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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:51pm MSK

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after all, no, the secrets of the investigation, man, and why don't you ask, or rather, because i know that you will answer, only after the concealment, from monday on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel, news in the ren rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. the number of victims after the night shelling of the purs region has increased to 15 people, people had to leave all their things and leave their homes. in kursk , the air threat warning siren sounds regularly.
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the weather has changed abruptly, the sun has disappeared behind the clouds, rain is in the forecast, in primorye there are restoration work, a large wildfire is raging in the murmansk region. in belgrade, there are mass protests against the construction of a lithium mine. in serbia , they are sure that as long as the eu reduces its dependence on chinese raw materials, the country's ecology and the health of its citizens will be undermined. having lived in europe for 30 years, we decided to return to russia. this is such beauty. i have never seen it anywhere else. ethnic germans irina and yakov chose a new home in the samara region. the ancient city of suzdel celebrates its millennium. each building is a masterpiece. there are unique monuments and national spiritual shrines. the pearl of the golden ring is being transformed without losing its identity. today, the air defense forces thwarted
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attempts by ukrainian armed formations to strike several russian regions at once. in the skies over the kursk region, our units intercepted 14 drones, two balloons with explosives and four tactical missiles. u. the attack was the largest since the beginning of the special operation. fragments of one of the munitions fell on a multi-story building. 15 people were injured, two of them are in serious condition, another 24 drones were destroyed over the voronezh, belgorod, bryansk and oryol regions, the situation in the russian border area, in the report by alexander katsuba. ukrainian militants launched a powerful missile strike in the middle of the night, the peaceful city was already falling asleep. the enemy launched another attack on our civilian population. there are casualties.
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the kiev regime has launched its first attack on kursk since the start of the special military operation. restoration work in the house destroyed by a ukrainian shell continues. local authorities have already compiled lists of all victims in order to pay them compensation. missile danger in the city. kiev's barbaric terrorist attacks aimed at destroying civilian infrastructure, killing and intimidating civilians will not go unanswered. the organizers and perpetrators of these crimes, including their foreign curators, will be held accountable. the harsh worlds of the russian army will not be long in coming. this was announced today by the russian foreign ministry. the official representative of the foreign ministry. maria zakharova
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called on the international organization to condemn strikes by ukrainian militants on residential areas. the kiev regime continues its terrorist activity with the sole purpose of intimidating the world to... the population of russia, it understands perfectly well that these barbaric acts make no sense from a military point of view, but continues to work off the loans issued by its masters. it is obvious that these ukrainian missile attacks and drone attacks on russian regions are clearly terrorist in nature. once again, we call on international organizations to condemn terrorist attacks by ukrainian militants, although they are sure that the response will be a bashful silence from the relevant structures. the russian armed forces, fsb units, the russian national guard and the reserves that have arrived are striking at concentrations of militants in the russian border area, preventing the enemy from gaining a foothold in new positions. a tornado rocket system crew destroyed an entire column of armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. five
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armored vehicles and 20 soldiers were hit. the ministry of defense publishes footage of objective control. from operational airfields, aircraft took to the skies the crew of s-25 attack aircraft. they attacked another concentration of manpower, armored vehicles and automobiles. the attack was carried out with unguided missiles. after the salvo, the pilots released heat traps to deceive the enemy air defense. russian alligators are operating at high altitudes. k-52 helicopters are carrying out pinpoint strikes on ukrainian reserves. t-72 tank crews are destroying mobile armored groups. they fire both direct fire and from closed firing positions, which allows them to remain undetected, the troops of the russian national guard with the help of
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drones hit a t-72 tank and two armored vehicles. this is footage of the interception of the heavy hexocopter baba yaga. another target of the loitering munitions was a t-80 tank. as a result of the strike, a fire started, the vehicle burned to the ground. 69 people injured in the shelling of the kursk region are currently undergoing treatment, including eight children, 17 people are in serious condition. this was reported today by health minister mikhail murashko. eight people have already been discharged from hospitals. residents of the kursk region who were forced to leave their homes will be released from paying for housing and communal services, they will also be able to suspend payments on mortgages and loans. one-time assistance payments have begun in the region. new batches of humanitarian aid arrive in kursk every day. vehicles come from chuvashia, tatarstan, nizhny novgorod, vladimir and other regions. from perm krai, united russia activists sent 20 tons of essential items and equipment,
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including generators and refrigerators. more than 40 tons of cargo were formed in kaluga. already in kursk, party representatives are unloading, collect and pack food and things, which. then takes to temporary accommodation points, how are the works organized there, did anzhelika gurova see? here we are walking with my granddaughter sofia, my grandson maxim is also playing on the playground, remember the accommodation i have a son, a daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law's mother and my husband, now they are calmly walking, and when leaving they were afraid to look back. natalya samburova came with her family from shelled sudzhan.
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look, for example, here is a box signed school number 22b class cereals, there are food products, and water, goods essential items, personal hygiene items and much more, everything will be delivered to migrants from the border areas of the kursk region. humanitarian aid is collected almost around the clock in kursk. now bed linen, sausages, canned cereals are especially needed. moreover, funds can be transferred through official charitable foundations. anzhelika gurova, alexander azarov, yuri tvorogov,
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vesti kursk. an emergency warning has been announced in moscow due to bad weather. a downpour covered the capital an hour ago. unfavorable forecast will remain until the evening. forecasters promise a thunderstorm and strong wind. drivers are advised to refrain from traveling by private transport. the consequences of the bad weather are being eliminated. in primorye , several dozen houses and about 200 plots of land have been flooded, the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening dams, heavy equipment is restoring washed-out roads, boat crossings are operating, food is being delivered by helicopter to a village cut off from transport, flour, sugar, tea and cereals were brought to a family of old believers who live in the krasnoarmeysky district. and in the murmansk region, a large natural fire is being extinguished on
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rybachy peninsula, 2 hectares of tundra are already burning, employees of the local air base have been sent to the site. in tatarstan , the construction of a new bridge across the kama is being completed. the crossing is an important part of the m-12 high-speed highway and a bypass road that allows you to bypass nizhnekamsk naberezhnye chelny to establish logistics in the region. the work is already ahead of schedule. the bridge, almost one and a half kilometers long, has been completed. stanislav nazarov found out when traffic will be launched. builder's day here is 50 m above the surface of the kama, each of them meets at work, scaffolding in a helmet. the hydraulic cylinders are ready, let's go. after the bridge was pushed over, they started to arrange the bridge deck here. the pushing is over, now we need to lower the span structure on the support part, this is almost the only one for us. this is one of the most difficult
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sections of the construction of the continuation of the m-12 highway. the river depth reaches 19 m, some bridge supports go 50 m below the bottom of the kama. several times they changed the route, several times they placed it in the riverbed, because. the river is navigable, here you can turn to attention, there are bends in the river, so in order to maintain shipping, we closely interacted with the rusumorichi fleet on this issue and not to disturb the hydrology of the river, the high bank is floating soil, on the approaches to the bridge the builders had to completely change the landscape, remove more than 4 million cubic meters of soil. this is the largest structure on the route of the future high-speed highway kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen. the bridge across the kama, with a length of thousands. 300 m, is 85% ready. the builders are ahead of schedule.
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these days, the sliding of the bridge span has been completed. more than 700 m of the bridge is a solid metal structure, the rest of the overpass part is made of reinforced concrete beams. third-generation builder mars yultyev, like hundreds of his comrades, literally lives here the entire construction period. of course, there is pride, each bridge is unique, construction has arrived, probably, after all.
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by the end of the year, we will definitely introduce at least 100 million, we have repaired the largest number of roads. the builders of the m12 highway live not in trailers, in such hostels with all the amenities, showers, a canteen with three meals a day, their professional holiday, most of them celebrate at work, the bridge across the kama was decided to be commissioned 3 months earlier than the stated deadline. stanislav nazarov, alexey urazaikin, al khazipov, vesti tatarstan. over the past 24 hours, the israeli air force has struck thirty different targets associated with hamas throughout
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the gaza strip. this was reported by the idf press service. among the targets attacked were warehouses weapons. missile launchers, and the army also said that the commander of the central brigade of the camps of another radical organization, islamic jihad, ashraf judah, was killed in the high-profile saturday attack on a school in gaza. meanwhile , another mass action was held in tel aviv demanding the immediate release of the israeli hostages remaining in the hands of palestinian radicals. thousands of people came to the rally near the government building complex. participants once again called on the government and their personal example netanyahu to stop wasting time and conclude a truce as soon as possible and achieve the return of captive citizens. in belgrade , there were mass protests against the construction of a lithium mine. the protesters, of whom there were about 30,000, marched through the serbian capital, temporarily blocking the central
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railway station of one of the highways. the serbs are against the plans to launch the mine, the development of which. the local population, while the lithium deal was actively lobbied by the eu, especially german chancellor lowe scholz, who even came to its signing in july. berlin and the eu want to use serbia's lithium to reduce dependence on china. an educational experiment has been successfully completed on the african continent. in russian homes in zambia, tanzania, ethiopia, local students have completed an intensive course in russian language learning, which allows them to save time and money before going to study in russia, and for russian universities to select the best. the work is being carried out within the framework of the presidential decree on how the russian word sounds south of the sahara, alexander yastigneev. in the heart of africa,
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not far from mosi oatunya, which means thundering smoke in the lozi language, there lives a guy. he was born in zambia and has lived there all his life, he has never been to russia, and he only started learning russian 10 months ago, it was a fascinating and useful experience, and i am looking forward to a new chapter in my life, a unique joint project of growth. cooperation plus four powerful russian universities: the flagship leti, st. petersburg state electrotechnical university, stankin, north caucasian and ural federal universities. in three african countries have opened preparatory faculties on the basis of russian houses, in ethiopia, tanzania and zambia. our students have successfully completed a course in technical profile and have mastered not only russian, but
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also mathematics, physics and computer science. studying at the preparatory faculty without leaving their country gives students the opportunity to save an entire academic year, and not only in terms of time, but also financially, which is often a key point for students from african countries. and, of course, russian universities have taken a closer look at potential students, and they believed the russian word. in ethiopia, they started like this, in an old office, on rickety chairs, a month later they moved into a bright classroom, with new classroom furniture, books fresh from the printing house, wide-format displays. russia.
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in fact, our country did not leave africa, we just now have more strength and opportunities to promote the russian language, culture, traditional values, that very humanitarian influence that strengthens the position of our country, the micro and macrocosms of russian world. we do not have a colonial trail, like western countries, and africa appreciates this, russia , as always, came with goodwill. it is a great honor for me to express words of gratitude for choosing zambia as one of the countries participating in the preparatory faculty project, and thanks to such projects, our cooperation in the field. for 10 months, 400 hours of lectures, here is the exam. how are you? hooray. was the exam interesting? yes. simultaneously with their studies at the preparatory faculty, the students submitted documents for study at russian universities in quota of the russian government,
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passed, in the fall they are waiting for russian universities. hold on, don't cry, jokes are jokes, but the truth is sad, they will fly away very soon, but others will come, other students from african countries to study russian, our first... three groups from zambia, tanzania and ethiopia, they will come for the holidays and tell how wonderful it is to study in russia. alexander evstigneev, sergey saushkin, news: zambia, tanzania, ethiopia. an ancient russian city, a pearl of the golden ring, an open-air museum with unique monuments and national spiritual shrines. in created, began with a celebration in honor of its millennium. they decided to celebrate the important date for 3 days, concerts. historical reconstructions. suzdol turned into a large festive area. the city can rightfully be called the tourist capital of russia.
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thousands of travelers come every year to see the richest cultural heritage. leonid muravyov on why everyone should visit suzdul. this is a ritual calling the sun performed by a mordvin ensemble. and it worked, the clouds in the sky above suzdal dispersed. and the downpour, which threatened to dampen the celebration. thousandth anniversary suddenly ended, we came here in such a downpour, and we were soaked from head to toe, yes, we were already told this somehow, did you sail here or something from mordovia? folk groups from all over the country gave the start to a large-scale holiday, a festival of an ageless tradition, looked very harmoniously in the museum of wooden architecture, this is beauty, indescribable, beauty all around, each building is a masterpiece, they are so eager to come here, and we also want to come here more often. suzdol is a city the museum is the pearl of the golden ring tourist route. five monasteries, 30 churches, ancient
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shopping arcades. over a thousand years of its history , suzdal has preserved the ancient architecture and charm of the russian hinterland. every corner here is loved by filmmakers, that's for sure. my teacher, sergei palinovich gerasimov, filmed here. fragments from the film, where i also filmed with the tsar. sophia, peter's youth. andrei rublev, balzaminov's marriage, fenist-yasny sokol. over sixty films have been filmed in suzdal over the years. here are the guests of the city on the anniversary found themselves on the set. this is a big immersive show prepared by young stalinist actors. and this is already a gastrofestival thousand tastes of suzdal, pies, kolachi, pancakes - traditional dishes for every taste. but the most important treat is suzdal cucumbers, crispy and juicy, even in this lightly salted form. irian cucumbers. cucumber confectioner nikolai vidanov comes up with all the recipes himself, in general suzdal is famous for its extraordinary residents,
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cooks, artists, musicians, there are even forges-gunsmiths. some kind of romance, well it is fascinating, of course. for 40 years, alexander bychkov has been forging steel, damask and damask, using ancient technology. his best student and main assistant is his son egor. passion for the ground anvil. this is a family business, suzdol blacksmiths are known all over the world, their works were exhibited in the louvre, blades for traditional katana swords are in demand in japan, sometimes things take years to make, on average, a thing is made there in 2-3 months, it is impossible to do it faster, because again it is made without tanks in compliance with all technologies, ancient traditions in suzdal are strong, perhaps, like nowhere else, but preserving the richest heritage does not exclude...
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about this not only after the commercial, see you. be careful! holy shit, dock,
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you're alive, we're watching rtr, irina alexandrovna, how did you find me? you yourself said that you are an artist, maybe you'll take me as a student, i didn't even know that it was possible to fall in love like that, but incredible, smart, she's such a beauty , just a savior, who? irisha, irochka, mine, irina, my god, what do you know about love, every month a new girl, now i know, mommy, from whom will you marry, give birth, will love, you so child, not his child, will take in his arms, will be his, no, i forbid you, moscow novel, so, what do we answer, pomovku, great, who will marry, you, on whom, on me, from monday, on rt. rixas premium siagate.
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we go to the doctor we take up too much of his time with empty complaints, and we do not go to the doctor when it is serious to go, forewarned means forearmed, every remedy has a downside with the most essential knowledge about health, dispelling myths we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to? on each risk factor should have its own pill. where to look for help? you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the entire body. from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, two decades pass , so the whole family should be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body in a comprehensive manner. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday. on
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rtr, in a month i will not get it, i tore your legs off, aha, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what do you want, something happened, maybe we'll have lunch together, i have to go to work now, elena rosseva, you've lived in two families for the last 10 years, yes, unlike you, we have everything for real, both family and love. viktor vasiliev, you're nobody, you've become a homebody, that's not interesting in itself, maksim shchogo, i have scum written all over my face, i can just leave our house, if there are too many false notes in life, but you're the only one left, tune it up again, i wanted to apologize, you're not at all what you want to seem, i won't give you my husband, you old piano.
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on saturday on rtr, who we are, where we are going, what kind of country we are, what is valuable to us, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, nothing to retreat from, i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, everything.
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life and fate from monday to friday on rtr. this is news, we continue the broadcast. in the special operation zone, drone operators burned another american abrams tank. the first blow immobilized the sixty-ton machine, the second drone delivered the control strike. the uragan rocket systems crews hit the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers on the southern donetsk front. the launcher fires 16 shells, which cover an area of ​​40 hectares. in the kherson region, on the right bank of the dnieper, drones destroyed a command and observation post and vehicles of militants. snipers provide fire support to the attack aircraft. they eliminate key enemy targets. report by dmitry ermakov.
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surgical precision and cold calculation, the professional qualities of a sniper. they like a shadow, do not stand out constantly one step ahead. in the sights of our fighters are the living force, the enemy's paths, along which the rotation is constantly taking place. the working distance is from several hundred meters to 2 km, they hit accurately, now they have just left the hot spot, they service and inspect the gun and again enter the distance of an outstretched arm to the armed forces of ukraine. cairo has been serving on the danish front since the very beginning of the special military operation, he says, he did not even think about the call sign, it is a tribute to the memory of his grandfather, who also fought for peace less than a century ago, you can go to the same places where he i walked, i walk now and i, sometimes i think that maybe he is somewhere... protecting me, walking as if like a guardian angel, an extension of the sniper, his rifle, in the hands of a fighter from the northern region of russia, a weapon of domestic production, in addition to convenient ergonomics, the main advantage over analogues is the sight, we fill it in advance,
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we shoot the distances, we fill in the table here, it measures the range, it already sets the angle we need, everything is simple, the weight of the equipped orcia with the t-20 is about 11 kg. in addition, you need to take with you a minimum several liters of water as a means of camouflage and detection, you have to drag the deception to the positions that are only on the maps on your own, during the day it is more or less quiet, all movements, shifts happen at night, and as if we detect them thanks to this, i think, the heat glows, here they are, they are clearly visible, and visible for 2, 3 and 4 km, additionally mark for artillery. snipers are a priority target, as soon as they appear on the battlefield, the scales tip in our favor, they simply stop making shifts, it happens, like, well and they have no resistance if they saw
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where the shot was fired from, or discovered that snipers were located there, everything is aimed there, that is , everything flies there, the record range from the north is about 2 km, the targets hit are not counted.
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another military commissar's car. after 30 years in germany and switzerland, a family of ethnic germans from the volga region returned to russia. they were pushed to radically change their lives by modern european values ​​and the policy of double standards. the hergerts found a new home in the samara region and even started their own farm. homemade dairy products, vegetables from the garden are very popular with the neighbors. and the new chapter of the life of the immigrants - artem morin. a sign with the inscription wellcommon, welcome in german, a gray parrot that has overcome the journey from switzerland to russia, greet guests of the new home of the hergert family. yakov and irina, ethnic germans left russia in the mid-nineties. having lived 30 years in
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europe, they decided to return to start life anew. the first impression of the new place was left by the neighbors. we practically had nothing yet. and then they found out that we had come from europe, people started coming and asking. and at that moment they all. yellow, i
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have never seen such beauty anywhere else. the village of novaya benoradka is located almost in the middle between samara and talyatche. a picturesque, cozy and quiet place with a population of only about a thousand people, but with a rich history. novaya benaratka was founded in the first half of the 18th century, local peasants were engaged in agriculture. by the way, the land here is still one of the most fertile in the samara region. all necessary for food grows in the garden. i have never had such paprika in my life. in switzerland, paprika has never turned out well. the film dzimanji have not seen such a film, i remember, yes, everything grows there too, explodes, everything grows so quickly, here everything started to grow, i even grabbed my head, the spouses had been thinking about moving for a long time, irina's brother paved the way to russia, he was the first to move from germany with his family, one of the reasons was the desire to raise children in traditional values, in europe there were problems with this, parents complain that in kindergartens this is starting there, this is somehow forcing children to do something or this or that. shows that you are a show for them, you are this or that, a year ago yakov
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worked as a driver in a large european company, the hergert family spent their vacation with relatives in russia, the management did not approve of such a resort, when they returned home, i worked for 2 days, i was fired from work, as if there was a reason that i went to russia, and that is because of this, well, as if a rumor spread, yes, well, that's why i did not do anything else to look for, and we said, everything is green light for us, yakov and irina have three grown-up children, everyone supported the parents' decision. to return to russia, son mike came on his vacation to help his father with the housework, he does not speak russian yet, enjoys the open space and is interested in soviet zhiguli. everything is completely different here than in germany, because there is a vast space, you drive on the roads, look into the distance and see only fields, not villages, the car culture is also interesting, such old models, this is what i like about russia, too.
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in one of the secondary schools, where construction work in an additional building is being completed, the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin visited. the building is designed for almost 900 places with a request for its construction to the speaker more than once by parents of students. after the opening of the new. to do this as quickly as possible, but efficiently, because parents are waiting for the school to switch to single-shift education, students are waiting, until 2025 in small towns of siberia ...
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participants of the complex arctic expedition , researchers of the russian geographical name defense society visited the novaya zemlya archipelago and returned with geographical discoveries and unique historical finds. one of them is a fragment of the ship on which the explorer vilem barin made his polar voyages. details in oleg posobin's report. this is how the yauza moors in the murmansk port. on board , the expedition members do not hide their joy. they have not seen the mainland for almost 17 days, they missed the land. the fact that
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the dry cargo transport iyauza brought scientific sensations can be guessed even before the installation ladder. one of the expedition members triumphantly holds a wooden artifact over his head, as if it were a championship belt, after climbing onto the deck it becomes clear that the scientists are holding an ancient, very important find, it was taken out of the water off the coast of novaya zemlya. with a high degree of probability, this fragment, part. "vilim barins tried to overcome the northern sea route to reach india, he was able to discover the islands of bear island and spitsbergen in the arctic ocean, but in the end , glanz's ship got stuck in the ice, the team had to make the northernmost wintering in history in ice harbor of the island of severny novaya zemlya, and now traces of a foreign
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expedition have been found there. it became clear to us where this place is, where the ship lies. historical searches are only a small part of the complex expedition of the northern". tectonic rupture on the northern islands were looking for traces of ancient earthquakes, they found signs that in the near future underground strata with an amplitude of 5 points and higher may occur on the new land. the fault is very large, it goes along the western part of severny island on novaya zemlya, there it is more than a hundred
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kilometers, it can be assumed that it is seismically active now. novaya zemlya is located between baritsev and... this land will be able to receive the status of an island only after confirmation by hydrographers, and the final conclusions of the expedition will not be made soon after studying the comparison of all the samples. oleg posobin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, vesti mormanskaya oblast. from a doctor to a tv presenter, from an official to a media manager.
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today, alexander zharov, ceo of gazprom media holding, is accepting congratulations on his sixtieth birthday. a former resuscitator, he contributed significant contribution to the development. of russian television as deputy minister of mass communications was responsible for the transition to digital broadcasting, after already at the head of roskomnadzor, zharov introduced the concept of copyright on the internet, strengthened the fight against piracy and prohibited content. he was awarded the order of honor of alexander nevsky for services to the fatherland of the fourth degree. monuments to soviet soldiers, who are thoughtlessly destroyed in poland and other european countries, are finding a second life in belarus. dozens of obelisk monuments were brought to brest, where they formed the basis of a museum called the alley of memory, despite the difficult geopolitical situation, the collection of this unique museum continues to grow to this day. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. here they are called our boys. shoulder to shoulder , they liberated the city of litsburg in armensk,
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not far from kaliningrad. troops of the third belarusian front, under the command of general chernyakhovsky. the administration decided. they were demolished, blown up by tractors, of course, they were in a terrible state, for the daughter partisan natalia ilnitskaya, polish war with monuments, personal battle to preserve history, most of these sculptures are the memory of the people , residents of the polish gmina collected 2 million zlotys for the monument to the soldier calling for an attack, the sculptor refused the fee.
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ordinary people were generally against the demolition of monuments, but there was such a resolution. the polish law on decommunization is a death sentence for almost 600 monuments to soviet soldiers, it took a year to agree with the ministries of culture and the polish institute of national remembrance, or rather without memory, take it, it's yours - natalia heard, although, for example, here is a monument to general sverchevsky, a purebred pole, killed by bandera supporters, but unlike people , the polish authorities are ungrateful. the monuments can be used to trace the chronology of the liberation of poland, for which 600,000 soviet soldiers gave their lives. one of the most famous monuments to the soldier-liberator in berlin's treptower park had eight copies, one of which was installed in the polish city of mielec. the soviet soldier, also standing on the ruins of the swastika, holds the sword of the saved. girl, initially the city authorities said that they allegedly wanted to transfer the monument to the historical museum, but one night it simply disappeared with the pedestal. natalia and her
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team found them in warehouses in basements, ordered trucks themselves, processed the documents, went through customs, restored for the monument by a soviet pilot from the polish celestite, the plane was shot down on the first day of the war, looked for the same granite, it happened that they did not have time, sometimes they drove by and there was nothing left to take, now it is impossible to take it out, why? well, they do not let it through the border, firstly, they won't let me in there anymore, so what we managed to do, we managed to do, it's unclear how many monuments have survived in poland, it's known for sure that activists have managed to hide four more monuments there, similar requests have been sent to all of their neighbors , the balts, and even to ukraine, while they're crushing you, everything is in a fit of amnesia , more than 700 people have already visited the brest alley of memory, history on the belarusian side. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandro. front news republic of belarus. about the main events of the last seven days in big news with yevgeny popov, watch today at 20:00.
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why is zelensky climbing into our border area? the kiev regime has undertaken another large-scale provocation. when will we clear the kursk region of militants? which countries provided weapons for the invasion? this fits into the us policy regarding where they can use our weapons, our systems, our capabilities. who saved the legendary war correspondent, yevgeny sat here, held up well, even tried to sing songs. who aimed and what did they attack yevgeny poddubny with? at the bottom of the mariana trench, new systems on
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we managed to leave bandarevka, the pressure is like at the front, the flamethrower system tos-2 or tosochka, as it was nicknamed in the armed forces, causes irreparable damage to the enemy, 18 thermoboric ammunition, we have a lot of such machines, we will come to you, give you warmth, if suddenly it freezes, what does the flamethrower with the call sign tamada dream of? this will be the last connection of russian gas with european lands. the americans are fleecing the emaciated europe like a linden tree. this is a rather serious gas famine, the delay of gas supplies, suppliers of the american gas will be in the black, in the black again. is gas still flowing from russia to the west? how did thomas bach bury the olympic movement? if someone presents us with a complete system from a scientific point of view, how to identify a man, and as a woman, we will be the first to introduce it. swimming in the sewage of the seine, and
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medals for transgender people and those who beat women. the olympic games in paris will go down in history, because male violence against women has become a sport. traffic rules, strong-willed decisions in st. petersburg, priority must be given to pedestrians, electric scooters are by and large older than the number for scooters in moscow, i didn't even imagine that he could shoot, so convenient or dangerous, why the whole world can't decide, big sunday news at 20:00 don't miss. news follows the developments , stay with us.


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