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tv   Tserkov i mir  RUSSIA24  June 5, 2022 8:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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which was issued to the then metropolitan of kiev and all ukraine, filaret, and according to this charter, the ukrainian church is self-governing, and the authorities of ukraine under president poroshenko then the schismatic journalists tried to prove that the ukrainian church is not independent, that its center of government is in moscow, that it receives from moscow instructions and on this basis a law was adopted, which was suspended, but which was not canceled according to this law, the ukrainian orthodox church must re-register and, uh, receive the name of the russian church in ukraine, but it is not the russian church. her control center is located in kiev, she is independent of moscow, she is not accountable. synod in moscow, neither administratively
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nor financially or in any other way, so the ukrainian church at this council once again confirmed that it is self-governing. uh. she, uh, declared this publicly and , uh, appropriate amendments were made to the charter of the ukrainian orthodox church. there is such a journalist alexander shchipkov, he leads his telegram channel. he described these events in this way on may 27, 1922. the ukrainian orthodox church has disappeared customer the us state department executor metropolitan. onufry turquoise. it may still be an exaggeration to always look for the american trail even for the events that take place. u neighbor in ukraine i think that in this case, alexander vladimirovich hastened to react. he had to either wait for the official reaction of the holy synod or consult with someone. that e
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is directly responsible for e, voicing such topics in the russian orthodox church, in particular with vladimir romanovich ligoida. and so our holy synod expressed its full support and understanding to all archpastors , pastors, monastics and laity of the ukrainian orthodox church, which is subjected to unprecedented persecution by local authorities from outside. uh, nationalist-minded circles. e ukrainian public from the side of raskolnikov and from the media and the holy synod. once again confirmed what was declared at the council of the ukrainian church, that its status of independence and independence in management. uh is due to the letter of the most holy patriarch. alexy from 1990, that is, the
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ukrainian orthodox church has been independent for more than 30 years and remains independent, at the same time, the synod stated that the amendments that were made to the charter of the ukrainian orthodox church require further study on our part. well, if we talk about the american trace in these decisions of the ukrainian orthodox church, then i think that it should not be looked for there, the americans certainly influence e, directly on the policy of the ukrainian state and the americans directly influence that schismatic group that calls itself the orthodox church and ukraine. but as for the ukrainian orthodox church, it is completely independent and self-governing, and it does not succumb to this kind of external influence. what will be the fate? only the value of the property
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that belongs to the upc. i hope that everything that belongs to the ukrainian orthodox church will remain with it, of course, when schismatics learned that a council was being prepared in the ukrainian orthodox church, and that the independence of the ukrainian orthodox church could be proclaimed at this council. they hurried to declare their rights in quotes to the kiev-pechersk lavra, and they demanded from the state that part of the buildings of the lavra be transferred to them for use, but uh, i think that the actions that the ukrainian orthodox church cathedral took, and not in including those aimed at, uh, protecting her property, because uh, the meaning of this law, which was introduced and whose action is suspended is, after all , not only to the ukrainian orthodox. the church is forced to rename, but in
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order to re-register all parishes of the ukrainian orthodox church under this new name, and in the current situation, when local authorities are very active in putting pressure on the ukrainian orthodox church on individual parishes, each such re-registration will essentially mean. uh, the fact that the authorities will force parishes, and maybe even entire hierarchies, to go into schism, and now the ukrainian orthodox church is trying with all its might to prevent this. well, that is, for you personally, the events of may 27th are still not the final schism of orthodoxy; the conflicts that occur in the political field and are resolved, including by military means, are very different from those conflicts that occur within the family of our local orthodox churches. internal conflicts, i hope, but are temporary. and they will be healed
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sooner or later, history itself will put everything on their places, and we know, uh, very good examples of how schisms that existed for a long time were healed by a clear example - this is the history of the russian church abroad. the russian church abroad separated from the moscow patriarchate back in the 1920s, and this division existed for more than 80 years. in the churches of the russian church abroad, it was the moscow patriarch that was not commemorated; there was no eucharistic communion between the church abroad and the church in the fatherland, but various mutual accusations were put forward, uh, by both structures against each other, but then the time came when both sides realized that this split needed to be healed. negotiations
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were held, meetings were held between the leadership of the russian church abroad from patriarch alexei and the head of the russian state, president putin , a lot of perplexities of prejudice issues were removed and this historical reunion took place. i hope that the schisms that arise today will also be healed, but this, of course, takes time. this requires good will, and in general, lately there have been a lot of these schismatic movements in the orthodox family among catholics . just a week ago we discussed the events around the macedonian church. and er, this week the news came that at the meeting of the synod of the russian orthodox church, they considered the appeal of the metropolitan and the lithuanian innocent, and the provision of the diocese of the russian orthodox church that from the
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self-governing church and at the same time the lithuanian authorities are turning to patriarch bartholomew with a request to restore the jurisdiction of constantinople there, if it weren’t for a special military operation on the territory of ukraine, would lithuania take this step as a result of these events or was it somehow warmed up earlier for this? first of all, i would like to respond to your remarks that there are no schisms among catholics. in fact , there were many splits in the history of the catholic church, and the main such split was the emergence of protestantism in the 16th century, and the protestant movement first swept part of europe, and then spread all over the world today. uh, there are several hundred million protestants in the world. and these are the churches that at one time broke away from the
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catholic church. or those that already arose in the protestant family later. in addition, there is a so-called old catholic schism in the catholic church, these are catholics who left the catholic church. after the first vatican council proclaimed the dogma of the infallibility of the pope, that is, this is already the second half of the 19th century, and so called the p12 society, which has its own hierarchy, and which also does not obey the pope of rome, thus splits, they also arise in catholicism. and if we talk about lithuania, then, of course, this situation is very painful for us , including for me personally, because i know the lithuanian hierarchy very well. i started my ministry in the russian church in the lithuanian hierarchy. i was tonsured a monk in the holy spirit
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monastery in vilna, and in the diocese of lithuania. i was ordained both a san diacan and a priest and uh, this is a small hierarchy, there are, uh, several dozen clergymen. and of course, uh, nothing until recently foreshadowed such a development of events, but i must say that the political situation. of course, it greatly influenced what is happening now in lithuania, and several clergymen took advantage of this political situation in order to oppose the ruling archdiocese against the metropolitan of vilnius, the lithuanian monk. they turned to the patriarchate of constantinople for help and were supported by the lithuanian leadership, turning to also, for its part, to the patriarchate of constantinople, but i think that the patriarch of constantinople, of course, we will see, of course, how he will react
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to these appeals, but usually, recently, the patriarchate of constantinople does not miss the opportunity to inflict damage on the russian orthodox church, where such an opportunity arises from its side. i think it is an attempt to split the already small orthodox community. lithuania is doomed to failure. uh, most orthodox believers will still remain in canonical e, the wellian-lithuanian diocese of the russian orthodox church, and the support of this small schism that has now arisen in the lithuanian hierarchy on the part of the lithuanian authorities. in my opinion, it is a big mistake that the president of ukraine poroshenko made a similar mistake several years ago and we see what e led to support for the schism in ukraine recently it became known the name of the new head of the department of the russian orthodox church for interaction with the armed forces
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became archpriest oleg ovcharov, to be honest, before this news. i didn’t even know that the russian orthodox church has a department for interaction with the armed forces, in my understanding, when major projects are being implemented, such as the construction of the temple of the armed forces. and i understand that some of them can be created. departments of the supervision control commission ah, but why should the russian orthodox church on a permanent basis have, uh, such a department for interaction with the armed forces, primarily in order to provide pastoral feeding of military personnel er, people who need pastoral feeding as well as er. all other members of our society. there are many orthodox believers among military personnel even when a priest is in a military unit or on a warship. or when he
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finds himself in a war zone, then, uh, it provides very great moral moral and spiritual support to military personnel. i visited the base of the russian army in syria and talked with the priests who serve. they come there for several months. and serve watch method. but, uh, indeed, i talked with commanders and with ordinary military personnel, and they told me how important it was for them. that the priest is nearby, that they can come for advice, that they can come to confession, that they can partake of the holy mysteries of christ in the relationship between the church and the army , there are certain difficulties associated with the fact that the status of a military priest has not been fully regulated at present. uh, a priest is
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equated with civilian personnel. and this means, for example, that a priest cannot be together with military personnel in a combat zone. so i think that his task will include, among other things, solving this problem, so that, uh, military priests receive the appropriate status so that they can help our servicemen, including on the battlefield. x, well, now to the questions that our viewers send kirill asks you in the revelation of john the lord says i am alpha and omega but why are greek letters involved here alphabet, they are aramaic or hebrew, for example, alif and shin and the letter sh means fire and there would then be much more bindings to the last judgment. please explain, and all the books of the new testament, as far as we know, are written in
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greek, including the apocalypse, and this is such a very peculiar phenomenon that began with christianity, that jesus christ and his disciples spoke aramaic and the first spoken language of the christian community was the karamean language, but all the monuments of the first known to us christian literature. that is, all four gospels of the epistle of the apostle paul, the book of the act of the apostolic epistles and the apocalypse all of them were written in greek and e. this is due to the fact that greek was the main spoken language of the roman empire, christianity very quickly went beyond jerusalem , judea samaria, it very quickly moved, uh, to other regions of the roman empire and by the time these books were created, including the apocalypse, it was already the main spoken language,
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the christian community was greek. that is why, in the apocalypse and in other books, not only the greek language is used, but also greek symbols. and alpha and omega are, as you know, the first and last letters of the greek alphabet, that is, a symbolic meaning, and the use of these letters is an indication of e, the universal nature of christianity and when it comes to jesus christ on e. his power over the whole world over the whole universe victor obviously muscovite asks a question, because he goes to the service of your temple. hello metropolitan larionov why during the liturgy in the church on bolshaya ordynka you are always surrounded by beautiful young people, sometimes even young girls, apparently, young girls, and young people are still so beautiful. this confuses me, and i don't understand what it has to do with christianity. let's start with the fact
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that every bishop has podyans. and pad ' deacons are, as a rule, young people who either study at theological seminaries. or they are preparing to enter there and, uh, there are always them for the bishop's service and about 10 people, if add to this the altar servers. readers of singers, then this is probably another 10 or 20 people, in addition, we have a youth movement in the temple. that 's about uh, 50 young people, boys and girls. as for the girls there, they are really all very pretty, but i think that this is not their fault at all and the orthodox church, in general, uh, does not look at faces, when uh people come to the temple, we accept everyone, young and old, healthy and sick and beautiful and less beautiful, but, for example, unlike victor, not only does it not bother me, but, on the contrary, it is very pleasing that we have a lot of
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young people in the church and that our young people are very actively participating and will be serving. so i told, for example, that all the broadcasts that we carry out, that is, this is the broadcast of daily services in the morning and in the evening, this is the broadcast of hierarchal services. in each such broadcast, several people are involved, one stands on the camera, the other stands on the other camera. the third one is behind the console. they have to change somehow . so that's all the work. she is entrusted to us. young people including on beautiful girls, they do this work with pleasure and joy. and i am very, but happy, and i would even use such a not quite church word. i am proud that we have a lot of young people in our church. and that young people take both worship and parish life to heart. well, sometimes hmm, the inadequate behavior of the clergy is the reason that young people or
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people who have entered the temple for the first time. uh, they get scared, they close up, they leave and don't come back. i also witnessed several such examples, and here is one of them brought by marina from moscow good afternoon vladyka larion, i want to tell you about a strange incident that greatly embarrassed me in one moscow church. father. after lighting up my cross , he shamed me for not giving the money to him personally. i put it in a box at the temple, how to relate to this and is there really a rule that a donation should be requested only personally to the priest who you made , there is no such rule, priest. in this case, he did it wrong. and if you want to appeal his actions. you can write a letter to the holy the patriarch to give the name of this priest. he will be punished anatoly from rostov-on-don, asks, i erected a monument on the grave of my wife with her photograph, and also posted my photo on it. is it possible to do this if there are any
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church prescriptions of church prescriptions for this? there are no uh, a church monument, a dead person is a cross, on this cross. a photograph of the deceased may be posted, but i have not heard of such a custom to post. uh, group photos. unless it's uh some kind of mass grave. i don't think it's right to post pictures of living people on graves. thanks a lot. vladyka that answered our questions to the question of the viewers. thank you ekaterina dear brothers and sisters. i would like to end this transmission with the words of the apostle paul, and from the letter to the ephesians, everyone will receive from the lord according to the measure of the good that he has done. i wish you all the best and god bless you all.
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different eras you have a child. forces wanted to deceive fate with you, you can’t deceive the wave, only power. love one great country people. history of
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