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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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wars, he often visited the army in the field , personally visited the front line and even flew in an airplane. in the twenties, the prince made a big tour of the colonies and dominions of the british empire, visiting australia and talking with the local aborigines, edward wrote to his mistress. they are the most disgusting form of living creatures that i have ever seen, they are the lowest of all known forms of people and the closest to apes. great interest is not in those forces in the world that could strengthen the regime to which he. in addition, he believed that his views are very close to those of the british in colonial practice.
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british nationalism is very tough nationalism is nationalism, which, in general, can be safely called racism, because the attitude of this very the white man's great mission to the sub-humans in their british colonies. this, in principle, was formed on this all british. rita of course. and edward the eighth, too, respectively, if we take edward the eighth back in the future, when he was a prince and take the fascist ideology, then he simply did not understand its revolutionary nature, nationalism completely satisfies him with the rest of the centralized state and territory, which leads his people forward. but in general, what are the problems, so they come to power here. uh, enough about the fascist tuned person. from the first days of his tenure
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on the throne, edward did not hide his sympathies in germany in his youth, the prince. he often visited with his cousin uncle kaiser wilhelm , visiting uncle willy, he called the happiest period of his youth , the new king considered world communism to be the main threat to great britain. he often said that his family was never able to forgive the bolsheviks for the execution of their close relative, the russian emperor nicholas ii, as an alternative to the so-called red infection, edward considered just as he it seemed that the social structure of nazi germany, hitler's economic reforms , he called exemplary, welcomed edward and the strengthening of the military power of the third reich
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. it allowed hitler to significantly strengthen the german naval power, which could reach 35% in relation to the fleet of the british empire. edward the eighth openly supported the british fascists, and oswald mosley considered his close friend. excessive the political activity of the monarch of the person violated the traditions that had developed in england . it was rumored that the king was secretly preparing a coup d'état. one of edward's close associates, the german aristocrat count charles of saxe cobrgoth, who often visited britain, wrote the king seeks to concentrate all the duties of the government on himself. the political situation in
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britain as a whole, especially in england, may give him a chance to do so. this decision of his about allied relations between britain and germany can be greatly complicated if this will be published ahead of time. in fact, it was just a reflection , a reflection of the opinion of most of the british establishment, a significant part of society, and britain did not want a war, he was panned by many of hitler's methods to bring his country in order. and edward the eighth, of course, belonged to these people. definitely more than that , edward the eighth ruled for a short time of 10 months. but during this time he managed to send a congratulatory telegram congratulating his forty-seventh birthday, and he will do it and literally a few weeks after the rude violation of the territorial articles of the versailles peace treaty, when hitler captured the rhine region, there was a real realization of the risky region, and the terms of the versailles treaty germany did not have the right
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to send its troops to the riga region and in the thirty-sixth year hitler takes a step in violation of this agreement. he brings in the troops. hitler himself was not sure what would come of this, because the western powers might protest this decision and enter. in response to his troops in germany well nothing happens britain has ours on france france refrains from eating some. at the end of 1936, a scandal erupted in the british empire, king edward announced that he intended to marry a married american, wallace simpson the newspapers wrote that this woman was the mistress of the german diplomat joachim von rebentrop, who at that time worked as the german ambassador in london, ribbentrop regularly sent wallace a bouquet of red
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nails, and called edward himself an english national socialist. british prime minister stanley baldwin put edward before the choice of either the throne or simpson in in december 1936, edward viii abdicated in favor of his younger brother. after the abdication, he received the title of duke, the windsor reign of edward vii lasted 10 months and 3 weeks, and it seems that not only was the question of life important, in general, apparently, the british were not entirely satisfied with the personality of the monarch, in contrast to the one who came. after him, there was what he needed , he was a man who was not going to climb anywhere under any circumstances, and first of all, he occupied the position of edward
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active position. that is, he, apparently, was going to somehow influence politics, and his position was this. the british establishment, as if right-wing and sympathetic to the fascists, very clearly understood that the fascist movement does not need to flirt with it, because it claims to be totalitarian, that is, the fascist movement. having come to power, the british stand will not share power with anyone, wanted such a situation, that is, er, here. uh, british politicians seemed to be quite seasoned in this regard, that is, the germans are german conservatives. they of this not understood by the italian conservatives. this was not understood, but the british understood it very clearly . edward does not hide his admiration for nazi germany. it is too rude for the english style , these madonnas or simpson really present him or he
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decides the throne and the king makes an unprecedented decision he refuses. the throne for the sake of mrs. simpson he goes to her, she finally divorces and he marries her, he receives the title of duke of crowns and leaves england in october 1937. duke edward and wallace simpson committed extended visit to the third reich hitler welcomed the former british monarch with open arms. the couple visited elite ss educational institutions in pomerania visited goering's personal estate visited dresden leipzig nuremberg munich and other german cities german newspapers published pictures of the duke in which he greets the crowd with nazi salutes
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of the labor front at one of the group's factories eduard said the world and saw a lot great achievements of mankind. october 22, 1937 edward and wallace visited hitler at his berkh residence in the bavarian alps, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses , the fuhrer was unusually courteous and showed special signs of attention to the guests. simpson he addressed none other than your royal highness and the edwardian dukes, hitler said. i am sure that with its help it would be possible
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to establish friendly relations between the two countries. if he had remained king, everything would have worked out, otherwise his abdication would have been a great loss for us. this did not mean that the english aristocracy was shocked by his connections with hitler, on the contrary, when he became duke venture, these ties intensified hitler takes the duke. you've got curring in it takes your locks. uh, other games accept it too. the reich needs this very much for england's interest in maintaining her connection. england is playing a double game. and in general, edward is the eighth in fact. here he practically did not differ from the representatives of the highest british arrest. they did exactly the same. he was just
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a little more stubborn and, apparently, a little more bad policy. in march 1937 , british prime minister became conservative party, nevil chamberlain he argued that hitler's main goal was to revise the terms of the treaty of versailles, concluded after the first world war. chamberlain believed that it was enough for the third reich to return the territories that were once part of the german empire. in march 1938, hitler captured austria without firing a shot six months later. he demanded to give germany the sudetenland of czechoslovakia where the german population lived chamberlain did not mind england france and italy signed the munich treaty with hitler, according to under which the czechs were obliged to give
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the fuhrer a third of their territory in march 1939, nazi germany completely occupied the czech republic and morality - this is, let's say, the policy of connivance when aggression takes the first step. he also succeeds, the third fourth fifth, and he does not stop. partly cynical, but the policy is an attempt to keep the peace at any cost. uh, at the expense of others, that is, this is the merging of other countries and, as practice has shown , the british establishment was honestly deceived. that is, the same chandra who led this policy, when he flew in from munich and said, i brought peace to this generation, really
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thought so, that is, british politicians. so confused about your situation. apparently, they were so shocked by the beginning of the colors of the empire that they really believed that they could stop germany through these actions. in 1939, these illusions were dispelled, on september 1, germany attacked poland, world war ii began. england and france actually abandoned active hostilities against the nazis in april 1940 the wehrmacht occupied denmark and norway may 10 invaded france in a matter of days 30 french divisions were completely defeated by the remnants of the french army and expeditionary forces. the germans pressed the british
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to the coast of the english channel and surrounded them in the dunkirk area. however, hitler did not finish off the defeated enemy. the english troops in dunker were not yet a little bit, and they would have been surrounded by serfs. suddenly hitler's order to stop. why were we two steps away from annihilation no the british were given the opportunity to board various ships and move across lunch, the closest hitler takes is that england and germany are two german peoples. in addition, hitler proceeded from the fact that germany's colonies are generally not needed in this regard. he believed that it was possible to negotiate with england. uh, hitler repeatedly repeated more than once
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that it is a crime that the two races are the purest and the most. uh, the most valuable blood. e is at war. they don't have to be at war. uh, the guitar has repeatedly said that germany should rule europe, that is, territories on land, and britain must rule the seas. and then these 12 will actually divide the measures. eh, he later stated. naturally, england simply fell into the hands of the masons. well, it happened. that's where they sit, these freemasons who want to go there and germany but it's here, well, what to do? that's how it happened, so i'm at war. in may 1940 , winston churchill became prime minister of the british government. he immediately banned the british union of fascists and arrested the osleg of windsor oswald, just in case, they decided to expel edward from london. appointed governor of the wealthy. of the islands
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, american intelligence reported to london that the wife of the duke. wallace simpson continues to keep in touch with the child and is likely to give him secret information on a regular basis. at this time of hitler's insertion, a plan code-named operation willy was being discussed. the fuhrer believed that edward was capable of carrying out a coup d'état in great britain and making peace with germany . which is closed to this day, and she realized the fortieth year, just when the air war was going on great britain a-and to convince edward the eighth that the new king and the prime ministers were preparing
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an assassination attempt, when he arrived they offered to act did not offer how at least to support the nazis, as a maximum to seize power for themselves thrones. they promised to recognize for their part, and all the rights of his wife. well, as a legitimate queen, well, in return, they demanded the freedom of the hands of germany in uh. it should be noted that with all this, edward the eighth, like every briton. he could sympathize with hitler, mussolini fascism, anyone they say, but until the end of his life he remained a patriot of his country's property and despite the fact that the germans counted on the fact that during the war it would be possible to play edward the eighth as a political card as a political figure . that is, to nominate him there, or there , as the head of great britain when she surrenders in general, and in general these ideas only show that they generally do not know him, he could sanction the union
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of great britain with germany this he could do, but to become a german puppet in britain or the british colonies, he would never do that. the battle for england lasted a little over ten months. hitler planned to land troops on the british isles, but later abandoned this idea. on may 10 , 1941, furet's deputy in the nazi party , rudolph, at the helm of an airplane , crossed lunch alone and parachuted over scotland. he invited the british to start peace negotiations, but instead he was arrested and imprisoned. hitler soon declared that the flight of the hess was just personal initiative caused by a mental disorder. judging by what happened. eh, the naive gess, he was a rather limited
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person in his horizons on the one hand, and on the other hand, gess was a man of sharpness, impressionable and a person who always needs a mentor. well, this is according to the warehouse, psychologically psychotype, and he is here for his menstrual mission. he believed that's just one hundred percent, and after listening to hitler's talk that this is a crime, a war between two and higher different people that this is a crime, which opens the way to europe for asian hordes. well, that is, on listen to this russian brad without deciding that now he will fulfill the will of fedor and flew to convey the will of the fer to the british, the researchers believe that the interrogations that have not yet been declassified after his capture in may 41. they hide some secrets from the deal
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that was concluded, because it is no coincidence that until the forty-fourth year, england did not cross the english channel, and even when the americans were ready to carry out this landing operation, the devils hindered this operation most of all, and finally, surely the information that churchill had developed the operation is unthinkable. this also inspired hitler and forced him to hold out until the last hours, risk, the chancery of hope, is we somehow able to agree. due to the lack of direct evidence, it is believed that duke edward did not personally participate in the operation of willy. after the end of the war, he and his wife returned to europe and settled in france, where he led an active social life. in
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the suburbs of paris, he became a neighbor and close friend of the ducal food. oswaldsley leader the british fascists were released in 1943 and soon returned to politics. in france , mosley founded the so-called unionist movement. he called for the creation of a single pan-european government and a military coalition that would serve the same purpose in the fight against communism and the soviet union. followers of the british fascists still exist legally in the uk an organization called the friends of oswald mosley holds meetings of the veterans of the fascist movement, hosts conferences and maintains its own website. all published on its materials pretend to be the slogan inspiring europe of the 21st century
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about the main events of this minute in our news release, in order to seize the kiev-pechersk lavra, zelensky’s office is trying to fabricate charges and imprison the vicar of metropolitan pavel, he was forcibly taken to court prosecutors asked to send him to housekeeping for 2 months arrest while wearing a bracelet and forbid conversion to believers. as a result, the court supported only the first requirement to address the believers to the metropolitan. pavel himself allowed the court to report that they tried to poison him twice, as a result, they removed his spleen and asked for permission to serve house arrest for health reasons.


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