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tv   Vmeste navsegda  RUSSIA1  July 31, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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our broadcast will continue with local news; the presenters, as we see, have already taken their places in the studios, comparing the topics of our colleagues, and noticed that several issues from different regions will contain reports on how the problem of electric scooters is being solved. first, let’s let state television and radio broadcasting company st. petersburg and igor strakhov speak on this topic; tomorrow in st. petersburg an indefinite ban on parking electric scooters in the historical center of the city will come into force. hello igor, the ban will affect four districts in the central admiralty petrogradsky and vasileostrovsky. starting tomorrow it will be possible to drive along them, which is called transit, but parking is not allowed. the transport committee has published a detailed map of prohibited zones for taxi sharing scooters. parking lots will appear on the borders of these areas, there will be 40 of them, but some areas will not be affected by the moratorium, for example, the reclamation of vasilyevsky island. previously , the city introduced temporary restrictions on the movement of two-wheeled vehicles during periods of large-scale events, such as st. petersburg.
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according to the administration of the primorsky city, they were placed for a long time in walking areas without permits. the taganrug authorities decided to evacuate the vehicles until the circumstances were clarified. scooters will return to alleys and parks after their status is legalized. we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region. see you in a few seconds.
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russian schoolchildren who received all four gold medals at the international chemistry olympiad returned to moscow from riyadh. in a cruel our competition became the best among participants from 90 countries. vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the winners, noting the strongest positions of the domestic chemical school and wishing to continue to achieve.
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the world of science is small, which means that in the future there will be new meetings, projects, and ups. here the doors are opening, our winners have finally returned to their homeland, for them, of course, a new stage in their lives is opening, they have something to be proud of, we have someone to be proud of, the golden four are immediately surrounded by journalists, the day before here in shremetyevo also welcomed physicists, gold medalists of the olympics that took place in iran, again a brilliant result, after all. chemistry among the natural sciences is perhaps the most complex and comprehensive. there will always be something interesting, incomprehensible, where you will rack your brains, when you break it you will understand, another unidentified piece of the world will open up. like quantum mechanics, they said, in physics? chemistry is quantum chemistry, like a branch of quantum mechanics, and there you continually discover something new. chemistry is the science that can explain, that’s absolutely everything, why something is bending, something is unbending, something is burning, something is there. participant in the olympic
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race, winner of the mendeleev olympiad in kazakhstan and the international chemical olympiad in switzerland. they follow the same principle: first theory, then practical experiments, several hours of testing, hard work for which you need to be able to prepare, and also withstand enormous stress and competition, in these shots there are spacious olympic audiences and...
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rosavtovtodor is going to hand over the head the section of the novorizhskoe highway is owned by the moscow authorities, the section from the seventeenth to... the second kilometer is the most problematic in terms of traffic jams, it is obvious that now it is awaiting reconstruction. denis voskovsky found out when the interchange for the mkat exit to krasnogorsk would finally go. location, intersection of novorizhskoe and ilyinskoe highways, traffic jam towards the region. every day we stand for an hour from
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the picturesque bridge just to drive home to krasnogorsk. every day, day after day , history repeats itself. how to break out the vicious circle, everyone here seems to know, because the road is too narrow. good, but narrow, the roads need to be widened a little. novorizhskoye highway has been expanded more than once. during the last reconstruction, which lasted several years, a modern namkat interchange, zvenigorod tunnels appeared, and along with them traffic-light-free traffic to the third transport ring. the number of lanes was increased to five. new riga is saved from traffic jams and traffic jams by a unique dividing strip. the first sections of the so -called new riga, soviet builders laid back in the late seventies. the object was supposed to be completed in time for the moscow olympics, but they didn’t have time. as a result, the route was not completed at the beginning, but at the end of the eighties. at that time, it was a modern highway that could cope with the traffic load. during the construction of new riga in the eighties , expansion was not planned in the near future, although the possibility was included in the land allotment. in the nineties, when
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massive construction began on both sides of the highway, a new reality appeared here, morning and evening traffic jams, which, despite all efforts, have not yet been overcome. early this year to increase capacity. despite this, two points, the mkat exit junction near krasnogorsk , continue to slow down, in the morning at the entrance to the city, in the evening before the intersection of novorizhskoye and ilinskoye highways. at the slightest difficulty, drivers begin to drive in the second row, although the exit is one lane, and technically this is a violation. according to experts, if there were two lanes, this would... significantly simplify the situation; an expansion needs to be done here this exit most likely requires the laying of an additional roadway, the addition of a lane, national experts also agree with professional experts, alexander pronin has been driving to his dacha along ilinskoye
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highway for 30 years, he is sure that an evening traffic jam forms right here at the exit from novorizhskoye, it turns out that the circle gets stuck because this plus here is very strong when they start to... transferring part of the route to the balance of the city is a serious cost savings for moscow and the region, a chance to organize traffic here more efficiently. denis vaskovsky, andrey yurchuk, ada adamova, diana fitisova, lead. the ministry of ecology of the moscow region is finding out the cause of frost in the lakes near solnechnogorsk. hundreds of birds died within a week. local officials blame the heat and residents for feeding the ducks. suitable food, alternative versions in the report by oksana maksimova. she is trying to survive, you see, even her eye is bleeding. we survived a harsh winter, but are unlikely to survive until the end of summer. the ducks that had taken a liking to the blue lake in the village helplessly bowed their gray necks.
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residents cannot understand how environmentally a clean area of ​​solnechnogorsk suddenly became a natural disaster zone. there were a lot of birds here. people fished here. instead of a duck quack, it's dead. there is silence now on another lake, it is a little higher upstream, all its inhabitants died in just a week. we are now seeing with our own eyes the strange behavior of one of the ducks. i, of course, am not an expert, but even to me it is obvious that the bird is on its last legs, it has huddled under a snag, is almost completely immersed in water, does not make any movements, constantly opens its beak, but doesn't make any sounds. boatman said works in a private house, which stands right on the shore. last night. 11 ducks swam here, i said that half would die anyway, and now there are two and three more. the number of dead mallards has almost exceeded a hundred, we manage to save one or two, every day we get at least two bags,
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three bags of dead ducks, they throw back their heads, their tongues sink in, they start to have seizures. the first thing that can explain the rapid pollution of the reservoir is the uncontrolled discharge of waste water along the banks a lot of. private and multi-storey residential buildings, this whole area, it just turns gray and white, that is, at one moment there is a terrible smell of just sewage, but local authorities deny this version, attribute everything to the consequences of... we have water here pasta, bread, ducks cannot digest this stagnant food waste, which is dumped here, and also because of this our lake is blooming. veterinary services checked the dead ducks for avian influenza and did not find the virus. the nature of this lesion does not relate to botulism, which they dragged in there, not to any infections, not to heat, not to feeding bread, not to algae blooms, that is. it’s a completely different story, so why are the ducks dying ? regional ecologists are now trying to find out, they also joined
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the investigation, blue lake has a hydraulic connection with the goretovka river, and our goretovka river flows through two or more constituent entities of the russian federation and is subject to federal state environmental control supervision, noticed a film of unknown origin, specialists they took water samples from two lakes at once, local residents ordered another independent examination, the results of all studies will become... the basis for contacting the prosecutor's office. oksana maksimova, ilya novikov, alexander markinnagaev, anastasia oroev and tatyana popova, lead. now about other events briefly. there will be four stops on the moscow -st. petersburg high-speed highway in the capital. these are the stations zelenograd-kryukovo, petrovsk-razumovsko, orizhskoy, leningradsky. as sergei sobyanin said in his blog, in total it will be possible to transfer from them to 14 metro stations and central diameters. the city allocated more than 34 billion rubles for the implementation of the project. on the last day. it turned out to be the rainiest and coldest of the week, the average temperature is +21 - this is below the climate norm, but
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tomorrow weather forecasters are broadcasting, the wind will change to the west, and the weekend thermometers will rise to +24. by the beginning of the heating season in solnechnogorsk , the boiler house is being reconstructed, to which dozens of residential buildings, social facilities and a military unit are connected. the boiler house was built almost 60 years ago and neither it has never been thoroughly renovated. this year there is probably not one in the moscow region. municipality, no matter where large-scale modernization work affects boiler house networks, in addition, management companies must prepare everything for the basements of the supply system, both hot water and heat, for the winter season. a fifteen-year- old teenager in moscow ended up in the toxicology department after borrowing a web from a friend, but one puff was enough to make the student operative lose consciousness...
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can i not be filmed? you deliberately you are causing harm to our younger generation, then this is negligence, in this stall, realizing that there is a child in front of them, the seller advises to buy the web through someone else, if someone bought it, can you please show it, they were selling it to this young man now, nothing i didn’t sell, they didn’t sell anything, no, you know that you are an accomplice to the crime, no, no, according to the law, for selling veps it is not... an adult owner of a retail outlet will have to pay a fine of 20 to 60 thousand rubles, now they want
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to toughen the punishment, that is, they will be increased firstly fines, and secondly, it is proposed to introduce serious liability up to and including suspension of the operation of such a point. experts also insist that it is necessary to prohibit the sale of smoking liquid with flavorings; it is the bright tastes and smells that attract teenagers. i started smoking around the age of 14, starting with electric cigarettes. because they are delicious, but after a few months i felt unwell, nausea, weakness, i began to feel pain in my chest, after that i just went to the doctor, who told me what i had it turns out to be pneumonia, in the last two years alone, doctors say, the number of patients with complaints after smoking vapes has increased by 15%, but alexey, an avid lover of vapor, does not believe the statistics, has been smoking for a long time and does not complain about anything, we decided to check it ourselves is everything wrong with his health... spirometry
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allows you to assess the condition of the lungs and respiratory functions. there is already a decrease in the speed of the curve at the distal level. this means that the bronchial passages can narrow due to long-term smoking, all organs of the system suffer, and brain, and heart. we are talking about the so-called eval syndrome. the lung tissue is affected so severely and irreversibly that such people sometimes cannot be saved. the worst thing is that lung damage can occur in just a few days. i have.
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the composition is not declared, a whole chemical cocktail has been identified. the substances that are in its composition are harmful individually, but when mixed and especially heated, they have a carcinogenic effect that can cause the development of tumors, malignant tumors. sell electronic cigarettes are already banned in thirty -two countries. a bill on a complete ban on vaping has already been submitted to the state duma. this concludes our episode, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, right now the continuation of the melodrama together forever.
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you and i are not at all alike, i want to touch you, we are one, i feel it on my skin and am afraid of accidentally waking up. i want to be reflected in you, but you tell me so much, you and i are two strong birds, we fly the same road, this sky is in half, these wings are only
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to us, my soul is with you, no matter where you are now , this is goverko’s heart, this is the sun outside the window, you and i are running by the stars, basekov. i just heard your door slam and decided to look in, you’re probably hungry, wow, thank you very much, but somehow i’m not in the mood for food, it’s some kind of problematic matter, it’s a complete
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dead end, well, nothing. i’ll feed you now, gather your thoughts and quickly figure everything out, but it’s somehow inconvenient, i don’t want to hear anything, i just cooked it, by the time seryoga comes, everything will already have cooled down, and you at least eat something hot, okay, i persuaded you to keep me company, of course, yeah, come on, one, two, one, yeah, they’re delicious, how i dreamed that katya would be like this for me... to take care of after the wedding, to be honest , i don’t understand her, i’ll never understand, i would never refuse, even if the world turned upside down, i said something wrong, yes
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masha, i appreciate and respect you. let's close this topic, i love katya, seryoga is my friend and forget it, let's go, you'll go to this one tomorrow, you came, well, yes, but i'm going home, and at home no wife, no dinner, but this is where it all means, come join. no, thank you, i prefer dinners at home rather than at a party, do you understand me? guys, whose pan, now all the water here will boil away, sorry, my, don’t worry, i
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turned down the heat, see you tomorrow, thank you, uh-huh, i was sitting, and you don’t have a rag, but cut fresh cucumbers, cut, cut, it’s always fresh tastier, net, so, for some reason you ’ve been visiting our neighbor more often, well, you’ll say, well, i just feel sorry for him, he’s left all alone, i thought i could somehow support him, console him, he’s yours friend, after all, friend, i feel sorry for him too, but... i don’t hang around with him for hours, well, i don’t hang around either, listen, maybe you’re not only
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consoling him with your strap, but mash, seryozh, what are you, what about you? do you think i don’t see the way you look at him, it seemed to you, here, i work like hell at this fucking job, not so that you feed some guys my dinner, you’re crazy, i understand everything, hope. clean it up, come on, i decided.
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“i was walking to the kitchen, i thought, it seemed, what are you doing here? not a knitting needle, i decided to read, but
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why without light? and i just didn’t know where to turn it on. well, thank you, but you give such books to read at night, and then you are surprised that you cannot sleep. good night, good night. “listen, sasha, you really are like that, you’re not adapted to life, otherwise you need salt, then you need tea,
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or you’ve run out of toilet paper, or you just need a reason to hit on my wife, you should wait until i leave, seryoga , what are you saying, you’re in a complete mess, and you ’d be glad, right? so that no one bothers you to turn the screw, so i don’t bother her, i can give in, just tell me, advice for your love, what happened just now, leave him, i ’ll talk to him in the evening, die operation ist gut.
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thank you, dunkeshawn, doctor, thank you, control yourself, it’s not accepted here, i know how it’s accepted, now, here, this is cognac, chocolate, this one, a souvenir, a nesting doll, you give it to him later. look, she woke up, daughter, daughter, you know what the doctor said, i heard everything, in 2-3 months, how long?
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“thank you, goodbye, goodbye, so long, but no, my respect, maxim ivanovich, yeah, exactly as long as you asked, you’ll recount it, but no, i believe you, that’s it. just now, you will have to pay the same amount, why are you scared, because, maxim ivanovich, that your family is already sitting here with me, but i don’t need much, i just want to buy an apartment in the center and move out with this lousy dorms, you're burying yourself, earrings, this thing isn't worth that kind of money, yeah, it may not be worth it, but you're also paying for your son, who's ruining my whole life,
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and also for your freedom. what about your freedom? you're not afraid that if something goes wrong it’s not like that, i’m just dragging you along with everything. no, i'm not afraid, you will be silent like a fish. why? in pre-trial detention centers too, you know, accidents happen. look, don't give in. can't wait. have a good day, goodbye, bitch, cat, something happened to you, yes, chris,
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you are better now. as they say, well, i asked you not to call me krisya, and i asked you a thousand times not to call me cat, listen, you don’t see what state i’m in, my dear, don’t worry in the hotel tonight, you’ll forget about everything, i i promise you get out of here, well, you’re not a brainless fool, after all. hello, i’m listening to you, vanya, listen, you must constantly monitor this cop and report to me about all his movements, i understand, but do you want me to follow him at work too? yes, listen, don’t slow down, you have to report everything to me, where he goes, what he does, i don’t know, well, friends, guests, safe deposit box, i understand everything, i understand, i understand, that’s it, i’m sorry, this idiot. christ,
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christ, christ, that's it, that's it, that's it, come here, that's it, forgive me, forgive me, well please, well, forgive me, well, i got carried away, well, who doesn’t happen to, well, well, that’s it, that’s it, my girl, that’s it, drink some water, drink it, here, come on, here’s a good girl, i promise you that today i ’ll fix everything, well that's it, i'm not crying, i'm not crying, well , forgive me, forgive me, that's it, come here, that's it, that's it, that's it, the bets are done, the bets are made, the security guard is set, rum, of course, don't worry, i 've done everything, go for goodness' sake , no, i ’ll be late, but what did i find to see that the honeymoon didn’t work out, you’re a fool, the honeymoon is what i need, the clients are complaining, they say the girls are a waste of money, there’s nothing to look at , so i’ll check it, and at the same time
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i’ll look, and you watch the game. come on, good evening, he's at the club having a blast, the club is having a blast, yes, that's a goat, okay, yes, thank you very much, let's go for now, that's it, let's go to the hotel yourself, i 'll arrive a little later, i have something what business, okay, you have business in the club, well, yes, but what could you have in this brothel,
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damn, where is my wife? august 5 on rtr. oldbarr cognac is a product of the stellar group. they say
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you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. vodka, pechora, product of stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed
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comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. we sing and taste better.
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okay, okay, you were right, you won’t be able to leave right away, you need preparation, well, you know what needs to be done, you need to lock the money from the safe, why are you completely stunned, i won’t steal anything, go ask your genes, you show me, little thing, that you are like that, okay, that’s it, let’s go.
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yeah. yes, you are not only a whore who destroyed our entire family, you are also a thief, right? reed, stop it, what, stop it? look, ilya, look, dad will be happy, of course, he will be stunned, it’s just that we saw everything with our own eyes. let's go to my father, he'll come and sort her out, rit, let's go, of course, everyone is very dissatisfied, come on, why should we work for others, why?
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hello, ambulance, ragozhin, uh-huh, good evening, uh-huh, good game, thank you, good evening, good, just a second. have you heard anything else regarding our case? well, not here, come to my department, we’ll talk there, okay, good luck with the game, thank you, hello, mash, the main thing is don’t worry, everything will be fine, in what hospital, heart center, children caught me with documents.
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central 35, so central 35, okay, where are you going, club break, the car will be there in 10:15 minutes, okay, bye, damn, damn, 10 odd, place your bets, 10 odd, 30 on even, 20 on red .
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bets are in, no more bets, oh, hush! 14 is red, what do you say? gen, is the show there? well, it's time to update that
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the girls are limping? no, the girls are fine, here’s the choreography, the choreography is lame, some kind of last century, scoop, what are you, can’t find them a proper choreographer? i'll find it, what is it? gen, who are you letting into the casino, do you know that it’s a cop? well, cop, so what, what is he? not a person, or something, well , he already played with us and lost, almost left without his pants, now he’s come again, the money has appeared, but in any case , a mintour of your own won’t hurt, gene, are you a blockhead, or am i something no one else i can’t trust you, or is it me coming, because i left you all control over the casino, i left you, so you already control everything here, now you’re seething with out of the blue, are you sure that he is a gambling addict and not an undercover agent, what are you saying?
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13 black accepted, listen, old man, watch the chips, i need to freshen up, okay, the bets are done, there are no more bets, i won’t.
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i don’t understand, why through the official one? that's right, hello! they broke his skull, there was so much blood, my god, we can’t
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help him, you know, i wonder what’s in his bag, we’ll see. rit, there is no need for rit, your footprints, idiot, you stepped on it, let’s run, quickly, thank you, yes, goodbye, goodbye. hello, rom, where are you? i'm faster when will you return home? problems? got it, bye.
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“do you understand what you’ve done, you idiot, but you’re tired of insulting me already, i didn’t knock that cop down, i have nothing else to do, of course, he slipped on his own and fell, right after our conversation with you, yes, it’s somehow hard to believe , but it’s more likely that you
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killed him, you wanted to get rid of him, you did it right on the threshold of our underground, and why not?” "gena, can you at least sometimes think with your head what you are saying? listen, fuck you, okay, let's exhale now, calm down, take it pull yourself together, the players need to be taken out of the hall before the cops come in, okay, alexander maksimovich, the probable time of death is 23:58, where does such accuracy come from, and the watch mechanically broke down at.
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i found it in my trouser pocket, but i’m screwed, if they catch me here, they’ll say that we’re squandering people’s money, and what you say is not true, what’s your business, i don’t care, i don’t care at all, i’m not a civil servant, i’m playing with my blood. i wonder who decided this poor fellow; it could have been one of us in his place. gentlemen, i apologize. for this an incident to which our establishment has nothing to do, now you are all being escorted through the emergency exit so that the police do not bother you, oh, well, another thing, i also understand
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that you are respected, wealthy and influential people, so you have something to lose, i’m sure you won’t share information about our establishment with the police, i really hope for your understanding, thank you, thank you very much for your understanding, please come in, you’re always welcome here, thank you very much , come here, why the hell do you think he’s here? did, i have two versions, either he played in this club in an underground casino, or he was going to prove it.
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to meet the investigation, you can freely look at our club, without any paperwork. well, your question is resolved. thank you, raman boris, well, i guess i’ll take up your offer. what are you doing here? i'll explain it to you later. rum, i want to go home, i feel very bad, now, alexey dmitrievich, tell me, i can send my wife home, i see no reason to refuse you,
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thank you, the driver will take you, i will try to get out as soon as possible, yes, let's go, yes, let's go, tolya, yes, let's go, let's go, now everything will be fine. you didn’t spend the night at home, there is something that i don’t know, but can i confess, finally, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can’t
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do anything about it, you know, i love, the bonds of marriage or the network of love, what will turn out to be stronger, i just ask without emotions or meanings, you won’t give up on me, i won’t tolerate it, take your pick, rain at the end of summer. coming soon to rtr. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first all-inclusive swiss hotel. give yourself a rest where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of steller group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. rum, castro, product of stellar group. put your weapons on the floor.
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i’ll bring it now, and i have a request for you , well, you never know, if suddenly someone asks something, you and i came here together, okay, if anything, okay, thank you, you think, you think, no, you haven’t seen this man, i’ve never seen you, we’re all here, no, no, we haven’t seen that you have nothing yet, no, excuse me, i don’t know,
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andryukh, finish, take the guys, come with me, what, open it, wait, and if there’s blood on it, look, now we’ll definitely be able to escape. then it will be 1,200, not enough for an escape, a couple of months of living in moscow, and what next? do you think the search for mom will take longer?
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yes, you’re just a coward, you’re so correct , it makes you sick, you’re always ruining everything, of course, i wasn’t going to rush to moscow with these pennies, but you have to start somewhere, so as not to ask this gene for help, but i admit, you fell in love into him, and he sent you, shut up. don’t meddle in adult affairs, what kind of adult affairs are we talking about, get out of my room, father will come back, we ’ll talk again, of course, and we’ll also talk about how you ran away from the club today, and so quickly that your heels were sparkling and i didn't have time respond to you. what else is this? yes,
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don’t even think about it, rita, what were you doing near the club? near which club? you're delusional? we were home, okay? sitting? found on the street, it’s not time, rita, i saw you, this man was a policeman and my friend, we didn’t kill him, we just shut up, we won’t say anything , okay? get out of my room, but it would be better if you told me everything, then i’ll be more...
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interesting than mine with the safe, so in our common interests, make sure that no one finds out anything, there are objections, that’s great, a policeman, much better than his father with her contact how i want to wake up so that none of this happens? “when you wake me up, don’t forget to wake me up, let me ask you what you are looking for, maybe i can
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help you somehow, what do you store here, this is a utility room, we store additional furniture for the hall here, and where is it in the hall.” we have the premiere of a new show, it’s a full house, by the way, i highly recommend it, you’re interested, it’s no wonder we have excellent girls, masters of sports dance, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized and other swimming, professionals, alexander, i'm sorry, what's your name, tell me everything, you'll play the game of silence, or maybe tell us what you were trying to find, because during all this time. “wait, wait, i understand everything, you want a bribe, nothing to improve, you will forgive us, we didn’t guess right away, we
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simply don’t have the experience of giving a bribe to an official during execution, so explain, you know perfectly well what i’m looking for, i i’ll find it, then not my expensive car, that’s it, thank you, all the best, let’s pack up, goodbye, let’s leave, okay, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, well, i’m gathering all the free people, we’ll still remove everything from the premises, i understand, sowing, follow me, yeah.


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