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tv   [untitled]    August 24, 2024 9:00pm-11:26pm MSK

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now i understand that she is katyusha. katyusha's parents, rui and den , brought her on a special flight from china in 2019. china never gives them away forever as its national treasure, they were given for joint research for 15 years. all of you are witnesses, participants and keepers of the chinese-russian friendship, bringing the peoples of our countries closer together and making our friendship even stronger. this is also called panda diplomacy. beijing hands over its antlers as a sign of friendship and good neighborly relations, but worthy ones are no less important for the chinese side. conditions for keeping bamboo bears. these include spacious enclosures, qualified veterinarians, joint observation and monitoring of the animals' condition. the moscow zoo has all of this, and the best proof of this is katyusha's birth. in captivity, pandas practically do not reproduce naturally. in the first days, katyusha weighed only 150 g. now she weighs 38 kg.
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close to the pandas, there is her enclosure, here is the cage, but do not let these bars bother you, because in a small, limited space the pandas are only when the keepers clean the enclosure from the outside, because they always ask you to remember, the bamboo bear, it is still first and foremost a bear, so you have to be very careful. the only reserve in the world, pan in sechuan province, and one of its four bases , dujiang, where the ukai are called papa pandas with bamboo bears, are nursed like children. in china and nowhere else, the bamboo bear lives for millions of years, but in the late seventies the population had dwindled so much that a protection center had to be opened, only six individuals were left for breeding, for over 30 years only from them their descendants gave birth to more than a hundred bear cats, so from chinese is translated xiongmau, that is, panda. by protecting the giant panda, we actually protect other wild animals and plants that live in the same space as the giant panda. now pandas are officially.
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a non-endangered species, although experts still have many questions: where does such a color come from for the chinese it is like yin and yang, and how with such a weak reproductive function, a panda can get pregnant only once a year for 72 hours, managed to live to 21 century, and in general, the stomach is like a predator, and eats only bamboo. 10 kg, plus or minus, is just the daily diet of katyusha and grandma, and in general pandas eat from 20 to 40 kg per day. becomes an internet hit, the panda dances, the panda fools around, everyone is watched and pampered here, any of their pranks are immediately touched, even if she lives and was born abroad, like katyusha, who, according to chinese laws, will return to her homeland as soon as she turns 4 years old. she is so sweet, and this is
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our national treasure. alexander baletsky, anastasia litvinova, news chindu. moscow. about the main events of the last seven days. in the final news release with evgeny popov. tomorrow at 20:00. hamwi is quite new, compact and very fortified. they stole it quickly. the mood of the kursk bulge. skotaboni has the task of slaughtering pigs, we do not have the task of capturing a pig farm yet, a bunch of prisoners spoke, like a knight, stole a humvee under the enemy's nose, just now the heimer of these, it 's you, received an order from the commander of roto to steal it urgently. who and how is protecting
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the kursk nuclear power plant? hello! here are the cooling towers kursk nuclear power plant. station, where on august 10, debris from downed missiles was found. why does zelensky need a new chernobyl? the enemy tried to strike the nuclear power plant at night today. why does kasparov's 30 silver coins call for killing fellow citizens? don't think about the so-called ordinary russians there. and who else is crazy about kursk? how much does it cost? parts, and the teenager didn't have a single chance to survive, you will have someone else's account, you can safely open the car and
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go, alexander karpov's investigation, taxi prices have already risen by 40%, as soon as they started to rise even before the law came into effect, why will it disappear? yellow taxis from the street, it is because we have a lot of drivers will leave, will leave, let's say, royal repression, powerful blows are being dealt to social networks, the crown prosecution service sternly warns the british, think before you write, whose cow mooes, a man was sentenced to prison, he wrote on the internet, what you are talking about, about the fall of our country. in a state of a police state, big sundays news at 20:00 don't miss it, well all the news is always available on the media platform, watch in
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the app or on the website, that's all for today, see you there. hello, how can i help you? oh, no, red, too radical, maybe it's, no, no, no, burgundy, somehow skillfully, no, maybe
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this one, maybe blue, no, green, or maybe it's... also a new collection, we'll see later, thank you, hello, hello, and please, can i take a closer look at these cufflinks, yeah, i ask, yes, thank you. please tell me, the hours are only here can i see it? no, there are other models here. snakeskin strap, 585 gold , these are available. this model has
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diamond inlay on the hands, the glass is resistant to damage, 10-year warranty, but there have been no complaints yet. peru, a great solution, hello , please pack the watch, tell me, is it for a man, yes, for a man, please take it, thank you, have a nice day, goodbye, goodbye. good afternoon, would you like to see another set, will there be a discount on the second one? oh, no, thank you, yana, yanka, it's me, sveta
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kharitonova, i transferred to your school in the seventh grade, oh my god, svetka, hi! my god, how great you look, yes, i recognized you in general, how has everything changed, how is life, how is my husband, yes, everything is wonderful, thank you, how are you, well , as you can see, i work like a horse. that you are celebrating your husband's birthday today, and i realized, so 14.542, by card or in cash, and by card, yeah, so, some kind of nonsense, now i 'll get another one, so, op, everything is in order. "thank you very much, have a good day, and bye to you, here is
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a kept woman, she hasn't worked a day, lives on her husband's money, i don't remember how much she spent, walks, smiles, lucky bitch." hello, mtb bank, operator maria, i'm listening to you, hello, hello, and do you know, money was just withdrawn from my card, a large sum, but i suspect that this is fraud, no, unfortunately, you have a fine, a fine, what fine, it was withdrawn by bailiffs, bailiffs? yes, you need to contact the federal bailiff service .
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hello, i need telepnev fyodor grigorievich, come in, sit down, my money was frozen, they sent me some message, but i did not understand anything, production number, what number, you received a message on your phone, well yes, the message should be the production number, just a second, dictate it, so, well here... on the numbers, i don't understand anything, is this it?
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well, here, the arrest of funds for unpaid fines, speeding, parking in the wrong place, another speeding, well and a penalty, why don't you pay the fines, vyana vladimirovna, what fines, i don't even have a car . bmw 8 state number u323 en is yours? so
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your other car? i don't have any cars, i don't even have a license. are you sure? are you are you kidding me or what? let me guess, are you petrova, kuznetsova or ivanova? ivanova, ivanova yana vladimirovna. well, it's all clear, most likely it was registered under your namesake, last name, first name, patronymic, dates of birth matched, this is common here, ivanovs, petrovs, kuznetsovs, several people per quarter, yeah, well, what should we do now, file an appeal, fill out a... application, you can do it online, well, how long will all this take,
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when will they return the money? honestly, it takes a long time, we send a request to the traffic police, they often make mistakes, if everything right, then we'll start looking for your double, we'll find him, we'll lift the arrest, apparently your namesake hasn't paid her fines for a long time, and the car is good. definitely not yours.
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so, let's wait for the name, okay, mom, then we'll die of hunger, but he promised to be there at eight, yeah, well, dad, dad, dad, look, look, you go to your room please, okay, dad's tired, well, mom, that's it, that's it, that's it, run, yes, come here,
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that 's it, that's it, sit him down, come on, lie down already, that's it, and so, thank you, come on yourself, that's it, that's it, go, mom, mom, no need. you said yourself that no good, mom, why are you putting up with this, what can you do,
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if it's because of us, left, then don't. we can't live alone, i just can't handle it, i'll help, let's at least have you eat first, mom, i'm serious, i'm a man, i'll take care of you, lord, how lucky i am to have you, oh, so, mom, make a wish, why? it's not my birthday. make one anyway
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. is it tasty? yes. dad, dad woke up, hi, son, don't shout, please, don't shout, right now, let's go, dad, this is for you, what are you talking about, this is for me, this is a gift, oh, this is a gift, so gift, so, it's me, yes, really, this, this is vitalka, a little higher, this is you, the most beautiful. our mother, yanka, where are you going? yanka, what about coffee? yan, i really need coffee urgently. wait for me, literally like never before, yanochka,
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yanka, darling. yanka, what are you doing? i'm cleaning. well, somehow radically. yes, i 'll burn all this to hell now. you drink every day because you're very tired at work. i'm a fool, i thought you were coming with us to relax. you went because you have a lot of work, it turns out you have a mistress, and on our bed, are you even serious, what are you, what what are you talking about, what a mistress, well i overdid it yesterday, well forgive me, well by the way it's my birthday, by the way your kids were waiting for you, by the way, yank, well let's fly to the sea for the weekend, but i can't stay longer than two days, but you and the kids can stay for a week, stay, yes we'll stay, and you go get lost where they're waiting for you, what are you talking about? yang, let's celebrate right now, i saw you cooked a lot, and then we'll go for a walk in the park, take the kids, or even
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better, let's do it together, just you and me, what are you telling me disgusting, do you understand that, are you out of your mind or something, and my dear, who are you here to yell, and you don’t like something, there’s a door over there, get lost, only someone needs it, someone will find it? i don’t know something, and what do you want to say about this? i don’t want to talk to you at all, do you understand? either you leave, or we leave with the kids, okay? remember, you’re nothing without me, zero, you won’t last a week without me, you haven’t worked a day in the last 20 years, so don’t you dare tell me how to live, from the syrichka, go away, i’m with i'm talking to you, don't touch her, go to your room and don't interfere, do you understand me, and have you gone crazy? get out of here, who are you? oh, you creature, come here, come here, come here!
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m, hi, mom, well, what's next, i don't know, mom, look at yourself. nervous, twitchy, i would be angry in his place too, but get yourself in order here,
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go to your husband, apologize, he will calm down, are you even serious, mom, i should apologize to him, did you even listen to what i told you, he... is cheating, mom, yes, he is a man, did you think about the children, what will happen to them, where are you you will live, what will you eat, i will find a job, you fool, you live like you have nothing to eat, what else do you need, that's it, we will not go back there, understand, for now we will live with you, as soon as i sort everything out, i promise you, i will find a place to live, okay? fool, fools are.
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that's it, let's go guys, come on, come on, come on, so, hi, i'm alive, i'm all right, everything is fine, i just came to visit my grandma and mom, but i will send you some ether, here is one of them, here you can observe the obrigens, in their natural habitat, yes, like this local fauna, hey, what, listen, puppy, who's the fauna here? well, pig, what are you fauna, you seem to be picking on him, let's go, oops, look what's there, come here, what come on, go. phone
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department catch op, right here, right here, and there, op, come on, come on, what are you going to do, you're so brave , yeah, what are you going to do, hey, hold on, what, nothing, get out of here, what a fool she is, not a woman, but some quirks, baldheads, let's go, what a fool, are you coming or what? well, why did you do it ? did what? helped me. listen, i helped myself. they're idiots. i don't want to get involved with idiots. and who are you? vitalik, i
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haven't seen you here before, so i 'm visiting grandmas, yeah, i'll guess, for an indefinite period, yeah, how do you know, listen, they don't come to our area any other way, i live with grandmas myself, in short, not far away, and where is mom in america. she has a husband, a daughter, another one, and her father, and how many questions do you ask, vitalik, phone, mine, no, damn, mine, phone, come on, right now, take it, i advise you to contact me, well come on.
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just fly to me, bye, something's wrong, yeah, everything seems to be okay, but something's wrong, rain, on end of summer, premiere from monday on rtr, monte shococa cognac, product, stellar group. rixas premium segate. family fun starts here. every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. dive into a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsos premium segate. rixos premium seagate.
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oldbar cognac - a product of stellar group. pichora vodka, a product of stellar group, it seems like we'll soon have a baby, i'll be the happiest person in the world, obedient wife must help her husband in everything, our entire bureau lives thanks to lenin's ideas, raise
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children, i am so. people, respect the mother-in-law, yes, this is the first time i have met a mother-in-law who is completely happy with her bride, but sometimes the system fails, the mri showed that as a result of the mother's injury, the child's brain was badly damaged, she died, masha, no need, wait, let go, me, let go, we are facing a huge penalty for a project that promised a solid profit. neither you nor i will be able to finish it. what have i done? i promised lena that everything would be fine with her, she believed me. obedient wife. today on rtr. moscow state university of philology 2009, honors diploma. well, in the education section, not a resume, a fairy tale.
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and what about your work experience? well, there was an internship, then practice at school, yeah, and then, and then the children. that is, you haven't worked anywhere, well, after school no, well, you know, i learn very quickly, i like vacancies, i think i can handle the work of a manager, the best for a start, really, yeah, i'll master the program, and then i'll move on to more complex tasks, sorry, but without work experience we can't i'm considering it, so wait, your vacancies were written with training, i learn quickly. "let me just try, i 'll tell you honestly, when a person over 30 without work experience, well, i don't know, in general, i won't explain it to the boss, but in any
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case, thank you for your time for your interest. your card is blocked, contact the nearest bank branch. your card is blocked, contact the prize bank branch, okay,
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i thought you were at work, took a day off for family reasons.
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they need you there, you said so, go there, there is another option, go back to your legal husband, if you promise that this will never happen again, and he will probably be able to forgive you, he is certainly not a saint, but he is quite a noble man, i will not give you the children, do you understand me, sit here with your things alone, and are you serious? i thought that if you block my cards, then we will immediately come running back, from a black sheep, at least a tuft of mink.
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60,000, what are you saying, this is scandinavian mink, you know how much we bought it for, for half a million, over time everything loses value, things, people, fine. hello everyone, hello mom, hello, hello
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my little bead, how are you, good mom, great, help me unpack my bags, oh, what are we celebrating, a new life, a free happy one, do you have any news, yes? i started looking for a job, everything is going well, probably so, everything will be very good, well yes, the children were left without a father, and you call this good, mom, well please? mom, everything is fine, yes, yes, where were you, you went home to pick up your things.
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m, you see, everything was left there, everything, things, clothes, the console, he didn’t give me the computer, my mom gave it to me as a gift, she says, everything for the house, he bought it, listen, what will he do with all this, and i don't... i don't know, no, well of course, he says there that we can come back at any moment, both me and mom, yes, but mom doesn't want to , and i don't want to, yeah, and this prefix, you know, i would sell it while mom is looking for a job, m, listen, so you take it, well, everything, everything that's yours, i told you, he won't give it back, i won't ask, it's humiliating, i didn't say. ask, i say, take it, yeah,
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wait, that is, you mean steal it, like you can steal what already belongs to you, but it's wrong, but i won't interfere in my own house, in my father's house, tell me, how do you live if anyone can take away your own? no, i won't steal anything, let him give it back honestly, weakling, woman, you'll follow me, and you? all,
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yes, yes, i understand, in our company everyone has the opportunity to earn as much as you want, no restrictions, for a small, literally symbolic fee, we hold an introductory seminar, just to save time, to weed out those who don't belong let's get serious. probationary period, the schedule is the same, from 10 to 7, 5 days a week, with two days off, what about the salary, the internship is unpaid, if you go through a separate... they say, sign here, if everything
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suits you, you know what a queue there is for this place, for such opportunities people are ready to work for years for free, and what are they going to live on for these years? i came, and what's the silence? is anyone home? what? vital. levk, how did i wait for this? mom, hi, hi, listen to me. the eldest is hanging around, i saw fiber with some girl, i
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looks like a local, oh, mom, olevka, where, did you take him from kindergarten, any father, you stay, yes, because i love you, what father, so, at my father, mom, you, yes, the boy needs a father, oleg came for him, i couldn't stop him, how could you give him leva, mom, how could i not give it to him, yes, you're doing more evil, don't ruin the child's life, mom, you're a really bad subscriber, i agree to live my whole life. lord!
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the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, please call me back, you're such a bastard, oh well, sergeant grigorievich. i'm listening, hello, this is police, yes, hello, hello, my son was kidnapped, do you know who? yes, yes, i know who, write down the address, please, hello, senior lieutenant was messing around, lev ivanov is here, yes, please
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, come on in. finally, the train is rushing, urgently, urgently, let me through, stuck, stuck, faster passengers, hello, are you okay, please wait, of course. hello, hello, tell me, are you being bullied here? can you tell me everything honestly, i won't swear, i promise, no one is bullying you here, neither dad nor auntie, no, well that's great, then let's go
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home, it's time for us to go, well mom, just another 10 minutes, well please, we need to build a road, look at our locomotive, a wonderful locomotive, simply amazing, draw up a false one, and levushka, look, look, we have a boat on the tracks, urgently, there's going to be an accident, an accident, once again, i'm sorry, all the best, all the best, i talked to a lawyer here, if there's a divorce, the children will stay with me, this is their
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home, they're fine here, don't make me laugh, please, i'm their mother, of course, the children will stay with me, stop it, you don't have a home, no work, you can't... provide for yourself, much less two children, in this situation the court will assign them to me, it's obvious, especially since you see for yourself, he's well advised not to beautify, what a bastard you really are, you did all this on purpose, yes , you took the child, you refused to answer my calls on principle, you even changed the locks so that i couldn't get into the house, did you arrange all this? in order to make me look like an inadequate hysteric? yes, why, yana, why should i arrange anything for this? with this task, really, i'm sorry, you're doing just fine on your own. so, my kids are here with you, they won't live with her, neither levka nor vitalik, you understand me, come on, stop, stop, stop, i'll go now, levka, levka, let's go
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home, please, these are very good, lev, come on, stop, i'll catch up now, oops. "i did everything right, the boy and his father will be better off, where will all four of us fit here, the children need care, space, a routine." yana, can you hear me, yana, open up, i
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beg you, open up , open up finally, don't get on my nerves.
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gin snop is a product of stellor group. relaxation is leaving yourself alone. relaxation is not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely switched off. relaxation is relaxation. we know everything about relaxation. anex. bourbon steersman is a product of stellar group. they say that you need to prepare for relaxation. you need to know how to relax. you need to relax beautifully. but you need to relax where the sun and the sea are, on the first coastline, where everything
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is included except for the head, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex, veda vodka, lar group product, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats just for... turn on, just wait for me, they keep through the rains, sweet flowers, they still live in
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me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr.
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what-what? and when? no, no, what are you saying, no problem. of course, i'll be there soon. yeah , thank you.
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good morning, hello, and i'm going to an interview? ivanova, yana ivanova, i 'll see you out, thank you, thank you, so, if it's the fourth, please, yes, i know, i know, here, please, thank you, please. hello, good morning, i was invited interview right here, great, what's your name, ivanova, yana vladimirovna, so sit down, she has a meeting, as soon as
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she's free, i'll say that you came, okay, thank you, yeah. maybe some water? oh, thank you, it's been a very difficult morning, i understand. don't worry so much, she was very interested in your resume. i don't remember anything like that right away. to herself, of course, she's not simple, but she's not evil, the main thing is that employees see their work more often than their own mother, oh well, in principle i'm not against it, by the way, i'm alina, oh well, i, yana, am very nice, she will ask questions point-blank, and it doesn't matter what you answer, the main thing is how, she needs a person, reliable, confident, got it, she will ask on the topic, she looks at how
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the person behaves, i think... if the person is honest, then he has nothing to worry about, the main thing for her is not to lie, we had one candidate here, he prescribed courses for himself, advanced training, and she tore him apart so much, no company in our field will hire him anymore, i see, yes, he went on vacation, damn it, now i probably won't go at all, galina viktorovna, you asked me to tell you, when... ivanova yana vladimirovna comes, so she's here, invite her, yeah, good morning, good morning, yana vladimirovna, thank you for coming so quickly, we have a situation here, as you probably already know, quite urgent,
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sit down, i'm very pleased. that you invited me, i'll tell you straight, i called your former employers, and now i'm a bit confused, why are you, yana vladimirovna, with such work experience applying for a manager's position? and i think it's simply necessary, to see all the company's work processes from the inside, and any work process begins with the selection of personnel, i understand. well, i will not hide, the reviews of your previous managers impressed me, but i have one question for you: do you understand that we really have a lot of work, and we will have to sacrifice a lot, personal time, vacation, time with family, i
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have been running this business for over 15 years and i prefer to see. a number of dedicated people, we sacrifice a lot, following a dream, well, then i offer you a position as a development consultant, the company is now is going through some kind of crisis, we clearly need to reconsider the development vector, judging by your resume, you have quite a lot of experience, solving such issues as a development consultant? and what about you? would you prefer the position of production director right away, sorry, this position is occupied, at least for now, well, does this suit you? when should i start?
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now. be careful. everything is fine, everything is fine. are you injured? no. let me have a look. everything, everything, please, everything is fine, i will help. and yana? maxim, forgive me, i just have first day at work, i can't seem to get myself together, i understand, it happens, no help needed, no, no, thank you, sorry, it's okay, good luck at
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work, come on, i can, no need, no need, go, everything's fine, everything's fine, well, here we have developers, technologists. although, i can say right away that things have been going, to put it mildly, not very well in the last year. didn't i ask you to prepare the documents by
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the morning? yes, i'm almost done, they'll be with you in an hour, now you can look for another place, i need them in 30 minutes. yes, galina viktorovna. tubes, by the way, there were some before you too several consultants, had to say goodbye, what else, orders are less and less, in general, we rely on your experience, yana vladimirovna, yes, of course, i will do everything that depends on me, good morning, galina viktorovna, data on the focus group! the deputy director is already in her office. thank you. thank you. and please prepare for yana vladimirovna the sales reports for the last three quarters. this is my office, at the end of the corridor, yours. join our
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meeting, at the same time i will introduce you to my deputy. of course. meet. good morning. maxim andreevich. sorry, i didn't know that copies would be needed. please. yes, to be honest,
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there is nothing special to please. we have prepared a plan for updating equipment, where it is necessary. we should have time by the end of the year, purchases are awaiting confirmation. and what about sales? no changes. then what money are you planning to re-equip production with? galina viktorovna, if we don't do this now, it will be too late later. and what about wages, how are we going to pay them? why are we reducing supplies? there is no demand. well , sort this out together. yana vladimirovna has a lot of experience in such matters. please show us our warehouses, production facilities. respect, it seems to me that now it is necessary to launch refurbishment, and not engage in inspection. before i give the go-ahead, i would like to know the opinion of our new consultant. yaana vladimirovna, if
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you need any data, contact the secretary. of course. just fly to me. for now, something is wrong, yes, everything seems to be so, but something is wrong, rain at the end of summer, premiere on monday on rt. rum, castro, a product of stellar group. we invite you to the swiss-hotel sharm el-sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world, working on the all-inclusive system. give yourself a holiday
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where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. the swissotel sharmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. allow yourself first-class. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. monte choca cognac, a product of the stellar group. go crazy
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mishka, this is alena, my fiancée, i will never believe on friday that this is a miracle, your fiancée, you are a swindler, as long as i am alive there is no marriage, and what needs to be done for this, leave my fiancée alone, i understand, i am confused, alena, i need you, a reward awaits the finder, friday on rtr, not busy, help, i wanted to talk to you, about what, well, make sure that everything is in order with you, or i don’t know. talk, in
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general, thank you, granny, i am fine, and can you break away for a minute, yes, sorry, i am here, so, granny, i am fine, fine, what is this still for normal, yeah, what's the matter with you there, don't touch it, actually i'm talking to you, yanka is a good girl, she got the kids together first, and you guys are completely unmanageable without your father, you can't live 5 minutes without your computer, granny, i didn't ask you to talk to me, you need this, everything is fine with me, and if you don't like that we live together, then we'll move soon, i'll help mom, we'll have money for everything we need, how can you help, vitalya, we have to go tomorrow, he
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goes to our dacha on fridays, he's a gardener, damn, what does he have there, beds, greenhouses, beds, two beds, a mistress, he drinks there and hangs out, and mom, what mom, pretended not to know, but if i saw everything, 100 where, won't you change your mind? i won't change my mind, i promised, okay, i'll go, i think i found a job, wait, why, we'll soon make a decent amount of money, and how will i bring him home, we'll just take all the things out once, and i promised to help.
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well, actually, here's the men's line, here's the women's, we have specialized clothing, for example, wetsuits, but that's additional, by the way, they sell out not bad, but the base has been getting worse lately, well, you know that yourself. what do you say? well, what can i say, it's well-made, yeah, but i still need to look around to draw any conclusions, of course, but you've already read the reports for... and i like non-standard tasks, and i understand, i'm just wondering why you took on production, which
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is in such a difficult phase, and it seems to me that i'm not obliged to report to you about my work, no, what sport are you into, sport, yes, i just know. several of your former colleagues from regional office, you have squash day on thursdays, yes, that's right, you play well, and you know, not bad, if i understood everything correctly, we were supposed to inspect the production and get back to work, no, you know, let's take a break. you know, we started off wrong, i know, i can be harsh in work moments, if i offended you in some way or, i apologize, well, let's be honest, i don't really like galina viktorovna's idea with this inspection of yours, but if gromova
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thinks that it will be better this way, then so be it and so, my proposal is this, let's agree on the shore, i'm dealing with technical issues. you, if you want, look around, inspect, you can work with the design department, communications with clients, yes, please, i ask guests, do not interfere with me, we have a complex, honed mechanism and even gromov does not know all its details, i apologize, if now we do not solve a number of important issues, including with equipment, after some time, well, we will simply stop, that's all, change. so let's try to do it the way you are now they said, and i will study the whole situation carefully,
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then we will decide what to do, well, i'm glad we agreed, if you have any questions for me? you know where to find me, now i apologize.
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i knew it, a nightmare and...
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well, yes, did you evaluate the main worker villain? well , yes, such a serious one, yeah, a careerist, doesn't consider women at work as people at all, but except for gromova, of course, well, yes, it seemed to me that he wasn't very happy about my appearance, of course, suddenly you find out that it was he who drove us into a crisis, no, that's it it feels like he's worried about the company, really, i don't know, it's better to stay away from him, it seems to me, he hasn't gotten along with anyone here. he's demanding as hell, a complete zero, i'm sorry, yeah, yeah, what do you mean? i, i'll be there now , i'm sorry, i'm sorry, yeah, yeah, i got it, i heard it all, i
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'm gonna, oh, you, run, run, that's it, that's it, i'm already running, hello, i tried to call oleg, but he's at work, he's never at work, he never picks up the phone, i know, lyova, where's in the nursery, i wanted to call an ambulance, but decided to give it to you first, leo. mom, and i 'm watching cartoons here, i see, my clever girl, i 'll look at you now, yeah, so, did you give him carrots? no, well, i mean, yeah, juice, it 's healthy, very healthy, only he 's allergic to carrots, phew, i thought it was ringworm , well, that's it, i'm taking him away, oleg said, what about the consequences of an allergy, well, swelling to the vinca, for example, do you know what to do? call an ambulance, well, you think it's coming soon, okay, let's get ready, my
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little one, let's go home, yeah, yeah, where's that vest with the hood, at the bottom, that's it, let's run, come on, run, run, bye, aunt ilana, goodbye, vichka, put him to bed, please, okay. mom, what happened? a disaster happened, yanochik, come on, tell me already, vitalik is a drug addict, why did you decide that, drug addicts sniff him, you're amazing, mom, where did you get him in the hall under the folding bed, so i 'll sort it out, and don't get nervous ahead of time, please, vitalya, can i have
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a minute, uh-huh, tell me, please, what is this? did grandma find this podder with the folding bed at your place? so come on, just don't swear, well, i 'll try, well, i found a job, ad i'm gluing, i promised to help, okay, maybe you 'll help grandma, i'll think about lyova, she's very tired and very worried about you, no. of course, i'll help lyova around the house, but i won't quit my job, for now, at least i'll finish it, no, well
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, if you promised, of course, then please, hello. good morning, good morning, and i see you're in a suit today, as you can see, i decided that while you're around, it'll be safer to go by car, okay, good morning everyone, good, good morning, we have a plan for modernizing production ready. then, maxim andreevich, i'd like to listen to our new employee, yanna vladimirovna, would you do
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me the honor, so what can you say about the state of affairs in production? in my opinion, the issue is not in production, it is set up perfectly, the main problem is in the product itself, it is not surprising that all the warehouses are full, because the suits, well, how can i say, well, they are not stylish. well, what do you suggest more specifically , is it possible to change the model range? no, no, not really, i think that we need to develop completely new, highly specialized lines for sports, well, to review not only the models themselves, but the fabrics and all the materials needed for production, we order the best from our suppliers, so maybe changing suppliers is out of the question, we have contracts for years to come, well, yes, are you borrowing? you say what contracts are? these are discounts on deliveries, priority shipments, if you want
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to change the design, please, hire new developers or... after all, we are asking you to do the best, but changing suppliers is, well, this is the minimum payment of penalties for interrupted contracts, maxim andreevich, don't get excited so, and developing a new model range is money, for which the question of paying salaries is no longer worth it, now first of all we need to modernize production, otherwise in a year we will have nothing to sew on, yes, about the funds - this is a good question, maybe you have some ideas? yes, i suggest selling. wholesale the entire unsold batch to someone at a big discount, for example, to someone, who is this, and what does it mean with a big discount, should we break even, or what? well, with all due respect to you, that is , our warehouses are jam-packed with the year before last fashion, you understand that if we wait another season, no one will need it at all, even with a 100% discount, but what are we
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going to do with all this goods, pickle it or what? and you know, i like your determination. maxim andreevich, help our consultant find a client, and from you, yana vladimirovna, i still expect a specific action plan, i thank everyone, of course. yana vladimirovna, can i have you? yes, of course, we would have agreed with you not to interfere with each other. maxim andreevich, but i don’t i thought that this could somehow interfere with your plans. didn't you think that changing the supplier would lead to a production downtime? do you know anything about business at all, do you understand? how could a person with your experience not think about this? and you know, at first it even seemed to me that we would work together, but i
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won't let you ruin everything here. i don't know why gromova believes in you so much, but keep in mind, if anything, i will leave. the company's tasks, i am not your crazy ideas, yes, i'm just, i'm sunday, and i'll go, i am delighted that the song she generally saves a person. andrey malakhov's evening show, sunday on rtr. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor
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group. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic
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luxury collection bodrum. nob is a product of stellor group. opponents of statehood would like to choose the path of radicalism. they need great shocks. we need a great russia. time for big premieres on rtr. to the most beloved maria petrovna stalypina. i am one of those revolutionaries with whom your father fought in saratov. and i certainly intend to fight in the capital. we are building a new russia, time for balanced words, i will not let the country be overthrown, today there is pyotr arkanevich, tomorrow he is gone, what do you think for a short time, which of our ministers of internal affairs lived for a long time, time for important decisions, only you today have the power to save
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russia and lead it on the right path, time has chosen. him, i tolerate any mysticism, but everything i can't get rid of the strange premonition, long live the russian revolution. stoli peru, and where is my family? soon on rtr, okay, hurry up!
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and for some reason we'll be standing like this until the evening. this is your house, yeah, fuck. do you hear, he seems to have changed the locks so that we wouldn't take our things, damn, what should we do, what are you doing,
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do you have any other ideas? hurry up, step aside, if the alarm isn't turned off in a minute, will you come? so, what do we have here,
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what are you doing, and you're only suggesting that we take everything that's yours, well yeah, that is, someone a... window, broke into the house and only took your laptop and console, i wonder who the suspicion falls on? what are you proposing? a pogrom was built? well, they'll decide that burglars broke in, they took what they could take, they broke what they couldn't, well where can we look for them then, come on. i can see that you want to, you know, it's harmful to keep it to yourself, i
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read it. yes, here i am asking, advertising catalogs of potential suppliers with samples, i wanted to personally make sure that you have everything you need to destroy the company, i hope a couple of days will be enough to develop ideas for an enterprise with twenty years of experience, and why are you setting some kind of time frame for me? yes, galina viktorovna, over the weekend! yes, of course, no problem.
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while you're here nurturing your ambitions, your child is wasting away. my god, mom, what ambitions, i'm just doing everything possible so that my children stay with me. vitalik came home, drunk. you're either a drug addict or drunk, stop picking on him, mom. go, go, have a look. mom, the boy got a job, found himself a girlfriend here, he's trying to live in a new place, and not complain, leave him alone, she, measures must be taken now, now, while it's not too late, listen, don't shout,
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i have to work. hello, yaana vladimirovna, tell me, when did you last talk to your husband? yes, i don't remember, a couple of days ago, probably, and how long ago did you move? about a week, yes, mom, and where were you yesterday around 2:00 p.m., i was at work.
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by the way, is your son at home, can i talk to him? no, with vitalik, well, what's his name, alibi, yes, he was with me all day, helping me around the house, and in general he is not home now, he left early this morning, and what do you think, that it was me or my son who robbed oleg, why? you see, what's the matter, the robbers knew the code to the alarm and the lock wasn't broken, let's say someone broke the window they didn't need the keys, but the cat... who else do you think might have known it? and i have no idea, you should ask my husband's mistress or her friends, did you want anything else? actually, we have a small child there and it's time to feed him? yes, i have one more request, can i look at the premises? no, this is my apartment and i forbid you, no searches without a warrant, and anyway, i'm an old sick woman, and you 're driving me to a heart attack! excuse me, no, it's you
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excuse us, if we can help in any way, then please, goodbye, goodbye, mom, what just happened, what kind of performance is this, and you didn't understand, it was vitalik, it was he who robbed oleg, it all fits, drug addicts never have enough for their fix. look , he robbed his own father, mom, are you serious, he even came yesterday in torn pants, he was climbing somewhere and tore them, oh my god, mom, well, he's a teenager, he tears three pairs of pants a season, what are you saying, look, so what, oh, pants. mom, i love you,
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oh, i like the sweatshirt, it's good, yeah, it's good, my mother-in-law brought it from a business trip, you know, we haven't seen anything like it. the color is beautiful, bright, but not too eye-catching, and most importantly, don't get wet, yeah, and would you like to add something? mom, what are you doing here? we ordered this fabric, this one, this one is a huge hit,
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and for children's clothing, can you suggest something, of course, for example, i recommend it, take a look, take a look, yes, it's you, right? yes, lek, it's me, you 're calling me, right? shove your jokes, you get me, i 'm talking about trashing my house. you're in your don't you dare send the police to us, mom, i almost had a heart attack, do you understand me? well, do you understand that living with your husband and working hard on your own are two completely different things. go to hell, oleg. so, listen to me. i talked to a lawyer, we're going to formalize custody of the children. you wouldn't have been able to provide for them anyway, you know what, i don't give a damn about your lawyer, the children will stay with me, do you understand? we'll see about that, by the way, i changed the alarm code, in case you forgot something and want to come back, to be honest,
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i am very wary of these ideas, are you sure that she has experience in production? do you think that i hired a person without checking, galina viktorovna? ​​maxim andreevich, let's first see what your consultant offers us, and then we will decide how promising it is, let's go, right now, right now. oh, thank you, so, i studied all your reports
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and saw that your company has never been involved in the production of children's and teenage clothing, of course, these are completely different gosts and a separate workshop is needed, which... to do only this, absolutely right, but maxim andreevich, please tell me how often do you personally change your sportswear, well, probably once a year, well , maybe once a year and a half, children's clothes are bought much more often, why are you so sure of this, yes, because my son is 16 years old, in six months he wears out three sports suits to zero, the second one generally wears five, he simply elementarily outgrows all his clothes in these six months, that is, you rely on personal experience and up to
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this is all very impressive, but next time i still expect more information, of course,
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galina viktorovna, you love your wife, loved, then everything is like a vastic drill, premiere on rtr. do you have a conscience, my ideal husband, what is ideal, where in the beds of nymphets, the most cruel loneliness is heartfelt loneliness, and if it is happiness in this life, rain at the end of summer, from monday on rtr, pirsman product of stellar group.
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veda vodka is a product of stellar group, titanic delux golf belleg hotel, where every moment. is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort at our pools. relax in the spa and enjoy the exquisite dishes of the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. yes, now
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he will not give me life, of course, he is afraid for his skin, but why do not i even climb into his territory, it seems to you so, before gromova listened only to him, and he smiled where necessary, wagged his tail where necessary and dragged through any idea, and now there was you, so what, i want the best, i even think that they are lovers, what the hell, no, well you're exaggerating, why not, what do you think? he's been here for so many years, he doesn't really communicate with anyone, he's not a person, but a robot, hi, i'll sit down with you, okay, what happened, what happened, did someone offend you, someone? from our office? no,
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the customer, what customer, to whom we sell wholesale and what did he do? i'm sorry, please, this is not, this is not funny, this is all terrible, go back to your business, i 'll sort everything out, we agreed, yeah. i found buyer, yana vladimirovna wanted to sell the entire treasure at a discount, i called and made preliminary arrangements. yeah, great, when are you going? i, no, i think this should be entrusted to yana vladimirovna herself. unexpectedly, you yourself convinced me that she is incompetent? yes, and i. i do not deny my words, but still, this is her idea,
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besides, i can be wrong, right? vitalik, vitalik, vitalik! kristina, are you playing it safe, yeah, i understand, look, ah, you drove everything, they took it, almost like new, and you did not think what would happen if the police finds that you're getting carried away, will you ever...
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and you've made a mess of my house, dragged my family into it, crazy, crazy, hey, my money. stretch,
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grandma. i'm home, where did you get such loot? from the store? two bags of sweets? it looks like leo went to the store? well , why not only, look, i wanted to talk to you, a child should have an adult to whom he can tell everything, and i wanted to tell you that you can... talk to me, mom has a lot to do now, mom works for us with leo, well, yes, yes, that's what i wanted to say, well that doesn't mean you don't need help, you'll tell me if you need it, what are you talking about, i don't know, and that glue, you thought i was
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a drug addict, yeah. mom told me everything, forgive me, everything's fine, what's wrong with you, oh, i 'm going to feed you now, i fried some cutlets and boiled them, come on, sit down, and we 'll finish sorting out these candies of yours later, here you go! bon appetit, thank you, oh, you know what i was thinking, the gate at the dacha has completely fallen apart, you'll help, of course, grandma, the fabric
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is very good, if you take... the whole batch wholesale, then of course there will be an impressive discount, well, even if not, we will still discuss, so men's collection, women's collection, in the russian size grid there is almost the entire model range, look, the fittings are wonderful, what will you pay attention to, well, i don't understand, a visual demonstration is needed, and what do you mean? well, that's it, have you gone crazy? come on, idiot!
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so we have good soundproofing here, i don't know, we'll find out now. help, help, what are you doing, what are you doing, no, don't touch me, don't touch me, i need help, be quiet, please, yes, yes, get security, please,
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give me your rags, okay, help me! goodbye, get to work, huh! and give me all the money you took yesterday, i don’t have it, guys, well, i gave it all to my mother, so find it, so we ’ll talk differently, that’s it, come on, you have 3 days to think about it, here, yeah, here, okay
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, hello, hello, alina, my contract, my very first contract, i mean in this company, i did it, if you find out how, you’ll be stunned, i ’ll tell you everything later, huh... congratulations, and you’re thundering there waiting for that, what's his name semyonov, who? what do you mean who? the boss, your ex, they've been sitting at gromova's for half an hour, drinking tea, waiting for you. yana, yana, will you explain? the problem is that i'm not yana. what do you mean? well, that is. yana, but not the one you know, there's another one, yana ivanova, i borrowed her resume to get a job, why, my husband and i are getting divorced, he
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wants to take the children away from me, in order to win custody, i needed to get a job urgently, and my resume is, well , it's not a resume, it's the devil knows what, because after university i didn't work at all, i beg you, alyonochka, please help me, before the trial, as soon as the children are left with me, i will quit immediately, no one will find out anything at all, i promise you, is it gromova, yes, alina. yana vladimirovna came back, she was asked to go to the production, i'm afraid it will be for a long time , probably some questions about the new
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collection, i recognize our yana, not a minute of peace, maybe we let her go in vain, well i don't know how much in vain, but we won't give her back yet, well, if so, i'll come later, after all, we you discussed everything, galina viktorovna. alina, please show fyodor mikhailovich out and don't let him into the design department. got it, you wanted something? no, no, everything's fine. you work, girls. yana vladimirovna, please help, approve the fabric,
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please, they're calling me from procurement and demanding urgently, what about me, i don't know, you ask the designer, i asked, they're unavailable, deadlines are burning, i've only been here a week, i don't really know anyone, everyone at production is nervous, they're yelling at me, and you're supposedly the management, so that this one or this one, i think they are the same. hello, yana vladimirovna, could you come into your office? yes, of course, yana vladimirovna, come on, let's take this one, this one, well, you asked me, i said this one, this one. did you really think i wouldn't guess that these were your big guys? me, what am i, do you think i'm an idiot? did you really think i wouldn't
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guess where they came from? and talking to me directly is not an option? but if you need money or something, i don't know. no, you decided to scam a rich idiot. me and really idiot, believed you. what 's the difference, big deal, tell me, the hambals who are mine, came to me first, i gave them my share, but it wasn't enough for them, that is, you don't, i didn't catch you, everyone in the area knows that we hang out together, they know where you live, why didn't you tell me right away? what's the point, i'm already guilty of everything, forgive me, shove your apologies, i
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'll figure it out, no, i'll figure it out, they came to me, yeah, that's why you blamed it all on me, forgive me, christina, please forgive me, i'm a fool, i know you can organize i'll meet you, i'll give you my share, i spent a little, it's not scary, i really didn't want it to turn out like this, i know, everything 's fine. i'll figure it out, tell me how it all happened, you always have a choice, if there's something for you, shoot! well, should we get to know each other or break up? marry me, again. your offer is salvation for me. but we can't just remain friends. should we suffer or act? alyosha is alive, i believe in it. should we search or hide? i won't take my eyes off her now. did you all agree together? should we leave or come back? where do you need to go? and you're the driver bus, or maybe you will order me a taxi? but
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what would you not choose this meeting? you can not cancel, only look at the arrivals or will you take part, from monday to thursday, you are very busy, what is shown, the very thing, it's time for big premieres on rtr, put out the candle, light the hay, you will not get bored with us, rum, castro. product of steller group. rest is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about rest. anexс! cognac monte shococa, a product of stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, oldbar cognac, a product of the stellar group, you don’t need to make an appointment, just kidding, he will come to your home, we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you
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how to increase low blood pressure, and how air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard, a knitting needle, that's how i sleep as a child, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor who can be trusted 100%, you will be happy, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, tomorrow on rtr. hello, hello. you look great. we need to finish in half an hour, i still have a lot to do. how long have you been so businesslike? yes, since my life
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has changed significantly for the better. well, where to? please. good afternoon, yana vladimirovna, we can go long and painfully go through court proceedings, i know how it happens, your life will be examined from top to bottom, income. different things happen when the fate of children is being decided, well, something tells me that you know how to avoid this, yes, you are very smart, you renounce your claims to property, agree to transfer custody of the children to your husband, what interesting ideas you have, while
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you get a two-room apartment, the opportunity to meet. with children on weekends and, of course, a decent amount of bill, and you know, i will accept it with great pleasure an apartment and money, well, if this apartment and this money will be for us with the children, and if this option does not suit you, well, then we will see each other in court. goodbye to... surprisingly, yes, it was necessary to add half a million, but no, she, she became as before, and a standard situation, she starts
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getting divorced, then it turns out that not all is lost, we take the divorce papers, well , don't go overboard, although... no more, but here is the bulk, another 100,000, what 100 i will spend the fuck up, we need 100, what do we have to do with this, listen, well, how and, if anything, we. to chat with you, well then i'll chat with my dad, he'll tell you about blackmail and extortion, right? well then your dad will figure out who took out his house, and vital,
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don't fuss, go collect the money, while your chick can still walk, we 'll find you ourselves in a week, got it, let's go, no, i'm fine, everything's fine, fine, okay, listen, maybe the police, huh? no, that's definitely not worth it, they've got everything under control here, let's go, what are you doing, son, i wanted to talk, apologize, listen, no matter what happens, in after all, i am your father. is it too late for you to remember, dad? son, please don't do this, let's meet, let's talk, nothing to talk about,
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mom, did something happen? yeah, no, like that , just, good night, good night, i don't want to know the reasons, i don't need the result, the coolers are empty, it shouldn't be like this, right, that's it, go, hello, maxim andreevich, and don't you want to congratulate me on my first signed contract, huh? i'd like to ask you a few questions. yana vladimirovna, let's go, well, i'm listening to you, tell me,
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please, why are you giving the order in design department, and what doesn't suit you, maybe the fact that the entire batch was rejected because you decided to approve a new fabric for production in the middle of the technological process, are you taking revenge on us for something or do you want to delay the exit? lectures, okay, intern, she's been working here for a week, well , you, hello, yes, when, what's so important that made you get distracted from our conversation, my son disappeared, makes sense, he was from kindergarten and then disappeared. from kindergarten, from kindergarten, yeah, they just don't really understand, calm down, here you go, let's go, this is nonsense, how can a child disappear from a kindergarten?
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do you remember the address of the kindergarten? yes, yes, yes, yes. yes, don't worry, you're just like that, most likely he just got carried away. no, it's my husband, well, my ex -husband. he wants to take the children away after the divorce. he already took levka, this is a threat, well, so that i agree not to go to court, let's first talk to the teacher, yeah, yeah, yana vladimirovna, he's been there all day. on veda,
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honestly, tell it like it is, oleg took him away, his father came for him, no, no one came, we were on the playgrounds, we were drawing, then we had breakfast, then we came to the playground, tell me, where did you last see leva, right here, right in this very place, i was distracted for literally a minute, and he disappeared, what did he look like, what does it mean, a balloon jacket, swamp color, gray jeans, a bright orange t-shirt, his hair is still so light, he's a shaggy guy, mom, did you call the police, no? i warned the security, are you kidding me, if his father didn't take him, anyone could have taken him, maybe he was even stolen, leva, guys, look at me, and you didn't see where leva went, and leva vladimirovna, you are scaring the children, yes, you are scaring me, what are you standing there for, why aren't you looking for the child, maybe you shouldn't be trusted with children at all, what are you standing there for, yana vladimirovna, quiet, quiet, quiet, god, where did you find him, everything is fine, i fell asleep on the floor, it's really hard there.
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and how did you figure it out, what or how? well , i have a daughter of the same age, she's been through everything in her life, thank you that in your opinion i only disappear at work, let me take you home, forgive me, we have something going on, and lord, if you want to sleep, well, tell me, interrogator, she'll take you to the grove, that's right, you feel fine, as much as the child wanted. sit on that side, there's a cross there , thank you, come on, come on, come on, not hungry, we flew into space today, mom, i'm for... i need
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to take the drawing, no big deal, we'll take it tomorrow, and it turns out you have a child seat in the car, i didn't notice right away, well, in your condition i wouldn't have noticed either, tell me where you flew, to the moon? no, to mars, it's so red, big, mom, did you know that mars is red, no, i didn't know, very interesting, anna petrovna showed us, and you flew with her, no, with kostya. i wanted to too, but we don't take girls into space, well, that's right, space is a man's business, yes, yes, it's immediately obvious that you have experience communicating with children, well, what is there, that is, how do you feel? well, now it's good, at that moment, i thought my heart would jump out, any adventures would happen.
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it will come to the end, it is impossible, it is impossible to get lost, if mom, if mom is waiting at home, thank you, oh, you know, i'll literally hand lev over to grandma, i'll go back to the office right away, an hour and a half, no more, no need, stay with your son, nothing will fall apart there during the day, maybe it will even be calmer, well and... i'll figure out the fabric somehow, stay at home, mom, can uncle maxim come with us, can you, no, good, uncle maxim, i have to go to work, let's make a deal, i'm going to work now, on saturday you and your mom will come to my daughter's birthday, and we'll fly into space, agreed, okay, agreed, you promise, i promise, thank you very much for your help and everything.
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there's no point in explaining anything to her, everything to yourself on my mind, the gate at my dacha is broken, there is nothing to do in the forest, i have not been able to get there for three weeks, either lev. or the house, or lev, or around the house, and by the way, my heart, hi, we are home, and why are you so early, yes, so you called from kindergarten, imagine, you said that levka has disappeared, and i seem to have thought that oleg, hi, dad, hi, my dear, and today i flew into space, space, wow? look what i brought you, a
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real rocket, wow, what are you doing here, i came to you, go show it to grandma. "i understand everything, but can you tell me more, i don’t want to get divorced, you came then, honestly, i didn't expect it, you still have all of this, that yanka
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i fell in love with, what about an apartment in exchange for children, come on, don't, please, i just want you to come back, jan, well, this is some kind of madness, well, we are a family, we should be together, you and me, children, forgive me, please, does your beloved even know , she doesn't, we broke up, maybe there is no lawyer either, lawyer, i agree, jan, i went too far, but we both said too much to each other, i feel very bad without you, i want you to... i really i'm sorry, i understand, i'm not asking you to decide now, think about it, if you need to, just
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know that i'm really waiting for you, i'm really waiting for you, do you hear me? i'll go, don't be mad at me, i love you very much, very much ! hi, hi, don't make faces!
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i was out for a walk, wash your hands, i'm clean, eat, how was your day, okay, where did you get the bouquet from, dad came, and it's not like we've lost a lion, i mean, i flew into space, yes i did. mom, why are you looking at me like that? you're doing well, i'm doing very well, about the same thing, well, since everyone at home is in a good mood, i have a question for you,
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when are we finally going to the dacha? mom, i 'll sort out my work and we'll definitely go, i promise you, right vital? you love your wife, you loved her, then everything was erased, premiere on rtr, you have a conscience, my ideal husband, what is ideal, where in bed, the most cruel loneliness is heartfelt loneliness, and if it is in this life of happiness, rain at the end of summer. from monday on rtr. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and
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comfort. viksas golf villas and suюt sharmaь sheей. a magnificent world-class golf resort class, surrounded by lush green fields and endless. enjoy the contemporary design of the rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes. sharm el sheikh. gin cnop, a product of stellar group.
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borbon stersman - a product of stellar group. can i? oh, yes, maxim andreevich, come in, of course, i'm here. i see that how is the situation with the fabric? i'm just talking about this, everything is really bad, right? no, no, no, quite the opposite, i decided to study yours in more detail collection, that's what i thought, if we replace the fabric on the jackets with another one with a dirt-repellent impregnation, then the jackets will become more durable, what do you think, i think that this is very good, yes, yes, yes, i... asked to finalize the collection taking into account the new fabric, oh, i like it, and what about this, as
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an option to make the sweaters double-sided, that is , it turns out the idea of ​​​​approving two different fabrics is not so bad after all, well , it turns out something, look, there is also a teenage option, great. let's start with girls, i guess, it's difficult simple, yes, then we'll move on to the boys. do you have all the fittings? no, we don't have anything yet, we need to buy everything, will it be, how much time, not 10, no, here, we've finalized what you requested, there are no such applications on the market yet. exclusive, now it's awesome, yes, great, it's so awesome that
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we'll break even with it, mothers choose children's clothing, which means it should be beautiful, production is not about beauty, and children's clothing is not only about production, tomorrow morning an order by 7:00, no you'll oversleep, but you'll oversleep! hi, hi, and you 've got a new parcel, very original, yes, nastya, i'll get you back in the evening. well, if we make it, maybe, by the way, i read that
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someone was born there just now, and if you don't oversleep, yana vladimirovna, calm down, don't
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worry, everything will be fine. well, what do we have here? ah, thanks to the wonderful ideas. maxim andreevich, we've finished all the sketches, we've already sewn the first batch. quantity, 200 pieces for each model. they're too bold for a trial batch. i'm sure. they'll sell faster than we think. we have a unique trading offer - dirt-repellent fabric. yeah. such suits are more durable than usual, but no less comfortable. yes, they will cost a little more, but not so much as to scare off our target audience, well, if you support, maxim andreevich, i give the go-ahead, that's all, yeah, i also have news, we already have a preliminary request from retail, we will invite them next week, thanks to you,
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we succeeded. we succeeded, but where? i was late, they didn't leave, i took the salary, that's it. well, then we will collect for a year, and what about us can we still? anyway, the guys have an offer, well, they want us to rob another house, well, not your father's, but other people's, then they will pay off our debt, that's normal, no, that's a crime, and stealing from your father is not
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a crime, that's different, you said it yourself, to take back what's yours. and you're suggesting that i go rob complete strangers? listen, how can you not take back what's yours? no, we won't do that, i won't, well then you'll explain it to them yourself when they come, i hope, not to the family, it's really amazing, from zero to... whole collections, well, not exactly from scratch, okay, well, let's say, well, not exactly from scratch, well, the fact that you and i, ugromovo , approved everything the first time, but that's also surprising, yana, let's be informal with you outside the office, and of course,
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listen, i'll tell you honestly, i try to separate work and personal life, but i would like to see you not only in the office, you 'll come with the kids to my daughter's birthday on saturday, you'll come, of course. damn, vital, if you're another moron who decided to take my mother's brain out, you'll have to deal with me, what are you you're talking, come on, apologize, everything's fine, everything 's fine, believe me, it's not like that, i'm maxim, so
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stay away, maxim, i'm sorry, what was that all about? and i have the same question for you: what? was your father not enough? what, forgive me? you haven't really broken up with him, you already have a new one, what's the same thing again? and if not, what's not, if it's not the same thing? how do you know? and how do you know? don't you dare behave like that with strangers, maxim, colleague, you understand, well done, maxim,
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hello, thank you, yes, of course, thank you, ok, looks good, hi, yes, alin, do you happen to know who that woman is, sitting next to maxim, yeah, that you needed information, remembered about a friend, oh, well, please don't be offended, well, you know, all these weeks, well, just on edge, we 've been hanging out here day and night with our collection, but you saw? yeah, i saw, let's do it this way, i'll sort out the work, and you and i will definitely go somewhere together, chat, sit, yeah, okay, okay, especially. you don't care, no one will tell you anything except me, is this his wife, who?


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