tv Po sekretu vsemu svetu RUSSIA1 August 24, 2024 8:35am-9:00am MSK
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okay, but we need direct evidence, secret forces, you are lucky that shveytsova is working on your case, from monday to friday on rtr, well, let's get started, yes, if you do not know how to survive the renovation, survive it with us, there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no joy and peace in the heart, we really like our apartment, but we do not like that there is no renovation in it. so it's time for big changes. to break, not to build. breathe new life into old walls. we will turn this minus into a plus. create a soulful atmosphere. i want to wish you that your sleeping area always disposes you to rest. we will adapt everything that can be for this. we warm with the warmth of the hearth. we open. i do not believe. no,
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it can't be, wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, today tomorrow on rtr, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son have disappeared, i think she has disappeared too, i will not stay here, a... i can't leave the track in trouble, we have to go after them, can you shoot? i can, russian wife, premiere, only on the website in the application we watch, keeps order, feeds cats, bakes pancakes, brew tea not denis, i show it a little in the other direction, chinese engineers showed what robot two is capable of. without which, as they
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believe, very soon no decent house will be able to do, by the way, i also peak at pancakes, but let's not talk about me, here is a home assistant who copes with many routine tasks not worse than a professional housewife, its wheels rustle now in the kitchen, now in the room, deftly performing tasks even with a low energy charge, they want to finalize the launch of sales of the mechanism within a year, as if it did not begin to claim other functions of a housewife, but such a machine would be useful at the dacha? it could be entrusted with the most difficult work, summer residents at this time, for example, will grow roses, because their aromas, beauty will delight much longer than a store bouquet, up until mid- september, if you work on it now, the end of august is the time of sunset of the first stormy flowering for rosina, alas, beauty is not eternal, here and there withered buds, but the aroma still makes your head spin, good morning, vera, oh, good morning, alexey, well, they say it's true that better... perfume is created by nature, and to
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prolong this fragrance, let's take care of our queen of flowers, oh, yes, the queen, you can immediately see a lady with character, of course, but a special approach is needed to her, the main thing is not to hint with rosina herself, her balzac age. fortunately, all the signs of aging in in august you can remove it, and at the same time prepare this queen for the second wave of flowering , it is better to start with pruning the faded buds. alexey, how can i understand what to cut? it all depends on the variety of roses. this rose, for example, is an english bush rose, now we cut off everything that has faded in order to let the bud bloom into such flowers, but how to cut it right under the root of the bud? no, we take a shoot, count two or three leaves from the ovary and cut it to the outer bud, so that the leaf looks exactly at you, and new buds bloom from the outside.
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for example, with floribunda, it is enough to cut off only the withered bud itself, but pruning the buds of climbing roses looks more ruthless. here we cut off at once. the whole faded brush, right in its entirety, of course, of course, look, the young shoots themselves will tell you how to cut, you can cut under any shoot, under this one, under this one or under this one, you can do it both ways, the most powerfully flowering slab roses on the whole brush form boxes, future seeds, they take a lot of energy from the plant at this time of year, cutting off all the withered buds, we give strength to roses for new blooms, because the second wave is just around the corner, in september, and what would it be? abundant long-lasting, it is important to feed the plants. colimagnesia is an ideal option at this time of year, it contains 30% potassium, up to 10% magnesium and 17% syrah. roses definitely need potassium and magnesium, which at this time is very often washed away by rain. so,
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how much? well, we pour about a handful under the bush, scatter it evenly around the bush along the crown, then dig it into the soil. this is a fertilizer, two or three pourings are enough, so that potassium and magnesium dissolve and go under the root, and if we talk about watering in general, then at this time of year it should be reduced to no more than twice a week, the main thing to remember is to water under the root, not on the foliage, otherwise the rose may get sick, however, these beautiful creatures get sick not only from this, unfortunately, this rose got sick with the most dangerous rose disease - this is rust, wow, are these some kind of spores? yes, rust is now august - this is active sporulation, this, these black spores that you have in hands, they spread throughout the garden. spores are easily spread by air or water, when infected, the leaves can be severely deformed, so they need to be torn off,
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all healthy ones should be sprayed with a special agent. we evenly spray the rose from top to bottom inside the bush on healthy foliage. and we treat with a preparation based on flutriofol, this is a fungicide, it only fights rust, it fights both rust, black spot, and powdery mildew, with black spot, dark brown spots with a yellow border affects the upper side of the leaf, the leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely, another disease powdery mildew leads not only to the loss of decorativeness, but also to the general weakening of the plant. the first symptom is a mesh white coating. any disease takes a lot of energy from the plant, and these plants are delicate and fragile. many of them, by the way, do not withstand our harsh winters and die. to correct this deficiency, a rose can be grafted onto a rose hip. we still have time at the end of august. rose hips are much more frost-resistant than
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roses. and rose hips, they are from another zone, winter hardiness. its roots are thorn roots , its stem is a rose hip. the stem overwinters, only the rose itself does not overwinter without shelter. we will graft using the accumulating method, this is when a bud is cut with a small part of the bark of a cultivated rose and transplanted onto a rose hip. on the rose hip, you need to tear off the leaves and thorns, on the rose stalk it is important to choose the right bud, it should be dormant. here we need how to cut? here we need to cut the bud with a piece of wood, from top to bottom, like this. we hold the bud, we cut out the bud, remove this core, we remove it with a non-sharp object, we need to peel off the wood from the bark, on the bark of the rose hips we need to make a t-shaped cut, longitudinal
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transverse, carefully pry up the bark insert the resulting eye, the bud is like a puzzle, it became perfect, we wrap it up, i have specially stocked up. already the next year, such a rose can see blossoming buds, like this one, yes, yes, roses ghosted on rose hips grow quickly and bloom abundantly, and of course, its winter hardiness increases, so it is not in vain we worked hard, ugh, tired, of course, everything, well , almost everything, we still have to cover it all up in mid-october, everything, everything, of course, everything, otherwise our roses simply won't survive the winter, it's in vain that we work today. well, as the little prince said, we are responsible for those we have tamed, of course, and as exopiri said, the main thing is not to forget this truth, which is sometimes not at all easy, psychologists have explained why we forget seemingly elementary words, they just fly out of our heads during a conversation, this phenomenon
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even has a name on the tip of the tongue, it first described by scientist william james in his work principles of psychology back in 1890, but why does this problem arise? and is it worth worrying about, we will find out from clinical psychologist, associate professor of moscow state psychology and pedagogical university yulia kochetova. yulia, good morning, good morning, so, what happens when we talk, why in the process of conversation. some words have to be looked for in the nooks and crannies of this as its long-term memory or short-term here chekhov had a wonderful story, we are just with you discussed before the broadcast the horse's surname, i couldn't remember everything, yes it happens, well , in fact, cognitive psychologists still can't fully determine the cause of what's happening, why, because this phenomenon cannot be caused artificially, it only happens in real life , catch it like this... yes , it's difficult for experimental research, so they still can't fully understand, is this a memory disorder, or is this a speech disorder,
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how can there be a speech disorder, a person is not that he can't pronounce this word, he can't remember it, yes, but thinking and speech are two very closely related functions, yes, that is, they intersect with us, they are practically very close in procedural characteristics, because our thinking is exclusively speech-based, it happens that when you sit, let's say , alone... outside the city for two or three days, especially with children, that is, everything becomes primitive in your speech apparatus, then it is very difficult to switch to adults, but at least the cubes with triangles clearly fall into the compartment, yes, they assemble the sorter there you won't be able to assemble the pyramid after you've had a rest with two children, of course you don't actually use that's another reason why we can forget a number of words, naturally the active vocabulary that we use. it is updated faster for us, because we have long-term memory, short-term
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memory, operational memory, that is , operational memory is the memory where the words, memories that we most often use are stored, therefore when you don't use a number of words, and how many days did you spend there with the child, or if you learn a language and after some time you stop using these words, naturally the neural connections weaken and you forget, maybe it is stored longer, here is an active language, are there any tests, here is when a person suddenly gets so worried that simple words often fly out in a conversation, some tests should be carried out, do you have, i don’t know, cognitive impairments, yes, of course such tests exist, these are large batteries of pathopsychological tests, well, for example, 10 words, there is such a technique that allows us to evaluate short-term and long-term memory, you can find them on the internet, well , you can most likely find them on the internet, since they... are part of the pathopsychological and neuropsychological research, but
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it is not advisable to conduct them yourself, of course, this should be done by a specialist, and if you really noticed, well, for example, a person has been writing everything down in a diary all his life and continues to write everything down, without bothering to remember much there, that's how it is convenient for him, someone, for example, all his life he remembered everything on his own, then suddenly he needed a diary, he began to forget work meetings, he began to forget i don’t know about birthdays at all. i’ll compare, perhaps, a person with a computer, a computer also gradually begins to slow down, smartphones, when the memory is full, everything becomes somehow, all processes become slower, you can do the same with a person, what is called clearing the cache, this one, you know, a decrease in memory occurs not because it is full, but rather because of procedural characteristics, features, like the functioning of our brain, naturally. there the features of vascular processes change, yes, that is, cognitive processes still by a certain age,
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by old age they decrease, but if we want some unpleasant event, well, let's say, to forget, well, or at least not to remember it not to remember the unpleasant event not to remember, to unsee, yes, and you know, most likely it is desirable to try not to think about it at all, because the more often we think, the more often we remember. we ruminate, this is called rumination, yes in psychology, the stronger the neural connection. if we want to develop our memory, then we must use various exercises, because over the years, the brain, like any other muscle, it also wears out, naturally, so learning foreign languages to develop memory, using associations, using indirect mnemonic techniques, when we, for example, remember some information, linking it to something, yes, that is, we are trying to combine completely childish exercises, in fact, but they are very effective, reading
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aloud really develops memory, and speaking is repeating some information, remember, thank you very much, well , our guest was a clinical psychologist, associate professor of the moscow state pedagogical university, yulia kochitova, thank you, i love you, and i love you, we are sitting well, why hurry up, let's run, let's run, the premiere is on the russia channel, you are so reliable, not petrushka, he called someone again, well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskoy, i know, we have communicated with you, you didn't spend the night at home, there's something i don't know, can i finally confess, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him, the bonds of marriage or the web of love, which will be stronger, i just ask
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without emotions, what do i mean without emotions, you won't give up on me. i won't stand it, choose. rain at the end of summer. from monday, at 21:20. an old, in places worn, with stains and traces of wear, felt hat went at auction for a record 630,000 dollars. the accessory is recognizable, like the character himself, who appeared repeatedly in it on the set. we are talking about an adventure film about indiana jones, and whose indispensable element is the costume.
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dating, this is exactly what a real holiday of good cinema should be. these days , viewers, directors, producers and actors were united by one desire. here, of course, i would like to see some bright, non-standard, unusual stories, because short, it seems to me, in this regard, as a genre tolerates a lot and it is just easy to experiment in it. this year, the competition program of short films included 30 works, themes. eternal: love, friendship, betrayal - the whole kaleidoscope of human relationships in the author's reading. among the contestants, both familiar names and new directors, who have become a real discovery , perhaps the main achievement of the festival. now it is very important for russian cinema to discover new names and give them possibly talented all students,
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graduates, those who suddenly dared to express themselves in short films, this is a very modern form, namely short metro, unforgettable full-length film, in the section full-length films are presented six debut films of aspiring directors, the premiere of which will take place at the festival. the jury is traditionally full of stars, directors alexey uchitel, alexander kot, pyotr todorovsky, sergey kalvarsky, and actors lyubov aksenova, alexander robok, elizaveta boyarskaya.
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the track has spread across social networks, the talented parrot, the owner is now thinking about whether to aim for a full-length music album, and then the olympic, well, and what will our colleague andrey petrov please you with early in the morning, andrey, hi, it's time for your music section, hello, hello, hello,
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andrey, good morning studio, good morning everyone, we are in the russian national museum of music. the largest music museums in the world, but let's start with such an improvised display case, you could even say a pharmacy display case, look, concentration of attention, normalizes sleep, reduces anxiety, relaxes, relieves pain, increases immunity, reduces blood pressure, activates brain function, everything in general in the pharmacy you will find medicine, but all this is the most pleasant, you can easily remove all the boxes throw it out, because all this, as numerous studies tell us, is replaced by classical music, our guests today are the familiar project sing and delivery, artists of moscow musical theaters. they will confirm this to you, it is very nice to meet us on the stage, you already have a huge experience in performances, tell me, does the audience react more to minor or major, as to major and minor, you know, is that so?
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set today, guys, thank you very much, a wonderful potion to improve your mood on the russia channel since saturday morning, the studio has the floor, you definitely got a raise, thank you andrey, we are waiting for another musical gift next saturday, magical adventures with fire, but hit yourself on the head, do you have a nickname? where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, fool, want to go, where you need to go. ognipa, soon. here's a woman who left her husband because she found out that he bought two diamond disks for some kind of grinder. all the walls are covered in graffiti, vasya, plus olya. i 'm at war with my neighbor. she's going to live in our bedroom. is your throat parched or is your heart stabbing? parched, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today at 14:50, well, it's time for us to say goodbye, we're bored, if
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you're bored too, there's a way out, subscribe to the telegram channel program morning of russia and be with us 24:7 practically we are now upset by the director, he says the last quiet weekend, then everything, and it's true, then everything, let them not be quiet, but bright and rich, see you on monday. hello, on air vesti, studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. russian k-52 missile strike destroyed a unit of the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of the kursk region.
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