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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  August 9, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

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not his child, will take in his arms, will be his, no, i forbid you, moscow novel, so what do we answer, pomovku, great, who will marry, you, whom, me, from monday on rtr.
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tell me what you want, well what do you want, you want your mother not to abandon you, so she will never abandon you, you are her daughter, she wants you to be happy, and now answer me, why don't you want her to be happy, so all these conversations are useless, mother will have to choose anyway, will she choose me, so that you? allow me, let me go, help, they're raping you, help, that's it, quiet, quiet, girl, you're my poor thing, i understand, i understand, you're afraid of losing your mother, well, honestly , i give you my word, i will never take her away from you , on the contrary, you and your mother will get a father, do you hear, a father who will...
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support you in everything, help you and your children, you understand, it's all just so inopportune, we already have two children, the third is on the way, no one feels sorry for me, no one at all, it's me who doesn't feel sorry for her, yes, i run after her on chains, yes, i generally spend my life on her put, put her hands. yes, you don't pity me and don't understand, only uncle kolya really sympathizes with me, well , that's good, i found an outlet, well, so let's take uncle kolya into the family, yeah, let's take him, let's take him, that's great, nina vasilievna, give me five, viktor, and what was that, let's go karevka.
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some kind of madhouse with this fight club, who already knew that everything would end in murder, but still so incomprehensible, i'm sure that everything will be resolved soon, and you will figure out the killer, with your intelligence it won't be difficult, you are too kind to me, i just i say what i think. we
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were serious, you see, we wanted to get married, we were only waiting for sasha to graduate so that our careers wouldn't be ruined, there was very little left. it hurts my soul to watch you grieve, the police think he could have committed suicide, no, sasha, no, never, he was a strong guy, he dreamed of a career, he wanted to go on to study, he had plans, he was in love, you understand, well , how did you, he drank this drug, he never took anything except vitamins, believe me, or maybe someone put it in his food, or something like that? who, sasha almost always ate in the canteen, that day, i think too, it’s inexpensive there, the food is delicious, i have a friend who works there, zinochka, i don’t know what could have happened there, i don’t even know what to think, can i have this
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zivochka’s phone number, was it you who called, i well... you have a pass system here, you can’t get through, but i’m from elena vasilyevna babushkina, poor elena vasilyevna, i’m so sorry, sashenka was her golden one, you knew that, and romance, we are kind of friends with elena vasilyevna, she told me i told you a secret, a secret, and you were working that day, you saw sasha here, she was working, it was already evening, we were closing. almost, they were sitting at the same table then, sasha and the professor, well, the husband, elena vasilievna, and what time was it? around six, and sasha didn't go anywhere, don't you remember? and he came up for compote, asked to change it, because the professor took the wrong compote by mistake, very
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interesting, but no, such things happen, and the professor was sitting at the table at that time? - i think so, and you... there's nothing strange in the professor's behavior didn't notice, and i don't seem to know anything like that, but thank you, petrov, petrov, hold him, hold him! "what, what's going on, what's going on, let me pass, and i know you, you were then in the garage in the fight club, yes , this is some kind of nonsense, you are clearly confusing me with someone else, let me pass, i am a professor, a respected person, let's go to the department,
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yes, he was in the club once, that evening when we pretended that the car was being fixed, only he called himself by a different name, and what about sanya, with this is what you just said, what did you hear, respected sir, there is no more point in pretending, we we know that it was you who killed sasha and framed three innocent people, yes,
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your imagination is wild, but do you have proof? we have a witness who saw you put some powder in sasha's drink in the canteen an hour before the fight. i don't believe you, but does this witness have a name? zina, she works in your canteen. zina? well, she always sticks her nose where she doesn't belong, on the way out, and when will i, and
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kotya, you're my good man, how did i get out of it! how could you get into such trouble? i thought they would lose the child in me. yes, if you had been imprisoned, how would i have been alone with the child, but no they put us in jail this time, they'll put us in jail next time, will we stay with the baby, there won't be a next time, we decided to disband the club, it turned out to be too dangerous, you're my beloved, my good man, let's go. "i just found out by accident that my wife was cheating on my
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student, i thought they'd get over it, but no, i heard them on the phone, they were cooking, they couldn't wait for sasha to finish college, they 'd be together, and you decided to kill the lover, but not the wife, the wife, i loved the wife, it's more logical to get rid of the rival, cold calculation, listen, i of course i understand everything". your feelings for your wife, your desire to save your marriage at any cost, but to kill a guy who is still so young, i wish i had dated young people, not my wife, the guy got what he deserved, he would have killed again if he had the chance, they had to do it like that with these drugs, with this baitsev club, i'm sure they couldn't have done it without you, but i'm only helping as a... sensitive, our investigator is vitya. tell me, don't you miss being an investigator? well, to be honest, of course
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i do. well, what can i do? well, yes, here definitely nothing. here, yes, in moscow i could return, recover. listen, this is a very good idea. tomorrow. i'm calling, you can't put off until tomorrow what can be done today, right now, here, call, hello, georgy pavlovich, this, and did you find out, to be honest, yes, i wanted to return to moscow, and you're asking, should i call back tomorrow? "thank you very much, well they remember me, tomorrow
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they'll ask what vacancies there are in the city, my god, this is wonderful, well , i don't know, this is so exciting, now i have to start all over again from scratch, if honestly, it's a bit scary, listen, stop it, i'm sure you'll succeed, you're a strong, very smart person, you 'll see, they'll even pray to you"? maybe she's right, of course she's right, i see some kind of wonderful, extraordinary, it's you, wonderful, extraordinary, marina, thank you.
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andrey evgenievich, they're taking me back to moscow as an investigator, they promised to provide me with a two-room service apartment. i'm very happy for you, valodya, although, what am i saying, it's a shame to lose such an employee, but as a human being i i'm glad. petrov, why are you silent? there are no words, andrey evgenievich, i'm losing a friend and i'm looking for a professional. and what the hell, you 've already told her that you're leaving, i don't want
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to talk about it yet, otherwise we'll start to sort things out, i'll ask you, andreyevich, don't tell her that i'm living, okay, the owner is the master, but i think she won't forgive us for this later, and that's for sure, okay? here, yes, only in the fall we'll need to put up a bathhouse, and by winter build a font, nikolay nikolaevich, i didn't want to tell you, but since that's the way it is, let's talk turned around. "i decided to sell the house, nina vasilievna, my darling, why? i need help with liza and her family, how can they all huddle in a two-room apartment, and i'll move to your city apartment, if you don't mind, of course, no, of course, i just think
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that your own home is always better, well, you need to do it somehow." save it later, my grandson will be able to come somewhere away from the bustle of the city in the summer, but am i against it, if only i could find money to expand my daughter's living conditions, i wouldn't have to sell it, i've tried everything, everything is crap, it's clear, well, what well, i'll think about this question. "hello, can i help you with anything? vladimir petrovich, i'm in trouble, my wife has disappeared, when was the last time you saw your spouse, and so, it turns out, yesterday evening,
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lately we haven't been very good, we even thought about getting a divorce, lera filed for divorce. well, maybe she didn't disappear, but just left the family? no, no, no, no, she couldn't leave, we decided to give our family another chance, my mother-in-law took the children to the village, and, but you understand, not quite yet, but so that we could be alone with lerka, yes, everything went great, we made up, and even decided to withdraw the divorce application from aks, so this morning i woke up, and she was gone, well so...
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on the cheek, probably from the nails, where is it from, and this is from the summer, in a couple in passion, but we checked the night, we made up, you understand, okay, write a statement, we will sort it out, without noticing, girls, look what i brought you, a new collection of the famous italian fashion house, first time in the city. choose, raechka, look what pants, well , what kind of style is this, how can you wear it, well, raechka, well, such a fashion, well, then get better you need a little, what do i need to get better, well, heaven, beauty demands sacrifice, i
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like these pants, i'm going to sacrifice someone now, the italian house and someone else, well, what's wrong with you, well, how am i doing better? i wanted to, no one in my own prekmarskaya called me a soup set, did i say that, are you crazy or something? oh, okay, i 'll come by another time, well, heaven, why is she making a fool out of me, i was in the vermetage, there were these italian women with babies, and under the apple tree, no one wears things like that, he and his wife were arguing, they were arguing terribly, yesterday too, i live on the floor below, i hear a crash in the apartment, as if someone fell, and the sofa crashed, but it happens, he and lera were fighting, i think, here the sofa turned over, and there is a scratch on the face, you can hardly see it, i understand, but what is clear, we didn’t fight at all, on the contrary, we made up, and
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the sofa turned over, in a fit of passion, and the cheek, i already told you, let’s go to the apartment, let’s look at everything in place, here, look, what kind of fit of passion is there, we don’t have such passions, no, oh, nikolai nikolaevich, just forgive me, victor, but i won’t shake your hand i'll give it to you, a man doesn't do that, i don't get it, i don't get it, throwing your mother-in-law out of your home, how is that? all for the sake of money for an apartment, yes, you understand that the women from this family, they won't respect you anymore, yes, it wasn't my idea at all, nena vasilievna suggested it herself.
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i'll help you, got it? wait, thank you for these 15 years spent together for the happiness of being together, on saturday, we are being treated for infertility, we are incompatible, time is passing and soon it will be too late to give birth, and i want to ask you to help me with this, maybe i already pregnant? well, miracles do happen, right, yes, well, i'm not here as a patient, i'm here as the mother of your future child. anastasia panina can't take it anymore, if you've decided to leave, leave.
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alexander makagon, you have amazingly precise fingers, what did i do to deserve this? anatoly rudenko. i miss you very much. i'm doing well, housing, a great job, a new relationship. relationships. let me introduce you to my ex-husband. don't be my wife. on saturday on rtr. hotel for unforgettable impressions rixas sharmelsheikh. only for adults 18+. here you are expected entertainment all day long. it's not just a holiday, it's a feast for the soul,
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where every detail is created to delight. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts here, where every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush.
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on sunday on prt, and what is this stain, looks like blood? yes, this is lerkina's blood, when we rolled over from the couch, she hit her nose and blood came out, it sounds plausible, but what, do you think i hit her, no i didn't. then i didn't raise my hands on her, i'm trying to figure it out so far everything doesn't look in your favor, listen, i don't care how it looks, please find her, i can't live without her, i love her, you know, hello,
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rim palovna, i need your help, write the address, sorry, i'll answer, yes, my baby, at the hairdresser's, i decided to dye my hair. yes, yes, yes, yes, you'll come, and i'm so sweet, like caramel, do you want me to go to the solarium, i'll be like a chocolate bar, girl, i'm actually working, i'll pick the wrong tone now, you'll be like a caramel cockerel on a stick, sorry, honey, i'll call you later. the paint is ready, you know, i'll probably dye it another time, so, well, don't worry, i'll pay for everything.
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"i'm sorry, please, no, you saw that you got worked up, an ordinary client, if everything is fine with her personal life, and you are not now, this is not a reason to snap at her, you 'll scare off all my clients with your mood, come on, pull yourself together, i'm not for this, i'm getting in the way of work"? i'll come to the lab, i'll be able to give a conclusion right away, yeah, well, without an examination, it's clear that it's blood, you killed my daughter, mom, what are you saying, i didn't kill her, tell me where my daughter is, tell me where my daughter is, nothing has been proven yet, calm down, calm down, i feel like it was him,
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calm down, please, vasily, you are under arrest on suspicion of involvement in the disappearance of valeria gurova, kolya, you are so modern, and i don't understand anything, neither the internet nor computers, ninochka, my dear, you are with me as you are, and you won't be bored with me, i'm so old-fashioned, listen, stop it already, and you are a very interesting woman, all your charm lies in your naturalness and femininity, nikolai nikolaevich, yes, and you are a flatterer, a sycophant, and is there such a thing,
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lord, lord, how good is it? gurov, let's be honest, you had a fight with your wife, pushed her, she fell, hit her head and died, manslaughter? i didn't kill lera, what are you saying? what is this comedy for? do you think you are the first one who tries to stage the disappearance of his wife after her murder, how can you not understand, i love?
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i forgive you the first time, but if you get caught again, there will be problems. i promise, vladimir petrovich, i won't get caught. no, i won't get caught, and i won't steal, these are different things, got it? got it, and let your father come in, we need to talk. maybe we don't need to, please, father, come in. hello, vladimir petrovich, i heard about gurov, he couldn't have harmed his wife, i know that for sure. raev, is this information supported by facts or is this your purely personal opinion? i cut their entire family's hair, including the children. gurov wouldn't hurt a fly, his hair is thin and soft and he himself is a thin and soft person, and secondly, my heart
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tells me. yeah, well if that's the case, then no doubts. vladimir petrovich, don't be silly. you 'd better think about how to check if valeria gurova really left home at night. i found a video recording from a video camera in front of the gurovs' house. we're wasting our time, gurov is probably lying. wait, how do i zoom in? it's her, so gurub isn't lying, or maybe she returned home later, it looks like she never returned, we need to find out whose car gurova got into.
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yes. hello, hello, sit down, well, can i congratulate you, moscow is calling again, the lights of the big city, yes, they're taking you back investigators, they even promised a two-room service apartment, cool, you know, i look at you and i understand that life can be changed. the main thing is to want it, it turns out that way, and i also decided, i'll go to moscow, why am i wasting away here, i'll get a job as a nurse, then i'll go to the medical academy and become a doctor, a great idea, i'm sure you'll succeed, yes,
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all that's left is to persuade lyoshka, sorry, kostyukov, i'm listening, writing it down, farid dakuchaev, the address, yeah, thank you, farid dakuchaev, and he was recently in our hospital with radiculitis, he has several points at the market selling fruit, and what happened? you just remembered me, just as curious, so, is this good or bad? i didn't come up with all this, i myself
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am a victim of circumstances, so think, instead of my own. so i'm worried, so that i can pass it on to good hands, yes, well, bye, petrov, what are you talking about now, viktor, so, follow me, and so i'm busy, i have people, people will wait, here's a new job that won't wait, get out, after all , what, we'll talk later. what kind of chelyabinsk flatulence is this? raish, what happened? and as if you don't know, andrey evgenievich,
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is it true that petrov is being fired? petrov? what are you saying? of course it's not true? okay, that's what i thought, then fire her. listen, boss, i don't know any valeria
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gurova, this woman disappeared last night, i'm a simple merchant, why do i need problems with some women, i have a family, children, and what do you say to this? valeria gurova got into your car, there is a video recording, listen, boss, the devil made me do it, yes, i was driving home from work at night, tired as a dog, i look, this woman is standing on the road, well, i thought, easy behavior, night butterfly, stopped, last name first name did not ask, where did you take valeria gurovo, so it was to the park, i thought there. here we will rest a little, and she is some kind of crazy, either drunk or on drugs, and this is screaming, yelling, waving her legs, and what did you do next, as soon as he won, he left the car,
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why do i need problems, i understand, what is the matter, gentlemen, who are you, let me introduce you, viktor sergeevich petrov, in the recent past an investigator of the local police department, and now the new head of your security service, of course, it is very nice, viktor sergeevich, what about your track record? impeccable reputation, recommendations, i think there won't be any problems with that, i personally vouch for it, do you hear me, great, well, and i think the bank won't be left at a loss after that, you understand, i hope, well, of course, we had other candidates, but we are ready to take you on for a probationary period, nothing, nothing, you can immediately feel the hand of an experienced one... yes, that's reasonable, thank you, thank you, we are waiting for you with
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your documents, forgive me, excuse me, yes, volodya, yes, kuchaeva, a very important call, i understand, i understand, an important person, an important call, we need exactly such people, since we are getting acquainted, we are waiting for you with documents. all the best, all the best, boris vasilyevich, who was that serious man? i don’t know, but i am not an easy person, with connections and influence, but you promised this position to our security guard dima, he will get by, such people ask, neither i nor the bank need problems, make coffee. here, here i dropped her off.
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tell me, is this amber from valeria gurova’s beads? yes, these are lera’s beads. are you sure? yes, these are lera’s beads. oh, you uncle!
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and they're hiring me as a head of security at the bank, wow, nikolai nikolaevich helped, wow, this, this means you'll have a good salary, we'll be able to buy a big apartment, it turns out we don't even have to sell my mother's house, and you and nikolai nikolaevich are great, and maybe they'll give you a preferential loan as a bank employee? aliza, don't run ahead of the locomotive, it's too early to talk about this, oh, how good, and finally you'll leave the police, we'll start living like people, from the police, yeah, well of course, that's out of the question, it's impossible to combine, and in such a occasion... you are entitled to a gift, what's wrong, are you
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tired? i don't feel like doing anything, i'll go get some fresh air in the kitchen. well, get some air, in the kitchen, you'll have to look for investigators like petrov in the entire area, and they'll fire him, and i decided to collect signatures in support of petrov, that's right, and i need to write a letter of thanks, a collective one, to the city administration,
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we have business for you, well, you don't need to scare the person so quickly, so what's wrong, what happened? give the mayor a letter of thanks. a list of signatures in support of investigator petrov, we are against him illegal dismissal, yeah, well i don't know, heaven, i don't know if i'll succeed.
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killed, or first raped and then killed? chief, i swear by allah, i never touched that woman, where did you put the body , bury it, dismember it, or drown it, did n't dismember it, didn't dig it, didn't drown it, i want a lawyer, i demand a lawyer, dakuchaev, you're bothering me, when you bother me, it will be even worse for you, duty officer, take me away, let's go, well, what do you think, we need to find valeria gurova, without him we won't be able to prove anything, no
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case, no case, that's what i'm talking about, i checked under the magazines. this month we did not seek medical help, then i have one more question: let's assume that valeria gurova is alive, how long can we last without insulin? oh, she was treated by us, but judging by the severity of diabetes, two or three days, well, maybe a little more, then she will fall into a coma and die pretty quickly, which means... there is no time left at all, and in your opinion, please tell me, here are the problematic issues in the city that require a quick solution, well, here is what is undeservedly deprived - by our authorities, i am a dog lover, my wife dog lover, mother-in-law is a dog lover and father-in-law is a dog lover too, that
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is, there is nowhere to walk the dog at all, excuse me, there is a more important question, but you see, no one hears us and not dogs. but how to convince her that no one is firing me, but if she does not believe the truth, i need to confirm her suspicion, stand back, i have the main road, how lucky are you, goat, i have a new car, we are watching rtr, yura tychkin, irina aleksandrovna aksakova, maybe
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you know what kind of girl she is, she confused yuri's head so much, so it means you, not you, but you, mikhalovich, come on, help me, i won't stay long. do you understand what you're asking? who's there? moskovsky roman, starting monday, on rtr, no need to make an appointment. just kidding, he'll come to your house himself, let's get started. he'll always help, we'll practice how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to raise your low blood pressure. how can an air freshener cause asthma? how should you take your medicine correctly? they'll always support you: a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, that's how i sleep as a child, but you shouldn't do that. i recommend. a doctor you can trust
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100%. and you will be happy. well, i can't guarantee happiness, but health for sure. doctor myasnikov on rtr on saturday and sunday. are they firing petrov? i 've got the whole city up in arms. and you, volodya, by the way, are his friend, comrade and you don't do anything at all. and is that all you came for? is that not enough? you are a very good person, you have one problem: you always need to save someone, even if you are not asked to do so, yes, you don't need to ask me, i have a civic position. so if you at least sometimes people were asked whether they should be saved or not, you wouldn't get into such a stupid position. you, volodya, have turned into a callous
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heartless sluggard, even a callous heartless sluggard has to work, for example, look for valeria gurova or collect urikina dokuchaev. oh, dakuchaev is not guilty, you're just wasting your time, did you understand this when they were cutting his hair, does he also have some kind of special hair? are you laughing, volodya ? and in vain will i prove to you that i'm right and you will be ashamed, haven't you seen marina? no, yes, zazhgok, but no, i have, well and in vain, someday you'll finally... get the hang of this idiot, i'm tired of pretending, oh, listen, brother, just be patient a little, i've got him
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on the hook, i wonder how you took paradise away from him, it seemed impossible to me, but it's simple, i gave her injections, injected sleeping pills, and then made an audio recording with interesting sounds, paradise just give her a reason, she herself will blow an elephant out of the dust, yes, i guess, when kostyukov was sleeping, i blindly made the key to the apartment. threw my hairpin in the vyhvan, how good that you are mine cousin, otherwise i would have started to be afraid of you myself, brother, the client is almost ready, he is leaving for moscow now, all that remains is to convince him to take me with him, then in my golden hands major kostyukov will become a colonel, and then a general, oh general's wife.
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"lera and i have been friends for a long time, but i still can't understand what happened, why she left home, it's a mystery to me. it seems to me that you are the only person who can solve this mystery, both as a psychotherapist and as a friend, do n't you have any clues, none at all considerations, i am a psychologist, not a researcher, i am already on edge from this whole situation, i can't sleep, i am taking sleeping pills, i'm sorry if i upset you, no, what are you talking about, it looks funny when someone calms me down, and not the other way around, what an interesting photo, yes, it's young! we've been fooling around since school , the three of us have been friends, i'm sorry, i have to go to work, i have a client in half an hour, oksana
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is in love with vasily gurov, i know this for sure, volodya, i am a woman myself, and i can probably tell a woman in love from one who is not in love, don't argue with me, don't ask how and what of it, vasily married lera, they have three children, the gurovs are a strong family, it's just that their relationship has deteriorated a little lately, oksana is still alone, for her , vasily and lera's divorce is a chance to find her loved one, she is more interested in the disappearance of her rival than anyone else, it's unlikely that she could kill lera, she is a friend after all, but she could make lera disappear from vasily's life, everything you say is very interesting, you can even write a novel, only i need evidence, not... thoughts, there will be evidence, call, she still does not leave you alone, i would


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