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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 31, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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which she creates, well, in my opinion, it's not such a difficult question, you know, in hockey you can also sometimes win, everything happens, okay, the amount in the bank hasn't changed, show me, the jackpot is 60 thousand rubles, there is a chance to rehabilitate, to avenge sasha, for sasha, let's have all four of you in the next round of our wonderful program, five against one, what... let's go, the fourth round is a round of video questions, the tv viewer asks his own question, but first let's get to know him, let's play against you alena dolgopolova, she is 32 years old, she from the city of zelenograd, alena's hobbies are traveling and learning foreign languages, the money will be spent on cultural events, this is an interesting formulation, a cultural disco. the question of the fourth round alena
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samaeva will ask you, well, please, come on alyonochka, what does the italian expression mean, to make a shoe, what to do, time to make a shoe, to make a shoe, she says, they have such an expression to make a shoe, i think it is an analogue, but they do not make a shoe analogue of the british to leave, to leave in english to leave without saying goodbye, no, it is connected with food, with food, yes, yes, yes, spastoy, with pasta, listen to nadar, i already told you, the only person who generates. with pasta is connected with with this too or with pizza to make a shoe - it's not the same as you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and you ran no no this is how waiters express themselves yes no - well waiters also run away run away without paying no good with food well with food is connected with food is connected yes yes with home cooking or or it doesn't matter outdrink outdrink. someone a little i don't
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get it i made a shoe a little today this is to cook it perfectly well that's right no no no no not like that and a shoe means a shoe and not something shoe-like and by the way i don't know why the etymology is not clear to me honestly look and that is not connected in any way with a shoe yes that is inexplicable but can you can you can this is when you completely ate the whole dish completely finished eating so cleaned the plate completely climbed out climbed out. very close, but it's close, it's close, it's close, it's all sat down to eat, fingers peeled off, bread, bread you'll lick, that's the most delicious thing that can be when you you eat it with bread, this is this, a piece of bread, it's called a shoe, that's right, zhenya, and you can do it again...
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a salad with good oil, there are tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and there's this left, you dip this in there. yes, well, show the answer on the screen, alena will tell it to you herself. to collect the remains of the sauce from the plate with a piece of bread after eating, a great answer, but it started with you, yes, thank you that it's about food, in italian it's called feral scarpetta, which means to pick up the remains of the sauces from the plate, with a piece bread, or this pizza crust here.
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but what about us, eh, like many people think this is like, well, it's wrong, yeah, this is a real tradition, yeah, you show the chef that it was delicious for you, and you go into the kitchen like this, right in front of your eyes, like this, yeah, by the way , i had a case once, let me tell you for a minute in italy - in some small town, it's crazy. there, of course, are these incredibly delicious restaurants, especially these small, home-made ones, and i remember i was so hungry, and what happens when you very hungry, you order a lot, and i ordered one, a second, a third dish, it was very tasty, but i couldn’t , some other dish, well, i just couldn’t, well , what do you think, it turns out the cook, the cook is really angry, that is, they brought it to him, when the waiter took it away, i say, that’s it, thank you, no, he comes with this plate, ate it
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, ate it some more, he really, well, he really upset me. by the way, they have a lot of these rituals , it’s obligatory to twirl a napkin, to sort of demonstrate that it was tasty for you and to wash out and so on, and the gesture, and what a gesture, you know what gesture in italy, when they say that something is very tasty, what, no, it's just buana, not just buana, but buanistimo, it's very like this, this is just a must, i'll have to try it in italy, three hints - we had it, here's the first one. did you get to it or not, i don't remember, yes, well, well, yes, the kitten licks its paw, licks the plate, yes, and hint number two, what a wonderful kitten, yes, bread hospitality, bread, yes, exactly a piece of
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bread, the third hint, the society of pure plates, by the way, does this mean something, yes, when it's like that, either i'm done, or vice versa, i didn't like it. yes, be careful with things like that, especially in other countries, many russians stack cutlery like that, and it can signal the wrong gesture to give to the same boss, show me the jackpot, 80 thousand
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rubles, there's a chance to get to a nice round sum, as sasha calls it statysh statysya, statysh as deshinda. today yes there is in the fifth round of our program, i'm announcing it right now, the fifth round will be played by someone from your friends or colleagues, let's look at the screen and find out who, viktor soltykov, will donate the winnings to charity, viktor writes to us. what are you ready for? attention to the screen, question from viktor soltykov. who replaced the old dogs in one of the brazilian prisons at the time? chief jailer, is this an animal? no , yes, snakes, no, crocodiles, spiders, monotypic,
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monkey, parrot, parrot, no, they fly, what a great guy you are, well at least... well, if these are bats, no, let's do it this way, and bats, insects, no, mammals, no, not a mammal, why a reptile, a crocodiles zhenya, a flightless bird, zhenya, a rooster, a chicken, a turkey, no, no, a rooster, no, a pheasant, no, a peacock, no, so what? a flightless bird, i'll say, these no, these no, and this one, these birds don't fly, no, these specifically don't fly, but in general they fly yes, what do these mean, these don't fly replaced, they don't fly, bird, grandmother, bird-grandmother,
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famous geese, lived usi, absolutely right, geese, yes, yes, yes, show the answer on the screen, geese, absolutely right, geese, this is very careful, very such a bird, sensitive, i was at the dawn of my career. after the ural polytechnic, i worked in a design bureau, there were different levels of access, there was a certain secrecy, everything was encrypted, the passes were stamped with the seal of different animals, a dog, there was also some kind of parrot there and so on and so forth, that's the highest level of secrecy, the highest clearance, it was a goose, because a goose
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is the most cautious, the most attentive bird, and what kind of department was it and timid, they scream, and you now, if i'm afraid, now i'll also say... right after, but that was a long time ago, that was probably 20 years ago, how old am i, oh my god, so, according to the management, geese are more effective in terms of security and places of residence, and most importantly, their maintenance bypasses... cheaper than keeping dogs, as it turns out, geese have keen hearing, the birds immediately start screaming loudly upon hearing extraneous noise, the guards of the correctional facility understand that an emergency has occurred, they come running and accordingly feed the geese, but the prisoners are not fed, they are not fed, and after that some time, month, three clues, the first one was transparent, probably too transparent, really there lived two cheerful geese at grandma's, one gray, the other white, so the second one. i should have started with it, and what is it? of course, it's an ostrich, and you definitely don't remember this
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story, it's called a goose, look, here 's another kind of mixer, if you remember, even in soviet apartments it was much more like this, it was long so that it could be turned into the sink, yes, it was called not at all, people know, no goose it was called, like a gander, gander, gander, yes, this crane line was called. that's exactly how we have a pig here, it 's crossed out not a pig, any animal is not
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a pig, well come on sasha, then you announce it, we have 100,000 in the bank now, we 'll play out this beautiful, round sum of 100,000 rubles in a few minutes, the final right after the commercial, don't switch under any circumstances. here, this is for you, are you happy? do you know who i am? unfortunately, yes, i want you to understand that everything is serious with us, we're expecting a child, you understand, let him go, olga gros'ko, ilya noskov, i won't forgive myself if i don't try to fight, i'll get you back and i don't care what you think about it, wish map, premiere today on rtr. we invite
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you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all -inclusive basis. give yourself a vacation where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. the sharmel sheikh hotel is your perfect place in the heart of the city.
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titanic luxury collection, the sun has disappeared days, the birds have flown away, the last day of summer, we see it off, we welcome autumn. alexey and igor barabash, what talented daddy did you hide? and the jackpot is, show me 100,000,
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100,000 rubles. in the final, the rules are slightly different than before, nadar, first of all i tell you, look, each of you will now play for 15 seconds, we'll start with zhenya, then you, then andrey lvovich, zhenya, when we get to sasha, still, if there is no correct answer, you can all discuss for 15 seconds together, approximately, that is, as it was in the third round only. a little bit each, let's look at the screen and choose the viewer who can become 100,000 richer today. oh, alina kuzina, 26 years old, city of novosibirsk, and what is it, oh, yes, what kind of reaction is this, today you have like this, like this, we are still x's, that's what they call us, we show hearts, old men, although alina is only 26 years old, like this shows incorrectly, how to show correctly, like this, no, like this, like this, like this, like this somehow
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, come on, second, come on, no, well these like this they show, wait. let's start, yes there will be a question about dancing, pay attention to the screen, in south korea there is a competition where you have to do nothing, how do they determine the winner, time, and how do they determine it, it is connected with time there, well somewhere yes somehow it is connected with time, who
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will do something longer or shorter, no, no, that's not it, nadar the number of people from the number it happens in nature it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it is connected somehow with computer games no they don't do anything you need to understand who won-they forced to leave the place of the game for necessity , for example, the audience falls asleep or they fall asleep no, not like that but not close. no way, they do nothing, no, there is a definition, well, somehow you have to win, you have to understand who won, here are the five of you doing nothing, yes, yes, yes, who, who of you does nothing the best, nonsense, of course, but maybe you have to look, if there is a web that a spider has woven between people, it means that he
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did nothing to people, no, no, not like that, that is, this is some kind of external external resemblance, not external, the person fell asleep. no, i already said yes, how do you determine, well, how do you determine, when the moss is covered, no, maybe, who laughed first, no, relatives come, they say, we lost you, no, more, we congratulate 1000 rubles, goes, what did you do and won 100,000, well , a good question, a good question, good, yes, our answers were not bad, the answers were excellent, it seems to me that your answers were even better than well... they do nothing, how do you understand who of you is the best, they did nothing, they themselves say internally, you are great, no, something should appear flying above him, a bee, a fly, no, no, if flies land on a person, it means the person has a bad
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character, no, well, in general, there are none, well , that is, this is this. this is not an external sign, look, this somehow needs to be measured, oh, temperature, no, not temperature, this pulse, that 's right, just by pulse, well, simple, the answer is really simple, show it on the screen, that is, the lower the pulse, the more stable the pulse, and a stable pulse, well, a slow pulse, a measured pulse, the winner is the one with the most stable pulse, for 90 minutes the participants of the competition must demonstrate maximum. calm, the organizers strictly monitor this, periodically measuring everyone 's pulse rate. the audience chooses the 10 best contestants, but the winner is the one whose heartbeat was the most stable, measured, calm, from physiology also, there are people who are so calm in general, it also depends on physiology, and on the psychotype
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too, well, did we lose, yes, yes, we lost 100,000 rubles in novosibirsk, and this means, you are losing the second program in a row, and this means that next saturday we will start with the minimum possible amount of 20,000 rubles. nadar, how did you feel about the game, did you like everything? i liked it, like the bullet, my pulse is as always, slightly above average, because i am an emotional person, and as for the loss, yes, i am only glad that the tv viewers will be able to realize their dreams, so this is very cool, it was great for me to meet everyone. these are golden words, follow the example, i say again, follow the example snodara, thank you very much, well, that 's the end of our show today, i remind you that all the episodes of the program can be found on the internet platform well , if you want not only to watch the star five, but also to play with them, then you can ask your question on the page of our program, perhaps you will be the one who will be
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lucky. today evgeny popunyshvili, nadar reve, andrey urgan, evgeny rybov and alexander pushnoy played with us. i am alexey vershinin, this was the funniest of the intellectual and the most intellectual funny shows on russian television. in exactly one week we will see you in this same place. as always, bye.
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good morning, good morning, our dear viewers, good morning our guests in the studio, on air, funny, sometimes intellectual, quiz 100 to one, i welcome you. the teams that are playing with us today are not fidgets, please come into the studio, and galinka, actually, and fidgets and kalinka, these are children's creative groups, dance, vocal, well, you could say, super professional children's groups, i i would say so. these guys can do everything, these people who are in the studio are their teachers, coaches, artistic directors, and we
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will now meet you. hello, maxim, hello, this is the famous ensemble neposedyn, and moreover, and i want to note, just taking advantage of the opportunity, that we turned 33 years old, 33 years old, yes, 33 years old. well, in my opinion, this is one of the best children's groups, i myself have been working there for about 23 years, which is something i am glad about, great, well, introduce your team, and this is olenka, one of the leading teachers, choreographers, our group of fidgets, she has also been in our gang for 20 years, so a special round of applause, everyone here - almost all the old-timers and of course the permanent locomotive helmsman, honored cultural worker, elena mikhailovna pendzhayan,
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the person who created this group, famous, the famous group and continues to lead, to be at the helm, so to speak, and to set the pace for such a large composition, and the composition is really large, every year we grow and so elena mikhailovna, thank you. huge, i say again, we have been here for many years, and of course it is priceless what she gives to children, fidgets and people who work in this team. elena mikhailov , we have a wonderful team, a wonderful team, victoria is our administration, who joined us not so long ago, but immediately burst in, because it is not any other way for us, the door with a kick and immediately, 50 got stuck, if if, if the first month the person did not slip away and did not run away.
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a very important part of our big family, fidgets, well, a few words about the team captain, well, this is our beloved max, who is adored by children, who has been with us for so many years, we love him very much and you can rely on max, that's great, sometimes, sometimes, when he doesn't go away somewhere, well, tell us about some famous...
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she was invited to foreign stages, that is , a forge of personnel, as it was, so it will remain, well, these are the great teachers of the great ensemble nesedy. and you, then, are the great ensemble kalinka, yes, tell us about yourself, about your team, our kalinka is that very kolinka, kolinka named after alexander nikolaevich filippova, this year we opened the fifty -sixth concert season, guys, go home, but alexey, alexey, the teacher, mostly
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of our male staff, but of course. we do not have such a clear division, someone works with boys, with girls, all teachers work with boys and with girls, but still lesha, of course, is ours, and male strength, and for boys, of course, he is a huge authority, boys look up to him, and he always gives a very correct male upbringing, so lesha is our such a handsome man, thank you, yours fans, ours and... our three beauties, our graduates, anechka, a teacher of preparatory groups, children adore her, for her tender, reverent attitude towards children, because anyutka is just such a magical fairy for children, she will kiss everyone, tenderness, love, this is our anyuta, the only possible approach, yes, yes, nastya, also our graduate, but in turn she
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went further, received. professional education in choreography, she entered the school of the igor alexandrovich moiseyev studio, graduated with honors, became a professional ballet dancer, danced at one time in the gzhel dance theater, now dances in the ensemble russian soul, but combines professional artistic activity with teaching, also deals with our preparatory group of kids, they have such a contrast anya and nastya, and the good cop, the bad cop. and if nastyukha demands from us, that is, everything should be academic, we raise children correctly right away in the ballet hall as it should be, then anyutka here she immediately goes, well, well, i'll go kiss them for now, yes, and nastenka will put things in order there, i just wanted to ask a question about this later, and anna, also our graduate, she is more involved in the repertoire, the tutor is concerned
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specifically with the repertoire.
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judging by the results that you achieve, everything looks perfect on stage, and there is a complete feeling that you beat the children mercilessly, no, no, no, no, but in fact, when children have incentives, they see the results, they themselves try, strive, and work, cry when they are sick and can't come to rehearsals, yes, that's really true, that is, children who are already involved in this process from childhood, they are completely different children. absolutely, that is, for them this feeling of dedication, work, purposefulness, they know this from childhood , in fact, they don't really need, excuse the phrase, to force them to kick, they themselves already know what is needed and how it is needed, here is nastya, applause, here is nastya looking at us skeptically now, no, no, everything is fine, everything is good, in fact, she took it right out of her mouth, it's true, there are carrots and sticks, and there are
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love is magical, well, you can. we have, something will be performed today, as we agreed, we are watching 100 to one, we are starting, we have a simple single game, so, we are starting, we have a simple single game, you are watching 100 to one, i invite the team captains to the game table, today we have as guests... fidgets and kalinka, great creative children's groups, their coaches, natalia, maxim, captains of today's teams.
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let's go, what do you call the last point on the route of a trip or voyage? natalia, final, final, good, final, final. oops, that's it, back to the teams, back to the teams, or can we do it again, okay, that means natalia has won the turn for you, alexey, what can you call the final point of the route, train station, train station, m, interesting, let's check, train station, no, no, anna, one more time. how does the question sound, one more time, what do you call the last point on the route of a trip or voyage, the destination is a port or voyage, there must definitely be a port, port yes, let's still have a port, port ok, let's check
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the port, anastasia, come on, finish, i'm afraid of you, no need, no need, well then go ahead, take it, i 'm not a de. really decisive person, destination , well here it is, cool, yes, what do they call the last point on the route, of a trip or
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a voyage, a stop, a place of arrival, well a stop, a stop is like a place of arrival, and a place of arrival, a place of arrival too, a station, then a station can also be suitable. it turns out that everything is not so complicated, listen, maybe a really banal stop, by the way, maybe a stop, well a stop, well, well, what, a stop, a station, a stop - it's not the same thing and you also have a stop at... already, no, there is a stop, there is also a final station, there is also one, it is the final stop, let's see, there are other differently formulated things that mean the same thing, end of route, alexey, three, two,
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one, airport, lyosha, well, what else can i do here, well, look, well, lyosha, well, it's good that there is a stop, i'm saying goodbye to you temporarily, so, guys, the scheme is as follows, so, now everyone gives an answer option and then the captain is responsible for everyone, daria, please, yes, i think that this is point b, point b, yeah, from point to point b, well, yes, from point to point b, there is such a moment, victoria, the final route, which is the end of the previous route, elena discussed, depot, depot, okay, end, end of the route. end of the route, end of the route, let's try, come on, maxim, he says point b, aa, point b, they didn't say it , say point, end of the route, end of the route, well
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, point b, say it, this is the solution, point b, sorry, that's it, point b, the end of the route has already been said, pronounced, we check, well, here it is, i congratulate you. this is a warm-up for now, well , i hope you won't be upset if you find out that on the sixth line, we open point b, b. so, as the 100 people we surveyed answered the question of what they call the last point of the route, the final 26 people or the last, stop, destination 23, finish 21, end of the route eight, arrival point 7, point b - five people, and below, below the board we have such a formulation, such a goal ...
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the teachers spent time with me, which means a bright and unforgettable holiday awaits us, somewhere there is a city, quiet as a dream, hey, guys, don't rush not to grow up, i really really want to be everywhere at the start, girl sad. so love parties, winged,
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a big festive concert for the day of knowledge, on sunday on rtr, watch the show! discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the nerve-wracking adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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today, our guests are the great ensemble fidgets, kalinka ensemble, i invite the second numbers of the teams here, so olga, alexey, well, we have already felt, i think, the course of the game, the mood, and so. mane question: loader, loader, furniture, loader, have you imagined
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the situation? so, okay, here's the question, why does a loader require an increased payment coefficient when delivering furniture? yes! olga! olga, yes, why can a loader require an increased payment? weight, weight, weight, a lot of dimensions, and a lot of dimensions, well, in short, a particularly heavy object. because that's what a loader is for toy of course yes yes stone sofa we check extra increased weight so heavy or large so this is the second line alexey you have the opportunity to guess the first elevator elevator elevator no elevator no elevator no elevator no elevator there is such a moment no elevator we check yes. that we are returning, everything is correct, 37 people out of
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100 said that the loader has the right to demand payment or not, but still demands, because there is no elevator, high ones , there are still far away well no, well in the sense that you are in a small big sofa not everywhere you'll put it in, no, it seems to me the distance, let's have the distance. far somewhere far to drive we check let's check far to drive yes. there is such a thing, seven people, we are on the right track, we already have maybe drive up, high floor, heavy, large, delivery, express delivery, delivery time, well, like there yes i'll deliver in an hour, lift, assemble, well okay, yes, the time limit
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is limited, delivery speed, we check, no, there is no such thing, assembly maybe. no, and traffic jams, traffic jams, no, some other, night time, some other arguments, night time, night time, night time, traffic jams, no more options, night time we look, okay, night time, someone needed to bring a sofa at night, a night
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sofa, we check, oops, so sins, that means time, so, we're in a minefield, alexey, and anna, you, when we were just moving again, when you were arranging the day off for the loader, how much did we have to pay for it, a day off is a day off, a day off, and have you had this happen too, so we just literally moved into a new place, that's why it's such a sore subject,
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maybe even festive just in case, and well done, we broke out, okay, it happens that one team guesses the whole scoreboard, so, well, now we have a dance, kolinka, two kalinaks, three bushes, kolinovykh, we will glorify our beloved homeland to the whole world, once skalinka, two, skalinka, three, for kalinovykh we will glorify our beloved ravine to the whole world we will carry it carefully through the years of grandmothers, ancient root growers, interlacing of grandfathers, daring in our
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dances we will save all of russia once kolinka, two kalunka, three stalinovykh we will glorify to the whole world, our beloved ravine, once kolinka, two kolinka, three launches of kolinov, we will glorify the whole world, beloved propina, swans flew by, we will make a noise in the sky, we will meet them in the spring, veroshli, gruznaya ibornaya, our song, there is no one for the russian heart, songs of beauty!
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once again applause to the wonderful artists and their teachers, but we continue, this is a quiz 100 to one team numbers, please. triple
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play means that all the points that you see on the scoreboard will be multiplied by three, this is very responsible, attention, the question is, who is on stage during the singer's performance, except for himself, our button is not working, elena, yes, yes, musicians, dancing, musicians, oh, and i thought it was an offensive word , backup dancer, i thought how to get around it, it works, ballet, musicians, musicians, musicians, accepted, let's check, yes, let's go back, let's go back to the teams, let's move on, victoria, who can be on stage except for the singer during his performance, well , ballet. ballet, dancers, let's check, that same backup dancer, let's check, there is such a thing,
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backup dancer, after all, backup dancer, dasha, i think it's backing vocals, backing vocalists, vocalists, so, backing vocals, backing vocals, no he just knows, and 20 people out of 100, 20 people, backup dancers and backup singers, backup singers, normal. yes, backup, backup singers are musicians, good maxim, what else is there, who could be there, the conductor, the conductor, oh, that's already something exquisite, the conductor is whole, let's check, no, you didn't remember the conductor, can i ask you the question again, one more time, let's go, who is on stage during the singer's performance, besides himself, the cameraman, the cameraman,
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another soloist, another soloist, well, like, yes, well before that, well, okay, let's, let's 3 2 and the host can come out at this time, that's it it's ending, you decide, and also 100 people who answered, and i keep blinking at you, victoria, another soloist you think, let's have one more. and another soloist, well, let's have it, okay, let's have it, not backing vocals and not a soloist, but another soloist, we check, well, a duet, a duet, okay, a duet, no,
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no, victoria, we try life-size dolls, well , when she sings, they film it, some kind of animation, yeah, maybe, in a word, animation, well , maybe, we should still try the singer option, we called it a duet, there was no such option, well... victoria, three, two life-size doll, come on, talk, life-size dolls, okay, puppets, life-size dolls, dolls, no, damn, sorry, so, everything that was at our concerts, so, we prompt the captain, everyone gives a version, the captain gives the final result, and then we look, we have a team, somehow we have, host, host. anastasia technical staff, technical staff, host, for the host, well , the majority of votes for the host, the majority
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of votes for the host, your rivals also remembered the host, but decided to stop at dolls, we check, host, yes, and how in performance time, well, interesting. okay, well, on the sixth line, pay attention, it says technical character, and people also said that there could be fans on the stage, fans of the ammasovka, someone they named, an invited guest, and the invited guest, perhaps that same one, yes, the second soloist, sounds, now we have an ensemble in the studio... does not
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sit down, sweet girls, skirts, bows, brave boys, hurry up and join us in a drink, cast aside doubts, catch up on the excitement, and grief and joy, we divide in half, above us... clouds are floating somewhere in wagons, so tender booth on sugar water, well here we are all together, it means miracles are waiting for us further, the doors to our dreams are always open to us, guys, our songs need a louder sound, higher to the sky more of your hands,
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you tell the one who is listening nearby. you are my friend and i am your friend, we are interested in everything, we are curious and this world, with a hot heart open, this is from you, this is about me, this is a song about all of us, about our native country, clouds above us, somewhere in wagons they float, such gentle booth, sugar water, well here we are all... it means miracles are waiting for us further, the doors to our dreams are always open to us guys, things song needs a louder sound, closer to the sky more of your hands, you tell the one who is near to well, you are my friend and i am your friend. you are my
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friend and i am your friend, you are my friend and i am your circle, our song needs a louder sound, closer to the sky more of your hands, you tell the one who is near to well, you are my friend and i am your friend. there was an announcement written on the elevator: the elevator does not go down, the one who finds 1.0 rubles is asked
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to return it for a good reward, what was your name? where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time at the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true, calinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, let us...
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elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. we continue, we continue, we have a game in reverse, our signature game in reverse, where you need to guess not the first, but preferably the sixth line, because it is for it that you can get the maximum number of points, 240. attention, the question is, what planet bears the name of an ancient god or goddess? 20
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seconds. look. the first will be mars, most likely, god, not goddess, but god to say, mars, in first third place, so, please, don't sit down, first, so, so, so, so, so, maxim, we are ready, yes, which planet bears the name of a god or goddess, or goddess too, try to guess the one that will be in sixth. which of the options or jupiter? well
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, come on, saturn, come on, saturn, come on , that's it, we have two options, saturn and neptune, and we check the answers, how who do you think is in first place? well, okay, we open the sixth line
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, mercury is there, which no one named, there was no trading for it at all, we open the fourth line, saturn is there, and we passed. and we open the fifth line and the fidgets win 180 points in this competition, but with a total score of 539,265, kolinka is ahead according to our system, a big game with a winner awaits us, you are watching 100 to one, a funny quiz. you can win 100,000 rubles in our super game. someone should stay in the studio, someone should not be afraid
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go into a scary, underground, damp, deaf room where nothing penetrates. that is , not a single sound from the studio. who will go there? anechka, anechka. brave anechka, please. say goodbye. say goodbye. so. well, we will start with you for 20 seconds, five questions. yes? yes. what do they write out? a certificate. what kind of skirt is it? short. what has pedals? yes, for what activities do you need squared paper? for math? what is voice-activated? message? excellent! we will check your answers. the first
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question was, what do they write out? you said a certificate, and just like you, out of 100 people answered: five. well, not bad. what kind of skirt is there? you said, short. and 13 people also answered, what has pedals, you answered rightly, a bicycle, and 34 people also answered, 52, this is already serious, for what activities do you need squared paper, mathematics, you said, and this is also generally a completely fair answer, together with you... 39 people 91 finally, what is voice, you said a message and also as you answered
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42 people, so return to the team, anna, come out, anna. so, well, then, the scariest thing was not in the dungeon, the most the scary thing will happen now, that is, you will need to answer five questions in a situation when... anastasia, most likely, has already named all the most popular answers, does it happen, are you ready? yes, okay, let's go, what is a prescription written out, what kind of skirt is there, a mini, what has pedals, and a bicycle, and a car, for what activities do you need squared paper, mathematics, and geometry, what happens?
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voice message, ligaments, great, let's check, let's check your answers, what is written out? anastasia said a certificate, that's what they said, five people, the second most popular the answer is a fine, 21, and the most popular answer is a prescription, 34. already 167, what kind of skirt is there, short, - said anastasia, long - people said, 14 people, well, i hate to admit it, but the most popular answer is mini, and 36 people answered like that.
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great, and accordingly, the main prize of our program is 100,000 rubles. yours, thank you, it was a fun quiz, 100 to one, channel russia 1, come to us again. well, tell us, who did you manage to interrogate, what are the versions, who is the suspect? the dog lady
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returns on monday to rtr. hello on the rossiya tv channel, news in the studio. from polonchukov and the main thing for this hour. the barbaric shelling of belgorod. five people were killed, almost fifty were wounded. doctors are fighting for their lives. the enemy is being driven out of our territories in the kursk border area. a missile and artillery weapons depot was destroyed in sumy.


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