tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 January 3, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK
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salute why there are no miracles in life, it’s possible not a dog miracles are happening right now people share each other’s festive mood on help when a beloved grandmother is to remember and thank in yourself and win. on you or to fulfill the cherished dream of someone very dear and in this room miracles are already on the threshold. russia was not ready for military
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the costs are paid, of course, by the post indian company, which thus eliminates the russian merchants of competitors. simultaneously with the trade war in central asia , the confrontation between the british and russian reconnaissance first. a face-to-face meeting of competitors takes place in 1819 at the foot of the himalayas, a military horse breeder. the traveler was heading to central asia to disrupt the work of the british residency and economic operations against the russian merchants of the murks, he was very much engaged in intelligence in 1818, the chinese authorities. here is eastern turkistan, pasted drawings with the image. that is, it was not written that if you see such, here he was red-haired, here he was with a red beard to say and deliver to the authorities. intelligence
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received in russia the name of the files was driving lucky the merchant, awarded by the tsar with a gold medal for trading in russian goods in the markets of north india, this time kovrov vyoz , the ruler of the sikh principality, interfered with us . he wrote that the russians were preparing a monstrous plan of conquest, soon a detachment on a mountain transshipment, circumstances not clarified. warcraft went on to kashgaria, afghanistan and finally bukhara local children
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minecraft understood the russians have already been here the british intelligence officer died on the way home, either from a sudden fever, or from poisoning, you were afraid of our agents of central asia and our merchants, and we are also your agents, because there was a commercial competition was a military one, meanwhile the tension between st. petersburg and london is growing and in the black sea region in 1817 . the russian army begins to actively conquer and annex the caucasus, the influence of britain, its allies persia and the ottoman empire, is losing
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its position within the framework of the concept of defense of india, england cannot allow this, in general english now and american politics. she's very systemic here. eh, it consists of a lot of related components, which at the same time seem to be outwardly unrelated, but on the other hand, it's all part of a rather large serious strategy. moreover , britain has always worked very actively inside the country inside russia now. in general, picks up on tongs remember. it certainly has always been the hand of britain which has thousands of emissaries. from a british warship under cover of night to the caucasian coast a young man descends from the black sea. his name is david urford, a 28-year-old english intelligence officer arrived in the caucasus to unite the highlanders and develop tactics for their actions
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against russian troops. i have seen documents in the archives and library of the board of india of the british library, from which shamil was supplied with money for ammunition in order for him to fight the russians as successfully as possible. the highlanders often had weapons that would be in service with the russian army in 20 years; rifled rifles on metal carriages were created by the circassian committees. well, that's right the same way as the chechen committees were created around the council of europe. here in the recent past. i myself witnessed them with these posters, and so on, there was even my own akhmed zakayev , who appropriated some of my barakashes for himself the exclusive role of a diplomat. bay, he
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traveled to the capitals and returning to the caucasus e reported that europe is inclined to support us, the british parliament is seriously discussing the possibility of creating an independent state with the support of london. the editorials of the times clarify in the caucasus the fate of india is being decided and the highlanders are the last line of defense from russian aggression against the entire civilized world. they pray to the king, they pray to all the old. good england, the land of liberty, give them guns and skillful artists. if we take this right step. everything will be decided, the bears will not be able to keep the line and the brave highlander.
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it is easy to teach scoundrels a lesson from the borders of hungary to the heart of burma and nepal, the russian devil relentlessly pursues and torments the entire human race and tirelessly commits his evil faith, irritating our industrious and exceptionally peaceful empire . equally. and in the 19th century and in the 18th century and in the 17th century russia was a barbaric wild, uh, uneducated, aggressive imperialist country, and this largely became part of the western participation of the english consciousness, therefore, russia had a good image in england uh, only twice in its entire history . e. the first time it was in 1917, and the second time in 1991. that is, at the moment
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when the country was disintegrating. her image of britain in the west was exceptionally good. the actions of britain in the caucasus could not stop the military and political advance russia in the black sea and the middle east under the influence of st. petersburg passes persia shah refuses the services of british military advisers and instead of them invites russians for london, this is a new russian challenge. and one more confirmation. russia is preparing for a campaign against british india. in reality, such plans did not exist, but england decides to create a buffer on russia's path.
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herat groups conduct detailed topographical surveys, bitten off to the priory, british intelligence officers go to negotiations in the capital of the central asian khanates. he served as an officer in the colony and had his own idea of \u200b\u200bhow an enlightened white man should communicate with uneducated local princes. he just did not take into account that bukhara is a free state under the sole authority and peace. no one was allowed to go to the central registan, the square of bukhara riding a horse, except for the world of course, a ban, but ignored him and went to the square on horseback
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to his misfortune, at that very moment the world itself with a numerous saint, having seen the ruler of bukhara, the colonel, not even an investigative colonel, eagerly returned. peace according to one data with a casual nod, then there were numerous shops of merchants seized by the russian military, who closely followed the actions of the british, the british reported to st. petersburg . it looks like the armed invasion of central asia is being prepared for russia in this region for a long time did not have a network, like the british
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unprofessional intelligence officers people in 1823 he was convicted of participating in a secret anti-government organization. he began serving in orsk european. or to orenburg, where he began his career as a military intelligence officer from orenburg, jan vitkevich traveled to bukhara three times, and twice there he met with merchants and ministers with local nobility, trying to understand how much the
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influence of the british had increased. he convinced the jackpot, run first of the minister and the world, that it is better for the bukhats to trade with russia, then vitkevich heard for the first time the name of his british colleague, competitor alexander kapitan artillery, a talented intelligence officer, diplomat and linguist, visited bukhara in the early thirties of the 19th century under the guise of an armenian merchant. account of different offers. i replied to the cut, that it was empty, that the british under no circumstances could deliver to the bukharians and for india and iron. copper cast iron in the case of skirts of other goods, that bukharians can take goods even less englishmen, because in return for nothing they give them cotton paper, dried fruits and
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other products of their land, they are bukharians. zakin's soul will not be taken and to sell these works to them, except russia there is nowhere in 1837 . exactly. jan witkevich becomes the first russian ambassador to afghanistan, translated from persian afghanistan is the country of silence. greek elements there was a synthesis of islam not just contacts. from a geopolitical point
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of view, this is more than goats. this is actually such a joker of countries that are far from us, such as the united states like britain and others. now they are in our country and will be here as long as their interests require it. if there were no interests here, then there would be none. this is how all international relations are organized, and we have to take this into account.
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well, yes, by itself, it does not mean anything, it matters in the conditions of a large region. so it's probably the same game if it's a big game. vitkevich arrives in kabul step dost mohammed receives a russian officer in his residence, the balakhisar is rather cool at that moment, the shah already trusts more british envoy. it turns out that alexander, already known to vitkevich from bukhara, he was a brilliant man, became very many languages. and he was very appreciated. he became he
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became he became a folk hero, during his lifetime already a very interesting meeting on december 24, alexander invited jan witkevich to a christmas dinner. still a christian. it was the only meeting of two intelligence officers and diplomats. after that they take it. recorded. in diary. the gentlemen are intelligent and well informed that before that he had repeatedly been to kabul, which is already more than 5 years. well familiar with shah access. that once his sign of special respect was brought to the mine residence on the back of a shar elephant , he also said that he had been to the punjab before and once visited bukhara noticed that he had also been to bukhara, and three times, apparently he was disappointed. the fact that the
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russian embassy is in kobul is incredibly disturbing to the governor-general of india, lord oklendar. britain, of course, was afraid of the growing influence of russia in afghanistan and was afraid that this could affect the position of the british empire in india and then lord oakland makes a serious mistake, he sends access to muhammad, who is still in doubt. should he be friends with russia or with england? a personal letter in which he demands to expel vitkevich and never again accept foreign words. without the knowledge of the government of british india, in response, mohammed will accept vitkevich with all conceivable signs of friendship and respect between russia and afghanistan, the union treaty of the first-born is sent out a strong protest against the hostile activities of viktorovich, which seriously threatens
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relations between the two powers. this is almost verbatim quote the british foreign office demanded from st. petersburg immediately and the russian ambassador in tehran. and nikolai cannot withstand the pressure of the british; he declares vitkevich's action to be arbitrariness and withdraws the russian guarantees from the agreement with the householder. russia gives afghanistan for the first time. on may 1, 1839, ivan vetkevich arrived in st. petersburg and settled in the paris hotel on malaya morskaya street with him. he brought an extensive archive of travel records to kabul bukhara and persia. morning 9 may vikevich was found in his room, shot according to the official version. he committed suicide, among other things, because he could not bear the shame of having actually
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betrayed, according to another version of vitkevich, the afghans who believed him were killed by english agents, because the entire archive of the paper intelligence officer from several huge chests disappeared without a trace, who or what killed russian officials or british spies it is important that the russian political retreat table prologue. i think it can be said that without the fear of britain before the advance of the russians in in central asia, the british would never have entered afghanistan; the russians could inflict a military defeat on britain or get close enough to india through mohammed's afghanistan and put
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shah shujahulmulk, loyal to the british, in general, the british should have understood the danger of the afghan campaign ten years earlier british intelligence. arthur connelly traveled all over afghanistan and then analyzing the chances of the russians to capture india, he wrote that it was afghanistan that was capable of burying the most carefully developed plan any european gent. if the afghans, as a nation, concluded connelly and decided to resist the invaders, then the difficulties of the campaign can easily become insurmountable, in principle, this has happened for 150 years. later already. true of course, they are with the russian imperial, and the soviet army, however, or became a harsh prophecy for all the conquerors, in general for the british in the first place. they felt it very soon. it’s not enough for the us military in afghanistan just a few years later during the afghan war,
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what has changed is their columns are still attacking from the same mountain hideouts. well, is it a weapon? now, of course, the modern thing is that they do not have a national consciousness. i think this is not true. this is not a nation in our opinion, this is not a state. they fight against other against this foreigners 1838, the british army and troops leaves an officer of one of the regiments, only cigars are loaded 1839, the british troops enter.
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easy to win in the first period. you too well storm the palace. it was without heaviness in terms of military christianity in the operation and americans, too, for the first time together there was a perfect victory, and then you and we americans made a big mistake. we tried to stay there. at home, alexander who again became a political adviser to the
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shah and lived in a mansion with grief for afghan women before concerts from steeplechase skating. on november 2, 1841, the rebellion against the british begins. alexander was the first to be killed, he himself was torn to pieces by the crowd, his house was burned down, british troops did not come out to suppress the rebellion. not in the first hours. not on the first day. shah-shu-jah locks himself in balakhisa sala, as the result is november 3rd. at the end know
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the british got scared on january 1, 1842. after a long siege of the english military camp, a treaty is concluded, which, along with the british, seals 18 tribal leaders on january 6, 16,000. english. of these, only 4.5 thousand of the rest are women. children of the camp servants emerge from kabul in india on january 9, an almost unarmed detachment is drawn into the gorge. the afghans arranged a real war for the british by the time the head of the column of refugees reached the exit from the gorge, it still hundreds of wounded half-frozen people were left to die. nobody took them away. there was no one to carry them. in the first day alone, the afghans carried out more than 13 attacks on the british soldiers and officers dressed in bright red uniforms. excellent, they stood out against the
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background of granite mountains and were excellent targets. the eyewitness wrote i’ll take down the enemy with a terrible march of reconciliation about it and many officers and soldiers died, women and children froze to death, falling asleep on the bare ground by the end of the fifth day, 2/3 of the civilians, the military, by that moment, remained alive only 700 people. the soldiers of the officers all the way, retreating from kabul, especially in the gorge , was littered with bodies, the dead in the hall of blood, most of the dead were undressed hope was taken away by the survivors, in order to somehow warm up at night and in the fierce winter, out of the sixteen thousand who came out from under kabul , only one was aiming the english dr. brian january 14 israel and a completely different hunger. he got to the border of british india under the retreat of skobul, when there was the last battle of the
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33rd regiment in gondomagy and almost all of it is perfect, so i think that the first the afghan war can be considered a mistake in september the british return to afghanistan with a punitive expedition. again enters kabul , blows up the kobul creeper erases a row of land from the forest, the quarters rob the city and leave the country in revenge, and the rulers of afghanistan again get access to mohammed for the sake of overthrowing which the british spent 25 million pounds. they managed to conquer the afghanistans, to ensure stability in afghanistan in the 1840s , then probably. they could decide that yes, now you can try to make bukhara and khujand dependent states and prevent the expansion of russia, but of course, attempts.
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