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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  August 26, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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i wasn't there, no, of course, well then we need to understand where they are buried, you can make a request, andrey, and we will find out where they are buried, in principle, organize a funeral next to grandfather, let's follow the development of this story, that's all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, please, let's do good anyway, goodbye. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes is live on air about the most important things, we begin with breaking news: the russian army has launched a massive attack on the military and... the energy infrastructure of the kiev
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regime. the attack lasted for several hours straight. the russian aerospace forces worked in two stages. first, they launched dozens of giran-2 drones. then, dozens of t-95 ms strategic bombers took to the skies, and missile carriers of the black sea fleet went out to sea and launched more than 100 cruise and ballistic missiles. the geography of the targets hit is impressive , from kharkov to ivano-frankivsk and from kiev to nikolaev and odessa, a total of 15 regions of ukraine. in kiev itself, at least ten explosions occurred. in this footage, the strike is presumably along the kiev hydroelectric power station dam. they clearly show that at least one cruise missile hit the transformers and destroyed a nearby building. right now , part of kiev is without power and problems with water supply have begun on the right bank, local sources report. and other targets
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hit substations, hubs and distribution stations. gas industry facilities, in particular underground gas storage facilities and pumping stations in western ukraine, were not ignored either. the defense ministry said that all designated targets were hit. ripped off rail transportation of weapons and ammunition to the line of combat contact. footage of the day. watch. this morning , the armed forces of the russian federation launched a massive strike with long-range precision weapons of air and sea -based operational-tactical aviation of the russian aerospace forces, strike unmanned aerial vehicles on a critically important energy infrastructure facility that ensured the operation of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. the objects. the strikes were
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electrical substations in kiev, vinnetskaya, zhitomir, khmelnytskyi, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, mykolaiv, kirovohrad and odessa regions. gas compressor stations in lviv, ivano-frankivsk and kharkiv regions, which ensure the functioning of the gas transportation system of ukraine, were also damaged. in addition, storage sites for aviation weapons transferred to kiev by western countries at airfields in the kiev and dnipropetrovsk regions were damaged for nothing. the ikeyevskaya hydroelectric power station, located in vyshgorod, received critical damage. several mushroom-shaped ob'. eyewitnesses record their own window above the machine room. the station was commissioned in 1972. electric capacity 400 mw. the first stage of the entire dnieper cascade of hydroelectric power plants. judging by the footage, the dam is damaged, the supporting metal structures and concrete debris are engulfed in flames.
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traffic along the dam is blocked in both directions. the russian aerospace forces are striking not only with their precision, but also with their use. after which the object achieves another control flight, this could already be observed in the example of the kiev artem plant, when five shells literally hit the target in a matter of seconds.
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several districts of the ukrainian capital were completely cut off from power supply for the first time in a year, emergency points are opening, tents with heating and generators, in shevchenko's holy. the same situation happened to our colleagues, no offense will be said at the national telethon, they were sitting, sitting and suddenly whoosh and raptom tezh, oh, everything is gone, everything is gone, and this is already kamenets-podolsky, khmelnytsky region, a whole barrage of strategic missiles destination flies on the march towards the western part of ukraine. immediately 10x101 fly so low that the wings, tail unit and turbojet engine can be seen with the naked eye, here i am alone,
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i... as reported by prime minister shmygal, explosions were heard in 15 of the twenty regions of ukraine. energy minister goloschenko admitted that the situation before the coming winter is really terrible. in the nikolaev region, the trikhaty electrical substation was completely destroyed. a column of smoke is visible even from a distance of several dozen kilometers. in odessa , electric transport has completely stopped, in rovno, even the traffic lights do not work, traffic controllers have appeared at intersections. the full scale of the damage is still being assessed, zelensky from the deepest bunker in kiev, counted more than 200 air targets. this was one of
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the largest combined strikes, more than a hundred missiles of different types and about a hundred gyranies. and like most of the previous ones. from kharkov and kiev to odessa of our western regions. according to reports from the ukrainian side, the first to open at dawn air defense positions flew out loitering gerans. then a simultaneous launch of air -launched missiles x101 and sea-launched calibers. the second echelon of strikes on ukraine was carried out by strategic. crews of fighters mik-31k. direct trajectories of hypersonic daggers of supersonic ha-22 indicate that the missiles flew to their targets unhindered. at that moment, kiev's air defense
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was chasing subsonic, but incredibly maneuverable cruise missiles. all designated targets were hit, as a result of which interruptions in the power supply were disrupted railway transportation. in the sumy region near the village of shevchenkova , approximately 30 km from the border , a st-68u radar station was hit with a lancet loitering munition near the village of greitsenkovo ​​in the northwest of sumy
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, a buk-m1 anti-aircraft missile launcher was destroyed by an iskander. reserves and weapon groups of the ukrainian armed forces were hit by our aviation in the vicinity of 16 settlements in the sumy region. this is already footage. from the kursk border area. a su-34 fighter-bomber covered camouflaged positions with aerial bombs militants of the ukrainian armed forces armored vehicles. in total , the kiev regime lost more than 400 soldiers and 27 armored vehicles in the kursk direction in one day. enemy attacks in the direction of the settlements of kremenaya, maloe loknya and nichaya were repelled. in the korenevsky district, the russian army went on the offensive. today, our fighters entered olgovka and recaptured the village center from the ukrainian armed forces. most importantly, we began to squeeze ukrainian militants out of russian soil. the area of ​​occupied territory is decreasing. well, putin's important order following the meeting on the situation in the border regions. ensure
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funding from the federal budget to the territorial defense unit of the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions. in complete darkness , the crews of night hunters are preparing for a combat sortie, engineers with a flashlight check the fuselage and engine operation. in any weather. according to intelligence, the next target was the mobile armored groups of the armed forces of ukraine. the fiery glow from the attack was visible for tens of kilometers. at dawn , a crew of alligator players flew out to hunt for militants, search for and neutralize saboteurs. who are hiding in the forests of the kursk region, units of the ministry of defense, the russian national guard and
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the border service of the psb are conducting the operation. putin assessed the progress of the operation to eliminate ukrainian militants. on saturday, late in the evening, the president heard reports from the commanders of five units that carry out tasks in the territories bordering ukraine. the supreme commander-in-chief studied in detail the situation on the line 40 km from the state border, the enemy's approaches themselves, that is, the one that took place on maktalatilovka, yes, these were specific active actions in case of success.
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theorists of the north group by running fire covered a grad rocket launcher. in this footage , drone operators turn enemy equipment into scrap metal. at least four armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces became the targets of the landsets . another trophy of the bmp was captured by fighters of the ossetian sarmat battalion. and what about where we are in kiev in kharkov? in brussels, we arrived in kursk, in the kursk region. you can rest assured that the buryats are on the spot.
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in the sumy region, russian missilemen burned another american launcher. the strike on the target was carried out by a crew of the iskander operational-tactical complex. a fireball rose above the explosion site. irish battalion fighters burned two bmp and an suv belonging to the militants. black sea fleet marines publish footage of an ambush on terrorists. here the super-assault has come to our land, the outcome is obvious. well, no one will pass us by, marines 810th force, the enemy will be destroyed,
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lancets raided a tank that the militants had camouflaged in a forest belt, in these footage special forces fighters are catching up with ukrainian armed forces vehicles, near the village of nizhnyaya paravaya marines eliminated a reconnaissance group, so how many are there three, now we'll go further. these shots show a shortened american hamvi armored vehicle and a video from the other side. an american tractor based on an abrams tank is evacuating a damaged tunguska denite missile and gun system. ukrainian formations are fleeing to the rear, abandoning the bodies of their dead comrades - our military reports. here, friends, look, the russian army is observing all
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environmental standards, collecting it from our land, ukrainian prisoners who were sent to kiev from an impossible one-way mission claim that they were deceived into service, the district police officer came home, raised the bank, he says: take your passport, let's go, i tell him that i'm not mobilized, well, i can't be sent back to the army, and he says: let's go to the hospital there... we'll decide there, well, like , we'll put a tick so that the military registration and enlistment office won't drag you around anymore, well, they put it, the military registration and enlistment office brought the kiliya one, and there
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the prime minister of lithuania ingrid šimani, during her speech in kiev on the day of the so-called independence of ukraine, called all citizens of russia rusnya. it's not even surprising to hear this from a baltic whore. fashty, they are fashty. in the sense that the prime minister lithuania also insulted
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at least 5% of its own population on the basis of nationality, and at least 23% of the population. estonia and latvia. the yeshimanite citizen did this not in the kitchen, but in public. it's as if, for example, french president macron had called black people the n-word in a public speech. but in europe there is silence, zero reaction. this means that all taboos on dehumanizing russians have been lifted. zelensky also broke the silence regarding the goals of the ukrainian armed forces' invasion of the kursk region. the revelation of the expired was heard in interview. indian media. zelensky said that the attack on kursk is part of a major military-diplomatic operation to seize the initiative on the battlefield. moreover, in the understanding of the sze, terrorist raids into russia should supposedly lead to a just peace. at the same time
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, zelensky did not explain how the crossing of the state border by ukrainian militants is linked to the possibility of ending the war. his office did it for him. kiev is demanding permission from the west for a demonstration strike with storm shadow missiles on moscow and st. petersburg. according to the british guardian, head of the office zermak, assures partners that this could force moscow to agree to end the special operation. white house coordinator kirby confirmed that the us and ukraine are already discussing options for increasing the depth of strikes with american weapons. the us may allow strikes deep into russian territory with its missiles in the very near future. the new york times also reveals polichanelli's secret. the publication claims that washington and london have begun to provide the ukrainian armed forces with up-to-date satellite images of the kursk region. that is, in the west admitted that nato satellites help track the movements of russian
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troops and the location of fortifications.
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all, when you are being followed by a drone, what is perhaps the most important job of what do you think? nothing, the most important thing is speed and professionalism, he says, adding that they also hope that the machine does not break down. since the beginning of the operation in the kurdish region , more and more enemies have appeared.
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since this operation began, it is obvious that ukraine has been striking with systems hymarс on russian territory against moving targets. this implies that there is
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some level of coordination between ukraine and its partners and allies in terms of conducting this operation. i suspect that ukraine is receiving at least some support in conducting this type of operation. a few days after the offensive began, the us and uk provided ukraine with satellite imagery and other information. okursk region, not to help ukraine move deeper into russian territory, but to allow it to commanders better watch for russian reinforcements that could attack them or cut off their possible retreat back to ukraine, two officials said. some u.s. officials say the more land ukraine tries to seize in western russia, the greater the risk of overextending its supply line and air defense umbrella. a new politico article reports that kiev is using its battlefield gains to pressure the u.s. to lift restrictions on long-range weapons before the white house is ready to do that, but is it possible that they will change their mind? at the end of biden's term, i
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highly doubt it, there are still fears that if the ukrainians strike some key target or something that is very important to vladimir putin, he will escalate his attacks. what happens if ukraine continues to advance into russian territory, where does that lead? the challenge is how much territory they take, you have to commit personnel and equipment to hold that territory, and that means that in an intense war, when there are so many ukrainians deployed against russian troops on the eastern front, how can they cover their bases, at some point you will have to choose, and if too many troops are sent to the kursk region, this could weaken their defense along the eastern front, and of course, russia will use this to its advantage. here in belarus they have officially announced that they are starting military exercises.
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the eu, which are part of the committee on political and security issues. france, poland, sweden, denmark are in favor of sending so-called european military instructors, lithuania, latvia, estonia, supported the idea of ​​starting world war iii and the head of the eu military staff, lieutenant general vanderlaan from the netherlands. his voice, as dzewel writes, is almost the most significant, because it is vanderlaan who heads the european commission for training ukrainian troops. the final decision must be made before november, and this is supposedly
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a red line, and they are waiting for the results of the us elections. at the same time, in brussels, right now they are listing the disadvantages of sending western troops to ukraine. the main disadvantage is the russian aerospace forces, which can reach guaranteed. to any point in ukraine with cruise and ballistic missiles, not just missiles. in germany today , panic is again over the russian arlan-10 drones. the dpa agency reports that moscow is allegedly preparing sabotage at the nato airbase in gelsen-kirchner, germany. an awacs aircraft is based there, these are reconnaissance aircraft similar to our awacs. and these aircraft collect intelligence for ukraine, essentially participating. in the war with russia. german security agencies claim that moscow has developed special drones for a hybrid war with the west. they are capable of evading detection systems.
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they are launched only at night, fly at speeds of up to 100 km/h, constantly changing altitude. in general, berlin considers this to be putin's signal to the west. what could happen to nato bases in europe if the alliance sends its troops to ukraine or gives kiev the go-ahead for missile strikes on russia. therefore, the west suggests that ukraine can only rely on the ukrainian armed forces soldiers who are being trained in europe.
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we teach them to counter explosive weapons. today there was a short break in the five-week training course, so that to mark independence day. hundreds of people gathered for the military ceremony, their faces covered to protect their identities. 45,000 ukrainians have trained with allied forces since the russian invasion began two and a half years ago. some have only been in britain for a few days, and here they are undergoing intensive training in the woods. it will be a real taboo-breaking. the eu is going ahead with its plan to send european military trainers to ukraine. the decision to do so must be taken soon. a confidential report is currently circulating in brussels, discussing both the merits of the move and warnings about moscow's reaction. the government in kiev has already made a strong demand for it in an internal letter to the eu's top diplomat, barel. a final
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decision must be made no later than november, and if zelensky's request is approved, eu soldiers will officially be fighting in a war on ukrainian soil for the first time. france is desperate for the europeans to comply with kiev's request and train soldiers in ukraine in addition to the existing training. paris is supported by the baltic states, poland, denmark and sweden. at the same time, the head of the general staff of the european union, lieutenant general michel vanderlaan, spoke out in favor of it several weeks ago.
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the city of flensburg, in the state of schleswick holstein, is investigating an incident with unidentified drones flying over an industrial area. since at least august 8 , drones have been flying at high speed over the area where the shut-down nuclear power plant is located in flensburg, a liquefied natural gas terminal and chemical plants, according to the preliminary version of the special services, drones over flensburg can be launched by russian agents of ships in the north sea for sabotage purposes, it is assumed
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that with a range of 500-600 km at a speed of more than 100 km / h. here it is, this is a nato military base, we have to keep a certain distance from it, at first we drove right up to the gates of the air base, but we were quickly turned away, it is immediately noticeable that the base personnel were alerted, this base is incredibly important in the context of the war in ukraine, this is not all never officially confirmed, but in recent months nato reconnaissance aircraft awaks very... often flew on missions near the border of ukraine, from this base. the intelligence data they collected there is sometimes directly transmitted to ukraine, and sometimes first to the americans and from there to the ukrainians. the russians are behind all this, we must be very careful and must do everything in our power to prepare as best we can for a repeat of such sabotage. so what is the kremlin's goal? there are two topics being discussed in europe now: striking across russian territory by western long-range
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missiles. the front line is approaching. the next in line are evacuations from populated areas, to which mirnohrad, where two districts are already closed to civilians, no longer runs public transport, the hospital is closed, the police are helping to search.
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pokrovsk and, no less importantly, the liberation of novogrodovka will create a threat to the ukrainian armed forces group in selidovo, that is, donbass is turning into a falling house of cards for kiev. the front is collapsing in several directions, heavy fighting continues in the kharkov direction. the northern group of troops is advancing in the leptsy area. then there is a direct road to kharkov. let's bring at night... the nights in the north of the kharkov region are hot now, we drive in while the sun has not yet risen completely, around 4 am, so there is a better chance to slip by unnoticed, unnoticed, turn on the rap, the group leader anton commands to turn on the rap, when we approach
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the village, our guides in leptsy, scouts of the first battalion of the operational... this is the landing site, according to preliminary data from fap-3000.300, this is what the russians said, they hit something like a fap 3000. yes, yes, this is according to the russian federation, but as we can see, judging by the size of the crater itself, it looks more like a fab 1.5, fab 1000. fab 1000.
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from the cold war into one of the most powerful weapons in the war against ukraine. let's see how such gliding bombs work. these bombs are carried by su-34 and su-35 fighters of the russian armed forces, of which the russian air force has a huge number. here is some information about these gliding bombs. they weigh from 500 to 3.00 kg. has range of 50-70 km, it all depends on the altitude and speed of the fighter jet when the bomb is released, because it has no thrust of its own, so the bomb glides to the target on its own. the effect in this case is enormous. on the ground, the explosion will have
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a radius of 500 to 900 m. fighters can carry up to four such bombs, they are very cheap. such a bomb costs an average of $ 25,000. the russian armed forces have thousands of them, they are cheap to produce and they work. drones play a critical role in the ukrainian defense of chasyy yar. despite the terrible scenes, these people are trying to hold the clock. it is still a city, there are buildings and basements that provide better defensive positions than pole, and it is very important to preserve it, because behind there are cities like konstantinovka and then druzhkovka. these people are providing defense of chas vyara on the ground. they have just returned from the front line will rest for a few days. the russians continue.
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emmanuel macron has just said that the arrest of pavel durov is not a political matter at all, language france, a model of freedom of speech and rule law. the founder of telegram has been detained as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. pavel durov is charged with everything possible at once: terrorism, drugs, fraud, distribution of child pornography and
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money laundering. sumar nadurov could face up to 20 years in prison, although it is obvious that he was not detained for drug trafficking or child pornography. this is a pretext, but not a reason. france is trying to interfere with telegram's work to restrict freedom of speech. paris is likely demanding access to all correspondence and conversations in messenger. give control over cryptocurrencies. also. ban anonymous channels, this is just an assumption. the hearing on durov's case is expected to take place tomorrow. the paris prosecutor's office was informed that the telegram founder could remain in custody until august 28. the case against him was opened on july 8, and he has been charged with twelve counts. allegedly, durov is being questioned as part of an investigation against an unnamed person who has committed numerous cybercrimes. the investigation was initiated by the cyber unit, the department
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for combating organized crime. mead france refused to comment on the detention of pavel durov, allegedly so as not to affect the independence of the judicial system. brussels also kept mum. the european commission, which recently went into hysterics over the law on agents adopted by georgia, said that this is a national matter for france. it is important to understand that durovo really does have a french passport, so he cannot be exchanged or extradited to russia. it is sad that at the beginning of the summer durov praised france as the best place for a vacation, now he is convinced, what the alluring crunch of a french bolka brings. durov's arrest is a signal to everyone that there is nowhere to run. in a foreign land, even if the person who gave you a passport from the lord's shoulder, it is better to sit and not yelp, otherwise they will put you in a government house. they will take everything away, it is clear that
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senior overseas comrades are behind the french special services. peskov, putin's press secretary , said that it is necessary to wait for specific charges to be brought against durov before making official statements. well, in the russian segment of the internet they recall zhirinovsky's prophecy from 2018. vladimir volfech called on durov to stop hanging around abroad and return to his homeland. but durov did not listen to him. as soon as pavel durov left the plane, he was arrested by the french police, after which the founder and ceo of telegram was taken into custody. an arrest warrant was issued against the thirty-five-year-old russian-french billionaire in connection with the encryption of his messenger. according to the french authorities , telegram is used for money laundering, drug trafficking, the transmission of criminal content, and sexual exploitation. minors. these violations were
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the result of a lack of content moderation, for which durov faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. french authorities suspect him of failing to take the necessary steps to prevent telegram from being used for criminal purposes. telegram's administration issued a statement, which, as you might guess, says that messenger complies with eu laws, which it contains.
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expressed his support by publishing several posts called the arrest a frightening trend. view for the future in europe, 2030. you will be executed for liking an internet meme. ramble ceo chris pavlovsky said on social media that france had threatened his
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company, and called aristurov for crossing a red line. i am a little late in reacting, but there are reasons for that. i have just safely left europe. france threatened ramble, and now it has crossed a red line by arresting telegram ceo pavel durov for refusing to introduce censorship. ramble will not tolerate such relations, and we will fight with all our might available means for freedom of expression and human rights. right now we are fighting in the courts of france and we hope that pavel durov will be released without delay. many influential french people use his app, for example, the president of france.
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there are those who say that durov was arrested because he does not allow the french authorities to spy on citizens, but i would point out that it is easy to spy on people in general. but it is also easy to say that pavel durov should be arrested, it is like arresting the head of the french postal service for the fact that his office receives letters supporting terrorism or crimes against children, so a balance must be found, if the persecution of pavel durov continues, it will definitely be a huge case,
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similar to the edward snowden case or the cases of people arrested for freedom of speech, like the julian assange case, an independent candidate. robert kennedy jr., realizing that he has no chance of winning, supported trump's candidacy. he says that he shares donald's desire to end the war in ukraine, along with him speaks out against censorship. american freedom of speech robert kennedy jr., has had his fill. he said on fox news that he was not allowed on any tv channel except fox. and now kennedy jr. is for trump. he also said that he supports the slogan. can predetermine the outcome of the us presidential elections in november. kennedy has 5-6% support in the swing states. and with them, trump will bypass
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his rival harris, who just managed to break ahead. at least, according to polls by pro-democratic media, according to data. in national polls by one and a half percent for the first time in 11 months. before that, joe biden had beaten trump in the polls almost a year ago, on september 11 , 2023. and since then, donald has never lost his lead. elon musk believes that trump will save democracy and america. and president kamala will be a disaster for the united states. donald himself recorded his opponent as a communist, now they call her comrade kamela harris, but in american social networks she is compared to hitler. this is how they inserted into the video of the democrat's dance flash mob fuhrer of the third reif. it turned out to be quite organic. against this background, another blow to the camli was dealt from ireland. it turned out that
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the indian woman harris, who identified herself as... an american, a descendant of a slave owner, in order to attract votes from black voters, her great-grandfather hamilton brown moved from ireland to jamaica and made a fortune trading slaves on local sugar plantations, while the ancestor, supposedly colored harris, was an ideological supporter of slavery, who resolutely opposed its abolition, a real democrat. with a man named hamilton brown, born in the balimanya area in 1776, later emigrating to jamaica. today we
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celebrate our long-standing relationship and the pride americans feel in their irish roots. in the mid-19th century, thousands of irish immigrants flocked, i will mention here. to the independence of the united states, the city of brownstown in jamaica is named after him, he is buried in st. mark's anglican church, which
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was built with his money. kamal's father , harris donald, has already confirmed this family connection connection, but here come the dark details: in jamaica, hamilton brown was a fairly well-known fisherman and an anti -slavery advocate. brown was a supporter of slavery and hated william wilders, an abolitionist who proposed a bill. on the register of works to stop the robot trade between different islands in the caribbean. brown called him a cloven-hoofed and a hypocrite. brown received 11 million euros in compensation from the british government for the robes by today's standards. it follows from the records kept in archives of university college london. this is the compensation the british empire paid after the abolition of slavery in 1833. the british spent 20 million euros on it then.
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we are not very proud and we cannot blame kamela or her family for what hamilton brown did, we have no evidence of this story, several hundred years have passed, and i think today everything is just seen in a different light, which is why we would be happy to welcome her to the homeland of her ancestors, but is this the homeland of her ancestors? one expert in the field of genealogy expressed doubt about the method of research, and another historian said that a test would be needed to answer the question. donald harris writes my great-grandmother on my father's side miss krishi, née christiana brown, then hamilton
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brown, who went down in history as a plantation and slave owner, and the founder of brownstown, and on my mother's side miss iris. she was a beloved indian and hindu, a prosecutor, attorney general and senator, now she's black, but you know, i saw her father, he's a worthy. gentleman, professor harris, she can't be called black because professor haris says he is of european descent, a mix of irish and indian. she was born in the same hospital as my ex -wife in the same year, my late mother-in-law was a paediatric nurse there when kamala was born, there is a little mix-up on her birth certificate which was due to a mistake. her birth certificate says her mother is european, originally from india, and her religion is hinduism. and her father's birth certificate doesn't have his nationality, religion, nothing, in the nationality column they put the country of origin, the email by mistake. kamela haris
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has never publicly stated her ties to northern ireland, we asked her campaign team to comment, but they did not respond to our request. the european union is responding to today's massive airstrike on ukraine. shared previous deliveries, we can easily assume with you , the european commissioner for foreign affairs, where we can assume, judging by what happened today, because if you believe zelensky, and you can't believe him, naturally, 126 missiles. our aerospace forces launched a missile strike on military energy infrastructure facilities, zelensky always lies about twice as much, that is
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, there were probably about 70 missiles, which is also not a small number, we are moving to the front, military correspondent georgy medvedev is on a direct line with us, hello, we are glad to welcome you, of course, we cannot talk about any turning point while the barbarian tramples russian soil in the kursk region, but nevertheless, notes of optimism, judging by the reports, are appearing. there is none, the enemy continues to work in small groups, but the russian army, accordingly, it works to identify and eliminate these groups, in the karinevsky district, battles are actually currently taking place in the area of ​​karinev itself, krasnooktyabrsky and
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komarovka in the sudzhansky district , a fierce clash also continues. over the past 24 hours, information has been received about the liberation of several settlements at once from the enemy, in particular , algovka, oborka, just the day before our broadcast, information was received that russian troops liberated the settlement of nizhnyaya parovaya from the enemy, and footage the corresponding ones have already been published by our fighters, a separate special forces battalion arbat issued a statement from there and confirmed that the settlement had been liberated from enemy forces, the situation, i repeat , is difficult, but the enemy's attempts to somehow advance, controlled by our army, are currently being stopped. just now a message came in that ukraine announced the forced evacuation of 27 settlements at once on the territory of the dpr controlled by kiev, these are the selidovskoye and konstantinovskoye territorial communities,
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including the city itself. what would that mean? well , the enemy's hope that an attack on the kursk region would force us to curtail the offensive in the donbass territory did not fully justify itself, here the advance of our troops was going and is developing and the situation here is entirely controlled by our troops, the initiative is entirely with the russian military, if we try to give some kind of short summary, then for example in... in yar, fighting continues in the eastern in the eastern part of the oktyabrsky microdistrict, in addition, they continue clashes are being recorded on the approaches to grigorovka, our units are advancing in the toretsk direction, the city itself from the east and south, our fighters are entering there, every day the enemy is losing more and more positions, the situation there is certainly not enviable, battles are taking place in
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the settlements of druzhba, nelepovka, a whole list of directions throughout the territory of the donetsk people's republic, where our offensive has been going on before, and it continues to develop. in the epicenter of attention, of course, today one of the key, or rather one of the key points is konstantinovka. and there are battles going on in the area of ​​the ugledar-konstantinovka highway. positive reports are coming from the ugledar direction itself. the enemy is constantly retreating, constantly losing positions, retreating, most likely. there is every reason to believe that after he loses the key lines of defense at the moment, he will go to large settlements, to large cities, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, the most important thing is that at the moment really the initiative is entirely in the hands of the russian army and the enemy's plans to disrupt our advance have not been successful, indeed, let's not get ahead of ourselves, we are watching, keeping our fingers crossed for our soldiers,
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georgy medvedev, war correspondent, live from the front line . please. well, it evokes a feeling of deep satisfaction, the first blow of retaliation for kursk, the first, i am sure, not the last. we talked in this studio about the fact that the blow must be effective, therefore it was well prepared by those who hurried the supreme commander-in-chief. we see that the strike is absolutely effective, all missiles reached their targets. this is especially important at a time when the west is discussing the possibility of giving ukraine the right to strike russia with long-range missiles. in this regard, we must remember that the president warned that the answer for this would not be ukraine, but its western masters. today's events have shown that the president's words do not diverge from his actions. let them think again about the possible
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consequences for themselves. in general, dear friends, today is a big holiday. so. today 235 years have passed since the adoption of the declaration of the rights of man and the citizen, adopted by the french national assembly . this. sincerely adhere to liberal principles, this is what can be pressed to influence western governments, my friends, after snowden, assange, durov, what kind of talk can there be about
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freedom of speech, about a serious perception of freedom of dissemination of information in the west, freedom of elections, but if we remember the same france, then we remember that there was such a wonderful person.
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i didn't call all lithuanians, but specifically this bitch, a labushika and i don't know, there's a white-eyed chukhny, yes, but i would have been accused of
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a terrible violation of political correctness, and here everything is fine, no, because you would have told the truth, well listen, but here, here in this case there is no reaction, no european commission, what political correctness, what reaction you... history: here was the convention of the democratic party of the usa. what was the main word there? freedom, freedom. moreover, a song, a special freedom, it has now become the anthem of kamala harris in the upcoming elections. but the republicans write to the california attorney general, kamala harris, the number of prisoners in this state.
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western liberalism is to ensure the dominance of anglo-american financial capital, that's it, this is the real unchangeable content, everything else changes, the liberals, being in power at the beginning, in the middle of the last century, treated representatives of the lgbt community with electric shocks, now they are promoting them, tomorrow the political situation will change, they will start treating them again... or with electric shocks, this is everything is superficial, the main thing, the only meaningful thing is: they are deadly, without regard for any victims, they will fight for the dominance of anglo-american financial capital,
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anglo-american banks of the world economy, this is the ideology of liberalism. let's go back, you love your wife, you loved, then everything as power. into the wall of the prime minister on rtr, you have a conscience, my ideal husband, in what is ideal, where in the beds of the nymphet, the most cruel loneliness is ... heart loneliness, and is there any in this life happiness, rain at the end of summer, today on rtr, rest is to leave yourself alone, rest is not... not to think about anything
7:33 pm
when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about rest. anex. a hotel for unforgettable impressions. rixsus sharmaьsheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day: year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaьsheikh is not just a rest, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for admiration. good morning, dear comrades. listen to radio mayakak,
7:34 pm
we are starting a concert at the request of workers in the rabochikh polozh. when you come home from school, please your neighbors. to all those who are waiting for new hits from vladimir matetsky, they answer: it's not evening yet. now is not the time for food, it's time for spiritual search. time passes, meanwhile. they will order olga to make tea. good evening, this is your music, your letters and your congratulations. here is a new day on radio mayak. so says the lighthouse. tomorrow we have a mother's court. god, how i want to go there. admit it, you did it on purpose so that we were not fooled. wish map. premiere on
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saturday on rtm. no need to make an appointment with him. joke. he will come to your home himself. we are starting. he will always help. we will train, how to walk on ice correctly. he will always tell you. how to increase low blood pressure. how can an air freshener lead to asthma. how to take medicine correctly? he will always support. a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i do not advise you to do this, a doctor who can be trusted 100%. will be for you happiness, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but health will definitely improve. doctor myasnikov on
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saturday on rtr, this is my service dog, it's time for big premieres on rtr, they work in pairs, where you search, search, here they are alone, one listens, the other eavesdrops, something bad is happening, we'll cope, yes, one sniffs, the other... watches, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one digs, the other digs, look, we found a corpse, they are catching criminals together again, there are many suspects, but you need to be alone, please, no amateur performance, a lady with doggie, new trail, i'm coming with you, no objections, siri with me. coming soon on rtr.
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aircraft weapons have been destroyed at airfields in the kyiv and dnipropetrovsk regions . we are talking about long-range missiles of western manufacture, which kyiv also uses for terrorist attacks, our defense ministry reports. and zelensky acknowledged the damage to many energy infrastructure facilities. according to him, at least 127 missiles and 109 drones were involved in the attack. one of the fattest targets was the kyiv hydroelectric power station. the deputy head of the ukrainian foreign ministry said sibiga. according to ukrainian propagandists , the attack hit the machine room, meaning the power plant was probably put out of action for a long time. part of kiev and many regional centers were left without power, against this background, the propagandist of the german bilt, julian röbki, mocks the forecasts of his western colleagues, who
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fantasized that the russians were about to run out of missiles. the german doubted the manual. quote: either we defeat them, or they... drones and missiles struck various regions of ukraine. more than a dozen russian bombers took to the skies this morning to launch cruise missiles. at the time of the attack , information emerged that drones were also flying toward ukraine. it was one of the most massive
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russian strikes on ukraine in recent times. what can you tell us about that. the strike itself was complex, since russia used a mix of different.
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nato and european instructors to ukraine, that it suddenly happened in such a way that they started talking about it publicly? yes, zhenya, it is indeed news that the newspaper was the first to report,
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sources close to the dossier confirmed that the question of participation in sending western instructors to ukraine will indeed be discussed next week first by the minister. of course, in public opinion, because naturally, for the population, sending trained military instructors to ukraine will be, rather, the first step towards full-scale participation in military actions of eu countries. according to sources of the german
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newspaper, the participants in the future negotiations were divided. so, in the camp, those who are for sending. france - the baltic countries, denmark, sweden, they express, so to speak, support for this. malta, slovenia, austria, germany, this is actually despite the fact that it is at polish and german training grounds that ukrainian soldiers have been undergoing their training for a long time. according to the same publication, the initial decision will be made no later than the end of november, that is , they still took time to think and prepare a consensus, because. indeed, the adoption of such a decision will have consequences, most likely for the situation that is unfolding in general, for the role there is on international arena, well, basically. countries must decide, they are trying to decide how, how to act in a situation when it seems
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like it is necessary to support a partner who is drowning, but at the same time avoid direct escalation with russia, this is exactly what those countries that are against sending are afraid of. zhenya, an interesting statement was made in kiev regarding the formation of several mechanized brigades from those ukrainians who left for europe. you have where you are, in rome, the khilants, the... ukrainians, several tens of thousands, does rome know anything about this? this is a brilliant idea to scrape the bottom of the barrel, rather the consulates, this is of course out of desperation, because firstly, those who came here to europe and feel great here, living and eating european benefits, of course, very often fled from ukraine from those zones where they did not even hear the sounds of air raid sirens.
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how are they going to do all this with a stick or a carrot, how will they act? as a stick, of course, the ukrainian consulates will act, i will generally remind you that in april an attempt to calculate the scale, so to speak, of those who fled from ukraine and settled here in europe, the ukrainian consulate took action back in april, when men of draft age were denied consular services, then, however , this decision was slightly corrected, if you want to receive some kind of service, please bring your military id, that is, in essence , register. in general, we'll see, eh, the most interesting thing is what will happen as a bonus, salary,
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warm uniform, so far ukraine has nothing to offer, because we all understand, patriotic arguments: come back home defend your homeland, they haven't worked yet. thank you very much, asya, from the country of the conquerors of the sea, coffee and wine, our delightful asya yemelyanova is on the line, please, you know, that's it. it's interesting that this woman from lithuania, when she spoke at this event, that's how we found out that she was a woman, in one, but she is a woman, you used a different word there, but still i suggest that in russia we should be with cultured and decent people, so it's interesting that she is on a par with russians, installed electricity and gas, said, we will be from russians, but with electricity and gas, that's all. there is some kind of freudian trauma, because the same lithuania
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has not received any energy resources from russia for a long time, and in general europe, as we know, has greatly reduced purchases, but still there is this horror in the head, so we will manage, we will not manage, we can, we will not, and there is an element of such constant self-hypnosis, there no, we will manage, no, we will be without russian gas and electricity, but somehow we will live, but from its point of view...
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it is acquired on paper, accordingly, it will also become significantly more expensive, and in winter this will be, to put it mildly, an unpleasant factor, while russia, let's pay attention, does not touch ukraine's nuclear facilities, i think this is very important, because yes, this is not, in fact it is important, well, i am convinced that ukraine will return to the topic of attacks on our nuclear power plants, unfortunately, i think that they will receive permission for long-range missiles, but this is our position, i think, i should arrive
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at the kurdish station tomorrow, he has already expressed concern about the drone attacks that took place, what the president is talking about... a couple of hours, well, about an hour out of those two hours, the air -raid siren sounded, yes, all of this, all of this is not a joke , in this regard, i still hope that, well , it is clear that we perceive grossi as a cardboard figure, but nevertheless, if he still wants to preserve the magate at least as some kind of influential organization, of course, then going to kiev, and he wanted to go to kiev, he we can also say that it may be pointless to explain all of this to zelensky, but nevertheless, nevertheless, he is obliged to record the problems that exist, and a few words about the situation with durov, why, because well, it is really extremely offensive to see how european values, classical values, the europeans themselves are sending to the trash can, for this morat
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died, i remember how in the late eighties... in the early nineties, those politicians in russia, who for some strange coincidence began to be called liberals, all the time quoted voltaire, these famous words that i do not i agree with your beliefs, but i am ready to give my life for your right to express them, he also said something else, you know, at the end of candida, that same voltaire, that everyone should cultivate their own garden, here macron cultivates, yes, we remember the words of borel about the garden, about the beautiful, beautiful garden. which must be cultivated, but in fact i looked specifically at the reviews here, like ekaterina, a circle of voltaire lovers, reviews, reviews of relaxants, that is, those who left russia, do not agree with the policy of the russian authorities, most of them supported, arrest the fool, they said, right, of course, he does not help us fight putin, we need to arrest him, that is, what values ​​are you talking about in this situation and this offense
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of macron is done, it is of course simply amazing, and voltaire was replaced. with feltwebel, unfortunately, in this regard, that is, double standards, this logic, this is different, they unfortunately dominate enormously in modern europe. well, and the last, briefly, still positive about values: the german football championship has begun, the club borussia dortmund, i once said, for the first time in the entire history of germany , they found a new title sponsor, it is the military concern ratel, this has never happened before, so there were still fans who... held a rather serious action over the weekend, saying that this does not correspond to the values ​​of german society, well, i hope that there will still be more such adequate people in europe. please, and regarding the news in the western segment that europe is now deciding whether to send military specialists or not send, yes, to help ukraine. what would i
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like to draw attention to? well, first of all, we all understand perfectly well that military specialists or... instructors, yes, or as we call them mercenaries or volunteers, it doesn't matter, there are already plenty of them in ukraine, and there have never been any restrictions either from the ukrainian or the western side to have fewer of them, so in this news the important thing is not the essence of the presence of military instructors, it doesn't matter whether it's official or unofficial, nothing changes on the battlefield from this, what's important is the statement itself, that they did it, you need to understand why? they did it, why did they do it now, who did it, that is, i see here that they are preparing public opinion for something, for something connected specifically with the participation, possibly of european military in this conflict, that's the same thing, here's the news, you asked your colleague correctly, the news
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is that mechanized brigades in the european union will allegedly be assembled from ukrainians, several months. to enter the territory of ukraine on such a large scale, since this war, it, well, we often said there that the americans will fight until the last ukrainian, here i do not agree, that is, until the territory of ukraine is completely under our control, there when the ukrainians run out, and this is already in principle in the long term approximately we see yes, that the outcome is clear, then the poles,
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the balts, the czechs and the like, the romanians will begin, so i think we are counting on this, but we need to prepare. public opinion, the information field, yes, because the blue helmets or peacekeepers, they may no longer work, because there is quite it is clear which countries make decisions, and this is an official organization. european western countries, here under a foreign flag, under the ukrainian flag, yes, these are mechanized brigades of those who lived in europe, why not, and the fact that they speak there in romanian, in polish, well, and the polish language, it is generally very similar to ukrainian, so this may well be so, this is regarding this news, about the fact that on the day, so to speak, of ukraine's independence, they spoke. let's say, representatives of poland and lithuania, yes, this woman is strange, that 's why they are like this there and duda also said a lot of things about our address, he says, when
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the russians run, i'll call zelensky and ask him, yes, yes, not to finish them off, zelensky said, you know, mr. duda, my phone may be turned off, sick people, there's a moment here , that is, they are so bold, that is, they are like this, in the open air, where are these russian daggers, yes, we had an exchange with russia that day, that is, most likely, of course, and the option was discussed that we would not be in this day to strike no blows, we struck them today, we'll be back, i love you, and i you, it's good that we're sitting, let's run, let's run, the premiere is on prt. "you're so reliable, not petrush, did he call someone again? well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskoy, i know
7:55 pm
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moscow time 20:00, the main topics are clear, it's time to present them. big news on the air, igor kozhevin in the studio, hello. strike of retaliation, at least 15.


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