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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  August 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:30pm MSK

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know everything, wake up at 9 am, turn on the radio and get high, educational projects, philosophical conversations - this is a radio for everyone, that same beacon in the raging waves of the air. polina ermalaeva, elena fenoshina, sergey zanin, pavel meir, alexey korpukhin, egor dolinsky and olga gribina, lead. vesti follows the development of major events in russia and the world. stay with us. the whole house
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is up in arms against the slutty neighbor and demands to evict the loving woman, and today in our studio there is an angry neighbor, we meet anna elina, why is your neighbor so annoying? we lived with this girl. 10 years in the same entrance, this woman drove different men, she was drunk, and my child, firstly, observed this in the yard, and secondly, returning from school, he could have encountered drunken men who came to our entrance in crowds , how many men like this a day, well, there were men, there were a lot of them, each time they were different in a drunken state, and you and you just looked, and watched you more? there was
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nothing to do but observe, well, if she is not married, this is your neighbor, a girl, then she has the right to bring to her place even up to 10-20 men a day, different ones, you understand, she is not burdened with anything, nothing, our law of the russian federation does not provide for any article for the sexual actions of an adult girl in relation to other adult men.
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the child was waiting for her at the entrance because she forgot to pick him up from the garden, the apartment in which they lived burned down, the reason, as far as i know, was that she forgot a cigarette, the apartment in which there were small children caught fire, i, as the mother of a child, am just worried about these too children, that they have such an example before their eyes of such an antisocial life, that the mother is dissolute, such an example sets an example, lies on the wakt. with this dissolute neighbor, they tried to somehow sort things out, establish contact, no, no, never, why, why, well, i mean, why, that is, you blame your neighbor for going out, for the fact that men come to her in crowds , the fact that she started a fire and didn’t even try, i didn’t come here with the intention of blaming, now the neighbor’s name is marina, she hasn’t lived in our building for the last 3 years after the fire, and i wouldn’t want her to come back to my entrance, because i wouldn’t want her...
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near the house, and several times it happened that a diaper with poop fell from above from their apartment, what flew in, various syringes were lying around - always candy wrappers, garbage, so i would go to this neighbor and say, listen, my dear, they were told, they pretend that they don’t see anything, who told them, my mother walked, got up, firstly, they didn’t opened it when she met her on the street, said why this was happening, what they were doing... that they didn’t see it, didn’t hear it,
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but look, for me, yes, when neighbors live and there is constant music at 3:00 in the morning, there are some gasps, it’s the garbage that is constantly flying when we meet. at the entrance, she says: you hear, perhaps, and so on, this is morality for me, but for now it turns out that you envy your neighbor who just takes and leads men, that she has such a full life, but you don’t, you’re on work, and she’s with men and you’re envious, while it turns out like this, listen, for me, immorality is when my son cannot calmly, without fear, enter the entrance from school and to get to your apartment, the crowd - which has nothing to do with our entrance, especially since we know who lives, who goes to whom, well , it’s still not quite a private entrance, but it’s impassable, pay attention to the screen, here you have we have 71 apartments, 49 people, which means we are bad, but she is good, she did not
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let the children go home, the child was just sitting in the entrance at 9 pm, when i knocked on the door, she did not open the door, the child is crying, i ask why are you sitting here, crying , and, she says, my mother doesn’t let me go home, here she is i painted it, i erased it, i have a drawer, my neighbors ’ children painted it, she calls her obscenities, well , almost all of her dyed or re-colored hair doesn’t go to school, and they break down the doors, knock her down, when she gets there, the eldest drags her, all this in front of our eyes, all this of course it’s a shame and a pity, it’s a pity for the poor children. on them, but what happened that week is of course a nightmare, he set fire to the apartment, everyone is afraid that next time the gas might turn on, they dialed, they laid her motherhood, she, she brings men, what can i say, a drunkard, patience no, that time they took her away, she peed herself all over,
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oh, i don’t even want to, why didn’t you and your neighbors gather in a crowd and come to her, as i understand it, you weren’t the only one suffering, you didn’t come to her, why ? we hoped that she had a mother who takes on this responsibility herself, wait, she’s not 15 years old, she’s an adult woman, she has a family, such a family that her mother is the only reasonable person who watches all this, watches children, takes her to the garden, picks her up, now all of you neighbors accuse her of all mortal sins, and she marina silverstva assures that she is an absolutely good mother, that she takes care of her children.
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all the residents breathed a sigh of relief that there were no longer a large number of men, nor any unknown alcoholics, i don’t know, drug addicts, that all this kind of fuss was over, now for the last 3 years everything has been completely calm, i’m against you
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i don’t have anything personally, every person there can, i don’t know, get sick, something can happen to them, but i just would like it to be calm in my entrance, so that there won’t be this - where did you even get the idea that these people are somehow not like that, that friends or lovers cannot come to me , or that i’m kind of scary, i’m a handsome person, handsome guys come to me, by the way, about lovers are told that several people come to you a day, and moreover, that you charge money for this, they are completely deprived, completely stunned. it’s amazing, where are these people, show them to me, in 2 months one friend came, whom i’ve known for 15 years, we had a drink, sat down and he went home, that’s it when the children were already living there with my mother,
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that’s all, i came to see angelica, the eldest, okay, then explain to me why the neighbors didn’t like you? because i wear bright makeup, well, i walk around in short dresses, in fact, i used to study at the faculty of journalism, i ’ve been to a lot of modeling agencies, to premieres, i’ve acted like that in a lot of places. by the way, then these are diseases, i had to leave, i got used to a bright lifestyle, communicating with the stars, and what are the causes of the disease, yours, the fact that you don’t walk, multiple sclerosis, it just didn’t show up like that before, i used to go, but after my husband’s death, it made a very big negative impression on me. because he didn’t answer the calls, he was supposed to come to me in the evening, we lived with me, yeah, but he
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didn’t answer the calls, i went there in the morning, and he was lying there on the floor, well, it’s a nightmare, that is death occurred, as this one said, like the anatomist, that 12 or 14 hours ago, and what did he die from, from alcohol, he drank methyl alcohol, that is, he was poisoned, it turns out, yes. he drank after the death of his mother, he died exactly 3 months after she died, he loved her very much, and drank a lot, yes, but i, i didn’t drink anything, i only church, cemetery, when he died, but i have this there was grief, the relationship with the neighbors before he left was the same, or so they became when it all started, i moved into his apartment, and there these neighbors started, not right away, no, i am with everyone. i thought i was friends, but this little guy, she called the cops on me because of what, well, i
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had a new guy there, he was walking with a beer, that it was okay for children to drink measured drinks in front of the children, a can of beer, they took me to find out 0.21 per mile, you can eat while driving, well, you told us about this just in the story, let’s see, 2 years in hell, 2 years we have been living in hell, the neighbors wrote slander. there was my neighbor, yes, she weighs 150 kg, this is a miracle, she worked in social security there, so she started collecting, slandering me, and she said, you won’t be here, that is, i no longer feel safe here, i rarely go out, i don’t want to see these people, okay, i’m a beautiful model, maybe they were so jealous of me, i don’t know. “she so wanted to kick me out of here, i don’t know who he wants the apartment for, his son or
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who, here’s 10.5 million, let him pay, take it, choke, why in every house where you found yourself with neighbors against you, one woman is not i could organize it, maybe they envy my bright image, they are afraid that their men will come to me, i don’t need them, i have a beautiful one, anna, for example, i even i don’t know her at all, no, i wouldn’t want..." my child saw some example like this - like i want, if you want to live alone, go to the village and live in your own, when you close the door, you can live as you like in this apartment, but when you leave the apartment looking abnormal, this is an abnormal look, well, you look different and with intoxication, how are you guaranteed
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, because you create such an environment ? around you, there is a threat from you, all residents have an entrance, an entrance for children, who live there, those men who come to this entrance, i didn’t understand anything, well, the men come to you, the neighbors say they come, i said - yours with his first wife, he already has a granddaughter, he has a granddaughter, he comes to her came back, and you
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take care of the children yourself, you take care of your three children yourself, yes, of course, i was taking care of it myself, until because of these miracle neighbors i didn’t, well , they reported it to the authorities, everyone came to see me and shrimp, that’s what with a diagnosis it’s not so easy, well, the whole house, this doesn’t happen, all the neighbors are bad, one is good, it doesn’t happen, but smoke without fire. they want to get an apartment, the neighbors want to take the apartment, but how, well, how, she told me that you won’t be here soon, the children are already there, with documents , are you applying for her apartment? no, i have two apartments, i don’t claim the apartment, i don’t have a neighbor, i understand, that is, you
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think that all this is specially organized to take away your apartment, yes, well, you have to look at who benefits? it’s beneficial for her that i’m not there to buy it, she has this money, why can’t she just come to you and say: neighbor, here’s your money, business, they never asked anything, to me, not to me, they came and asked, i would say that i don’t know these people, there would be no questions, but they wrote slander , that some drunk man was lying there, that he came to me, and i don’t know anyone like him at all, he was 50-something years old and was afraid of some kind of drink, in general it’s horror. marina, what’s going on at your house, it’s generally tidy, clean, yes, clean up yourself, i washed the floors yesterday, and angelica washed the living room, let’s see, i haven’t been there since november, how they left, i’m very sad, i’m
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crying here. yesenin, where is our beloved yesenin, yes, there are guests from the future, these dolls, lillib, we named them in honor of the queen of england, they put her like that in childhood, do we have two betas, well, let’s go to the living room, there’s angela lives with me, this is angelica, my eldest daughter, she is 18 and a half years old. here are my babies, they are such beauties, they are still small, here they are my little paws, and here we have a kitchen, my mother mainly cooks, well, here are the main dishes, chicken soup, she
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makes it delicious.
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like an attack, she was simply bombarded, neglected, no one, that’s it, she’s bad, who gave her a helping hand, no one, absolutely, the neighbors say, your children are on the street. we went to see our mother, she called arina, what is this,
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what is she called, i’m sitting there in the entrance, my auntie says she’s kind of angry, wants to call the police, i say, that’s it, we ’re going, here, and another time it happened , i was in the kitchen, and the door was closed by a neighbor, where there are four apartments, and she... forgot her phone, and i had neither a bell nor an intercom, because of these creatures, god forgive me, i had to turn it off intercom, who was calling, it’s unclear who, i approached, they hung up, that is, the neighbors constantly, apparently, well, apparently yes, then one neighbor from the first floor grabbed arina by the hand, almost broke her, she said, you’ll call me on the intercom again , my child is sleeping, i say, she was playing with me, i even hit her with a umbrella, but, unfortunately, i didn’t hit my neighbor. yes, she, i say, now i’m calling the cops, that’s it, she ran away, after that it started, maybe she had some influence, and you really slept on the bench, where, when the neighbors claim, they
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that you are sick, but tell me when it was, when you lived in our house 3 years ago, you have now left where your mother now lives with the children in the house, we have a park in front of the house, and you often rested on the benches in this park, well , i was relaxing for what... a year and a half, who goes to visit a loving neighbor? the most important day in right after the video from surveillance cameras of life today, everything depends on our deeds, on the decisions of our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands to those who change the world , these are our people, our premiere on monday on
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rtr, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, we present the drimalina cvon pillow, a comfortable pillow for relaxation that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it. it so that you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremalinost one pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremoline swan holds spine in ideal position. call to order a unique dremalina swan pillow for your best sleep for. incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, then especially for you we will reduce the price of the dreamalina sleep pillow will be yours for an incredible
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39.95 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, romcastra productlar group, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. you can easily clean under furniture, which is usually very difficult to reach. and only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swieper wireless electric fan. with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order
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now, you'll get an incredible €20 off and you can get the livington dipper swipper for an incredible 69.95, but hurry, strictly limited offer, mancacher whiskey product. you brought me back in life, or maybe fate? you love him? a new test, premiering on monday on rtr. the whole house is up in arms against the slutty neighbor, instead of demanding that the loving woman be evicted, today there are indignant neighbors in our studio. probably their own. there is no life as for someone else’s, they forget about the twenty-third article of the constitution, a person has the right to personal life, and how he leads it, is his personal business, especially in his apartment, at least
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100 people visit him a day, this is his problem. why did the apartment burn down? well, there was a child playing with matches, she was 4 years old, and were you at home at that moment? i was in the kitchen with my middle child, we ran there to drip, please, this apartment there was locked, she started from the other side, mom, mom, save me, there’s a fire here, and i already understood if there was no key, i wouldn’t know what happened, i’d have to drink the window and climb in there somehow inward, well, because the key, thank god, turned, child.
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of course not, but she was offered to refuse, they offered her, and she did the same, they offered her, they want to appoint their own guardian, and this guardian will sell, well, they will divide all the money, that is , your mother was offered to write a refusal from her grandchildren, in favor of which - a guardian to ruin your apartment, but tell me, you won’t agree to this, i didn’t agree to this, but it happened, it happened, but some woman came out, she even her...
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how do you know, we i've never been abandoned i personally never threw diapers, i’m not like that, i’m not brought up like that, you’re a well-mannered person, you’re a well-mannered person, yes, i’ll never allow myself to throw diapers, what kind of nonsense, so socially responsible and don’t write
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a statement, that means to the city administration around your house so that the cockroaches in our heroine’s apartment are not poisoned, which means, if you haven’t done this, in the whole house all the time. so they came running from above, complaining that she started a fire, it smelled of linoleum and steel, they called the ministry of emergency situations, they called the firemen, the police, they broke and ruined the lock for her, in fact, there is such a speck there, she says, what am i saying, why do you have a camera
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, that a person has no right to privacy, why are you always watching, why are you always writing complaints to the guardianship, she says that these are the children they were here, i wrote it down, they were there for 20 minutes, i say, you know that with the decision of custody, with my permission, they can... says marina, it means it’s a disease, but we don’t know, marina says a lot of things, that’s all here there are people to blame besides her, that’s also not possible, it’s another matter if a woman’s clothes are not cleaned, that’s this is not yet a reason to restrict , let alone deprive, parental rights, there is something
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more serious here, or indeed a health condition, i have that impression, yes, but unfortunately, unfortunately, despite the complexity of the marina situation, we all understand, we are people , we understand that, well, anything in life could happen. that means alesa sleeps here, orechka sleeps here, but marina bought bed linen, a blanket, pillows, she bought everything, i bought a wardrobe, everything was laid out here, new backpacks for school, but they arrived in december because
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while they were applying for temporary registration, while i was registering their school, they didn’t want to take them to the school, but guardianship got in the way, after that they took them to the school where our house is assigned, well , which school is better, this one or this one, and why? school, now the children study there, on weekends they go to their mother, they have the right, it is bought, you work, marina, no, she bought it for her pension and an additional payment to her pension, that is, you had everything, however, you can only go to the apartment at you can wear rubber boots in a suit, which...
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is not allowed. and, as far as i know, even you invited to los angeles. we have a story about this. let's get a look. after my husband died, i published a book. here are all the photos, both his and mine. this is me in a modeling agency for a long time back in 2011 for magazines. i walked on the catwalk too, i used to walk in heels, i could run along the arbat along the arbat, all over
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this place, i regret that i didn’t actually leave , there was an invitation to me, this was my only chance to stay forever in the usa, one ticket, your bow, you can just get a job as a waitress in any bar in los angeles, my mother didn’t give me money for a ticket, and i didn’t have my own. i would leave and if only my legs would sparkle, but damn, where can i find sponsors like this now, i just have a feeling that the neighbors are jealous of your past, maybe even some people even tell me about this, who are just as bright , like me, who have achieved something in life, well, if drinking in a park means being an alcoholic, but i don’t know, if they... saw me a couple of times with a can of beer, i was sitting there with someone... then from friends, in our studio
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the neighbor who claims that you turned your apartment into a brothel and brothel, vladislav zyuzin in our studio, who is he anyway, i don’t know this, and you are her former client, you probably know everything about the services, an interesting point of view. i’ll say a little about the situation that has developed in our house, and i won’t embellish it, but it seems that some kind of tragedy is hanging over us, and the scale is so incomprehensible, it seems like it’s worth being afraid of, like it’s not worth it, marina, that’s where it was a week ago was a joke, we should expect from that next time there will be gas, what a joke, i don’t even know you, boy at all? what floor are you from, are you there for something then, don’t smoke here, you said then,
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that’s it, i don’t understand seeing you anymore, that is, this is the attitude that develops, i’ve been living in this house for more than 25 years, you you don’t let people live in peace, but i’m on the second level, you give me a quiet life, they took everything from me because of your slander, what else do you want , give an example.
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but let's look at this video material, you provided it to us, where is the video material, the children go home, she doesn’t let them in, she has men there, she will have her fifty-year-old men, and she takes them right in front of the children, what is this? what are you doing there with your sister? put it down, yeah, now, like a sister, she
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was normal, she was walking with us, the eldest one is also crazy, she committed suicide, she cut heads, she ate pills, no, when andryusha was killed, she signed with him right before her death, like should i come here, i say, you have to prove that these are his children, i went to everyone’s last names, changed everything, i came. who is this? and this is a doctor, in my opinion, this is a doctor, here this, i don’t remember which of them, but they were both wearing caps, one was a taxi driver, the other was a doctor, because the doctor couldn’t take me back then, there was a taxi driver, a doctor-taxi driver and some other man for me, and why did he undressed, marin? is summer hot? yes, in the summer it was +35,
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stop the interrogation of a person, a story with a girl who bangs on your door and swears. who is this? this is my eldest daughter with a guy with her yes, what happened that she had a fight with her sister, and this, and i’m there too, well, it was just a strap that fell, it probably happened, yes marin, 40°, the strap fell, that strap fell, no, well, i’ll show you, well, here, look, it’s not that we just had a fight, an argument, and i scolded the younger one for treating the elders like that, but i
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never hit her in any way , i just, well, who doesn’t scream sometimes, i have neighbors on the sixth floor who never swear loudly. i’m doing everything, it turns out, it’s because of these noises that your neighbors hate you, the fact that they’re walking around, that i should love them because they’re swearing bastards beating children, as i understand it, the main thing for people is that you say hello to them, little darlings - paths, everything is fine, who wants to take the apartment from an unwanted neighbor in which her husband was shot, about this immediately after a short advertisement, in these footage they are beaten by their ex-husband as a stripper. twenty-six-year-old model from abakan, tarina chabadayeva. she assures that the assault was regular, but the last torture lasted for four hours and did not end in crime for two. there was a moment when he took out a knife, he didn’t say that now he would kill me. confrontation between tarina and her ex-husband, what to do if one of your loved ones turned out to be a tyrant and is there a chance to stop domestic violence?
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malakhov, soon on the russia channel. fortunately for today’s show, because it’s so musical and so tasty, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar
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group, we present the dremalina swan pillow, a comfortable resting pillow that hugs your entire body optimally. aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles , feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position. call to order a unique dremalina swan pillow for your best sleep. for an incredible 5995, but wait, if you call right now, then especially for you we will reduce the price of the drimalina sleep pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95, and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and
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valid for a short period of time, cnop gin, stellar group product, sale, we offer. we bring to your attention a universal photo façade for a fence at a special price from only 6.95, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from , all you need to do is attach the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade will do. for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if contamination appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call to order.
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let's see on the weekend. “your husband owes us money, if you want to see him alive, put 3 million in a box at an abandoned construction site, i need money very urgently, mortgage your apartment, where to sign, cool, we are real rich, i don’t love you and never have loved you , i have a different life, you have to pay." how much is 2000, and why so many? you just deceived me, you will give me one a little servant, and i will cancel the debt, what
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service do you want from me, how could you hire a complete stranger to work as a nanny, forgetting about everything, on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rtl. the whole house is up in arms against the slutty neighbor, and she claims that the neighbors are jealous of her beauty. i return home late and repeatedly notice how social workers, lovers, taxi drivers, doctors come to visit her, you envy that is it? does she, does she take money for this?
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and there was already blood from the entrance, no matter what happened in the entrance, all the dogs are pinned on you, but until she appeared in your entrance, everything was exactly the same, everything was wonderful, i wouldn’t say that she moved in yes, some kind of horror began, it’s all happening gradually, but as far as i understand, this apartment belonged to her husband, ex-husband, but everything was fine, everything was fine, until, that is, because of one person , the whole house cannot live, you know , this is the situation about my husband, and it’s also interesting, i heard here that it’s from alcohol? yes , you say, but i have information that he went downhill and was a good guy, after he met you, everything,
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somehow something in his life didn’t work out, his life ended, as it were, it was just alcohol poisoning, he died from alcohol, i know that he was shot right in our apartment, everyone who shot, well, they say that he just owed someone money, everything, he... answered calls, i have i had a bad feeling when i was walking and saw the light in the kitchen was on, and it was daytime, it was already two or three o'clock in the afternoon, my heart just sank, i almost ran, i went into the apartment and saw my husband lying on the floor, right here, right where you are standing in the corridor , just like that, his legs here, his head here, but i immediately realized that he was dead, because his eyes were open... the spots on his body were cadaverous, i sat down on a crust next to him with my back to the wall,
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cried, hugged him, kissed him , and that’s all, my mother said, are you sitting there a fool, urgently go outside, there were some grandmothers there, and i i told them what happened, and they later said that i killed him, i say, how could i, i loved him, his wife deserves support at this second, if for you this man, where did he get the evidence, what was he there? i’m listening to you, everything is so smooth with you, everything is so streamlined, there’s something for everything, because you never asked me your up to...
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if only they’d come up, there’s the chairmanship in the house, we have general meetings at which some kind of these are things, and precedents are being discussed, neighbors locally, who are nearby, permanent people who already have there is no energy to tolerate these antics, that is , you take her to a public meeting, publicly condemn her behind her back, don’t say anything to her face, they extend their hand and ask: are you using video cameras, you threw mud at this girl and at the same time you can just help her and come and tell marin what to do with you help well, you see that she needs claims now
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? what kind of arson? tell us about the towels in your kitchen? no, well, you said about the arson, so tell me, that is, i was at work, i came home from work, we had a car parked i called the fire department, that is, the authorities, it ’s like her because my potatoes burned, i personally have a brother who lives in my house behind me, he was the first eyewitness
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who came to your apartment in case of arson, what are you talking about, so what? oh, it’s not this woman burning there, who abandoned her children, a drunkard, drunkards live here, yes, yes, yes, i don’t have money, how to restore all this, i can’t imagine, insurance, i have insurance for that apartment, for this one, and where will you sleep, but in another apartment, another if you don't want to.
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studies in college, graduates from college this year, goes to work and has complaints about her eldest daughter, listen, i literally saw her yesterday near the entrance, she’s a good, decent girl, modest, i can’t say anything bad about her, but i see the situation about your younger daughters, when they walk, forgive me, they look like ragamuffins, it’s very pathetic to look at it from the outside, why can’t you , let’s call your daughter, the eldest daughter
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of marin angelik seliversky with us today. they said that there is a risk, that is, not definitely, but there is a risk that they may still because no, she was offered an owl pikunstvo in six months in the summer with a pikunstvo, that’s all, and did you agree or refuse, not yet, not yet, for now i’m opikun, for now opikun, why not do you want to take responsibility, what kind of responsibility is it already on her, i have already taken it, my options are generally limited, of course, that is,
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you give up your granddaughters, now everyone is worried about the children in this studio. we also gathered here in the interests of the child, so tell us what’s going on at home, because the neighbors say it’s just some kind of hangout, but what’s going on? well , tell me, well, we have breakfast, lunch, go to school, college, who lives in the apartment with you, well, at this point, my grandmother lives with her sisters, yeah, and i live with my mother, and what kind of footage is this when you fight in a closed the door, well , they sped it up a little, yes, it was you who quarreled then or something, but here we have just neighbors , they say that a lot of men come to you, it’s true, but what do they care, are they jealous of them? girls don't go or...
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so she said that she came to her mother in an ambulance twice, she smiled like that, you’re from apartment thirty-three, lyudmila, like, well, yes, everything’s bad for her, let’s say there are those who are neutral, well, there are those who really hate their mother, and the motive, mm, i’ll tell you honestly, maybe because she is a very bright personality, because what a bright personality consists of, this is what they can’t stand, what happens behind the door if you go out.
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question: is this possible? the fact is that restriction of parental rights is not a deprivation, it is a temporary measure, it cannot be more than six months, respectively, after six months the question arises with itself about the fate of further children, either they return to their natural parents, if possible, or they go further to the apiakuns, or somewhere else, here is the question, you you can take control of this story so that the children , god forbid, do not end up in an orphanage, of course we will definitely help, we’ll talk after the program, no matter what. well , it seems to me that marina is able to, even more so, if she is treated, she may also somehow thinks about his life, about how to build relationships with others so that they are still more peaceful, then i think
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that everything is completely solvable, we hope that today the parties heard each other, it is important that in order for the children to remain in the family, olga letkova promised to help and keep the situation under control, because under no circumstances should children suffer because their neighbors... quarrel on the landing, that's all for today. hello! dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live 60 minutes about the most important thing.


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