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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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you adapted, we warm with the warmth of the hearth, i open, i don't believe it, no, it ca n't be, wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday on sunday on rtr. quiet, wife, where is in the next car, quiet, i think, she noticed me, yours, hello, soon , urgently, there's an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start an investigation myself, i'll find this bastard, it's just another business trip. i won't always be able
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to get in touch, i'll call if the car is on video cameras, the police are coming to you not a word will come about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, let me in, where is he, let me in, where is he, where is the registrar, they found the car, the owner, the girl, it turned out that she had a man, here he is, the life line on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don't go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a reverse effect the side with the most necessary knowledge - health. we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth. how to act,
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to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, for each risk factor, there should be a pill, where to look for help? you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , two decades pass, so the whole family should be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. the body is complex, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important from monday to friday on rtr, vodka pechora, a product of stellar group, we invite you to the swiss-hotel sharmel sheikh,
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the first swiss-hotel in the world, working on the system, all inclusive. give yourself a vacation, where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in the heart. swissotel sharmel sheikh is your ideal place, in the heart of the city. gin. snop, a product of stellar group. good morning, says doctor vesyakov. and that means you are watching. programs, about
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the most important thing, that is, about our health , watch, it will be interesting, it will be informative, you will not regret, we begin, today in the program about the most important thing, we answer popular questions, when a sick person ceases to be contagious, how effective are onions and garlic against viruses, and what to do to protect yourself from them, maybe they do not fly in cold weather viruses? from you people will remain at a certain distance, how sour cream affects potency why can antidepressants be used to treat cystitis? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. kristina says: yes, who do you feed sour cream to? rose hips. why do you need to brew it more often in the cold season? how to do it correctly to get from it?
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a lot of questions, and such eternal questions, and what to do, and do masks help, here is vitamin c, does vaccination help, well, a lot of questions, so let's dedicate this program today to answering your questions on this topic, because we do not often have experts, but in this case , the doctor is an expert today.
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knows to swing, sometimes cold, sometimes warm, here our immunity can weaken, and also, of course, the periodicity of viral infections plays a role, it is a known fact, yes, that some infections have a periodicity, 2-3 years of increase in incidence, and what kind of winter
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will fall this year, it does not matter, of course, good morning, doctor, i am 60 years old, i have fatty hepatosis, i am very worried about my liver, in connection with this i would not like to take ... strong medications to reduce the risk of colds diseases. in this regard, the question: are there any folk remedies that would help me reduce this risk of protecting myself from arvi. firstly, there are no medications to protect yourself from a cold, well , the pills that i took, there are none. secondly, fatty hepatosis is not from taking medicine, from eating a lot, i agree with this, yes, of course, there are some folk remedies, but here, perhaps, it is possible. to say yes, that if you constantly eat onions and garlic, yes, this will help to a certain extent, because people will be to remain at a certain distance, yes, well, it must be said that of course, here are natural products, which include the above-mentioned ones, they, of course, have
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a certain beneficial effect on the body as a whole and on the immune system, in particular, but there are no folk remedies that would...
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we encounter a new virus, and we encounter them constantly, here it makes sense to say that we have one remedy, this is recombinant interferon alpha-2b in the form of nasal drops or spray, it should protect, in general, from any virus. okay, next. hello, doctor, i have a question, please tell me, i get a flu shot every year on your advice. and i would like to understand, will it really protect me from arvi. or do i need to take some additional measures for prevention? thank you. stop, you are vaccinated against the flu, and expect that protection from another virus will only be from the flu virus. yes, that's right, in fact,
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there are hundreds of viruses that can cause damage to the respiratory tract, that is, arvi different, so non-specific methods of prevention are needed that would protect against most. viruses, you need to start, of course, with the regime, with what is called a healthy lifestyle, stick to a quality diet, in this situation. when the incidence rate increases, this is exactly the remedy that we have already mentioned, recombinant alpha-2b, interferon, which is either instilled or injected into the nasal passages and makes our mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, practically immune to viruses, or at least, seriously reduces this susceptibility, well, even for children from birth, these nasal forms.
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and how long do microbes act after the disease, in this case viruses, yes , a virus, anyway, kindergarten, children get immunity from each other, viruses get sick, it all goes around, goes around in circles, but if you have already had 2-3 days there, then probably the peak of contagiousness has already passed, it's not the flu, when by the fifth to seventh day, as a rule , the virus is already being released, there, that means 2-3 days, and i would add here, alexandrovich, that if well... the child, the child still has some small cotoral phenomena, this is where it makes sense, the remedy we
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are talking about, nasal forms of interferons, to instill, say, in the child, before leaving for kindergarten, the second time at night, so that they do not become active or, as they say, some other viruses do not sit on him, this is a kind of element of rehabilitation, another question, and good morning, doctors, now ... they often say that covid is a seasonal arvi nothing more and it turns out that it is not worth being afraid of, in that case, is it worth getting vaccinated against it? there is no vaccination, today against covid, why do i insist so much, because in many places the administration insists on revaccination with sputnik, sputnik does not work today against those strains of omicron that are circulating, by the way, there is no need to be afraid, people are dying from coronavirus, who are dying, those people who? have a lot of chronic diseases, the more of them, the greater
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the likelihood of a fatal outcome, here , since the question was about the vaccine, the vaccine was really created against covid, against today's strains is ineffective, this is where the option of non-specific prevention with the help of recombinant alpha-2b interferons arises, and again , to those people who primarily belong to groups... of the lawsuit, who have a high probability of an unfavorable outcome if they get sick, and it doesn't matter, the flu, covid or some other respiratory viral infection. more? hello, i have a question: how long should urvi last, because it happens that one day you get sick, runny nose, cough, the next day you already everything is fine, and sometimes it lasts a whole week, what exactly is the duration of the disease associated with, and if...
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there are no time limits, that these respiratory viral infections should last for so many days , it depends, firstly, on the virus that caused a specific respiratory infection, on the specific person, on his state of health, but here it should be said that if you see that the increase in body temperature persists until the fifth... seventh day, then it is already necessary, if you have not contacted doctor, to contact, why, because of the high risk of developing bacterial complications, in general, you see how many interesting questions, i think we have satisfied your interest, i hope, so we will be attentive to our health, everything will be fine with us, how sour cream affects potency why
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antidepressants can be used to treat cystitis, questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. have you forgotten what day it is today, exactly 7 years ago. it was an unborn fetus, you are a monster. we are watching rtr, oleg, how are you here i found myself, escaped, i'm in trouble, help me.
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from august 19 on rtr kalina belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalina bek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation.
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immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures incendiary entertainment. welcome.
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old piano, on saturday on rtr. in krasnoyarsk , two mothers are fighting for three-year-old lara. adoptive mother oksana has become closer to the baby than the biological one, but the real mother nadezhda, who was released from prison, did not like this, she went to court demanding the return of the child. a similar story
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unfolded in irkutsk, only there the biological mother went to kidnap her daughter. in our program, a face-to-face meeting of mothers, adoption. and biological, is there a chance to get their babies back, it's me, your mother, malakhov today on rtr, time for the rubric questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, if you answer correctly, so to speak, you get a prize, if you answer incorrectly, you exercise physically, who is ready, raise your hands, let's you... good morning, hello, what is your name? my name is christina, christina, what are you doing? i work as a cafe administrator, i can draw, dance and in general i am a creative person, let's then spin the drum creative person, and singing, a little, so, is scary, but
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you know everything, cafe administrator, you can you sing a little, draw, dance, and do you know anything about sour cream? i eat it, then the question is: does sour cream improve potency? you go write there, and i 'll think about it, but kristina says: yes, who are you feeding sour cream to? no, sour cream is just healthy, i think that either i didn't understand the question, or something is unclear, does he hear the potency of sour cream or not? i'm just not sure that this is potency, well, how should i react to this or what? i should say, this is a man's ability to sleep with a woman, it improves, i don't even know what to say, people,
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but if it improves you, then the answer is yes, maybe not for everyone, but for some it improves, here kristina thinks that it improves, for everyone it is different, well that's right, for everyone it is different, well okay, for... what yes, let's ask the next question: can antidepressants help in the treatment of cystitis? i think not, you see, there are two types of cystitis: infectious cystitis, when it is caused by e. coli, antidepressants will not help there, antibiotics will help and non -infectious cystitis, when it is not caused by bacteria, but this is so to speak, irritable bladder syndrome, when there is pain frequent urination and so on and... has a neurological cause, not an infection, here is a neurological cause associated with the reconfiguration of pain receptors and those responsible for stretching the bladder
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occurs precisely through the use of first-generation antidepressants amitreptiline, so a wart, well, a wart, can outgrow the enemy, well, now there is no need to rush , write something in your destiny, this does not change anything. you guessed correctly, yes, a wart is a human papillomavirus, caused there by the fifth, sixth, eleventh type, it does not apply to nocogenic viruses and the enemy does not outgrow. so, you and i have one correct answer, one chance to get a prize. let's go. so, pull, take one key. yeah. why are you looking at me? i don't know which key. the miracle did not happen, i was not lucky, so we go choose an alternative exercise for ourselves, so,
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well done, the prize, ivantilatox confidently, well, what, i can't say anything, let's go. yes, beautiful, i can't say anything, lucky, well you know, lucky, of course, lucky, come on, open it, for another one, it says prize, so a prize, yeah, yeah, take your pick, on my slice, right , well done! lucky, sit down, please, do you want to review this platform, look at the app or website, look. we move on. everyone knows that we need vitamin c
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to avoid getting sick, but imported vegetables and fruits contain almost none of it. where can we get it? at the pharmacy? no. it's high time to brew rose hips. one handful contains as much vitamin c as 5 kg of tangerines. immune protection is provided. in addition, rose hips strengthen the walls of blood vessels, slow down aging, but there is one nuance: you need to brew it correctly, and many do not know how to do this, all the benefits of rose hips literally dissolve in water. how to brew it so that it is as useful as possible? why can rosehip decoction harm some people? and how effective is rosehip syrup cosmetic oil for beauty and health, we will find out from our permanent expert, a candidate of biological sciences. katya, a candidate
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of botany in biological sciences, i suggest changing, lighting up, rose hips, the richest product in vitamin c, how to brew, well will show how to brew, here will be the cross, cholesterol, yes, tell us about rose hips that we do not know. for some reason they think that it is a berry, well, how what, if not a berry, when no, well, not a berry at all, let me remind you that this is a family of roses, to which the apple tree and strawberry belong, and you remember that strawberries are also not a berry, no, many nuts, exactly, and this is also many nuts, which contain a huge amount, that it is thousands more percentage, if compared to everything else, vitamin c. excellent, and from rose hips there is jam, let's say, of course, maybe syrups, jam, but the most interesting thing is that if you insist it in alcohol, it will also be very good. you just need
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to understand that all such plants have seeds that differ in composition from the shell itself, they have completely different functionality, i just tried to eat it, while you were talking, i take it, and there is nothing to eat, only the peel and seeds, you see this nut, what to do no, these seeds are used, well, if you eat nothing will happen, but you don’t need to eat a lot. like most seeds, firstly, there are villi there, not very good, so if someone wants to prepare it themselves, it is not necessary to dry it, you can take, cut all the fruits, put them in a bag in the refrigerator, after that, when you take them out, frozen, all the seeds will shake out, this is for those who want to make marmalade, these are seeds of vitamin c, and what is useful, there is nothing, no, there is a lot of useful things there, but there is much less vitamin c, the seeds
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are used for ... very strong grinding in many cosmetics for cleaning the skin is used, for that yes they grind, it turns out to be a perfectly yellow flour, it gives a fairly rough scrub, but nevertheless , the substances that are there, if you insist, for example, on oil, you will have a very strong healing effect, but not due to vitamin c, so you say, for some reason i have a feeling that this can be a remedy for diarrhea, well, a remedy. for diarrhea it is better to use oak, because oak works better, oak bark, here, and for diarrhea , on the contrary, buckthorn, for example, but what is interesting is that in fact we consider vitamin c a panacea for colds, in particular and other things, but you need to understand that these substances, such as vitamin c are extremely dangerous for people who, for example, have subtle disorders
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, a large amount of vitamin c is formed . that's why, among other things, it can, although it is considered a panacea for the cardiovascular system, prescribed, and wood chip can have a calming effect, so it cannot act directly, there are much better sedatives, eating it at all, well, how will it not bring pleasure, if with bones ... there is, that's why it is consumed in dry form only ground or as a brew. by the way, you can also grind the berry , it turns out much better extraction. but now we will see how to brew ordinary rose hips, what you need to understand is that if you really want a lethal dose of vitamin c , well, for some reason you don’t like kiwi, lemons are simpler there, then you can accordingly use rose hips, but for this you
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need to understand that the vitamin is destroyed at high temperatures, then it is not brewed in boiling water, and accordingly, if we want to do, then for those people who have risks of the gastrointestinal tract, or a malfunction of the internal organs, which are incompatible, you always mix it with other substances, such as ginger, mint, thyme, and accordingly , honey can be added for taste, honey in hot water, you know, absolutely useless, it just gives... a pleasant taste, honey is consumed without heating, that is, honey is eaten separately from tea , biologically active substances are destroyed, they are destroyed, it is only a taste thing, therefore - honey many people think that they eat something there, prepared dough with honey and so on, everything that has been processed is just sugar, you need to understand this, well, we can brew it now with warm water, you will see that this will take quite a lot of
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time, so let's ... still how to be about rose hips, you are a botanist, there are rose hips that are considered absolutely useless, there are rose hips in which vitamin c is much less than is written here, for example, such a rose hip as dog rose, these are thin-walled types of rose hips, they have elongated shape, but nevertheless these are just the types of rose hips very often, that's exactly what i had in my childhood, rose hips were elongated, there is vitamin c there and quite a good amount, but basically its benefit is different, it just affects. on changing cholesterol, that is, on the cardiovascular system, exactly like on the vessels, that is , it becomes good quality, therefore different types of rose hips, of which there are a lot, that is , it is believed that in general a rose is related to roses, yes, a plant, that's why it was believed that it even its smell, but wait, you said dots, just like a rose with petals, a small pink one with petals, just
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like strawberries or apples. so in fact , in china a lot of attention is paid to the roots of this plant, not only the fruits, there are also many. various secondary metabolites and phenolic compounds, and vitamin c is contained there, by the way, but we don’t have such a culture, roots, no, roots, roots were mainly used as food by those peoples who retained the ancient culture of consumption, that is there is which dug up plants, we have orthodox medicine now, it is not our medicine, it is borrowed from the people. european, and accordingly, this is our traditional culture - it is not at all what it was before, well, ginger, accordingly, also grind the smallest, the root, yes, and how does it look from the outside, it also has some kind of flower in life, a very beautiful plant
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was seen, yes, well, those who were in asia, naturally saw it, we live and large plants, you can say, a million times and so what? well, we just didn't pay attention, but if you plant it at home, you will see an interesting plant that looks a bit like bamboo, well, accordingly, when you brew it, well, you understand that honey is simply added for taste, lemon can be added to give it a sour taste, that's what 's valuable, by the way, in abkhazian tangerines - it's sourness, yes, how are they different, accordingly, you can add a small amount there, and... and accordingly, no need, no need, no need, this, this is to try, what happens, we we won't get it so fast now, you pour water at a temperature of sixty degrees, that's how it always is when you want to help, get out of here, stand there,
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do nothing, i did everything myself , you, woman, have no logic, so, how to brew rose hips correctly so that it retains the maximum amount of vitamin, grind. tablespoons of berries, boil 1 liter of water, leave to cool for about 10 minutes, then pour rose hips, you can add lemon, ginger or mint, leave for 8 hours, drink two or three tablespoons daily after meals, attention, there are contraindications, with gastritis , a tendency to thrombosis, first consult a doctor, then, how does rosehip oil affect our skin, i am sure that ...
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today on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsus golf villas and suits sharmaь. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the contemporary design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for ... and families, relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake. allow yourself first-class vacation with liorets. elegant
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details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reорts: we are here for you! you don't need to make an appointment with him! just kidding! he will come to your home himself! we are starting! he will always help! we will practice how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medications will always support a bowl of pasta and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard sleeps i sleep like a child, but i don't
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advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, i love you, and i love you. we're sitting well, we ran out, we ran out, the premiere, so reliable, not petrusha, he called someone again, well , don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskoy, i know, we talked, you didn't spend the night at home, there's something i don't know, can i finally admit it, i love him, you know, i love him. and i can't do anything with him to do this, you know, i love, the bonds of marriage or
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the web of love, what will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions, you will not refuse me, i will not tolerate, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr, the russia tv channel presents, dear ones! friends, my name is maria sittel, i am the author and host of the new large-scale documentary project "family of families" on the russia tv channel. all families of russia are invited to participate in our new project, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, from the caucasus to yakutia, from moscow and st. petersburg to the urals and to to siberia itself. everyone who is ready to share their unique story with us: a family of families, a new project by maria sittel for everyone. for all of russia, to take part in the project, fill out the form on the website
10:33 am, send, fill out the forms, we are waiting with impatience. the program about the most important thing continues, we talk about the benefits of rose hips. there are rose hips whose leaves smell like apples and there are many types of tea that are made from leaves, namely, not even from petals. the smells of some rose hips have a miraculous effect on the nervous system system, i asked you about the nervous system, no, well not the fruits, i didn't ask you about the fruits, i told you about the rose hips as a whole, look now, look now, now there will be an assumption, she will chew at first, and then she will say, well, if some pseudopod does this, it helps against mosquitoes, against mosquitoes, against mosquitoes, no , it doesn't help, rose oil no. it doesn't help at all, well, really, i can't do anything,
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unfortunately, a rose with rose oil, a fly won't fly by, or maybe the opposite will happen, to unfortunately, flies don't really understand, mosquitoes, well, they're unlikely to like it, they just don't like such a quantity, essential oils help, essential oils repel mosquitoes, well , it's just too expensive, that's expensive, cheap, i'm asking, in principle it's possible, i think mosquitoes won't like it, but i imagine it's possible. and what did i say? well, in fact, the oil that is obtained from rose hips, these are different types of oil that can be obtained, that is, from the seeds, one will be the composition, from the leaves, where, usually used externally, it has a healing effect, very often used cosmetic times can be treated, will not cure a wart, will have a softening effect, wart. will remain in place, unfortunately,
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will not work, i'm sure, another 10 minutes will talk, she would agree on beards, well , as for the syrup, rose hips, then this is one of the easiest ways, how can you give children vitamin c, the syrup is quite interesting, looks like this - dark brown burgundy, and children are sometimes given ice cream balls, which are simply decorated with either a mesh. or droplets, they eat it like this the dose that is needed. by the way, ice cream is a very good remedy for sore throat, that is, and you in this way, if your throat is damaged, in the early stages, there is very strong irritation, this is not a medical knowledge, do not listen to me, i'm just saying that it really does relieve, in the first few days with sore throat you can eat, marina roshche, who knows? there almost to this day, but in any case, a few years ago there was
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a department store, past which my mother took me for a hand to kindergarten, and i pass by, i remember how often fierce winter, i always asked for ice cream, they wouldn't give me ice cream just like that, i said, mom, my throat hurts, she said, okay, i'll buy you ice cream, here 's how i bargained for 19 kopecks of plombir, because my doctor mom agreed with you that ice cream cures sore throat, it's good that children don't listen to us. something well okay, i specifically put it like this about rose hips, well rose hips contain vitamin c, well boring yes, but look, the murs learned about the roots, and that it repels mosquitoes, and that you can make a paste. from nuts, which has healing effect, well we already talked about the root, and that the petals can be brewed in different ways, yes rose hips, that is, a lot of things, delicious and the fact that it turned out that it is a nut, let's be attentive to our health, everything will be fine with us, time for the rubric questions from
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the doctor, we ask you questions, if you looked at ... and where? khabarovsk krai, of course, i just love the far east and so on, twist, twist, so, well now we are a creative person, let's go, go there, migraine can
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increase the risk of stroke, yes, yes, no, no, it seems to me that... no, migraine is still connected with the head, these are blood vessels, i think so, and stroke, and stroke is connected with heart disease, but no, it's a heart attack , yes, yes, it's also connected with the head, it turns out that yes, what can be, then hurry. more means not to hurry and not to give in to the first, i remembered that migraine is blood vessels, by the way, well, these are not exactly blood vessels, but conditionally so, unlike tension headaches, where the tissues surrounding the head hurt, and stroke is also a violation of cerebral circulation, not all migraine, but migraine that occurs with an aura, precursors, when there are
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visual and some auditory images arise, these are the precursors of the headache of this terrible attack, here are migraines with an aura. it can forgivably increase the risk of developing a stroke, so you said everything very logically, so, but now you, if you do not answer me, i don’t know what i’ll do to you, is it useful to cleanse the liver of toxins, think several times, i read that the liver cleanses itself, well - there are folk methods of cleansing the liver, yeah, should i follow them? well, the liver itself generally cleanses itself during the life of each. the answer? no, no need, write. no, but in fact, you see how the person wanted to say it incorrectly, and
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then thought once and wrote: well, of course, cleansing the liver is nonsense from slag, i say again, we do not know how the liver still works, we do not know how it works. this is an infection of hepatitis and of course all these herbal preparations that we poison ourselves with. the answer: no, apples, well, just look, you already thought twice and answered correctly, yes,
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take your time, don't rush like that, apples help to increase the iron level in the body. well, i've loved apples since childhood, okay, you love apples, so do apples increase the iron level in the body? well, apples contain iron, that's another question, does it increase the iron level, if you eat a bucket of apples, i think that it's easier to eat the bucket itself then, it's also made of iron, well, probably not, because you need to regularly consume iron, that is, from one apple. nothing will change, in a person, and a woman, nature, a person, everything should be fine.
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digestible, so you can eat a bucket of apples, you won't get anything except diarrhea, yes vitamin c, yes many useful things, but iron contains iron, but in a form that is not digestible, here she answered each question correctly, proceeding from the opposite, i want to write like this, she thinks, well of course, looks into my eyes with a sly, sly asian look like this... let's go choose super, so, well, since here we have nothing to choose, so to speak, that's it, we take everything, yes, we take everything, that's it choose any key, this one no, it's not scary, it's not scary, we are rich people, you can put everything up stand longer, it's not suitable either, well done. great, well done, we open, we choose, one gift, two, she took the book,
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i'll sign it, take the second gift, i said two, she answered three questions, smart, she doubted, well done, let me sign the book, gulnara, right? thank you, sit down, i wish everyone else health and good luck, next in the program, unconscious fear, how to distinguish heart pain from exacerbation of gastritis, heroes of our time, those who create the future with their own hands, lend a shoulder. i went to help volunteers, can i hug you, we are already in love with you in absentia, if you can help, then you must help, there were moments when it was very difficult and scary, and you understand, as if there was no
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time for some kind of weakness, to lend a helping hand i had to pull people out on my own, i got there at the time of the offensive, at the time of active hostilities, it was generally very difficult, i know where she was, can i be with you everywhere, yes, yes, yes, accept the fire yourself, the fire was coming towards us. someone was screaming, the children were crying really loudly, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we should look up to them, these people can do everything, and even more, ours, of course, you won’t call yourself a hero, the premiere is from monday to thursday on rtr, we insert comfortable, durable and stylish artex sneakers for you, in which you will feel comfortable in any situation. these are stylish and durable shoes
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strange. the ambulance brought in the victim loginov and ...
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heart, in any case, they complain of pain in the chest, but these are not always signs of acute coronary syndrome or myocardial infarction. quite often, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are masked as so-called cardiac heart pains and for this, of course, it is necessary to conduct high-quality diagnostics in order to understand and make the correct diagnosis. why can diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? be masked as heart pains, we will talk about this today. our guest margarita addressed us with this problem today. let's find out her story. hello, the program is about the most important thing. my name is margarita, and for more than six months now, i have been feeling discomfort in the chest, pain, burning in the heart area. i'm afraid to go to the doctors, because my grandmother, mother and grandfather were in the group, who
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suffered from high blood pressure. my grandfather had heart attacks, after which he died, the pain of burning occurs to me not only when i, for example, actively move, run or worry, but in a calm state, when i work, i don't worry, sometimes there is heartburn, i try to try to do it right, because if i eat something wrong, i get heartburn - or a taste in my mouth, sour, even burping, sometimes zhenya, i have already given up fatty food, i try to eat right, healthy food, help me, please. margarita, today we have you in the studio, come to us, please. margarita, good morning, good morning, good morning, margarita, how long have you had heartburn, probably since the summer, when i run to work, then quickly sit down, then, probably, some discomfort, here is the pain behind the breastbone,
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it is still the heart, here by sensations, here somehow mixed, after all gives in this place, as if cardiophobia, this fear of heart disease is one of the strongest human phobias, quite often a violation of the heart rhythm, ischemic heart disease manifests itself in this way, but you definitely need to figure it out, because even from what you showed, and those symptoms that you have in addition to pain behind the breastbone, still make us think that not everything is so simple, well, and in order to figure it out,
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the first thing you need to do is to exclude heart pathology, that is, it is imperative consult a cardiologist and understand that this is not a myocardial infarction, it may be heartburn, especially if it is regular pain. now let's see what is happening to us, arm, shoulder, shoulder blade, neck and lower jaw, and when there is a pathology of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, the pain is of a burning
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nature associated with food intake, yes, the pain is localized behind the sternum and does not radiate to the arm, neck, or shoulder blade, yes, it may not occur during physical exertion, even when changing. body position, and most importantly symptoms, that is, the pain syndrome goes away or decreases after taking antagonists, yes, well, as i think, elena igorevna, margarita answered the question, that is , most likely, your pain syndrome is associated with stomach pathology. of course, the state of the cardiovascular system, the state of the heart must be checked. that's what you definitely need to do, margarita, you certainly need to see a gastroenterologist to specifically deal with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because really all these symptoms, it
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characteristic of stomach pathology, gastroesophageal reflux disease. indeed, the most important thing is to exclude diseases such as gastritis, gastroreflux disease and other chronic changes, but in addition to this, heartburn can occur with... overeating, overfilling of the stomach, a change in body position or, for example, physical activity after eating, if the diet has changed, as well as when consuming products that increase acidity, such as citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, so it is important here still get examined. the mechanism of burning is very simple, here is an acidic environment, acidic contents, quite aggressive, when there is insufficient closure of this sphincter, the muscular... sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach, the acidic contents are thrown into the lower parts of the esophagus and this burning sensation occurs, because normally the environment here is alkaline. unfortunately, this situation
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is far from harmless: the acidic contents of the stomach injure the lower parts of the esophagus, and then the upper parts of the esophagus. and in addition unpleasant sensations, painful sensations with heartburn, we have this mucous membrane can even degenerate, the so-called occurs over time. here is baryta - this is a precancerous disease, so it is absolutely impossible to simply ignore the state of heartburn, and while you are undergoing an examination, you can take safe medications, antocides from ijogi during attacks, they act almost instantly. why do you put such an emphasis on the fact that they are safe, some of them can harm the body. of course, there are antocides, which in addition to benefit can cause harm. first of all, this is a violation of the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract. the heartburn was cured, constipation came, to a violation of intestinal motility. it can lead to a violation of the microbiota, microflora of the gastrointestinal
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tract, which also entails a huge number of different problems. most antocides - means of burning are created on the basis of bismuth salts, aluminum. aluminum, in itself, being a toxic rather heavy metal, can have a negative impact on. the body, especially if these drugs are taken uncontrollably and often enough. we need to advise margorita of drugs so that there are no such unpleasant consequences. to combat the snake, it is necessary to take medications with substances that are natural for the body - calcium and magnesium. they act instantly and are safe. drugs with substances based on calcium and magnesium, getting into the stomach, instantly and continuously neutralize excess hydrochloric. acid and thereby convert it into water, this provides a protective effect on the gastric mucosa. already 3 minutes after taking, you can notice the result: this is due to the good solubility of the tablets and the high
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calcium content. in addition, there are no toxic side effects, such as constipation, such as intestinal motility disorders and such as microbiota disorders. and unlike some other antacid drugs, which are based on aluminum, the drug based on ... calcium and magnesium is allowed even for pregnant and lactating women and does not pose a threat to the fetus or infant, which is an even greater guarantee of safety of the intake, quite often heartburn first occurs in a pregnant woman in the last stages of pregnancy, because the pressure in the peritoneal cavity increases and the same acidic contents are thrown out, therefore it is especially important that calcium and magnesium-based products are more natural for the body. thank you very much, doctors, i understand everything, i will definitely go to the doctor for an examination, i will buy heartburn medicine, of course, margarita, but when buying products at the pharmacy, you need to remember a few rules, first of all... choose
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medicines, not dietary supplements, this is a guarantee of pharmaceutical quality. try to choose a convenient form of release for yourself, for example, chewable tablets that do not need to be washed down with water, and you can take with you so that heartburn does not catch you by surprise. and another piece of advice: do not overpay for more expensive imported drugs, because now in pharmacies you can find a quality medicine at a more favorable price from known. russian manufacturers who have many years of experience in the pharmaceutical market and produce their products according to the international quality standard gmp. margarita, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that you will use our advice, i will, thank you. elena igorevna, thank you very much for being with us. my friends, today we talked about such a symptom as heartburn, and told that this is far from a harmless symptom. and if it occurs, of course,
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you should consult a doctor, gastroenterologist, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, you had a program about the most important thing, the preliminary cause of death is strangulation with a narrow cord, we can congratulate ourselves, we have a maniac, there is another murder in the park at the local station, there are many coincidences, and the park is the same, just don't get too hung up on this connection, because it... to be in general, it seems to me, i became paranoid at this job, it's just that lugansk suddenly really loved the pool, and now he is so cheerful, so cheerful, such an easy guy, you are jealous of him, secret investigation today on rtr, this year on these days vasily makarovich would have been 95 years old, lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina, about her beloved husband, i say, i'm pregnant, he says, that means there will be a son, then, when the girl was born, he comes out and says, god,
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how beautiful she is, when vasily makarovich passed away there on the set, at that moment you were carrying your third child under your heart, well, yes, of course, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. the news is aired on the russia tv channel, everyone i greet the audience, i am marina sinena. hello. in the kursk region , four tactical missiles and 37 drones were shot down overnight. humanitarian aid is coming from all over the country. moscow region, penza, ufa, st. petersburg, multi-ton trucks are filling the kursk region. today is the final day of the forum.


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