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tv   Vozvrashchenie  RUSSIA1  August 19, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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it was possible to talk to him. currently , there are more than 750 children in the moscow region whose parents were forced to leave their homes as a result of the shelling of the kursk region. the motto of this center in podolsk is that everyone should have their own dream, but it seems that now everyone has a common dream, so that the faces of children who have made such a long and difficult journey from the kursk region will again have smiles on their faces. kirill popov, maryana peponyan, egor mayorov, news. in the southwest of moscow , the reconstruction of two clinics is being completed at once. today , mayor sergei sobyanin inspected the progress of the work. the renovated buildings on azovskaya street have already received modern medical equipment. thanks to the renovation, the number of treatment rooms will increase, and diagnostic methods will be significantly expanded. the first patients will be accepted in september. 200 clinics have been reconstructed, there are still 140 left, this year we will finish 100 clinics, next year there will be more, so there will be only new clinics in the entire city.
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a sports cluster was created in the kotlovka area on the site of a former industrial zone. equipped playgrounds and picturesque walking routes. a tropical night is expected in moscow, the air will warm up to +22. also possible showers and thunderstorms. until the morning , a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the capital. in addition, according to forecasters, today was the hottest day since the beginning of august 28°. drinking water was distributed at metro stations and train stations. the week is also. in the capital's zhulebino district, motorists are suffering from an invasion of taxi drivers, the courtyards are completely filled with yellow cars, the search for parking near the house turns into a daily grueling quest. who arranged this automobile tetris and how to get rid of it in a report by dmitry blinnikov. this is how the streets of the capital zhelebino look now, a residential area, literally occupied by taxi drivers. who
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is telling you, advising you to park here, who gives you the right, we are residents, this is already a cry from our souls, you are bothering us, yellow cars are everywhere, parked along the roadway, there are many of them near the entrances of houses, drivers pretend not to understand what is being discussed, well, you others have already parked, i thought that parking was allowed here, here they are taking up residents' parking spaces, irina came home from work, everything is already taken, look how many cars there are here, in general... it's absolutely impossible to park, sometimes you drive here, well , there's no space in the yard, at least we had a space here, now there isn't, look how many cars there are, and pedestrians are complaining, in some places it's become impossible to get through at all, you have to go around the car, and we all have children, this is unsafe, this is a violation of all the rules, store managers are also outraged, taxi drivers block their driveways, you look for them, they spend hours there disappear, we can't unload the cars, that's why it's in the way. yes, they park right in
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the unloading area. they used to be embarrassed, but now they park right on the lawns and sidewalks. here, in front of us, two cars drove in at once . they don't react to the remark, and they leave only after seeing your camera. so, we fight this here every day. the problem appeared in the spring, the taxi park office started working actively on privolnaya street, the entire area around turned into one continuous parking lot. about 100 cars, taxis are distributed evenly across all - parking lots across all yard parking. some drivers on the neighboring streets are waiting for orders, as soon as they appear, they leave, then return. but a significant part of the cars here are just standing there permanently, some are abandoned, the tires are flat and others are waiting to be rented. together with the residents, we went to the taxi depot, the security guards immediately disappeared, as if by the wind, a couple of managers remained, they said that the management is not there, when it will appear, it is unknown. okay, but there should be a senior, no one at all. the situation with taxi drivers in zhullebino
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concerns several thousand people, since may no complaints have been filed, but everything remains the same, and lawyers explain that formally most drivers do not violate the rules. legally , it is impossible to kick taxi drivers out of the yard, there are no legal measures for parking taxis or, for example, karsheiny's cars in the yard, there is no fine, well, in general there cannot be, because this is ordinary transport. according to auto experts , the time has come to make serious amendments to the legislation, but for now, residents of the district can only hope for... conscience taxi park owners that they will start parking their cars elsewhere. dmitry blinnikov, yuri zabolotnikov, vladislav dubtsov, news. now about other events briefly. 10 people got stuck on the ferris wheel in the izmailovsky kremlin today. according to preliminary data , a power surge was the reason for stopping the ride. some of the passengers were locked in glass cabins at a height of 50 m. now the power supply has been restored, the ferris wheel has resumed work, no one was hurt. our city appeared on the portal
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new section on urban river transport routes, where passengers can report a malfunction of the electric boats, information screens and signboards. from the scientific and clinical center, sergei sobyanin reported today. already now , botkinskaya doctors are using innovative methods in their work, many of which they created themselves. in their new capacity , they will be able to implement advanced technologies into practice even faster. oksana maksimova's report. how are you feeling?
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not bad. not a single word from the doctor sergei now does not pass. six months ago, he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. initial stage. at the botkin hospital, they offered to support his work. maybe a patient with a severe stage of the disease can wait for the operation, when the transplant is inevitable. now the patient's own stem cells are injected into the liver affected by cirrhosis. the operation is controlled by a special x-ray machine that rotates 360°. all data is displayed on
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the screen. the operation is minimally invasive, after which the patient can go home in just a few days. unique scientific developments are supported by the practice of top-level doctors, such a joint. coordinated work of all specialists of botkin under the management of the outstanding surgeon alexey shabunin tradition is now not just a city hospital, but a multifunctional scientific and clinical center. this gives us a lot. in addition to the fact that we have been conducting scientific research and will continue to do so, but the time from developments to their implementation in practice, it... is shortening. today, the priority is the development of minimally invasive surgery. in this laboratory 3d printers create detailed models of internal organs that are to be operated on. this is how surgeons study complex pathologies in advance. we have maximum information before the operation, we are in the operation,
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we minimize the problems that we may encounter. and here the life of the donor kidney is extended, a special solution saturated with minerals and... oxygen is supplied to the transplant through the artificial blood circulation apparatus, it preserves, preventing the organ cells from dying off until the moment of transplantation. if, we preserve as much as possible kidney transplant cells during this time, then this kidney will immediately start working. the status of the hospital has changed, but the main task has remained the same - to follow the main covenant of the founders, to treat everyone without distinction of name, class and religion. oksana maksimova, evgeniya oreshnikov, kseniya sokolova, olga sukhorukova, news. the capital's prosecutor's office is checking the legality. hostels in the north-east of moscow. on pilot babushkina street, one of the hotels occupied a semi-basement in a residential building, the second accommodated two hundred guests in a small building, unsanitary conditions everywhere, dubious contingent. denis voskovsky went to the place. on the first floor of house number two, the windows,
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as always, are wide open, the rooms are noisy and crowded, and, frankly speaking, the smell coming from there does not ozonize the air. it looks like someone started a big wash, socks are hanging from the windowsill. is everything okay with you there? yes, yes, yes, it's okay that you, while we are going around the building, the inhabitants of the hotel with viblov have time to lock themselves up and only in the improvised dining room someone is finishing their lunch. the company pays, right? another year back on the first floor of the house number two on the street of the hero of the soviet union pilot babushkin there was a drugstore, now in the display case, where medicines used to be stored, the linen of the hostel guests is drying. workers hostel or cheap doss house hundreds of guests, the residents explain forever changed. not only in the drugstore, but in the technical rooms of the basement, an endless dungeon with dozens of rooms without windows, however, in the institution, where all conceivable sanitary and fire regulations are violated, there is
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a commandant, in the apartments it is impossible be, due to the sharp increase in the number of network users in the surrounding houses there have been power outages, our yard is surrounded on both sides by different hostels, they are drinking alcoholic beverages. on the street we also caught a guest in an unnamed flophouse at the other end of the yard having a meal, in the former building of a private economic institute the entire internal kitchen appeared before us in all its ugliness, well , well, actually. on the walls there are dozens of internal decrees and orders about what is allowed and what is not, and not a single responsible person, manager, allegedly right before our arrival suddenly fell ill, well, as if now he is slightly ill, a man is lying down , local residents complain about the lodger of this doss house, in the evenings he does not lie on the bunks , he wanders around the courtyards, scaring the children of pensioners, they threaten in the evening, in a two-story building at the address of pilot babushkina 6, where accountants used to improve their qualifications, now at the moment more than 200 workers live, without ... or adequate supervision, at the end of the filming the owner of the establishment showed up, the same one who according to the workers, the head of the department fell seriously ill,
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noticing the camera, he showed enviable agility for a sick person, instantly disappeared behind the door, you won’t show the documents, we’ll show them without, the city prosecutor’s office responded immediately to our request, an inspection was scheduled, the prosecutor’s office requested the documentation necessary for the legal assessment of the organization’s activities, the request was sent to the control body, but until the first results of the inspection appear, perhaps some...
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oh, it’s too early, how else, go to bed, i won’t fall asleep, you sleep, i’ll go make coffee.
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morning, it seems that you can start life from scratch, mm, everything is so bad that even your husband is tired of it, you know perfectly well what i mean, it's okay, i'll entertain you today, we'll have guests, today, i've already ordered everything , invited everyone, when were you going to tell me about it, well, maybe last night, when you suddenly had a headache and you couldn't even talk to me, please cancel, why? it's very important to me, people, did you forget what day it is?
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what's wrong with today? exactly 7 years ago, it was today. well, maybe stop being so dramatic? you don't mark the day you had your appendix out on your calendar , do you? it was a baby, it was a premature fetus, you? monsters, so, today we'll have guests, they'll arrive at eight, they're very important people to me, so try. i know you can pretend to love me, right?
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i invite everyone to the table, yes, yes, let's go, mom, let's go have dinner. well, i see, and what about the settings? arseny is supposed to stop by this week, another check-up? elizaveta andreyevna, do you want fish or chicken? they're putting pressure on us from above, mom, at the first state sanatorium in our area, you understand, well, you
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get the workers in order, otherwise what if journalists come, or the governor himself? or chicken, did he tell you that himself? no, that's his wife, she was at my reception yesterday, let's talk about work after dinner, fish or chicken for you, vika, you should give up your airplane habits, elizaveta andreyevna, i didn't work as a steward, but as a train conductor, yeah, so fish or chicken for you, fish, no side dish, please, thank you, and where's yegor? is there anything with... i'll call you, sit down, sit down, honey, sit down, i 'll call you myself, egor, come down, yegorushka, we 're all waiting for you, with a side dish
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, help me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, help me, okay, come on! yegorushka, everyone's already gathered there, dad and grandma are waiting, yeah, i'm coming by now, the boss, i'll tell you a secret, the boss is sitting at the table right now, we'll think of something now, i made your favorite cherry pie, come on down, yeah, yeah, guys, i'll make it myself in the house.
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hi, are you ready? yeah, and i think something's missing. decoration, yeah, i'll come now i'll pick it up, and i've already picked it up, i like it, it's a gift for this special day, you're making fun of me, on the contrary, i want to distract my beloved wife from stupid thoughts, i won't wear it, it will now remind me even more. "it's not enough that you 've arranged it this morning, do you want to get on my nerves all evening, come on, i'll help you,
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come on, how beautiful, look how it suits you, beautiful, right? i like it, i hate you, you know how this word turns me on, the guests will be arriving soon, we have another 15 minutes, there's no point in making them wait.
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let him play, in my opinion, the boy is completely spoiled, and you indulge him in everything, and you, by the way, too, oh, can you imagine, i spent half a day running around the city today looking for a good berry for a pie, in the end, when i found it, i realized that i was on the other side of the city, what problems, really. well, what do you have, okay, i'll go take yegor some juice, otherwise he eats dry food, that's your whole dinner,
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no appetite, oh well, mom, delicious, delicious, she cooks fish. she doesn't know how to cook at all, and i don't eat pies at night, and you, by the way, don't get carried away either, is it urgent? okay, okay, okay, at i have 5 minutes, while i'm alone, well, what happened, did you just miss me, well, you're
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crazy, of course, i asked you not to call when i'm home, yes, yes, all the questions tomorrow are in working order, palbari, all the best, yes. what's wrong with you? and elizaveta andreyevna has already left, she hasn't eaten anything, so she's had a headache all day, don't pay attention, well, you 're upset about something, because of mom, you broke a glass, nonsense, i'll bring a broom now, happiness. here's a kept woman, she hasn't worked a day, she lives on her husband's money. on saturday,
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i think, she's a mistress, and on ours beds, either you leave, or we with the children, okay, remember, you are an empty space without me, zero, have you thought about the children, i will find a job, be careful, from the ruins of the old life you can build a new one, here is something in business, you understand, sometimes it is better than the previous one, help, my very first contract worked out for me, let's be informal with me about the office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can be on rtr on saturday. rest
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is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything. when you are calm, you are completely switched off. rest is rest. we know about rest everything. anex. give yourself a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. svisotel sharm el sheikh is your ideal place. in
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the heart of the city. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. hotel for unforgettable impressions rixsas sharmaьsheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaьshi. this is not just a vacation, this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to delight. monte shococa cognac, a product of stellar group. who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, what is valuable to us? we have not changed. a russian person remains a russian person. they are not afraid of anything. of course, there is something inside, a chill,
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such. anything can happen. i will not retreat from anything, i will still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that's it, never change yourself, i do not have a family every year, i have every minute family minute, there is no other way, now there is a fight for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that - such responsibility is on me, this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr, oh, what people, good evening.
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mom is very grateful, without you there would be no holiday, thank you very much for coming, vanya, come here, meet my younger brother, vanya, very nice, since we meet,
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ivan, very nice. your younger brother is also in business, i help you try on, well, that's right, that strain. this is for you , thank you, are you the only one here who is sad, is it so noticeable? no, you play the role perfectly, but your eyes give you away, op, it's for the mood. "is there anything i can do to help, no, thank you, don't come near me again,
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forgive me, for god's sake, we 'll leave you for a while, let's go." you're leaving, it was nice to meet you, have a nice evening, thank you, thanks, you're fired, come out here, how do you know him, this is the first time i 've seen him, don't lie to me, i'm going to scream now, scream, why aren't you screaming, you bastard, did you get your way? you wanted to get me out, congratulations, why aren't you screaming, you bastard,
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and you're already leaving, and where's irochka, oh? please, bugarady, my head hurts, and what didn't you like? petenka, wonderful evening, thank you, irochka, greetings from us, i'll definitely pass it on, it was nice to see you, i hope not for the last time, so tomorrow we'll see each other at the mayor's office, yes-yes-yes, i forgot.
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where are you, what's wrong with you? well, is it hard to pay off other people's debts, i feel sorry for you, wouldn't you be tired of a whipping girl, and you of errand boys, that's it take it, don't be afraid of this, he's not real, why, well, knowing your... i can assume that it was only the first part of the marlezon ballet, it looks like a real one, that's the plan, to scare, you'll scare,
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you won't cause any harm, after all, and he's my brother, anyway, look, this is the trigger, you'll cock it and there will be a click. "this sound will be enough to stop a person who is going to offend you, this is the trigger, you can put your finger on it for persuasiveness, well, go ahead and try it, "thank you, by the way, if peter asks, i'll deny that i gave you this toy." "
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koroshka, why aren't you sleeping, there's a thunderstorm, i dreamed that they were shooting, and this? all your computer games, let 's limit the time on the internet, don't you love me, what does this have to do with it, were you crying? no, what's wrong with you? mom, do i see what happened? i was partly crying, you know, it happens, really, sometimes people cry from happiness, i suddenly thought that i have you and... dad, i love you so much, yes, how great it is that
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i have you, you can't forbid me the computer, if you will sleep soundly, i won’t stop you, what’s wrong, hey, what’s wrong, it’s just a thunderstorm, lie down, lie down, i ’ll stay close by, everything’s fine, you and i are brave. we’re not afraid of any thunderstorm, sleep, my dear, i ’m not here, you’d better leave the bedroom, come
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on, go. ivan alekseevich, yes, she’s in the house, who ’s left? no, everyone’s gone, i can be free, yes, of course, and i... i can give you a lift, i’m just heading downtown, it’s already late, thank you very much, ivan alekseevich, i ’ll run for my bag, yes, of course, yeah, i ’ll wait outside.
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ira, ira, wow, where did you get this? don't come near me. what? don't come near me. don't come near me. help, help, and by the way, if peter
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asks, i'll deny that i gave you this toy. attention, express train number 236 moscow berun
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is leaving from the first track of the first platform. express train number 200. 36 moscow perm is leaving from the first track, please tell me, man, run there, there , there.
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anna, good morning, it's ivan, i'm on my way home. can i give you a ride? oh, nothing, everything's fine, i was just running around here on business, you get ready little by little, and i'll be waiting for you at yard, good, hello to everyone, who haven't seen you, hello, good morning, darling, take that hut, so who is he an example from, from whom, from whom, but really, ta-da, my god, well, that's how i 'm supposed to eat such beauty, start with the right eye, oh, that's what i always say, when it's beautiful, then it tastes better, egor, eat, i see everything, very
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tasty, oh, so, right eye, ate, i ran. how come you didn't eat anything at all, it's time, when will you come back, just in case, don't wait, go to bed, it's late again, well, yesterday i was home in the evening, yesterday all evening you spoke only with mom, and then on the phone, by the way, i heard everything, i don’t know what you heard, reproach is not accepted, if you ’re bored, go shopping, go and buy yourself something, zor, bye, dad. so that was the third warning, the game is over, you love your wife, you loved, then everything was erased for you, premiere on rtr, you have a conscience, my
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ideal husband, what is ideal, the most cruel loneliness is... sit down a water park for children, lush green gardens the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions in riksos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. old barrль cognac.
10:07 pm
steller group product. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharm el sheikh. riksos radomis sharm el sheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents. escape from everyday life into the world of endless. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rikssas radomis sharm el sheikh. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. titanic deluxe hotel golf belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort at our pools. relax in the spa salon and enjoy the exquisite. people of the best restaurants, here every room is a journey to coziness and comfort, your vacation -
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your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, gin snop product of stellor group, oh, i see in you, now i still do not believe.
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thank you, ivan alekseevich, you are welcome, lord! it happened that what blood, where? i do not know, lord, anya, calm down, calm down, pull yourself together, please, when you came in here, was there anyone here? no, i 'll check if there's anyone upstairs, and you? to the police, quickly! pyotr!
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there's no one upstairs, did you call the police? yes, they'll be here soon.
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brother, brother, where is she, don't move, don't talk, i'll call a doctor now, and not the police, you... anya, come here quickly, no, what, no, no, no, the police, where is ira, she 's not in the house, how could i not, oh my god , why is this, oh my god, why the book, clean up the blood, find ira, i don't say a word about the police, i understand, there, there's a gun up there, i didn't touch it, did you see who shot you, bring me the gun, clean up all the blood before the police arrive, how is that possible, alekseevich, your... i didn't kill you, drink, i don't want to, the police will say that i was drunk and dreaming, have a drink, come on, yes, i'll do
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everything as you tell me, only i won't drink. dania, drink, please, you have to be stripped of alcohol, otherwise no one will believe the false call, drink! okay! yes, yes-yes-yes, yes-yes, of course, i'm on my way, i'm already somewhere, i don't know where i'm arriving, probably, i mean, i don't need someone else, okay, wait, how is it that
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this is different, we... we agreed, i i really need this job, actually i, no, i understand you perfectly well that you need a specialist, but i was counting on me, yes, of course, what grievances, i understand everything, yes, yes, all the best to you, why ask if you're not interested. good morning, and i didn't even hear you come in, where are you going, i'm maxim, and you definitely, what's definitely, definitely get to know each other, maybe popuchiki, yes, of course, not
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necessarily, okay, i just wanted to listen to someone who has. in life, good morning, would you like some tea, yes, yes, two, i mean, one, i mean i'm going alone, maybe two, because some of us drink a samovar in the morning, well, how much, no , well, you have two just right, let's have two, i'll take that, have a nice tea, yeah. well, come down, it's clearly inconvenient to drink tea upstairs, oh, we've arrived,
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hello, natalya sergeyevna, you shouldn't have come, a false call, i called the dispatcher. it's okay, we weren't far away, hello, i apologize for disturbing you, it's our housekeeper, she got drunk and woke everyone up, it's okay, i 'd still like to talk to her, yes, it is please, come in, after all, stay here, please. good morning, i apologize for calling, for my appearance, i just woke up. good morning, investigator solomatina, it's a little inappropriate, but it's very nice to meet you, alekseevich, was that her who called? yes, you can speak, can you hear
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me? "blood, blood, where's the blood, blood, there 's blood, and there was blood, where did it go, i understand, so, come on, get up, let 's go, let's go, let's go, come on, come on, come on!" maybe coffee, no, thank you, has anyone else seen blood? well, what kind of blood, do you see, today delirium tremens, got drunk, and i feel so awkward in front of you, very much, i don’t even know how i can make amends, well, the best thing would be if there were no more reasons to come to you, i
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’ll try, but still, thank you for coming so quickly, i barely made it. all the best, goodbye, and where is your wife, her? that she’s not home, why? well, it’s somehow strange, blood, screams, didn’t she come out to see what happened? and she’s not home, she left early in the morning to see a manicurist, to a hairdresser, a hairdresser, which one? i have no idea, i don’t have control over my wife until such a degree? well, yes, of course, good, that's it! goodbye,
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help yourself, thank you, i'm not glad, yeah, maybe? the conductor said that i'm your friend from another carriage, okay, hot, well, you should change my clothes my friend from another carriage, you look strange, oh, yes, that's how everything changed at once, really. ran away from home osinika husband, excitedly asking, is this better for you, if, if, what, if now he
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stops the train, gets into the carriage, finds our compartment starts to knock me down, that's it, senica station is approaching, just approaching the station, they sell clothes there, i'll buy you something now and come back, no need, sorry, we've been standing for a long time, 10 minutes, good afternoon, socks, only what size no, i don't need socks, yes, what size, no, it's not for a girl, it's big, so, that's what it means,
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okay, well go, that's what it means, so jeans? here are the blue ones, the latest model, yes, but this is size forty-six, a bigger size, forty -six, and you need a smaller one, yes, yes, that means, this, that's it, aha, where are they here, so, well , be careful with the summons. well, i did everything i could, but he needs to be hospitalized, maybe aggravation, no, no
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hospital, in any case about the firearm i have to...


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