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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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kurasawa, who received an oscar, and then years of oblivion, now the memory of her can be consigned to oblivion. our investigation, the secrets of famous graves continues, as well as the lonely cross of actress valentina berezovskaya. why millionaire brothers, football players abandoned the grave of their grandmother. malakhov, soon on the russia channel. hello dear friends comrades live your favorite program 60 minutes, and most importantly we have a special issue we begin it with the footage of the day: in ex russia just launched a series of strikes on objects weapons storage, ukrainian...
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su-25 attack aircraft suppress the firing positions of the ukrainian armed forces artillery, expand the range of air weapons and su-34 fighter-bombers. today , 500 kg high-explosive incendiary aviation bombs fell on the heads of militants on the border of sumy and kursk regions. according to the latest report of the ministry of defense , the russian army has detected
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attempts by mobile groups to break through to the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of skrylevka, levshenka, semenovka, alekseevsky and kamyshny. at malaya loknya and ukrainian paratroopers of the 80th and 82nd assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine surrendered in martynovka. during interrogation, they said that their brothers-in-arms deliberately shot civilians. the order was to reach kursk. today, the ministry of emergency situations began to evacuate residents from the bolshesoldatsky district, which borders the sudzhansky district. it is there, not far from sudzha, that the main battles are taking place right now. the crews of su-34 fighter bombers rise above the clouds, the flight altitude is almost 12,000 m. intelligence has detected a cluster. soldiers
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ukrainian armed forces equipment in the russian border area. five-hundred-kilogram bombs rush toward their targets at a speed of half a kilo per second. columns of acrid smoke rise above the explosion site ; the crew and msta howitzers are also being squeezed out of the terrorists' forest plantations. attack helicopters are operating at low altitudes. the crews are destroying concentrations of ukrainian forces with unguided missiles. when attacking, the pilots perform a pitch-up maneuver, the helicopter sharply raises its nose, which allows it to strike at a greater distance, were given the task of destroying a concentration of enemy manpower, and flew out to combat, worked on the army s-8 guided missiles type vikhr. according to the report of the air controller, the main part of the enemy was hit, the rest were converted. in this
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footage the consequences of the meeting of the ukrainian infantry with russian attack aircraft. welcome to ursk. here is the abandoned enemy equipment. here the 82nd odshbr came to visit us. bestreshni tavirni. well, this is what happened to them. lancet burns the american stryker apc. the enemy armored personnel carrier was traveling in a column of equipment, which was.
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to save our families we were given for the task capture the kursk region, the commanders began to shoot houses and civilians, as the settlement was called, sverbnikovo, peaceful commanders, antilak, antilak and banker, you understand that you are a civilian in the ele, i did not shoot at ...
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he also does not sit in one place, he is a kachuyschik, explain what kachuyschik means, that is, it is a small mobile, well, he came here and bit, went even further there made a loop of 15-20 kilometers, bit there all the people think that there are many of them, but that is not so, they mainly move in small groups, come on kidneys 20-30 usually, but they are just stretched out, in these frames a german bmp marder is rushing across russian soil, and here presumably the same
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anti-aircraft missile system of ours tunguska, which the enemy abandoned without even engaging in combat with russian units, and such a fiery cloud turned out to be the attempt of kiev forces to approach our positions under the cover of night. in this video, the newest drone, vandal, which is not afraid of any
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electronic warfare system, overtakes a pickup truck with militants. the same drones fell on column of the ukrainian armed forces in belovsky district. the task now is first of all to establish communications, we encountered a new moment for us, too much of a broken place, obragi, nezin, heights, not like in donetsk on our land directly we gave communications there, this is a small star for us, but we have already won in this matter at the main points there is communications, there is communications, which means victory will be soon, in a week in the attempt to attack the russian borderland, kiev formations lost more than 200 mercenary soldiers, three hundred armored vehicles, anti-aircraft missile systems, mlrs launchers. you have 11,600 or 900 people, and the amount of tank equipment
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that was involved, and you are sitting there with syrtsky, listening to this turkey. syrtsky, and you are a faggot sitting there and doing a smart god, you did not complete the task, you did not complete the task, that's all... which you still had more or less in working order, you have already, it turns out, thrown it into the furnace, from where you have not climbed out. active actions of units of the northern group of forces, strikes of army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles and artillery fire thwarted attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through on armored vehicles deep into russian territory, repelling six attacks in the direction of five settlements. aviation carried out strikes on ukrainian armed forces reserves in sumy oblast. over the past 24 hours. the ukrainian armed forces comprised up to 270 servicemen and 16 armored vehicles,
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including two tanks, a stryker armored personnel carrier, 13 combat armored vehicles, and 18 fsu servicemen were captured. in this video, the attackers , clasping their hands behind their heads, surrender to the russian military. as emphasized, in ministry of defense, the operation to destroy the ukrainian armed forces formation on russian soil will be completed. so, in short, they found a living ukrainian in the forest, according to the video, introduce yourself again, what is your name, andrey nikolaevich, what year were you born, and where do you live , in short, why did you come in, what were your goals here, no one gave anything specific, and why did you come in simply, in short, you were riding armored personnel carriers, yes, simply the entire local population, was, probably, that's how i understood it.
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he said that he communicates on the topic of advancing to the ssu with the military team every 5 hours in the last 8 days, that is, since the attack on the kursk region, and also maintains personal contact with zelensky. the day before, the americans claimed that they were not aware of what was happening, but today biden gave everyone up. following the american senators graham and blumenthal , us secretary of state blinken's assistant for eurasian affairs arrived in kiev to synchronize watches , that is, the masks have been dropped, as
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have the narratives that the us is not involved. moreover, bloomberg reports that the ukrainian general staff and the pentagon were considering several options for an attack at once, only after the approval of the master plan, biden and the european union gave kiev the go-ahead for the invasion. the head of european diplomacy barel himself today publicly supported the ukrainian terrorist attacks, the invasion of russia, he called it a counteroffensive of ukraine and wished the ukrainians good luck. the bbc calls the breakthrough of the kursk region a tactical success and a strategic failure. with the exception of part of the sudzha district center and two dozen border villages, they were unable to capture anything of significance.
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the german welt says that before the ukrainian the general staffs now face a serious question: what to do next and how to ensure logistics in the ssu, forgetting about the flanks, will end up in a bloody cauldron. what the main supply line of the entire ukrainian group in the kursk region of our country looks like now, the propagandists showed. russia is already there, as you can see,
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it is quite deserted here, it is quite calm, but we saw a lot of military personnel approaching here, a lot of equipment that is moving through this point, including large armored vehicles, there are a lot of soldiers, there are practically no civilians at the border, it is being created. says: no, it seems that no one is listening, because it seems to me that the world does not believe in american leadership on the world stage, and this is dangerous not only for ukraine europe, it is dangerous for the united states. how can you comment on what is happening in russia and ukraine, have you spoken to anyone from the ukrainian leadership. i have been talking to my staff regularly, probably every 4
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or 5 hours for the last 6 or 8 days. this is creating a real. joe biden and the european union has given its blessing to the first military presence on russian soil since world war ii, ponata's allies are withholding judgment. according to a western intelligence official who declined to give his name, the leadership in kiev did not share specific information about operation kursk until it was fully prepared. the official said: i will let the ukrainian military comment on its own operation. our job is to support ukraine so that it can defend itself. the united states had no advance knowledge of the kurdish operation. so both washington
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and moscow missed the ukrainian troop buildup. i suspect that the... the united states had some information and some idea of ​​what was going to happen. we were watching these events closely, we knew back in 2022 that the russians were going to invade. the ukrainians, on the other hand, kept it a closely guarded secret. they told their commanders just a few days before, their troops just a day before. the united states seemed to have become more be relaxed about the idea of ​​using their weapons to strike russia. any idea of ​​what the us thinks about the offensive that the ukrainians have launched, and do you think it will be a permanent operation or a surprise strike? we are in contact with our ukrainian counterparts to get more details about the objectives associated with their operations. ukraine's actions are defensive actions. we are in
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constant contact with the ukrainian side at the highest political level. i am not surprised by this unusual and for some. will do more than just raise the morale of the ukrainian forces. there must be a connection between this operation and success elsewhere. you don't want to expose yourself to increased risk in places where you are fighting russian forces. all such operations reach their climax. you will run out of
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drones, fuel and ammunition. you can't write off such legitimate considerations. the russians say that they are moving more troops into the region in an attempt to hold off the ukrainians. they have also shown footage on their tv channels and social media of russian aircraft allegedly bombing ukrainian positions and allegedly destroying ukrainian vehicles. we must not lose sight of this, the point is that ukraine is losing territory in the donetsk region in the east of the country. over the last couple of days, we have seen russian troops come within 15. the result has not been a loss of territory on its own soil, which may ultimately ukraine must be very careful to cause heavy losses on the territory of russia itself. how do you think the situation will develop further? i think putin will respond as always with such challenges, as decisively as
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possible to drive the ukrainians out of russian territory. what will russia do? another 37. over the voronezh region, nine over the volgograd region, three over the bryansk region, two over the oryol region, one uav over the rostov region. 17
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drones were shot down on the territory of the belgorod region, i will separately note the raid to the nizhny novgorod region, so far from the border with ukraine, 11 uavs were destroyed there. in this regard, the german belt writes that ukraine. are preparing for a grandiose retaliatory strike by russia. residents in the sumy region are expecting that russia will launch a massive strike in the near future; the evacuation of 183 settlements in the sumy region near the border with russia has begun. newswick reports that the aerospace forces can launch a targeted and maximally concentrated strike on kiev, when dozens of cruise and ballistic missiles are launched. expect massive strikes on the centers decision-making in kiev, the british times calls. the newspaper predicts that moscow's response will be hundreds of cruise and
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ballistic missiles that will hit the center of decision-making, including government quarters. what putin might do in response to kiev and other key areas of ukraine. good question, the answer. consists of two parts: the first part of the question is nuclear, whether he will decide on nuclear escalation. during this conflict, he is constantly rattling his weapons. i got a lot of gray hair during the cold war. we were incomparably closer to a nuclear conflict then than we are now. and it is highly unlikely that russia would take such a step. the question is whether it will launch a brutal attack on kiev with cruise and ballistic missiles. but the reality is that it has been doing so for 900 days, and there have certainly been more of them recently.
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officials fear that russia may be preparing to launch counterattacks in response to ukraine's attack on its territory. in recent days, many ukrainians have become increasingly concern that moscow could launch. kiev on russian territory. the target could be strikes on a number of kiev facilities, including the parliament and other government buildings. sources in the ukrainian armed forces command are also concerned about possible retaliatory strikes. russia feels the need to give a very tough response, something grandiose, to show the world that it is all-powerful and that something like kursk will not go unpunished, the source said. and it won’t just be four missiles, there could be hundreds, they will use sophisticated weapons, cruise missiles,
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ballistic missiles and martyrs, and this could become a big problem for our air defense, - said the interlocutor. almost 700 ukrainian militants have been destroyed in the donbass over the past 24 hours. the bulk of them were eliminated by fighters from the southern group of troops, who are currently engaged in fierce battles in krasnogorovka. dpr assault units there are clearing the territory of militants meter by meter in the avdeevka section of the front. our troops have destroyed several artillery pieces. they were covered with dense fire by the crew of the geocen howitzer. all enemy movements in krasnogorovka are continuously monitored by russian drone operators, fighters of the group of troops in the center. today , the highway that connects ugledar with marya was finally cut off. were able to enter the village of konstantinovka. the enemy resource deepпstate writes that a scenario with the complete encirclement of ugledar is emerging. it is also reported that after
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ugledar, the russian army will begin to attack another key city for the defense of the ukrainian armed forces in donbass , the city of kurakhovo. everything is very bad, according to the admission of militants of the thirty-seventh brigade the ukrainian armed forces are in the pokrovsk direction. russian units are already on the outskirts of the settlement. grodovka. and as soon as this settlement grodovka is liberated, the ukrainian armed forces' logistics lines between pokrovsk, mirnograd and selidovo will be severed. western propaganda literally trumpets the danger of losing pokrovsk. the city is called the last coal capital of ukraine. the swiss building, but also zurich site writes that the capture of pokrovsk will reset not only ukrainian logistics.
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inside the building where the vyushniks are holed up, the group rushes like a hurricane, maintaining the highest possible tempo, the fighters take control of room after room to break through, to the stairs it is necessary through a long corridor, strewn with bricks and wires hanging from the ceiling, the storm of the left
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wing of the building takes only a couple of minutes from the end with the capture of the surviving bandera supporter from the darkness of the stairwell, in the center of the house the militant comes out with his hands raised and shaking, hands, come on, i hold him, i hold him, and this is a night hunt of operators of the fagot anti-tank complexes of the western group of troops. crickets accompaniment calculation moves to the firing point, assembles the launcher fires a missile at the landing with ukrainian militants. a direct hit is recorded by a reconnaissance drone equipped with a thermal imager. they worked from two points, went out into the field, and straight out of the dugout into the open field, fired and then the second calculation began to work from the second point.
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so that the birds would not quickly spot us, well , two missiles immediately went into cover and went into cover. in these shots of the zaporizhzhya section of the front, a homemade grenade was dropped on a ukrainian soldier hiding from russian copters near a burnt tank with a torn-off turret. and here our fpv drone is being blown up by an american tracked m-113 armored personnel carrier. in the last seconds of the drone's flight before the explosion, our specialists were flying almost blind due to strong interference. ukrainian artillerymen, who occupy positions at a considerable distance from the front line, are complaining to the russian federation about the undeniable superiority of russian drones in the sky. soldiers warn, watch your step, watch your step carefully, because you can meet these surprises, this is a warhead from a russian drone that flew here to the positions, there are quite a lot of such items here. this
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is what the consistently effective work of the sniper teams of the thirty-fifth army of the east group looks like: the shooters track the enemy's night rotation through both infrared and thermal imaging sights. the result is five accurate shots, five militants eliminated at a distance of over 1 km, and here a bradley dives on an american bmpp... russian fpivi, the inscription on the pg7 grenade, which our soldiers left behind, gets into the frame, not fluff, they want to go around us, let us through , retreated there, encircled us a little, yesterday they were taking the guys out, they made the first trip, they found me on the second, they started covering us, we barely got out of there, the ukrainian portal strana is sounding the alarm, in just one day russian
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forces occupied three villages at once in the pokrovsky direction - lisichnaya, ivanovka and svirivka, they do not believe in a turning point on the battlefield with the forces of the long-awaited f-16 fighters. as the washington times reports, fier will end immediately when the russian aerospace forces inevitably shoot down the first american plane. about that, how ukrainian nazis send recruits to a russian trench to cover their own and others when they surrender, a ukrainian soldier tells. they brought us, they told us. they brought us, they told us to take up positions and help those who were in positions, they started covering us, i reported to the commander on the radio that they were shooting at us, he said don't worry, it's us shooting, they are shooting at us, he said don't worry, it's us, we ran, after about 150 meters we were met by russian soldiers, plus or minus, russian soldiers were sniping at us, literally 3-4 minutes they started talking to us, after 3-4
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minutes the shelling started. our people were shooting at us, massive bombing, our people were shooting at us. another episode of forced mobilization was filmed today in rovno khilova. a short guy is being twisted around by three stocky military registration and enlistment office employees. the man is trying to explain something, but he is already being dragged into the bus. the next attempts with the mobilization age continue. the decision has practically been made. it remains to be decided whether mobilization will start at 18 or after all at 20 years old, the secretary of the defense committee said verkhovna rada kosten. now, let me remind you, they send to the trenches only with 20.
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their strong side, with the bureaucratic one. referring to the federal law, the authorities of the german lands came to the conclusion that they cannot issue travel documents in germany to those who have not completed military service in ukraine. at the same time , the authorities of sixteen federal lands formulated the reason for the impossibility of returning to their homeland as follows: we cannot do this. today, the germans personally came to see how the captured lads are being prepared for sending to the front in ukraine.
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from ukraine, only away from the rest of those who are engaged in the trench, he openly talks to us about desertion. above all, it was the fear of death, of suddenly no longer existing, that was the decisive factor for me. since mid-may, a new , stricter law on mobilization has been in effect in ukraine. all men between the ages of 25 and 60 must register. many are called up very quickly, if you do not want this, your only option is to go abroad illegally, often with the help of smugglers. this is how it should work, everything is organized carriers. after that, we follow google maps to navigate the area. many do very well. i mean, many people told me that everything was fine, everything went well, but in my case, the carriers did not even tell me
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where to go. on july 21, he was arrested and immediately sent to basic training. he was one of tens of thousands of people trying to cross the border into moldova in southwestern ukraine. similar videos of failed escape attempts.
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about 80 m attached explosives to pipes on
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the bottom of the baltic sea. later, evidence was found on board the yacht. traces of the explosive substance octogen. all suspects had already left germany. the head of the terrorist gang, the same vladimir zhuravlev, as the german prosecutor's office believed, lives in warsaw. 2 months ago, german.
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this is a really important turn of events, given that there has been no news from the german authorities since the beginning of last year. september 26, 2022, charges installed on the bottom of the baltic sea explode nord stream gas pipelines. at the moment , german investigators are convinced that this was the work of divers from ukraine, one of them, as it became known.
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poland and sweden, the yacht returned to the port of rostock. on board the andromeda, investigators later found fingerprints and traces of explosives. the decision to issue an arrest warrant for vladimir zh was made by the prosecutor's office after photographs appeared showing how a minibus was transferring ukrainians on the island of ryugin, among others.
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it turned out that the suspect vladimir zh managed to escape from poland. german investigators knew that he was one of the divers who had planted the explosives. they also knew that he... lived near warsaw, they asked the polish authorities for help, but they left the request unanswered, and it was after this that the suspect, this ukrainian citizen , disappeared, in general, all this is very strange, having established the identity of the suspect vladimir zh., the german authorities have really made serious progress in the investigation, while
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sweden and denmark have long since given up, and yet the main question remains, who was behind this whole operation during our.
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if he wins, time hung devil's horns over donald trump's head. the obvious sycophancy was noticed by elon musk, and , oddly enough, by american tv channels. journalists are outraged by how tayem has undermined professional standards by fawning over a woman who refuses to talk to journalists for even a few minutes without a teleprompter. harris's last solo press conference was way back in december 2000.
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of donald trump's assassination, here's what they first posted on social media: a photo of trump with with his fist raised as he started shouting fight fight fight but they didn't send it to print after they faced criticism this is the cover of the magazine no pictures of donald trump i would like to discuss this passage where trump is talking about vice president harris on the cover of time magazine i saw her pictures in time magazine today she looked like the most beautiful actress that ever lived but it was a drawing and this picture looks like the most beautiful the first lady milania. the time cover doesn't look like a camel that's for sure but it sure does have a beautiful woman on it so let's leave
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it at that, don't we, oh somebody has a favorite, i wonder where they got that image from, did he have a sex dream about kamali that he just can't get rid of and now everything seems different, he can't concentrate on anything. the new time cover, the worship of a woman who refused to even talk to them, is completely ridiculous and absurd and i don't think i can imagine
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there is no other candidate for politics and so on who could so openly ignore the media and still get the full support of the media, as a rule, if you want an interview with someone and he refuses, they start pressuring him, you gave him the opportunity to speak, he refused, that's it, then we go to you, but kamyla's headquarters rejected the request.
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hello, what is the situation with you? good evening! olga, the situation, well, compared to
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what it was when we arrived here, quite calm, under control, yes, work is underway in working mode, we are already completing, in principle, we can say, we have already completed blocking the enemy, in principle, this blocking of the enemy. the enemy cost him very dearly, i have already spoken about this, a lot of equipment and manpower have been destroyed in these days, well, in principle, we have discouraged the enemy from moving further, in principle, we will continue to destroy him, cutting off those areas where he is. what kind of people invaded russia, these are motivated fighters, this is highly professionally. soldiers, is there any understanding of the number of those who have remained in our country for now? well, look, we have received general
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information about what happened, in principle we know that the number of those who entered the territory, well, presumably about 12 thousand people, so, it should be noted that these are basically the remnants, well... you probably can't call them remnants, these are units, the remaining units of some battalions, brigades, which we had stretched out along the entire front line, they were taken from there, from everywhere, thrown in here, and of course, just in the context of the foreign presence, i want to note that there were a lot of foreigners initially, that is... polish speech was heard everywhere, english speech, french speech, there were
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dark-skinned representatives. or it is not yet clear what nationality, but i can say that the majority of them, they have basically already been destroyed, well, as far as possible, this entire contingent, of course, we will later, probably, figure out who, who they were, i believe that the majority of of this entire hodgepodge team that came to our territory, they are ukrainians. obti aronich, today there were also shots of french equipment, that is , the equipment that the enemy used during the invasion, nato equipment, what did you see with your own eyes in this regard and aviation, do they use their planes over our land? olga, look, to be honest, i noticed
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one thing, the equipment, all the foreign equipment is so... beautifully burning that we don't even ask whose production it is, so we have this work went so well that when we entered on the first day of our work, we destroyed 32 units of equipment, this was our joint work with the guys from the special forces of the second special forces brigade, here we destroyed three units in one small area of ​​martynovo only there...
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therefore the situation is such that there was a lot of different equipment, regarding aviation, i want to say that in principle we did not notice the work of aviation itself, although several times we received information that helicopters were flying in our direction, well, somehow they did not reach us flew, although we were again very happy and were waiting for them to fly in so that helicopters would be added to our collection, so that's it. i think that they have not improved themselves at all with this aviation equipment, i see that you are in a good mood, that is, things are really going well for us, olga, look, you know how, i am a military man, and as a man with a gun, if you look at it from this position, i think so,
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that is, if you count the amount of equipment, forces, resources, human resources that was thrown into taking the kursk region, and if you look at the fact that at the time when we arrived here, we could not understand who was where, where our formations were, where the ukrainian fascist formations themselves were, the first day was really very difficult for us, it was very hard for us, because we had
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to sort out all this lie, all this fuss, within one day, already completely determine for ourselves the goals, objectives and from the second day, having begun to block this area where the enemy is, destroy it in such quantity, i think that i, as a military man, have a reason to be in a good mood, since i already see the percentage of the task completed, well of course there is...
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it's hard, as they say, to attack and kill, they already thought that it was all in the past, and of course, if you approach it from this position, it's bitter for me, but again it makes me happy...
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another part of the belgorod region, but they had such a calculation that their lightning-fast offensive, that it would no longer be stopped. it's clear, i believe that from the document that i have already read, i understood, that the nato leadership, america, they, in principle, when making the decision about this attack, counted on the fact that ukrainian formations would be able to occupy a fairly significant territory along with many strategic objects and the population in order to... in order to set conditions for russia, that is, an ultimatum in order to force russia to sit at the negotiating table, on their terms to force it to leave those territories that
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are, in principle, russian, and not only that, well, in principle, i'll tell you this, i see two options there, the first option, that's about which i have already said, and if this does not work out, it is clear that no one needs ukraine anymore.
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they destroy the enemy, burning out equipment, what is their situation at the moment, i will tell you, we control all this from the air around the clock, if at the beginning, let's say, here is martynovka, they pressed there, let's say,
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in columns, one after another, about 10-15 units of equipment, they drove there, and we destroy them, knock them out, they still press, press, press, now it has reached the point that somewhere there runs... some one car, a pickup truck, a gazelle , they took it away from someone somewhere, that is, the point is, they don’t even have the equipment to return, you can voice it like this, that is, those people who survived, are still alive, even to return in their equipment, they don’t even have this equipment, not to mention the fact that now they can’t cope with us, because they are already being destroyed from all sides.
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it’s expired, we agreed with you, we agreed with you, okay, that means that it is expired, therefore an expired drug addict... who can destroy the ukrainian people in this way and commit such an act against the civilian population, of any state, only a person who is equal to him, not even a person, but an animal like him, can consider him normal, therefore i hope for only one thing, and god willing, it will be so, that we will not shoot him.
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ramzan kadyrov, special forces commander akhmat, general. thanks again. it seems to me that there is no point in discussing, western states knew, first of all, the united states obviously knew about this military adventure, because it is clear that no movement can take place without overseers from the united states. on the other hand, we must understand perfectly well that representatives of the intelligence agency
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of the united states department of defense and the cia are also operating on the territory of ukraine and in all offices, they have their own huge network of agents, which, even regardless of the desire of the zelensky gang , informs about everything that is happening, including from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, therefore, obviously, the equipment, all this was known, supported, from the point of view of the logic of the development of events, well, aptey arunich , it seems to me, has professionally laid out on the shelves, on the other hand, adventures and not adventures, for... a thinking person, even for us, who probably continue to worry that ordinary ukrainians, who do not want to fight with russia, are forced to go into this bloody meat grinder, yes, this is an adventure, from zelensky's point of view, and what does he feel sorry for, western equipment, which provide, and he makes huge money on this, takes them to the west with his gang and that he feels sorry for tens of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, especially since you look, they showed... now they are very tough not letting
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ukrainians out of the country, but for a long time there was no such toughness, everyone who needed from the ukrainian elite, the military and so on, took out their relatives, these are ordinary ukrainians, who are being thrown into the furnaces, the ukrainian people, therefore, of course, these are war crimes, and of course, zelensky and his gang are war criminals, and i i would really like to remind you that it was precisely these war criminals who were publicly executed after the end of the great patriotic war and really through... understand that such events, of course, we must understand that these are really the horror of war, really were waiting for this retribution, this retribution must come, but it is very important that, of course, conclusions will be drawn, hangings, and people who are not evil, but who have gone through the answer will be, only the west is trying to give this answer, and what kind of decision-making centers, the answer must be one that will bring our victory closer, because it is obvious to everyone that without victory with this nazi... next to our
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country it is impossible to exist peacefully, perhaps this will be the chernigov region of the offensive, perhaps the sumy region, perhaps this will be a blow to energy, logistics and other hubs, the destruction of these traps of the nazi regime, but the answer will definitely be, the most important answer of victory, well, the last thing i wanted to say is that from the moment of this terrorist attack, because the wisdom of our people, mutual assistance. in solving even complex problems, providing assistance to the civilian population, the whole country responded to this, here we see even along our line the communist party of the russian federation, and the north caucasus , and the volga region, and the bryansk region, large humanitarian convoys, including necessary, which means security means are being sent, the whole country, all people united regardless of nationality, views and so on, this victory will come when there is unification of our society, this is very... important, we'll be back in a minute, our
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family, our family happiness is no longer threatened by anyone or anything, and what's going on, why did you come back, return from august 19 on rtr. rest is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything. when you are calm. and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about rest. anexс. immerse yourself in the world
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for the whole family. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body in a comprehensive manner. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday on rtr. i love you. and i love you. we are sitting well. let's run, run out. prime minister.
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or the nets of love, which will be stronger, i only ask for emotionlessness, what to know emotionlessness, you will not refuse me, i will not tolerate , choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr, this year, these days vasily makarovich would have been 95 years old, lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina, about her beloved husband, i say, i'm pregnant, he says, so it will be... then, when the girl was born, he comes out and says: "god, how beautiful she is." when vasily makarovich did not become, so there on the set, at that moment you were carrying your third child under your heart, well, yes, of course, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. right now
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breaking news, a representative of the german government. we are moving to a direct line: a member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany party, yevgeny schmidt. yevgeny, hello, how do you like the news, did they blow up your streams? well, what doesn't happen to everyone? hello, today there really
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was another leak in the media and the ukrainian version is being pedaled again, but here it should be noted that at the end of july, hungarian prime minister orban publicly laid responsibility for terrorist attacks on america, that is, the head of state did it, i immediately sent a dep request to the government, whether they know. the investigative bodies and the government say that we will not tell you anything, everything is classified, the ukrainian light constantly
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pops up somewhere in the media, that is, it is presented as the main one, and today there was another leak that allegedly some ukrainian was involved, he should be arrested, well and naturally at the press conference the government representatives all such a huge split, that is, on the one hand -
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some of the brigades were assembled, apparently from the kharkov direction, where the latest military actions, which were connected with the kharkov operation, raise a number of questions, some of the brigades were now withdrawn from the donetsk direction, including the one in which the advance is currently taking place, one of the tasks, among other things, and the sentencing track was to divert reserves from the donbass direction, apparently, they are not being diverted, accordingly, a decision was made to stop the offensive actions with the efforts of other units, including volunteer units. special forces and a number of other instruments, apparently, here and
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accordingly, now with a high degree of probability a certain stabilization will occur, entrenchment is taking place, surzhe, through which gas is supplied in full volume pumps gas, pumping during the day is 42 million cubic meters, this is approximately 15 billion cubic meters per year, that is, in principle, as if this is the design capacity of this direction, and accordingly, despite the fact that individual objects on this separate the facilities there are all damaged, and the gas measuring station in full , apparently, is not working with a high degree of probability, but the volumes are going, and this is about the fact that the economy is the economy, so accordingly, from this point of view, of course, this seriously changes the entire negotiating track, the offensive actions that were planned at the beginning of september were, as it were, activated taking into account the external political alignment, and of course, based on the results of everything that is happening, there will be a very serious personnel decision from two sides with a high probability, but first of all concerns the history connected with
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the general staff, here regarding the movement of such a large group, and with a mechanized group, that is, there , accordingly - what strategy is used, now small groups of forces , and highly mobile ones are mainly the same starker, bradley, here are fortified ae , accordingly, from the otbla, here they advance in small groups, here it truncates. action, that is, there is such a thing happening there, as if it were chaotic movement, but at the same time, as i understand it, there is a digging, apparently, here and accordingly the main mudflow is like a distraction, including how you dig yourself in, supply, now the supply is carried out through the sum, first of all, there are several accordingly routes, so for now, despite the statement as if from the flanks, as if accordingly military units cannot be accumulated there in order to directly carry out blows and blows, now it is going accordingly from the point of view of military logic. the most natural thing here is to take into the cauldron - for this forces and means are needed, they need to be found accordingly, they need to be found, here is
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the second very important point, in principle it is very similar to the kharkov operation, by the way, there are the same approaches 12 to... 12 km in principle, that is, as if the problem with logistics always arises, you enter in small mobile groups you can pass, no problems arise to carry, then the pipedrones begin to work, the children everything else, by the way, the ukrainian country begins to use the same mavericks with a different frequency side, that is, this complicates the work of the rebs accordingly, therefore many objects with rebs were hit in the process, plus to everything their own rebs are moving forward, that is, as if these are high-tech military actions, by the way, aviation is used there, directly, but naturally not in the sixteenth, but as if aviation and helicopters, well, so it feels like the last spurt, no, on their part, there is still a reserve accumulation, as i understand it, the task was to collect e forces from the zaporozhye direction, so to speak, to conduct there additional impacts, there are still quite a large number of forces left, all of this, by the way, these are very professional forces, that is, roughly speaking, all of this mobilized, what you are filming, it all
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seems to be going towards plugging holes, like, this is the elite, these are airborne assault brigades, these are very serious professional... forces, that are preparing very seriously, they are illuminated by very serious weapons, the most advanced, by the way, that is why they were plugging holes there in different directions, now they have gathered them together as if in a fist, that is, with the purpose of, as it were , conducting, and as for, as it were, the general development of events, now the situation is plus or minus a line is beginning to form, here, although there are chaotic movements in fact in their own way, this is typical for highly mobile groups, then this will not be such trenches on trenches, all this will not happen, apparently, in the extreme case in the next few days, here ... there is an accumulation, the ukrainian side, apparently, is trying to strengthen the movement on in this direction, what is the occupation of the kurdish region, but in fact - no one expected such a quick passage through, no one expected it either there or here anywhere, that's because there was a very quick passage of the border component, very quick, i would say, very quick, that's unexpectedly
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quick, because in theory there should be a significant part of thermal imaging there at night, that's because there is a component there, in order to fully enter there with heavy equipment , to bring in heavy equipment, it is necessary to provide accordingly, as it were, accordingly, as if a very serious build-up of groups, groups in general, for example, accordingly 12 1800, even 20,000, these are small groups, that is , i remind you, in order to take a large city, a much larger volume is needed, how much mariupol, for example, was taken, how much was taken. i smell there very serious assault efforts are required, therefore, no one, as it were, large cities, apparently, planned, so to speak, to take, but individual objects were tried to be taken, therefore, from this point of view, now there is a very serious challenge, well, as if a choice, or continue the military operation , respectively, aggregate all the reserves here in order to get serious progress, as if a serious image effect, which is already visible in the world in principle , in fact, or try to continue
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to press, as it were, the direction in order to transfer reserves accordingly and break through there, therefore, from this point of view , as if the general layout is the same, by the way, the dilemma is also on the part of the russian federation. well, two questions on the international agenda today are especially relevant. on the one hand, sides, of course, finding out all the same, how closely, how tightly washington and brussels were involved in this ukrainian adventure, well, it is clear that the official persons are shown in the story, american, and others, deny their, that they did not know anything, that but they support and so on.
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the role of information resources, especially new social networks, that is, trump's conversation with musk, actually involved, well , as musk said, about a billion people, that is, hundreds of millions of americans - this is of course, it is an additional resource, very powerful for trump in terms of, as it were, information image, and here yes, and well, as for harris,
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everything is clear, 90% of media resources, so to speak, classical traditional media work for her. and here arises, as it is shown very well in the story, a problem, especially for harris, for harris's pr team, the transformation of the image, the image of harris, that is, how to make missouri out of a laughing horse. this is the savior of the american nation, but a very difficult task, partly it is being decided, here is the time shown, but for trump there is no such problem, transformation of the image, trump was and is today, he is such an alpha male in politics, and here he does not need any kind of transformation, that is , images, the role of technology, a colossal role, in conclusion i want to say that of course, but the main security problem in germany, scholz's decision to deploy missiles on... well , without any discussions in the sdp, without in society, actually means that this so -called chancellor of the world has already turned into such a gravedigger, which means europe together with
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biden is slowly dragging this coffin, hammering another nail into this coffin of europe, in fact bringing europe closer to disaster, to this so-called grave pit of war and escalation. the telegraph publication literally just reported that kamalakha , without wanting it, may become a killer for ukraine if she wins the elections, because of her bad relationship with zelensky. let's go back. did you sleep with him? do you know each other? did you sleep with him? you're an idiot, of course not. did you sleep with him. and for the biryulik of yours, right? you're just like everyone else, the most common crap. moscow novel. today on rtr: bright sunlight bothers you, are you afraid of harmful ultraviolet
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i am olga armyakova. i am on my own. ukraine will not be able to defeat russia, because unlike moscow, kiev's allies lack the will, the new york times reports, western politicians support ukraine in words, but in practice they show impotence. washington has no leverage at all to put pressure on russia, said the former american ambassador to moscow. if we could somehow influence russia to force it to submit to our will, we would have already done it in ukraine. what are we going to threaten them with now, we have already pressured russia many times. if we could come up with new levers of pressure, we would have
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already... watch the news, bye! on the russia channel, time! the main news of the day is on air, big news, igor kozhevin is in the studio, hello! zelensky's adventure is at a high price: the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade came to visit us, well, this is what happened to them: in one day, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 270 servicemen. stanislav nazarov from our border region. in the report by alexander revunov witnesses of the crimes of the ukrainian armed forces on our territory. they fired at us directly.


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