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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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the united states in rome, and did so on behalf of ukraine. recordings of the negotiations appeared in the hands of reporters only now, when joe biden decided not to run for us president. now journalists claim that biden sr. knew about the machinations of his son who hid. reporters reminded hunter of the cases of large bribes in romania, call him a criminal and call for him to be imprisoned. today is the orthodox's honey savior. on this day, the believer.
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he has been watching the bees from morning to evening for more than 25 years, today is a long-awaited day for vasily, the harvest of the first crop. i use it like this so-called honey-producing families, that is, i have separate families that collect honey and separate families-helpers, families-helpers, they do not give me honey, but they raise bees, in total there are 30 bee families on this farm, the most hard-working ones can collect up to 50 kg per season, that's just it... exactly such a family, there is a lot of honey here, but the bees are clearly not happy with our arrival, they grabbed me, oh well , that's great, yes, under my armpit, yes it hurts there, the farmer not only sells mountain honey, but also carries out medical procedures for guests, the most unusual service - sleeping on the hives, the nakedness of the bees, it calms you down very well, vibration when you lie down, sensitive people feel it directly, before honey hits the shelves, it is... necessarily checked, in
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special laboratories they study the composition, and most importantly the acidity, if it is increased, the product is of poor quality. we conduct research on honey, for total acidity, for mass water content, in order to support this industry, the crimean authorities have launched a program of state support for beginning farmers, almost 50 million rubles have been allocated from the budget for grants. for crimeans bee is not just an insect, it is not by chance, it is the symbol of the capital, simferopol. all over the city there are even such small statues hidden: a doctor, a builder, a postman, a librarian, a mechanic, about 50 bees in total. eduard punigov, vladimir averin, irina kryukova, vesti krym. the federal part of the broadcast is over, ahead is the regional news. today the first plane in many years left the omsk airport for the north of the region. we have connections right now my colleague, elena asanova. elena, hello, tell us. where did you fly
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passengers on this flight? hello, denis! the plane took off for ustishim, a historic event since the nineties, flights within the region were not carried out, the flight was in the morning without delays according to the schedule. travel time was just under 2 hours. previously , residents of the remote northern region could only get to the regional center by regular bus, it took 12 hours. the flight is carried out on an-2 - this is a twelve-seater aircraft. the first passengers have already noted that the flight was quite comfortable. erena, thank you, have a good one news, and right now we are moving to the astrakhan region, where livestock was sent under arrest under police escort . marina melnikova joins us. marina, hello, tell us, so, what did the cows do wrong? hello, denis. in all districts of the region , events are being held to catch stray cows, because animals grazing uncontrolled can cause accidents, both on... and on
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railway tracks, from this year all livestock must be tested and registered in electronic system, but some owners, in order not to be held responsible for uncontrolled grazing of livestock, either do not chip or simply tear off the existing tags, in which case the animals are sent to special temporary holding pens, and the violators themselves are fined. thank you, colleagues, have a good broadcast, immediately after the news, watch the series secrets of the investigation. on the russia tv channel, well, right now regional news with residents of moscow and the moscow region, we will see you in just a few seconds, stay tuned with us. moscow sent more than 300 tons of food products to the korsk region in the essential equipment, collection of aid. continues,
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we will tell you where additional points have opened: mass certification of taxi drivers has started in the capital, what tests will they have to pass when they are prohibited from getting behind the wheel without this check? lawyers have uncovered another fraud scheme in car dealerships, a fake certificate is entered into the loan agreement stating that the client has already paid part of the amount, what threat does this pose to buyers? troetskaya line will become one of the most extended in the moscow metro, part of the station is almost ready, we will tell you how the construction is progressing. so, more than 300 tons of food, clothing, hygiene items. right from moscow for the affected residents of the kursk region. anyone can take part in the collection , as special houses of kindness operate at 27 sites of the forum territory of the future. in addition, you can come to any of the fourteen headquarters opened as part of the moscow helps campaign. every day from 10 am to 7:00
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pm, volunteers work there, who accept and sort everything that is brought citizens. i brought you here the essentials. there is also a product here already, gloves, shampoo, we checked, the expiration date is normal, yes, yes, we checked the expiration date, everything is fine, here for children, yeah, diapers of different sizes, cereals, baby formula and cookies, thank you, you probably checked, yes what yes, yes, everything is new, absolutely, the collection of necessary things for residents of the kursk region is also underway in the moscow region as part of the good deed campaign, you can bring medicines, fast food, canned goods, clothes for children and adults. moscow taxi drivers will be tested on their knowledge of city landmarks; drivers will be asked questions during the certification process that has started in moscow. in addition, participants will have to talk about the rules for transporting passengers and baggage, as well as how to act in emergency situations.
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while the testing is voluntary, it will become mandatory from march 1 next year. those who fail the exam will be disconnected from the order distribution system. to successfully pass the test, it is enough to correctly answer eight out of ten questions, testing takes about 20 minutes. in order for taxi drivers to better prepare for certification, we have developed special training materials for them together with the moscow transport corporate university. according to experts, driver certification will help improve the safety of trips and improve the quality of service for taxi passengers. not all taxi drivers, after all, are well oriented in the city, so this initiative can spur them to study the structure of the city, in this regard, it can make their lives easier and improve the performance of their direct duties for the transportation of passengers, that is , they will not miss turns again, they will navigate the city faster,
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if the exam is passed successfully, a mark of passing the certification will appear in the register, its validity period will be 2 years. another car dealership. remained in the center of the scandal, the client was lured with a favorable offer, as a result he received a car of dubious quality, with a large overpayment and a fake certificate for credit. the buyer tried to terminate contract, but found out that even if the car is returned, it can be saddled with a huge debt. artem kuznetsov figured out how this scheme works. i don't have much time today on the issue. now the car dealership managers don't want to talk to the client, when emzar bought a car here for 2 million, they were very talkative, they promised a good price. when you chose the car, did you find out about its availability, right? you were told that it was available. yes, yes, i chose it in the ad, it was available, they called, then they themselves told me called back, when will you be? i say, i 'm on my way, i'll be there soon. standard hook
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with bait: lure the client with a profitable offer already in the showroom to process, they say, this specific car is no longer available, but there is another one more expensive by 600,000, only in the final contract suddenly... added another million, services that were attached about this in the credit department they said that there is a stulka car enthusiast card, yeah, stulka insurance, the loan itself for the purchase of the car was issued very strangely, according to this clause of the contract 2-3, on the day of signing, so the buyer makes an advance payment for the car in the amount of 475 thousand, my principal did not contribute such funds, in this way in ... in some car dealerships they bypass the bank block on loans without a down payment, the seller, in fact, deceives the lender, issuing fake certificates that the client allegedly contributed a quarter of the full cost to the cash desk, if such an agreement is not canceled, the buyer may suddenly receive an additional debt. at the dealership, in this case at the seller for 3 years
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the limitation period there are grounds to demand these funds from my client to charge a penalty to him in accordance with the contract, i see signs - all these details in the contract, upon careful reading, cause only one logical desire: to get out of here to buy a car somewhere else, but the client begins to be led in circles, distracted, something clarified, attention is dulled. emzar spent about 9 hours in the salon, while the documents were still being processed, another three hours. factory film in the salon he did not rent a car, hoping that the contract could be cancelled and the car returned, especially since there were other weighty reasons for this, the dashboard was giving an error. for us, a car is a technically complex product, which is kind of included in the list, yes, so returning it is not so easy, but i believe that in this case there is a combination of factors that allow my client to return. the car. after long proceedings, the salon still accepted the claim. imzar believes that thanks to the glazka
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the car dealership will not drag the case out to court. it will cancel the contract and return the money. artem kuznetsov, sevolotsavichev and oleg dobin. vesti. residents of an apartment building in the east of the capital complained to rospotrebnadzor about an entrepreneur who organized a hostel on the first floor. the guests use the fire exit, which, in addition, clutters up, prevents neighbors from sleeping and arranges collective smoke breaks. next to the playground, how to solve this problem, alexander sanzhiev figured out. in this house on malaya cherkizovskaya street, the meeting is almost every day, residents are looking for solutions on how to get rid of the hostel, it started working recently, problems have already appeared. residents of the hostel began to gather under our windows, smoke, disturb, sleep, breathe. and here is another inconvenience that the hostel created for the residents of the house. construction waste appeared in the fire passage, here is some kind of tile. and a box with unknown packages, all this, of course, contradicts fire safety standards. when the hostel was still preparing for
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opening, residents called the police, together with the squad went inside. judging by these shots, up to twenty people can be accommodated on bunk beds, and here are the first guests, they say, they work at a nearby construction site. where did you come from? from saratov. and are you from a company or how did you settle here? from a company? yes. and have you been living here for a long time? no, a week. and for how long in general? according to the law, a hostel can only be organized in non-residential premises with a separate entrance, and here there is none and cannot be one. the hostel door, here they pass through and use our fire exit. then, they have a free, free the passage to our entrance, which i am afraid of, and i am not the only one afraid, all the residents of our entrance. the residents are trying to find out from the tenant of the premises on what grounds he arranged a guard in their house. i am acting within the law, everything is happening within the law, neither to the left nor
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to the right, there is nothing, that the entrance the residents say that the common house fund, you can read the law from october of the nineteenth year, the main point is that there should not be any hotel in a residential building, because a hotel is always some unknown people, previously non-residential premises in this house with an area of ​​111 km was owned by the city, it was recently bought by a certain... apartment buildings is a rather risky business idea, because
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the legislation contains fire safety requirements, sanitary standards, which are sometimes very difficult to fulfill. rospotrebnadzor is currently monitoring hostols in residential buildings, residents of the house on malaya cherkizovskaya have already filed a complaint there. alexander sanzhiev, ilya novikov, alexey yaldin and ada adamova. news. hot weather will return to moscow. the coming weekend has given us hope according to preliminary forecasts, the capital's weather forecasters expect the air to warm up to 25-27° by the end of the week. victoria chernikova is shading us. victoria, hello, what about the weather in the coming days? is the wind still cold today? yes, the departing cyclone left us a legacy of an invigorating breeze, but the weather is improving, atmospheric pressure is rising, and precipitation will completely stop tomorrow. until the end of the work week , solar heating will restrain the northwest wind. therefore, it is not hot yet , the coming nights will be especially cold, but the sun is trying its best during the day. tomorrow in
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the moscow region from 21° in sergiev passad to 24 in mozhaisk. in moscow, the upcoming night 11:13, daytime 21:23 variable cloudiness without precipitation. it is warm in the sun, but the wind is still noticeable 7-12 m/s. on friday in the capital region it is also sunny and windy. at night even colder, but during the day it will become warmer. than the day before, on the weekend the yogic-west wind will bring us those very cherished +25 and above. thank you, victoria chernikova told the weather. the weather is gradually returning to the climate. normi, it's time to go for an unusual excursion. as part of the territory of the future moscow forum , free bike tours around the capital's industrial zones are organized at 20:30, accompanied by a guide. what can you see and learn along the way? in veronika tarasova's report. for an unusual tour of moscow's industrial zones, you only need to register. participation is free. one of the routes
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starts here in khovrino. we have already been given bicycles, given raincoats, because bad weather is expected, but... people are not afraid of this, a group is gathering now, they are already dismantling the bicycles, and we are heading to the way, first a short briefing, our way will be quite long, we will travel about 10 km, well along the way we will explore different spaces and learn more about them there. the route is built so that there are no intersections with busy highways, the first stop is the cska equestrian complex. in 1976, they opened it just in the year of the olympics, and it was not an olympic facility with... i mean , competitions were not held here, but training took place here, olympian. in the seventies, this area was massively was built, and several iconic sports facilities were laid here at once. and here is the point of future growth. here, excursionists offer to imagine the future. in 5 years , a park will appear in place of long rows of garages. on the way, it is not the weather that catches us, but no one drops out of the race. even despite
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the rain, we continue our veu journey, moving towards the third point. to the dynamo sports palace. the path lies uphill, the rain passed quickly, we pedal, warm up and dry along the way. initially, it was supposed to build this building on the bank of the timkinskoye reservoir, therefore such ship arrays were laid by architects so that it would be appropriate on the water's edge. the most unexpected point of the route is in the middle, without a guide it is difficult to even notice it, a bell tower hidden among residential buildings, all that remains of the kazan glavinsky monastery, demolished during the revolutionary years. you drive past its fence. you do not notice it , you pay attention only when you are already looking up, periodically it still functions and the bells ring, the final point at the mcc likhobory, despite the decent physical load, the participants did not seem tired and were ready to continue, although the area is basically familiar to me, i studied here for 5 years, there were still quite a lot of discoveries, that is , i knew some places, but - i found
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a lot of new things for myself, where i, for example, now want to bring my family to show, it feels like we rode ... day, although literally 2.5 hours passed there, during these 2.5 hours we received a positive mass of emotions, it is interesting to wait for new routes, yes, to choose from offer two more routes, one along the yauza, from semenovskaya street to syromyatnicheskaya embankment, to see the historic red brick factory buildings, the other from the serpukhov outpost to the akademicheskoe metro station, dedicated to 20th century experiments in housing construction. the next trips are on friday and sunday, a detailed schedule can be found on the forum moscow website. 20:30, also register there. veronika tarasova, boris salnikov and adda adamova. vesti. in competition for the annual moscow government prize for young scientists have submitted more than a thousand applications. according to deputy mayor anastasia rakova, the award will be given in twenty-two nominations. in the field of scientific research, the most popular areas are medicine,
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chemistry, materials science, physics, astronomy. in the field of development, the largest number of applications were received in the nominations of advanced industrial technologies, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and materials, aviation and space technology. the winners will be announced in february. the wall of the capital's zoo was decorated as part of festival leto in moscow, near the entrance there was a kind of map of jungles, forests and other natural habitats of wild animals. one made up of herbs and flowers of different shades and shapes. in total, about 5,000 plants were used. a large-scale vertical gardening project was implemented for the first time in the history of the festival. a unique art object not only decorates the walls of the zoo, but also absorbs dust. ahead of a few minutes of advertising, then we will definitely continue, stay with us.
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rixsas premium segate. family fun. starts here, here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of the coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where every moment is. wrap yourself in the comfort of our pools, relax in the spa and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants, here every room. is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday - your rules, titanic deluxe, golf belleg, the best choice for
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an unforgettable holiday, tell us how everything is was, you always have a choice, there will be a case for you, shoot, well, to get acquainted or to break up, marry me, again , your proposal, salvation for me, but just friends are not possible. to suffer or to act, we lost our son, alyosha is alive, i believe in it, to search or to hide, now i will not take my eyes off her, did you agree or something, all together, to leave or to return, where you need to, and you are a bus driver, or maybe you will not order a taxi, but whatever you choose, this meeting cannot be canceled, only to look at the profit or will you take part, from monday on thursday, you are very busy. what is being shown is the most, it's time for big premieres on rtr, the candle will be extinguished, you will light the hay,
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you will not get bored with us, welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent certainty that friends will not let you down, your humble servant, i am thoughtful for some reason, maybe it is those who lay asphalt, asphalt pavers, one hundred percent. and a guarantee that it will not be boring, are you not afraid, light bulbs here can break, what tourists are looking for in the cave, we have one of the answers, perhaps he is correct, puddles, 100% pleasure from the game, do you know how to genrify, i'm just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let's go on saturday and sunday to rtr. i won't get it in a month, i'll tear your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what if i can, something happened, maybe we can have lunch
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together, i have to go to work now, elena aroseva, you've lived in two families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, everything is real with him and me, both family and love, viktor vasiliev, nobody, has become a domestic hussy. it's not interesting in itself, maxim shchokli, for me the face says scumbag, then he can simply leave our house, if there are too many false notes in life, but i am left alone, tune it up again, i wanted to apologize, you are not at all what you want to seem, i will not give you my husband, old piano, on saturday on rtr. i am nikolai dolgachev and have been to the front lines more than once, i am olga armyakova, i know from my own experience what those feel whose relatives and
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friends go to feats every day. watch our program about our best people. our premiere from monday to thursday on rtr. you watch the news, we continue. the release on the troitskaya metro line is nearing completion of the construction of the university of friendship of peoples station, it is 97% ready. in the underground vestibule and passage, two mosaic panels dedicated to international cooperation have already been installed. work is also underway on other platforms under construction on the future branch. so, at the vavilovskaye station, they have begun to arrange the interior spaces ; rough architectural finishing work has already begun. finishing of the platform section. provides for snow-white marble on the upper parts of the track walls, black granite at the bottom and light-colored granite on the platform itself, as well as columns in the form
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of bright yellow jackdaws, at the akademicheskaya station, monolithic structures are currently being built, in the future there will be a transfer to the kaluzhsko-rizhskaya line, so that residents of new moscow will be able to get to the center of the capital faster. hundreds of believers gathered today. today in stalinist churches to bless the honey of the new harvest. on this day, after the liturgy, a small blessing of water is performed, along with water, according to tradition, it was taken to bless the newly collected honey, hence the popular name of the holiday - honey savior. in addition, today the orthodox begin a two-week dormition fast. on this day, we bring honey to the temple, bless it and ask god's blessing for its consumption. it is also important to remember that on this day the dormition fast begins, it is short, only 2 weeks, but quite strict, so tasting honey on this day is such a small consolation, a small joy.


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