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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 7, 2022 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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kherson region, there are large-scale trainings of fighters before being sent to the front line, what skills are they working out in the exercises and how is the morale of the defenders assessed? europe is offended by the united states biden's economic policy is called dishonest, they say washington is pulling the blanket over itself and ruining its allies. whether to wait for a big trade war, they said abnormal frosts in novosibirsk, they are testing the strength of the energy system. a new cold wave is ahead. will the utilities manage?
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another social network appeared in russia, what's new offered to users by developers. and why this project is already called unusual. kiev is playing with the lives of ukrainians and europeans by shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, natalya karmazinskaya, representatives of russia, said at the un general assembly, according to her , it is necessary to agree on the parameters for protecting the nuclear power plant. this is a security issue for the entire world. in principle, we support this initiative. but it is necessary to agree on the parameters of this zone. so that this does not lead to a decrease in the degree of its security and on target threats to commit terrorist acts, following the visit of the agency’s director general to the station , he came up with the initiative to create an operational and physical nuclear security protection zone around the station, and most importantly, its goal is to prevent
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threats to the station that arise subsequently, without stopping, and so the armed forces of ukraine shelling of a nuclear facility by nationalists in late november, at which the russian side announced everything in the official documents of the security council of the un general assembly. this, she says, poses risks. technogenic accidents by median emissions. russia has done everything for a safe visit of the mission. mgt. after that, the director general of the agency, rafael rusi , made a proposal to create a special zone around the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, moscow - this initiative is supported serious disagreements have been outlined between the united states and the allies because of the economic policy of the united states, according to foreignpolis columnist edward talden according to him, brussels only grumbled quietly for a long time, but dissatisfaction erupted this week eu commissioner for internal affairs the market announced that he would not participate in eu council meetings the reason for washington's pressure
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on the economy. eurozone. ukraine only exacerbates the disagreement gas prices in most eu countries are 10 times higher than american indicators of europe's industry in a monstrous situation. at the same time, biden's new protectionist law to reduce inflation in the united states can even split europe confidently into lithium. among european countries, internal contradictions are growing , many openly make claims to brussels, why is all assistance to ukraine and the problems of eastern europe is being ignored due to sanctions and the fuel crisis, more and more economic problems, and less and less money anastasia dolgova will continue. the european union invited the countries of the western balkans to join the anti-russian sanctions, the belgian prime minister said, thanks to such a policy, they will be more quickly accepted into the european union, although with similar promises. brussels has been feeding everyone for a quarter of a century, not forgetting to intimidate moscow, our alliance causes concern in russia and the
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fact that in many countries of the western balkans there is a strong desire to join the european union because here they see unity. nations place of prosperity. all this clearly haunts russia, but there is no unity for a long time, and prosperity is also a couple to forget. europe in crisis is saving on everything, even in ukraine, the next aid package for 18 billion euros is blocked. we voted against this aid because the money provided by the european union. i would have to take a loan, but i am strongly against saving the economy of one state by killing my own market. we do not agree. in order for the european union to become an alliance of debtors on internal market issues, it directly declared existential times on steel, that is, we are talking about the survival of europe, anti-russian sanctions are inexorably destroying the economy of the old world, and the us law on combating inflation is finishing off what is left, while washington is literally squeezing help from the allies to kiev, first of all, the
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military on the issue of the supply of western weapons and control over them, russia has already requested a special meeting of the un security council on friday it is already becoming obvious that the uncontrolled pumping of weapons by the kiev regime is becoming a global problem without having a decisive impact on the situation. perhaps a lot of evidence that western weapons destined for ukraine are increasingly falling into the hands of bandits and terrorists in various areas not only in europe but also in the middle east pool. smuggling and money laundering are involved transnational criminal groups are clearly involved in these criminal schemes and officials directing weapons of states, while the united states earns billions on the defense of ukrainian
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democracy, the ruin of the european union, the french press warns, although macron promised that the fifth republic will survive the winter without massive power outages, anastasia will not be able to avoid this dolgov alik komarov news. soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion passed combat coordination at the training grounds of the kherson region. these are the final workouts before being sent to the line. according to the legend of one of the episodes , a combat comrade is wounded, a comrade of the group is sent to take him out of the shelling and provide first aid, as margarita semenyuk will tell you the task was completed. rifle group of a separate reconnaissance battalion. the final training of combat coordination of military personnel previously mobilized volunteers and experienced fighters under difficult conditions, that is, we still make our way through the forests. here, uh, we walk along the paths. at the same time , there are also arrivals, we were sent to izyumskoe
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direction. here, under the raisins, we went in the plantings , took the planting, after the raisins. also, again, there was a rest, we went to popasnoye, and under the popasny we passed a lot, we did a lot there, so we held the defense in the direction of kherson. this is a tactical training of actions in a zone as close as possible to combat operations. the terrain unknown comes several reconnaissance groups, the fighters force the enemy to open fire and thereby designate positions, then artillery works on them. in the case of the wounded, an algorithm has been developed actions according to the legend of the training, our serviceman fired from the trench was wounded by a grenade rupture by a shrapnel, our serviceman advances to him to show him first aid. it is very important that dressings are not done in the red zone, that is, not under fire, but after the fighter is evacuated to the yellow zone, that is, the first safe trenches, the scouts cover the evacuees
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with return fire on the enemy, such training is primarily carried out for volunteers and newcomers, they already in service in response to ukrainka the equipment of the fighters declares the conditions, i am satisfied. yes, i also saw that they say that they don’t dress us, don’t feed us, and i didn’t notice this. that is, i read. himself what is. well, where is it, i don't know, we have here to eat and dress. i put on everything new, of course, it’s not my own, but what it says in that and i go, the servicemen have already tried all types of weapons, what is called shooting, they have worked out all tactical strategic actions, the soldiers are ready to defend the occupied guns margarita semenyuk alexander botkin to conduct, kherson region, a now footage of combat sorties of crews of su-27 fighters in the special operation zone has been presented to the ministry of defense for materials; pilots are engaged in air patrols and cover for attack aircraft and helicopter bombers when delivering air strikes on military facilities and equipment of the ukrainian army; flights are carried out with suspended missiles of various classes. when a target is detected, we
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also launch guided missiles of the air class, mainly we hit enemy aircraft, duty is performed on an ongoing basis around the clock mode. now our units are coming to the young generation of flight crews of comrades. they have combat experience striving for the successful completion of combat missions. the militants of the kiev regime are killing their own colleagues. one of these cases was filmed by a russian drone in the artyomovsk direction; executions of their own in the ranks are not uncommon. georgiy podgorny was being punished for what the muzzle of machine guns presented the expedition retreated behind the nearest trees executions of ukrainian military personnel should be military field tribunals today in ukraine case of an ordinary people's militia of the lc. we are being clarified in the
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case of the application of the above measures of punishment, fixed in the area of ​​​​artyomovskaya seversk , klemennaya and swat. that is, what the quadcopter recorded and the fact that this video became public. it's not uncommon that this happens all the time. it's just that the drone flies over the desired position, or a lot of things can simply not be published for obvious reasons. and now the commander, in principle, allowed everything absolutely up to the execution of an exceptional measures of punishment on the line of combat contact, what, in principle, do the ukrainian so -called e, commanders or detachments used to be e, specially trained people. and as a rule, from among foreign mercenaries, but now we already see that, in principle, ukrainians are ready to shoot each other, by the way, the practice of executions, they began to apply not today and not even this year, military experts are talking about it,
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as back in 2014 militants from the forbidden right sector shot ukrainian artists. those refused to strike at the city after 8 years. no, and other cities of the donbass where only civilians live, they fire every day, apparently, more in the ranks of the ssu, there is no remorse left , where and at whom to shoot, and notorious radicals are not needed by their own and they will shoot them themselves. they sent me a video today. i suspect it was the ukrainian servicemen who sent this primary source, who show the real state of affairs at the front, where they are simply brought down by the command, where they have nothing. and that's all it forces just e to toughen punitive measures precisely in relation to their own deserving people, because the mass facts of desertion, incomprehensible, are fleeing from their positions, how then they qualify those who fell under execution, maybe i write them down in the column, missing, to
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avoid uncomfortable questions. by the way, this graph is very popular. here is the latest data of 15,000 people in ukraine, it is not clear whether they are alive or not? why is it important? after all, while a person is not listed as dead, relatives do not receive payments and for ukraine is very afraid to voice the figures of the loss in the european commission, by the way, they estimate about 100,000 killed. true, then they erased the records and tried to attribute everything to a reservation, because otherwise , among all the reasonable questions, one more question arises, how kiev will pay off vladimir’s relatives . uh, what's the point of paying shot horses in general to dead ukrainians a and their relatives. if there are still enough people alive and they need to pay at least something. uh, naturally pay, but the money that goes to wages. uh, it's
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better to pay these very servicemen while they're still alive. and as soon as a person dies, it is better to write it off in uh, so to speak, that's missing and should not be forgotten. what opportunities opened up for various isu commanders a few months ago, cabinet. he allowed military personnel to certify their will not only to a notary, but also to their boss, that is, a ukrainian soldier. 10 on the front line decides to write a will, and his battalion commanders or someone else assures. and this last will will have legal force, as magicians would say. and now watch your hands, hit, a seagull, which has some kind of apartment property. yes, you can always trace him, and then pretend that he somehow violated something there, yes, uh, take his will. uh, who's signing there? vaughn, yes, he will write, and so on , take him to the forest plantation shoot, then his command will send these documents and his man
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will receive this property a war crime on ukraine it seems to be a common practice and it is not difficult to imagine how one sin leads to another and ethical norms have long been erased. so, while some are shooting, the authorities are silent about this, and the executioners should be developing. now the news of the economy is dreaming to me of alexandra nazarova sasha good morning, brand oil is getting cheaper. now it is trading below $80 per barrel roman , first of all, the decline comes from fears that the us federal reserve will raise the discount rate, while i start with other news. aeroflot started selling tickets at subsidized fares for the next year, they are available to all residents of the far eastern federal district and for the preferential category of citizens, special fares are valid in economy class for flights under the heading su aeroflot russia and aurora, the program includes flights scheduled for the period from june 2 to september 18. for example, a flight from vladivostok
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, khabarovsk and magadan to moscow will cost a little over 10,000 rubles for an adult. from yakutsk to moscow less than nine and a half thousand. it is important for a western air carrier to resume flights over russia, international air transport associations urged to consider this possibility. however, they emphasized that companies should decide for themselves whether they are ready to take this step in order to save time and money. we need to consider the possibility of opening russian airspace so that all airlines have the opportunity to use traditional routes over siberia, so that from europe you can get to asia in the easiest way. i think next year this issue will be discussed, given the closure ukrainian airspace, russian airspace and the situation in other regions of the world, the number of flights over europe on some routes has greatly increased for a long time, this cannot continue if the airspace over russia is closed for some, and
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not for others, then the question arises. why is that? let me remind you earlier in the uk they announced the need to take action against chinese carriers. they retain the ability to fly over russia and thus save time and fuel. but many european airlines must obtain special permission for this. the relevant committees of the us congress have agreed on record defense budgets asking for the prompt adoption of documents for the next fiscal year, it is planned to allocate about 850 billion dollars in the draft budget. it is also said that washington will seek the exclusion of russia from the g20 by a number of international financial organizations. in addition, the document provides for sanctions for large gold transactions for russia, we are talking about the sale of supplies or the transfer of precious metal, including including from the reserves of our central bank which are located abroad. for the first time in early january, futures for brent crude could be bought
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cheaper than $79 per barrel below this mark, they fell at the auction on tuesday. now , experts attribute the decline in value to a little more expensive, primarily due to the fact that investors are afraid of raising the discount rate of the us federal reserve in the light of strong economic statistics. in addition, the us slightly raised the forecast for oil production in the country. and here is the expectation for global demand for next year. i had to meanwhile, slightly reduce the ceiling on russian oil prices, until it affects quotes, if it starts to operate in full force, prices may go up. completion of the release let me remind you the exchange rates for today the dollar is 62 rubles. 91 kop. euro 66 10 on this i'm still average. and the ears are huge. this is not necessary valery zavgorodniy is a specialist in exotic animals. what is the average between parrots and monkeys, and this is already logical
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thinking, and in animals, is this really the admiral? i bought a giraffe from your admiral. stores online shopping is a holiday that is always with you, despite any restrictions, russians continue to order goods from abroad with the approaching new year, they are doing it more and more actively against the backdrop of problems with logistics and card payments, the services of
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intermediaries that help to carry out payment and delivery from another country, usually for a certain commission, for example, russian post began to accept parcels from european online stores through its partner mail global cross-border trade experienced difficulty with the development of new mechanisms, but they managed to do it successfully. and, using both, multimodal logistics routes, and significantly, increasing the intensity of the operation of the aircraft fleet, it seems. in services , many of their services for the delivery of goods from other countries are offered by cdek ozone boxbury. ozone 's number of orders to and from abroad rose eight times over the first quarter of this year. and boxbury has nine times in the first two quarters. we now see ah, the growth is quite a significant increase in orders and foreign online stores, and finally the year, we are even seeing. and the number of orders that exceeded
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last year’s figures is most often ordered by russians from abroad vitamins and dietary supplements t-shirts bags sneakers dresses electronics and home appliances korean cosmetics american jeans italian shoes all parcels from abroad arrive at the central sorting center. from where they are sent to pick-up points or by courier, directly to the buyer's home, while most of the goods come from china, this direction accounts for 90% of orders. in addition, the flow has grown sharply against the backdrop of the main annual sale, which takes place among the chinese in mid- november, the chinese segment has positive dynamics there and, of course, the e-segment, as it were. deliveries from there europe and the us of course, is very much reduced. well, the chinese segment. we see that it is in the positive zone, in principle, the main orders, which would be just there, all deliveries, let 's say, which are new year's eve, are orders that are done in general. well, as a rule, there until the tenth of
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december this year due to the increase in the flow of goods at the border. with china, queues even accumulated. the media began to report that the russians would not have time to receive gifts for the new year. in fact, most orders today are shipped by air . aliexpress said that more than 90% of goods from online stores are transported by air. now all delivery of aliexpress russia aliexpress russia is carried out by standard terms. most of the overseas parcels are delivered to buyers nothing in 28 days, and the delivery time for parcels is from 10 days to a couple of people, and it should be noted that most of the parcels, the vast majority of parcels arrive. in russia, transport companies have long learned to predict sales surges and cope with the load even high season. so those who were going to order gifts may still be in time if dmitry morocco , mikhail vikulin, mikhail merzon, together hurry up. mobilized tankers are preparing to perform combat missions in the area of ​​the special operation
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. classes are held in the rear areas of the tank crew t-72s fire cannons at a great distance, sometimes up to 4 km, and from the shelter of a babalistic trajectory from tank machine guns , fire is fired at targets that imitate armored vehicles with a grenade launcher and enemy helicopters, the distance is also large up to 2 km. everything was clearly taught. everything is already, as it was, we drive, we shoot. now we are studying cardinals. how to shoot malfunctions are some kind of nuances. like all the nuances. fifa explained the lack
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of a fire show before the matches at the world cup in qatar where they disappeared roman fifa suggested that at the current stage of the tournament, the premium version is no longer used, but the standard version of the pre-match ceremony. in the very first matches in the center of the field, a huge copy of the main trophy appeared, the flame generators worked for the world cup. why did you decide to cancel the award? mystery? the moroccan national team on tuesday sensationally played the spanish team in a penalty shootout, and the portuguese defeated the swiss, these matches completed the program of the 1/8 finals of the world cup in a frame that pauses before starting to read in the final of the meeting on december 9, the spanish national team became the first and only favorite to misfire in the playoff match of the current world championship, as 4 years ago in russia, the sponsors stopped at the 1/8 final stage and lost in a penalty shootout, then the red fury. she was able to stop the russian national team during the main time of the matches, the edual halves
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ended in a draw, and in the penalty shoot-out, the russians won with a score of 4: 3, the enemy team will play for the first time in the quarterfinals of the world cup . only three african teams from cameroon under the leadership of the russians were coached by senegal in 1990 and ghana in 2010. the celebration of moroccan fans could be seen all over the world. fans of the moroccan team disappeared, took to the champs elysees in paris, fireworks were fired, afan chants and drums were heard all over the streets of the netherlands to disperse moroccan fans. special forces had to be involved, since the peaceful ones that had begun were celebrating in some cities, including amsterdam, the haguerm, then the riots escalated. five-time captain of the portugal national team the winner of the golden ball cristiano ronaldo for the first time since 2008 did not hit, the starting lineup of the national team in the match in a major tournament, replacing ronaldo in the starting lineup of the 21-year-old forum hansala ramos, justified the trust issued the first trick. this is the world cup, while
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the frame was held only by the fourth mast of the national team, but he already scored four goals, only the brazilian pele scored three in the playoffs of the world championship at a younger age than ramos, the final score of the match was 6: 1, more the russian federation and pepe, who turns 40 in february, became the oldest player to score in a world cup playoff match. the 4 final match of the world cup in the frame will come on december 9.10, the ninth team of brazil will play with croatia, the argentine will meet an opponent from the netherlands the next day, the moroccan team will play a match against the portuguese team, and the reigning world champion, the french team will continue its way in defense types by playing against the british. the president of the cameroonian football federation smelt it and apologized for the fight with the algerian to fans at the world cup in this frame, the former striker of barcelona real anji and chelsea asked the algerians to quickly forget the painful defeat of the play-off. he was leaving the stadium when a man with a camera in his hands approached the former player. after a short conversation with a
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fan. athlete. one of the assistants began to pursue him, took the camera and threw it on the ground. the politician tried to pick it up, but was hit in the head area. after that, the cameroonian expressed deep regret. due to the fact that he lost his self-control, he reacted in such a way in a way that doesn't match his personality. the ministry of sports of russia has already approved a tightening of the limit on legionnaires of the continental hockey league from the beginning of august next year, at the moment, russian clubs can carry an application for a match of up to five legionnaires, with the next season the number of foreigners of the application of each team has been reduced to three, the tightening of the limit on legionnaires will affect the entire russian hockey league championship of the all-russian hockey league bhl. b, where is the maximum possible number of legionnaires will be a prisoner of four to three people. moscow spartak with a score of 2-3 lost to the yaroslavl locomotive in the match of the regular season of the
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kontinental hockey league lokomotiv climbed to second place with 54 points in 39 matches.
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and now anatoly they will tell you how, where the monster returns the memory of dissociative amnesia remembers what happened to him and who are the brightest events in your life, he, too, will remember everything else when he was young. we only need you young 50.000 hour 3 hour minimum wage to find a true friend. i know what the same notion i share this season.
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, we watch the best historical series for free without registration. testing strength in all areas of the city led to a massive fuel crisis in hungary, the government is forced to lift restrictions on gas stations.


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