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tv   Lyutik i Anyutik  RUSSIA1  October 3, 2024 10:30pm-11:31pm MSK

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help yourself, my andryusha brought some raspberries from uncle misha yesterday, and gripina yakovlevna, you told me that this uncle misha helped you somehow, he is a clairvoyant, but who is this uncle misha? yes, an old man settled here not far away, in a village, a man of god, who is just like that clairvoyant, well, of course, he doesn’t like it when people call him that, but he sees right through people, and you... eat, eat, i ’m coming, eat, dad, come on, but i don’t want to, have some tea, dad, that’s what you used to call me and your son yegor, he covered me with a blanket like that, when he covered you, a long time ago, i was about 10 was, you invited mom to your dacha to give some open cooking lesson. she
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took me with her and you were arguing about something there, and i dozed off on the couch and he came and covered me with a blanket, and also said to me, natasha bukashka, promise that you will say hello to him from me, i can’t promise. “we don’t communicate, yes, everything is right, it should be like that, a mother’s job is to give birth, it should be like that, it should be like that, it should be like that, it should be like that, daddy”! what happened? i don’t know, vishenka, what
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is it, what happened? what did you tell her? bring her some valerian? come on quickly! why are you telling her they said that shadrin was killed? i didn't say anything. who was killed? was natasha scared to death about this missing flash drive? i think so, and the flash drive could have been stolen by the blond guy who broke into their place at night. he also took the necklace with you, somehow it doesn't add up. what doesn't add up? well, different weight categories, a necklace, a flash drive. well, we don't know what's on this flash drive? we need to find out, we need to, we need to return it. sorry. i don't understand why
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you need to look for the flash drive if you don't know that you weren't asked to find it on it? fedenka, natasha is in trouble, and aunt anna and i have known her since those days long ago, when she was sitting quietly in her mother's belly, yes, your grandmother ulyana suggested calling her capitalina, imagine, yes, and what a good name, in vain they didn't name her, i'm keeping quiet, i'm keeping quiet. and if so, the flash drive is the goal, and the necklace is a reward for services, what services? the tipster, let's say, sergey, the driver of the klima, the tipster, he helped the blond get into the house, got diamonds for it and ran away, the blond stole the flash drive. leonid petrovich saw the thief, ran after him to catch up, and was killed, quite logical. and what do we know about the blond? nothing,
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besides the fact that he's blond. well, from the stove? fedya, i told you, matches are not toys for children. yes, but these are not matches, these are hairs, yeah, light, they were in the hand of the one. whom grandma found in the flowerbed today, why is it that you look so blooming, we telescoped the murdered shadrin and there is no shadrin. vetrov oleg konstantinovich
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, born in 1970, convicted twice, theft, petty fraud, got out a year ago, an artist, i mean literally, in his youth he played in the theater. and then he got carried away with crime, worked in the south by the blue sea, a touring performer, who did he kill him? an accomplice, it's possible, he had a partner from previous cases, boris kachev, also an artist, though he hasn't been caught in anything criminal since prison, he works at the krasnodar regional drama theater. is there any news from pokanoval? not yet, i'm working. artists of the burnt-out theater. i wonder where it ended up in the hands of the murdered man, it's very simple, they were fighting and he tore out a clump of hair from the killer, you're certainly a good man for getting the evidence, but you shouldn't have approached nortov
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, granny, well, i'm careful, i'm more there didn't touch anything. so, we need to find out. what happened to this driver sergei, yes, and the punctured one too, suddenly he is involved, well, okay, leonid petrovich is an exceptionally positive man, the police probably already know something, probably, we need to go to valery with questions, more cunning, no need to be more cunning, i came to you myself, oh, you are not at lena ksenofontovna's house, so where are you? right, at anna petrovna's, and most likely at another operational meeting, right? that's what, dear ladies and gentlemen, i didn't understand, this is my beloved grandson, fedya, very nice to meet you, uncle valera, here's what, dear lady grandson
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fedya, i had no doubt that you would start another complicated investigation, and so that you wouldn't run to me with questions later, i decided to come to you myself and... tell you about everything that i have the right to tell you, but on one condition: you will stay as far away from this matter as possible. listen, valery, you probably should have already been convinced that ulyana ksenofontnaya and i can fully help you. anna petrovna, i ask you, don't make me take a sin on my soul, a criminal was killed, a repeat offender, what? yes, yes, ulena ksenofontovna, this exceptionally positive man of yours is actually a seasoned villain and his accomplice killed him, so interfering with this investigation is mortally dangerous, you understand me, please, leave this work to the police, well, i have the right
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to know who died in my flowerbed, well, actually you don’t. but i’ll tell you, his name is oleg, last name vetrov, he lived with forged documents, well, that’s all, i can’t tell you anything more about this artist, about artist, what artist, you said, i can't tell you anything more about this artist, the deceased artist, no, i said this figuratively, i just meant that valera and yuli, you raised your left eyebrow, he has a habit from childhood, when he lies, he raises his left eyebrow. what does an eyebrow have to do with it, it's just that we call all these touring artists, well, like they are carried along by the waves, that is, he is a visitor, who is a visitor, you said a touring artist, i said, yes, they said, anya, if they are carried along by the waves, then they are from the sea, valera from which one, the north or the south?
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oh, he raised his left eyebrow, definitely from the south, so, it's just funny, if you tell anyone, they won't believe you, two pensioners cracked the police major, anna petrovna, well... the check won't be found, otherwise i didn't even have time to have lunch with these artists, with the artists, he wasn't the only one working, his partner is also an artist, stop interrogating, oh my god, in general, i'm warning you for the last time, if i find out that you've become detectives again, i'll order you to be detained and locked up for obstructing the police, that's it, good day to all, i was nervous, there's a lot of work, i had to feed,
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on saturday on rtr. kalinon belek - a place where time has stopped. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. vodka veda - a product of stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort in riksas
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golf villas and suites sharmaь sheей a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes sharmaь. rom kastro is a product of steller group. titanic delux hotel, golf beель, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here, every room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. product of stellor group,
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welcome to our super-duper health resort, here we have discos in the evenings, some are over 30, some are over 50, and some don't care anymore, well, let's begin, birth of a car, paradise, fur coat, gold, watch, casino. roulette, ball, t-shirt , slippers, panties, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, hello, hello, and who are you, my name is viktor fyodorovich, and i am, well, let's say, ulena ksinofontovna's husband, well, the future one. and who are you? and i am fedya, ulanafontovna's grandson, the current one, why are you holding out your left hand,
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are you deprived or something? no, i have evidence to the right, and i have a bouquet, anna petrovna, granny, viktor fyodorovich and i conducted an investigation experiment, what did you do? well, that's for you, thank you.
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hello, mikhail ilyech, just a minute, and i'll be with you. servant, and gripina yakovlevna says that you see right through people, most likely, you won't see anything good inside me, why did you come? i need help, take off your glasses, i can't help you, go away. but i'll pay you well, i don't help women who lie so much, especially
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to their husbands, grandma decided that the man who was killed pulled out this hair from the dead man's head, but they immediately seemed suspicious to me, look, they are all smooth and shiny, synthetic, check how to set fire, what we did, under my careful guidance, and if it melts - synthetic, if it smells like lamb - natural. smells like lamb, but not all the hairs burned, um, some melted, namely, in these strands natural and artificial hair are mixed,
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look, take a tinting dye drop. on the hair, some of the hairs are colored, and some are not, synthetics are not able to absorb paint, unlike natural hair, hmm, wig, uh-huh, uh-huh, you think that the one who killed leonid petrovich was wearing a wig, a very good and expensive one, but i know. he didn't have a flash drive, are you sure, koldum said he didn't, bad, pavel andreevich, but he had it, i swear, he sent me a text message when he finished, he got in touch with amateurs, i told you, you should have taken a tablet, you can break the password there, spit it out, sturegom, you're stupid,
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patient information is constantly updated, and klim shouldn't hand it over. what do you have access to it for now, you shouldn't, looking for a flash drive is pointless, you'll have to repeat, you have a powerful lever on her, reinforced concrete, this is her son, lives in two houses in the neighboring region, she herself does not really know anything about him, she gave him to the babies when she was still a snot, hides from her husband, is afraid that he will leave, leave, leave, will not forgive, like he did not forgive his mother, i know klima,
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what are you looking for? yes, i did, but i noticed it yesterday i wanted to steal it, well, you know that with your allergy - it's poison, that you are like a little girl, well, i understand everything, but i wanted it so much, and why did you buy it at all, they gave it to me in change at the store, i threw it in my bag i forgot, that's it, we'll train our willpower, come
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here, well, i'm not in the mood. it's not true, he, he told the landlady to tell, told the landlady to tell, uncle misha told him, what are you saying, what should i say, speak clearly, he told me to say, landlady , i've been struggling for half an hour and can't get it, uncle misha told him to tell you something, but his poor little head couldn't hold it in. i couldn't hold it in, andryusha wanted, andryusha, i'm leaving, now my dear, my pain, my dear yakovlevna, i ask you, uncle misha, not a word of marriage, yes, so we'll go, we'll go, yes, andryusha forgot, nothing, nothing, you'll remember later, you and i i still need to make some soup, let's go, andryushenka, let's go, my son, let's go, my dear, there you
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are, yeah, that's it, i'm off, come on, go somewhere. where to go? well, i don't know, well , go for a walk, go to the city, go to the cinema, don't sit at home. okay, what's going on? you 've been acting really strange lately . if you need money, you can safely tell me about it. no, there's not enough money. then what? well, i see. what are you hiding from me? well, it's just that so much... happened with this robbery and leonid petrovich was killed, sergei disappeared altogether, i'm worried about this, you've never been able
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to pretend, cherry, there shouldn't be secrets between us, but tell it like it is, don't be afraid. do you have someone? no, mistress, andryusha remembered. uncle misha said: "come, come to him." the police searched every inch here, what do you
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think he was doing here, but i have no idea, he was only supposed to come to me after lunch, and as far as i understand, there was no car near the house either, there wasn't one. "listen, he said something before he died, i don't remember what he said, if you have a gap in memory, i need to take pills, i was told that you want to see me. it's not true, how is it not true, but that fool andryushka said that you ordered, i don't want to see you, but in some way i have to, last night i
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learned something, or rather saw something, it happens to me like an epiphany, in a word, i saw something, which i must tell you about, please. let's go. klim anatolyevich, the hospital equipment has been tested, it works like clockwork. very good. do you have someone? no, yes, klem anatolyevich, this is current correspondence, and this is information on children's
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houses of the provincial region, as you asked, addresses, directors' contact information, telephone numbers, links to websites, yeah, yeah, and i'll go to the theater, talk to korneeva, there's a pretext, to present a book, do you think that the best wigs are made in the theater, exactly, i'll talk to... i'll try to find out something, who is garik? garik, garik, the best make-up artist, wig maker in the theater, and what's there in the theater, in the city. uncle misha is at home, girl, are you feeling bad?
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no. anna petrovna, are you? well, for now it's me, but in my place it could be archangel gabriel. you in okay? anna petrovna, i don't want to live. you feel
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at peace in front of your mother, you're not ashamed, and kira , she raised you alone, she worked her ass off, who has the most hours of all, kira mikhailovna, who tutors until the night, kira mikhailovna, my dear, take a rest, no, of course, we need to get natasha on her feet, and natasha is doing this here. anna karenina, what were you thinking when you threw yourself under the wheels, and what? here, take it, this is for me, answer when you are asked, this is my business, and i don't want to drag anyone into it, but we've already drawn in, most certainly, i don't want to, natasha, well, we're not
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strangers, we're worried, we... want to help you, he said that everything will happen again, who said that it will happen again, uncle misha, he said that he will demand information from me again, otherwise, otherwise, what, otherwise, my husband will find out about my son, about whom, what are they showing? chryol, great, that's it, a master class for amateur detectives from professionals, i've already heard, well, the whole city is already buzzing, we can only dream of peace, marya sergeyevna will show everything, i thank you, she will teach you everything, do you want my version, this is interesting, you play with fire, secrets.
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investigation you look good, i don't you always look good, but now somehow especially, from monday to friday on rtr. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details, a holiday of... flavors, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. leo reorts, we are here for you. monte shoca cognac, a product of stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection cognac old barrel a product of steller group.
11:00 pm
a product of stellor group: there was no easy way, there is not, and there will not be, the profession of an artist is quite an unhappy profession, in general. mikhail boyarsky, from romance to tragedy. we were driving along the kiev highway to the film set, a blow, and then i woke up in the hospital, there were doctors all around, i was afraid that i would be late for filming. i had a fracture of the spinous processes, everyone who didn't come to me and they were allowed into my ward in portions to make sure that i was alive, but larisa came one day to the head doctor and said: stop this disgrace, and mom, how did she even accept larisa in her time? she, of course, was very jealous of me for larisa, because i was mama's boy, larisa, a reliable shoulder. she saved me, i am incredibly grateful to her for this, but without these problems we would not be as close as we are now. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on saturday.
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on rtl. what hatched, aunt grunya, i kind of returned from the wrong world, and where were you, where were you, there is no longer, the boss is at his place, klim anatolyevich, at work, as usual, as usual, okay, i'll wait, i'll confess, maybe, maybe, he'll forgive me. hello, police, somov, can i, mom then
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told everyone that i was sent to a sanatorium on altai, i was not in any sanatorium, i lived with my mother's friend, well, until... everything happened, how did your mother allow you to leave the child in the maternity hospital, she forced me, the reputation of a soviet teacher cannot be tarnished by anything, a month later i returned to school and no one found out anything, oh kira, kira, who would i expect this from, who is the child's father? a boy from a summer camp, i never saw him again, and why do you think they sent you a photo of your child, you see, a birthmark, he definitely has one
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the same, yes, everything matches according to the documents, place of birth, date, unfortunately, this is my son, unfortunately, how can you talk like that about your own child? and what should i say ? fortunately? where is happiness? in what? if my husband finds out, will he leave me? and i love him, you understand, i love him! but it’s not like it’s locked, kanavalov sergey dmitrievich, senior lieutenant gorshkov, read the resolution, you are under arrest on suspicion
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of murdering leonid shadrin, aka oleg vetrov, on suspicion of stealing a diamond necklace from this house, what? uncle misha says, that... they will threaten, i'm afraid, uncle misha again, and you told him about the blackmail, you found someone to tell, i didn't tell him anything, he himself, he said that he saw how they threatened me, where did he see it, so in his head, he has such a gift that you wrote down on this flash drive, a list of my husband's personal patients, i didn't read it carefully, i just copied everything, now with...
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with citizen tsippina, well, yes, and we didn't hear anything about the robbery or the murder, well, where would i hear from, commander, maybe the hatches there were not looking at carts, but something else, the hotel confirmed,
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kanavalov spent 2 days in the room with his girlfriend, then they had a loud fight and he left, what was it loud right away, i was kind of silent at all, she was screaming like a scalded cat, alebi, okay, thank you, free. then let's start from the beginning, on the twentieth evening there was an offer to change jobs and move to another city, right? well, yes, her sugary offer. i kind of agreed, but on the condition of an advance, the advance was thrown to your card, but you didn't show up for your new job, so why? i said, i went on a spree with lyuska, but then the money ended, and there was no answer or greeting from these guys, so i kind of realized that i had made a fool of myself, capital in our area, i don’t remember anything, but i too have had so many strangers come this year, maybe someone from the visitors? we’ll figure it out, i’ve already called vitya, we’ll walk around the village,
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ask around, and they came up with a legend, vitya is making it up, he dreamed of being a stirlitz since childhood, now the dream is coming true, okay, dream on, good luck to you, i’m going to the theater, let’s go, i hope i’ll get there this time. ulyash, vitya, well, did you come up with a legend for us, of course, that’s all free, you are a stirletz, i will ask you to stay.
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my god, what people, anna petrovna, my dear, what fate brings you, are you writing the second volume of our glorious history, well, not yet, but it is possible, and anna petrovna has written a wonderful, amazing book about our theater. i will do this with pleasure, boris tkachev is just a bob for friends, this is our new acquisition, he seemed so successful that we immediately included him in several performances, i really want to become famous, you will become famous, you will become famous as soon as the advertising video of our new performance appears on social networks, senior school girls will save on breakfasts, valery. titya, i didn't understand, where did you
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play before? far away, anna petrovna, as in that song, at samovo sinevo mora, flimsy, you have a legend, comrade tirlitsa, it will work, you'll see, ivanovich, and great! and ulyana ktenofontovna, hello, ivan ivanov, hello, can i help with something, ivan ivanovich, viktor fetrovich and i want to consult with you, we decided to remove the old berry bushes, but we don't know what to plant in their place, well, something that restores the soil, rye or fosselia, yeah, next year we can plant raspberries, let's go, i'll show you how my young raspberry patch has grown. there it is in the corner, oh,
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ivan ivanovich, but kapa said that she also had a good raspberry harvest, she took seedlings from you, what other kapa, ​​well, kapitalina petrovna, we got to talking at the market, yeah, no, no, i don't know any kapitalina petrovna, my raspberries are the best raspberries, the berries are just like they were printed on a photocopier, yes, uncle misha says, you say, don't doubt it, ivan ivanovich, it will bear fruit... like a rabbit, uncle misha - that's the clairvoyant who lives near the forest, he predicted everything to me exactly, yes, now i can't take a step without him, well, let's go, valentina nikitochna, hello, oh, anechka, hello, how glad i am, oh, hello, darling, hello, come in, come in, anechka, what brings you here, i brought you my book, what a gift with an autograph, what are you saying? i should be asking you for an autograph, i hope you dedicated
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a separate chapter to me, maestra of grim and wig, because i am a maestra, so that you doubt, anechka, i really hope to see you and ulyana at the wedding nikita and katya, we will be happy to come, thank you, i heard you have a new addition, valery leonidovich introduced me to a charming young man, promising, tkachev. i think that's his last name, yes, surprisingly disgusting and slippery, garik doesn't like him, on the very first day boris called him a groomer, yeah, i clarify, a curly groomer, and what is that? he died, he's a dog groomer, amazing rudeness, and garrik, by the way, worked in the cinema, yes, garik did such makeup that actresses cried partly, looking at themselves in the mirror. one almost great the director promised to make a posthumous cast of my hand, but i'll wait with that for now. nin, we came to consult about
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the apple trees, but what is there to consult about, apple trees are just apple trees, i can't spare enough apples this year, well, you have the best garden. so we decided, like this, bags in the barn and i'll give you some seedlings, wow, how many apples you have here, everything you take away is all yours, why are you giving away such wonderful apples for free, why are they for free, i have a line of city people lining up to buy them, so the kapa will also buy from you, but what kapa, i don't have kapa i know, yeah, well, probably, yes, yeah, probably, i also consulted with uncle mish about the apple trees, that's another thing he knows about apple trees, i consulted with him about my man, is he cheating or not, he helped, ha, first he drove him away, and then he called, he says, i see your man right here, he's definitely cheating, and i see his woman, only i won't
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show you while you're treating him, but i found her myself, we met. these little bears, these, let's go dig up the seedlings, and you came to our cherry orchard, eremeeva in the role of ranevskaya is magnificent, no, not yet, and garik, you should help me, it's very important, tell me, have you ever made a wig for someone from this material. a mixture of heat-resistant natural ones, an ideal combination, of course, but who exactly did you do it for, and do you want me to list all the customers by name, with their middle names and home addresses? i would like to, why do you need it? oh, well , garik, you see, my ex-husband
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started going bald, he's wondering where to make a toupee, and i'm helping him, doing the marketing, oh, well, bring him to me without any marketing, garik will do it so that he goes to the hairdresser... yes, business, business, but business sooner or later are ending, so in the evening we can spend it somehow more interestingly. tell me, anna, what is the coolest restaurant in your town? i invite you, then, i know a ton of fairy tales. i am very grateful to you, good young man, but my evening is busy,
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i will do foot baths, the doctor prescribed, you know, i have rheumatism, and i know excellent remedies for rheumatism. rubbing with snake venom, oh, and that's true, yes, my age, i rub, anna, well, what are your years, what's your name bob, borya, are you flirting with me or something? well, of course, i don't want to miss out the opportunity to start a romance with you, to get into your romance, pun? unsuccessful borya, you can only get into trouble with me, but in my opinion, it's a successful pun, op, granny, you can, wash it, only, it's necessary,
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what to do with these sashenets now, what, plant them, vitenka, yes, i've been for 40 years.
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my comrades and i are building a new russia. time for balanced words. i won't let the country overturn. today there is pyotr arkadich. tomorrow he's gone. what, do you think, not for long? and who of our ministers of internal affairs lived a long time. time for important decisions. only you today have the power to save russia and lead it the right way. time. chose it, i tolerate any misiki, but still i can not get rid of the strange premonition, long live,
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russian revolution, tables, and where is my family, soon on rtr. they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to know how to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where the sun and the sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about rest, relax, anex. gin cnop product of stellar group. welcome to riksas premium magavish suites & villas in hurghada. where
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luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach stretching for 1 km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish. the holiday you dreamed of. bourbon stirsmanн is a product of stellar group. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world-exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome. the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury
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collection bodrum, vodka veda, a product of stellar group, your age, i'm 20 plus 50, only, all my life i've been waiting for a prince on a white horse, and not as luck would have it on a black horse, on a rotten one, in gray, in apples, i never waited. but to the clatter of hooves, i still listen, long-awaited new humor, i really liked it, can i come to you again today, on sunday on rt, oh, what are we going to oikat or will we go out on stage as a slut, oh, well, finally, did a meteorite fall on you and drive you into the ground up to your waist, where's my money? oh, i should have reported you to the police a long time ago, but i can't now, i have a performance. do you know where
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karik sends everyone who distracts him from doing the main character's hair? oh, oh, no, i don't know about that direction, at 10, where? okay, keep in mind, you can sell your homeland for a wig like that. a little more and i 'll need a wig myself, and should i also make it at my own expense, let's go, son, let's go.
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i won't eat, but will andryusha eat? andryusha has already eaten, let's go, we 'll be late, bachi will be angry, you don't have to hide it, i know about your son, i talked to the director of the children's home. where did you send the boy, he has a subdominant gene, it's inherited,
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tell me what it is... get out, i don't want to see you, get out. no, i won't do anything now, that's it, i did everything in the morning, i've already left, oh, just try putting on makeup without me, your romeo will look like a taxi starworker, that's it, ciao, oh,
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my god, the appearance of christ to the people, well, did you bring the money? and you're worried that this flash drive will cause him trouble didn't bring it, so you'll find it, well, we promised, klim may have treated you like a pig, but still he doesn't deserve to be ruined by some bandit, well, uncle mish said that everything will be fine, that uncle mish, go already, that's it, bye! uncle!
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an interesting article about picharsky, you say an old issue, is it possible? yes, of course, ulyash, i think i'm starting to understand, everything will work out for us, an interview with the health department official nikolai zarubin, well, you think uncle misha saw this, there's nothing to think about, what date is the newspaper from? exactly, 3 days. hello,
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kirill, hi, anna petrovna, we found it, i found it, well done, and where did you find it, in the archive of a small but nimble regional newspaper, yeah, great, kirill, thank you very much, i 'll need you again, well, friends, the flight has started, i 'm going to the theater, and you, ulyash, are visiting mikhailuch, and uncle vitya and i, and you and uncle vitya will get a separate assignment, can you? what's going on, yeah, i hear that you need to kill a person for this, which means it's too late, well, okay, from me, what do you want, i did everything as you asked, but in the end after all, i'm not a surgeon, i'm an artist, okay, fine, i understand, i'm leaving, it's getting worse by the hour.
11:27 pm
hello, good day, and i was sure that you would come, excuse me, what's your name, you knew that i would come and you don't know my name, i don't know, i just saw you here and... i understood that you would come for help, my name is ulyana ksinofontovna lyutaya, lyutaya, is that a surname or a character trait, a surname,
11:28 pm
however, it says a lot, it's not surprising that you raised your son yegor in severity, you quarreled with him. integrity, it's surprising that you still know about me, today nothing, tomorrow, i don't know myself, the information comes by itself, if you looked into my head, i 'll look into your head now, come on, quickly look for my man there, it looks like the bastard has started to cable again, nino, you see at... i have a guest, lyutik will wait, she doesn't have a man, and i'm not going to look for mine all over the village, let him sit at home on a chain, i'm already leaving, i just wanted to invite you,
11:29 pm
my relative will come in a few days, she's a psychic, she also has gifts of clairvoyance, she really wanted to meet you, well, to communicate with people, i hope you are not afraid of competition, not at all, i will be only glad, and it will be very good if my visitors... move to your relative, at my age delving into other people's problems is tiring, my man, where should the task be, what police, yes, of course, yes, i'll be there now, hello, greetings, valery leonidovich, for god's sake, sorry for bothering you, anna petrovna. and can you tell me where garik is, i can't find him anywhere, and he was stabbed, oh, i still have today recording on the radio, the police just called and last night he was stabbed to death near his own house, no, he's in the hospital,
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in serious condition, oh my god, he's lost too much blood, anechka, then, i later, i was in the hospital with him, they won't let anyone see him, and do you know where they went? things have gone too far, we can't do without the police, what about uncle misha, he took the bait, great, do you even realize what you 've done, styopa, i'll admire these miss marples, what right did you have to take evidence from the scene crimes, should i put you both on trial, both of you, what's the difference, valera, don't get all worked up, of course we're guilty, but we conducted an examination, banter, did you hear, they conducted an examination, i told you not to meddle in this case, did i? "we found out that this is hair from a wig, anya found out from garik, igor demchenko, yes, that he made a wig from the same material, you know, well, he didn't tell anyone, and at night he was stabbed, well, there's a connection."


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