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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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russian troops repulsed the attack of the armed forces in the kreminy area in the luhansk people's republic . it is known that in the morning the ukrainian military attempted an offensive in the direction of chervona popovka. however, they did not have enough strength when they tried to bring up reserves. they were covered by russian artillery , our military commander yevgeny poddubny is following the situation on the line of the criminal wedding. the formation of the kiev regime is doing everything possible to neutralize our initiative in the area from the criminal one. let's talk about everything on the eve of the order, units of the kiev regime made a counterattack attempt in the area of ​​​​chervona popovka, but this attempt turned out to be unsuccessful as a result, the enemy suffered losses in personnel and equipment puts a lot of pressure on the enemy, the ability of russian troops to deliver pinpoint strikes that form lancet ammunition, only in the last few weeks the formation has
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lost in the north , more than 40 self-propelled artillery mounts and howitzers are a reason for the special military operation as a result of the successful actions of our specialists, who use bronzing ammunition. formation of the kyiv regime. they were even forced to pull artillery from the front line to the nearest rear. as a result, it is now quite difficult with artillery, to kill the enemy in our rear areas, although the russian advanced is still under the massed fire of the formation of the kiev regime, and the positions are now uh, the russian formations that operate at the turn of the matchmaking criminal this and the third division, 144 division connection airborne forces and understandable tankers artillery. hmm doing their best in order to improve one's own tactical position on the line of combat contact in order to drive
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the enemy out of the commanding heights in order to drive out the enemy and the checkpoints that are located in the forests and on commanding heights. actually, the battles are going on, but rather heavy, despite the fact that these are not large-scale operations. well, i mean on the scale of the front, and at the same time it is fighting and indeed, a fierce enemy. uh, just a few days ago i started using the new stray ammo. american production. this is the switch blade 600. they have an increased range, and with the help of these fermenting ammunition , the enemy. maybe, but hmm, hit the russian artillery, which is located in the rear areas, but now the air defense officers have found a way to vanilla. e actions. uh, unmanned enemy aircraft is also worth noting that the command of the armed forces of ukraine is actively using
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unmanned strike aircraft. ah. our air defense fighters, almost daily, shoot down large strike drones. fighter aircraft are also used on duty from the front edge of the fighter formation of the kiev regime. with anti-radiation missiles, they ambush russian air defense systems in this way. in general, the machine is quite difficult , while the initiative is on the side of our group, which operate in the north of the special military operation zone, active hostilities continue . the hague police used a water cannon to disperse the demonstration climate activists were given permission to do so by the mayor of the city. the measures of the authorities did not stop the protesters; they continued to block one of the main highways of gaga, which connects the city, including with amsterdam
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, rotterdam and utryaht. well, here are the actual shots. let's take a closer look, we see a body of water, uh, around which there are quite a lot of young people. here, a volley of water, people cover their heads, but nevertheless , the activists themselves did not disperse, they said that there were about 3,000 of them, the police, until their numbers calls. here we see that one of the participants in the demonstration demonstrates his determination to directly approach the water cannon, but, nevertheless, the police continue to disperse. hey, here's another shot. including, which fell on a young man with a camera. perhaps this is a journalist difficult to say, but it is worth noting that the police are european. in traditional situations, such situations are extremely tough and the use of water cannons is a regular practice. well, here's another. let's see this footage climate activists continue their e his manifestation, but it can be assumed
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that detention will definitely follow. now a small advertisement, then our broadcast will continue with the documentary film by yuri starikov the world on the eve of the catastrophe, the hygiene of europe , about how nazi germany tried to erase even the memory of the once independent polish republic in world war ii and how 4 years later, wounded and devastated poland was liberated by soviet troops. a flower bed should also have gifts. don't thank, go give. see me bloom a kingdom profitable gifts up to 50% discount column for 4.899 in or eldorado halva card opens the door to the world of fantastic
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in september 1940, the germans held a solemn parade in warsaw. hitler's, germany celebrated the first anniversary of the conquest poland along the streets of the polish capital of minting, columns of imperial workers marched on the central square named after killsudskogo, the parade was taken by top leaders. reich governor-general of poland hans frank and one of the closest associates of the fuhrer , head of the imperial labor service
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konstantin gir, the victorious procession of the germans ended with the renaming of pilsudski square adolf hitler square. this symbolic action of the organizers was supposed to erase the memory itself, and the once independent polish republic. now it's become a colony in the third reich, the german regime in poland was perhaps one of the most brutal when governor-general frank arrived in the czech republic and saw the posters that the governor posted there. uh, bohemia neurot on the occasion of the execution of six czech students. frank laughed. he says that if i put up posters for every six poles, i wouldn't have to cut down all the forests in poland to make these posters, millions of poles would have been destroyed. well, of course, mainly jews were exterminated. on the poles were destroyed
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by hatred, the fields were infinitely 2 million people. poles were hijacked. in germany there were selective executions of arbitrary people in polish cities. it was a very brutal occupation was under power. german occupiers five years longer than any other country in europe victims of bullying and extrajudicial killings, who studied here, the nazis became six million people medieval cruelty and ruthlessness against the poles german soldiers urged adolf hitler himself on august 22, 1939 , speaking to his generals in oborselzberg, the fuhrer said destruction poland, our primary task is to destroy its army and not reach the indicated
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line. close your hearts to pity. act brutally. let compassion be alien to you. the main success that will be achieved with the help of force. these words, imbued with prejudice and hatred, were the result of the failure of the german-polish negotiations that were conducted throughout the previous year, from my point of view , the role of poland in interwar europe can be assessed as the role of a world provocateur, and one conclusion generally turned out to be that in the history of europe what was the significance of wars in europe in one of the first places? here is a polish question. what was the principle of poland's policy? poland will start the war, and end it, let them be here on a white horse with spurs, we will show russian
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publicist ivan solonevich, he recalled, i had to talk with the poles. in warsaw in january 1940 , everyone, both germans and muscovites , the british and jews, were to blame for the misfortunes that befell more. they are only poles, always without any exception acting and reasonably, and the result is to blame other. assessing the policy of the polish authorities, winston churchill said that the heroic character traits of the polish people should not force us to turn a blind eye to their recklessness and ingratitude should be considered a secret and a european tragedy. history is the fact that a people capable of any kind of heroism constantly shows such huge shortcomings in almost every aspect of their statehood.
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here, let's remember who said it was not we who said it, churchill would have said it. well, he caught it, this is the inner quality this polish soul, i don’t want to say anything about the whole people. well, here is the soul of the gentry, it is very bad. she's so vile to snatch a piece on the sly, so that all those are there, so that everyone protects you. in the interwar period , the independent polish state existed for exactly 21 years from 1918 to 1939 before you
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are unique footage from archival newsreel, filmed in 1930. the film shows one of the costumed parades dedicated to the centenary of the polish national uprising against russia. the soldiers are dressed in the uniform of legionnaires. napoleonic army in the dim light of bonfires, they salute their ancestors who fell in the fight against russia napoleon, who destroyed the holy roman empire of the german nation and burned it in moscow, was now revered in poland at the beginning of the 20th century along with national heroes. paying tribute to the memory of the conquering campaign of the french emperor, the poles were preparing to repeat his accomplishments. anti-semitism in poland developed on the basis
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of centuries of russophobia, the conviction that russians are the eternal enemies of polish freedom was widespread in polish society, and therefore they believed too much for the west, the belief that the west would help. save the west. we are europe and finally our own blends. this caused it to a large extent. and the blindness they have shown towards reality. for centuries, the medieval polish-lithuanian state of speech, the commonwealth was one of the largest powers in eastern europe, its borders stretched from the baltic to the black sea at the beginning of the 16th century, taking advantage of the dynastic crisis in the russian kingdom, the polish army invaded russia and captured moscow the time of troubles, when the poles ruled independently on the historical russian
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lands, lasted several years. over time, due to chronic political strife, the commonwealth fell into decay. in 1772, its territory was divided between the three neighboring states of russia, austria and prussia ; poland had a historical chance to regain independence during the first world war; territories, the germans created a puppet polish kingdom. after the defeat of germany in november 1918, poland gained independence with the support of england and france . she received vast lands in the german provinces of posen and in east prussia. thus, the second speech of the commonwealth appeared.
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the drug addict of strange affairs of the ussr vyacheslav molotov would later call this state an ugly brainchild of the treaty of versailles. it was a strange state, a state created on the ruins of three empires , parts of germany, austria-hungary and russia and as a result lost a percentage of the population of poland were poles 40% of the population were germans, belarusians, ukrainians or turkey and they believed that they were great poland from the sea to the sea from black to the baltic do not solve all issues, and i'm scared, not the ottoman empire, nor russian tsar all this is in the past , but they lived in the past and they had a cult of the past, poland from her husband powerfully there from the sea, to the sea the result is not just a fairly large country. but in principle, the largest country
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in eastern europe and initially all considered poland as a kind of outpost and the germans, so it was considered initially , the austrians also considered it the same way, and the french plus the poles have an indefatigable sense of emotional self-awareness. yes, which is very convenient to play, that is, there is a desire for revenge and a desire to serve the new homeland of a revived poland, that is, there is a national impulse of nationalism. well, it goes off scale to say nothing. that is nationalism there. well, it 's just that he is beyond everything and at the same time france has a colossal amount of weapons. moreover, to put on them and this weapon goes more. the new polish republic was headed by general yuzov filsonsky , he was born in 1867 on the outskirts of the city
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of vilnius, rich in a noble family in his youth, bildsotsky, became interested in revolutionary ideas and joined the polish socialist party. there he led the creation of battle groups. pilsudski's gangs lived on robbery and robbery. their biggest robbery was committed by a young polish terrorist in 1908 , stealing from a mail train en route from warsaw to st. sometimes more than 200,000 rubles. by this time, pilsudski's detachments had grown to several thousand people at the beginning of world war i. philosudsky offered his services to the austrians and germans; his legions participated in hostilities against russia . when the war ended, the philosopher returned to warsaw and was appointed head of the polish state. having come to power, he
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declared yesterday's ally to stop independence. having become the first marshal of poland , pilsudski announced that he was not going to engage in politics and in 1922 he went to resignation. piłsudski is probably the figure who determined the entire inter-military mail , regardless of the fact that he died in 1935. that is, here is the second speech, the commonwealth - this is exactly poland-pilsky. he shaped it. he forged it and i must say that he lived to see the year 309. he would have thrown her into the same abyss and would have been present, suddenly becoming a regular military man. he was never a frame.
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well, he was able to create himself. this is the image of the image of the combat general in fact. he is like a terrorist bandit and he transmits power politics, but the fact is that poland itself it was really a state , something like a creation of a state from three parts. broken economic ties warsaw is the flesh, which focused on the russian market in connection with the backbone of poznan, which are connected with germany by a broken connection. krakow is ties with the austrian empire, all abortive, backward agriculture 06% of land owners owned forty, four percent of the land. these were huge feudal estates. finally afraid that these are all the difficulties, in the end eventually lead to the weakening of poland, the military organized a coup. in may
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1926, several thousand polish soldiers and officers , led by pilsudski , broke into warsaw, fighting with government troops lasted 3 days . he called the policy of rehabilitation or recovery. the marshal of poland dismissed all objectionable politicians or will file. in 1934 , the first polish concentration camp total. more than 8,000 people passed through it, pilsudski's dictatorship was called the rule of colonels. the head of the polish state , in fact, who is actually the fuhrer? i would
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definitely like to emphasize this, this is the idea of ​​the twenties and thirties. she is not accidental. it originated with the italians. you and i know the leader of the dacha, then the germans picked it up, but at the same time they forget that many other small furs also picked up, and in poland there was a yura, he had his own, he transforms state super unitary parliament, had subordinate values ​​was the president to drive him pissing. well, and that he was in the wedding general until he died, slutsky is nothing. and this one was an army inspector, and all power was in his hands. this is what pilsunsky did, so he crushed, first of all, the civil liberties of the democracy of poland itself , and now such a system is taking shape , it is the name of the sanation regime, in general, this is a cover for a dictatorship, a cover for a regime that is close enough to the fascist, the poles categorically deny under any circumstances no, this can never be, that is, the word fascism, the word poland
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can never be together, but the parameters of the regime of the philosophical parameters of the regimes of sanitation, it is extremely similar to the fascist regime. and since there, firstly, the construction of a new society is going on, there is the creation of a unitary centralized rigid state. and there is completely dense nationalism anti-semitism in poland. in general, it’s going off scale, it’s hard to say in which country besides germany, but in europe there was such anti-semitism as in poland. let’s say so, yes, concentration camps did not reach the body. but in principle, there were steps in this direction. pilsudski considered soviet russia to be the main threat to the new poland. the marshal proposed to destroy the young communist state from within and supported the separatism of the small peoples of the ussr
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by all means. on the initiative of pilsudski , the oriental institute was opened in warsaw for these purposes and the prometheus society was created, which included representatives of soviet national minorities pilsudski's plan for dismemberment the ussr was called prometheism. marshal poland spoke, closed within the boundaries of the times of the sixteenth century, cut off from the black and baltic seas, deprived of the land and mineral wealth of the south and southeast. russia could easily become a second-class power. not able to seriously threaten the newfound independence of poland poland is the same as the largest and most powerful of the new states. could easily secure a sphere of influence that would stretch from finland to the
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caucasus mountains. not an easy task, but quite doable. in early 1919, polish troops attacked the witch town. thus began the soviet-polish war. the red army, exhausted in the battles of the bloody civil war, retreated . taking advantage of this, pilsudski's troops occupied kiev and minsk. only in the summer of 1920, having collected all the available reserves, the soviet troops launched a counteroffensive. the red army reached warsaw. but then it failed to take the polish capital. the poles called the battle near warsaw a miracle on the vistula. in 1921 the countries concluded riga peace treaty.
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the territories of western ukraine and western belarus were ceded to poland. the poles called these lands the eastern territory soon after joining, they closed here most of the national libraries, newspapers and orthodox churches in schools, the teaching of the ukrainian language was prohibited. 600,000 hectares of land were confiscated from local residents, to which 200,000 polish colonists moved. in 1930, when ukrainian nationalists rebelled , the poles repressed several thousand people. this action was officially condemned at a meeting of the league of nations which called on warsaw to respect the rights of its own civil authorities. they pursued a policy of colonization.
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the colonization of the planting of the polish language of polish culture, the prohibition of local languages, as in jargon, as some kind of wild - this contemptuous attitude towards this is not at all accidental in the thirty-ninth year, belarusians, ukrainians, jews and russians, who were there as liberators and met the red army because they lived under the polish yoke. we must understand that this is a purposeful polish mentality and all equating one by one and a pole, the most important pole is all other people. the authorities of the new polish republic tried to erase any reminder of its russian past in warsaw alone , over 40 orthodox churches were liquidated in a short time. among them was one of the most beautiful and majestic temples of the russian empire, alexander nevsky cathedral , its construction.


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