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tv   Vozvrashchenie  RUSSIA1  August 19, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

10:20 pm
so, well, be careful with the hanging, well, i did everything i could, but he needs to be hospitalized, maybe it's an exacerbation, no, no hospital, in any case, about the firearm, i have to s... tell me, how much? you
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don't understand? i understand, well, you understand us too. pyotr is a difficult person, this matter should not be made public. you will receive this every day if you agree to keep an eye on him at home. i will buy everything necessary, you just make a list. well, what, with this money? i will buy everything necessary myself. well, that's good. peter and i will be very grateful to you. "if he gets out, i promise you will have a meteoric career, and if not, i do n't think you want to know, goodbye, ivan, yes, you found it." "not yet, but i will find it, i give you
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my word, keep looking, on the eve of his sixtieth birthday, in our studio, the favorite of millions of viewers, alexey nilov, scandals in the media, alcohol, high -profile divorces, as well as children who were dubbed abandoned in the media, began to appear. loud headlines, captain larin became a hermit, we drank and did not hide it, the path to faith, old believer ancestors and four generations of actors in one family, the secret life of alexei nilov, malakhov, tomorrow on rtr.
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welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach stretching for 1 km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas - the holiday you. dreamed of bourbon stirsman product of stellar group.
10:24 pm
titanic luxury collection vodka vedo product of stellar group allow yourself first-class rest with liorets elegant details a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach. and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you. rum. castro, a product of stellar group. i have everything, i have a wife, i have a mother-in-law, i have a mortgage, they all ask for food. i eat acorns by the kilogram. yes, they have no side effects. oink-oink. and we haven't drunk to women yet. i left the restaurant
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myself without outside help for the curb i just hold on a little you to me a humor parade. on sunday on rtr. well, can i? yes, yes, did you come in? thank you, you're welcome, well, now tell me, what's your name? ira, and maxim? why are you helping me, well, why not help a good person, it's not difficult for me, maybe you 're wrong, maybe i'm a bad person, i
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don't deserve sympathy, i listen, bad people, different eyes, i understand this. you know, i see everything, ran away from home, what was she wearing, passports, no money, fresh bruises, husband, you can, you can, at least your relatives are on your side, what relatives, well, your relatives, you 're going to them, i don't even know where this train is going. so here's the train schedule, well, let's choose, where are we going, i'm free now too, no one is waiting for me anywhere, where were you going when
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you got on this train, to earn money, but no one is waiting for me anywhere anymore, so let's see together, from moscow, right? they go to moscow to earn money, well there's already plenty of cheap labor there, you can't earn normal money, so what do you do, well, whatever you have to, i'm talented in everything, so let's choose, and no one is waiting for such a good thing anywhere, where did you get the idea that i'm good, you don't know my past? well, let's choose, where let's go, what do you choose pogodina? pogodina, pogodina is the best city on earth.
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if you start life from the very beginning, then only from here, look at how beautiful, yeah, someday i'll bring my idiot here, and i'm a daughter. goes, you can just point your finger, yeah, you're the first, krasnova, you're going to krasnovo, yeah,
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now i'm here, rescue. why did you pass by, even here you're unlucky, well then i invite you to the red one, we leave at 8:00 in the morning, goes, we agreed, hello, investigator solomatina, we tried to talk this morning, but the conversation somehow didn't work out, yeah, yeah, hello, i'm sorry, i'm feeling unwell, my head is splitting, well, you know, yeah, do you remember anything? i'm sorry, i really don't feel well, and i have to go to work early tomorrow morning, so if i need to, let me talk to you another day, when i'm feeling better, wait, you said to go to work, you have to go to work in the morning, yes, i'm working, well, you
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saw for yourself, haven't you been fired, no, you haven't been fired, but i can't talk anymore, please forgive me, yeah, yeah, sure, get well soon. well, let's go, yeah, yeah. well, let's have a bite to eat home? wait, if you were the owner, your housekeeper would get drunk as a skunk, then call the police while drunk, and even report a murder, you would fire her, definitely, that's what i think too, but he didn't fire her, it's kind of strange. there's no blood, no body, no statement, and no wife,
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i wonder if we'll find her at home tomorrow, or anywhere at all? okay, natasha, we're tired as dogs, let's go, and let's go, wait a minute, wait a minute. man, you wanted to leave at midnight, you arrived at the old one, wait a minute.
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girls, i'm sorry, but a taxi is far from here city? i don't know, you'll get to the square somewhere, turn around, and ask the taxi driver how to get there, and the division to the square is on foot, maybe? young man, what about you, are you here for me? yes, yes, i've already arrived, listen, what a strange guy, no, how long can we wait, well, i said that i'll stand here, okay, let's go, i'm so glad to see you, yes, me too, taxi, young man, no-no, no, thank you, do you think it's faster, yes, i think, yes, in a second, i have a passport. excuse me, have you seen a girl here, a blonde, a red coat? yes,
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no, excuse me, what city is this? wait a minute, wait a minute, cool.
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i'm already a local, listen, do you need a room? do you have any offers? of course there are, if there is demand, i'll always find you an offer.
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good morning, mermaid, everything is fine, who are you? who am i? actually, the owner of this luxurious apartment? grigory eduardovich grigoriev, you can just call me greg, haven't heard, no? no, and from what seas did you end up on our shores? from mu, from murmansk, and from murmansk, well indeed, yes, it's far away, well, if of course it's not a secret, what brought you to our
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edges? silence in response, so it's a secret, yes, okay, well, and your name is like irina, irina, irina, that's just irina and that's it, yes that's it, listen, i need a roof over my head, maybe one of your friends can rent? that there's absolutely no money, absolutely, of course, well, i'll earn it and give it to you, and what can you do, who would you like to work as, at least who, where will they take you without documents, on the train,
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they pulled out a bag, there are documents, credit cards, no, do you have a husband? well, that's not bad, not bad, the main thing is without unnecessary movements of stress. we'll try. all the best,
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thank you, goodbye, thank you. well, what do you say? how are the searches going? yeah, so far, to be honest, nothing. i've combed through all her friends and acquaintances, no one knows anything. i checked airports, train stations, also no luck, irina aleksandrovna boytseva didn't buy tickets, and she doesn't have a passport, maybe you still have one, so i don't think she left the city, most likely, except on foot, you're looking bad, really bad, brother, get it out from under the ground. here , take it, and don't be afraid to lie down, he's not real, why? well, knowing my brother, i
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can assume that this was only the first part of the marlizon ballet, looks like a real one, that's the idea, to scare, you'll scare, you won't do any harm. after all, he's my brother, thank you, and by the way, if peter asks , i'll deny that i gave you this toy, she appreciated the main working villain, he didn't get along with anyone here. on saturday, well, did you realize that living with your husband or working hard yourself are two completely different things, i'd like to see you not only in the office, and do you happen to
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know who this woman is who 's sitting next to maxim, she's his wife, you see, born day by day, mom can on saturday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury comfort at rixsas golf villas and suits sharmaь. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake. a product of stellar group.
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cognac monte shokoka is a product of stellar group. cognac oldbar, a product of steller group, you
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were waiting for them, that again solve the riddles, that what, elena yakovleva, alexander baluev and sobachka, they will be watching both, my syria from the christmas tree, thinking for two. and what do you say to this? a rash decision can lead to a catastrophe, and to solve a crime, i was right, it's murder, ladies with a dog, new episodes are already available, we'll just watch, well, that's it, handsome, we've arrived, then on foot. so , are we going to make eyes or are we going? how do i know where you brought me, maybe you're a maniac?
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has it started? you should have thought about this earlier, calm down, everything will be fine, i'll get you now i'll introduce you to a professional, you'll see your workplace, everything will be fine, let's go, let's go, let's go. please, what was here before, a cannery, what a stench, well, yes, not a lifesaver, many were even sickened, and a person is an animal that gets used to everything, so welcome to the world without passports without police. oh, you bastard, i'll tell you,
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just try to say another word to me, i'll tell you, oh, hello, partridges, you broke up again, ninka, you'll wake me up again, you and elmira didn't share something again, well, show me, it's okay, you'll become the eldest, you'll give her a punch in the eye too, that she the eldest, only over my dead body, look at me, i hope you understood me, yes, that 's better, then this way, i'll give you a new one...
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"i changed my mind, what's wrong? no, believe me, i can take you right now to the nearest police station, if you want, let's go, what changed your mind, take care of her, well, are you going to clean, do you know how to clean fish? yeah, oh, everything is as usual here, boiling, steaming, frying, chopping, you're just in time, elizaveta andreyevna, will you have some pies, but no, thank you, i'm going to town for groceries
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do you need? take yegor's cereal if you can. well, it will work out, of course. and where is he, by the way, who is he? your child, yegor, who is he? he's at the neighbors', they have some new game there. what's the computer again? you'd better take care of the child, not cook. you could read fairy tales. i only let him go for an hour, i want to cook a tasty dinner for oleshka in the meantime. you know yourself, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, well, well, just don't confuse the heart and the stomach, oleshechka, hello, i'm beautiful, wonderful, hello, my sunshine, i didn't notice, yes i dropped by, got changed, tomorrow morning there's a meeting at the mayor's office about the construction of a sanatorium,
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what about dinner. well, dinner, we'll have to skip dinner, we'll be sitting all night, we'll have to count everything, beat it up, and so you won't come back today, or what? no, not anymore, oh, my favorites, with cabbage, mm, and there's also some with an apple, so, then give me some with cabbage, with an apple, more, otherwise we'll be sitting all night. that's it , i'm running to get ready, thank you, my clever girl, come on,
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are you leaving too? night shift, oh no, i want to go to the store and have a little shopping, good luck, oleg, yes, mom. why are you looking at me like that? just to warn you not to get carried away. you know, vika, no matter what she is, she is still your legal wife. and most importantly, you have a son. he needs a full-fledged family. i don’t understand what you ’re talking about. yes, i’m talking about that very thing, kid, about that very thing. well, i’m not vika, you lied to me, no need to tell me. i know what he lied about, yes, yes, and i can guess what he, or rather, she , looks like, that’s why i’m warning you, don’t get carried away, mom, well, what are you making up, well, this is all some kind of nonsense, you stand there,
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you're making something up, why make it up, don't clean it, you wicked thing, deer, don't clean it, i won't believe you anyway, especially since you still haven't learned to lie. "vika can or wants to believe you, you know, no matter how i feel about her, and i think that other one is even worse, because a woman who interferes in someone else's family simply doesn't exist for me, mom, there is no woman." yes, wow, you stunned me, yes, i'm coming, i'm coming, i'm
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also very happy, yes, yes, yes, and raise the estimate for the last quarter. she also put a pie in, she realized that her wife is nearby, poor thing, come, the bunny prepared a surprise for the cat, have a nice day, yes, no surprises, come on, yes, i don't like surprises, vasily ivanovich, no need, no need, yes, i'd like to be more specific, "what a curious cat, the bunny will stroke the cat 's tummy, that's it, she's gone, the cat is going to the bunny, yes, come on,
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are these cute sausages or these, choose, listen , there are imported ones there, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go , yes, good.
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listen, mistress, fish is cleaned from the tail, from the tail. let me show you, thank you, first it should be like this, and then like this, that's it, assistant, you should mind your own business, leave me alone, my business, i said, listen, sninka, the owner will make me senior, you find out then, go, go, boiled chicken. what are you doing? you work, come on, it's none of your business, the rest of us are working too! come on
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, be careful, the organization is normal. oh, pyotr alekseevich, what, what happened? yes, it was the investigator who came, i thought that it would be better for me to wait for you to tell you, well , what did she need from me this time? not from you. she asked about irina aleksandrovna, well, what
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did you tell her? i said that she was not at home, that she had gone to the city on business, well done, that's right, a long time ago, she came twice, in the afternoon and in the evening, an hour ago, i see, a little free time, i can go, of course, i heard. i think this box will not calm down, she can still announce it in russk, salamatin really has a reputation as a bultarier. nikolaev, so that he would his employees, otherwise they, apparently , caught all the criminals, they have nothing to do there, yes, of course, you know, find me someone, so that by height, by figure, by entrance, well, at least from afar. and do not delay with this,
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ninka did it on purpose, so that call the owner for breakfast, why, i 'll make it for her tomorrow too, also pour boiling water on her, pour it here, no need, god bless him and the owner, no, he's good, he has married women, yes, only she's very old, she's already 50 years old, well , he's the same age, if not more, no, he's still a strong man, you just don't know this yet, yes, a word... god, and i don't want to know,
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you're stupid, he's your owner now, what he wants with you, that's what he can do, no thanks, i've had enough of the owners, you also have nowhere to go, why bother, you need to be friends with the owner. hello, sergey selin, the documents have been prepared, yuri kuznetsov, alexander polovtsev, vanya, we have a psychic, everything is exactly as in my visions. perhaps a crime,
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the case has not yet been solved, pokonya, call him urgently to me, very difficult, already on the site in the application we look, vodka pechora, product of the stellar group, callinan bellek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel callinan bellek, where life turns into a fairy tale. gin snop, a product of stellar group. we invite you to the swissotel
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sharmel sheikh, the first swissotel in the world, working on the all-inclusive system. give yourself a holiday, where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in the heart. swissotel sharmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. borbon stirsman, a product of steller group, this is the time of heroes, for us within half an hour worked, thank you for being there until the very end. my spouses, but i said, i am russian, i will not back down, whether you like it or not, i will fight to the last, in my opinion, that's me, she says she wounded me, you have such courage, it inspires many, just love your homeland, we only have one, our premiere is on rtr from monday to thursday.
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woke up, yes, good morning, i thought you would never get up, sometimes it seems to me that you come to me to sleep, that's exactly why i come, and you are against it, you didn't tell me how i look in the new color, nothing,
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that's all, and what suits you? "so you don't like it, no, i didn't say that, it's just, you just started to look like my wife, you know what - come to me, haven't you forgotten that we have a meeting in the city in 2 hours, we'll make it, and do you know how i'm different from your wife?" " in that she can't give birth to a child for you, but i can, she was joking, no, good morning, elizaveta
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andreyevna, i just want to ask, oleg hasn't called you, he hasn't called me. and he hasn't called me either, he just doesn't answer his calls, he didn't come for breakfast, so what, it's not the end of the world, yes, it's not the end, but something needs to be done, you don't know where to look for him, well, where to look, mary, well, you're still in search obezni, crazy, okay, i have no time, i'm late for work. i 'll fix you up now, what are you doing, comrade lieutenant colonel, or is the law not written for you, yes , i'll write a statement to your own police for dangerous driving, this is moral
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compensation, thank you, no need, liza, move the car immediately, take the flowers, i'll manage, take the flowers. please, listen, aren't you afraid that one of your friends will suddenly see you handing bouquets to strange ladies, and your spouse will report it, and i won't i'm afraid you're an eagle, an eagle, you've prepared, yeah, you've prepared an excuse, like it 's just a colleague or a friend's wife, yes, i agree, yesterday it turned out ugly, well , i apologized , well, well, that's it, of course i'm not offended, but... there have been no more such incidents, i suggest we remain, no, not friends, but just good acquaintances, lisa, all the best, i don't agree, all the best, i don't agree, i said, listen, we need to talk, lisa, listen, well, well,
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take the flowers, at least, well, lisa, and maybe something else? and you still have is there anything left? yes, i can offer you octopus on stones and quail with prunes, octopus or quail? well, then, i won't sit down,
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i propose to drink to everyone present here, i'll give it to you personally. the client got carried away, be good,
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count the glass, egor, took breakfast, breakfast, yes, that's it, come on, have a nice day, bye, hello, hi. hi, that's it, bye , guys, bye, what's the matter, hi, oh, hi, lina, i can't get through to my colleague now , the phone isn't answering, they say in the office, he's not here yet, yes, yes, yes, oleg nikolaevich, can i come to phone, he hasn't arrived yet, so where is he, okay, thank you, well, why isn't he answering, maybe it happened, what could it be? the main thing is that the whole office
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knows, everyone is in the know, but no one can tell the truth to the wife, and so we lie on the phone every time, either at a meeting, or he went out, or something else, or he's busy, thank you very much, you calmed me down, well, i'm sorry, but it seems to me that it's better to know than to be a fool, so you went to work, got settled, nursed the baby, sent her off and left, bye, listen, let 's tell you how not... once, otherwise it's time for me to go, maybe let's chat over coffee, yes, i'd be happy to, great, we'll call, yeah, yeah, that's it, bye, here's a glass and there, share, that's another 500 rubles. yeah, go ahead, that's another 500 rubles. so, i don't have any,
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well, you'll still have to pay, well, i understand, but i don't have any, i don't know, there 's neither 500 nor 200, you can't steal it, it's kind of a problem, but he doesn't want to pay, that means. he doesn't want to, i want to, i'm just saying, i've run out, thank god, listen, then i'll call the police, let them deal with him, the police because of 500 stinking rubles, guys, oh, oh, take it my gift, you will see that this is a lighter, only the golden one remained from the previous life, let him go, then i let him go, all the best to you, it turned out ugly,
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listen, a thousand apologies, i didn't mean to, understand, i, i apologize, excuse me. yana trishina, where are you from, chetinskaya oblast, not bad. in principle, there is a resemblance, thank you, will you have something else, no, no
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need. hello nikita, how are you, great, how is your service, haven't you been demoted yet, no, on the contrary, they promoted you, a solid captain already, congratulations, thank you, how you're doing great, how's your family, and what, you're not married yet, why, well, you're not
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divorced yet. so damn you, wow, wow, what's wrong with us, oh my god, if you do that, i'll stop saying hello altogether, oh well, the ring is beautiful, beautiful, you can give it to me, yeah, when did you like it when i kissed you, remember how we went to a wild beach together, kissing, and also , of course, remembering school too, okay, bye, bye, keep an eye on your husband, i mean, well, we shared a potty in kindergarten, that's all we'll do no point, just to be dressed to the nines, always with you, thanks for the recommendations, that 's why so much, okay, bye, good luck in your personal
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life and... hello, it won't work, i'm a one-woman man, well he wants to already, kindergarten, day, good, captain gerdiev, criminal investigation department, let's go talk, let's go. mishanya, i'm getting this out of here, i'm going, why have you been staring at me all day, boiled chicken, i mean, boiled, yes, of course, boiled, and now you're going to smoke your fur, i understand, yes, what are you doing, creature, why have you gone crazy, i'll skin you, creature, just touch me, i'll cut you to pieces
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dog, so again they didn't share something, it's her. that's it, look, i was even slashed with a knife, you both got me, who 's throwing boiling water at me, that's it, ros, close it, misha, from now on you're in charge here, you got me, you got me, and so that they work hard here like horses, eye to eye with them, and you, mermaid, will go with me, where, where, i'll say, i won't go, is there a mutiny on the ship, or have everyone gone crazy, do i need a man? i need a boat, you understand, no, one ram got sick, the second one is seasick, the third one is generally like a woman, let's go, i say, mroz, that's it, that's it, old man, i've squandered it all.
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i have nothing left, you don't believe me, well that's in vain, i really want to start from scratch, i want to prove to everyone that i can, first of all to myself, you think i can do it, but you somehow manage to live without money, your city is a total hole. well, how did i get here because of a girl, i'm a fool myself, it happens to every third person, we were just riding a train together, but she was pretty and well, somehow, but she ran away from me, for some reason, but i'm in shock myself, i don't understand how it happened, but you know, there's some murky story there,
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because she ran away from someone else before me. listen, you're not kabel, you always run away. "so it's about me, they took everything away from me, oleg, an excellent surgeon, he said that you would be able to walk, when someone here knows the answer, when mashenka with her golden hands simply works miracles, is this a joke now, how many people have you put on their feet, i'm enough, one special patient, smart, he's your genius, a special doctor is urgently needed, here you feel, no, here , no, can't you hear me, i'm below the navel i don't feel anything, you walked on crutches, and
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now you're a doctor, you help such dandies as he is, my method works, and i 'll prove it to you, go ahead, swim to me, and now answer dishonestly, did you at least get one person back on his feet, no, what was will not happen, on friday on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to know how to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where there is sun and sea, on the first coast. where everything is included, except for the head. we know everything about rest. relax. anexс. veda vodka,
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a product of stellar group. rixas premium segate. family fun starts here. every detail is designed for your enjoyment. enjoy the water park for children. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service. possible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and fiery entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unrivaled
11:20 pm
comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum whiskey mancacher - stellar group product on the eve of the sixtieth anniversary in our studio the favorite of millions. viewers alexey nelov. scandals in the family, alcohol, high-profile divorces, as well as children who were baptized abandoned in the family, loud headlines began to appear. captain larin became a hermit. we drank and did not hide it. the path to faith, old believer ancestors and four generations of actors in one family. the secret life of alexey nilov. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr.


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