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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 13, 2024 2:35pm-3:00pm MSK

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this is a real invisible one. a gasoline engine of our own design with a special muffler reduces the visibility of the drone in the air and provides a flight time of more than 10 hours. and this is already a large bird, the older model orland 30 , due to its wingspan of up to 4.5 m, is capable of carrying up to 6 kg of useful weight. but the main difference is the improved camera, which ... uav operators are trained directly at the enterprise, the work is carried out in close cooperation with the russian ministry of defense, dozens of supercams and eagles are delivered to the front every day. developed new modifications of the copter type, aircraft type, payloads, special software is being developed . orlan can perform combat missions at any time of day and in almost any weather, peel radio stations.
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mobile phones block gps signals, a flying cell tower passes all communications through itself. a whole flock of eagles is preparing to go to the special operation zone. the advantage of our scouts is that they can fly without the operator and are ready to continue missions, even in conditions of loss of communication. a separate option, the so-called work in a flock. orlan effectively exposes the enemy's air defense. while one device illuminates the target, another records the work of the radar, the third transmits. the coordinates at the position of our artillery remain only to deliver an accurate strike. dmitry pishchukhin, alexey sasyrin, alexander borushkov, galina orlova and alena suldina. vesti. people's attitude to national history is one of the indicators of the spiritual maturity of society. patriarch kirill reminded about this at the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the 500th anniversary navadeevich monastery. it is held in the main building of the historical museum on red square. the exhibition presents authentic exhibits related to the history of ancient.
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and also shows state and church figures of different eras, but most importantly, the exhibition, equipped with advanced interactive technologies, will help visitors feel the continuity of the spiritual and cultural tradition of our people and feel their real involvement in it. it is extremely important that such wonderful exhibitions, from which the spirit is simply breathtaking captivates from those shrines that we saw today, saw as many
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young people as possible and through the prism of those historical events looked and treated that bright future for which we are now all fighting with you. the federal part of the broadcast is over here ahead news from the regions. bashkiria is accepting residents of the affected kursk region. we have connections my colleague artur maksyutov. artur, hello, how many people arrived to improve their health and how long will they stay in the region? hello, denis. affected residents of the kursk region arrived in bashkartastan this night. these are 34 children accompanied by eight adults. they arrived at the ufa international airport at midnight, and then on buses that were already waiting for them near the airport, they went to the dyurtyulinsky district of the republic. there they will rest in a camp for as long as necessary. let us recall that they are in bashkiria to improve their health. residents of the kursk region arrived as part of the instructions of the head of the republic. thank you,
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but we will now move to the hemerovo region, where large-scale two-week power engineering exercises have started, we have connections, my colleague yulia melikhova. yulia , hello, what tasks are facing the specialists? denisa, hello, teams from kuzbass, altai, omsk, krasnoyarsk, tomsk and khakassia will replace the supports, cut down more than 250 trees along the power line, and clear 62 hectares of protected areas of vegetation in 14 days. the fact is that last november, a hurricane of particularity. hit novokuznetsk and the district hard, the dilapidated power grids could not withstand, many of them still from the soviet period, and even a state of emergency had to be declared, so the task of this large-scale training, first of all, queue - reducing accidents. thank you, colleagues, have a good broadcast, right after our release, watch the secrets of the investigation on the russia tv channel, well, right now regional news with residents of moscow and the moscow region. i'm not saying goodbye, we'll see you in just a few seconds. stay with us.
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14 headquarters of the moscow helps project have started collecting aid for victims from the kursk region, we'll tell you what is needed first. five people were detained near larisa dorina's house, they tried to seize the singer's apartment in komovniki, we may be talking about a major fraud. an entire block in the north of the capital was left without hot water due to debts, but residents do not have the right to pay them off yet, why did this happen? the port is in debt and the new menu at the festival sites moscow 2030 we will tell you about the most interesting points. so, muscovites come to collection points for the affected residents of the kursk region. now throughout the city as
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part of the campaign moscow helps, 14 headquarters are operating, where you can bring the goods people need. these are food, warm clothes, shoes, personal hygiene products, bed linen, towels and much, much more, not only ordinary citizens, but also business representatives can provide all possible assistance. in addition, september 1 is coming soon, so school supplies are needed - these are writing materials, various books, a school uniform, sports uniforms, we accept all this at our headquarters, in new packaging, in order to subsequently pass it on to those who ... collection points are open in every district of the capital, they work daily from 10 am to 7:00 pm, the exact the schedule can be found on the mosovonter website. and about 400 more residents of the kursk region arrived in the moscow region tonight, including 162
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children. they are being accommodated at temporary accommodation centers in klin, pushkin, yegoryevsk, podolsk, stupino, lyubertsy and kolomna. the moscow region has already accepted. almost a thousand people from settlements that were attacked by ukrainian militants. those arriving are examined by doctors, hot meals are organized at each point, people are provided with all the necessary assistance, including psychological assistance. also in the moscow region launched a hotline for victims from the kursk region and their relatives. operators will tell you how to receive a one-time payment and help find loved ones. moscow shares its experience with russian regions. the kaliningrad, lipetsk and chelyabinsk regions, as well as the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug, have joined the capital's data processing service. in addition, smart technologies are already being used in the moscow region and the voronezh region. with the help of modern algorithms
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the doctor analyzes computer tomograms, x-rays quickly identify signs of diseases. the mosmetti platform, a specialized platform created in moscow for... medical organizations of the subjects so that medical organizations could send their studies of radiation diagnostics for processing by the artificial intelligence service, the best services that have proven themselves in moscow. during the operation of the platform , more than 160 thousand studies have already been processed. a scandal is brewing in moscow around the apartment of a well-known singer larisa dolina. today , information appeared that unknown persons tried to enter the territory of an elite house in khamovniki, but security.
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according to some reports, the singer was sure that she was participating in the special services operation to help them catch apartment scammers, so after the deal, she transferred the money she received to so -called safe accounts, thus losing real estate of a large amount of about 180 million rubles. it is possible that the people who came to the singer's house today were the buyers of her apartment. owners apartment in the capital's residential complex is legendary.
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there is no hot water, there is no hot water in the neighbors, and in all the buildings of the zhika is legendary, they turned off for a long time more than 20 million. sometimes i heat up, of course, water, sometimes i go to friends, at least somehow i have to get out of the situation. it's been happening for several weeks and well, every time i have to spin, this significantly complicates my life. when they moved in a year and a half ago, people say, they saw that there was no line for hot water supply in the receipts, they contacted the management company. they told me to pay no need, the water is free, until the developer signs a contract, you don't have to pay anything, the developer pays. now there is no hot water in 2. apartments, in order to have hot water in the apartments, many have installed these flow-through pressure water heaters, they are very small, this one costs 7,500 plus another five for installation, while electricity bills
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have increased significantly, electricity, firstly, here in an apartment it is a priori more expensive than in a residential building, well, and also a lot, we can face an emergency of a different scale, we have had hot water turned off for almost a month, residents are ready to pay this debt, there is another problem in the apartments, people live as in ordinary apartments and it is time to prepare the house for winter, because there is no hot water they cannot even ... in which it is indicated that these documents are not enough. lawyers are sure that the problems
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arose because they bought people, namely apartments. apartments are classified in accordance with the housing code as residential premises and the legal relations of the owners residential premises, are regulated by this housing code. owners of apartments cannot extend the same rights and powers to their property. since apartments are not residential premises, that is why such square meters cost less, so here they can just go and turn off the water. in an apartment building, the procedure would be more complicated, while the owners of the apartments cannot directly enter into an agreement with the resource supplying organization. if this is a residential apartment building, then you have the right to directly sign such an agreement, and for this only the presence of the act of acceptance of the transfer of this house is required. when we talk about the system of apartments. this rule does not work, because most likely, each owner of a separate apartment will not be able
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to conclude an agreement until there is a full act of commissioning. there is a way out, say lawyers, to create a partnership of property owners, which will be able to conclude the necessary agreements. igor yaroslavtsev, sergey evdakimov and maria rudakova. vesti. in the residential complex scandinavia in new moscow, parking is prohibited in all driveways, motorists are forced to look for parking spaces in neighboring blocks or rent. parking for a lot of money, why such problems arose, maxim oparin figured out. every evening ends the same way for residents of the residential complex scandinavia. returning from work, they circle the area in search of a free space. and recently , signs prohibiting parking were installed along all driveways. it was difficult to leave a car here before, now many just i had to switch to public transport. the situation, you know, is as if not for people, on the contrary, against, that is, well, the situation has definitely worsened, that is, it was. comfortable, but it became completely impossible, and after the signs appeared on the territory of the residential complex , tow trucks cleared out, they even take away those cars
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that are parked in parking pockets. widening the roadway, and where is the parking sign, show me, please, there is no parking sign anywhere, well, that means this is not a parking pocket. the situation is hopeless, people say, underground parking, provided developer, overcrowded, there are no more spaces there long ago. 388 parking spaces, 836 apartments, and what should we do? and this situation is not only... in our house, but in all houses in southern scandinavia. there is paid parking in the yard, but after the prohibition signs appeared, everything there is also occupied. it is suggested to buy paid parking, but the paid parking that we have here on the street, and organized by our management company, it is also already sold out, there are no spaces on it right away. someone is trying to rent an underground space from the owners who bought them at the stage construction, others are looking for a garage in the neighboring residential complexes. parking spaces here start from 2 million - family ones from 3 million, that is, for two cars. when the driveways around the residential complex were cleared of
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parked cars, another problem arose: it became dangerous to walk on them. now that the roads have become completely free, those residents who apparently cannot or do not want to comply with the speed limit established here, they simply speed here. we have children walking here. the driveways are leased by the developer and he is in no hurry to transfer them to the city. here is what they answered to our request in the company a101. specified. the signs are installed in accordance with the current legislation, as far as we know, the decision to install them was made by the district commission on road safety of tinao, the decision was communicated to the residents of the said houses, people ask: to return the previous traffic pattern in the courtyards, and in the meantime they continue to drive in circles looking for parking. maxim oparin, pavel vitrinsky, alexander markin, nagaev. vesti. the yellow level of weather danger and thunderstorms is valid until the end of today in moscow and the moscow region, forecasters warn us. drivers and pedestrians are urged to be extra vigilant. but when to expect the weather to improve and warm up, we will learn about
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victoria chernikova right now. victoria, hello, we really hope for a good summer forecast. and i am denis. i am glad to report it. indeed, from the middle of the week the weather in the capital region will begin to improve noticeably. tomorrow the probability of precipitation will be reduced to a minimum. in some places, light rain will still fall in the east of the region, for example, in kolomna-orekhovozuyevo. and on the thermometers tomorrow will be 21:24. at the same time, the northwest wind will remain dense and gusty everywhere, so the temperature may feel lower than it actually is. in moscow, the upcoming night 11:13, daytime 21:23 snowdrifts. cloudiness , mostly without precipitation. on thursday, the weather will remain practically unchanged, except that it will even become a little cooler at night, but from friday they will take a course for an excellent summer end of the week, so there is not much time left to endure. thank you, victoria chernikova told the weather. residents of mytishchi are trying to defend the panel that
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has decorated the former dormitory of the local weaving factory for more than half a century. the building is being torn down because it has long been in disrepair. the wall with the decor, which the city considers a work of art and a historical monument, may go under the bucket. veronika tarasova found out if there is a chance to save it. from a light touch of the bucket, the wall of the former dormitory of the kickback factory, proletarian victory , collapses with a roar. the building has been in disrepair for many years, and is now under demolition, but the residents of mytishchi continue to fight for this panorama. this wall. it is very important, it is an art gate that greets, that sees off the residents of the village, visitors to the village, it is a city-forming art object, it would be a pity to lose it, and it would be a pity if it were wiped off the face of the earth. the building really has a long history, in the twenties of the last century it was
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called the white bedroom, since workers of the sewing factory lived here. later, already in soviet times, it was overhauled, then it acquired typical look for the sixties, balconies appeared, windows were blocked up at the ends, a panel was made on a blank wall. with graffiti, a popular decoration technique in soviet times, when cement of different colors was applied to the wall and given a certain shape, for example, on this wall the artist in the sixties depicted seamstresses, musicians, athletes. the artist's name has not survived, but it is clear that he was a great master. not too skillfully, i would have made the image more geometric. here the composition is beautifully built and soft lines, for example, a woman with a child in her arms - almost the virgin mary. now is not the time when we can just destroy this work, because it is a real work of art, uh, which has merged with the space in which it is located, but this monumental painting will not exist for long,
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the hostel is in a state of emergency, it would seem that only the wall can be saved, as a special monument ... to the soviet era, but it stands on 19th century bricks, which means it can collapse at any moment. the wall itself has a high degree of wear, it simply poses a danger to the life and health of citizens, when the house was reconstructed and repaired, about half a century ago, the whole house was covered with such a metal belt, now this belt has already become unusable, and the building is simply falling apart. experts offer a solution, take casts to restore them in another place. so the pono can be saved. veronika tarasova, vladislav dubtsov and ilika dzhevakhishvili. news. a baby bush dog was born in the moscow zoo. see the baby named bubblegum can be found in an aviary on the old property, not far from the bird house. the baby is still nursing and is just starting to go for walks. a pair of bush dogs, vid lepli and freya, have been living at
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the moscow zoo since 2018. since then , they have had 20. nine puppies, some of which were sent to other zoos under an exchange program, a few minutes of advertising ahead, then we will definitely continue, stay tuned, riixos premium seagate, family fun starts here, here every detail is created for... for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of the coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rix. rixas premium seagate, titanic deluxe golf belle hotel, where every
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moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools. relax in the spa and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here, every room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday. your rules. titanic deluxe, golf belle - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. who we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, what is valuable to us? we haven't changed. a russian person remains a russian person. they are not afraid of anything. of course, there is something inside, such a chill. anything can happen. don't retreat from anything. i will still do what i do. the higher the pressure, the stronger. concrete, everything, never change yourself, for me it's not that every year is a family year, for me every minute is a family minute, it can't be any other way,
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now there is a fight for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that - such responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr, i love you, and i love you, we are sitting well, let's run, let's run, premiere. well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we talked, you didn't spend the night at home, there is
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something that i don't know, but can i confess, finally, i love him, you understand, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you understand, i love him, the bonds of marriage or the nets of love? what will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what does it mean without emotions? you won't give up on me , will you? i won't stand it, choose. rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr. we go to the doctor we take up too much of his time with empty complaints, and we don't go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned means forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. dispelling myths helping to find out the truth. what to do? to
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land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what to pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the entire body. from the onset of the disease to its manifestation. which can be seen by historical sites, modern science parks and places usually closed to city residents. a record number of such educational routes are available on the festival website. meanwhile, three
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dozen forum sites offer new events for muscovites and guests of the capital. about the most interesting - artem kuznetsov. our competition is dedicated to such russian dishes, yes , from time immemorial, well, it is here as a dish in general one of the one from the original russian dishes. on manezhnaya square there is an abundance of dishes, duck far eastern. cheese, a national udmur dish, for its preparation they even brought a russian stove to the festival. today we have a competitive dish - perepepechii with farmer's cheese and green onions. we have a sales leader, yes, very tasty, they just melt in your mouth chiskyt, chiskyt, in udmuzh style, delicious, delicious. as part of the moscow 2030 forum, a culinary competition is being held here. regions present original dishes. the main condition is a weight of at least 150 g and the price is 300 rubles. the chefs change every week, which means the menu is updated until september 8.


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