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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 6, 2022 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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other aspects of life must keep up with him. in particular, legislation regulating the use of new technologies. the first step towards the fight against the crimes of the future, which is rapidly becoming real alina skachkova oleg ivanov sergey zakharov there she was waiting for a meeting with a no less formidable young dog. alabai named. bari decided not to understand. well cat and a cat and herded a lynx on a tree. as a result, the frightened guests sat on the branch for more than 5 hours. all this time, employees of the ministry of internal affairs looked after her while the security forces decided how to safely catch the predator, so as not to harm her, the problem was solved by itself, the lynx fell from the branch, gave a chirp following the tracks in the snow, the townspeople were convinced that she fled back towards the forest. about the latest legal news. you can find out around the clock in our telegram channel vesti duty department , and program releases are always available on media platform we look in the application or on the site
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we studio was maxim see you. we continue to acquaint you with today's agenda. the rain closes in latvia because there is too little russophobia, as the terry ones suspected the agent, almost in a pro-russian position due to the presenter’s reservation, who has already quit and where the editorial office of the committee will move from the raging river, the executions of ukrainian soldiers are becoming the norm for a very rare video, but it is not a rare case when militants lead colleagues into the nearest undergrowth, to take their lives along with this, the number of missing people in ukraine is increasing, and commanders can trust the last will of the fighters. how does this all relate to the executions of the emblem. the
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ss divisions are not nazi, so the supreme court of ukraine decided and the symbols of war criminals will be used to educate new ones. why do western politicians benefit from this do not notice progressive scientists or sadists in the us authorities are investigating the activities of the company. ng employees say attempts to implant brain chips in monkeys leads to suffering and the death of primates, but elon musk only demands to speed up experiments in spain, a box with explosives in the czech republic, an envelope with animal eyes. such frightening parcels for several days already, it turns out that employees of ukrainian embassies and consulates are already on the list for more than 20 countries, who is behind the mailing and what did the author want to say? 12 years in allegedly totalitarian russia and only 4.5 months in free europe is a visual infographic that perhaps exhaustively illustrates the fate, inna
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agenta rain is deprived of the right to work in latvia where let me remind you that i moved in the spring not wanting to follow domestic legislation on the coverage of a special military operation, but it would seem that riga is for such propagandists. it is quite a suitable place to support the kiev regime and compose fakes about our troops. however, in the baltics, the editorial staff almost immediately faced harsh criticism, in fact, for insufficient russophobia, but the last straw obviously became the very reservation, one of the leading ones, according to which the channel allegedly helps the russian military , and now, finally, the logical result of the broadcast license annulled the decision made this morning will come into force the day after tomorrow, moreover , the latvian electronic media council recognized the activities of the rain as a threat and national security, which means that the so-called young european democracy is foreign, and ghent is clearly not on the way. and although attempts to cling to some other country do not leave anton podkovenko to confirm. there will be no rain in latvia from 8 december. and how many conversations were
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around the move and about agents in riga closer to the jellyfish and other western information dumps, it turns out that even the rain of the note agent of influence for the baltics is not strong enough to dislike russia and agent latynina you never think of writing. can russian propaganda be right in the baltics? experts considered that in totalitarian russia this optimistic tv channel had been operating for more than 12 years, and in the free and independent baltic states for only four and a half months. and at the same time, when he worked in russia, he sometimes gave out such comments and such interviews for which, uh, any other western country is possible in theory? uh, here in prison, or at least lose, but the rain did not touch the broadcast,
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he even became an agent in our country relatively recently, when in general he crossed all conceivable limits, and in the baltic states, it was worth the host to make a reservation about the russian army. all licenses have been revoked. we hope that many military personnel, including us, were able to help, for example, with equipment and with simply basic amenities at the front. alexey korostelev flew out of the canal with a bullet with a light hand, heads of harm, didko film agent, who immediately became to publicly swear that his rain has never helped the russian army and will not help, but to russell. i just made a mistake, the most interesting thing is that this is the way it is, korostelyov. ordinary rain. he is further on in the same air and says that stories from the front are terrifying and all that other familiar rhetoric, and with alleged help he reported, or something, because of him the already almost closed editorial office. now the whole war is going on. eh,
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people have the right to make mistakes. this is margarita lyuty, the host of the money program. rasseleva sends beams of support and leaves after him. behind him and on agent vladimir romensky, who was a chevrede at that very memorial. in the release, he wrote that they threw their own under the bus. and that he, too , is leaving in latvia, they didn’t pay any attention to all these inside editorial throwing, not the slightest attention, it turned out to be in vain, but it doesn’t turn out to be his own building , but this didn’t help at all. and what about the split? yes, indeed, mm, the editors split, because rivne fiercely solidarity expressed a difference from zippo and from the ideas and leadership of the channel. well, it happened, so did the spiders in the bank, someone was thrown out of the bank from this one, someone was able to carry on further, and then in the end this bank. they cocked it, as they say, at the risk of pavement, and now suddenly the general director of the rain and agent
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sendeeva is crying on camera and tells how disgusting she feels because of this dismissal. damn, for the mistake. it was the worst thing we could do in that situation, you had to broadcast something, you did the operation. 4 days i want to fix the mistake of searching while lying down. forgive and forgive our viewers, who of course kind of that led, and troitsky these tears on the agent just for the viewer of their own are designed for the audience of the rain, because you have to somehow restrain it. this is money. the west will not give them if there is no one to watch the
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pitiful theater of one actress from here, in fact, the baltic censors, twice took the rain on a pencil even before the reservation for rasstelevo, when a map of russia from the crimea flashed on the air , there was still an expression of our army about russian troops channel. they immediately slapped a fine of 10,000 euros, and after all, agent out of the woods to stand in riga their own and, together with the baltic states, to hate russia with american money is a business. this is a business that makes money money. they are small, so the rain got up on itself to intercept the part of the budget that was received. why do we need to pay the baltics yes , the baltic media in order to support and there the usual competition is one of the expulsions in general, as if raining due to increases and where is the grand now - it’s still necessary to actually work out they wrote that it seems that everyone soaped up in georgia editions, but on agent dzitko, that's all
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refuted, they say, we stay in latvia although even riga's youtube channel is deliberately blocked. maybe there will be a move. they're encrypted by a studio in holland somewhere else in europe. they'll probably be able to start broadcasting from there. well, holland it is quite logical for neo-liberals rainbow there , but there is no and can not be good russians for the west, even if they curse their country, which was shown by a brief rain in latvia. the center of donetsk today turned out to be a massive shelling of ukrainian militants. information, casualties and destruction continues to come, according to the head of the donetsk republic, four civilians were killed among them, and the deputy of the people's council of the dpr maria pirogova is also already known, and at least 19 wounded on the territory of the dpr on tuesday fired more than 130 shells and mines under fire, except for the republican capital also suburbs in
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gorlovka ukrainian militants. the chemical plant stirol was fired twice and in donetsk itself , hidden market, bus station, museum , shops, residential buildings and the city youth center were in the shelling zone from the dpr report by grigory vdovin would become smoke rising throughout the city. here and there, most likely, they hit with hail, and grad is a weapon that hits squares. today, ukrainian artillerymen designated the very center of these squares, plunging donetsk into the situation of the apocalypse. the arrival here was about 10-15 minutes ago, the cars that were parked along the street burned down. transport was pushed away manually so that they would at least not burn out the shelling began in the midst of the working day and bad assumptions are being made, it’s not
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zelensky or he personally gave the order during his blitz trip to the donbass, the ukrainian military celebrate their professional holiday in this way, one of the missiles hit a residential building, in which, as a result, there were overlaps of several floors to the apartment. thank god that everyone is alive, the husband was at home, the husband is already known, at least eight people died, but the scale of the shelling says that this number may increase, the dead people lie right on artyom street near the city youth center the armed forces of ukraine do not exist the fascist ss brigade falls one of the dead, maria pirogova , deputy of the people's council of the dpr, she is widely known for her active work, collected and transported humanitarian aid to ordinary people, and for the small residents of the dpr, she organized a wish tree that has become a regular parliamentary project, which made it possible to implement a miracle for those who are already tired of waiting for him to do good. it can, any person
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is not necessary. this can even be done as part of our wish tree project. you can just go out everyone in the entrance and see what kind of grandmother you have or a child lonely and help him with food in mariupol when our fighters liberated him, she carried food to the volnovakha. in all places where it was needed, they came and helped people. this is a girl. it’s just that she always infected everyone with optimism and positiveness, and today she was no longer another breed of shelling by the nazis, took another life. a month ago or a little more, grad shells also hit here, and then a minibus with passengers was damaged here dead and flowers still lie here. are there any victims this time, while there is no information, flowers at the site of those deaths are still standing, the relatives of the
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dead are constantly bringing new ones; now they are against the backdrop of new conflagrations for new hits. all these shops were working, there were people everywhere at the time of the impact. this is the central market area. the so-called covered market. it's always crowded here. there are always cars and trams on this road. and right here is one of the points where one of the ammunition flew in today, the specifics of the work of firefighters in donetsk special implies the presence of body armor. the first weapon for battle from scouts. came the coordinates of the guns are preparing for battle. and the goals it is known that this is the avdiivka direction of the ammunition depot at the forefront. combat work does not stop for a minute, ammunition, 152 caliber, threshold 203 caliber. here the gunpowder is full and reduced everyone has to do their job, someone sends, someone carries a bullet, someone gunpowder, someone on the street. artillerymen of the 1st slavic brigade of the 1st army corps all
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locals and who else but they perfectly understand peace will come only after the enemy is finally expelled from our earth for the speedy approach of this victory here they are doing everything possible grigory vdovin ruslan bobbikerov andrei rudenko and oleg bondarenko news from the donetsk people's republic. during the day, russian aviation artillery, missile troops destroyed four command posts of the armed forces, hit three large warehouses where weapons and ammunition of the kiev regime were stored, and also struck more than 170 areas of accumulation of manpower and equipment of the enemy, such data were announced at today's briefing of the ministry of defense, but the head of the department, sergei shoigu, held a conference call, where he spoke about the successful offensive operations of our troops and the huge losses of ukrainian militants. details. aleksey golovko has a crew of a ka-52 attack helicopter in the sky. rockets in the air hit the ground at the area where the enemy's manpower and equipment are concentrated . with such round-the-clock
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air support, the russian army is developing an offensive under donetsk about the liberated settlements and enemy losses. today minister of defense sergei shoigu said recently majorca, pavlovka experienced, andreevka belogorovka, yuzhnaya na luganskaya donetsk south -donetsk direction have come under our control. helicopters, 149 tanks and more than 300 armored fighting vehicles . in personnel, her russian commanders on the ground confirm her high, and for the senior as a sergeant of the assault group with the call sign fog , the first battle after mobilization was a civil cook and a senior shooter in the military registration, he participated in the battles for marinka, where his group captured several
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military personnel, and a shooting battle began. they apparently started to run out of ammunition, we started throwing grenades at them, then we still decided to suggest that they hand over 5 prisoners to us, one was killed, six were killed and one turns out the group commander ran away, they were abandoned by adult men also mobilized. we checked their documents, too, called up recently. uh, according to them. they say they are forced to fight. they do not want such skillful, action in battle is largely due to the training mobilized on the training grounds. here, in the zaporozhye region, training is carried out practically in combat conditions. a serviceman of this detachment from buryatia, their instructors are officers from the far east, we have two months in the shortest possible time since we are called to prepare incredibly closely today's
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training is practically no different from real fight. the ministry of defense today spoke about the goals of a massive strike with precision-guided weapons on ukrainian military and energy facilities that the russian army inflicted on the eve of december 5, the target of the strike was achieved, all designated facilities were hit as a result of the strike, the production and repair of ukrainian weapons at enterprises was stopped, the defense of the industrial complex, disrupted rail transportation military equipment for the armed forces of ukraine, including foreign production, is difficult the transfer of reserves in the area of ​​hostilities emphasized that 60 russian military personnel were delivered in missile attacks on the city of the aerospace forces, whose servicemen were returned from ukrainian captivity and thus saved from mortal danger. now they have to undergo treatment and rehabilitation, our correspondent words. vasilchenko met those released at the moscow airfield. stanislav is now on direct contact with the studio greetings well, how do the fighters feel?
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did you manage to communicate with them? alexey hello, managed to communicate with the fighters. even though it was not so easy, of course they feel great, they feel great, because they just set foot on their native land and already phoned their relatives. after all, they were in ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger, but russia does not abandon its own. and this is confirmed by the cleared cases of the exchange of prisoners of war. there have been more of them between russia and ukraine lately. the last one was december 1st. here at the chkalovsky airfield then it was possible to exchange 50 people this time, another 60, and we get that in less than a week, this is 110 people who returned home. today's exchange took place on the border with the belgorod region because of the belgorod airport, uh, the guys managed to get through to their relatives, of course, there were conversations. uh, short, but uh,
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very emotional. here i propose to look at one of these conversations. i'll call the least. our fighters in dark and damp basements, but even in such conditions, uh, russian military personnel could not only uh, maintain their fighting morale, but also supported their comrades. we supported each other, talked, well, we tried to cheer up, how would such a situation support each other, of course, hold on, keep supporting each other there, and everyone knew that in general they were from the
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same village. here we are from the belgorod region. now the health of russian fighters is in the reliable hands of the medics, they met our servicemen right on the runway and provided the necessary assistance here. governor of the belgorod region, thanks to him toilets call relatives gave awesome, not dry rations, but two sausage sandwiches, thick, raw tea in thermoses, awesome tea with sugar. it's just that you have n't eaten anything hot for weeks. and the guys supported you with this warmth at once, everything waited for everyone. now the servicemen have been sent to the medical facility of the ministry of defense in moscow. there they will undergo treatment , rehabilitation and receive psychological assistance. and,
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of course, they will be able to see their relatives and friends specially organized for them. uh, meetings and visits. alexey yes. thank you. stanislav vasilchenko spoke about returning home russian military who have been released from ukrainian captivity. well, then we will show resonant footage from artyomovsk, the direction of the special operation, a russian surveillance drone captured a group of militants of the kiev regime, which you might think are just leisurely patrolling the surroundings. however, if you look a little more closely, it is not difficult to notice an important nuance that several hands are tied behind their backs, and the rest accompany their own colleagues as escorts, the end point of this route becomes the nearest forest belt where the execution takes place, then there are actually war crimes. by the way, the drone itself was eventually noticed and tried to shoot down. however, they did not succeed in this way, the video was in the public domain. but for what reason the punishers staged this bloody tribunal is still unclear. although
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it can be assumed with a certain degree of certainty that the soldiers were punished for failure to comply with one or another order, all the more such cases in the ranks of the armed forces are by no means uncommon and were recorded many times, george proves, the podgorny dollar of automata presented to the back moved away for the next trees, the executions of ukrainian servicemen by their own should be military field tribunals. today in ukraine it is an ordinary matter in the people's militia of the lpr. we are being clarified in the case of the application of the above penalties, recorded in the area of ​​artyomovsk-severskoye-kremennaya and svatov. that is , what the quadrocopter recorded and that this video became public. it's not uncommon that this happens all the time. it's just that the drone does not always fly over the desired position. or a lot may simply not be published in an understandable way reasons. and now, in principle, the commander has allowed everything absolutely, up to the implementation of an exceptional measure of punishment on the line
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of contact, which, in principle, the ukrainian so-called e, commanders or detachments used to be e, specially trained people. and as a rule, from among foreign mercenaries, but now we already see that, in principle, ukrainians are ready to shoot each other, by the way, the practice of executions has begun to apply, not today and not even this year 2014 militants from the forbidden right sector shot ukrainian artists. they refused to strike at the city after 8 years. no, and other cities of the donbass where only civilians live, they fire every day, apparently, more in the ranks of the ssu, there is no remorse left, where and at whom to shoot, and notorious radicals are not needed by their own and they will shoot them themselves. they sent me a video today. i suspect it was the ukrainian servicemen who sent this primary source, who show the real state of affairs on
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front, where they are simply brought down by the command, where they have nothing. and all this forces us to toughen punitive measures precisely in relation to our own colleagues, because mass facts of desertion are fleeing positions. it is not clear how they then qualify those who fell under execution, maybe i write it down in the column, missing, to avoid uncomfortable questions. by the way, this graph is very popular. here is the latest data of 15,000 people in ukraine, it is not clear whether they are alive or not? why it is important? after all, while a person is not listed as dead , relatives do not receive payments and in ukraine they are very afraid to voice the figures of losses in the european commission, by the way, they estimate about 100,000 killed. true, then they erased the records and tried to write everything off as a reservation. after all, otherwise , with the idea of ​​all reasonable questions,
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another one arises, how kiev will pay off its relatives. when you probably watched a feature film, driven horses are shot, so what's the point of paying dead ukrainians shot in horses in general a and their relatives. if there are still enough people alive and they need to pay at least something. naturally, the west pays. but the money that goes to wages. uh, it's better to pay these very servicemen while they're still alive. and as soon as a person dies, it is better to write it off in the so-called missing persons and should not be forgotten. what opportunities opened up for different commanders of the armed forces, a few months ago, the cabinet of ministers. he allowed military personnel to certify the will not only by a notary, but also by their boss, that is a ukrainian soldier, being on the front line, decides to write a will, and his battalion commanders or someone else assures him. and this last will will have legal force, as the
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conjurer conjurers would say, now watch your hands. i got hmm a seagull which has some kind of apartment property. yes, you can always follow him, and then, uh, pretend that he somehow violated something there, yes, uh, take a will from him, someone there signatures, get out, yes, write it and so on in the forest plantation take away shoot uh, then him the command to send these documents and a friendly person will receive this property a war crime in ukraine it seems to be already a common practice and quite. it is not difficult to imagine how one sin pulls another and ethical norms have long been erased. so, while some people are shooting, the authorities are silent about this, and the executioners should be earning. now a short ad and that's what will happen next. the emblem of the ss-key division is not nazi , so the supreme court of ukraine decided and the symbols
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of war criminals will be used for educating new ones. why is it advantageous for western politicians not to notice this? the idea, i want to realize it right now, open a business with a dot dot bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. great, now fixed rate for all fix rate this opening. and here and here and here oh yes, and even here in general, and in
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