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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 15, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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point your finger at the deceived wife, i don't know how i'll live in bezandia at all, don't knock on a closed door, and what brought you to our wilderness? one day something new will open, i'm olga, kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her, and surprise, you couldn't whitewash a married woman. ol, we can still fix everything, right? the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr. this year, on these days , vasily makarovich would have been 95 years old, lidiyaev shukshin, about her beloved husband. i say, i'm pregnant, he says, that means there will be a son. then, when the girl was born, he goes out and says: "god, how beautiful she is." very much
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gone, there on the set, at that moment you were carrying your third child under your heart, well, yes, of course, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, there is a corpse in a duck pond, eat it with pleasure, the cause of death has not yet been established, after all, it has not been established, maybe he died himself, we assume that these criminals attacked two more people, from life experience, i can tell you, there are no robberies here...
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morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. cognac. barel: productlar group. hotel for
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unforgettable impressions rixos sharmaьsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmaьshe them. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail. created for admiration, today in the program the secret of longevity in one product that will help the heart. this is a very
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popular product among long-livers, what is it that is useful for our brain? unstable hypertension, why does it jump pressure and what to do with stress, took a pill, the pressure after 10 minutes begins to go down, increased heart rate, this is increased blood pressure, glaucoma, cataract or conjunctivitis. what diseases are hidden behind pain in the eye? the sensation of pain here, of course, goes to the eyes, with an increase in intraocular pressure, the head hurts. ordinary caries can lead to blood poisoning, how to prevent the development of gumboil, weakness, malaise, there may be insomnia, and can calis be contagious? good morning, hello, today in the rubric product of the day.
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we will discuss the product, but the product is not simple, many avoid it, and others do not even know about its existence, contain gmo, increase the risk of infertility, is not absorbed. contributes to obesity is dangerous for the heart, it is some kind of terrible alcoholic-sweet cocktail, it must be said right away that everything that is written here is not true. in fact, today we will talk about soy, from which the product is made, a real source of health and longevity. we will reveal the secret of this product with our expert. how to live in a sound mind and long memory? a world-renowned gerantologist.
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these are areas, there are blue zones on our globe, where the largest number of centenarians live, well, gerantologists, of course, they study the diet of centenarians, by the way, in the diet many centenarians really
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like tofu, well, we will find out from the audience in our studio, who tried, oh, thank you, such a cheese, well, a little, a little, who wants to try? please, take a stick, such a cheese, i honestly admit, i did not immediately i got it when i tried it, well a long time ago, at first it seemed a bit bland to me, well, unlike the cheeses we are used to, please, well, not a bright taste, more like cottage cheese, that is, not spicy, not sour, not salty, in principle it is tasty, thank you, so... what do you say? no taste, no taste, how no taste, you have no taste, no, it is tasteless , it is somehow, tasteless, yes, what do you say, a wonderful taste, similar to suluguni, eh, i
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love cheese products, so this taste reminds me very much of cheeses, very tasty, on breakfast is great, well... look at our different opinions about tofu cheese. in fact, we will talk later about how to properly cook tofu so that it is really tasty and bright. but for now , let's talk about the beneficial properties of this product, which you received with the first piece of this wonderful cheese. but this is negative written here. increases the risk of infertility, yes, this is a myth. tofu is generally a unique product, especially for women. and because it helps to reduce the manifestations of so called menopause, complaints of weakness, frequent mood swings, sweating, hot flashes, so tofu cheese contains
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such unique substances that are called natural estrogens or phytostrogens, these substances are very similar to our female ones. a substance that has shown an oncoprotective effect in experimental clinical studies, it suppresses the occurrence of cancer cells reduces the risk of cancer, and not only in women it has really been proven that it decreases
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the risk of breast cancer, for example, but men had a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer when eating tofu, you read something on the internet somewhere, that's the truth, there are no gmos, but it protects against... and it protects against cancer, improves digestion, well, this is, of course, primarily because it contains a fairly large amount of fiber, which is necessary for... for the normal functioning of our intestines and - prevents the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and improves all metabolic processes in general in our body. well, it essentially turns out that it ferments under the influence of bacterial cultures, which then have a positive effect on the diversity of bacteria in our intestines. in principle, like probiotics, that's right, it has approximately the same similar properties, it promotes obesity, well, i think, it helps to lose weight. improve brain function, due to which, what is it that is useful for our brain?
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the substance that is contained in tofu is the substance lecithin. in the seventeenth year , studies were conducted by our colleagues, japanese scientists who have proven that this substance has a positive effect on the brain structures of alzheimer's patients, the healing cheese tofu, yes, it is so dangerous for the heart, these are all rumors, do not believe it, here ... disease prevention, disease prevention. by the way, our colleagues from america conducted a very large study, 200,000 people participated in this study and it was shown that those people who regularly consume tofu, their incidence of cardiovascular pathology is several times lower, reliably lower than those who do not consume this magical cheese. yes, well, there are studies that say that... tofa has this effect due to a special category of substances - saponins, the so-called
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saponifying substances that bind cholesterol coming with food, plus the cholesterol contained in bile, binds and removes from the body, and thereby reducing this metabolic cholesterol pool. moreover, that same lecithin or phosphatylcholine, yes, which we have already talked about, it regulates the ratio of so so-called bad and good cholesterol, that is, increasing the amount. good and thereby reducing the amount of bad, we realized how useful this tofu cheese is, but still, still, here are our studio viewers, i had the first such feeling that it is tasteless, here we just need to say right away that tofu cheese, it is in itself really inert, that is, in this sense it does not have its own taste, but it easily absorbs those flavors that we can add to it, therefore in most, for example, oriental dishes it is... usually found under the glaze of various sauces, soy sauce,
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teriyaki and all that stuff, it absorbs this taste from them, actually, then we eat this tofu, it seems to us that it has a completely normal, bright, good taste, we conducted such an experiment with our volunteers, let's look at the screen, we asked three volunteers from the studio to taste the dish with their eyes closed to guess what exactly they... at the tasting , the guests were offered tofu with vegetables, tofu with soy sauce, tofu pancakes, will the volunteers understand that all the dishes use this product? this is what the tasters answered: very tasty very strange, most likely it's avocado, maybe it's eggplant? stewed eggplant, maybe with meat, meat is definitely, i would say that it's... beef, there are also vegetables added here, it looks
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like a tomato, classic cottage cheese pancakes, some kind of kostrinka is present, oh, it smells , it smells like vanilla, juicy, unusually tasty for syrniki , cottage cheese seems to be added to this dessert, very tasty, you know, what kind of tofu, well, like a chameleon, here's the calorie content, here's how many you can eat per day so that... not to harm your body, well, it is believed that no more than 100 g can be eaten in order for tofu to be only beneficial, and i remind you that you can watch all the releases of our program on the online media platform smotrim, the application on the site today we found out why tofu soy cheese is a real dish for long-livers. follow the recommendations of hertologists stay young and healthy.
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already place with an interval of 2 days suspiciously, how can this be explained, secret investigation, today on rtr. rixas premium sea gate - family fun starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world
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of unforgettable impressions at rixas premium segate. rixas. premium seagate. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday. friends met here. 100% confidence that friends will not let you down. your humble servant. i'm thoughtful, maybe it's, which asphalt they lay, asphalt pavers. 100% guarantee that it won't be boring. aren't you afraid, here the light bulbs can be polovtsians, what tourists are looking for in the cave? we have one of the answers, maybe it's right, puddles: 100% pleasure from the game, do you know how to zhambivat, i'm just smart, yes 100 to one, let's go on saturday on sunday to rtr, i love you, and i love you, we're sitting well, premiere.
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ugh, what will be stronger, only i ask without emotions, what do you mean, without emotions? you won't refuse me, i won't tolerate, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr, what the guests, the wedding party shouts in chorus, scene 15, you
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'll disfigure my actress so much, to the point. "hello, soon, urgently, there's been an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start the investigation myself, i'll find this bastard, it's just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i'll call if the car shows up on video cameras, the police will come to you, not a word about me, when lies
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breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies"? support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, did you start, where is it? where is the registrar? found the car, the owner, a girl, it turned out that she had a man, here it is, the life line, on saturday on rtr. good morning, i am very often contacted by patients with arterial hypertension, who have a stable course, and there are cases when this pressure is unstable and is caused by many factors, here marina contacted me, who has a difficult fate, a very difficult fate, and unstable
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arterial hypertension, let's listen to her story. good afternoon, my name is marina, i 51 years old, city. lately i have been taking blood pressure pills, but recently the pills have stopped helping, my blood pressure still fluctuates, sometimes 150, sometimes 90, i have had tragedies in my life in 2006 i buried my daughter, time does not heal, i continue to live, and forgive me, i buried my first husband when i was 21, the third died in my arms, crazy love, we now have problems with housing, as if from one apartment to another, at work too, but i work 14 hours, there are also its moments, that is, everything is like that constantly. in such a nervous state, it seems like i can calm down, get enough sleep, i can't get enough sleep, when my blood pressure jumps , my fingers start to go numb, my head starts to spin and i feel like i
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'm falling through, i'm afraid, yes, i'm really afraid, because i have this feeling, you know, some kind of fear of death, i don't know what's going to jump up, i'll fall and i won't, so please tell me what i should do, what even if the pills don't help, what should i do with high blood pressure. that's the story. marin, come in, please. good morning. good morning. marin, please tell me, before all these tragic events, what was your blood pressure? well, my blood pressure was always 110 to 70. about 5 years ago it started, that is, the pressure began to jump and i even started to have panic attacks, you could say. and i was prescribed medications to take on a regular basis to normalize it. i start taking them. for about two months everything is normalized, then i happily forget to take them at some point, only to get upset - some memory or anxiety instantly
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jumps 150-160 heartbeat recently it was 150 jumped along with the pressure yeah, so i'm taking new drugs, but it still jumps, tell me please, what am i, my parents had hypertension, i can't even say, but my mother had something with the blood vessels, yeah. reaction, this is stress, stress is what causes the so-called stress universal reaction of the body to
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anything, well, super-impact, let's put it this way, stress is an increase in heart rate, this is increased blood pressure, well , increased breathing, increased tone, the thing is that stress is, as i said, which hans described in his time, it is... the body's reaction, that is, it is the mobilization of the body no matter what, here is a very difficult situation: on the one hand, of course, you need to control your blood pressure, this is understandable, you need to take hypotensive drugs, also understandable, as i will say at the end, but here you need of course help in that... to overcome the influence of stress, here everything is very individual, that's the key, very individual, everyone is looking for their own way,
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to pet a cat, to walk a dog , not so much on wool, well then that's a separate conversation, aromatherapy is also out of the question, well meditation, by the way, oh, sound therapy, that helps, music, meditation, breathing exercises really help. yeah, you know, i was in india not long ago in one of the most advanced institutes of cardiology in mumbai, they transplant hearts, lungs, make artificial hearts, suddenly i go, and there is an ayurvedic department, helps, that is, it really does help, but you understand, you will need to do it regularly, not forgetting, as you sometimes forget to take hypertension drugs, then the negative impact of stress will be less. because otherwise we will have to go to that little bedside table, there, to that one, they prescribed you, well, let's say it this way, some basic
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treatment for hypertension, for normalization, this is necessary, yes, until you could say, let's overcome this stressful situation, because if you somehow with your joint efforts. with psychologists, with some find the best option, the pressure will go down, it will go down, yeah, there's one trick here: the drugs that were prescribed to you are very smart drugs, but they have one nuance: they work for 24 hours, you can't turn them off like a light, turn them on, turn them off, they will still work, so now you will need to - analyzing what is happening to you, clearly understand when it is stressful.
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tinnitus - this is already because of a vascular reaction, of course, this is nausea, when blood pressure is already greatly increased, so so you need to choose not only some basic therapy that provides you with, well, let's say, comfortable pressure, but have in your purse some drug that acts briefly, something happened, you don't need to drag it out, you don't need to endure it, you take a pill, the pressure starts to go down in 10 minutes, in an hour the effect of the drug will end, and you will again be on basic therapy, or you
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choose... some, as we say, non- drug path, the pressure jumped, the phones were turned off, we went, i don't know, 10 minutes contrast shower, or so to speak, went, walked, went out for some fresh air, walked and so on, that is, there are no uniform recipes here, that's the conversation, of course, i sympathize with you, but you are a strong-willed person, thank you all. a difficult situation, but despite all the tragedy, all the problems, it can be solved, good health to everyone, see you, and i give the floor to my colleagues, today is thursday, this means that the russians have prepared their questions about health for us, literally in
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a moment. we will answer them. so, the first question: hello, my name is anastasia, i am from the city of abakan, my son is 1 year old, he was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, and as the doctors explained to us, it is connected with the fact that we have an allergy to cow protein. so , can these two conditions be connected somehow: atopic dermatitis and an allergy to cow protein? let's start with the fact that they are two different conditions. that is, atopic dermatitis is characterized by essentially genetically determined. perfection in the maturation of special proteins on the skin, which actually produce so called the skin-lipid mantle, that is , such a special protective substance that envelops our body and prevents various pathogenic microorganisms and other things from penetrating our skin, causing inflammation, and accordingly, the lack of production of this protective layer is the cause of atopic dermatitis, but despite the fact
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that the condition of these times... they can be combined to mutually reinforce each other, that is , an allergy to some food, including cow's milk protein, can aggravate the course of atopic dermatitis and vice versa, atopic dermatitis can cause the development of allergies, for example, to some external irritants that get on the skin, so they need to be treated in parallel, thank you, maybe someone from the week in the studio? wants to ask their question, please tell me, how long are the breaks between meals possible when the gallbladder is removed ? a very important question, because in people who have had their gallbladder removed, well , basically this happens after an attack of hepatic colic, when stones from the gallbladder try to come out, these people really it is very important to follow a certain dietary regimen, for the first
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six months or so. food should be around six times a day, that is, literally every 3 hours a person should eat, including even some small snack at night, why is the gallbladder essentially like an accumulator of bile, that is, it collects this bile, accumulates it, but after it is removed, there is nowhere for bile to be stored, so it begins to accumulate in the bile ducts, stretch them, and if this bile is not drained in time, and this happens when we ate, then as a result on...
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after the commercial, you will listen to me, well come back, stop me, breathe the same air with you, disgusting, stop, ira, ira, we are watching rtr, this is a gift on this special day, like it, i hate you, where is my child, i will now scream, scream, well, it is hard to pay off other people's debts, take it, ira, don't come near me, don't come near me, yes, what
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happened there, what blood, where is it strange somehow, no corpse, no statement, and no wife, return, from monday on rtr. we invite you to the sharm el sheikh swiss hotel. the world's first all-inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. isotel sharmel sheikh is your perfect place in the heart of the city. everything is exactly as in my visions. genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and i'm also a psychic. and
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you'll find all the evidence in his prombotic. any task will seem easy. the case is not yet solved, because this guy, he is not as simple as. not so simple, not so simple, very, it is quite complicated, we are already looking at the website in the application, this is not a rite of worship of ancient spirits and not even a wedding ceremony, this is how travelers are dedicated in this country, the earth is round, we will sort out everything else in detail, it seems, here, here we will launch a couple of an old ship, what a cool device, let's go, it is up to you to fill the piggy bank of travels, after all, lace suits me, and we will always help, the fact that this is a paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, well, go ahead,
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weigh, in secret to the whole world, now yourself you'll see everything, on sunday, nerter, in a month i won't get it, i'll rip your legs off. and so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what do you want, something happened, maybe we'll have lunch together, i have to go to work now, elena rosseva, you 've lived in two families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, everything is real with him and me, both family and love, viktor vasiliev, nobody, became, domestic, listen, in itself this is not interesting, maxim, i have scum written all over my face, then he can simply leave our house, if there are too many fakes in life not, here is poisonous, tune it again, i wanted to apologize, you are not at all what
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you want to seem, i will not give you my husband, old piano, on saturday on rtr, oleg lymar, a professional soldier. he recently returned from the front and was awarded a medal for bravery, for the fact that, risking his life under enemy fire, he carried a wounded soldier out of the field, the limb was severed, under fire, he carried him out, then he told me , he says, how will you get out of here, the main thing is to find me, we brought him to this today studio of the soldier you are looking for, no, not him, who turned out to be the double of the rescued soldier, malakhov, today on rtr. we continue the rubric "ask the doctor right now, doctor agabkin will answer the next question." attention to the screen. my name is nadezhda, i am 70 years old, i am from the city of kirov and my friend lives in the city of urzhum, she
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suffers greatly from burns. in general, what pills do not help her, she has hellish pain every day, i can’t imagine, but she says so. then nothing helps her at all, what would you advise, maybe, what, what to her to undertake? well, first of all, it is necessary to conduct an examination, that is, gastroscopy is mandatory here. and why? it is necessary to understand how this heartburn affected the esophagus, because, unfortunately, in those cases when a person has this reflux for a long time, the release of gastric juice into the esophagus, this leads to a chemical burn of the esophagus, the structure of the cells changes, a complication such as esophageal metaplasia can develop, that is , when cells are replaced, and the complication can be esophageal cancer, if there are any there foci of abnormal cell arrangement, so a biopsy is necessarily taken in such cases, in order to understand whether this is already the most severe
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complication, then, it is necessary to evaluate the functional state of the sphincter. in many cases , this reflex is associated with functional disorders, that is, the nervous system poorly regulates the work of these muscles, but there are a number of cases when the reflux occurs due to mechanical damage to the diaphragm, this is the so-called hernia esophageal opening of the diaphragm. and in these cases, surgery is needed. surgery most often, without it, it is really impossible to cope with any medications. thank you, doctor. so, well, now, as is tradition , a question from a viewer in the studio. who is ready? please. good morning. a couple of weeks ago, i was cleaning the house and pulled a muscle. now my back hurts a lot. i don’t want to take anti-inflammatory drugs. since i had gastritis, the doctor said that it is undesirable to do this, since it can develop into an ulcer. is there something that will not harm the stomach liver? yes, there are, now
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very popular means for external use, they are in many cases not inferior to the means that a person is used to taking in the form of tablets. they have a local anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce pain. for example, dimethyl sulfoxide in the form of a gel, this is a very popular substance since soviet times. the modern form of gel based on dimethyl sulfoxide can be mixed. with drugs for external use. the gel itself heals, and also works as a conductor. deeply and quickly penetrates tissues, enhances accelerates the action of external forms of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin and wine tonics. low toxicity, does not have a side effect on the gastrointestinal tract. previously, it was disliked because it was necessary to make a compress, it was constantly leaking, it was necessary to wrap it all with film, now there are gels based on dimethyl sulfoxide. which are convenient to use, they do not leak anywhere, they
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dry quickly, do not require compresses, bandages and do not leave stains on the skin or clothes. thank you, we continue and give the floor to the doctor, ophthalmologist dmitry dyumetiev, who will tell you when you need to pay attention to your eye health during a headache, so as not to miss a serious disease. stay with us. good morning, headache, a common problem, many people face it, someone did not sleep well at night, magnetic storms, stress, overexertion, according to statistics, women suffer from headaches more often than men, but if in addition to the usual pain, the pain also radiates, gives to the eyes, then this is most likely a serious condition,
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which requires additional discussion , research and treatment. so, let's talk today on the topic: headache, a dangerous symptom, eye diseases. so, let's see why headache can sometimes cause pain in the eyes. in front of us is a table, a poster, where we see the nerves of the face and head. nerves are connected to the eyes, of course, such as the supraorbital nerve, infraorbital nerve, left, medial, supratrochlear nerve and lateral supratrochlear nerve, so the sensation of pain here, of course, goes to the eyes, a person may not understand that he has my eyes hurt, that is, the eyes are a secondary sensation, in fact, they are not susceptible to the disease. but there may also be pain that
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is caused by the eye disease, our patient, we can already say, today's and future patient, anastasia, came to me with such a problem. hello, my name is anastasia, i am 35 years old, and the problem is the following, for about the last 15 years, i often have a headache in the morning, and this pulsating pain radiates to the eyes. i ... thought it was a migraine, i was saved there by spasmolytics, painkillers, until realized that my vision has deteriorated very badly, especially the left side, anastasia went to the clinic to see dr. dementiev. so, we are starting to do your examination now, all our devices will work to identify what pathology you have, we will do everything to help you as much as possible, okay? nastya has not been to an ophthalmologist for over 10 years, today the plan is a full diagnosis, first of all, a study of the parameters of the eyes. using tomography, nastya's
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retina will be checked, then the eye pressure will be measured. please insert your chin, try to press your forehead. the tests have been done and the doctor already knows the diagnosis. we will look at all the results in the studio and discuss a possible treatment plan and outline how we will help you. anastasia, come out here to me. good morning. yes, good morning. it is very nice to see you. do your eyes hurt today? yes, the left side hurts more. and how does this pain manifest itself, can you explain? and it is as if all my muscles have attacked my eyes like this, and it is very difficult for me to look, that is , in order to focus on you, i need to strain, that is, you have a small visual defect, you don't see it very well, well , in the distance, yes, let's discuss why
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headaches can occur and how this is connected, with what condition of the eyes it is connected, with what pathology it can be connected. here we see a picture of an eye hurting, yes, it is closed, just as you close your eyes, this can happen to people with myopia or nearsightedness, incorrectly corrected nearsightedness, what is nearsightedness, this is when a person sees poorly into the distance, his eyeball is stretched in length, the image does not focus on the retina, and a person in the distance is almost several degrees of myopia and a person. myopia of the average degree, he practically does not see anything in the distance without glasses, he can see close, of course, with myopia headaches occur, if the correction is incorrectly selected, what kind of correction, it can be glasses or contact lenses, if glasses are incorrectly selected, then a person can have
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headaches, and do you wear glasses? no, i do not wear glasses, i try to do eye exercises in order to relieve this tension, does gymnastics help? yes, yes, what is glaucoma? glaucoma - the first symptom of glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure , this disease can cause headaches, when intraocular pressure increases, the head hurts, usually in the temporal part of the front, where do you have pain, show me, well, just here is the forehead, temples, the temples pulsate very strongly, there are halos, when severe headaches appear you see the halos, but you have not measured the eye pressure. of course, never, just as i never wore glasses, the higher the intraocular pressure, the more the head can hurt, the headache can be accompanied by deafness. the third reason why the head can hurt when the condition of our eyes is disturbed. cataract. cataract, as a rule, is an age-related
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disease. cataract is inevitable, all people after 65 years, plus or minus, will get. cataract, cataract is a clouding of our lens, which becomes cloudy with age, the image does not pass inside the eye, as a rule, this is not a painful condition, cataract does not cause headaches, but if it is not a cataract, in young people, if cataract in at a younger age and if the cataract is unilateral, then one eye sees, continues to see, the second eye begins to see worse, cataract can also cause a vision defect. which require correction with glasses, but glasses cannot be selected because they are needed for one eye, not for the other, and this general condition can cause severe headaches. we mentioned possible reasons why you may have a headache and why this headache may be related to
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the condition of your eyes. anastasia was today in my clinic, we gave her a full examination in order to determine whether her headache is associated. with changes in her vision with changes in the pathology of her eyes. and it's time to find out the results of your studies. we found a slight myopia associated with a change in your lens in the left eye, that is, you have a cataract in your left eye. despite your young age, you have a clouding of the lens. due to the change in the lens, the eye is myopic, that is, the image does not clearly reach the retina. your right eye sees perfectly, the left your eye sees worse, it's not going on, there is no synchronization, the image does not arrive at the same time, that is, it does not match. that's why you have headaches, what to do in this situation, cataracts are rare at such a young age, did you have
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any kind of injury? i want to ask, is it heredity or is it some kind of external factor? no, most likely you have an external factor, so i and what kind of injury? head injury, eye injury, contusion, were you in an accident? could a sharp shot near the ear have provoked it? that the lens began to change. your optical power, your left eye sees much worse than your right, so you see differently with both eyes, the image, the brain cannot perceive these two images as one whole, you have headaches, which is good, cataracts are perfectly treatable today, you need to have an operation, we will remove your cloudy lens, implant a new transparent one, and you will again see equally with both eyes, and the headaches should go away, what you were. for me it is great, but in some time we are waiting for you to the operating room we'll fix everything, great,
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thank you, dear friends, take care of your eyesight, eyesight is priceless, and i'm passing the floor to my colleagues, moscow novel, you called, 100 times, she doesn't answer, where is where, everything is so confused that... it's impossible, just cut it, she cut it, so what should i do, fight, you understand, they love each other, they love, and i hate, this woman will not be in our lives, neither her nor her offspring, moscow novel, final episodes, today on rtr, sale, we offer you a universal one. with its help you easily and quickly transform your suburban
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you fell in love? in a communal apartment? we had a deaf girl living with us, she taught me all this alphabet, he said: "well, tell me something, and i, i fell in love with you, the most terrible days in your life, when vasily makarovich passed away, and there was such a thing, once like a premonition, no, i didn't have any premonition, it was scary, of course, the death of someone so close, loved one, i certainly didn't want to live, after u..." years in the life of vasily makar, what they didn't say, that he was poisoned, killed, how it really was, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. so small and so dangerous. today we will talk about caries, which, as it seems to me, almost
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most people have. here's what's surprising, you may not know about it. such a small dark spot, does not bother, does not hurt, came to the dentist, and this caries inside has already destroyed the entire tooth. indeed, caries is this is the most common disease, 93% of humanity is susceptible to the rest simply have no teeth. the process really takes a long time, the consequences of caries can be, in fact, very very serious, for example, the formation of gumboil. why does gumboil form, who is at risk? and can it be deadly, let's find out from our expert, doctor, dentist. maria igorevna mikhailova, candidate of medical sciences, dentist, orthodontist, periodontist. marina igorevna, good morning, good morning, i ask you, what is this anyway gumboil? gumboil is quite a medical
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complication, a disease that was not cured in time, there are blood vessels inside the tooth, we will show you directly with an example, here we have, a tooth, yes, we will start with the fact that first the enamel is destroyed, first the enamel is destroyed, microorganisms get on the surface of the tooth, the process begins, the corrosive process, and then it spreads to the pulp of the tooth, where the vessels are, the circulatory system, here, yes, and we see that... the circulatory system, it gets into the bone tissue, accordingly, in the same way, an infection, microorganisms, they can get into the bloodstream, it turns out that here they begin to develop, this is if a person did not come in time, did not cure the coryza, and it begins the process to go deeper, deeper, deeper, and there, accordingly , the inflammation becomes more active, more active, more active, more active, more active, this is what turns out to be a gumboil, well, figuratively yes, it
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begins ... to spread to the area of ​​​​bone tissue and then the exudate can get into the soft tissues and we see edema, which is actually called a gumboil, than a gumboil different from abscess? gumboil is a common name, yeah, and there are several diseases that follow each other, that is, which are one follows from the other, actually, when we see swelling, we call it gumboil, in general it is a disease of the periodontium, that is, the tissues. surrounding the tooth, yeah, let's talk about the symptoms, they are here, swollen, but a person can feel symptoms that are very similar to the symptoms of orv, that is, he feels weakness, subfebrile temperature occurs, 37.9, weakness, malaise, there may be insomnia, soreness, and swelling and asymmetry also occur in the area
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where the inflammation occurs, that is, if the inflammation occurs upward... the jaw, then we see swelling in the nasolabial fold area, which spreads upward to the infraorbital region, if the inflammation is on the lower jaw, then accordingly we see inflammation of the lower side of the face, neck, and apparently a symmetrical face, but this is some kind of long process or it can happen in a day, this can happen in a day if a person is overcooled, for example, that is there was a decrease in the immune system, and this can happen up to... in a day, if there are prerequisites, that is, what we discussed, and inflammation of the nerve, yeah, that is , it turns out that this pain will first be local, that is, in this area, then, as the process develops, it can go further, further, further, spreading towards the ear , creating some problems there with chewing, with opening the mouth. yes, sergey, that's absolutely right, that is, at first it is a local process, and
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then it is already a complication, that is, at first a person cannot help but feel pain. it can arise spontaneously, that is , when we do not feel pain, it is a chronic process, it develops gradually, and some factor occurs that stimulates the development of acute inflammation, at this moment it occurs. a person it swells, the first thing he does, what we have according to the old tradition, when he wraps his face with a scarf. yes, he begins to rinse with soda, and because of this complications can develop, because the treatment does not actually occur. here they are on us screen these consequences. what scary names? abscess, phlegmon, astiamylitis and
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sepsis, actually, blood poisoning - these are the most dangerous, and the consequences of that same banal caries, that is, when the process from the local flows first to the body of the jaw, bone tissue and then spreads to the soft tissues and ... from there blood poisoning can occur, that is , you can practically die from caries, well, in fact, yes, this is the most dangerous complication that can, unfortunately , happen. let's take this situation, for example, a person cannot visit a doctor outside the city, in the country somewhere, in the country, on a hike in another city, in another country, and he does not have insurance, but this also sometimes happens, how can you make your life easier before going to the doctor? with gumboil, well, here is a rather difficult question, because if an exacerbation occurs, then no one except a doctor will save you, because most often this is a surgical intervention that requires opening this purulent focus, and usually to relieve
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pain, for example, yes, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which we use for headaches, but you shouldn't abuse it, because as we said earlier, it's enough. fraught with some complications, quite life-threatening, yeah, so you should still find a doctor, and calis can be contagious, in general , yes, when, for example, we give our toothbrush to a child, and the child is not yet infected with these microorganisms, who gives a toothbrush to a child, there are such, we have a full studio of women, and through a spoon, for example, through a spoon, yes, mom likes to peel off a spoon and give her the child should start feeding, thus caries is transmitted from mother to child, and can we, here, the advertisement promises us that if you brush your teeth with anti-caries paste, you will not have caries, and it is absolutely true, the correct brushing technique and regular
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visits to the dentist, in general, guarantee that there will be no caries, but this is subject to compliance with all the rules of hygiene, that is , it is not enough to have only a paste, yes, which can have preventive, preventive properties, but ... at the same time , the correct mechanics, how we brush our teeth, manual skills, also the use of additional hygiene products, such as dental floss, irrigator promotes good, good cleaning of those same food debris and microorganisms, and once every six months it is necessary to have a dental examination and professional cleaning. let's talk about how flux is actually treated - when we find an inflammatory focus, the doctor ... treats the tooth canals prescribes antibiotics after, and if this is an acute course, when we already see purulent inflammation around,
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then accordingly, where there is pus, there is an opening, here, accordingly, the operation is a mini-operation, yes, surgical intervention, when the surgeon , using a scalpel, here we have it, yeah, he makes an incision in the soft tissues, so. gets the outflow of pus, this machine of yours that buzzes, in this case it will not be needed, because we are precisely the incision made on the soft tissues, that is , where this pus got, often a person can see a fistula, this means that the pus itself found an outflow, then relief occurs, but this does not mean that you do not need to go to the dentist, because the fistula can heal and , accordingly, the inflammation remains, that is , microorganisms that...
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you don't look in the mirror in your mouth and it can be in some hidden places, how should you organize yourself so that you don't have such terrible - names, gumboils, uh. candles, phlegmon and others, but in fact, mikhail, you noted that we cannot conduct a self-examination, but at the same time it can be done, because now there are special kits for self-diagnosis, well, that is, when we can look, they are sold special mirrors, when we can conduct an examination, that is, at least suspect that something is wrong, see a spot, think about the fact that i don’t like something, and it’s time for me to go to the dentist, yeah. so this
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can also help here, and secondly, a timely visit to the dentist is still better, it’s better to do this once every six months to prevent the occurrence of a deeper cavity and , accordingly, its complications, thank you very much, thank you, today we found out that caries is not just a harmless hole in the tooth, it can lead to serious complications, to gumboil, which is fraught with blood poisoning, so do not neglect our advice, be sure to twice ...
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not you, my dear, the first, not you the last, yes, point your finger at any married woman and you will get a deceived wife, i do not know how i will live without andrey at all, do not knock on a closed door, and what brought you to our deaf, one day something new will open, i am olga, kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her. surprise, it was impossible to fall in love with a married woman, and even a muscovite, cool, we can still fix everything, really, the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr, oleg lymar, a professional soldier, he recently returned from the front lines and was awarded a medal for bravery, for risking his life under enemy fire, he carried a wounded soldier from the battlefield, a torn limb. was
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big, under fire, carried him out, then he told me, he says, how will you get out of here, the main thing is to find me, today we brought to this studio the soldier you are looking for, no, not him, who turned out to be the double of the rescued soldier malakhov, today on rt. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting vesti, you hello, i am maria sittel, hello, a federal emergency has been declared in the belgorod region , the entire glushkovsky district of the kursk region with a population of 2,000 people is being evacuated. there are more than 10 places in kursk where humanitarian aid is being distributed, volunteers are making lists, there are many elderly people.


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