tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 January 1, 2023 8:30am-9:01am MSK
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that is, the one who has undergone genetic modification, the one who has accepted the rules of the game, which are imposed on him in order, he has more opportunities, and who did not accept? he's an outcast , he won't be able to go to college. he can't buy a car, he can't rent a place, he can't do anything. and how to determine this, and this is determined by a certain passport, which will make it possible for the outside world to understand, who are you, and how to achieve this certainty? this is a mandatory vaccination for those who have received the vaccine. your life goes on one road. and who didn't accept it differently i'm not saying that you shouldn't be vaccinated, do n't misunderstand me, but i'm sure that forced vaccination. she must be intimidating. ok then. okay, we live at home.
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here, we can trust our doctors. i hope that what is injected into our shoulder is done so that we do not get sick or that we recover. and what is injecting me outside of my fatherland and illustrating this is an absolutely deafening failure of universal vaccination in france, here's an example for you on december 27, a mass vaccination campaign was launched in france, which immediately began to fail miserably. according to sociological questions conducted by the national health agency, the number of french people who refuse vaccination is growing every day, if in july of the twentieth year 64% of respondents. if we would like to go through the windows, then at the end of december only 40% of respondents expressed their readiness to be vaccinated. healthy doubts of the french the
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scandal with the president of pfizer, one of the main suppliers of vaccines for the world market on december 22, 2020, the leader of the galician party, arise france, nicula dupont-agnan, announced that the president fizer, albert burla, did not intend to vaccinate himself. the head fizer hastily objected to the frenchman, saying that he was just waiting for his turn, but who could be convinced, unlike alexander guinnessburg, who is one of the authors and manufacturers of our vaccine, one of the first inoculated, at least, at least. i know that the person who offers this to me is himself. this has already been experienced, but in order to achieve the idea, everything the media must be digitized. and this means
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absolute total censorship, literally every second and absolutely everywhere, and we don’t have to go far for this. for examples of this, just think for a second of the president of the united states of america, trump, who is permanently blocked from twitter because he says that is not what the globalists want. moreover, everything that somehow gives even a hint that they support trump is blocked. they don't support democrats. well, trump was blocked, but as a result, blocked more than 80 millions of people who do not agree with what is happening. we can even imagine . what is this scale, what is this scale of lies, when people rushing to this window to this window of last
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opportunities go to any lengths. well, everything, well, absolutely everything, i have nothing. just nothing minority opinion given that this is not done by the state. this is done by private people. this is done by the owners of the huge, and the zuckerberg media corporation will teach, it is different from doom. having said the phrase that democracy is discipline and responsibility. you know in europe discipline and responsibility. they were very much in demand when they built camps and burned furnaces, there were jews, and e slavs. and in general, everyone who would not be lucky. it's a very disciplined thing that the clock has everything hi hyper. what is wonderful, and this bow is going to wait. to each his own, which hung on the gates of the buchenwald terrible death camp. doesn’t such a comparison suggest itself
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when it turns out that democracy in the most democratic country is discipline and responsibility, that is, it is responsibility to those who forces to be disciplined to his tasks by his order. and his will, is n't the same thing happening now. in europe, for 75 years, europe, being under the american nuclear umbrella, grew fat, ate plump, drank, ate, and built. uh, filming movies, leaving performances, but europe has atrophied, her muscles have atrophied over the years, and she is absolutely powerless. she is forced by tolerance
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to call cowardice multiculturalism , to call the inability to protect her nation, her culture, her history, her history, not her ability. it's easier to say humanism demands, please. come to us to study the industrial revolution, there is every opportunity to expose the inequalities in the world to such an extent that in the future it will become unacceptable. this will help garner political support for the necessary decisions to close the gap. freddie ustyug you come people who absolutely don't give a shit about this europe they don't want to know the language at all. nowhere, they rape european women, they rampage on the streets to people, they offer and ask not
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to go out after nine, we recommend women do not go out late at night to ask someone to give them a lift and, if possible, move around the city in groups, enlightened europe that lives according to the laws of the occupied city, damn it, this is how solovyova writes capitalism in the form of western colonial expansion, of course, evil, but the fact that the evil of hell is offered, despite the fact that we have already touched on this idea, that not a year, not two, not five, not even 10, this is all gradually happening and growing in 1995, the well-known historian economist anthony setton published book the power of dollars, actually proving who really financed the work of
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marx isa, i now say right away. now i don't want the communists to get irritated, for us to be irritated by marxists and laziness. i’m not saying this for this, but nevertheless the facts are important without regard to the fact that marx had four sources of funding to offend anyone, and they all go back to the power elites of germany and the usa financiers. jean lafitte. clinton , a few more representatives of the german elites, by the way, it was in those years that the first industrial the revolution, as a result, one of the geopolitical opponents of the west of the russian empire, was crushed and trampled, it was almost able to recover in the form of the ussr, but only for a miserable 70 years, after which the
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communists themselves published their own country, let me remind you, words. kovalchuk academician said in the form of the ministry of defense that we are losing, because under what the americans need to learn, they play for a long time, they play for a long time. that's when the war ended. here i will show you now the war is over. here is what nikita sergeevich said it would seem that we sang and danced here, stand up and they two brothers gave sa one director of the cia and the second secretary of state with the full cover of financial support from rockefeller, who now died with a seventh heart. they started what we eat today. here, look. first they created st, health, you organize, an international organization for health care. they created it not because to heal people, but in order to take control of the state of health, the world and influence it by
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vaccination, anything. and look. it was a funded organization. uh, rockefeller and his closest collaborator and buddy chihol became the first president of world health gas for 40 years. so , in order to come to a world government , it is necessary to expel the consciousness of people, their individuality, attachment to the family traditions of the nation. patriotism and religious dogma, the destruction of the concepts of truth and lies, which are the basis of raising a child, the replacement of faith in the experience of elders, what nikita spoke about with rational thinking. here are the belated goals needed to change the human behavior. this is a memorandum of the forty-eighth year of marx, in fact, the first ideologist and technologist of color revolutions. marxism. there is the first
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theory of globalization to that marx the proletariat has no fatherland. what does it mean? this is the erasure of national sovereignties, that is, in fact . this is the task of the schwab and pay attention to him, so that he says very grandly that the time has come, and to revise the world that has developed after the second world war, economic political and blah blah blah blah blah, what does it mean to revise? world formed after the second world war, what does it mean today? what confirmation we see of this is already real is very simple. for example, the united states of america is issuing a medal for the 75th anniversary of the victory over the nazi germany, someone is us is depicted on this medal three flags in the united states in
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great britain and france we are not there. in september of the nineteenth year, the european parliament. he recognized the ussr as the culprit. beginning of world war ii. it means what they think. we, along with nazi germany, are to blame for the death of up to 80 million people around the world and we are to blame for the holocaust, it’s that, just like that, a damn reservation, it’s pushing the world to this window in motion, which we interfere with, our existence interferes with. so we need to level our values. but at the same time all religions must be destroyed. everything, because religion is the basis of this or that culture now. it doesn't matter who are orthodox catholics among muslims and in judah judea, it doesn't
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matter. all the same, they all all religions talk about the existence of god and that man is a god's being. and how can this to connect with digital and how it can connect, and with artificial intelligence and what we just talked about, what you can imagine 20 years ago, so that in all seriousness you have a new angle on gender equality. here in the form in which it now exists, when it is forbidden to say, he is she, when the church of her sanctified marriages of same-sex people is allowed, why does it come to the most perfect insanity? and not so one initiator of this insanity is now a strip, she is the chairman of the chamber representatives of our exclusivity from
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the outside in the history of mankind. there it comes to the most perfect, and the breda in paragraph eight c-3 of rule 23 follows. this is the whole existence of the work of the house of representatives. in the united states of america, remove father mother son daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt cousin further down the list all relatives half sister grandson and granddaughter to be replaced by parent child sibling, parent cousin sibling, sibling is family ties. it's like a blood connection where it goes. right there to that roller in masks and without eyes. it goes there, he imagined that the democrat emmanuel clover at the meeting of the united states congress, he ended his speech with a word. amen
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in english. it sounds like amel. here. see how he tried to stay in the handshake. for all those who, while rejoice in gender equality, listen that is, you heard him say, amen then thought for a second it's quite cuckoo, but there are sitting in people, adult hands, head legs were trained. they do not understand that this is nonsense, that amen has nothing to do with man and woman. what am i talking about. so you think about the extent of this nonsense to such a degree, it is very difficult for brad to fight with logic. how do you massage, or you will immediately be declared crazy. you will be announced immediately. outlawed this city is an elevator meter that blinded the eyes of mankind. god, we
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ask forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism, too, but gigantic insanity. here we showed how black shoes are kissed, how a white woman is put on her knees, they change very much to place. where was this bandit killed? there was a bathtub in george floyd's where people went down, uh, in the hope that this man's holiness would help them. the golden coffin of the mayor of the city on one knee, how is it? it got to the point that, let's say, how solovyova is written, even the head of the british national gallery said that museums can no longer remain neutral with respect to blm and everyone needs to accept their ideology, and merlondon said that henceforth the police should recruit up to 40% of non-white times in
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its ranks, merit experience has no values. well, haven't we been through this? was not a worker-peasant origin a pass to power when he said that any cook would have the opportunity to be able to govern the state here? have we forgotten the time when only education was considered a crime, when your belonging to the nobility, this is a reason for you to be sentenced to death by a troika. we went through all this. ca n't we rely on our own memory and history? on their own culture of emblems, the international monetary fund and a number of other organizations are openly talking about the transition to the digital currency of central banks and, as a result, the abolition of all stock in general. there is nothing wrong with digital currency. but,
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if we go further, if we raise it to a special degree, what can happen, it all becomes dangerous when it, that is, the digital currency, is untied from the real state of the economy. and when they are going to abolish cash, with a digital currency there will be no need for commercial banks. they will be destroyed by the imf is already talking about the strict centralization of central banks, there will be unprecedented control over all the finances of each person will levy taxes directly block accounts in a second. there is another concern about digitalization. here is what alexander losev, an economist, a member of the presidium of the council on foreign defense policy, writes, and finally, the most serious risk and challenge of the digital revolution is the growth of
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energy consumption. listen, now the digital economy already accounts for 12% of global electricity consumption and 3% of greenhouse gas emissions in terms of greenhouse gases. digital economy. in 2020. almost outpaced the sheep-on industry in california by two times online gambling is already consuming more energy. than required for electric water heaters washing machines dishwashers clothes dryers or electric stoves. and this is also the digital results of 2020. isn't it right? returning to academician kovalchuk, is it not right? having said this, i want to tell you that, in fact, the level of science has become such that we have invaded, so to speak, what was the lot of god in fact. here we are living today
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in real conditions of war. i named the stage hybrid cold leader war this pre-department before the war in which we live today is the preparation of the second stage of this war. and this is direct enslavement. actually speech. about the next today the situation of colonization of enslavement. replaced by technological enslavement. you used to do it with military force. and today you are making this technological right come, a simple example of the internet, what is the internet is a digital gulag in its purest form. it is only unlike the gulag, where people were grabbed by barbed wire and guarded here. these people are all they came they themselves came into this digital fist and they live very comfortably there, if they explained to a person that everything is written on wikipedia to learn. it’s not necessary and everything is on the internet, then we are building a society of people who are a simple thing, and the switch
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knocked out and cut off the heads of all these people, all there are no more questions. and now we are approaching, probably, the most subtle interesting. i want you to look at one observation by political scientist sergei mikheev, listen to the satanic nature of what is happening, then there is exactly what was described in the apocalypse that's what happens. yes, maybe without any specification, but it was then, uh, it was, at least for the first time, well articulated in writing in writing . i see how it is, i see how it is implemented. i quite obviously see, so to speak, that behind this is the destruction of man, his relegation, then his state is not a man . uh, in the beginning was the word the word was god and the beast was satan. who are you satan the number, at least among christians, so to speak, it is satan who is designated by the number the number of the beast of another, he has no signs of anything, there are no obvious normalized signs. and where the word is communication. this is
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a thought. this is a man. and this is god. yes, and where there is a number, where there is a figure. this is a beast, you understand, this is not a figure of speech. this is not just a secular consideration. listen to what patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia says digital technologies capable of creating tools that provide total control over a person. easily but not easily observation of man and control of human behavior in the book of the apocalypse it is said that the coming of the antichrist will be accompanied by total control over man. these words are not used there, but from the content it is quite clear that we are talking about the ability to totally control human behavior. the maximum development
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of total control over a person means slavery and everything will depend on who will be the master of these slaves. also from the material of tatyana solovyova, the pope recently called for prayers for an artificial intelligence. yes, yes, so that he serves people to pray not for health care, for example, so that it would be quite logical, well, or ask the lord to have mercy on us and deliver us from mora , which would be christian and how they pray in our orthodox church, but pray for artificial intelligence either for him or for him to serve us. isn't this the preparation of your paste for them to accept, but what is offered to us, when a given, in general, artificial intelligence. he a somehow at least
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somehow sideways joins the divine the origin of man. that is, in other words it turns out. what is the catholic church? can become part of the same layer? which will rule the world, as we are invited. and again i ask you, do not accuse me of being against artificial intelligence. and that i'm a retrograde, that, well, and so on and so on. i am absolutely not against artificial intelligence. i am opposed to there being no control between where artificial intelligence serves. and where he is served, remember the interview that german gref took, he is our president and president in kazakhstan, our virtual interlocutor , assistant uh s vera, is present at our meeting today athens uh,
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please tell us, did you have a question uh for our speakers? hello this is athena i have a question for you. can artificial intelligence become president? and conscience in my opinion axes, as long as the machine is artificial intelligence, it still cannot replace the head of state. then the president of the country is hugely chosen by people who are sure that he has a soul, conscience, compassion, that compassion is for him. this is not an empty phrase and not pity, but
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compassion, and is the soul not a divine phenomenon, how is it connected to the environment by artificial intelligence, but conscience? i think that president putin answered this question in this way, relying on his genetic memory. on my mother's side, i went to the austrian front of the first world war . in general, i hope that in one of the next programs i will read one of his songs. this is an amazing document. so here is the first world war akup sits soldier ivan andreevich
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peeping out they threw an austrian aiming at him it takes place against an austrian background. he manages to shoot early and hits. but he didn't . and now he sits in your trench and hears, how he is busy moaning, something is lamenting , crying. this is the front. and bandages his wound. then he cries grabs him by the hands, kisses, hands begs for something ivan bandaged and also returned back to his surroundings, thinking in horror. god forbid anyone
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would see it, because it's the same shot. this is betrayal, this is betrayal, glory. god, no one saw this, except that austrian, whom he bandaged. that's what it is that's what it is? what should a person who is guided by artificial intelligence do? this is the enemy. this is war. he was aiming at you. you had time before, when you didn’t even suffer from the enemy to go further, and so that you wouldn’t be tormented by your groans and screams, and isn’t it? you answer me, artificial intelligence will enable this russian soldier ivan andreevich to understand and feel that he must crawl under pain
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of death to this wounded austrian and he was bandaged. what is intelligence? no, this has nothing to do with the concept of intelligence, to which we are accustomed. this is compassion. this is god's will, this is the realization of that. that you can help even the enemy, because you are people. let's go back to that mention.
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giving him a seal and separating those that he took, who came. and having killed those who did not come, and then there will be an absolute world order, now the most important question arises. what should we do? or resist we want it to happen or not our own writes, according to the schwab himself, the great reboot will not happen if there is no global transition to these rails, that is, they are counting on unipolarity.
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