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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 6, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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reality, as you see, let into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, not different, absolutely, i want the girls to grow up in beauty, prosperity. "let at least your fate serve, daughter, sanya was a woman in the ward, gave birth to a healthy girl, ran away, and the child, you can deceive people, for never will know that she is adopted, but not fate, she will never know that she is not your sister, come to my office tomorrow, i have an offer." "i will not tell my mother anything, but
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i will have one condition, i want to marry artyoma, i love liza and i can't do anything about it, what are you doing, wait, you 've been deceiving her all along, how could you, mom, there are two girls there, but which one is mine, fate cannot be exchanged, on saturday on rtr, this is not a rite of worship to ancient spirits." and not even a wedding ceremony, this is how travelers dedicate themselves in this country, the earth is round, we'll sort out everything else in detail, it seems like we're about to launch a couple nearby an old ship, what a cool machine, let's go, how to fill the piggy bank of travels it's up to you, after all, lace is mine, and we will always help, the fact that this paradise is obvious to everyone. even iguanas, well, let's
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carry it as a secret to the whole world, now you will see everything yourself, on sunday. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellor group. kalinan beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. a.
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kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, cognac, monte shococa, stellar product group. says shows doctor mestyakov: good morning, the program about health, that is, about the most important thing, it begins, look, it will be informative, it will be interesting, let's start, today in the program about the most important thing, rabies, from which animals can you get infected, who is in a special risk group? and
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what to do to protect yourself from rabies? what to do, we had a rabid wolf bite 11 people, so do not touch them, no matter how cute and good they are. when is it necessary to remove a cyst in the ovary and which yogurt is healthier, fat or low-fat? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, i'm just extremely interested in how you will exercise in such an outfit. help reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and what rules when walking should be followed to improve your health. i told him to do walking with acceleration, we walk and the spine bends smoothly. a resident of the omsk region died of rabies after a dog bite. a volgograd resident died of rabies after a cat bite. a thirty-seven-year-old resident of the yaroslavl area. died of rabies after being bitten
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by his dog. such news can often be seen on the internet, while many are sure that rabies is an extremely rare disease, but this is not at all. so, almost every one of us is at risk. what is this connected with, what other popular misconceptions exist about rabies? from whom do people most often become infected, besides dogs and cats? and is it necessary to give 40 injections into the stomach if there is a suspicion of rabies infection. let's figure it out. well, in fact, these myths, they are visible even in this the story that you saw. they listed.
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and unvaccinated people, that's how lucky they are, in fact, there really is a genetic predisposition to rabies, there is genetic protection, but these people are just a few, not all animals are equally dangerous in terms of rabies, here the forests are such animals, because when you are either bitten by an animal, or you come into contact with a skin, and yes bites, yes bites are transmitted, the deeper the worse. the closer to the head, and this is a brain lesion, the more dangerous, but it can be through the skin, in the experiment it can even be through breathing, because who else is very dangerous in terms of rabies, bats, bats are generally rich in everything
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that people die from, and two speliologists were known, died of rabies, precisely after exploring caves, having become infected from mice, more... my bunny, who is not a bunny, i 'll let you go now, okay, and we'll go with you, everything is fine, by the way, about these two dead, there is such a book, it's called 100 stories from the history of medicine, i highly recommend it to everyone, kos, how she talks, that's right, well let the person talk, not the person, they want to get to know each other, so, and there it was described, in fact louis pasteur had a huge problem, he was researching rabies viruses, he played with dogs, he introduced them into the brains of dogs, then further, further he made them
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faster-acting, but less virulent, when one boy in ilsace, i think his name was peter... so i started with the fact that why i read in this book that in pasteur's laboratory, two of his employees worked, were part of
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a laboratory with a loaded revolver, not to shoot back at rabid dogs, but so that if someone gets infected, gets injected or gets infected, so that he shoots himself, and then they would report. suicides, because no one wanted to die from rabies in such flies, it's just about science, you understand, they die without options, who is the carrier? well, basically 90% dogs, cats, can small animals get sick? yes they can, squirrels, mice, mongooses, but extremely rarely, much less often than is commonly thought, much less often, so rarely that if you are bitten by a squirrel or a mouse, or... we don't even vaccinate against rabies and don't even test these animals, pets yes, there is an algorithm, we will touch on it later, can the animal be quarantined, was the attack provoked or not, with a provoked attack, when we say, here it is out of the blue, the dog attacked me,
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we mean unprovoked from the animal's point of view, but if i try to drag the dog away now, i will get between them, they get acquainted. bite, it is not provoked, of course, provoked, that you are climbing, we are talking here, you are climbing, that is, it should be provoked, not provoked, specifically in relation to the animal, here the brush can also be. you are my dear, what eyes, the main rule, if you do not want your animal to become a source of trouble, what is this, it is necessary to vaccinate animals, it is necessary, she is vaccinated, no, you know, this pet is sterilized and it never leaves the apartment, yes, this is also an option, a pet is sterilized, which never leaves the apartment, yes, that's an option. although you brought it to the studio, but in the studio we are already more furious to get infected, probably, from no one. and yours, is this your dog? no, and
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the girls with the fox, the girl with the fox. what is his name? whose, the fox or my friend, and this is twix. twix, is he vaccinated? of course, he is. and he? definitely, it is necessary to vaccinate animals . i can't add or subtract, especially the fox. now the fox, the raccoon - this is especially dangerous, uh, wolves, you know, the same story with pasteur, then when the boy was saved, he became very famous, we all started going to paris, everyone started, it turned out there was a lot of rabies, after this story the statistics of rabies jumped fivefold, why? well because no one counted, people started going, yes rabies, and we saw that the doctors saw that yes there was a lot of it, and a telegram came from russia, what to do, a rabid wolf bit 11 people. urgently go to paris, only one person could make it, a priest, and he was
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vaccinated, he survived, later alexander ii awarded pasteur an order and money, such there was also a story, with rabies, what's interesting is that it can have a very long incubation period, months, up to several months, or even years, the biggest case - 7 years in brazil was bitten by a dog, after 7 years the person developed rabies, if you were bitten by a dog, once again motivated and motivated, a very big question, a pet, can they go into quarantine, if you can put an animal in a ten-day quarantine, then you can not do the injection, observe, you have time, if you can not, yes, you need to go get a vaccine, if exotic animals had bitten there, like these, now everything is much more and more. holds more, well yes, we still do an analysis for them, but it is vaccinated it is very important to know,
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the animal is vaccinated, no, if the animal is documentedly vaccinated against rabies, then in principle you can not worry, how old is he, he is 6 months old, are you teaching him to talk, he speaks almost in human language, yes he is a ghost, yes he has definitely passed all the vaccinations, yes the first dog, yes go crazy, really, right? and she does not understand, she does not wait, she does not give a damn no need, she can react, not
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to mention suckers, all these cat scratch diseases are carried not only by scratches, but by fleas that live on cats, pass on to dogs and so on, that is, well, as we know, it can be distributed up to the plague, that is, it is desirable, when we were taught not to touch animals on the street, so do not touch them, no matter how cute, good they are, because everything will work out, you were turned on by a dog and ran away. it may not be rabid at all, but you will then be vaccinated, it you need it in general, yes, therefore it is probably calmer, and you can not get vaccinated, but understand that if you are infected, you have zero options, if out of 60,000 people who died a year, only 30 survived, and those were indians, you are not an indian, and what are the chances, therefore here, probably, there is no need to even discuss, the most, probably, i have already said, dangerous, are volatile.
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we know that vaccinations, each vaccination has, as it were, a reaction to the body, that is, for an animal, how harmful it can be, well, you know, it is clear that no, as with humans - animals do not have 100% safe vaccine, 100% effective, but you see, today it is like this, today it is in the house, i do not want to say, but in fact, it happens that the animal outlives the owner, ends up on the street and becomes a problem, so those some tiny
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fantastic risks, well, yes, but it is always better for the animal to be vaccinated. well, what i managed to tell, so let's be attentive to our health, you all have wonderful animals, everything will be fine with us, then, when is it necessary to remove a cyst in the ovaries, and which yogurt is healthier, fatty or fat-free? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. i'm just extremely curious. how will you exercise in such an outfit? you are a wonderful, wonderful friend, but i'm not ready now, you will be ready someday, the premiere is on rtr, as soon as the right moment comes, i'll bring her, i'm even afraid to imagine what will happen if our plan disappears, we have to go, yes, i know, i can't go without my daughter, i don't want to, what are you doing, are you
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crying, lyuba, i'll be there now, wait for me, new challenges, now you'll go with me, and in confess everything. today on rta. we present you the legendary horse balm from the czech republic with horse chestnut extract, which will relieve you of pain in muscles, joints, spine and tendons. a balanced formula of medicinal plants provides an immediate more soothing effect. the balm is produced at the world-famous czech resort of karlovy vary using ancient swiss technology. for over a thousand years, horse chestnut has been used to treat and prevent many diseases. it has a strong antibacterial, absorbent, healing and anti-inflammatory action. provides invaluable help with muscle strains, dislocations, fractures, polyarthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. in addition to horse chestnut, horse balm contains lavender,
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rosemary, comfrey extract, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, peppermint and cake extract. call and order horse balm with horse chestnut extract at a uniquely low price, from only 9.95. we present you comfortable, durable and stylish artex sneakers, in which you will feel comfortable in any situation. these are stylish and durable shoes that will suit both men and women. the sneakers have a soft back and side panels. this design saves your feet from rubbing. thanks to the wide velcro, the sneakers instantly adapt to any foot shape. high instep or protruding. bones, and a comfortable back makes it easy to put on. the sole of the sneakers is made of ultra-light eva material and the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless. having bought artex sneakers, you will immediately appreciate this incredible lightness in legs. the sneakers are made of high-quality material that allows air to pass through well , allowing the skin to breathe. two colors to choose from: classic black, universal gray, and
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a wide range of sizes from size thirty-seven to forty-five. treat yourself to comfortable , beautiful. and shoes right now, call and order universal sneakers with velcro hartex at a price of only 24.95, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he ’ll come to your home himself, we’re starting, he’ll always help, we’ll practice how to walk correctly ice, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how can an air freshener lead to asmi, what is the right way? taking medications will always support a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeps, that's how i sleep as a child, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor who can be trusted 100%, you will be happy, well, i don't
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guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, how i missed you, my daughter, how good it is that you came, you are here for a long time, i left from my husband, oleg, hi, what are you doing here, and about nadya, did you forget to tell me that they are dating, mom, is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice, old love never rusts, yes with this... i'll help you, one summer, a whole life, on friday on rtr, in this
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footage , twenty-six-year-old model izobana tarina chabadayeva is beaten by her ex-husband, a stripper, she assures that the assault was regular, but the last torture lasted for 4 hours and two did not end in crime, there was a moment when he pulled out his nose, he did not say that now he would kill me, face-to-face tarina's bet with her ex. what to do if one of your loved ones turns out to be a tyrant, and is there a chance to stop domestic violence? malakhov, today on rtr. time for the column, questions from the doctor, i will ask you questions, you will answer, answer correctly, you will receive a prize, answer incorrectly, you will go and exercise. who is ready, raise your hands. who do you think i will choose? i want to see how she exercises, come here, what is your name? my name is olga,
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what does olga do? i am a professional model, yeah, okay, how about learning about medicine? well 50x50, because why did i choose you, i'm just extremely interested in how you'll exercise in such an outfit, well , let's see, right? twist the pylori bacterium can provoke a skin disease? do you know what kind of bacterium this pylori is? heard about it, what does it do, where does it live? of the body in the stomach. "i'm starting to like it, she answers correctly, somewhere in the abdominal cavity, i think the stomach is in the stomach, so there are no problems, well
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, okay, we found out that the bacterium starts with the letter x lives in the stomach, yes, yes, it can provoke a skin disease, i think not, write, i also do not see the logic, it is a local bacterium, it ... "does not live in another, it can only live in an acidic environment, ph3 everything else is a deadly formation for it, so the answer is correct, hurray, i am very glad, a cyst was found in the ovaries after the onset of menopause, it must be removed, we know what an ovary is, yes, yes, of course, yes, there may be a cyst in it, maybe it can be ... there is a malignant one and benign, have you ever had an ovarian cyst, no, very often there is a functional ovarian cyst, a simple ovarian cyst, and we do not always remove it, but
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this is in young people before menopause, the situation changes dramatically before menopause and after menopause, hence the question, namely, if it was detected, if it appeared after menopause, here it was not, there was not, here it was not, there was not, menopause, bam cyst, what to do with it, and i think to remove it. so write, it is necessary to remove it, no, i think, yes, that's right, it is necessary to remove it, because a cyst that appeared after menopause has a very high risk of degenerating into cancer, and there is absolutely no point in wearing it , especially since the ovaries are already kind of useless, so my third question is simple, so i won't see you on the mat, not a fact, yeah, low-fat yogurts. fatty, just think, low-fat yogurts are no healthier than fatty ones,
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just like low-fat cottage cheese, write, no, she's not only beautiful, she's smart, well done, you're sitting behind the prize, all three keys are yours, open them. so one doesn't fit, you haven't even inserted more, insert the next one, so, oops, oops, well done, so choose, whatever i want, yeah, only in one copy, only in one copy, so what i want to take here, well, there are just so many temptations.
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wow, sit down if you want to review us, this is a platform, watch, application or website, and we move on, well, who has such an electronic watch, they periodically buzz and say: you have walked 10,000 steps, you... well done, and that's right, because 10,000 steps or walking in general, it has been proven, prolongs life, this is probably the most physiological - load, because we walk, we can regulate the pace, we can regulate our breathing, pulse, and this brings a noticeable, well, how noticeable, this
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is what we live, vleski, all these things, on the contrary, in principle, shorten life, but let's say, about american football there is clear evidence that these people die earlier, this is simply a risk factor for playing such sports, this all leads to inflammation in the absence of cardio load, and what is useful is only what is physiological, what we do, we walk, swim, ride a bike, well , when we have to, we have to run, but running is already... so to speak, you exhaust your resources, we know that physical inactivity is responsible for 15% of mortality, this includes oncology, naturally heart disease, let's say, and what do we have to do with walking and oncology, that's it, these are the systems that are launched during - walking, during dosed aerobic physical activity, they fight tissue insensitivity to insulin,
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fight the effects of carcinogens, and today physical inactivity is considered a huge risk factor for almost all diseases. before we go any further, i know that we have a guest, he has bechter's disease, he came up with his own system of walking, could you tell me, show me, first of all, what is your name? my name is dmitry. dmitry, very good, here, here we go, go, go, great. how to improve your health and get rid of many diseases with the help of walking. the answer to this question is known to dmitry yurchenko from moscow, a walking instructor and the author of the health method russian swing. its main idea is to include the muscles of the upper body, chest, back and shoulder girdle in the work when walking. for each step of the straight arm, we squeeze the wrist
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expander. if 45-50% of the muscles are included in the work during normal walking, then with scandinavian and russian swings up to 85, but dmitry came up with this walking method for a reason, the man has been suffering from several serious diseases for many years, doctors have forbidden him any physical activity. i have bechterew's disease with damage to the entire spine and most joints. i have coxarthrosis. i have arthritis, i have hypertension with heart damage, in general, in general i feel great, this walking directly helps me with this, i see you have rings, yeah, yeah, what are you doing, i turn on my hands when walking, well, we all turn on, we turn on all hands when walking, well, yeah, i turn on my hands as natural, and how does it
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happen with you? i turn on my hands as natural weights, that is, the straight arm goes up to the horizon line, accordingly the finger is up, the second hand goes back, in the opposite direction the leg goes, that is, accordingly we go and the spine smoothly bends, the muscles of the chest, back, shoulder girdle work, at the same time we squeeze the expander at the top point for each step, our muscles are trained. forearms and the walking itself is activated, the process itself becomes much more effective when we walk for a long time, what happens to us, who walks for a long time, what happens, and for us, when we live, we move our hands, yes, when we walk for a long time, even if we swing, our hands swell, they become like this, you can’t even clench your hands into a fist, because you walk for hours and not down, you don't do anything at the same time, they start to flow, i'm even
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standing here, if my hands are hanging for a long time. walking, walking, that's of course very good, what pace? but usually we tell untrained people, at the beginning you walk so that you can talk to the person walking next to you, so that you don't get out of breath, so that you can talk without getting out of breath, then this pace
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is comfortable for you. decades ago, when we talked to cardiac patients, i he used to tell him to do a walk with accelerations, you walk slowly, then faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster. then again to nothing, such a chorus with accelerations, because you can still, you can control your breathing, your pulse, that's really what i like about walking, it's accessible to absolutely everyone, all you have to do is get up, go out and just walk along the street, just walk along the street, and just how long you walk there and how long you walk here, everything you need, but... life is clearly continues because one of the biggest risk factors for early death is physical inactivity, sitting on the couch, even sitting at work is deadly, and in many countries they make big standing
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stands so that people stand during work, yes, varicose veins are formed, but it is better to have large varicose veins than to lie in a coffin with normal veins. further, how often should you walk so that it brings maximum benefit, the body immediately begins to blow, you can relax, my intuition tells me tells you that someone broke into the apartment, we look at rtr, and you think he brought a woman while you were away, and what other options are there, i haven't had anyone, i swear, i'm coming to you. for styling, do you want a festive one or something cheaper? festive for a romantic meeting with a wonderful man. if you hope to take me away from paradise, then you won't succeed. i love her and will always love her. paradise
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knows everything. i'll give the injection myself. get ready. today on rtr. sale: we offer you a universal photo facade for a fence at a special price of only 6.95. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will instantly be updated without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, it is enough to wash it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call and order a universal
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photo facade for a fence bright life at a special sale price of only 6.95. just choose the right design and create a unique look for your suburban area. thank you for these 15 years spent together for the happiness of being together, on saturday we are being treated for infertility, we are incompatible, time is running out and soon it will be too late to give birth, and i want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i'm already pregnant, well, miracles do happen, right, well, i'm not here as a patient, i'm here as the mother of your future child, anastasia panina, i can't anymore, if i decided to leave... go away, alexander makagon, it's still amazing, sensitive fingers, what did i do to deserve this, anatoly rudent, i miss you very much, everything is fine with me, housing, a great job, a new relationship,
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a relationship, my love, let me introduce you to my ex-husband, don't be my wife, on saturday on rtr. and i loved him and he loves me at your numerous requests today in this studio lyrical songs are playing.
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i agreed with the legislative assembly, what are you doing, am i a toy to you or what? and what do you mean, alice is not like? ivan ivanovich is a very wealthy man, it is not up to him to decide, yes, i will destroy you, don't you understand? alexey chadov, olga kros'ko, choose right now, either me or mom. svetlana nimalyaeva, what kind of naked dekai is this? maria shokshina, well, never mind, svetlana ustinova. moscow novel, here you go,
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he is getting married with us from august 12 on rtr, the program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about the benefits of walking, it is written here, to do it once every 3 days, well, what does it mean once every 3 days, once every 3 days - this considers that zero, because by ... international standard, you should do aerobic exercise five times a week, 40 minutes a day, and what is once every 3 days, you walked once every 3 days, never rest more than a day from one day, if you rest more than one day, the body immediately begins to think, you can relax, you can rest on the third day you will not drive yourself anymore, by the way, i do for myself i take absolutely the same algorithm, i always do quite a lot, i go to the taiga with yaroslavl, on all business trips ... with koltsy, i always have them with me, i am in the hotel, everywhere, on
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transfers, at the airport, in long ones, i do, you know, how people look at me when i find a corner for myself somewhere in a big airport, i understand that i have nothing else to do, i do my stuberpees, they think i'm crazy, well, maybe that's true, but i want you to do the same, i say again, no one requires us to do any complicated exercises, but just go out in the rain, in the snow. the weather doesn't matter at all, i recently exhibited, like in siberia on snowmobiles, i got lost, but i fell into the snow, i couldn't lift the snowmobile, he was stuck there, stuck, the guys thought that i had left, well what about me, did i make the mistake of everyone else, because -45, it was cold to stand, after 2 o'clock in the morning i followed the trail back, so you know, it's even interesting, you walk and it's not cold, the snow is crunching everything, then...
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and how to warm up before training before training of course you need to warm up, of course, just not before walking, but how to warm up before walking, squat your legs there, get up and go, just walk and walk, first slowly, then faster, then speed up, then slowly again, when you walk for a long time, you you know, i climbed kilimanjaro for a very long time, my assault, personally it took me 20 hours, that's how it happened, and when you're going, you get nervous, you don't understand, no matter how much time, you don't understand that there's some problem there now, that somewhere below there are children, wives, there are sick problems, you don't think about anything, i'm pure, i never, this is the only time in my life when my head was absolutely clear, i just didn't understand, i was between heaven and earth in absolute spiritual... peace, that's why walking is, it is also
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a certain philosophy, all the bad thoughts go away after an hour, because how much, well, you have gone through all the bad things, you keep walking, so it is not so bad, if i can still, and if you also wave your arms, as you say, no, in fact it is correct, in fact it is absolutely correct, i really approve of this idea, because the upper pelvic girdle really works, and it is physiological, because it goes in rhythm, it is all absolutely correct, i read a paper where they write that yes, the floor... people die almost twice as often compared to a normal body index, but if they exercise, even while remaining overweight. then their life expectancy risks are the same as those of people with a normal body mass index, it is interesting that physical activity even neutralizes such a danger as obesity excess body weight, who has questions, come on, good morning, good, and my name is anya, i know that walking barefoot is very
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common now, and there are such barefoot paths, yes, that is, it is kind of good for health, but it is not always possible to visit them, would it be useful to go... or go in? no, we have a wonderful place, it's elk island, a forest, that is , if you go out into the forest and there, of course, you remember, in childhood, well, i don't know how it is now, but we only walked like a bass, then our soles became like this, you just generally you, you didn't understand, there i look at some, well, such leather,
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cut on it, well, you don't feel anything, you walk in the snow like a bull , it's a pleasure, well, just a pleasure, at first it seems cold, but then, when you walk, you are no longer cold, then, of course, walk in a minibus, but only not on asphalt, on the ground, where it is safe, because there is no point in cutting your foot, pricking your leg, but in general, walking in a minibus is great, thank you very much, also, good morning, natalya, please tell me, and nordic walking, is it more useful than regular, northern, and what is it, walking in the north, well, this is with sticks, and this is with a candidate, yes, of course , of course, it is useful, we once had a program here, there was an athlete, an enthusiast, well, you understand this is similar to dmitrien, you also wave your arms, in principle the principle is the same , only you also push off
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and other groups are working, there were additional ones, but this is already necessary, sticks, this is already necessary , you need to walk, and i am for the fact that you just went out and just walked along the street. don't wave your arms, not without, without attracting attention, just thinking about your own, got up, went, went, went faster, came back, that's what i am for, so let's move, then everything will be fine anyway, time for our traditional column, ask the doctor, ask questions, raise your hands, good morning, doctor, my name is anastasia, i have a question, when i go up and down the stairs, a sharp pain in my knee appears, it hurts for 2-3 days and goes away , everything is fine there for 2-3 months, then it appears again. tell me, should i see a doctor, who exactly? well, i think that most likely it is bursitis, a bag around our joints , a bag like an octal fluid and so on,
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it sometimes gets into anatomically weak places, gets inflamed, it hurts, it hurts. i used electronic cigarettes, which are like tobacco, but they are like steam, actually i noticed during use that my gums started to bleed, i bought specialized pastes against this, but it passed after some time, now my gums are bleeding again, i no longer
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use these electronic cigarettes, i don’t know what to do, that is, already mouthwashes once, a long basis there for months low doses of an antibiotic like a tetracycline series, there are different approaches just like that, so if you constantly have buckshot skins there is no reason to find a doctor. no longer treat teeth, not stones, but treat gums, gums are organs that hurt in this case it hurts you, it will settle, form pockets, will
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lose teeth, i started with this, then until the floor lost half a pat, they are still drawing blood, well, because i was also prescribed an antibiotic for several months, i will not drink it, rub in pastes, well , i rubbed it for 3 days, and then i got tired, well, that is , it is wrong, you can’t do it like i do. good morning, doctor, good morning, my son was very scared by a dog at 2 years old, he has it at 2 years old, 2 since 2 years old registered with a cardiologist, diagnoses changed, but treatment was not prescribed to a cardiologist cardiologist, and the dog, well, for some reason after the dog scared him, he started having symptoms like crying and yawning, here is a blue... the upper lip turned blue, before that we did not notice this, so, another thing is that you did not notice, there is a birth threshold of the heart,
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most likely, well, in short, treatment was not prescribed, they said that in the transitional period, perhaps it will be outgrown, so it was not outgrown, now he is diagnosed with neurocirculatory distance according to the bagatonic type with hypertensive reactions, how old? now 32 years old, it's just been 30 years, medicine, as if, has probably moved forward, throw out this nonsense, that's it, forget it, let him work, live, he will forget about it, what is written is nonsense from the first to the last word, there are no such diseases, no decirculatory treta with some kind of reaction and what is written is all nonsense, and what you are saying is the same, that at 2 years old... 32, what are you saying, he works, works, yes, well, let him work, he has a wife, no, then let him have another wife, let
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him have fun, look, you've got him all worked up about this, she's got dysplasia and her lip is turning blue, let him find himself a good, strong girl, thank you, you're welcome, tell me from me, the time to answer questions is over for today, good health and good luck to everyone. next on the program, how to get rid of harmful bacteria and protect your stomach from gastritis and ulcers. new tests in previous episodes. lyuba and kirill's wedding is hopelessly ruined by someone's evil joke. citizens, a bomb threat has been received, a wedding gift, gorok, soon a new housekeeper appears in their house. good morning, what? it's not so, everyone is amazed by her resemblance to the deceased dasha, kirill's first love. why are you so
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similar to her? do you want me to leave? i don't know, you are not indifferent to her. lyuba's marriage is hanging by a thread, but a new love is already knocking on her heart. we are the perfect couple. i don't know how to do it. anyway, here it is. we are watching the continuation today. on rtr. now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food remains and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swiper. the dipper swiper is impressive. with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology, you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today
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she will never know that she is not your sister. come to my office tomorrow, do you have a proposal? i will not tell mom anything, but i will have one condition, i want to marry artyom. i love liza and i can not do anything about it. what are you doing? wait, you deceived her all the time, how could you, mom, there are two girls there. and which of them is mine, fate is not subject to exchange, on saturday on rtr. service wife for an hour, called? and could you play a little on me, glory, her eyes looked with tenderness to each other, with a smile, with kindness, once, expired yogurt, iron
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logic. humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son have disappeared, i think she has disappeared too, i will not stay here, i cannot leave the podromu in trouble, we must go after them, you can shoot, russian wife. premiere. only on the website in the application we watch. good morning. hello. not so long ago it was believed that the cause of gastritis is improper nutrition, violation of the diet, consumption of harmful products. but a bacterium was discovered, a pathogenic
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bacterium called helicobter pillary. and indeed, the presence of this bacterium in the stomach was associated with the development of gastritis, and the development of gastric ulcers , and even the occurrence of stomach cancer and duodenal cancer. about how to protect yourself from gastritis and ulcers. let's talk today. and first, let's find out the story of our guest today, yana. hello, doctor, my name is yana, and i recently vacationed at the sea. this place is called, it is called paradise island, so upon arriving home i noticed some unpleasant symptoms in the stomach area, and i have this feeling, before eating my stomach starts to ache, nausea, heartburn, some kind of heaviness in the stomach, and after i eat after eating, it seems to become a little easier,
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please tell me what it could be, maybe... i need to do some tests to understand what is happening to me. yana is in our studio today, please come in. hello, hello, yana, good morning, hello. yana, how long ago did the symptoms appear? i was on vacation and upon arrival, i felt some discomfort. and this has never happened before, right? well , somehow i didn’t notice, it doesn’t exist. is it related to the intake of some specific food? well, you know, maybe a spicy diet. i didn’t really follow it, maybe, and have you ever had a gastroscopy with an analysis for the presence of helicobacter pylori? no, let’s tell you what kind of bacterium helicobacter pillary is and how it affects the stomach? today helicobacter is the most common chronic infection, and as a rule, the bacteria helicobacter pillary lives in the stomach,
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its presence in the mucous membrane of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract. gastritis is diagnosed during gastroscopy, there is a bacterium helicobacter pylari. in 75% of cases, when diagnosing gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, this bacterium is also detected. it has recently been proven that helicobacter pylari is a bacterium that can provoke the development of stomach cancer, a very formidable oncological disease, which. unfortunately, is quite for a long time does not manifest itself in any way symptomatically, does not hurt, does not disrupt eating behavior, nothing happens when pain syndrome appears, diagnosis
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is sometimes quite late, but there are symptoms in those conditions, in that inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which , in fact, is caused by this bacterium, so of course, now this is the standard of diagnosis, stomach pain is carried out. gastroscopy, and during gastroscopy , an analysis is taken for helicobacter pylori. in addition to conducting a gastroscopy, confirm or you can refute the presence of helicobacter pylori using a breath test, the so -called urease test, when the patient simply breathes into a bag after drinking a certain liquid, in fact, an analysis of exhaled air allows you to confirm or refute the presence of helicobacter, does not exclude gastroscopy, because you need ...
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intestinal tract into the esophagus, where the alkaline environment and accordingly causes such a recurring inflammation of the stomach mucosa, but also esophagitis, inflammation of the esophagus. belching with a sour taste, nausea vomiting poor appetite. well, nausea, yes, vomiting rather not, but there is such a feeling of nausea. these are signs of inflammation of the stomach, and accordingly, the throwing of acidic contents of the stomach, long-undigested food into the upper.
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contact-household, we can become infected with this bacterium through dirty hands, through insufficiently washed dishes, also if people eat from the same plate or drink from the same cup, this can be with the help of lipstick, when kissing
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and other contacts. as a result, when there is a change in nutrition in the spring or fall, or after vacations, there is helicobacter pillary, gastritis worsens, and all this manifests itself in the form of these symptoms that we have already discussed today. what to do? with this dangerous bacterium. let's take a look. unfortunately, in the fall , many chronic diseases worsen, because the weather changes to a more passport-like and sadder one. people return to work after vacation, and accordingly, the stress level increases sharply. and all this leads to anxiety, sometimes to depressive states, then to sleep disorders, and this disrupts the body's natural defenses and causes an exacerbation of all chronic diseases, primarily, unfortunately, gastrointestinal diseases . today, there are clinical guidelines, standards for the treatment of pylori. these standards include antibiotics,
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two types of antibiotics, and proton pump inhibitors, this is a basic therapy that is prescribed to patients for 2-3 weeks, and the patient is obliged to complete it. and as a rule, this therapy gives a fairly long-term effect within 6 months with proper therapy, this bacterium is not detected, additionally , bismuth preparations can be prescribed, which have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the stomach, and thus ... protect our mucous membrane from harmful and aggressive effects. however , the high prevalence of helicobacter pillary, as well as its resistance to antibiotics and many complications after taking them, leads to the need to look for new approaches to treatment. therefore, modern doctors may recommend taking special metabiotics. these are drugs that contain metabolites of special lactobacilli, which are natural opponents of helicobacter pylori. such drugs are prescribed both in monotherapy and
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in combination therapy to improve the effectiveness of treatment against helicobacter, for example, metabiotics of the strain lactobacillus dsm 17648. this lactobacillus can be prescribed both in combination with the main treatment, and for a long time after the end of this main standard. treatment, in order to reduce the likelihood of re-infection with helicobacter pillari. special metabiotics have a specific mechanism of action, their surface receptors bind to the receptors of helicobacter pylori, these complexes are more quickly eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract, improving the balance of the microflora of the stomach and digestion. studies have shown that taking such anti-helicobacter metabiotics for 28 days reduces the level of helicobacter pillary in the body, normalizes the microflora of the stomach, and the effect of taking it lasts for ...
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within 6 months after its completion, due to its effectiveness, such metabiotics are successfully used in thirty countries around the world, however, in russia there is only one such metabiotic, this metabiotic has no contraindications, however, there may be individual intolerance to the components, it is combined with antibiotics and is compatible with any diet, as well as drinks, it is allowed for adults, children from 6 years old, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. yana, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that we with... could answer all your questions. thank you very much. elena igorevna, thank you very much for being with us. unfortunately, no stable immunity develops to the helicobacter piri bacteria, so reinfection is possible. in order to avoid reinfection with helicobacter pillary, you need to follow certain preventive measures. do not use the dishes of a person who has been proven to have pillary and follow our usual hygiene recommendations. wash your hands more often. wash vegetables and
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fruits before eating them, and we wish you a good day and a great moods, be healthy, with you was a program about the most important thing, on the channel. host in the studio evgeny rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour. defeat of a defense enterprise in brovary, kiev region, in kharkov warehouses in snatovskaya with equipment and ammunition. the main targets are enemy strongholds and firing points.


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