directions. small, but incredibly nimble copters work in pairs, one watches the target from above, the second dives with lightning speed right into the heart of the enemy
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bird. the enemy dugouts, reinforced with steel sheets, are hidden by army aviation, operating from an extremely low altitude directly above the combat line. received a combat mission to destroy enemy strongholds, took off on time, entered a combat course, fired missiles at the s-8, s-13 army, and performed an anti-missile maneuver with an arrow of thermal traps. illegitimate zelensky publishes a video presenting awards to ukrainian special operations forces fighters together with the head of the president’s office.
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the wsso cannot boast of an elite unit; instead, there is a congratulatory video on the eighth anniversary of the formation of the mtr. here, a young bandit in a hood and makeup from the best makeup artists of block 95 demonstrates the skills of guerrilla warfare, collects explosive packages and uses a bolt cutter to cut through high-voltage wires at substations. the road sign from mariupol also looks like props, the original one has a narrower font, on it, an underground terrorist paints
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the ukrainian letter i with a brush. once again, the ukrainian regime is criminal, zelensky himself calls for terrorist attacks in russia. lefigaro with reference to the source. the french general staff writes that right now the russian army is monitoring absolutely all ukrainian airfields that will receive american f-16 fighters, all of them, without exception, are airfields within the reach of russian missiles. the washington post reports that the planes should appear in ukraine within the next few weeks in advance, apparently trying to smooth out the future anti-pr for nato fighters. according to the newspaper, the f-16 will not be able to influence the course of the war. the fact is that there are few fighters, and
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there are many russian air defense systems capable of shooting them down. the new york times clarifies that this year ukraine will be able to use no more than 10 aircraft in combat. the reason is simple, lack of pilots. as the newspaper writes, the netherlands and denmark will deliver by the end of this year. 80 f-16 aircraft will have time to prepare for them in just 20 years. the long wait is about to end. after several months of intense training and preparations for f-16 fighters here. when they arrive in ukraine, ukrainian president vladimir zelensky cannot wait for them, because he believes that they will change the situation
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on the battlefield and allow kiev to break russia’s dominance in the airspace . however, ensuring the safety of these aircraft will be a top priority, leading to speculation about where they will be stationed. ukraine has not announced where it plans to station these aircraft, but many experts say one of the air force bases in the west of the country. is an ideal place, we are talking about starokonstantinov, a base located halfway between kiev and lvov, the seventh tactical brigade of ukraine is based there, taking into account the fact that there are underground shelters built during the soviet union, this is a logical choice. however, in the city itself, on the opposite bank of the river from the base, people are wary of this. stara konstantinov often felt russia's wrath throughout the conflict.
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air defense forces in the region say russia has stepped up its attacks on the base over the past couple of years. months, wanting to find vulnerable points and try new methods. they are currently increasing the size of the explosive charge attached to drones. they upgrade their cruise missiles by adding caps to damage lightly armored vehicles. not everyone thinks the f-16 will make a difference on the battlefield, but... at least they will give ukraine the opportunity to try something new. i think they are unlikely to use the f-16 at all, or at least often, because it takes a long time to integrate systems that can break through the extremely serious russian air defense system. this is another cartridge in ukraine’s patronage, but it certainly cannot be called decisive or changing the situation on the battlefield. and what about the pilots flying these planes? did the ukrainian pilots? enough time to learn how to use them effectively. if you compare it with nato pilots, then of course not.
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the best trained pilots typically train for about 15 months, at which point they are able to perform basic sky defense operations as well as gain experience in integration various systems. it must be remembered that any military fighter is part of a system, which in turn is also part of a larger system, so in order to use the full potential of the f-16, it will take years and years. naturally, ukraine will not be able to use them to their full potential, but they are allowed to use them within the limits of the capabilities that they have, however, by western standards , the pilots are not trained enough to unleash the potential of these fighters. what can we say about their vulnerability, how these planes will be vulnerable to russian attacks. when you concentrate all the aircraft in an operationally valuable location, you have to protect them, and that's done with air defense capabilities, but at the same time you're diverting them away from other vital areas, so.
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well, as soon as us secretary of state blinken remembered the venezuelan people, just the day before the head of the state department said that every revolution has a beginning, but there is no end, as in caraccos. and outside the capital in other cities of venezuela, mass protests broke out during the maidan protests, riots: thousands of opponents of maduro, who on sunday won the third presidential election, are knocking down statues of hugo chavvez, tearing down portraits of maduro himself, burning armored police cars, building barricades two blocks from the presidential
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palace of the world of flors, in the morning they set fire to... maduro himself called for popular mobilization. he called the protests an attempt at a coup. to understand who benefits from the official coup . elon musk suddenly began
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to warmly support the opposition leader. the thing is that in addition to huge oil reserves. gas and gold in venezuela there are giant bauxite deposits, which tesla really needs to compete with china. washington’s goal is clear: to make a new argentina out of venezuela, to put in charge an analogue of javier meley, who is now enthusiastically applauded by the entire west. meley with the program of his radicals. market reforms are selling off the latter in favor of transnational companies. meli, by the way, did not recognize the elections. the venezuelan foreign minister has already announced the recall of diplomats from argentina, as well as from chile, costa rica, peru, panama, the dominican
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republic and uruguay, which have not recognized maduro.
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the protests began peacefully, but in caracos they quickly turned violent. the police dispersed the demonstrators, who...
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maduro's victory in the 2018 elections. we have serious concerns that the announced result does not reflect the will and voice of the venezuelan people. we see.
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the opposition categorically rejected the election result, saying that, judging by the calculations, edmundo gonzalez won a landslide victory. after several years of demonstrations that neither to no avail, opposition parties united around edmund gonzález in an attempt to topple maduro. the us and eu have yet to recognize madura's re-election, while venezuela's neighbors brazil and colombia have called for an independent review of the results. this is a message to the heroic venezuelan people. the fraud committed by dictator nicolas maduro is a worthless victory. he can win. he may believe that he won the battle, but the most important thing is that the venezuelan lions have awakened and sooner or later socialism will come to an end, keep fighting, don't give up,
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long live freedom, the devil win. many states require the government to provide official election results and want them to be independently verified by various organizations. in response, nicolas maduro's government recalled all diplomats from seven latin american countries, accusing them of interfering in venezuelan affairs. according to the government, the current crisis is sponsored by the united states with the aim of overthrowing the administration. political and economic ties with... such states, how russia, china and iran helped venezuela stay afloat. maduro faced sanctions after his 2018 re-election was rejected. that same year, he
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survived a suspected drone attack that injured several soldiers. why the us is skeptical about the elections in venezuela and what the us will do if it turns out that maduro did not actually win. we share concerns about the fact that there were elections. this is not the first time we are faced with what we are faced with today, they again want to stage a coup in venezuela, which will be fascist and counter-revolutionary in nature. i would call it a kind of guaidó 2.0, as hegel and then marx said. history initially appears to us as a tragedy, and then repeats itself as... a comedy, we have already experienced this, we have seen this film, the same film with a similar script, the main characters are the same, on the one hand, the people who want
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peace, democracy, prosperity, progress, on the other hand, complete hatred of counter-revolutionary and fascist projects tied to the empire of the united states. politico in its new article. about the us elections asks whether haris can win in just 3 months. the most interesting thing in the article is also the choice of experts, petty doyle, robbie mook, who led hillary clinton’s company in the presidential elections in 2008 and the presidential elections in 2016. and also stuart stevens, the chief strategist of mitt romney’s company in the 2012 elections. what do they have in common? these three top campaign strategists and experts
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lost in all three cases. well, the new new york cover magazines, vice president haris, who sits on a coconut in the literal sense of the word. why on coconut? the phrase "harris" which she attributes to her mother: "i don't know what's wrong with you young people." do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? the phrase quickly became a meme, especially when combined with the vice president's cringe-like laugh. on the cover, look, in addition to biden, schumer, pilosi, clooney and beyoncé dancing under a coconut, as well as the new american singer charlie xx, whose album atorva, brother, in english, has become a trend this summer in america. the singer herself. if
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in the race between pensioners biden and donald trump, the votes of young people from 18 to 34 were divided almost equally 53% to 47, then in the confrontation between haris and trump, the ratio was already 60% in favor of kamala and 40 in favor of trump. donald himself reacted to haris' nomination on fox news and said that biden had left. the old man was overthrown against his own will, and also stated that it would be even easier for kamala to win. mr. president, let me belatedly congratulate you on joe biden's elimination from the race. after the squall positive publications in kharis’s smile showed poll numbers, according to one of them you
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are ahead of her.
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he won't have it, look at all the things he has done, he has done a lot of bad things, not to mention the fact that thousands of people were killed on the border, look at the exit from afghanistan, this is the most humiliating day in the history of our country. considering everything he's done, he desperately needs immunity. "i love this post, but i love my country more, it was an honor to be your president, but protecting democracy, which is at stake, i consider more important than any title. i mean, they just removed him, he was losing badly, they removed him, he wants to say something to us, and he just sits there, he has no one to talk to, they removed him, it was a coup against the president of the united states, the first in stories, they told
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him: you are leaving, i kept hearing, biden will not leave, he is not going anywhere, they are a threat to democracy, first of all, they had an incompetent person as president, now there is someone who is even worse, she not only incompetent and not very smart, she is radical, extremely radical, they want to have a debate with you, last time everything was a disaster, but this time they think that everything will work out, you have not given a clear answer, will you participate in debate or not, couldn't?
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haris is trying to get even, she got rid of her laugh, she had such a crazy laugh, i think she is crazy, this is the laugh of a crazy person, and i noticed that she stopped laughing like that, someone was able to convince her, told her: don't laugh , just don't laugh, under any circumstances circumstances. in the same interview, trump called the opening of the olympics in france a disgrace and a travesty of secrecy. the supper is an insult to christians all over the world. at night, french believers took to the streets to sing religious songs to cleanse the country, they said, after ridicule by macron and his arty satanist. at the same time , imok’s believers in god failed to impress the french authorities. the day before in paris, twenty-three-year-old brazilian surfer pianka was told. that he
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should remove the image of jesus christ from all your boards. the organizers referred to article 50 of the mog charter, according to which. no political, religious or racial demonstrations or, god forbid, propaganda are allowed. as a result, the brazilian had to change boards at the very last moment. it turns out that the esoteric bafameter is all damned for the mog - this is normal. but christ is not. another illustrative case. team runners. france was banned from participating in a competition wearing a hijab, the reason for such laws in france, while another french runner they allowed him to go out in a skirt, saying it was more comfortable for him.
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this trick did not work with triathlon; it was not possible to convince triathletes that they would be comfortable swimming in a dirty canopy. for the second day in a row, training was canceled due to the risk of infection. athletes who participate in the olympic games in paris create accounts on only funs en masse. only fans is an online service for selling your porn content.
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the shifts have come a long way. erica fontaine. gymnasts are known to have some of the most beautiful bodies in sports, so no it's amazing how everyone goes crazy about them. and it is logical that erica fontaine began to make money from this. after all, what’s wrong with appearing in front of a jury during the day and earning a lot of money on racy videos at night? she has over 40 thousand subscribers. in just one month, their number has grown to more than 57. she is still a gymnast, and only fans are her hobby. this is a great way for medolin ride to regain her popularity, but she has achieved success with over 15 thousand likes. this is a former football player, and now a social media star, has taken only fans by storm and fans are happily
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paying for quality content. and to give you an idea of ​​what's in store, her social media status reads like a warning and a tease. angelic face, devilish thoughts. the first one took radical measures. history of british olympic diving champion jack law. he started only fans to earn extra money. after realizing that the $55,000 he received in sports funding was simply not enough to live on. he doesn't publish no nudity. this seems like an oversight because divers are very fit. they are also known for their smooth entry into the water and minimal splashing. so, a number of famous olympic athletes have joined only fans, declaring that: a sexual pleasure subscription site is an easy way to earn extra money. twenty-four-year-old noah williams, twenty-seven-year-old daniel goodfeu and twenty-six-year-old mattili have created accounts on only fans, where they also share exciting but non-explicit content. new zealand
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rower robbie mensen also created an account with exclusive content, including artistic depictions of nudity. this is the second day in a row of triathlon training. some of the best swimmers in the world are about to enter the water are concerned about this, what is the risk to their health? diseases such as gastroenteritis or you can become infected with, for example, staphylococcus, so it can be a minor disease, or it can be
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more serious. local officials insist that they will simply put aside until the hay becomes noticeably less dirty, but as a last resort, if this does not happen, turn it into a triathlon... new acts of sabotage occurred in france; according to the police, fiber-optic cables of several telecommunications companies were damaged in six departments of france. there is little doubt that this is a malicious act. this cord here, it was cut here, it was cut quite professionally. according to the workers , two hatches were opened and four cables were cut using a grinding machine. meanwhile, the gendarmes are examining the surrounding area. was it coordinated action by activists? well,
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macron himself is again at the center of a scandal, american journalist alex jones decided to finish off emmanuel. he published a post in which he confidently stated that the first lady of france is still transgender. that is, macron is married to a pedophile man who seduced him at school at the age of 14. in germany, the german police now not only fight crime, but also actively participate in gay pride parades, welcome to christopher street. in stuttgart, like this, with a wide smile and an invitation to a party
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pride is now greeted by citizens, german policemen. not only did they come to germany's main gay pride parade this year, but it seems that everyone, from young to old, to grandparents who, apparently, could not express their individuality in their youth, are having a blast. right now it’s full, well, where would we be without ukrainians? lgbt activists from square are taking part in the berlin gay pride parade for the third time, as stated by the ambassador of ukraine to germany makeev, who this time joined his compatriots of non-traditional orientation. ukrainian the embassy fully supports the participation of ukrainians in the berlin parade. the ukrainian gay delegation itself.
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today i am also participating in the berlin gay parade, because we are talking about freedom, pride and human dignity, about the right to live and the right to love, we are talking about the values ​​that ukrainians defend with arms in hand, only together we are strong, like democracy, like europe, how... well, right now urgent news is coming: the russians entered taretsk and began fighting within the city. an ukrainian armed forces officer with the call sign alex reports on social networks. interesting, how would alex react to the fact that he is at war, and his friends in multi-colored shorts are walking around stuttgart? “it’s tense in the toretsk
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direction,” says comrade alex. the fighting moved directly into the borders of the city itself, the russians. attack actively. we are moving to the front. war correspondent evgeny lisitsin is in direct contact. hello, let's start with the end direction. what kind of news is coming from there? can we confirm the information from this alex? are we making progress? in fact, there is success, our guys are moving forward, well we are doing this a little late. because our guys need to gain a foothold, they need to strengthen themselves, but the ukrainian news was ahead of, let’s say, all this information, but indeed we have advanced now, our guys, with the support of artillery , a very serious battle ensued in the city, because the enemy was pouring concrete right there , was preparing
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fortifications, now, in principle, the situation there is not so simple, but nevertheless we are pushing through, it was hit many times today by factories with the 3,000th umpc.
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what people see, both the residents of ukraine and the residents of russia, is all a lie, in no case is he moving forward, well, let’s say, the common people can throw fluff at ourselves about the fact that he came under fire somewhere, we missed, but if if we wanted to, we would have hit it, you know, that’s for sure, as for volchiye, our guys really managed to knock out the fun from the center and liberate volchiye, and this was, of course, confirmed by footage from the village itself. the enemy’s defenses here are constantly crumbling, literally every hour, every minute our guys are advancing, the enemy’s situation here is catastrophic, recently one of the battalion commanders of the forty-seventh mechanized brigade, vysu, said that the reason for such advance is the very
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serious level of training and also our weapons, because our artillerymen interact very well with reconnaissance officers, and accordingly hit the enemy. regularly, so here we still have to go forward, ahead of us is orlovka, ahead of us is nikolaevka and now, novogrodovka, this is a large settlement, is logistically, the enemy is also building serious fortifications there, they are ready for us to advance further, so let’s see, we have progress on this section of the front every day. olga, about airplanes. there is an understanding, in any case, we probably proceed from the fact that if american fighters appear in the war, this is bad, there is little good in it, but in terms of quantity, 10 pieces, denmark and holland promise, 10 pieces - that’s what, how you can use 10 cars, you can attack
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some city, but this is generally a functional number of weapons - 10 pieces. in any case, these are airplanes, this is dangerous, but the command of the ukrainian armed forces has repeatedly stated that the aircraft should not fly closer than 50-60 km to the line of combat contact, that is, these will be targeted strikes on the positions of our guys, but again - after all, we have excellent air defense systems, which, well, in the near future we will have trophies of these f16 aircraft, regarding the fact that they will soon give... they will soon give, you and i have already heard this, well, for almost six months about that they will be given, but no one gives them. the key point is that the situation at the front will not change, even if they are provided with these planes.
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that they don’t have weapons, they don’t have enough shells, they have everything, their drones work great, we constantly see shots of baba yaga, yes, our guys shoot them down, but nevertheless the whole world helps them, so what a rush well, we shouldn’t expect a breakthrough, objectively we are moving forward, little by little, our commanders are taking care of their personnel, so every day we hear about progress, yes, we would like it, of course, somewhere it’s lightning fast for a populated area... to be freed from this dry-dry evil spirits, but slowly, little by little, so to say that now they
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will break somewhere, no, they will also dig, they will also strengthen, they have excellent capabilities for this, and indeed they are experiencing a problem with personnel, because quite a lot of our air forces, our guys, are striking enemy personnel, it is difficult for them to be replenished, they are poorly prepared, poorly trained, and they are simply deeply motivated soldiers. .. stand for city ​​detachments so that those new arrivals who are stealing from the streets clear our minefields, and move forward, so to speak, probing where our weak points are, but we already understand perfectly well that these weak points are not there, they have them everywhere the front is slowly crumbling, but we will watch, we will see how we move further, thank you very much, war correspondent evgeniy lisitsa on direct communication from the special operation zone, the day before a german propagandist. röbke divided the number of kilometers that remains for us to kiev at the speed with which we
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are moving right now, he got the time in which we can get to the ukrainian capital, approximately 720 days, says yulian röbkin, that is, in 2 years we should be in the city of kiev. just reported that if the war continues further, then in 2025, and 2025, well, here it is, in 5 months, we will need another 12 to 15 million dollars to the question why marchenko did not answer, but the money... said , in ukraine are over. let's listen. ukraine, together with the imf,
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estimates the additional financial need for 2025 from partners in the amount of 12-15 billion dollars, due to the fact that the war will continue next year. this was stated by finance minister sergei marchenko. now we are constantly discussing with our partners that we need additional financial assurance, because the war will continue in...
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we have a tradition: i came to marinka, hop off, marinka is over, i came to ovdeevka, it’s over, i came to bakhmut,
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it’s over , bang, come on, volchansk, come on, let him come to kupyansk again. to kharkov, so that we know, so to speak, the direction, the movement, and since he lives in the city of kiev, well, yes, then kiev will be russian, and kiev , of course, well, that’s what everyone already knows, so don’t come , no, no, he’s not, i’ll come there, i’m such a militant president there, well - laughter and only - as for, by the way, absolutely not elected, well, how would the west recognize him, right? well, what’s there, well, it’s overdue , zelensky, and what, well, the president of the country, maduro won and 51%, he held the elections, he’s a scoundrel, he’s gone crazy, the state debate is all over there, no, we will support gonzalez there, who, it means, was his competitor, these people are going there, but the elections were carried out by a scoundrel, so we should not hold them like zelensky, that’s
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good, so what, well, i would like to ask , where is this uh? great, let's see how they will choose there now, it will be generally cool, well , now regarding the important event, it means that the mayor of paris, annie hidalgo, told us about the fact that you don’t understand, you just don’t understand what we will show you , we explain to you fools, you understand, this is freedom and self-expression, this is how we do it in paris,
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you know, here we are. but we think it ’s horror, horror, but it’s not, well, of course, horror, horror, well, not horror beyond horror, horror, just, you know, this is how we should probably treat it, well, let’s listen , the woman explains well, it’s immediately clear, i think that the genius of thomas jolly and thierry reboul is to embody this, give it a lot of meaning, humor, emotion, and ultimately capture the attention of not only the french, parisians, but the whole world.
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despite the fact that they were previously suspended, but broke through to the olympics, look, two transgender boxers will take part in the summer olympics in paris as women, despite the fact that last year they were disqualified at the world boxing championships, the leadership of the international olympic committee said that the representative of algeria, iman kheliv and taiwanese representative lin meets the selection criteria and will box in
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the coming days in march 2023. at the women's world boxing championships, both athletes were suspended from participation after how a series of dna tests were ordered amid concerns about the gender of some of the participants, the tests confirmed that they were biologically male, as a result they were not admitted to the championship, the championship, donald trump too, let's listen, no, they were admitted to the championship we weren’t, but the dna test didn’t change, let’s go to the olympics, look, did you watch the olympics? i think the opening ceremony was a shame, it's a shame. celebrating the last supper, catholics and christians are outraged all over the world. i think it was terrible. if during the next olympics you are president, then you will have enough influence on the organizers and there will be no insult to christians. we will not present
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the last supper in the light in which they presented it. i have a broad outlook, but i think that what they did is a disgrace, you just see, doctors there are sounding the alarm, more and more women at the olympics are complaining about... statitis, you know, so something needs to be done about it to do, so, but then everything is fine, they canceled the hay swimming competition, the plan is generally ingenious, reliable, like a swiss watch, let's wait 2 days for the shit to settle, then we'll swim, why not, this, unfortunately, is the honest truth, no, well, well, there's no more, then there's probably only pedophilia and cannibalism, everything else.
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a very serious issue for paris, it really washes everything into the river, well, that’s what i ’m saying, the phrase see paris die has taken on different colors, yes that’s a fact, and as for zelensky, for some reason he didn’t come to the olympics, that’s me too surprising, it would also be necessary for completeness paintings, as if to make it completely clear, but somehow he didn’t come, it’s unclear, but he has to... mind you, he has his own olympics going on, he actually calls it run away from the takashnik, yes, that is, there is swimming through the hay there, and there is a very serious prize,
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it’s saving lives, running, kickboxing, what else do they have, they even have an underwater scooter, recently a guy tried to swim underwater, so he had to come out to breathe and they caught him. in mariupol, where prisoners of azov were kept, which was hit by the mtr, killing a huge number of people, yes absolutely, they killed themselves, they killed so that they wouldn’t, but why did they, they started talking on camera, well, things
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that kiev had just like that, well, just obvious crimes, they, so as not to figure it out for a long time , they took a rocket, hit the prison, killed all these azov residents there, and they said, like we hit ourselves, well, the rocket is not ours, this was demonstrated and shown to everyone, and now they go out into the streets and demonstrate this protest like, who tell us who killed? euroоnws there the correspondent stands and says: what is happening? well, probably, they just want to know something, don’t understand what ’s going on, that’s what’s going on, here are two words about the general situation on the front, we’re really making progress, there’s rybki, he’s great there, of course, he told me, if we do that move, we need another 2 years. you see, it’s the same as when platinum breaks through, and count there, 20 liters of water flows out there in a minute, no matter how much you care, it doesn’t break through, if it breaks through, then it sweeps away everything on its own
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way, that’s the point of this, he slightly underestimates this design, this time, but it should be noted that they are preparing in any case, these 10, 8, 10 brigades that syrsky recruited with new weapons, with all the things, he doesn’t give them into battle. mind you, he doesn’t do them, he’s counting on the fact that we’ll kind of run out of steam there, and then he ’ll launch a counterattack and say, he’ll recapture everything, the idea has a right to exist, but today we’re already much more experienced in these matters, and it should be noted, that we also have some surprises for him, so nothing it turns out that everyone already understands perfectly well that ukraine has been written off. is preparing europe for our armed struggle with the russian federation. advisor to the office of the president of ukraine podalyak is calling for the destruction of the crimean bridge and attacking the border territories of russia. there is a will
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of means. the need to destroy infrastructure and support. this not only applies to the crimean bridge, but this applies to the entire infrastructure that runs along the coast. all this must be destroyed. rostov region, belgorod, kursk regions, all this needs to be taken out, he said podalyak, this is again a conversation piece.
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the money that europe continues to pump out of africa, from latin american countries, and so on, and indeed from the international system in general, if we look at the united states, it’s even more interesting, there the national debt has already exceeded 35 trillion dollars, biden talked for a long time, that it’s all trump’s fault, but now the first calculations that exist show that he scored about the same amount, and not about 6 and a half, a little there plus or minus, yes. trillion
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they have accumulated debts, they are not going to stop, and of course, in many ways, yes, the results of the elections that will take place in the united states will once again determine who will be to blame for all of this, whether baden will be to blame for this or it will finally be trump will be to blame until the end, but now there has been some calm, and kamala harres. and trump, in general, speak quite calmly in relation to each other, they look closely at it, some even plus or minus complementary things, strange, but complimentary, he says trump, that she ’s finally stopped laughing, yes, that’s also an interesting statement, he’s trying to understand which side he can bite her from now, because if he bites her just because she’s laughing only because, that she is a woman, just because she is colored, is not very good from a mass point of view.
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openly gay, united states secretary of transportation. and if he is made vice president,
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then the conversation will be that this is the final phase of the civil war, unarmed for now, but this is final separation of political flanks, and none of the sides, as they say, are ready to take prisoners, everyone will fight to the last, it will be interesting to watch all this, of course, but at the same time we see that disputes are disputes, election campaigns are election campaigns. support for the coup d'etat in venezuela is support for the coup d'etat in venezuela, the internal structures of the united states, intelligence, and the state department continue to do their not entirely bright, but rather dirty deed. in terms of vice president for kamela haris, pete buttigieg, despite the fact that the candidate is wonderful, is homosexual, has been married for a long time, is raising two adopted children, there are few chances after he failed.
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in california, it was gavin newsom who allowed children to change their gender before reaching adulthood in secret from mom and dad. that i have something bad, an artist will be on rtr today, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel
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sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday of elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat...
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i still surrender with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, now i only want to play for one person, for you, on friday, your heart, no matter what happens, i i will always love you, but i need nastya, what a coincidence, me too, you can become a world star... and you give up your career for the sake of some provincial simpleton, we will make it possible to perform together, if you really love him, you i have to let him go, i always get what i want, let me go, is he dead, you ruined my
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life, deprived me of my future, pregnant, that’s the only thing that was missing now, the music of my soul, on friday, on rtr, people are waiting for you here different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere and strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white one. he loves to grab there with his claws, ah, so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done,
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warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance. that's it, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, congratulations on your new confectionery shop, welcome welcome, the premiere on rtr, who is he, why did he suddenly decide to help you, when i first met you, i was just shocked... shershelya fam, so she is married, and did this ever bother someone? new tests, even if you buy all the colored ones, she loves him, not you, understand? from august 5 on rtr. so,
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the pentagon announced the allocation of two packages of military assistance to kiev totaling $1.7 billion. the ukrainian armed forces will receive an anti-aircraft missile for the nasans complexes, ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems and artillery shells. the total volume of military help. from the united states to ukraine during the presidency of joe biden, thus exceeding 56 billion. the pentagon itself reported. washington continues to burn colossal money in the furnace of the ukrainian war, said russian ambassador to the united states antonov. so far, the american national debt, in general , this is a record and, indeed, for the first time in history, has exceeded 35 trillion.
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biden no longer believes that america is ruled by a sick, elderly man, so much so that white house press secretary karine jeanpierre is asked these unpleasant questions in a rude, direct manner . karin denies everything, claims that biden has the situation under control. joe himself now seems to not understand exactly what bills are being sent on his behalf. the american congress agreed with the republican speaker of the house of representatives johnson that the supreme court reform, invented by biden himself to prosecute trump, was dead on arrival, and so he said that as part of the reform, the white house planned to deprive former us presidents of immunity from prosecution. not a single president, not a single former president, not even me. it shouldn't even happen to anyone made. an exception to this.
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most importantly, biden said there should be exceptions to this. and all because the show is now hosted by a hyena. joe biden has finally passed the campaign baton to kamela harris. it's clear that biden
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had to be dragged out of the white house and the presidential race while he was kicking and screaming, but it is strange that he believes he is capable of remaining in the oval office until next january. speaker johnson called supreme court reform dead on arrival. yes, dead on arrival. in the usa we move to direct communication own news correspondent mushin. hello, a strange, unusual decision from biden, who is most likely resigning in the near future and must somehow try to save his son, in this regard, how to understand this bill on stripping immunity, he understands what happened, he doesn’t understand, what is happening, how to relate to it, yes olga, colleagues, good afternoon, understand - for now it should be as follows, biden’s proposals for reform of the supreme court are nothing more than
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populism and election statements in the interests of kamala haris, in the interests of the current vice-president. at least, this conclusion can be drawn if you look at the reaction of not only political opponents, republicans, but also democrats. it turns out that the white house decided not to even consult with the senate, with the democrats who control the senate. the united states, in particular with the judiciary committee, which in the senate is leading the efforts of the current democratic administration to try to make at least some changes to the work of the supreme court, and of course, this attempts to take revenge on the supreme court judges for their recent decision to grant at least partial immunity to donald trump as part of the prosecution against him, which is again being carried out by the current american government. well, as for the democrats, then... again, if you follow their rhetoric in the senate, it turns out that they perceived
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such unexpected, sudden statements, proposals for reform of the supreme court from biden as simply... election signals, pre-election promises, if you look republicans' reaction was much more specific; house speaker mike johnson directly stated that this bill would be dead on arrival. however, if we take a more pragmatic approach to assessing the probabilities of its success or failure, then we need to understand what is required to pass it. its passage will require the votes of two-thirds of the members of congress or a special congress if the bill is introduced only through the senate. then these proposals will have to be approved at the state level, their local legislative assemblies, their local congresses, or also special congresses that will be convened to amend the constitution, so such initiatives of the white house, or rather joe biden, are now more likely to be, you know, foundations for the long, long future, because
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such changes will require a multi-year process and which is not at all guaranteed to be successful. polls are emerging that indicate that kamela haris has a chance of winning the election, in this regard, explain whether any one candidate has a strategy, well , besides calling each other names, what they ’ve been doing lately, this is a strange flirtation on the part of kamela haris with homosexual themes, this is also something that concerns. strategy, then while donald trump adheres to the same rhetoric that he adhered to even before biden left the election race in relation to biden and in relation to haris, his position does not change, if we look at what strategy haris has, then she traditionally now puts pressure on her opposition to trump, as a former prosecutor, a former criminal and a current
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criminal, if you follow her rhetoric, again here in... demand is still insignificant, but trump is ahead by a very small difference, he lost about two percentage points in the duel with kharis , and if somehow kennedy jr. appears on the ballot as an independent third candidate, then trump is still in the lead, but with an even smaller lead over his main competitor. it will be important how and when they will be debates were organized. yesterday trump, literally this night in an interview with fox news. still stated that he was ready for a debate with haris, but at least now their date remains unknown, with biden, they were supposed to meet a second time in september in the abc news studio, trump now does not like abc news, although until he actually agreed to this, so we are waiting for the debate and at the same time we are waiting for who haris will finally choose as his main partner for the vice presidency, now there are about
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five people on the list - these are white men, this governors and senators from... various states, well, plus two more women, this is the governor of michigan and the us secretary of energy, grendhal. accordingly, or rather, i beg your pardon, minister of commerce gina raymonda, here is the complete list, but for now you know, it’s more like throwing a dart with your eyes closed, that is, we will monitor how the list will be shortened, and then it will become known who will be her main ally. among the representatives of sexual minorities, no one appears on this list yet, so this is again rather.
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according to the normal choice and cannot organize themselves, first they nominate a candidate, then they push the candidate in, but all this now raises a question that has been brewing for a long time, how is it managed in general, it turns out that there are other people there with these puppets who are put forward frontally, manipulated, how this is exactly what remains to be found out, so to speak, a very important question, it is no coincidence that olga senar posed it at the beginning, this is the f-16 aircraft, what does this mean in general for the possible balance of forces - on battlefield. eh, what could we say: the plane is very famous, it’s a good plane, in principle, in terms of its qualities, although it’s not very new, the americans treat it with reverence, why can the resonance be the same
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as we have traditionally treated the t -34, as a symbol of such reliable, reliable equipment, although...
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finally a change in the situation is taking place in the overall military-political confrontation between russia and ukraine, so we now need to carefully monitor in order to understand the maneuver that is currently being prepared in in this regard, but it’s best to still do what we started talking about, in general, to prevent the rigidity of our position and readiness to strike at airfields where they will be stationed not only here they are now talking about starokonstantinov, but in general it’s such a heavily fortified area, in soviet times we used to beat up the lava with enviable
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regularity, but it’s not possible to destroy this airfield yet, completely destroy it, we need to take a break, we’ll come back, it’s a stuffy operation, it costs 200,000 euros. "i can't give this amount from your daughter, well, lisa is your daughter, together forever, today on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan
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bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic laksary collection bodrum. altai is a majestic mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region with picturesque green valleys and waterfalls. mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in belukha glaciers, a two-headed
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sacred mountain, where according to legend the entrance to shamvala can be found. belukha is the highest point of siberia, and its cradle is in the great altai river katun. a pearl among the mountains. lake teletskoe. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, just as it did many centuries ago. who are we, where are we going? what kind of country are we? what is the value for us? we haven't changed. a russian person remains a russian person. they are not afraid of anything. of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, don’t give up on anything, i’ll still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete,
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that’s it, never change yourself, it’s not the same for me that every year, the year of the family, i have every minute, minute of family, there is no other way, now there is a struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for... our past, i understand that such responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life , my destiny. life and fate from monday to friday on rtr, darling, remember, we said that we want a baby, we must first get on our own feet, look at the weekend, your husband owes us money, if you want
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to see him... you will give me one a small favor, and i will cancel the debt, what favor would you like from me? you want, how could you hire a complete stranger as a nanny, forgetting about everything, on saturday on rtr, magnetic storms, the strongest magnetic storm are expected on earth for 3 days in a row today. from
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july 30th to thursday august 5th peak this afternoon, thanks for watching, bye! shoot if you can, although you can, i know that now, put the barrel down, what are you doing here, what are you doing, did he shoot you here, gun?


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