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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  August 4, 2024 5:39am-6:00am MSK

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pasha, go tomorrow, i’m going, i’m coming! everyone. i’m ready and hungry and in a hurry, go get
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tanyusha, everything is ready, yeah, it’s been a long time since i started eating. served, tatyana pavlovna, i’m coming, i’m coming, daddy, tanya, he was jumping, so what, you know that i hate him, but i don’t know what to feed you, there’s no egg, no sour cream, no eggnog either no, well, let’s give you fish oil, pasha, come on. holy shit, i'm tired of you and your eternal arguments about where to go? i’m getting the newspaper now, i don’t know what to do with you, you came late again yesterday, so what, they escorted me out, who, but no one, bear stepanov, he will also appear with you in the caucasus,
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yeah, he wants to, but we’re unlikely to take him, pasha, pasha, the coffee will dry out, what’s wrong with you? something happened? oh my god, already? yes, i'll hide it. no, it’s the same meaning, but you can’t do it right away. my god, quietly, what an injustice. calm down, pull yourself together. what are you talking about, how can i take it into my hands, yours, yours, calm down, calm down, well, don’t, but i didn’t believe it, did n’t believe it, yours, we had to take two children, i don’t want it, i won’t give it up her, comrades,
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what's going on? yes, here's a letter for you, tanesh, what are you doing, pasha, you need to explain to her, prepare what to explain, well , what’s the matter, it’s a very serious matter, tanyush, very, this letter, when we took you from... the orphanage, we were told that your mother died during the bombing, that’s what we thought, but now it turns out that she’s alive, they already came and inquired about you, but we didn’t tell you anything because we hoped that
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it was all a mistake, and now this letter is from your mother, well. .. what should i do now? nothing, tanya, tanya, because you won’t leave us, tanya, mom, what are you talking about, don’t cry, well, if you want, i won’t read it at all, take it, no need, why, why, after all, she herself gives it to him, she gives it, because she can’t see your tears, and i can’t either, well, i don’t i’ll cry, but you have to? honor the letter, now of course, but well , hello, precious daughter, tanyusha,
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writing this letter to you, your own mother buyanova, natalya ovdeevna, 17 years old, i kept crying for you day and night, i still didn’t believe in your grief. so i happened to live to see a bright day, come, daughter, at least for a day, you i ask, because now my grandfather and i can’t even think about anything, only about you, we are already completely exhausted from this melancholy, but we live well, we have a cow in its fifth year, 15 chickens, and potatoes, and received the collective farm, so don’t doubt about it and write back quickly, when you arrive, your godfather bows to you, and we don’t have any other relatives, but then we remain your own mother, buyanova natalya avdievna and grandfather avdiya egorovich, it turns out how many
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i have more relatives. hello, hello, will you have some milk? take it, yes, now.
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nowadays our women at the market sell you two mugs of milk for 3 rubles. yes, well, as you are my old customers, so i’m still paying you fifty dollars, goodbye, have i already lived in some city?
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excuse me, can you tell me how i can get to the collective farm of the paris commune? and we have four barshens in just one berezhsky district of parisian communes, which ones do you want? to me which are in the village of bugry. eh, this morning the chairman of their days was hanging out here, but apparently he left. left. tell me, how far is it from this village? yes, to there. 32 km, don’t be upset, go to the store, maybe one of the bukrovskys will happen there, go, don’t be afraid, where is it? and this is across the square, you will cross it, thank you, trust me.
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well, you can dance, i’ll give it to you, sit where you are. you need a pin, why, pin it to your wife’s skirt, it will be
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calmer, well, what’s the use of a pin, too, why are you, stepanida, why are you ruining my holiday, help me, dishes. sit down, they stunned you, bavat, they
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didn’t let us talk to you, that means you’re still 2 years old study. this is good, we also don’t have enough teachers here at school, it’s not enough that you ’re going to stay with us, maybe you’ll stay another week, no, i can’t, you didn’t like it here with us, no, what are you that’s not why, but i can already see, but what are you doing?
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of course, it’s more fun for you at the party, it’s your husband who came, he’s a otkhodnik, well, he walks around with an ax , he earns a lot of money, you won’t be able to lure him into the collective farm, there hasn’t been a drop of dew in his mouth since the morning, why are you feeding a difficult person, oh well , let's go do it already, so what? you will do something in the caucasus, like walk through the mountains, relax, relax, lord, can’t you... can’t relax, we have a clean river, raspberries, mushrooms, but no, my comrades are waiting for me, then the money will be paid the ticket was paid, uh-huh, a lot, 420, they found me your money, did you share it, i understood, no, i understood what this is, is he really beating her, from here,
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to hell with your mother, they don’t give you credit for you,
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what, what do you need here ? excuse me, who are you? and who are you? i mean, who is this? are we leaving here? oh, my god, sergei ivanovich, but we thought you
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will you spend the night in the popovka? i put my daughter to bed, yeah, she’s arrived, she’s finally arrived, well, then i ’ll go to the department and sleep, but why? well, she put her to bed, yes, it wouldn’t seem to her if she were to go here with
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us, but god, would you really sleep? good morning, daughter, how did you sleep in the new place, thank you, good, that’s good, get up, i ’ll bake you some salads, please tell me where you can wash your face, now, now i’ll give you salt. or maybe he’ll take him to the river and wash himself? and why, the river is close to us, right under the hill.


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