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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  August 13, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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it's heaven and earth, of course, what it is now and what we saw then. that is, as i understand it, with injuries like rustam's, few survive, let's be honest, very few, very few. unfortunately, the large number of surgeries, the huge amount of trauma that rustam suffered, they did not allow us to save his legs, it was difficult.
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rustam's sleep was also noted and well , at night i was on duty, in general, to combat this condition, i took a chair and sat down with rustam and sang him a song that i sing to all my children, my children also grew up listening to this lullaby, tanks roared on the field, a military lullaby, but do you still encounter human pain?
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in other situations, now i will introduce you to a paralympic champion, his name is ilya lenichuk, who also certainly knows you, rustam, but just when ilya was 10, he lost his legs because of his dangerous hobby. ilya lenichuk came to us from krasnodar. hello, this is what you can tell all teenagers today, because the statistics are really terrifying, there was even a meeting in the state duma dedicated to this topic, in fact, i can only say one thing, so that they come to their senses, because a minute of adrenaline is not worth everything that awaits them.
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this is the place that divided my life into before and after. my friend and i walked from school along this path next to the railway. many in our city were for cefers. a freight train was moving, i wanted to get home, to show how cool i am, that i can do it. this belt could easily be caught up with on foot. i ran up to the steps, caught on.
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the steps jumped up by inertia i went down, my legs are being pulled under the train, all i remember is a moment of wild burning pain, and how... this time i was being dragged behind the train, i was screaming, i was in pain, i was crying, all i remember is that i turned over, i crawled, i just crawled somewhere, a man from the neighboring house came running to my screams, in fragments i remember the ambulance, how the nurse puts an iv into me on the gurney, when they were already taking me to the hospital, i remember how cold the scissors were that were cutting my jeans, they cut off my legs, and everything was cut off there. muscles, bones, arteries, veins, absolutely everything, so there was a lot of blood loss, in fact, it's a miracle that i stayed alive, my support was the class, who wrote me pieces of paper with wishes for a speedy recovery,
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i understand that it was their support that i needed at that time, this mistake, which will always live with me. i know that your recovery was also very long, painful, yes, in fact, my recovery was very difficult, many operations that were, one of which was a skin graft, they took part of me skin from the thigh and transplanted to the leg, this is to restore at least some skin to do, let's listen, what a blow it was for... your mother, this is my childhood home, i lived here before the injury , recovered from the injury, let's go i 'll introduce you to my mother i'll show you my house, hello, mom, hello, dear, welcome, this is
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my mother, elena nikolaevna, this is the person who helped me overcome everything, essentially put me back on my feet, it was the most terrible. day of my life, of course, when i came to him, he was already awake, but he didn't know, that there are no legs, and then he asked me with such hope, mom, but what about my legs, and i had to say that they are not there, and that i will not love him less, and we will cope with everything, it hurts me that because of my prank. in fact, i crossed out my mother's whole life, at first i began to live in intensive care, they came to his ward to do dressings, our entire trauma department ran around the rooms, he screamed so much that i was even on the street, he screamed at me: mom, take my pain away, i hugged him and said that i
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was taking it away, it was anger at myself, why didn't i i can think of a way to take away his pain, i had to do it, the worst thing was... for me personally, every morning i had to wake up to understand that he had no legs, and i had to continue living and make him live, after losing my legs, everyday things became more difficult, a simple thing, like washing, but you still have to get to the sink somehow, i moved mostly on all fours. i know that it was hard for my mother to watch me crawl on all fours, to the table, to the sink, all the pain that was with me, she was going through it with me, thank you, mom, i love you.
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dash, you're also ringing all the bells now that a huge number of teenagers are subject to this, yes, yes, andryusha, i am the chairman of the public council under the investigative committee of russia, we have huge statistics on children, it is incredible, just recently a 13-year-old girl died, she rode on the roof of a train car.
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people don't ride like that, a person who shoots trash content, collects these videos, collecting subscribers from teenagers, receiving advertising , receiving money for this. and at the same time, he does not bear no responsibility, being a real
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killer, a child, this girl who died from an electric shock, she was killed because she watched this trash content and decided to repeat all this, so that the class would love her, respect and praise her, and the person on this trash content earned a huge number of these hearts of all that, i'm not touching on now... the appearance of the people who watch this and put hearts there, these are mainly teenagers, but the person who shows this, he is a killer, he is a criminal, he calls for terrible things, but no responsibility and i really want a law on this trash content to be passed eventually, and for it to be all the same how old the person is who posts it.
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this is generally and well, our peer was driving there, he was driving to this disco, and well , somehow he got into trouble and ended up having his leg cut off by this tram, but that's how it is, then , to be honest, no one had any likes, to put it in modern language, but it was some kind of absolutely wild, absurd tragedy there and and to be honest, it's not an example... for imitation of course did not serve for anyone and could not serve, here is your
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program today, in fact it is of course very difficult, and so many tragedies, i frankly speaking, well, the first, i don’t know what, frankly speaking, age category watches, do teenagers watch, eh, well, in general, probably for their edification, first of all, these stories are heard, and there was already said a crying mother and...
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if this is possible, in fact, this is a difficult question, considering, among other things, that this is usually, unfortunately, done minors and, well, this is a separate topic for conversation, not the subject, probably, of today's program, we are of course ready for dialogue, for professional conversations on this topic, but it seems to me that, well, probably , this is a big deal that you, andrey, are doing , thank you for this, this is propaganda and demonstration to children. well, what to do, what to do, our business is to talk, but i, by the way, agree that young people are very much affected
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by this desire, you know, to receive some kind of confirmation and love, yes, because there is behind the scenes stands the mother of another teenager, who unfortunately is no longer alive, daniil, his last message on social networks, which he posted, he wrote my favorite time... spending time is a ride on the subway, because at home no one loves you, in other places you are simply not needed by anyone. let's do a short commercial now, right after it the stories of this guy daniil vinogradov and... his mother larisa moroz, and also what igor zadorozhny, a hero of russia, father of six children, will say to all parents, after the commercial, once again, hello, today we are talking about a dangerous hobby
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of teenagers, law enforcement agencies are sounding the alarm for the chain, with the onset of summer holidays, the number of children. killed by riding on train cars and electric trains is only increasing. the investigative committee gives a comment. the western interregional investigative department for transport of the investigative committee of the russian federation is constantly conducting preventive measures aimed at preventing injuries to citizens at transport infrastructure facilities. in total at the current moment of the year in three transport regions - this is the north-west, moscow and the south, 513 people have been injured on the railway, 320 have been fatal
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. and his presence in the metro, these exits into the inter-car space, and as i understand it, you even found his key at the depot, yes, after his death? yes, that night when dania did not come home, it turned out that his backpack had arrived at the final station, komendantsky prospekt, in his backpack, in addition to his phone and documents, there was this triangular key, which... opens the inter-car door, let's look at daniil's last video and what happened to him after he turned off the camera, nothing has been touched in this room since the day of his death, he served in
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the railway troops, he dreamed of being a train driver, this is danechka's... this is danka's little corner, here i collected the most important things for him, i found a receipt in danya's wallet, it said happiness magnet, i wonder what kind of happiness danka has, i found that for danka happiness is being together, here he is together, and we are suffering, it so happened that he went
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walk in the evening, i waited for him all night, laid breakfast, but he never came, i started. i went to the police, a police officer gave me a lift in his car, we saw that there were a lot of ambulances here, it turns out that dania went out into the space between the electric trains and filmed a video, his camera apparently fell, and he jerked after it, flew between the cars, received a craniocerebral injury, covered the contact rail with sand, dania went to the shushary station, the previous one, but... he didn't get there from here, dania was found by the electric train driver in the tunnel, he was lying face down in a pool of blood, i didn't recognize danka, i didn't want to recognize him, i don't know, and what can you recommend to parents, you know,
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andrey, it's very difficult to talk when we have divided the program into two parts, yes, the first is when people... painfully become disabled, we have to be motivators, we have to realize that this was given to us from above in order to go further, to show by our example, to give strength to other people, and another question, people who themselves, yes, did it and it turned out that way, here, but i want to say one thing, it is very important here that there really are many more programs like this, that there are many more people like us shown, and what ilya did, got on his feet, became a champion, and what he is now saying about not doing this, really, look at your mother, look at your relatives, what are you doing, adrenaline can be obtained in different ways, jump with a parachute. we do this, yes, dive, go diving, ride on boards, whatever. rustam with his family, who said very an important thing, rustam, we all experienced this,
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andrey, before you understand that you are dying, what were we thinking about, about the fact that i did not finish something, about the fact that i did not say kind words to someone, did not love someone, did not forgive someone, this is what we think about when we we understand that we are leaving, therefore we need to live through life, to live life in such a way as not to regret. when we suddenly understand that we are leaving, so as not to regret that you somewhere did not say to someone, did not finish kind words and did not love someone. and rustam a huge example for us, and seryozha, and igor - these are the people who survived, stood firm and by their example show how to live on. and as for, i am also a mother of a son, i also had a son 12-13 years old, yes, he was also, well , he went through some difficult moments. of course, as a mother, i was also worried and afraid, the only thing i can say is only love, only love, at this age of 12, 13, 14 years old, you need to surround only
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with love, and here, probably, it is already the work of the lord, if the lord, if the universe, i don’t know who in that she believes, if she decided so, well, let's turn the situation around then, if god decided so, did this with ilya, yes, ilya is now motivating, ilya is now saying something, yes, the example of your... unfortunately, yours, yes, other people probably need it, let's think about it this way, that god gave this opportunity, to people, yes, so that they would share this example and lead other kids away from this trouble, or before it's too late, parents should, i don't know, take, open the video themselves, show, that's how it happens, i would like to parents should also be told that adolescence... yes, it always seems that love is needed or love was lacking, but adolescence is precisely the theme that defines it as the biggest conflict, in general, during life, this is the most difficult
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period, the closest to death, because it is precisely in this period that the need to find this line between life and death, between danger and safety, between strength and powerlessness arises most of all, the second important point, it is precisely in this period that the question arises, what place in the social hierarchy i... very often the hierarchy that is proposed is rejected, i will create my own and will be that very character, here i completely agree with what daria said, that as soon as a socially attractive character is proposed who takes risks, for those children who find it difficult to gain recognition from their peers, these are the children who start going there, not those who, you see, what's the matter, mom loved, mom cared for, the question is that it was not the kind of love that would... this child needs at that time, it is important to him at that moment recognition of society, i would like to say, forgive for a long time, father, here the father comes to the fore, and the father is not a specific
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father in this family, yes, there may be a father, he may not be there, these are the older men who will create certain spaces where these guys, who have a lot of strength, a lot of impulsiveness, a lot of desire, where they can feel their... strength, but through socially approved behavior, what the respected resuscitator told us: risk is normal, but in this life there are situations when it is justified, and you learn to take risks correctly, on the other hand, they should have an alternative where they will take risks, but this risk will be controlled in some positive direction, that's how it seems to me, well, this is when, as a hero of russia, a father of many children, that's what you say, i would like to say first of all, to parents, dear parents, control is needed, control is absolutely necessary, because the age is very difficult, i think, up to 13 years old, up to 14 years old children should be engaged
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sports, this is during normal school hours, and in order for them to have or have this adrenaline that is controlled, this is sports - these are competitions where children splash out these emotions, get charged and thus they... rise to a certain level, by a head, someone by two after the competition, that is, they win, they assert themselves, they show their classmates that he is a strong person, that he strives, that he works on himself and he wins, that's cool, here we have an example sitting rustam, we have another example sitting, i also try, ilya, i also try to do sports whenever possible, as much as possible for me, it motivates, motivates my children, who look at me, what dad is doing. what they
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are doing and how they are doing and to do something together, it seems to me, is very important. i think that rustam's story will motivate today will help to believe in yourself, many. well, take care of yourself and your loved ones. that's all for today, goodbye. rtr planet is more than just television. let's fly! and where can he hide? only here, on khitrovka. believe in our love. how did i get here, huh? did you just give birth to it? who are you? these are uncle vasya's troops, then bakht, trakht, bam, doom, it's bad to know. bender,
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what was that on the strip, i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, reciprocate our feelings, i don't want to choose who i should love and who i shouldn't, i won't, i don't want to, i shouldn't, i'll be the one to operate, unfortunately, there is no visible motive for the murder or connection between the murders, but it is there, and we will find it, for now this should be a secret, don't part. he poured a basin of hot water on i'm glad to see myself, and can i come and look into your eyes, are you ready? yes, at any time of day, your accordion sparkled like a guiding star, at any time of year, turn on the music, blog, and you 're alone in this robin, can you imagine, i 'll try to be calm, timur, everything for you, only on the rtr planeta channel. poster on
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the culture tv channel. theater, music, fine arts august 13. the teatraganka is playing a play by yuri muravitsky, let artyuf, a comedy based on the play by jean-baptiste malier. roman vektyuk's play mandelstam is on this evening in theatre melnikov stage. starring igor nevedrov and ekaterina karpushina. in the museum of vasilyavichanin and moscow artists of his time. the exhibition "memory of happiness" continues, the theme of which was family and children's portraits in russian art. the exhibition includes more than 120 large-format canvases, chamber watercolor portraits and miniatures by tropinin, sokolov, bryullov, gampelin and other masters of the late 16th and first half of the 19th centuries. solzhenitsyn house of russian abroad presents the exhibition art elevates the soul for the 165th anniversary of his birth
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maria bashkertseva, artist. literary figures of the second half of the 19th century, whose works were exhibited at the paris salons, the paris world exhibition, in the louvre in the ars museum, the exhibition includes unique works from private collections in moscow and st. petersburg. the serpukhov historical and art museum presents the exhibition konenkov, prophet and brilliant sculptor for the 150th anniversary of the birth of sergei konenkov. the exhibition includes 28 sculptural works, as well as unique graphic works from a private collection, never exhibited to the general public. theater the workshop shows grigory kozlov's play based on mikhail afanasyevich bulgakov's novel, the master and margarita. their stage version of alexei kazantsev's play the old house is being performed at the nikolai akimov comedy theater, the play was directed by tatyana kazakova. the green royal fiest festival opens in yekaterinburg, in weiner garden, with a solo concert by ivan bessonov, featuring music by mozart, rimsky-korsykov, and rachmaninov. the st. petersburg youth
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theater... princess olga's theater festival continues on fontanka in vladimir semyon spevak's play based on alexey arbuzov's play cruel games. the chelyabinsk chamber theatre is staging a musical performance based on federico garcia lorca's play, bloody wedding. director and choreographer larisa aleksandrova. composer marina sobyanina. the national moravian-sielecki theatre is broadcasting the opera "bedorzheha smetana's kiss" in the premiere production by jiri nekvasel until the end of the year. the salzburg festival continues showing the revived mozart opera titto's mercy directed by robert carson. the main parts are performed by ciciglia bartoli and ildebranda darkangelo. the exhibition "women artists" between frankfurt and paris is open in the städel museum until the end of october. the theme of the exhibition was the creative interactions and unions of women artists who helped each other in organizing exhibitions and creative development.
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among the eighty. the formation of new artistic trends.
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the capital of ingushetia, magas, one of the youngest cities in russia, its construction is still ongoing, the name dates back to ancient times and is deciphered as "land of the sun". you can find out about this, looking at the city from above. the paths of the central park form an ancient ornament depicting three faces of the sun: at sunrise, at the zenith, at sunset. in the traditional culture of the ingush , the entire surrounding world is filled with signs, images, and symbols. each element has its own meaning, is a word, a phrase, a message. coming from distant ancestors.
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the truth-teller is a symbol of ingushetia today, the truth-teller who came from ancient times, and today continues to arouse more and more interest in himself and...
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in mountainous ingushetia, the first professional artist, very famous from ingush, hadjibek akhriev. the album made a stunning impression on me, very ancient compositions, very ancient, married forms that we did not see in subsequent albums or in the publications of the seventies and eighties. girihan. a person who can be called a local historian, literally such a discovery was made, it was some kind of breakthrough, which inspired the production of carpets, first of all akhil gavarashad, akhil gavarashad is his sister, she was a master of tailoring
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dresses, all of this is hand-made, a huge amount of work, whoever hasn't gone will not understand how difficult it is.
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in this life i worked with sheep wool, but i was especially interested in those patterns, ornaments that my grandmother embroidered herself, constantly what is in front of you, it still leaves images in your mind that are characteristic, but of course, later you begin to try to understand them, to read into them. i am an ethnographer by profession, a doctor of historical sciences,
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i study traditional culture, my passion for scientific research led me to the fact that i need to try all this with my own hands, and it captivated me so much that now i can’t imagine scientific work without simultaneously working on creating the carpets themselves.
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i love wild landscapes, different nature, waterfalls, forests, deciduous forests, ridges. waterfalls, rivers only with large stones, such a cliff, high-rise buildings, mountains, i love to be there, for example, i’m somewhere near a waterfall or sitting in front of a cliff, i notice this place, the plot, i like this point, this point or in the morning or to poor time or in the afternoon or before sunset or or sunrise, i notice this place, what time it will be beautiful, if this moment catches you. once i sat there for half an hour looked exactly
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the same at it you need to look neither here nor there no one else details you can not notice only the whole mind at it you need to aim at it so that in front of your eyes on the brain they drew it as a memory i will draw it then i come home then i lie down i have to have a light on in the room a light bulb with this light bulb with my eyes i draw with this head of mine. that's why then i 'm running everything on idle and then in the walls of the picture i don't see completely i see fragments i draw each fragment i'll look at each one exactly close it's immediately noticeable it doesn't work because i'm looking close i only see this point for example but i control this point then the second stage then the third stage i do this i haven't seen anything since birth of course i see this i see close hand as always 5-6%. i have vision in the right eye, and the left eye is only white,
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i see black shades, i don't see anything else, my father was also disabled by inheritance, we have cataracts on my father's side, my mother also barely walked on her feet, she was also disabled, they worked there, they went with ural, this is the team that did not take them home to work, which car with ural, it is ural that got used to, they say, for this his legs he worked poorly, all the time he sat at the market, he all day, he jackie, chewing gum. there at that time a small candy shop was selling there, at that time our school was very far away, somewhere about 5 km from home, and there the road was in bad condition, there was no electricity, and we lived poor at that time, that's why i somehow didn't get into school, i was unlucky for something, i never went to school, when i was a little boy somewhere around 10 or 11 years old. somewhere around that time i started
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to earn money for myself, i didn't ask my father or mother for any money, i worked with my own hands, i helped my mother always giving money to earn, it didn't matter to me, i poured foundations, worked as a sunflower, dug a hole, dug a garden, did a lot of things, when i started to study art with my hands, with black white pencil and drew everywhere empty space somewhere paper, cardboard. anything that got into my hand, the ink was always smeared, here i look closely, draw, my nose was always smeared in the village, when i lived, i got married there, my wife with ...
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allah, allah knows better, why he gave it, a person will never know about this, yourself, you will never guess life, allah did not give me sight, but allah instead of sight something beyond the other side, something beyond gave, well at least gave talent, so that i could somehow live in this life, even though i have no sight, soul, heart open, i look with my soul, heart in my own way, i notice nature every child...
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this is just my fantasy drawing, this is the image of ingushetia, oh, thank you all, this is this picture, there is an ayah written there: i read in arabic, translated it means after
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every hardship comes relief, this is subhanallah translated means allah is pure. this is la ilaha illah muhammad rasullah, there is no god but allah and muhammad, his prophet and messenger, since childhood i loved to draw, for example, i could redraw different people, animals from a photograph, i especially loved draw a tiger, i was the best at it, in the eleventh grade i could draw perfectly there, a classmate sat down for 40 minutes an hour. i was able to draw her and give her the portrait without any problems, they told me at home that it was impossible, that you can't draw something alive like that, the almighty created man, instilled him in the soul, if you draw, create some human images and on the day of judgment he says to you, he will ask if i was the creator, if you are
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the creator, instilled a soul in him, and you will have to - i don't know, wriggle out of... i thought there, if it is forbidden, why am i doing all this, i collected all these drawings, it was really a pity, it took so much time, so much work, it turned out the way it should have been burned, i burned everything, i started writing arabic calligraphy, i wrote verses from the koran, i wrote the name of the almighty, i wrote the name of the prophet, and i sit, i watch the video, i came across one of - i don’t know from india, maybe he’s from or from egypt, some master there made paintings from thread, also with goblins, he was engaged in it , he made living flowers and after 2 years i was making the verse, i wrote, the thought came to my mind, i’m from
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improvised sez went into the garden, took some kind of board, incomprehensible, the simplest. i had nails with rust lying there already in the rain they were lying took these nails just put my calligraphy which the ayat put began to beat mom brush took from her threads just made put a picture guests came to us looked as if for me it turned out to be nonsense there made there from nails, i don’t know, from the simplest board, and to them it seemed like a masterpiece, where, where, that they began to be interested, from this i already had an interest there at perfection. that’s how it was for me it seemed like threads, they are ineffective, they have no shine, and i thought, if i take
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wire, i ordered a lot of wires, and the first picture i made, i told my father, here is a picture, go visit, give this picture, this moment, which they were surprised, with joy, as if you gave a car, i did not... hung this guest room, which guests came, an ayah is a substitution, a verse, reading an ayah from the koran for a muslim comes a reward, and a lamentation, he cleanses his sins, when i am sad... i will take the accordion and sing, through music i conveyed everything, through music i have my pain, my joy, my
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shortcomings, i have everything through music, our father was a good man, he never said, you can't offend a single person, allah created everything , you have to love everyone, my father was a believer... he had a mule, he allowed dancing, playing the accordion, singing, that's why the youth loved him very much, when they wanted to marry a girl, so the young people gather there, the old people all approached him, the youth, if they approached someone else, they didn't allow it, but he allowed it, they told him, why do you allow the accordion? to play, and he said, where is that it is written that you can't play the accordion, if
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the girl is beautiful, the accordion is new, you can play, you can sing, these are the words of pain, to tell the truth, i liked music, i loved music since childhood. if there is a car, there is music playing, if i walk next to it, here i pass next to the car , i remembered this music, i went home, sat down and wrote songs to this music, i composed myself, there are words, i composed songs about people who lived near us, i had a relative, she loved another ...
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fly faster, i went there when they they sit and play, i looked at their fingers like this, i hid mine like this , i did it like this, that's how i learned, she had a very beautiful accordion, kazan was called an accordion, i found this accordion very interesting, she glued a mirror in front here, when she played, she looked at this mirror. i liked it, i thought, and i, too , when i grow up, will look like this, play and sing, my father went armed with a kidze, bought
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me this twelfth-key accordion, i remember how i met him, i even cried when i saw the new accordion, i grabbed it this is an accordion, and let's play, and mother says to father: what is this necessary, now she generally had to do household chores, i finished 10th grade, my oldest sister lived in moscow, we went there to visit, and i stayed there, my sister's husband, he was invited to a wedding, my sister did not want to go there, i went with him, i don't know anyone there, i look at a large hall, people are walking back and forth, standing, talking, and i look there at a penina standing far, far away in the corner, i
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went there, stood, looked, picked up, keys, touched, then... he asked me there, can i i'll play, they told me, can i, maybe, of course, can i, i sat there, played, this song, distant fires are burning, distant fires are burning, all attention is on me, looks, a general, comes up, he said, she needs to give it to a music school, and so it remained, i passed the exams, studied for a year and a half, everyone loved me, i didn't finish music school, the people came to the wedding, they also came, they didn't let me go back, the uncles didn't let me, they were afraid that our girls would leave home completely, then i grew up, got married, and the guy is a sweet girl, no way... more than once says goodbye, in
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there were famous eminent craftswomen among them, they created compositions, they could draw it on thin leather, well then they saved these patterns, they were passed on to those living nearby, and they did not change anything, there are a lot of ornaments here , of course, it is very interesting.
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figuratively about the fact that here are herds, sheep, everything is fine, the altiev carpet, and it is signed mastariba, that is, around the village, the enemy is a danger, be vigilant, that is how you should understand the carpet, and just those images that are given here, and the image of the repenny, which was known among the people, it is already as if warning, here are my relatives, it is dangerous here, this carpet could have been simply... handed over, and those who received it, they know these symbols, they could understand this, there are various legends that talk about the same carpets, how they were created, and it is even said that the girl was kidnapped, knowing that she was a needlewoman, she, while in captivity, was engaged in needlework, she created carpets,
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she embroidered and embroidered on... one of the carpets - symbols of the place where she is in captivity, and the carpets that she embroidered, sold at the market, and one day the brothers saw, recognized the handwriting of their sister, by the plots, by the composition that she created they were able to figure out where the sister is, the carpet of the tree of life, the tree of life, what she is talking about, here we, the ingush, for example, are obliged to know the seven names of their ancestors, to know even deeper - this is very - worthy of respect, and you need to live today like this, and this is the central part, so that descendants in seven generations and 14 could be proud of you, that is, we are all interconnected, and you are responsible not only for yourself, but for your ancestors descendants. here my colleague once said, now i understand your character, ingush, when i look
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at these carpets, i want to say the same thing, this is the character, such... it seemed to me that these patterns and my melodies, they are connected to each other, when you play old songs, look at this, even the soul develops, the soul opens.
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do not forgive the main thing, you are watching the news on the rossiya channel, hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio, a machine gun, a burst, the ministry of defense. will publish footage of the assault on the positions of militants in the border area of ​​the kursk region. hosted live broadcast during a crime in turkey, a man with a knife and an axe attacked people in a mosque, five people were injured. more than 80 thousand
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residents were evacuated in southwestern china due to a powerful linden. the russian defense ministry publishes footage of the assault on the position of the ukrainian armed forces militants in the border area of ​​kursk. in the region, thanks to reconnaissance using drones, an assault group of a motorized rifle unit of the north group of troops discovered nationalists who were in a forest belt. the command decided to storm the position. as a result, four militants were destroyed in the ukrainian armed forces , the starling station was captured. activists of united russia and the young guard are forming and delivering humanitarian aid to residents of the kursk and belgorod regions. a volunteer detachment is working in kursk. united russia, the volunteer company, have begun work in the border
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areas. at the moment, activists are providing targeted assistance to residents of relsk. they will bring food and necessary medicines to citizens. activists will also help people leave dangerous settlements. we have begun to provide targeted assistance to those in need. and the guys from the volunteer company and the young guard will travel to border areas, deliver humanitarian aid, food, essential medicines and take them out of dangerous settlements... humanitarian aid is delivered to the kursk region from all over the country from the republic of karelia united russia sent more than one and a half tons of cargo. it includes a generator, personal hygiene products, and medicines. united russia members from the tambov region sent food and things for people who have temporarily left their homes. the cargo was collected through the joint efforts of agricultural enterprises and residents. on in the direction of the anti-aircraft missile system. the osa
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of the center group of troops destroyed the reconnaissance drone of the armed forces of ukraine. the installation can detect and destroy small-sized devices at a distance of more than 10 km. also, the servicemen of the air defense unit carry out round-the-clock duty in their area of ​​responsibility and perform tasks to cover the locations of the unit of personnel and equipment. the anti-aircraft missile system shows itself very well in terms of working with small aircraft devices such as furia or leko, that is , we work a lot, that is, it has never failed us yet, yesterday literally worked four targets at night, a lot of work, we work often and effectively. about the work of the pacific fleet marines in the temporary direction, a report by the war correspondent of the news sergei samokhi.
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an incredibly fast armored personnel carrier enters the position and almost immediately opens fire on the enemy stronghold. the task of the attack aircraft is to keep up with the armored vehicles. some of the fighters are inside, some get there on their own. motorcycles on the line of combat contact, now it is commonplace they are used en masse constantly new new tactics appear every day. now motorcycles are used together with armored vehicles, and the new tactics give amazing results the armored personnel carrier from its large caliber, as they say, does not allow the enemy to raise his head, at this moment the motorcycle group is already at the very edge of the trench. the most dangerous moment is on the minefield, drove around the mines, dismounted. and after dismounting there was artillery shelling. it is also
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not easy to get to the position, there are almost always enemy drones in the sky, which they attack at the slightest opportunity, it is very difficult to hide from it on a motorcycle, well , maneuver, we hit the brakes sharply, stop, turn around, while the bird turns around, we are already leaving, hiding, the latest successes in the southern donetsk direction became possible, among other things, thanks to volunteers, many of them signed a contract with the ministry of defense just... a few months ago, my brother came back from the war, i left, many comrades, let's say, wounded, returned, anyway, they need to be replaced, someone needs to fight, and also liberate, how much longer can we endure, despite the difficulties, the assault troops of the vostok group daily break through the ionized defense in iisu, each time using new tactics that are unexpected for the enemy. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news. strikes. a wound to israel
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may occur within the next 24 hours. the israeli army has been put on maximum alert. at the same time , there are no new instructions for the civilian population of the country yet. earlier, the press reported that the iranian military is showing the same activity as before the attack on israel in april. situation in the middle east sharply worsened after the murder of the head of the hamas political bureau, ismail haniyeh, and the senior adviser to the leader of the hezbollah movement, fuad shukr, in late july. beirut and the wounds of hezbollah have promised to avenge their deaths. in turkey , an eighteen-year-old young man attacked people with a knife and an axe near a mosque. five people who were sitting at tables in a tea yard were wounded. all of them were hospitalized. doctors assess the condition of two of them as critical. the attacker tried to escape, but was detained by employees police. according to local publications, he was under the influence of computer games of a military nature.
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flooding and destroyed houses are known, there is no information about victims yet. it is reported that at least 26 million residents were flooded in a month, during this period, people died and went missing without... now news from the capital region: the weather in moscow and the region is gradually improving, today 18-20 ° c. light rain is possible in the morning, although the whole day
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will be cloudy with clearings, atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal. from wednesday in the capital region will start to warm up the weather will return to the climatic norm. the festival. teatralny boulevard was extended at the request of muscovites until august 31. it is held every week, from friday to sunday at the most popular city venues. in total , more than half a million people have already visited the events . artists from the best moscow theaters showed their performances on small stages in the city center. the exhibition "construction of creativity" opened in the winzavod center for contemporary art. the exposition unites the image of the builder through times from from the thirties of the last century to the present day, unique rare posters, paintings, graphics of the soviet period, as well as the work of contemporary artists are presented. all news is available on the media platform, watch the application or on the website,
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do not switch. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. who we are, where we are going, what kind of country are we, a russian person remains a russian person, of course, there is something chilly inside, like, anything can happen, i will still do what i do, now there is a fight for our values, for us,
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for russia, for our past, this is my path, this is my life, this is my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. you need to sew copies of branded things to sell at a real price. hire your own professionals. watch rtr. i sew well, very well, i cut out anything myself . today you will hire me. money did you come from me? did you come? then wait for a call, i'll tell you when and where she'll be. don't let me down. moscow novel. today on rtr. we welcome all our viewers, good morning, summer, august, tuesday, the thirteenth, in the morning studio vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, everything you need for a cheerful,
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active day, wake up, recharge, digital security is one of the key topics, problems today, it is impossible to forge an electronic signature in the gosklyuch application, they said in ... digital, use the service and sign important documents in it, maybe only the owner of the electronic signature certificate and only on one device. multi-level protection is used to create it: login with a public services account, sms, confirmation, identity verification using a passport, biometrics or in person. in addition, each time you log in, you must enter an eight-digit password that only the owner of the signature certificate knows. thanks to electronic. on the contrary, our data is transferred from department to department virtually online. convenient, of course, but you have to pay for convenience, we we all know about it, and an error at any stage is instantly replicated across all government agencies and structures. well , try to fix it later. oksana serova, about some outrageous cases. pay a fine,
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apply for a grand passport or cash benefits? once you were a real quest, today it's literally a matter of minutes. came through the window, they did everything for you. this. teski izkazany, residents of barnaul regularly by the system, because of debts, moreover, repaid, he is denied loans, restrictions are imposed on him, money is withdrawn and he is arrested property, they indicate as if the last name, first name, patronymic. snils indicate mine, everything gets mixed up in their databases, it turns out, it comes to
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arrests on my cards, as a result, my property, apartment was arrested, then there was an arrest on the car, maria is trying to figure out the digital confusion, in her personal account on the public services website she found a lot of debts, and not even for herself, for her eight-year-old daughter arina. there were microloans, loans, during the proceedings it turned out that specifically in the belgorod region, where it was from many. enforcement proceedings, they had an error in the office, now these debts sometimes disappear, sometimes appear, what is the reason and how to solve the problem of the resident of ovmsk is not said in any department. we came to the conclusion that the accrual is made correctly and this data is automatically taken from the unified information system, that's where the data came from that he is alive and healthy died, yuri is perplexed. the resident of kurgan found out that he was buried on paper when he contacted the local administration.
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on all these digital issues and digital errors, and experts are sure that it is necessary not only to organize such a center, but also to hold accountable for refusing to work on errors, at the moment there is responsibility for failure to make certain decisions, but there is no responsibility for eliminating a printing error, so this can stretch out for a month, a year, or even several years, which is often what happens today, so the issue of developing a clear mechanism for eliminating digital inaccuracies has been ripe for a long time, we will discuss this issue with the deputy chairman of the state duma
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boris chernyshov, boris, hello, i liked the girl with debts and loans, try to prove something, try to eliminate this error, although we have been convinced many times and for many years that interdepartmental cooperation has been established, why then is it impossible to eliminate this error in one movement, an order, an e -mail, i don’t know how to eliminate this error at all instances, certainly today. how, again, in the case of the man in the story , to prove that he is he and that he is a living
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person, and not dead, as according to the documents, it is impossible, maybe some biometric ones information, fingerprints, iris, is it still more important than a certificate and a paper passport? well again, when we talk about biometrics - this is the way out, i absolutely agree, nothing can be faked here, that's it, since the voice is already used as biometrics. the main thing is not to cross the personal private zone, a person sometimes does not want to give up some data, you can't drive him there, so yes, but often it is clearly a state machine, the digital one fails, an error on its part, so some financial should be implied compensation to victims, right, and you gave examples, vera has one, i received a fine for another person on public services, because by mistake. the passport number matched, but the system was not interested in checking other
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parameters, as it is of course, very simple, here again you need to go to court, we definitely know even in judicial practice that there are different types of compensation, from one thousand rubles to several hundred thousand rubles, when it takes the side of the victim, they assess such damage. okay, to court - this is when the damage, financial compensation, that's in electronically as. adjust this algorithm so that it works clearly, that's what i started with, so that there is a single window that will do this, the system is being improved, we remember the first such databases, generalized, where there were so many blunders , errors, then with verification, with checking and by hand, as they say, with the help of elements of artificial intelligence, of course, the number of errors, the number of these problems, from the most elementary cases to the moment... i think that
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3 days will be enough, well, but who on what base departments, look, this is at the place of filing the application initially, of course, it should be in the mfc, in any place, and it should be an interdepartmental history, which must necessarily include the prosecutor general's office or the district prosecutor's office, any prosecutorial supervision in general, these are representatives of local authorities who have all the access, and of course, here in the most difficult cases the force option of the investigative committee of the ministry of internal affairs should be connected, especially in matters of migration, resettlement of this or that person, all this should work together. thank you. thank you, we talked about how to create a clear algorithm for eliminating digital errors in restoring justice with deputy chairman of the state duma boris chernushov. everything is exactly as in my visions.
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genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. and i'm also a psychic, you'll find all the evidence in his contrarian, any task will seem easy, the case has not yet been solved, because this guy, he is not as simple as he seems, not at all simple, not so simple, very, very not simple, we are already looking at the website in the application, not all roads are for us roads, as in the song, only the best, a rating of regions by quality has appeared. as izvestia writes, in the country a little more than half of the highways meet all regulatory requirements, moscow is in the lead, where almost all roads meet the standards, followed by the khantemansky autonomous okrug of krasnodar krai, also in the top ten are the chelyabinsk region, ingushetia, belgorod region, adegeya, yamalo-nenets okrug,
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sevastopol and dagestan, well, in the last lines are the volgograd, kirov and arkhangelsk regions. well, to feel comfort from d-class cars, for example, good road surface, is highly desirable, about new products in this segment ivan zenkevich. new sedans do not appear on our market very often, but quite recently several strong players have come to our showrooms at once, and not only in the mass b and c classes, there is something larger and more solid. let's consider three d-class sedans officially presented in russia, the review opens with chingan. it is driven by a 1.5-liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 181 horsepower, a gearbox seven-speed robot, the only configuration includes a panoramic roof, remote trunk opening, parktronic plus camera, video recorder with all-round visibility, wireless charging, climate control, recommended retail price - 2,790,000 rubles. and this is the only sedan in the russian line of the cherry
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arizo 8 brand, under the hood is a turbocharged engine with 150 horsepower, a working. volume of 1.6 liters. seven-speed robotic gearbox, the base will have keyless access start, rear parktronic plus camera, a full set of warm options, dual-zone climate control, video recorder, multimedia with android auto and apple carplay support. the price starts from 2,850,000 rubles. well, let's finish with the freshest new product jilly preface, under the hood of the sedan is a two-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 200 horsepower, a box. and a seven-speed robot, the initial configuration will include front and rear parking sensors, plus a circular view system, a full winter package, six airbags, electric drive, driver's seats, dual-zone climate control, a digital instrument panel, the price starts from 3 million rubles. so, chingan, although not much, is more affordable than the others, while it looks impressive and is well equipped, although heating
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is not available everywhere, and the torsion beam in the rear suspension is also confusing, after all, in a d-class car ... i would like to have a multi-link scheme, like competitors. you will have to pay a little more for the basic cherry, the engine of the ariz 8 is weaker than the lamoro, but its resource will probably be higher. the chances of success in russia are added by the winter package, the highest ground clearance in the three. however, the newcomer adzhili immediately imposes competition. it is slightly more expensive, but larger in size, more solid and more powerful. in any case, the line of d-class sedans has become more diverse and this is good. some models due to comfort options will be in demand in taxis, and others with a bold design will suit a young audience for whom a family crossover seems too boring, and then an alarm signal even before the fire, about a new development of our scientists, which will save from fires very soon, i love you, and i
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love you, we are sitting well, quickly! ran out, ran out, premiere, so reliable, not petrush, he called someone again, well don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we talked, you didn't spend the night at home, there is something i don't know, can i confess, finally, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him, the bonds of marriage or the web of love, which will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions, you won't refuse me. i won't stand it, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr.
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that's what the lighthouse says: quiet, wife, where in the neighboring car, quietly, i think she noticed me, yours, hello, soon, urgently?
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it turned out that she had a man, here he is, life line on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, no need to interrupt, i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea has been drunk, how many stories have been told, i was cheeky in belogi,
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markolievich zakharov is walking, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more. i foresaw my fate, now everything is coming true, everything is surrendering, with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, right after meeting you he was killed, how was he killed, blown up on the threshold of his own apartment, hello, young guy, it seems, who did he manage to pick on like that? what did he write about? we will not remain silent about the crime. do you think i should set up my friend who introduced me to him. secrets of the means. today on rtr.
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there is a place to release claws. the tallest scratching post in the world was built in ivanovo. 10 tiers almost 13 m high. this is 3 m more than the previous record. can feel like a real creator, well, let's get acquainted with the ancient craft: a potter's wheel, high-quality material, a little water, an apron and, of course, skillful hands,
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mandatory conditions for creating a future masterpiece from clay. darya khudova has been practicing for 3 years, came once to a master class, was inspired, now she teaches herself. i admit honestly, i am new to clay, but the desire create something with your own hands wins. take the clay in your hand, here is your disk right. swing it well, hit it harder so that it is well secured, everything is possible , yes, right harder, but i must say it is not an easy task, but the emotions are extremely pleasant, working with clay relaxes, sets you up for creativity, the craftswoman is nearby, which means success is just around the corner, it takes about half an hour for the mug to become more or less recognizable. i really like such a good, large, dense mug, right for two servings of tea, dry our products at with the help of a construction hair dryer, when the material has gotten rid of excess moisture, we take a fishing line and carefully separate our creation from the circle,
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excellent. in general, pottery is now gaining momentum, it is now very popular not only in volgograd for an adult audience , this gives the opportunity to feel like children, plus this is of course a great development and for small children we also have such a very important sector, we work with children with autism, with children with cerebral palsy, and for whom the development of fine motor skills is also very important, for someone an excellent souvenir, for others - interior items, but most importantly, like
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any creation of human hands.
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having received confirmation from intelligence about the defeat of targets, the crew safely returned to the departure airfield. activists of the united russia young guard are forming and transferring humanitarian aid. to residents of the kursk and belgorod regions. a detachment of volunteers is working in kursk. they help in warehouses at collection centers. they sort incoming goods and form kits for residents. also, volunteers of the young guard of united russia, a volunteer company, have begun work in the border areas. at the moment, activists are providing targeted assistance to residents of rylsk. they will bring citizens the necessary medicines, as well as food. activists will help
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people leave dangerous settlements. humanitarian aid is sent to the kursk region from all over the country, in the yaroslavl region, activists have also prepared parcels, these are food, clothes, baby diapers and personal hygiene products, in the belgorod region, united russia, young guard delivered aid to a temporary accommodation point where people live residents of border areas whose homes may be under fire. activists handed over food packages, water, and personal hygiene products. t-90 m-breakthrough tanks destroyed the drone takeoff point and the ukrainian armed forces manpower in the area of ​​the special military operation, using the terrain, the tankers advanced to the line of fire and attacked the enemy. the tankers successfully hit targets located at a considerable distance, out of line of sight. according to the coordinates obtained with the help of drones, observation posts were destroyed points, ammunition depots, as well as the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine in strongholds. engineers.
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defense are working to improve the characteristics of the fpv drones of the special mining battalion phoenix. the main task of the laboratory specialists is to repair damaged drones and modernize them. every day, each of the servicemen services about eight drones. having discovered a weakness in the model, the equipment eliminates it, after which it installs additional equipment for various tasks. the laboratory works around the clock, it is engaged in 3d printing, restoration, programming. republican presidential candidate donald trump said that the conflicts in ukraine in the gas sector occurred because of an incompetent government. usa, he made this statement during an audio interview on twitter, which he took from the owner of the social network elon musk. the politician called his opponent in the upcoming elections camelo harris even more incompetent than the current head
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of state joe biden. trump also emphasized that he hopes to again establish, get along with russian president vladimir putin if he wins the election. i know putin. i know president xi, i know kim jong-un of north korea, i know all of them, they are at the top of their game, they are smart, they are tough, they love their countries, i got along well with them, and i hope we get along again, you know, getting along with them is a good thing, not a bad thing. before the interview, musk said that the social network had been hit by a massive hacker attack, which delayed the live broadcast, and many users were unable to join right away. the billionaire explained this by saying, that many are trying to prevent donald trump from expressing his opinion. at least seven people were killed and four were missing after a domestic gas explosion in the capital of venezuela. more than twenty more were injured.
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it happened in one of the densely populated favelas of caracos. as a result, a three-story building collapsed. it all happened early in the morning, when residents were still at home. most of the victims were among the residents of the first floor. rescue operations are continuing together. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region. the weather in moscow and the region is gradually improving. today 18-20° celsius. light rain is possible in the morning. the whole day will be cloudy with clearings, atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal. the capital supports residents of the kursk region. the organization moscow helps has opened 14 collection points for necessary things for forced migrants from border
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areas. such centers are in each urban district. people can bring food, clothes, personal hygiene products for adults and children, and other essential goods. thousands of moscow residents have already provided assistance. residents of mytishchi are trying to defend a panel that has decorated the former dormitory of a local weaving factory for more than half a century. the building is being torn down, as it has long been in a state of disrepair. veronika tarasova found out if there is a chance to save it. from a light touch of a ladle, the wall of the former dormitory of the kickback factory, the proletarian victory , collapses with a roar. the building has been in a state of disrepair for many years, and is now being torn down, but mytishchi residents continue fight for this panorama. this is a city-forming art object, it would be a pity to lose it, and it would be a pity if it were wiped off the face of the earth. the building
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really has a long history, in the twenties of the last century it was called the white bedroom, since workers of a sewing factory lived here. later, already in soviet times, it was overhauled, and then it acquired. a look for the sixties, balconies appeared, windows were blocked up at the ends, a panorama was made on a blank wall. with graffiti popular in soviet times a decorating technique where cement of different colors was applied to the wall and given a certain shape. for example, on this wall , in the sixties, the artist depicted seamstresses, musicians, and athletes. but this monumental painting will not exist for long. the hostel is in a state of disrepair. it would seem that only the wall can be preserved as a special monument of the soviet era, but it stands on 19th-century bricks, which means it can collapse at any moment. the wall itself is highly worn out, it simply poses a danger to life and health citizens. experts propose a solution, take the casts and restore them in another place.
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veronika tarasova, vladislav dubtsov and ilika dzhevakhishvili. vesti. an evening dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the release of the feature film only old men are going to battle was held in the capital. musical compositions from the film and a military melody were performed by the military orchestra of the central district of the national guard troops. the event was attended by the actor who played romeo, rustam sagdulaev, who recalled his first meeting with director leonid bekov. he began ask me. as a family as filming says that you are filming, i immediately somehow became, i say,
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ru. stay with us. they say you need
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to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax , you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where the sun and the sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head. we know everything about rest. relax. anexс. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. in rixsas golf villas and suites sharmaьshi them. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax with. comfort and style rixos golf villas and suют sharmaьshey. you need
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to sew copies of branded items to sell at a real price. hire professional seamstresses. watch on rtr. i sew well, very well. and the edge myself, anything. today you will hire me. did you receive the money from me? they did. then wait for a call. i will tell you when and where it will be. don't let me down. moscow roman. today on rtr. good morning everyone. good morning, it's great that you have joined us, a new day, and today is tuesday, august 13, we begin together with you. it's good that it's not friday. another oak, not only from pushkin lukomorye. is ready to become the main tree of the country, the veshinsky
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oak from the sholokhov museum-reserve in the rostov region won the competition, this tree is already 189 years old, in second place is the red oak from belgorod region, bronze was taken by the ufa oak from bashkartastan. experts measured the height, diameter and girth of the trunk, the age of the tree and its type, and the leaders were determined based on the results voting, but scientists have also calculated one of the oldest trees on the planet, it turned out to be seklo. its general sherman from the national park in california, experts believe that it is more than 2.0 years old, but not trees, not forests, the lungs of the planet, the ocean, phytoplankton releases the most oxygen, and of course, the ocean forms the weather, we will learn about it, now from masha borisova, hello, masha, i watched on tv, yesterday your forecast for the week, but it was not for a week, it was for 2 days, today really. awaits us all week, well, will you adjust it? well
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, it should be noted that a very strong cyclone has come to the irkutsk region and a storm warning has been announced there, strong wind and rain, here is the baltic, which i spoke about yesterday, is getting out of this bad weather and after this scandinavian cyclone , the weather there has actually improved, so to speak, but what can't be said about the volga region, where all the rains continue due to it, well , and in general if we talk. about the urals , autumn has begun there, it is also cold and rainy there, in yakutia, where i recently said yesterday, it was still a hot summer, in yakutsk it was 30°, a gradual cooling is also starting, in general there will not be such a hot summer there, yes, well in chukotka we already have wet snow in the north, do not show us such things, i will tell you all the best now. in the south of russia the background of atmospheric pressure will be
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increased and this will not allow the clouds to reach the rain stage. only in some places in the caucasus mountains short thunderstorms are still possible . it is hot here in the afternoon in crimea. kuban 29-34, the lower reaches of the volga and don 26-31. sea water off the coast of crimea - 24-27 °. on the black sea coast 25-28. and over the middle volga, due to frontal sections , cloudy and rainy weather will prevail. the temperature regime will enter the climatic framework of early september, during the day no higher than 15-20 only in the south of the region it is 2-3 ° warmer. in the northwest of russia on tuesday , light rain is still possible, from thursday the region will be in the area of ​​​​a solar anticyclone. in such a situation, the daytime temperature will rise to 19-24. in central russia, the weather will change in the same way. today, in some places , light rain, and tomorrow, mostly sunny and dry weather. during the day on tuesday , 18:23, and then warming up until 20:25. the urals
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will remain in the grip of the cyclone, so cloudy and rainy weather will linger in the region, so the air will warm up poorly, only during the day at 15:20. southern siberia will be on the far periphery of the cloud vortex, and here thunderstorms are possible only in places and will not prevent the sun from warming the air to 23-28, in places the thermometer columns may rise another 2-3° higher, in the south of the far east too, here and there, mainly in the amur region, there will be showers and thunderstorms and the prevailing daytime temperature will be up to 26-31, thank you, masha, but in the european part of russia, summer will still return, yes, to you and me in the center, summer is returning, returning the warmth...
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after all, what problem did he come with, high blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life, achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future, about this and not only in our program. malakhov, today at 17:30, to win as if nothing were to be done or doing nothing, there is a wonderful competition in which everyone would not mind participating, and with a high chance of success. in china , a tournament was held, the participants of which had to simply lie in bed for four. hours, but according to the rules at this time you can only read, and exclusively a paper book, sleeping or using gadgets is prohibited. judging by the footage, few took books with them, but the winner received a prize of about 100,000 rub. but now such competitions in idleness will be annual, but maybe we
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will implement them then? no, our people strive for activities, which is confirmed by the statistics of purchases of sports equipment for the home. how much is it? is it worth it and is such training more profitable than a gym membership studied by darya tivunova? because it is quite light, compact and easy to use, it also has a non-slip surface, which is very important, it has a calm light pink color. for little money today in a sports goods store muscovite maria chose a mat for yoga. the girl does not have time to work out at the gym because of work, with such equipment you can do stretching or pump up your abs at any time, and it is also quite budget-friendly. the best thing about it is the price of 399 rubles. i chose a mat for home workouts because. i work out mainly in the morning or on weekends. russians are increasingly buying sports equipment for home workouts, especially now during the summer holidays. the demand for such goods has grown noticeably compared to the same period last year. if we compare the data for the first half of the year twenty-fourth, twenty-third years, we see that the demand for sports equipment for home workouts has grown year-on-year by 13%.
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to pump up the main part of the muscles at home , you will need the following minimum set of equipment. first - a soft mat, the most budgetary, the same as maria chose. for yoga made of pvc will cost from 200 rubles. of the minuses, it immediately rolls back, and the material is short-lived. the most expensive anti -slip from kauchka or cork will cost 4,000. further, fitness bands made of latex can tear faster, but it is worth it cheaper from 400 rubles. more durable, pleasant to the body fabric, can reach 5,000 rubles. another indispensable attribute is dumbbells, they can be set and fixed. if you take dumbbells that are weighted, then the price tag will be the cheapest, there 0. 5 kg in my opinion will cost 300 rubles, well, up to five, let's say, here is a set dumbbell, then the price tag will be, probably from 3,000, because we buy a separate bar, which costs 1,500 rubles, let's go further, pancakes by hanging, and also a ball, a roller for the press or a cube for stretching, as a result, the entire home set will cost the buyer about 12-15,000,
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for comparison, for the same money you can buy a gym membership and get a whole set of exercise machines for all muscle groups. in a fitness club , usually... and a fairly large range of exercise machines, i already talked about cardio equipment, cardio equipment can be a treadmill, can be an exercise bike, can be an elliptical trainer with a certain trajectory of movement, can be... are equipped in such a way as to cover all muscle groups, that is, you can do traction, you can pump up your back, you can pump up your upper shoulder poezb. in addition, fitness clubs usually have a group program room, a swimming pool. by the way, you can try classes in the room without buying a subscription for a year. more and more often, fitness clubs give their clients the opportunity to purchase a card for 1-2 months costing from 100 to 2.0 rubles. good doctor neural network. surveys have shown that russians are quite. optimistic about the use of new technologies in medicine. most believe that they will help in the rehabilitation of patients in training
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specialists. and every fifth is sure that artificial intelligence will soon replace some doctors. but at the same time , less than half are ready to trust the neural network with diagnostics. every second person will allow it to store data about their condition and the majority is ready for health monitoring. as for robot surgeons, they ... give an alarm signal even before a possible fire, it has air temperature sensors, dew point temperature,
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relative air humidity, a thunderstorm recorder. in fact, we have a weather station with a computing module, which calculates the fire hazard class online. it is clear that it will be the highest at low humidity, high temperature, and increased lightning activity. scientists have already tested the device in real conditions and... ideally, such a device is needed. data from the devices should flow to the forest protection control panel so that specialists pay special attention to the dangerous area, perhaps fly around it again in a helicopter, but the area can be viewed using surveillance cameras, such as... they are on special towers watch the forest, we have more and more. the main task is to have it below the lightning rod and above the sectors so that they
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do not block the view. the picture from these cameras is now helped by neural networks, they not only see smoke, but also distinguish what is its source, a fire or, say, a teds pipe. here you can accurately determine the location of the fire, its area, understand how many people will be needed to extinguish it, although such dangerous work can also be taken on by equipment. this is already an idea of ​​​​stavropol scientists, a drone equipped with a capsule with a fire extinguishing agent and a camera with a thermal imager to determine exactly where to drop this capsule. after the capsule hits the fire, the capsule explodes, that is , the substance is sprayed by an explosion, that is, high pressure appears there, oxygen is squeezed out of the fire zone. where one drone cannot cope, a whole swarm of flying firefighters can be sent, but this is in the future. today, engineers are only building the first prototype. of such a copter, well, then, the market without rules, how builders cheat customers of private houses, and how to bring
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order to the izh system, we will figure it out soon, in a month i will not move in and i will tear your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what do you want, something happened , maybe we will have lunch together, it is not time to go to work now, elena rosseva, these 10 years i lived in two families, yes, unlike you, with him everything is real, and family, and love, viktor vasiliev, you are nobody, you have become a home hen, this is not interesting in itself, maxim shchogolya, i have a scoundrel written on my face, then just you can leave our house if there are too many false notes in life, here i am left alone, tune it up again, i wanted to apologize, you are not at all what you want to seem, i will not give you my husband. old piano.
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on saturday on rtr. you don’t need to sign up for him. joke. he will come to your house himself. we are starting. he will always help. we will train. how to walk on ice correctly? he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure. and how can an air freshener lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese.
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not so simple, very, very not simple, already on the site in the application we watch, hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, in no hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one, what is he like? victories will destroy
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the gang in the head with zelensky, yany rag, see you, in suzdal they celebrated a thousand years since the first mention of the city in the tale of bygone years, the holiday turned out to be grandiose, the city turned into a huge fair and a concert venue at the same time, residents and numerous guests danced in circles, bought products from local artisans , played... folk games. the main thing that the participants of the celebrations, which lasted for 3 days, noted was the incredibly warm atmosphere. everyone who was there confessed their love for suzdul on social networks. people in love with cinema gathered in vyborg, where the thirty-second window to europe festival is taking place. as always, it surprises with a variety of themes, genres, and among the authors of the films there are many debutants. something about films and nominees, we'll find out now. vyborg
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was covered by a meteor shower before the sun set, actress marina aleksandrova, the author of film hits vladimir kot, are walking along the historic cobblestones in the pre-sunset rays , kirill kyara is catching up with his colleagues, thank you, thank you, sorry, in a solemn formation, although not the real one, but still dicaprio, filmmakers and spectators overcome one and a half kilometers through the city center, a beautiful tradition and a loud statement, the thirty-second window to europe festival is already in the city, great, a gorgeous mood. this is such joy, i can't express it, i i love you all, red carpet, confetti fireworks, this festival could not start any other way, because it is one of the oldest in the country. this festival has its own face, this face is intelligent, this face is friendly, combining both, so to speak, youth, because 32 years is still youth, on the other hand, already a certain maturity, almost the entire week the selection is in the center
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of attention of film lovers, a window to europe is a kind of door on the way to a beginner... any at the festival they will show about 80 films, more than half from the competition program, in this year there are three nominations, feature, documentary and animated films, from near-rental streaming to arthouse, thrillers, melodramas, detectives every second film, debut, tape summer will come, the first feature film by director kiril sultanov, a drama starring actor kirill kyara on the eternal theme of the prince and the pauper,
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will be stylish, interesting, exciting, right? yes, this is a crime thriller, which was filmed entirely by young guys, most of them are debutants, with the exception of, of course, the actors, so we expect that we will be able to say something new and surprise the viewer. documentary filmmakers brought 12 films to vyborg. the viewer will look into an architectural bureau and a printing house, find out why a young man became a kindergarten teacher and how the symbol of the cross changed the view of generations on the world around them. well, the children are as old as 30 a... treasure, then in cramped conditions, but no offense, i can’t even imagine how they lived, slept, and ate here, they were creative, i
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’ll tell you more, they even had children, in general, in our dorm it was like that before, remember, well, that’s when it was, now the dormitories are completely different, and there are still not enough places for everyone, options for accommodating students, we will discuss with an expert very soon, it seems to me that it was great in the dormitory, fun, depending on who you are with, you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, andrey shevsov is in the studio, a machine gun, a queue, the ministry of defense publishes footage of the assault on the position of militants in the border area of ​​the kursk region, was broadcasting live during a crime in turkey. attacked people in a mosque with a knife and an axe, five people were injured, more than 80 thousand residents were evacuated in southwestern china due to a powerful downpour. the russian defense ministry publishes footage
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of the assault on a position of militants in the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. thanks to reconnaissance, with the help of drones, the assault group of the motorized rifle unit of the northern group of forces discovered the nationalists who were. the command decided to storm the position, as a result of which four militants of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed , the starlin station was captured. activists of the united russia young guard are forming and delivering humanitarian aid to residents of the kursk and belgorod regions. in kursk, there is a squad of volunteers, they help warehouses in collection centers, sort incoming goods and form kits for residents. also volunteers young guard of united russia. at the moment, activists provide targeted assistance to residents of rylsk, they will bring citizens food and necessary medicines,
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also activists will help people leave dangerous settlements. we have started to provide targeted assistance to those in need, guys from the volunteer company and the young guard will go to border areas, deliver humanitarian aid, food products. russia sent more than one and a half tons of cargo, the entire country from the republic of karelia united in its composition a generator, personal hygiene products, medicines. united russia from the tambov region sent food and things for people who temporarily left their homes. the cargo was collected by the joint efforts of agricultural enterprises and residents. in the ovdeevskoe direction, the calculation of the asa anti-aircraft missile system of the central forces group destroyed a reconnaissance drone of the armed forces of ukraine. the installation can detect
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and destroy small-sized devices at a distance of more than 10 km. also, military personnel air defense units are on duty around the clock in their area of ​​responsibility and perform tasks to cover the locations of the units. personnel and equipment. sergei samokhi reports on the work of the pacific fleet marines. the approach to the positions is incredibly fast. the armored personnel carrier opens fire on the enemy stronghold almost immediately. the task of the attack aircraft is to keep up with the armored vehicles. some of the fighters are inside, some get there on their own. motorcycles on the line of combat. contact, now it is commonplace, they are used en masse all the time, new and new tactics appear every day, now motorcycles are used together with armored vehicles, and the new tactics give
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amazing results apc from its large caliber, as they say, does not allow the enemy to raise his head, at this moment the motorcycle group is already at the very edge of the trench. the most dangerous moment is on the minefield, drove around the mines, dismounted. and after dismounting there was artillery shelling, it is also not easy to get to the position, there are almost always enemy drones in the sky, which attack at the slightest opportunity, it is very difficult to hide from her on a motorcycle, well, maneuver , we hit the brakes sharply , stop, turn around, while the bird is turning around, we are already leaving, hiding, the latest successes are on... there are many comrades, let's say, wounded,
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returned, all the same, they need to be replaced, someone needs to fight, and also liberate, how much can we tolerate, despite the difficulties, stormtroopers, the vostok groups daily break through the shalonized defense in iisu, each time, using new, unexpected for enemy tactics. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news! iran's attack on israel could happen within the next 24 hours. the israeli army. is on high alert, while there are no new instructions for the country's civilian population yet. earlier , the press reported that the iranian military was showing the same activity as before the attack on israel in april. the situation in the middle east has sharply worsened after the assassination in late july of the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, and the senior adviser to the leader of the hezbollah movement, fuad shukra in beirut. iran and hezbollah have promised to avenge their deaths. in turkey
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, an eighteen-year-old young man attacked people with a knife and an axe near a mosque, five people who were sitting at tables in a tea yard were injured, all of them were hospitalized, doctors assess the condition of two as critical. the attacker tried to escape, but was detained by police. according to local publications, he was under the influence of computer games of a military nature. he showed his attack live from a camera that installed on... in his helmet. more than 80 thousand people have been evacuated in southwest china due to heavy rain. heavy rains hit the region again last friday. flooding and destroyed homes are known. there is no information about victims yet. it is reported that at least 26 million residents have been flooded in a month. during this period , more than 300 people have died and gone missing. 12 thousand houses have been destroyed, more than 150 thousand. damaged.
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next, regional news, don't switch. now news from the capital region. weather in moscow and the region are gradually improving. today 18-20° celsius. light rain is possible in the morning. the whole day will be cloudy with clearings, atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal. wednesday in the capital region the weather will begin to warm up and will return to the climatic norm. the teatralny bulvar festival was extended at the request of muscovites until august 31. it is held every week, from friday to sunday at the most popular city venues. in total , more than half a million people have already visited the event. their performances on small stages in the city center were shown artists of the best moscow theaters. in the center of contemporary art winzavod.
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the exhibition "construction of creativity" has opened. the exposition unites the image of the builder through times from the thirties of the last century to the present day. unique rare posters, paintings, graphics of the soviet period, as well as works of contemporary artists are presented. all news is available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website smoтри see you.
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allow yourself a first-class vacation slio resorts, elegant details, a holiday exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. here comes the hour for which we have been preparing you. the season finale. you will steal the keys for us, and then distract the guards. listen, i am already afraid of you. where rusto turn around with you. i know where he is. i know i will find him. you have to go. boy, my son, i never go without you. how will it end? russian wife. find out on the platform
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we are watching. good morning. hello, vera krasova and i want to introduce you to our real thirteenth of august outside the window today. well our broadcast today. and we'll talk about the future. the future belongs to printed houses, apparently. a giant 3d printer, 14 tons wide and weighing 5 tons, is building or stamping the largest residential area overseas, possibly in the world. the device works quickly, a few days and... the walls are already ready, concrete powder, water, sand, various additives are placed in the machine for printing, they say that such housing remains cool, quiet, and is also very resistant to extreme weather conditions, and this company generally has space plans, has already set its sights equip even the moon, but we do not
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print yet, but annually tens of millions of square meters of private housing are built, but not everyone manages to celebrate housewarming, how can builders deceive the customer? we contacted the police, despite the large number of victims, sverdlovsk law enforcement officers, according to natalia, are in no hurry to detain builders, probably because too many dubious specialists work in this area today. the lack of special accreditations, control and clear rules of work attracts to the market
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individual housing construction of a company with a murky reputation. there are no requirements for the builders themselves, that is, conventionally speaking, there is no need to make a project for individual housing construction, there is no techno. and there is no such control as there is for apartment buildings. many questions arise regarding the financing of construction. here is a story that dozens of muscovites and petersburgers got into. instead of frame-modular houses , they received vacant lots and multi-year loans. you are not insured at all. that is, in this case, when i first came to bank and announced that you, i say, your company, with which you cooperate, is a fraudster, so they threw up their hands, but said: you have such a program, you yourself decide who you work with, we have nothing to do with it. dozens of victims have contacted the investigative committee, but so far the investigation is not going as fast as we would like. in any case, it is difficult to get money back from such companies, because the accounts may be empty, while millions of people are forced to take the risk of paying the builders directly. attempts by some unscrupulous developers
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to play with the price factor, yes, when the developer says: let's pay us the entire amount in advance, and we'll give you a discount. well , and then it's up to the developer or swindler to make up his mind. such tricks are not available to developers who build apartment buildings. there is a system of spark accounts, when the customer's money is frozen in a bank account and given to the contractor only when the building is put into operation. a similar scheme will soon be used in the construction of individual houses. from march 1 twenty-fifth year use of iskrol accounts, at least in subsidized mortgage lending, that is, where the state takes part in compensating the rate for banks. the use of skrow will be mandatory. however, there is a chance to protect yourself from fraud even today - experts say. money can be paid to builders in small tranches for completed volumes through the mediation of the bank. the main thing is to write out all the conditions and a detailed estimate in the contract, and the developer's refusal of such a work scheme can
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become a marker of his unscrupulous intentions. the housing issue is always a headache for both students and their parents . today, according to the ministry of education and science, only one sixth of all russian students live in university dormitories, just over 750 thousand people, while almost 3 million are studying full-time. that is why the department supported the idea of ​​building housing with a new legal status for full-time students. we are talking about houses built near universities that can compete with ordinary rental apartments. the cost of such housing should be higher than in a dormitory, but lower than rented. let's.
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options, when a university does not have enough of its own places, it turns to other organizations, a common practice and even in moscow universities, when ... one of the universities has additional places, agreements are concluded, very good, students of one university live on the campus of another and - such interaction takes place, as a solution option, of course, but this is one solution option, there is another solution option, and this is still a point example, but this practice i i see it's already starting, let's take tambov state university, they - with the russian federation house began to build a rental house, is this actually profitable? well , apparently yes, it can be called profitable as in the beginning because this is exactly the idea that we wanted to discuss with you, only on
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a national scale. well, there are already the first signs, in the next academic year, as far as i know, this house will already be launched, can this experience be scaled up within the country and what needs to be done to implement it? well , first of all, a good example should happen with results, how well it will all work, further investment of resources and... development of infrastructure, while all this is being built, and some existing rental houses can already be used, not far away, let's go, take mytishche and there the state university of education has long been interacting with several hotels, where students of this university mainly live, plus there is a practice when the university dates this accommodation not on its campus, paying extra to students, compensating part of the funds spent on accommodation after all some kind of, what do you think, is it necessary to develop a strategic plan for solving this
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problem within the country, so that it illustrates the understanding that students are a resource, this is the future, we need to invest in this so that we get results in the long term? indeed, now by the thirtieth year there is a task to build 25 campuses of large universities, there are already 17 planned and the first campus. it is already being launched, as far as i understand, at bauman moscow state technical university, that is, this is good practice, dormitory renovation, major repairs dormitories in many universities are also going on, today's students, at least first-year students will have to see the fruits of the implementation of all these, not for 50 years, what we are talking about, but those who have not yet been born, they are all worried, there are those who have not yet been born in the telegram channel, they can also be sure that everything will be fine if we ...
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we watch on the russia channel, i sew well, very well, i cut it myself, anything, today you will take me to work, the money from me has arrived, it has arrived, then wait for a call, i will tell you when and where she will be, do not let me down, a moscow novel, today at 21:20, the passenger's dream is to reduce the waiting time for a flight and make the flight more comfortable in... the national project labor productivity should help there. already 39 russian
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airports of airlines have received state support from experts of the federal competence center and their regional colleagues. we started with the distribution of the flows of queues of checking-in passengers. as the theater begins with a coat rack, so the airport from the check-in counters of the head of the khantimansiysk air harbor shows us the results of the renovation of all production processes, replaced the equipment with more modern, more compact, removed unnecessary items and organized the location of printers and various baggage tags, boarding passes, so that the agent would spend less time registering passengers. the list of useful achievements is months of painstaking work, because in order for labor productivity to really increase, the staff had to take courses and training from highly qualified mentors. experts from the federal competence center together with regional. representatives were able to organize processes in a new way, developed a standard for loading and unloading baggage, determined the optimal number
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of loaders for the prompt unloading of heavy cargo, the baggage compartment became more spacious, unnecessary items were removed, and most importantly, the most valuable resource, time, was saved, the new business model helped to increase output by as much as 10%, aircraft servicing at the airport, on the contrary, was reduced from an hour to 48 minutes, this allowed to accept a larger number. according to my feelings, it became as if this process was faster, the employees are very polite, no need to come in 2 hours, in an hour and a half to the airport, to go through everything, it is enough, you can even arrive in half an hour or an hour, optimization bears fruit: costs are lower, profits are higher, which means you can engage in further development, in total , more than 60
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thousand enterprises with a total revenue of over 18 trillion rubles, a total number of employees of more than ... this means that 50% of the time during the production process , people are doing something else, but not the production itself, they go for spare parts, they waiting for these spare parts, they are standing due to equipment downtime, the same companies that took advantage of state support have become many times more efficient, a striking example of this is the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport, they decided to establish the coherence of technical s... in such a way that the service, starting from the plane ramp to the baggage belt, works like a single organism, when optimization occurs, it is possible to further compress the schedule and add , if necessary, some additional flights to iturub, baku, yuzhnokurysk, because that such a necessity periodically arises, of course, the weather factor cannot be completely excluded, and flight cancellations still happen, but making the wait for departure
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comfortable is still a solvable task, in the largest airport in the far east , spacious... waiting areas, cozy recreation areas, and the overall atmosphere are conducive to staying here. and then, watercolors, beets, diy paint recipes, a few minutes, an hour after meeting you, he was killed, as he was killed, blown up on the threshold of his own apartments. "hello, young guy, it seems, who did he manage to tell us like that, what did he write about, i am a crime, we will not remain silent, in your opinion, should i set up my friend who introduced me to him, secrets of the investigation, today on rtr, in the near future we will live in a completely different world, artificial
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intelligence will make us think differently, this will happen very quickly, the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties, those who attended his lectures say that he alone a glance at a person can determine what problem he came with, high blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future? about this and not only in our program. malakhov, today on rtr. what have you become, look at yourself, spoiled. boring, kept woman, any man would have got himself a mistress a long time ago, any, not you, my dear, the first, not you the last, but point your finger at any married woman you'll end up with a deceived wife, i don't know how i 'll live without andrey at all, you shouldn't knock on a closed door, and what
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brought you to our wilderness, one day something new will open up, i'm at... kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her, surprise, you couldn't fall in love with a married woman, and even a muscovite. ul, we can still fix everything, right? the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr, you don't need to sign up to see him. just kidding. he'll come to your house himself, we 're starting, he'll always help, we'll practice how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to raise your low blood pressure pressure, how air freshener can cause asmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of pasta with
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cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard, a knitting needle. that's how i sleep as a child, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, tell me how it was, you always have a choice. if there is a case for you, shoot, well, get acquainted or break up, marry me, again, your proposal, salvation for me, and simply. we can't remain friends, suffer or act, we lost our son, alyosha is alive, i believe in it, search or hide, i won't take my eyes off her now, did you all agree, or something
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, to leave or return, where you need to go, and you are a bus driver, or maybe you will order me a taxi, but whatever you choose, this meeting cannot be cancelled, only to look at the profit, or will you take part, from monday to thursday, you are very... busy, what is being shown is the most, the time has come for the big ones prime minister on rtr, put out the candle, light the hay, you won't get bored with us, let's watch the nomad games now, the games are just for the public, in morocco hundreds of thousands of people came to the ancient festival of local jugitovka, taburida, this type of equestrian competitions is not only... considered an old tradition, but is the hallmark of the north african country. unesco included tburida in the list of intangible cultural heritage.
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the main thing that the participants must show is the close connection between the warrior and his horse. but on the internet they teach how to make watercolors, gouache on your own and oil paint. we'll find out the most successful recipes now and at the same time we'll see what can be painted with them. you know, your paints are kind of weird. and so, who stole all the lemons from my kitchen, maybe you took the beets too? by the way, i didn't come up with this, it's another internet trend: homemade paints from food, now at the peak of popularity, for example, beetroot watercolors, all you need to do is boil the root vegetable, grate it or use a blender and squeeze out the resulting juice. the most fashionable color of the season is on your palette. by the way, it can be made from different vegetables. absolutely extraordinary colors. deep purple from red cabbage with the help of ordinary baking soda will turn into a hypnotic blue color. i do not
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advise proportions, explains the master. listen to your soul. you can also use coffee, onion peel and much more, but professional artists shrug their shoulders. such paints are not stable and live so little that it is barely enough for one drawing. let's try a more durable one. homemade paints, you will need multi-colored clay, stone and honey, dilute with a small amount of water natural watercolor is ready, well, this technique was probably used by artists of the past, to make oil paint, it is worth it at least in order to feel a little like van gogh or gauguin, here everything is even simpler: mix dry pigment with pork oil and enjoy the result, if you don’t like dirty work, but are attracted exclusively by pure creativity, you can try to create a new color from existing paints, there are a lot of recipes, for example, mix dry glitter with the
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same oil, experimenting with proportions, we get simply incredible beauty, by the way, the new color definitely needs to be given its own name, i don't know what the artist called this one, but i would suggest something like the sky 15 minutes before the rain. yes, and i will call this color monday morning after a long weekend, a bit gloomy, of course, but true, well , what's next, the price of a departmental error, what problems can a mistake in electronic document management lead to, and how to protect people from the consequences, we will figure it out soon after the news, watch our program
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about our best people, our premiere, from monday to thursday at 13:00, news continue working live, andrey shevtsov in the studio, hello! crews of supersonic fighters bombers s-34 at night attacked the positions of nationalists in the border area of ​​the kursk region. they were flying at targets with air bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows pilots to conduct combat operations from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. as a result , manpower and armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine were destroyed, having received confirmation from intelligence about the defeat of the crew's targets returned safely. united russia and young guard activists are forming and delivering humanitarian aid to residents of the kursk and belgorod regions. a volunteer squad is working in kursk, they are helping in warehouses
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in... collection, sorting incoming goods and forming kits for residents, and volunteers of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company have also begun working in border areas. at the moment, activists are providing targeted assistance to residents of rylsk. they will bring food and necessary medicines. activists will also help people leave dangerous settlements. humanitarian aid is being sent to the kursk region from all over the country. in the yaroslavl region, activists have also prepared parcels: these are food, clothing, baby diapers and personal hygiene products; in the belgorod region, united russia and the young guard delivered aid to a temporary accommodation point where residents of border areas live whose houses may be under fire. activists handed over food packages, water, and personal hygiene products. the crews of t-90m tanks proryv destroyed the takeoff point of drones and the ukrainian armed forces manpower in the area
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of ​​special operations. using the terrain, the tankers advanced to the line of opening fire and attacked the enemy. the tankers successfully hit targets located at a considerable distance out of line of sight. according to the coordinates obtained with the help of drones, observation posts, ammunition depots, and the ukrainian armed forces personnel in strongholds were destroyed. defense ministry engineers are working on improving. the main task of the laboratory specialists repair of damaged drones their modernization. every day, each of the servicemen services about eight drones, having found a weakness of the model, the technician eliminates it, after which he installs additional equipment for various tasks. the laboratory works around the clock, it is engaged in 3d printing, restoration,
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programming and perfection. republican presidential candidate donald trump said that the conflicts in ukraine in the gas sector occurred because of the incompetent us government. he made such a statement during an audio interview on twitter, which he took with the owner of the social network elon musk. the politician called his opponent in the upcoming elections kamlo haris even more incompetent than the current head of state joe biden. trump also emphasized that he hopes.
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hacker attacks, because of this, the live broadcast was delayed, and many users were not able to join right away. the billionaire explained this by the fact that many are trying to prevent donald trump from expressing his opinion. at least seven people died, four went missing missing after a domestic gas explosion in the capital of venezuela, more than twenty more injured. the emergency occurred in one of the densely populated favelas of caracas, as a result of which a three-story building collapsed. it all happened early in the morning, when... residents were still at home. most of the injured and dead were among the residents of the first floor. rescue operations are ongoing at the scene. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news
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from the capital region. the weather in moscow and the region. is gradually improving, today 18-20°c, light rain is possible in the morning, the whole day will be cloudy with clearings, atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal. according to the central data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now zero points , the roads are absolutely free, in the coming hours the density of traffic jams may increase to 3 points. the capital supports the residents of the kursk region, the organization moscow helps. opened 14 collection points for necessary things for forced migrants from border areas. such centers are in each urban district. people can bring food, clothing, personal hygiene products for adults and children, and other essential goods. thousands of moscow residents have already provided assistance. the biometric payment method will soon be available at eight more mcd-4 stations. the necessary
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equipment has already been installed there. now. you can go to four stations of the fourth diameter using biometrics; by the end of the year, the innovation will be implemented on the entire route. you can connect to it in the moscow metro app. mytishchi residents are trying to defend a panel that has decorated the former dormitory of the local for more than half a century weaving factory. they started to demolish the building, as it had long been in a state of disrepair. is there a chance to save it ? veronika tarasova found out. from a light touch of a ladle, the wall of the former dormitory of the kickback factory, the proletarian victory , collapses with a roar. the building has been in a state of disrepair for many years, now it is... being torn down, but the residents of mytishchi continue to fight for this panorama. this is a city-forming art object, it would be a pity to lose it, and it would be a pity if it were wiped off the face of the earth.
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the building really has a great history, in in the twenties of the last century, it was called the white bedroom, since workers of the sewing factory lived there. later, already in soviet times, it was completely renovated, and then it acquired. a typical appearance for the sixties, balconies appeared, windows were blocked up at the ends, a panel was made on the blank wall. with graffiti, a popular soviet-era decorating technique, when cement of different colors was applied to the wall and given a certain shape. for example, on this wall, an artist in the sixties depicted seamstresses, musicians, athletes. but this monumental painting will not exist for long. the hostel is in a state of emergency. it would seem that it is possible to save only the wall, as a special monument of the soviet era, but it... centuries, which means that it can collapse at any moment. the wall itself has a high degree of wear, it is simply citizens. experts offer a solution, removing the casts poses a danger to life and health restore them in another place.
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veronika tarasova, vladislav dubtsov and ilika dzhevakhishvili. vesti. evening dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the art the film only old men are going to battle was held in the capital. the actor who played romeo, rustam sagdulaev, took part, who recalled his first meeting with director bekov. come on, ramaya, just quickly, what's up with you, he started asking me how the family is, how the filming is, i heard that you were filming, i immediately somehow felt, i
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say, don't call me formally, informally, he smiled, said, okay, she's you, the premiere of the film only old men are going to battle took place on august 12, seventy-fourth year, the picture immediately won over. viewers watched it more than 44 million people, during the filming director leonid bykov regularly consulted with combat pilots. the main characters were based on real people. all news is available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website smoтри see you in almost 20 minutes.
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titanic luxury collection. for yourself a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. you need to sew copies of branded items and sell them at a real price, hire your own professionals, watch rtr, i sew well, very well, and i sew myself, anything, today you will take me to work, the money came from me, then wait
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for a call, i will tell you when and where it will be, do not let me down, moscow roman, today on rtr. we greet all our viewers, good morning, summer! august, tuesday, the thirteenth number. in the morning studio vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova. everything you need for a lively, active day. wake up, recharge. digital security is one of the key topics, problems today, it is impossible to forge an electronic signature in the gosklyuch application, the ministry of digital development stated . only the owner of the electronic signature certificate can use the service and sign important documents in it, and only on one device. multi-level protection is used to create it, login with a government services account, sms,
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confirmation, identity verification using a passport, biometrics or in person. in addition, each time you log in, you need to enter an eight-digit password, which only the owner of the signature certificate knows. thanks to electronic document management, our data is transferred from department to department virtually online. convenient, of course, but you have to pay for convenience, we all know this, an error at any stage is instantly replicated across all government agencies.
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teski from kazan, residents of barnaul regularly by the system, because of debts, and repaid by his they refuse loans, impose restrictions on him, withdraw money and seize property, they indicate as if the last name, first name , patronymic, indicate mine in their databases everything gets mixed up it turns out that they come to arrests on my cards, as a result , they seized my property, my apartment, then there was an arrest on the car, maria is trying to figure out the digital confusion, in her personal account on the public services website she found a lot of debts, and not even for herself, for her eight-year-old daughter arina, there were microloans, loans, in the course of investigations it turned out that specifically in the belgorod region, where there were many...
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and automatically this data is taken from the unified information system, that's where the data came from that he was alive and healthy died, yuri is perplexed, the resident of kurgan found out that he was buried on paper when he contacted the local administration. wanted to receive a payment as a flood victim, but he was refused, the dead are not entitled to it, some officials are probably to blame, who put a tick in the wrong place, this is not mine, i do not have such opportunities to sort out this matter, and to sort it out is not easy, experts say, at the very least you first need to find the department that made the digital error, and then contact other agencies that picked up the false information, there is no sort of conditionally single window or some special department that you can contact. on all these digital issues and digital errors, and
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experts are sure that it is necessary not only to organize such a center, but also to hold accountable for refusing to do work on errors. at the moment, there is responsibility for failure to make certain decisions, but there is no responsibility for eliminating a printing error, so this can stretch out for a month, a year, or even several years, which is often what happens today, so the issue of developing a clear mechanism for eliminating digital inaccuracies has been brewing for a long time. we will discuss this issue with deputy chairman of the state duma boris chernyshov. boris, hello. with debts and loans and try to prove something, try to eliminate this error. although there are many of us once and for many years they have been convincing us that interdepartmental cooperation has been established. why then can't we eliminate this at all levels with one movement, an order, an email, i don't know how. of course, today the entire information... system is such a big piggy bank where this drain of all information
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comes from all departments, of course, we believe that there should be a special system, like a support service, if an error occurs, contact us, because it is easy to find where it all came from, i don't quite agree with the experts, who say that any information, any document has a digital trace, where it came from, who signed it, who in one way or another imposed this or that fine or made this or that decision. how again in the case of the man in the story to prove that he is he, and that he is a living person, and not dead as according to the documents, it is impossible, maybe some biometric. information, fingerprints, iris, after all, is this more significant than a certificate and a paper passport? but again, when we talk about biometrics, this is a way out, i absolutely agree, nothing can be faked here, that's it, since the voice is already used as biometrics, the main thing is not to cross the personal, here is a private zone, a person
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sometimes does not want to give up some data, you can't drive him there, so we will here too, but often clearly state.
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where there were so many blunders, mistakes, then with verification, with verification and by hand, as they say, with the help of - elements of artificial intelligence, of course, everything is decreasing, the number of mistakes, the number of these problems, from the most elementary ones cases, up to the moments when, well, as was said, the administration considered a person dead, all this should be considered fairly quickly, promptly within , well, a maximum of one month, for specifically small blunders. i think that three days will be enough, well, but who on the basis of what department, look, this is at the place of filing the primary application, it should be in the mfc, anywhere, and this should be an interdepartmental history, which must necessarily include the prosecutor general's office or the district
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prosecutor's office, in general any prosecutor's office supervision, these are representatives of local authorities who have all the access, and of course, here in the most difficult cases the force option should be connected, the investigative committee of the ministry of internal affairs, especially in matters of migration, resettlement of this or that person, all this should work together. thank you, thank you, about how to create a clear algorithm for eliminating digital errors in restoring justice, we spoke with deputy chairman of the state duma boris chernushov. what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere? in the fires sharpener. light it here. and gniga, jean, ivan, i can't live without traveling, soon, ufa, you are one of the few in this room, had a blast, pipes, that's it, orchestra, come on, all together, people's casting, on friday at 21:30,
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not all roads are roads for us, as in the song, only the best ones, a rating of regions by the quality of traffic appeared. as they write the news in the country, a little more than half of the highways meet all regulatory requirements, moscow is in the lead, where almost all roads meet the standards, followed by the khantemansky autonomous okrug and krasnodar krai. also in the top tens - chelyabinsk region, ingushetia, belgorod region, adegeya, yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug, sevastopol and dagestan, well, on the last lines of volgograd, kirov and arkhangelsk regions, well, what? to feel the comfort of d-class cars, for example, good road surface, it is highly desirable, about new products in this segment, ivan zenkevich. new sedans do not appear on our market so often, but quite recently several strong players have come to our showrooms at once, and not only in the mass b and c-classes, there is something larger and more solid.
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let's consider three d-class sedans officially presented in russia, the review opens with chingan. it is driven by a 1.5-liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 181 horsepower, a seven-speed robotic gearbox, the only configuration includes a panoramic roof, remote trunk opening, parktronic plus camera, video recorder with all-round visibility, wireless charging, climate control, the recommended retail price is 2,790,000 rubles. and this is the only sedan in the russian line of the cherry brand . arizo 8, under the hood a turbocharged engine with 150 horsepower, a working volume of ... 1.6 liters. seven-speed robotic gearbox, the base will have keyless access, start, rear parktronic plus camera, a full set of warm options, dual-zone climate control. dvr, multimedia with support for android auto and apple carplay. the price starts from 2,850,000 rubles. well, let's finish
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with the latest novelty - gilly preface. under the hood of the sedan is a two-liter turbo engine with a capacity of 200 horsepower. seven-speed robotic gearbox. in the initial the equipment will include front and rear parking sensors, plus a 360-degree view system. full winter package, six airbags, electric drive, driver's seats, dual-zone. climate control - digital instrument panel. the price starts from 3 million rubles. so, chingan, although not much, is more affordable than the others. at the same time, it looks impressive and is well equipped. although there are no heaters everywhere, and the torsion beam in the rear suspension is also confusing. still, in a d-class car i would like to have a multi-link scheme, like competitors. for the basic cherry you will have to pay a little more. the engine of the ariz 8 is weaker than the lamor, but its resource may be higher. the chances of success in russia are added by the winter. the package has the highest ground clearance in the three , but the newcomer adzhili immediately imposes competition, it is slightly more expensive, but
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larger in size, more solid and more powerful. in any case, the line of d-class sedans has become more diverse and this is good. some models, due to comfort options, will be in demand in taxis, while others with a bold design will suit a young audience for whom family crossover seems too boring. and then.
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old piano, on saturday on rtr. heroes of our time, those who create the future with their own hands. lend a shoulder. can i hug you, we are already in love with you in absentia. if you can help, then you should help. there were moments when it was very hard and scary.
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these people can do everything and even more, ours, of course, you can't call yourself a hero. premiere, from monday to thursday on rtr. this is my service dog. time for big premieres on rtr. siri, siri, they work in pairs. where, look, look. oh! well done, one listens, the other one eavesdrops, i feel that something bad is happening, we can handle it, yes, one sniffs, the other
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one watches, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one digs, the other one digs, edik, we found a corpse, they are catching criminals together again, there are many suspects, but we need to choose one, please, lady with a dog, a new trail! i'm going with you, no objections! soon on rtr. there is a place to show off your claws. in ivanovo, they built the tallest cocktit in the world. 10 tiers almost 13 m high, that's 3 m more than before. ivanovo cat lovers did not spare 53 km of jute. as a result, the weight of the entire
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structure was 5 and a half, where so many cats, the product is already. approved by those for whom this structure is intended, a cat named sever was the first, was satisfied, the main thing is that the pyramid is collapsible, so it will be enough for all ivanovo cats, residents of volgograd meanwhile also have something to brag about, there is a pottery workshop where everyone can feel like a real creator. well, let's get acquainted with the ancient craft. potter's wheel, high-quality material, some water, an apron and of course, skillful hands, the necessary conditions for... creating a future masterpiece from clay. darya khudova has been practicing for 3 years, came to a master class once, got inspired, and now teaches herself. i admit honestly, i'm new to clay, but the desire to create something with my own hands wins. we take the clay in our hand, here's your disk, swing it really hard, hammer it in so that it's well secured. everything is possible, yes, really hard,
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yes. i must say, it's not an easy task, but emotions extremely pleasant. working with clay relaxes, sets you in a creative mood, the craftswoman is nearby, which means success is just around the corner, it takes about half an hour for the mug to become more or less recognizable. i really like such a good, large, dense mug, just enough for two servings of tea, we dry our products with a construction hair dryer, when the material has gotten rid of excess moisture, we take a fishing line and carefully separate our creation from the circle. excellent. everything is such a beauty that we have so far, but this is not the end, today on master classes on pottery are attended by adults and children, golia anuddinova sculpts together with her grandchildren, firstly, relaxation, pleasure, because firstly, i communicate with my grandchildren, i constantly try to be with them, this is development for children and for me too, my imagination here is just my work,
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those wishing to master an unusual craft with a centuries-old history are becoming more and more, in general, pottery is now gaining momentum is now very popular, not only in volgograd, for an adult audience, this is to give the opportunity to feel children, plus of course it is great development and for small children we have another very important sector, we work with children with autism, with children with cerebral palsy, and for whom the development of fine motor skills is also very important, for someone it is an excellent souvenir, for others interior items, but the main thing, like any creation...
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an offer for life, yeah, then all your life you will have to wipe the dust off these exercise machines, what is more profitable a gym or exercise machines, we will find out very soon. vera, do you want to knock? yeah, so i didn't get a punch, you are watching the news on the channel russia, good morning, andrey sheptsov in the studio. machine gun, burst. minobarnaya publishes. footage of the assault on the position of militants in the border area of ​​the kursk region. he was broadcasting live during a crime in turkey, a man with a knife and an axe attacked people in a mosque, five people were injured. more than 80 thousand residents were evacuated in southern china due to powerful flooding. the russian defense ministry publishes footage of the assault
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on the position of militants in the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. thanks to. reconnaissance using drones, the assault group motorized rifle unit of the northern group of forces discovered nationalists who were in a forest belt. the command decided to storm the position, as a result of which four militants were destroyed in the asu , the starlink station was captured. activists of united russia and the young guard are forming and delivering humanitarian aid to residents of the kursk and belgorod regions. a volunteer squad is working in kursk, they are helping in warehouses. in collection centers. they sort incoming goods and form kits for residents. also volunteers of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company have begun work in the border areas. at the moment , activists are providing targeted assistance to residents of relsk. they will bring food and necessary medicines to citizens. activists will also help people leave dangerous settlements. we have begun to provide
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targeted assistance to those in need, and the guys from. humanitarian aid to the kursk region is delivered from all over the country from the republic of karelia united russia sent more than one and a half tons of cargo, including a generator personal hygiene products, medicines. united russia members from tambov oblast sent food and things for people who temporarily left their homes. the cargo was collected by joint efforts of agricultural enterprises and residents. in the vdeevsky direction, the calculation of the zenith of the asa missile system. groups of troops of the center... the installation can detect and destroy small-sized devices at a distance of more than 10
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km, and servicemen of the air defense unit also carry out round-the-clock duty in their area of ​​responsibility and perform tasks on covering the locations of the units of personnel and equipment. about the work of the murmansk infantry. the armored personnel carrier opens fire on the enemy stronghold almost immediately. the task of the assault troops is to keep up with the armored vehicles. some of the fighters are inside, some get there on their own. motorcycles on the line of combat contact, now it is commonplace, they are used en masse all the time. now motorcycles are used together with armored vehicles, and new tactics give amazing results. the armored personnel carrier from its large every day new and new tactics appear, caliber, which is called does not allow
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the enemy to raise his head, at this moment the motorcycle group is already at the very edge of the trench. the most dangerous moment is on the minefield, we drove around the mines and dismounted, and after dismounting. it is also not easy to get to the position, there are enemy drones in the sky almost constantly, which attack at the slightest opportunity, it is very difficult to hide from it on a motorcycle, well, maneuver, we hit the brakes sharply, stop, turn around, while the bird turns around, we are already leaving, hiding, the last successes in the southern donetsk direction became possible, including thanks to volunteers, many... of them signed a contract with the ministry of defense just a few months ago. my brother came back from the war, i left, many comrades, let's say, the wounded returned, they still need to be replaced, someone
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needs to fight, and also liberate, how much can we tolerate. despite the difficulties, the stormtroopers of the vostok group daily break through the shalon defense in iisu, each time using new tactics that are unexpected for the enemy. sergey samog, oleg sokolshchuk, news. an iranian strike on israel could occur within the next 24 hours. the israeli army has been put on maximum alert. however , there are no new instructions for the country's civilian population yet. earlier , the press reported that the iranian military was showing the same activity as before the attack on israel in april. the situation in the middle east has sharply worsened after the assassination of the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, and senior adviser to hezbollah leader fuad shukr in beirut at the end of july. iran and hezbollah have promised avenge their deaths. in turkey , an eighteen-year-old young man attacked people near a mosque with a knife and an axe. earlier,
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five people who were sitting at tables in a tea yard were injured. all of them were hospitalized, and doctors assess the condition of two of them as critical. the criminal showed his attack live from a camera installed in his helmet. according to local publications, he was under the influence of military computer games. the attacker tried to escape, but was detained by employees police. more than 80 thousand people have been evacuated in southwest china due to heavy rain. heavy rains hit the region again last friday. flooding and destroyed homes are known. there is no information about victims yet. it is reported that at least 26 million residents have been flooded in a month. during this period, more than 300 people have died or gone missing. 12 thousand houses have been destroyed, more than 150 thousand have been damaged. further regional news, stay with us. now news from the capital
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region. the weather in moscow and the region is gradually improving, today 18:20. warm. in the morning hours, light rain is possible, the whole day will be cloudy with clearings. atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal. from wednesday , warming will begin in the capital region and the weather will return to the climatic norm. the theatre boulevard festival has been extended at the request of muscovites until august 31. they are held every week from friday to sunday at the most popular city venues. in total , more than half a million people have already visited the events. the best artists showed their sects on small stages in the city center moscow theaters. the exhibition "construction of creativity" has opened in the winzavod center for contemporary art. the exposition
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unites the image of the builder through time, from the thirties of the last century to the present day, unique rare posters, paintings, graphics of the soviet period, as well as works by contemporary artists are presented. all news is available on the media platform, watch the application or on the website, see you there! welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a 1 km long golden sand beach. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixa with premium luxury suites and villas - the holiday you've been dreaming about. where
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every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools. relax in the spa and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here , every room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday - your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. yes, you need to get away, oh, impossible love is already on, come quickly, impossible love, i don't understand why you 're watching this, and that's true, why do you need the internet if you're not going to watch coffee with the aroma of love on it, we're comforting ourselves with hope, i know that everything will end badly, a series where the aroma of passions unfolds with every sip, oh no, everything will end well, coffee with the aroma of love, we're already watching on the website in the app, good
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morning everyone, good morning, it's great that you 've joined us, a new day, and today is tuesday, august 13, we're starting together with you, vladislav zavelov, it's good that it's not friday the 13th, another oak tree not only from pushkin lukomorye is ready to become the main tree of the country, the veshinsky oak from the sholokhov museum-reserve in the rostov region won the competition. eh, this tree is already 189 years old, in second place is the red oak from belgorod region, bronze was taken by the ufa oak from bashkartystan. experts measured the height, diameter and girth of the trunk, the age of the tree and its species, and the leader was determined based on the results of the vote, but scientists also calculated one of the oldest trees on the planet, it turned out to be sequoia her general sherman from the national park in california, experts believe that it is more than 2 thousand years old, but not trees. not forests,
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the lungs of the planet, but the ocean, phytoplankton releases the most oxygen, and naturally, the ocean forms the weather, we will learn about it now from masha borisova, hello, masha, i watched on tv, yesterday your forecast for the week, but it was not for a week, it was for 2 days, i assumed that this awaits us all week, well, so you will adjust it, well, it should be noted that a very strong one came to the irkutsk region. which cannot be said about the volga region, where it continues to rain because of it, and in general, if we talk about the urals, autumn has begun there, it is also cold and rainy there, in yakutia, where recently, yesterday i go...
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where in the caucasus mountains short thunderstorms are still possible, it is hot here in the afternoon, in crimea in kuban 29:34, in the lower reaches of the volga and don 26-31. sea water off the coast of crimea 24. 27 ° on the black sea coast 25-28. and over the middle volga due to frontal sections cloudy and rainy weather will prevail. temperature the regime will enter the climatic framework of the beginning of september, during the day no higher than 15:20 only in the south of the region it will be 2-3° warmer. in
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the northwest of russia on tuesday, light rains are still possible, from thursday the region will be in the area of ​​the solar anticyclone. in such a situation , the daytime temperature will rise to 19-24. in central russia, the weather will change in the same regime: today in some places light rain, and tomorrow mostly sunny and dry weather, during the day on tuesday 18:23, and then warming up to 20:25. the urals will remain under the power cyclone, therefore cloudy and rainy weather will linger in the region, therefore the air will warm up poorly, during the day only at 15:20. southern siberia will be on the far periphery of the cloud vortex, and here gorozny rains are possible only in places and will not prevent the sun from warming the air. up to 23-28 in places the thermometer columns can rise by another 2-3° higher. in the south of the far east, too, here and there , mainly in the amur region, there will be a noise of showers and thunderstorms, the prevailing daytime temperature until 26:31. thank you, masha. but for the european part
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summer will return to russia after all. yes, to us in the center, summer is returning, the warmth is returning. we survived the coldest night, the night of august 12. and in st. petersburg, by the way, it is also raining. pause, that is , the weather is also getting better there, if something changes, tomorrow you will have to adjust, thank you, masa borisova told about the weather, where will we get 45,000 dollars? i know where, moscow novel, today at 21:20, the most important day in life, today, everything depends on our deeds, on decisions, our heroes , our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland. we speak with those who make history with their own hands, with those who change the world, these are our people, ours, premiere from monday to thursday at 13:00 on the russia channel, to win like nothing to do or doing nothing, there is a wonderful competition
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in which everyone would like to participate, and with a high chance of success. in china, a tournament was held, the participants of which just had to lie in bed for 4 hours, but according to the rules. during this time you can only read, and exclusively a paper book: sleeping or using gadgets is prohibited. judging by the frame of the book with few took it with them, and the winner got a prize of about 100,000 rubles. but now such competitions for idleness will be annual, but maybe we will implement them then? no, our people strive for activities, which is confirmed by the statistics of purchases of sports equipment for the home. how much does it cost and is it more profitable? training than a gym membership was studied by darya tivunova, because it is quite light, compact and easy to use, it also has a non-slip surface, which is very important, it has a calm light pink color. for small money today in a sporting goods store muscovite maria chose a yoga mat, the girl does not have time
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to work out in the gym because of work, with such equipment you can do stretching or pump up your abs at any time, and it is also quite budget-friendly. the best thing about it is the price of 399 rubles. i chose a mat for home workouts because i work out mainly in the morning or on weekends. russians are increasingly buying sports equipment for home workouts, especially now during the summer holidays. the demand for such goods compared to similar period of the last year has grown significantly. if we compare the data for the first half of the twenty-fourth, twenty-third years, we see that the demand for sports equipment for home workouts has grown by 13% year-on-year. to pump up the main part of the muscles at home, you will need the following minimum set of equipment. the first is a soft mat, the most budget-friendly one, the same as maria chose for yoga made of pvc, will cost from 200 rubles. one of the disadvantages is that it immediately rolls back up, and the material is short-lived, the most expensive is anti-slip made of rubber or cork, will cost 4,000. then latex fitness bands can break faster, but they are also cheaper, from 400 rubles. more durable and pleasant to the body fabric ones, can reach 5,000 rubles. another indispensable attribute
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is dumbbells, they can be set and fixed. if you take dumbbells that are by weight, then the price tag will be the cheapest, there 0.05 kg, in my opinion, will cost 300 rubles, well, up to five, let's say, here is a set dumbbell, then the price tag will be, probably from 3,000, because we buy the bar separately, which costs 1,500 rubles, let's go further, pancakes on the hanging, and also a ball, a roller for the press or a cube for stretching, as a result, the entire home set will cost the buyer about 12-15 thousand, for comparison, for the same money you can buy a subscription to the gym and get a whole set of exercise machines for all muscle groups. in a fitness club there is usually a fairly wide range. exercise machines, i already talked about cardio equipment, cardio equipment can be a treadmill, it can be an exercise bike, it can be an elliptical trainer with a certain trajectory of movement, there may be an exercise bike, strength equipment. so that to close all groups , gyms in fitness clubs are equipped with muscles, that is, you can do a deadlift, you
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can pump your back, you can pump the upper shoulder train. in addition, fitness clubs usually have a group program room, a swimming pool. by the way, you can try classes in the gym without buying a subscription for a year. more and more often , fitness clubs give their clients the opportunity to purchase a card for 1-2 months costing from 100 to 2.0 rubles. good doctor neural network. surveys have shown that russians are quite optimistic about the use of new technologies in medicine. most believe that they will help in the rehabilitation of patients and in the training of specialists. but every fifth person is sure that artificial intelligence will soon replace some doctors. but at the same time , less than half are ready to trust the neural network with diagnostics. every second person will allow it to store data about their condition, and the majority is ready for health monitoring. as for robot surgeons, everyone has a positive attitude towards them. the third, well, that's it krasnoyarsk scientists have created a device that can automatically
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predict the occurrence of forest fires, andrey negru found out the details: in the city, fires are more often reported by the victims themselves or by vigilant passers-by in the forest , a fire often remains unnoticed until it develops into a real natural disaster. however, today designers have many ideas on how to fix this, here is one option: a device that can give an alarm signal even before a possible... a computing module that in mode online calculates the fire hazard class. in fact, we have a weather station with it is clear that it will be the highest at low humidity, high temperature , increased lightning activity. scientists have already tested the device in real conditions and proved that one such can. we have 60 forestries, even 61 forestries, in each
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forestry there are about five district forestries, so in each district forestry such a device is ideally needed. data from the devices should flow to the forest protection control panel so that specialists pay special attention attention to the dangerous area, perhaps they flew around it by helicopter once more, but the area can be viewed using surveillance cameras, such as those that are on special towers with... behind the forest we have more and more, the main task is to have it below the lightning rod and above the sectors so that they do not block the view. neural networks now help analyze the image from these cameras, they not only see smoke, but also distinguish what is its source: a fire or, say, a tpp pipe, you can immediately accurately determine the location of the fire, its area, understand how much a person will be needed to extinguish, although such a dangerous job can also be taken by technology, this is already an idea of ​​​​stavropol scientists, a drone equipped with a capsule with a fire extinguishing agent and a camera with a thermal imager to accurately determine where to drop this capsule.
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after the capsule gets into the fire, the capsule explodes, that is, the substance is sprayed by an explosion, that is , high pressure appears there, oxygen is squeezed out of the fire zone. where one drone can not cope, you can send a whole swarm of flying firefighters, but this is in the future. today, engineers are only building the first prototype of such a copter. well, then, a market without rules, how builders deceive customers of private houses, and how to restore order in the izh system, we will figure it out soon, i love you, and i love you, we are sitting well, let's run, run out, premiere, so reliable, not petrushka, he called someone again, well , don't be silent, please. my name is mikhail dolskaya. i know, we talked before. you
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didn't spend the night at home? there is something i don't know. can i finally admit that i love him, you know, i love him. and i can't do anything with him to do this, you know, i love. the bonds of marriage or the web of love, whichever is stronger. just ask without emotions. what do you mean without emotions? you won't give up on me, i won't stand it, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr.
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so he says. lighthouse, quiet, wife, where in the next car, quiet, i think she noticed me, yours, hello, soon, urgently, there's an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start the investigation myself, i'll find this bastard. just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i'll call if the car was spotted on video cameras, the police will come to you, not a word about me, when a lie breeds a new lie, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another,
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let me go, where is he, let me go, where is he, where is the registrar, they found the car, the owner, the girl found out that she had a man, here he is, the life line on saturday at the rdr, please, introduction and roll call, no need for a line-up, i'm very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much stories told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, i...
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when everyone was home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr, an hour after meeting you he was killed, how was he killed, blown up on the threshold of his own apartment, hello, young guy, it seems, who did he manage to pick on like that, what did he write about, i will not remain silent about crimes, in your opinion, should i set up my friend who introduced me to him, secrets of investigations. today on rtr. in suzdal they celebrated a thousand years since the first mention of the city in the tale of bygone years. the holiday turned out to be grandiose. the city turned into a huge fair and a concert venue at the same time.
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numerous guests danced in circles, bought local crafts , played folk games. the main thing that the participants of the celebrations, which lasted for 3 days, noted was the incredibly warm atmosphere. everyone who was there confessed their love for the creation in social networks. people in love with cinema gathered in vyborg, the thirty-second window to europe festival is taking place there, as always, it surprises with a variety of themes, genres, and among there are many debutants among the authors of the films. we will find out something about the films and nominees now. the meteor shower covered before the sun set , actress marina aleksandrova, the author of film hits vladimir kot, are walking along the historic pavement in the pre -sunset rays, kirill kyara is catching up with his colleagues, thank you, thank you, sorry, in a solemn formation, although not the real one, but still dicaprio, filmmakers and spectators overcome one and a half kilometers through the city center, a beautiful tradition and a loud
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statement, the thirty-second window to europe festival is already in the city, excellent, gorgeous mood, that's right.
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festivals will show about 80 films, more than half from the competition program, this year there are three nominations, feature, documentary and animated films, from near-rental streaming to arthouse, thriller and melodrama. and detectives, every second film is a debut. the tape will come summer, the first feature film by director kiril sultanov, a drama starring actor kirill kyara on the eternal theme of the prince and the pauper. it will be stylish, interesting, exciting, right? yes, this is a crime thriller, which was filmed entirely young guys, most of them debutants, with the exception of actors, of course, so we hope that we will be able to say something new and surprise the viewer. documentary filmmakers brought 12 films to choose from, the viewer will look into an architectural bureau and printing houses, find out why a young man became a kindergarten teacher and how the symbol of the cross changed the view of generations on
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the world around us. well, for children, there are as many as 30 animated films, although many are more for adults. fairy tales, parables and dreams in vivid plots, stories about a kind dog, robots, and also little ones who grow up, but keep the memories of childhood as the main treasure. and then in cramped conditions, but no offense, listen, i can’t even imagine how they lived, slept, and ate here, they were creative, i’ll tell you more, they even had children, in general , it was like that in our dorm too, remember? well, that’s when it was, now the dorm is completely different, and there are still not enough places for everyone, we will discuss options for accommodating students with an expert very soon, i think it was great in general. fun, depending on who you lead with
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continue to work live, andrey shevtsov is in the studio, hello, the crews of supersonic fighters su-34 bombers attacked the positions of nationalists in the border area of ​​the kursk region at night, the strike was carried out on targets with aviation bombs with a universal planning and correction module, this allows pilots to conduct combat operations from... a dangerous distance from the line of combat contact, as a result , manpower was destroyed, as well as armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine, having received confirmation from intelligence about the defeat of targets, the crew safely returned to the departure airport. united russia activists of the young guard are forming and delivering humanitarian aid to residents of the kursk and belgorod regions. a detachment of volunteers is working in kursk, they are helping warehouses in collection centers. they are sorting incoming goods and forming kits for residents. also, volunteers of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company have begun working in border areas. at the moment, activists are providing targeted assistance to residents of rylsk. they are bringing
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food and necessary medicines to citizens. activists will also help people leave dangerous settlements. humanitarian aid is being sent to kursk oblast from all over the country. in yaroslavl oblast, activists have also prepared parcels. these are food, clothing, baby diapers, personal hygiene products. in belgorod oblast, the young guard of united russia delivered aid to a temporary accommodation point where residents of border areas live whose houses may be under fire. activists handed over food packages, water, and personal hygiene products. the crews of the t-90m breakthrough tanks destroyed the takeoff point of the drones and the ukrainian armed forces manpower in the area of ​​the special military operation. using the terrain, the tankers advanced to the line of fire and attacked the enemy. the tankers successfully hit targets located at a considerable distance out of line of sight. according to
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the coordinates obtained with the help of drones, observation posts of the ammunition depot were destroyed, as well as the ukrainian armed forces personnel in strongholds. iran's strike on israel may occur in the coming days. the israeli army has been brought to a state of. republican presidential candidate donald trump said that the conflicts in ukraine and all three countries were caused by the incompetent us government.
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he made this statement during an audio interview on twitter, which was taken from him by the owner of the social network elon musk. the politician also called his opponent in the upcoming elections kamlo haris even more incompetent than the current head of state joe biden. trump also emphasized that he hopes to get along with the world again. before the interview, musk said that the social network had been subjected to a massive hacker attack, which delayed the live broadcast and prevented many users from joining right away. the billionaire explained that many were trying to stop donald trump from expressing his opinion. seven people
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were killed, four were missing after a gas explosion in the capital of venezuela, and more than twenty were injured, which happened in one of the densely populated favelas of caracos, causing a three-story building to collapse, all happened early in the morning, when residents were still at home, most of the victims were among the residents of the first floor, rescue operations are ongoing at the scene, then news from your region to residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few. now to the news of the capital region: the weather in moscow and the region is gradually improving. today 18-20 ° celsius. in the morning hours , light rain is possible, the whole day will be cloudy with clearings, atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal. according to the data center.
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the congestion of the capital's streets now is two points, and there is difficulty in moving towards the center. in the coming hours , the density of traffic jams may increase to four points. the capital supports residents of the kursk region, the organization moscow helps, opened 14 collection points for necessary things for forced migrants from border areas. such centers are in each urban district. people can bring food, clothing, personal hygiene products for adults and children, and other goods.
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but, which for more than half a century decorated the former dormitory of the local weaving factory. the building began to demolish, as it had long been in a state of disrepair. is there a chance to save it, veronika tarasova found out. from a light touch of the ladle, the wall of the former dormitory of the kickback factory, the proletarian victory, collapses with a roar. the building has been in a state of disrepair for many years, now it is being demolished, but the residents of mytishchi continue to fight for... this panorama. this is a city-forming art object. it will be a pity to lose it. it will be a pity if it is wiped off the face of the earth. the building really has a long history. in the twenties in the 1960s, it was called the white bedroom, as workers from a sewing factory lived there. later, during soviet times, it was completely renovated. that's when it acquired a typical look for
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the sixties. balconies appeared. the windows were blocked up, and a panel was made on a blank wall. graffiti is a popular soviet-era decorating technique, when cement of different colors was applied to a wall and given a certain shape. for example, on this wall , an artist in the sixties depicted seamstresses, musicians, and athletes. but this monumental painting does not have long left. the hostel is in a state of emergency. it would seem that only the wall can be preserved as a special monument of the soviet era, but it stands on 19th century bricks, which means that at any moment. it can collapse, the wall itself has a high degree of wear, it simply poses a danger to the life and health of citizens. experts propose a solution: take casts and restore them in another place. veronika tarasova, vladislav dubtsov and ilika dzhevakhishvili. vesti. an evening dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the art of the film only old men are going to battle was held in the capital. musical compositions from the film
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and a military melody were performed by the military orchestra of the central district of the national guard troops. the actor who played romeo, rustam sagdulaev, took part in the event via video link and recalled his first meeting with director leonid bekov. comrade commander, allow me to ask an extra question. come on, romeo, just quickly, what's wrong with you, he started asking me. family, how's the filming, i heard, he says that you're filming, i immediately, somehow i felt, i say, not call. took place on august 12, seventy -fourth year, the picture immediately won the love of the audience, it was watched by more than 44 million
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people, during the filming director leonid bykov regularly consulted with combat pilots, the prototypes of the main characters were real people. our news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website. see you good luck. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharm el-sheikh. rixas radomis sharm el-sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas, radomis sharmel-sheikh. who are we, where are we
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going? what kind of country are we? a russian person remains a russian person. of course, there is something inside, a chill, such. anything can happen, i will still do what i do. now there is a fight for our values. for us, for russia, for our past, this is my way, this is my life, this is my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, you need to sew copies of branded things to sell at a real price, hire your own professionals, watch rtr, i sew well, very well, and i sew myself, anything, today you will take me to work, where? people from me came, came, then wait for a call, i will tell you when and where she will be, do not let me down, moscow novel, today on rtr,
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good morning, hello, with vera krasova today we want to introduce you to our present. august 13 outside the window, well our broadcast today let's talk about the future, the future belongs to printed houses, apparently, a giant 3d printer 14 tons wide and weighing 5 tons, is building or stamping the largest residential area overseas, possibly in the world. the device works quickly, a few days and the walls are ready, concrete powder, water, sand, various additives are placed in the machine for printing, they say that such housing saves ...
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builders, probably because there are too many dubious specialists working in this area today. the lack of special accreditations, control and clear rules of work, attracts companies with a shady reputation to the individual housing construction market. there are no requirements for the builders themselves. that
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is, relatively speaking, there is no need to make a project for individual housing construction, there is no technical supervision and there is no control like there is for apartment buildings. many questions arise about the financing of construction, here is the story we got into. dozens of muscovites and petersburgers, instead of frame-modular houses they received vacant lots and multi-year loans. you are not insured at all, that is, in this case, when i first of all came to the bank and announced that you, i say, your company, with which you cooperate, is a fraudster, so they threw up their hands, but said: you have such a program, you yourself decide who you work with, we have nothing to do with it. dozens of victims have contacted the investigative committee, but so far the investigation is not going as fast as we would like. in any case. it is difficult to get money back from such companies, because the accounts may turn out to be empty, while millions of people are forced to take the risk of paying the builders directly. attempts by some unscrupulous developers to play with the price factor, yes, when the developer says: let's pay us
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the entire amount in advance, and we'll give you a discount, and then it's up to the developer or swindler to make up his mind. such tricks are not available to developers who build apartment buildings, where the escrow account system works, when the customer's money is frozen in a bank account and given to the contractor only when the building is put into operation. a similar scheme will soon be used in the construction of individual houses. from march 1 twenty-fifth year use. accounts at least in mortgage lending subsidized, that is, where the state takes part in compensating the rate for banks, the use of iskrow will be mandatory. however, there is a chance to protect yourself from fraud today, experts say: money can be paid to builders in small tranches for completed volumes through the mediation of the bank. the main thing is to write out all the conditions and a detailed estimate in the contract, and the developer's refusal from such a work scheme can become a marker of his. unscrupulous intentions the housing issue is always
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a headache for both students and their parents today according to the ministry of education and science only one sixth of all russian students live in university dormitories, a little more than 750 thousand people, while almost 3 million are studying full-time. that is why the department supported the idea of ​​building housing with a new legal status for full-time students. it is clear that someone settles somewhere with
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relatives, they chip in, but the state view of this problem is here there are several options, there are options when a university does not have enough of its own places, and it turns to other organizations, a common practice and even in moscow universities, when one of the universities has additional places, they conclude agreements very well, students of one university live. on the campus of another and such interaction occurs, as a solution option, of course, but this is one solution option, there are other solution options, this is a point example for now, but i see this practice is already beginning, let's take tambov state university, they are with the house the russian federation began to build a rental house, this is actually a profitable, well, apparently, yes, you can call it profitable, as in the beginning, this is exactly the idea that we wanted to discuss with you, only now on a scale with... well, there are already the first signs, in the next academic year,
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as far as i know, this house will already be launched, this experience can be scaled up within the country, and what needs to be done to implement this? well, first of all , a good example with results should happen, how much this will all work, then the investment of resources and infrastructure development, but while all this is being built, can any existing rental houses already be used? let's go far, let's take mytishche and there the state university of education has long been interacting with several hotels, where students of this university mainly live, plus there is a practice when the university dates this accommodation not on its campus, paying extra to students, compensating part of the funds spent on accommodation, after all , some kind of, as it seems to you, it is necessary to develop a strategic plan for solving this problems within the framework of the country, so that - it illustrated the understanding that students
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are a resource, this is the future, we need to invest in this so that we get results in the long term? indeed, now by the thirtieth year there is a task to build 25 campuses, large universities, there are already 17 planned, and the first campus is already being launched, as far as i understand, at bauman moscow state technical university, that is, this is good practice, dormitory renovation, major repairs. but close. thank you. good. about how to solve
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the housing issue for out-of-town students, we spoke with the first deputy chairman of the commission for the development of higher education and science in the public chamber of russia. today at 15:00 on the russia channel. the dream of a passenger is to reduce the waiting time for a flight and make the flight more comfortable. the national project labor productivity should help with this. already 39 russian airports and airlines have received state support from experts of the federal competence center and
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their regional colleagues. we started with. distribution of flows of queues of checking-in passengers, like a theater starts with the hanger, so the airport, with the check-in counter, the head of the khantimansiysk air harbor shows us the results of the renovation of all production processes. they replaced the equipment with more modern, more compact, removed the unnecessary and organized the location of printers and various baggage tags, boarding passes, so that the agent spends less time on registering passengers. for the list of useful achievements.
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the business model helped to increase production by as much as 10%, and aircraft servicing in airport, on the contrary, was reduced from an hour to 48 minutes. this allowed to receive more flights, and this was done without compromising flight safety. having analyzed the entire chain, the management decided to exclude duplicate functions from it. all this inspection, registration. and i will say that according to my feelings , it seemed to go through this process faster. the employees are very polite. and you don’t need to arrive at the airport 2 hours, an hour and a half in order to go through everything, it’s enough, you can even arrive half an hour or an hour in advance. optimization bears fruit - costs are lower, the profit is higher, which means that further development can be undertaken. in total , more than 6,000 enterprises with a total revenue of over 18 trillion rubles are participating in the national project on labor productivity.
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the total number of employees is more than 1.5 million people. the average participant in the national project shows an effective use of personnel of only 50%. this means that 50% of the time during the production process, people are doing something else, but not the production itself, they go for spare parts, they wait for these spare parts, they are worth it because the equipment is simple, the same companies that took advantage of state support have become many times more efficient, a striking example of this is the airport of yuzhno-sakhalinsk, there they decided to establish the coherence of technical services in such a way that the service, starting from the plane ramp and up to the baggage belt, would work like a single organism, when optimization occurs, there is... the opportunity to further compress the schedule and add, if necessary, some additional flights to iturub, baku, yuzhnoka, because such a need is as it were periodically, of course, the weather factor cannot be completely excluded, and flight cancellations still happen, but making the wait for departure comfortable is still a solvable task, in the largest airport in the far east
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, spacious waiting rooms, cozy rest areas have coped with this, and the atmosphere as a whole is conducive to staying here. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, in a month i won't get in and i'll tear your legs off, yeah, so that's who our new one is neighbor, what's up, something happened, maybe we can have lunch together, i have to go to work now, elena rosseva, you've lived
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in two families for the last 10 years, yes, unlike you, we have everything for real, both family and love. viktor vasiliev, you're nobody, you've become a homebody, that's not interesting in itself, maxim shchogna, i have scum written all over my face, then i can just leave na... i'm waiting, if there are too many false notes in life, but you're left i'm alone, tune it up again, i wanted to apologize, you're not at all what you want to seem, i won't give you my husband, an old piano, on saturday on rtr, you don't need to make an appointment, it's a joke, he'll come to your house himself. we 're starting, he'll always help, we'll practice, how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to raise low
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blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he'll always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard, a knitting needle like a child. i sleep, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust on 100%, you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. everything. exactly as in my visions, a genius, a billionaire, a playboy, a philanthropist, and
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also a psychic, you will find all the evidence in his pan, any task will seem easy, the case has not yet been solved, because this guy, he is not as simple as he seems, not at all simple, not so simple, very, very difficult, already on the website in the application we are watching, hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, without rushing to deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one, what is he an image of victory, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yany rag , see you. let's look at the nomad games now, the games are just for the public in morocco hundreds of thousands
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of people came to the ancient festival of local dzhaggetovka, taburida, this type of equestrian competition is not only considered an old tradition, but is a calling card of the north african country. unesco included tburida in the list of intangible cultural heritage. the main thing that the participants should show is the close connection between the warrior and his horse, but on the internet they teach how to make watercolors, gouache and oil paints on your own, we will learn the most successful recipes now, and at the same time we will see what can be painted with them, you know, you have some strange paints, and so who stole all the lemons from my kitchen, maybe you took the beets too, by the way, i didn’t come up with this, this is another internet trend of homemade paints from food, now at the peak of popularity, for example, from beets, all this and you need to boil the root vegetable, grate or blend and squeeze out the resulting juice. the most fashionable color of the season
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is on your palette. by the way, absolutely extraordinary colors are obtained from different vegetables . deep purple from red cabbage with the help of ordinary baking soda will turn into a hypnotic blue color. i do not recommend proportions, the master explains. listen to your soul. you can also use coffee, onion peel and much more, but professional artists shrug their shoulders. such paints are unstable and live so little that they are barely enough for one drawing. let's try more long-lasting homemade paints. you will need multi-colored clay, stone and honey. dilute with a small amount of water natural watercolor is ready. well, and this technique was probably used by artists. of the past , it is worth making oil paint at least in order to feel a little like van gogh or gauguin, here everything is even simpler: mix
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dry pigment with hay oil and enjoy the result. if you do not like dirty work, and are attracted exclusively to pure creativity, you can try to create a new color from existing paints. recipes of the mass, for example, mix dry glitter with the same oil. experimenting with proportions, we get simply. incredible beauty, by the way, the new color must be given its own name, i don’t know what the artist called this one, but i would suggest something like the sky in 15 minutes. before the rain, yes, and i will call this color monday morning after a long weekend, gloomy, of course, but truthful, well, we will finish this morning, thanks for watching us, stay in touch,
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in our telegram channel you can not only read see everything we told you here, showed what was left behind the scenes, but you can still write to us, so don't get lost and see you soon, yes, have a good broadcast, tomorrow with denis, good, good, hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, denis polunchukov in the studio. and most importantly by this hour. russian military stormed the positions in the sso on the kursk border, our aviation is destroying the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian militants, personnel from the ministry of defense. more than 230 tons of humanitarian aid have already arrived in the kursk region. aid is coming from all over countries. donald trump
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hopes that if he is re-elected as us president.


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