tv Proriv RUSSIA24 June 12, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm MSK
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infinite fuel base, the principle of operation of existing thermal reactors is based on the fact that the nuclear fuel inside burns out, that is, gradually the chain reaction fades and the power decreases, but it does not burn out completely, which is exactly what the founding fathers of nuclear energy, but nuclear stations worked and the needs of the power systems were satisfied. although fast neutron reactors. able to use the entire energy potential of all mined uranium appeared almost simultaneously with thermal, but industrial success. technology not earned as too expensive and complicated. technologies are still developing in an evolutionary way, and from such a beautiful image to practical implementation , you need to go a long way, while, as it were, in a series , technologies always go to commercialization, subject
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to a certain level of readiness. there , including e, the cost of electricity and therefore the program for the development of fast neutron reactors, and it, but went with a certain delay, mexico launched. clementine was supervised by enrico fermi, the author of the concept of a fast breeder reactor. it was a tiny plant with an active zone of only 10 by 10 inches. the task of similar nuclear defense projects led the scientific minds of the two powers of the usa and the ussr to go in parallel with the soviet term alexander liputsky in 1949 on the table of igor kurchatov. there was a four-page note from a tear-off notebook with a beaded handwriting of a young physicist, what did it contain and why was it sent, there was an understanding that
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nuclear reactions are possible, when we have a split nucleus of uranium 235 or plutonium e, is formed a sufficient number of neutrons that interact with the next nuclei of uranus 23. will lead to the formation of an additional amount of 239 plutonium in an amount greater than the amount of fission, if you do not use water, as in thermal reactors, and another coolant that does not slow down and badly absorbs high-energy neutrons, then the usual natural uranium in the core of a nuclear reactor will turn into plutonium 239, which in turn can be used as an efficient nuclear fuel or globa the basis for the operation of bn installations as breeders. quickly and not thrones tried to tame many experimental installations
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built by the usa france great britain japan but design errors problems with coolants are not obvious commercial benefits of discovering new deposits. uranus led to the fact that these countries curtailed their programs here these installations earlier than ours. but then what is very expensive , very large investments, a very long payback period, they spared money, but it's not about money. but it's a matter of priority development, here e scientific and technical in all directions. work on the evolution of fast neutron installations was continued only by russian nuclear scientists and received the technological priority necessary for a qualitative breakthrough in the energy sector. it is a pity that we lost a decade when atomic engineers were forced to wander in the desert. i
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would say that these years were a swamp for nuclear energy. we lost a lot of time, especially western countries, and i am proud of my russian colleagues, because they continued to develop nuclear power with an eye to the future the first industrial fast neutron reactor. ben 350 was launched in shevchenko, kazakhstan; now it is the city of aktau; in 1980, beloyarskaya ben 600 was included in the network. npp after 35 years of successful operation. an even more powerful bn-800 was built nearby. all of them work or have worked on a sodium coolant and have very good physical properties here better than others. here are the competitors of the scolders, they support it in a liquid state. pretty easy. uh, so it has a rather high evaporating temperature wheel. well from it is minimal for our materials. look,
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the reactive metal ignites in air and the entire body of the installation is hermetically sealed and even the fuel reloads through clean vacuum chambers . in the world, its simply reserves and proven available reserves. more than we can create on lead such an equilibrium active zone, in which we will never we will not have a reactivity margin in it, due to which the accident at chernobyl occurred, the idea of brest , namely, the project of a fast reactor with pigs is called in short. the coolant appeared back in the early eighties, then the collapse of the ussr happened and the development went on the back burner, but it came back to life as soon as a loud thought sounded quickly and netrons needed are interesting not only from the point of view of
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energy, but also ecology. lead new step decisions, if the life cycle of innovation in the field of it products is half a year a year, then the life cycle of innovation in nuclear energy. this is a decade. because when they decide to build a commercial unit, people decide on the next 100 years. the rector building of the future breakthrough power unit will be significantly smaller than usual at the brest-300 nuclear power plant, the installation, a unique double-circuit primary circuit, lead the second waterfall, by the way, is not yet and never will be. world did not use pure lead. as a coolant, this metal is extremely active. and
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this means that it can damage walls and hull devices inside, the designers proposed a complex, but effective solution to the problem of thin saturation of the coolant with oxygen. the reactor vessel will be a metal-concrete pool filled with lead, where the vessel devices and the core will be lowered inside . fires and explosions and lead and concrete are some of the best materials for protection against ionizing radiation. fund. outside, the hull is natural. the fast neutron rector will allow solving the most important problem of disposal of spent nuclear fuel. it contains the so-called long- lived elements or minor actinides of their half-life, that is, the time when they
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cease to be active for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years of research. mgt confirmed that the use of a closed nuclear cycle based on fast neutron reactors makes it possible to reduce radiotoxicity of spent fuel is 100-200 times. the technology of fast neutron reactors makes it possible to burn out these elements, that is, to destroy them, and the remaining elements have quite reasonable half-lives, that is , radioactivity disappears there in about 300 years. well, there is such a concept as radiation equivalence, how much we got from the earth during the extraction of uranium of reactivity , so much we must return there. and there is also such a new category of radiological equivalence. this is not just an estimate of radioactivity. this is the center reactivity, taking into account the impact on the human body. so, according to our estimates, in this category, equivalence is achieved even within 100 years. that is, about what is faster, well, this
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means that the problem is solved by burying. preservation of the natural balance is what becomes the cornerstone in the energy sector. it is already clear what the massive and uncontrolled burning of hydrocarbons has led to . people understand that sustainability nuclear energy is much higher than what the biased sources of information preach, it is nuclear energy that will allow us to free ourselves from carbon emissions. many sectors of the economy, which are very, very difficult to achieve in other ways, the cleanest sources of energy in terms of carbon dioxide emissions from a nuclear power plant are equal to the fields of windmills, even solar panels are more harmful, and a reliable solution to problems with nuclear
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fuel by processing and storing it allows us to bring mirny atom to the first line planetary rating of energy resources. in each cell , there are two tvs from the cells, there are many volumes of this storage, enough for the needs of the russian nuclear power industry until 2040. but the most important thing is that fuel assemblies are not stored in these nests forever, they are buried, and not here they are waiting for their reuse and processing. so this room can only be compared with the federal reserve? about 18,000 tons of fresh nuclear fuel is produced annually in the world, of which only 3% of the mass of heavy metal 540 t burns in the energy production cycle, according to various data on the planet has already accumulated about 400,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel, the technology of reactor plants based on fast
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neutron physics allows you to look at ayat from a different angle. it's no longer waste. this is a huge , practically inexhaustible resource for changing the paradigm in the nuclear industry by closing the nuclear fuel cycle. this is the very breakthrough in energy irradiated fuel is the raw material for future life, we have always followed the path of closing the fuel cycle at all times. demand for processed products. here is the demand for the uranium regenerator. here is the demand for plutonium. and that's just all together it creates, the target image, which suits. but this storage is a reliable buffer for storing fuel until this final appearance appears. we go to it every year gradually gradually gradually gradually. most importantly, safety-releasing assemblies are kept in storage under water for 10-15 years, and then inaccessible through a complex system. to the man of the corridor in the tunnel and
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the boxes, a dry hall is transported underground, surrounded by thick layers of concrete made of steel, they will last from 50 to 100 years. we will make sure that the word waze is not used in relation to spent nuclear fuel so that a new term appears that fully describes the fact that this is not waste. it's not trash. and this is an element of further work. it is quite in demand and requires a careful technologically verified approach. and we, of course, will be able to do everything so that hmm, before the end of the decade on earth, to obtain this unique competence, the essence of a closed nuclear fuel cycle in reasonable consumption and environmental friendliness of nuclear energy, strategy. chemists. they offered several options. how to put into circulation the uranium-238 and plutonium remaining in the spent assemblies, as well as to use it in the future. her
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lying in the dumps. if we are talking about the balance of materials that we have available here , right now we are at this point, if there is an omnivorous fuel processing technology that can process and extract the necessary substances from spent fuel, then everything can be put into the extrusion cycle and repeated. the use of plutonium as a fuel composition in the nuclear industry has been used since the eighties, but only russia and france make such fuel . only on these stocks, without taking into account spent nuclear fuel, fast neutron reactors. and could the fuel be able to provide the whole world with energy for the next three centuries, uranium dioxide and plutonium dioxide
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plutonium. refining, purification from impurities, then uranium is added and grinding is started in a magnetic field using metal needles, a finely dispersed fraction is obtained, practically uranium plutonium into powder. working with such a mixture requires special competencies. after all, you can’t touch the materials with your hands, all the processes go remotely behind the walls of the gallery of protective boxes, in general, no matter how you just work, in general, the specific material is very small and it is very important to get an important proportion here. it is early or plutonium is right to granulate this matter among themselves, to get a normally strong tablet. it is that now it could be the fuel that will go to the bn-800 absolutely. according to the project, it was assumed that the bn-800 would operate on could with fuel from the moment of the physical launch in 2015, but it
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had to start in the old fashioned way on uranium, and only now the power unit has reached 60% loading with new nuclear fuel. khozyaevskaya, work for rubin and we transfer the core completely to zaton for 155 days - this is a demo company, and the fuel is in the core in the company's reactor, that is, america overload. we will only upload. and this is how the production of the latest nuclear fuel snoop mixed nitride uranium plutonium was developed specifically for the breakthrough project, raw materials are also taken from the storage facilities for spent assemblies in snoopy, in contrast to mox, the content of the fissile isotope and thermal conductivity are higher, and the temperature in the center of the nitrite, fuel assembly is significantly less experimental the production line was launched at the siberian chemical plant soon. here in seversk
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a full-fledged plant will appear on the site of the experimental demonstration complex of the breakthrough project. automated modules for processing and fabrication refabrication. the main difference between this experimental line and those that will be in the refabrication module is manual loading of materials, movement between boxes , sampling in the geometric control of tablet parameters, all this is done, specialists process technological processes inside sealed boxes in an inert environment. powders of uranium and plutonium oxides are mixed, carbon and stearazinc are added the content of uranium and plutonium is 85 and 15%. the resulting tablets are sent to the furnace, where carbothermic synthesis occurs in a nitrogen atmosphere, resulting in the formation of uranium nitrite and
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plutonium dense fuel. thermal synthesis is what we are when we mix two powders. we're putting it in there . uh, soot, the so-called carbon black, and in the process of synthesis, with these parameters, substitution occurs. uh carbon nitrogen, which is present both inside the chamber and candles. and after that it turns out already a tablet. here of this nitrite fuel, by the time the brest reactor is launched, two starting fuel sets in each 169 fuel assemblies should be ready. while it is being built, the fuel is already being tested in the bn-600 reactor. the experiment at the beloyarsk nuclear power plant involves 24 assemblies with snoop fuel, eight of them are currently in the reactor 16 have already taken their irradiation cycle out of the core. they have already
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completed the main result of the 9% pluto burnup. this means that the fuel efficiency over the course of a company is very high there experiment with snoop fuel for us. uh, passed and passes and is currently ongoing, the longest time. it was with us that seven micro-companies stood assemblies in a row, that is, without unloading. if we take into account only the regular, fuel assemblies , we have in the core 4 of the microcompany, then for this fuel. you understand that this is a fairly decent age of one of the problems, hindering the creation of technology, a closed nuclear fuel cycle was the heterogeneity and flood composition of the extracted plutonium, and now recently, mathematical modeling is limitless. she confirmed that a fast reactor does not care what isotopes it works with, a stable reaction will go on in any case, in order for the nuclear system to work effectively in the new energy model, five criteria must be met independence from the raw material
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base, the accumulated ayat and uranium in the dumps, minimizing the environmental impact will ensure it, closed nuclear fuel cycle. safety of operation of power units. the very physics of fast reactors works here. neutrons, and two more aspects peaceful use and competitiveness. technology director on fast neutrons. they make it possible to ensure the use of fuel in a completely new way, it is obvious that we will build a certain number of reactors, there will be some kind of balance between new reactors based on neutron attachments, existing thermal ones, spent fuel is fighting thermal ones, and this process will continue . i think to the end. the existing fleet of thermal reactors, of course, installations will not go anywhere on fast neutrons, it will be supplemented by creating a two-component nuclear power industry, the fuel between the two types of nuclear power plants will circulate
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, moreover, generation three plus fbgs have already been designed with the ability to work not only on pure uranium, but also on new mixed fuel. and this is not a distant future, but here and now, for example, the kursk as-2 under construction will be just like that. it has historically developed in the nuclear community that we work within a large time frame. but this needs to be changed. we have to learn to deploy things much faster and in the first place. this applies to fast reactors. they are already vital with the advent of the lead brest 300 and the construction of another powerful sodium in the bn-1200 power unit at beloyarskaya. nuclear power plants in russia will have four industrial fast neutron reactors, enough to launch a closed nuclear fuel cycle, but what should be the optimal ratio of pn and thermal blocks for full-scale implementation of the technology, experts
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have not yet decided one to two or in half. it depends on the problems posed not only on a national scale, but also on the world scale. you will certainly continue to operate the existing light water reactors, but if in 10-15 years we get economically profitable neutronar reactors, then this will be a good reason to immediately switch to them. and the solution of waste issues is the most important moment for nuclear energy at the current level of nuclear power consumption volumes of existing deposits, and this is about 8 million tons of natural uranium enough for 130 years, if we take into account potential deposits of 250 times the reprocessing, spent fuel and recycling of uranium and plutonium can increase the lifetime of nuclear energy by another two times, and the operation of breeder reactors can theoretically extend the use of the energy potential of a
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fossil element by 50 times. in our strategy, the main task is to increase the physical number of these most powerful industrial fast neutron reactors. well, and, accordingly, move from the centralization of fuel, that is, from such, well the movement of physical thermal fuel assemblies to reformation centers, then to fast ones and again, and refabrication again to thermal ones to the on-site cycle, so that the fabrication of remanufactured products is also carried out on this site. the nuclear industry, unlike the same electronics or medicine , does not operate for years, but for decades they design and build stations looking beyond the event horizon , at least for a century. forward technological priority in the implementation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle. only russia has it
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technology is very important, so it is important to continue its development and implementation. in the current sphere , reality dictates that it is needed here and now, and it is good that this technology already exists. here it is a full cycle of movement, fissile materials extraction enrichment production. fuel thermal reactors. fast reactors reprocessing and fabrication remanufacturing plants. this is a medium-term scenario until the end of the century. in the long term, it will be quite possible to abandon these parts of the scheme technologically, a breakthrough made in the 21st century will become a guarantee of fuel, energy and environmental security for the centuries to come
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i ordered thousands of additional soldiers to be sent germany poland to our allies on the eastern flank. circumstances require us to take decisive and immediate action. we achieved tactical surprise, that is, we launched the operation first instead of the american troops, with the ukrainian troops, whose troops were armed by the americans of the americans.
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caliber two new submarines of the northern fleet were laid down in st. petersburg. get a russian passport on russia day in zaporozhye and the kherson region , they began issuing documents to new citizens of the country. was in an inadequate state when he used service weapons. the ministry of defense of ukraine confirmed that a member of the general staff fired in a residential area. kyiv what will be the punishment? on the day of russia in the center of lugansk, the russian tricolor was raised, the ceremony was held in the park of heroes of the great patriotic war. it was attended by the head of the luhansk people's republic leonid pasechnik, he congratulated everyone on the holiday and a special thanked the russian
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