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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2023 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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establish, uh, close interaction here, of course, what scared us. that's what western insurance companies will not support this route they will have and you can't develop it yourself, and including uh, insurance necessary insurance also carry out, so uh, with his siberia two. pay attention, and the volume declared is 50 billion km. it is twice as large as the existing one, the siberian pipeline is one and, of course, these are also huge supply flows that will allow us. uh, again, how did we do it in 2014 signed an agreement on the strength of siberia alone to fix large volumes of slops of national currencies, and then we will be able to reach even more in our mutual settlements. uh, we don’t need currencies , we’ll leave only our national ones and this, of course, will be great. with movement.
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yes, i remind you that during the negotiations, they really talked a lot about de-dalorization, and despite the fact that the trade turnover of the two countries is still, for now well, for convenience, and they calculate 185 billion in dollars today 200 - this is in in general , figures that will obviously be at the end of 2023 years, at least, these are preliminary estimates, however, 2/3 of the settlements between russia and china are already in rubles and yuan, and in general, it is the yuan, and russia proposes to use it, among other things, for settlements in latin america countries of asia, which, of course, is important. and in general, trade and economic partnerships are a priority. this has been repeatedly discussed. and , by the way, speaking about the one belt one road initiative, which you mentioned, the russian president clarified that it may be associated with migration processes v euroses with an eye on the formation and in the long term of a large eurasian partnership , from your point of view, this is the very practice. the czech implementation of the reorientation to
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the east, which we have been talking about so much in recent months. the conjugation of our integration processes, which we are implementing as the construction of the eurasian economic union and the chinese one, is being carried out as a start to the one search one way initiative , so here is a statement about the conjugation of these processes. we signed in 2015 and since then this work has been going on. and in general, here is a basis, of course, it is possible to build greater eurasian integration, and we are open to europeans. in this regard, i was sure that it was possible to create such a great time as guangzhou lisbon. i was talking about this a lot of leaders. in general, on a variety of
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platforms. well, within the framework of the negotiations, too , of course. and they clarified that the relationship between russia and china is a relationship that is deepening. yes, in fact , one of the key agreements of yesterday is dedicated to deepening this strategic partnership. they're not on this relationship directed against someone, but it is quite obvious that it does not affect the formation of the global world order. they cannot, from your point of view, how ready the west is to be built into this new changing world order. how do we see? more with his unfortunately, you and i have a problem with the average sergei feliksovich, very really curious. this is a question. so you said, yes, that indeed the west could, of course , and probably will be forced at one time or another to recognize the objective reality in which the east plays an increasingly important role
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the day before. if someone read carefully, including foreign media, one could see, surprisingly, not too strong for in geography. at least the americans figured out exactly where russia is located, where china is located and how big they are simply from a purely geographical point of view. what resources do they have and what results can they achieve if they act together, in fact , exactly this was agreed upon the day before by the leaders of the two countries, and it was decided to translate these agreements into life without delay. and this is also one of the most important points on which beijing and moscow agree on their position. thank you for your attention. military band anthem and national flags completed three-day visit to russia by chinese president how was the chinese leader seen off? estimates and comments
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the western press calls the movement of russia and china a real threat to the united states and allies, and how in china they covered the moscow meeting , the registration procedure was maximally simplified in donetsk makeevka and the miners opened additional points for receiving documents for obtaining russian passports, how this system works, gifts, congratulations and support for fans, how and for what reason alexander ovechkin was honored in the nhl and what became a spoon for children in this holiday they fired a missile at donetsk racket. about it. uh , representatives of the dpr reported that they were shot in the petrovsky district. it is located on the western outskirts of the city and the most remote from the center, and in the morning they hit the petrovsky district from large-caliber artillery, it was damaged the school building in the city follows a direct connection with the studio.
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hello, tell me what is happening in donetsk now if those who suffered. greetings yuri donetsk is still under fire, petrovsky district, which this morning was fired not just from artillery, but a ballistic missile hit the building at one of the water utilities. as a matter of fact, here they are evidence of a fragment of a fragment, it is difficult to call a fragment of a ballistic missile that exploded here at 4:00 in the morning and simply left no stone unturned from the building, which was located on the site of this huge funnel 30 m in diameter, perhaps four human heights, the impact was so deep that the buildings within a radius of 500 even a kilometer shook the inhabitants. they say that they practically did not jump at this moment. uh, and 100 meters from the place of impact is a school. in general, another cynical terrorist shelling is not a military facility. naturally, such from such weapons as the u point ballistic missile. all this defenseless investigators work here. that's about what it is
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was a projectile. we talked to them. let's listen. at the site of the attack. uh, fragments have been found. here is a ballistic missile. this is what such large fragments directly testify to, as well as the nature of the damage, which is , well, large in size, fortunately, no one was injured among the civilian population, since the blow was inflicted by the armed formations of ukraine at the beginning of time. well, here are a few words about what objects the ukrainian militants are shelling at, donetsk was located at this place repair shop of the donetsk water utility, to make it clear. for a year now, the donetsk dpr has been living under the conditions of an almost water blockade, when water is supplied for several hours for the last time for the second day. and, of course, the strike on such an object was aimed, they knew where they were hit and knew. why are they beating in order to deprive the inhabitants, that's water, and in order to
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catch up with fear, of course, they don't give up on donetsk. here is what the employees of the water utility told us, about whom, thank god , they were not here at that moment. let's listen. people were based here for repair work, that is, applications were received, we went out for repair work. let me remind you that ballistic missile strikes were not the first just a few days ago, exactly the same kind of missiles hit the harcissus. well , the donetsk people's republic itself continues to live in the regime in which it has been living for a year now, when the sounds of the artillery duel do not stop now here in the petrovsky district. thanks to god, our guns are working towards the position of ukraine, but as you know, it will be repeated. maybe at any moment on the eve it is known about six, injured six wounded civilians, several destroyed houses, donetsk continues to live like this artillery sanya colleagues thank you for the situation in donetsk
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, my colleagues are following. boris maksudov. well , today the city was hit by a rocket, and points along with it, we are following what is happening. well, now an urgent message that has just come through the news agency tapes. e message citing uh sources in vladimir churov's entourage. who report that the ex-head of the qiqiq. uh, died today in the hospital under circumstances, nothing is reported, we are closely following this topic, we will return to it. well , now the state visit to russia has been completed to sum up the results of the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to russia. this morning , chinese aircraft number one flew from moscow to beijing on the occasion of the departure, it sits on the ground at vnukovo airport, a solemn ceremony was held , chinese russian national flags were played and the anthems of the two countries were played. uh, the chinese leader walked the board on the red carpet accompanied by musical accompaniment in the morning , president xi jinping's military band was seen off by plane to
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deputy prime minister in russia dmitry chernyshenko and a number of other officials. the western press calls the rapprochement between russia and china a real threat to the united states and allies in the state department, foreign ministries and nato criticize the plan to resolve the conflict in ukraine, represented by china we are in the st. george's hall of the kremlin just like that the cutting edge of diplomacy, chinese journalists call this meeting in moscow but the final statement of the leaders of russia and china only demonstrates the historical and global significance of the visit of the president of the people's republic of china i would like
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to sum up the results of this speech in three words, namely, deeper mutual trust more cooperation and more responsibility . this trust has become the exact basis that determines the relationship between the two countries. what the leaders talked about in moscow more than once setting an example to the whole world. how to do business, chinese russian relations adhering to the principles of no alignment, no confrontation, and no third-party targeting , at the same time, the international situation does not affect sino-russian relations exactly as noted by the chairman , and they are stable, mature, and not influenced by any third parties, having their own internal motivation. china russia trust each other politically, complement each other economically and learn from each other culturally. and it makes a huge contribution to global stability, chinese reporters note here too the unprecedented respect with which the head of the prc was received by putin, who and how met the guard of honor, the composition of the participants in the negotiations of the celestial dexteremenel and the protocol are treated with great reverence, they paid attention
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to every detail. and of course, to put pressure on an impressive package of agreements first of all, those interested in their own development, and cooperation with moscow brings tangible dividends and the new agreements confirmed by the leaders in the economic news are presented as a breakthrough and putin putin noted that almost all indicators of the power of siberia 2 gas pipeline project to china are agreed and russian companies are able to meet the growing demand. china in energy. whether it is in accordance with the terms of the contract. or even more, putin also said that russia is ready to support chinese companies to replace those that are leaving russia and the parties will continue to encourage the practice of mutual settlements in their own currencies. but the west also calls this chinese support for russia, which helps to circumvent sanctions? and in general, to moscow, according to both the usa and europe silpovidel, to show that he is on her side, including in the ukrainian conflict, so the statement of the leaders. everyone
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was waiting for what putin and xi would say about ukraine, but there were no surprises, china once again confirmed. what is not a party to the conflict treats it impartially, and most importantly with an understanding of the background, but western reporters do not let up and at a briefing at the foreign ministry they are again pulled out. so why isn’t xi calling zelensky then china’s position boils down to one phrase to advise on reconciliation and stimulate to negotiations, regarding your question, our position is consistent and clear, and china is in touch with all parties. so in the statement following the results of the negotiations in moscow there was so much about the inadmissibility of deaf thinking if a ceasefire is necessary and about the fact that moscow and beijing continue to oppose the expansion of military alliances. well , moscow does not refuse the negotiation process, and it is the west that slows it down in china, they not only see this, but also emphasize all sorts of things. how is it that in such conditions when the chinese themselves are facing enormous external pressure, it is more important than ever to stand together. this is not only support for each other,
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but also global stability in general, which in beijing is called the main result of the negotiations in moscow alexander balitsky partner. nikolay petrov vesti, china entrepreneurs see prospects, and uralsib offers a profitable solution for half a year of free maintenance of a current account for business and other profitable promotions for experienced entrepreneurs uralsib for business prospects, where you are living with prostatitis is hard even harder longidaza helps to reduce inflammation just against fibrosis in prostatitis now with a button. pay for purchases with
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a button. it happens that tomatoes it's hard to even call tomatoes in tomatoes eco-culture there is no chance, but the taste is eco-culture, there are delicious tomatoes? sberbank presents a loan with the lowest rate in 10 years. yes, friend , how much we had with you, remember, i was looking for the keys, they were with you, how you didn’t
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back in six months on a gazprombank credit card for 180 days without interest and extra conditions forever. the only woman in the segment of roscosmos cosmonauts anna kikina flew from the us to russia in america of the year. she strangely from the japanese space research agency on the iss on march 12 splashed down in the atlantic ocean, the coast of russian doctors will examine her.
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sovcomflot celebrates 50 years of independent navigation for half a century since the beginning of commercial transportation . on march 22, 1973, chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr alexei kosygin approved the proposal to create the country's own merchant fleet. proposed by the minister of the navy. timofey guzhenko. his name is now borne by one of the sovcomflot tankers. as they celebrate, the anniversary today will tell anton 257 m long 34 wide literally here under my feet. under this deck
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, there are tanks for 70,000 tons of oil, this is the shuttle arctic tanker timofey guzhenko. now he is on his way from murmansk to the barents sea until a new load, and it is noteworthy that he does not need an icebreaker to accompany him. after all, a sovcomflot ship is itself capable of breaking through ice, one and a half meters thick they serve such the colossus is only 24 people and they have to work under extreme conditions arctic waters and storm winds. neither people nor courts are spared. well, quite recently we were faced with a rather serious storm, where the wave height reached nine meters and reached the barents sea at 30 m/s. this is a rather serious wind for sea conditions in strong winds with strong waves at harsh temperatures. uh, access to the prologue is prohibited, but the crew members are not from a timid dozen, like the tanker named timofey guzhenkov, 37 years old, became the youngest head of the shipping company in the soviet union and turned the unprofitable sakhalin shipping company into a profitable one, after which he was
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transferred to serve in moscow in the seventieth year, the buzhanka became the minister of the navy. at that time, the country was experiencing a shortage of ships for importing grain. soviet industry could not solve this problem. luzhanka proposed an innovative solution to use a commercial approach in a planned economy, that is, to take foreign ships on a long-term lease and then buy them out at the expense of funds earned the ship as a result, it was possible to replenish its own fund in a short time; set out the basis for the development of a modern merchant fleet in the country; in the future , sovcomfort was created on this basis; today like this. the occasion solemnly raises the national flag. to do this, the entire team gathers on the navigation deck for the solemn raising of the state flag of the russian federation
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to begin the horn on the occasion of the raising of the national flag of the russian federation, thanks to timofey guzhenko, the soviet union not only increased, but our own merchant marine industry turned from a subsidized one into one of the most advanced in the economy, but for sailors in the north, no less. price activity minister. in the arctic , guzhenko personally led one of the last great geographical expeditions, and the icebreaker arktika, on which the minister set sail, became the first surface vessel in the history of mankind that reached the northern the poles are still devoting great attention to the development of the arctic region, that is, the development of practical photography and in order. well, to prove that, in general, this is all possible. he led the expedition in the seventy-seventh year, on this fucking arctic to the north pole , this gave, let's say, an impetus to the further
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development of the arctic fleet. that is , many icebreakers were built, that is, at the time of his retirement. it was four already 10.000 and 400.000 thanks to this expedition. duration of use of the northern sea route for more than 100 days, and in winter to a remote port and began to deliver food not only by air, but also by water, and that’s all, thanks to guzhenko’s idea voiced 50 years ago. now, a ship with his name on board during its service since 2009 plows the expanses of the arctic. the tanker timofey guzhenko made 421 voyages. during this time , he covered over 227,000 nautical miles and transported more than 29 million tons of oil, and he does not plan to stop there in two days. reservoirs. the tanker will be filled with new cargo to bring it through the icy waters to the mainland. anna voronina anton fedotov vadim klevanov news. it is believed that the use of ammunition with combined uranium in ukraine will
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be genocide in relation to the population of the territory where this type of weapon is used, this was stated by the official representative of the foreign political department , maria zakharova, and the supply of shells with combined damage was previously reported by the british authorities. vladimir putin replied that russia would be forced to respond to this in an appropriate way, and the media noted that the use of such ammunition would have long-term negative consequences, including the growth of environmental diseases in the area of ​​their application. this is another british provocation, which is aimed at bringing out the situation around ukraine, but giving a new round of aggression, conflict and confrontation, a qualitatively different dimension to this. the president of russia already spoke yesterday. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that this statement was made at the right time. well, it happened. and i think that this was done intentionally by the british side, this statement was made
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against the backdrop of russian chinese talks in moscow at the highest level. and now the time of news of the acro economy has improved the forecast for the dynamics of russia's gdp this year, it will decrease by 1.5% - this is half as much. than expected in december. at the same time, in the second half of the year, the economy may return to growth. and in 2024 , the ruble exchange rate against the dollar will confidently go up by one or two percent, according to analysts, it will be stable and will be from 70 to 80 rubles. rosneft, chinese cnpc discussed exploration , production and supply of oil. negotiations took place in within the framework of the visit. in moscow, the chairman of the prc with this pina e rosneft expects to expand the range of joint projects , said the head of the company, igor sinchin, i remind you from january to february, and russia came out on top in oil supplies to china, surpassing saudi arabia's exports. exceeded 15.5 million tons.
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russian banks in february increased their net profit by 14% compared to january. it exceeded 290 billion rubles. this data the bank of russia grew in annual terms almost a third of its role. here, currency revaluation played against the background of the weakening of the ruble for the first 2 months of the year banks earned more than 550 billion. there is an increase in deposits of the mortgage portfolio lending accelerated in february after a seasonal slowdown. fifty more us banks are facing bankruptcy if the structural problem is not solved, former vice president, lemon brothers lawrence mcdonald said this to the agency or news, the collapse of this bank is considered the starting point of the 2008 crisis mcdonald advises the authorities to increase the guarantee on deposits and thus stop the outflow of funds let me remind you that in march the two largest us commercial banks telecom or bank and signy bang filed for bankruptcy. this was the news of the economy in short. and we will continue now, uh, a small
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