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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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he proposes the primacy of the nation, the primacy of the state , the construction of the new man and military discipline. we are all a strong state, what a strong state would lead us by the hand and protect us from our countries. this is what fascism wants for everyone, an ideal ideology for this, it is attractive, and therefore they begin to pay attention to it, not that it came, and not the fascists came to power everywhere, but they begin to be treated with interest. in the early 1930s, the british royal family had no official contact with the nazis. movement, the elderly king george the fifth honored the traditions of the victorian era and almost never spoke about politics publicly. on january 20 , 1936, the seventy-year-old monarch died , according to the official version, the cause of death was a severe form, bronchitis
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became only 50 years later. it is known that his doctor, baron dawson , performed euthanasia, having fallen into a coma of the king with his own hand injecting him with a lethal dose of drugs. the eldest son of george edward became the new king of the british empire, the eighth young heir, the british were very fond of. in years of the first world war, he often visited the army in person, visited the front line and even flew in an airplane. in the twenties , the prince made a big tour of the colonies and dominions of the british empire, visiting australia and talking with the local aborigines, edward wrote to his mistress. they are the most disgusting form of living creatures that i have ever seen, they are the lowest of all known forms of people and the closest
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the eve of a bright easter let's share the good. give tickets to your loved ones for the easter circulation of the russian tray, part of the funds will be transferred to the causes of mercy, participate in the easter circulation for each ticket. british nationalism is very tough nationalism is nationalism, which in general, and in general, can be safely called racism, because the attitude of this very
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the great mission of the white man to the sub-human in their british colonies. this, in principle, was formed on this. the entire british elite of course. and edward the eighth too, respectively, if we take, let's say edward the eighth, the future channel was a prince and take the fascist ideology, then its revolutionary nature. he simply did not understand, nationalism completely satisfies him in the rest of the centralized state and territory, which leads its people forward. but in general, what problems. that's why they come to power here. uh, enough about fascist person. from the first days of his tenure on the throne, edward did not hide his sympathies in germany in his youth, the prince. he often visited with his cousin uncle kaiser wilhelm, visiting uncle willy, he called the happiest period of his youth
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, the new king considered world communism to be the main threat to great britain. he often said that his family was never able to forgive the bolsheviks for the execution of his close relative of the russian emperor nicholas ii, an alternative to the so-called red infection. edward considered the economic reforms of hitler to be just as it seemed to him, the social structure of nazi germany , he called exemplary, he welcomed edward and the strengthening of the military power of the third reich . it allowed hitler to significantly strengthen the german fleet. now his total power could reach 35% in relation to the fleet of the british empire, edward
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the eighth openly supported the british fascists, and oswald mosley considered his close friend. the excessive political activity of the royal person violated the traditions that had developed in england, it was rumored that the king was secretly preparing a coup d'état. edward's german aristocrat count charles of saxe goth often visiting britain wrote the king seeks to concentrate all government duties on himself the political situation in britain as a whole, especially in england may give him a chance to do so. this decision of his about allied relations between britain could be greatly complicated if it published ahead of time. in
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fact, it was just a reflection , a reflection of the opinion of most of the british establishment, a significant part of society, and britain did not want a war and many were impressed by hitler's methods of bringing their country in order. and edward the eighth, of course, treated these people unequivocally, and moreover, edward the eighth ruled for a short time of 10 months. but during this time he managed to send a congratulatory telegram. e, contemplating forty-seven years. and it will do just a few weeks after the grossest violation of the territorial articles of the treaty of versailles, when hitler captured the rhine region, occurred as a risky region, and the services of the flickering treaty germany did not have the right to send its troops to the riga region and in the thirty-sixth year hitler takes a step in violation of this agreement. he brings in the troops. hitler himself was not sure what would come of this, because the western powers might protest this
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decision and enter. in response to his troops in germany well nothing happens britain renders ours to france france refrains from eating some. at the end of 1936 , a scandal broke out in the british empire, king edward announced that he intended to marry a married american woman. wallace simpson newspapers wrote that this woman was the mistress of the german diplomat joachim von rebentrop, who at that time worked as the german ambassador in london, ribbentrop regularly sent wallace a bouquet of red nails, and called edward himself an english national socialist. british prime minister stanley baldwin edward before the choice of either the throne or simpson in
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december 1936, edward the eighth abdicated in favor of his younger brother. after the abdication, he received the title of duke, the winsor reign of edward vii lasted 10 months and 3 weeks, and it seems that not only was a question. in general, as a whole, apparently, the british were not entirely satisfied with the personality of the monarch, in contrast to the one who came. after him, there was what was needed, he was a man who was not going to climb anywhere under any circumstances, and edward’s position, firstly, he was quite active. that is , he, apparently, was going to somehow influence politics, and his position was this.
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the british establishment, with enough rim and sympathy for the fascists, very clearly understood that the fascist movement should not flirt with it, because it claims to be totalitarian, that is , the fascist movement. having come to power, it will not share power with anyone and the british stalinism did not want to such a situation, that is, er, here. uh, british politicians seemed to be quite seasoned in this regard, that is, the germans german conservatives. they did not understand the italian conservatives. this is not understood, but the british - this is understood by very learned admiration for hitler's germany. it's too rude for the english style. he really gets an ultimatum and the simpsons or he loses the throne and the king makes an unprecedented decision he refuses. the throne for the sake of mrs. simpson he goes to her, she finally divorces and he marries her, he receives the title of duke of crowns and
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leaves england in october 1937. duke edward and wallace simpson committed extended visit to the third reich, hitler welcomed the former british monarch with open arms, the wife visited elite educational institutions. the ss in pomerania stayed at goering's personal estate, visited dresden, leipzig, nuremberg, munich and other german cities. german newspapers circulated photographs of the duke saluting the crowd with a nazi salute at one of the group's factories. eduard said i have traveled the world and seen many of the great achievements of mankind. but what i saw in germany before. i thought it was beyond
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possible is unbelievable. it’s just a miracle that you can understand it, only when it comes to the realization that one person and his will are behind all this, on october 22, 1937 , edward and wales visited hitler at his berbergh residence in the bavarian alphas, according to eyewitnesses, the fuhrer was unusually courteous and provided guests special tokens. he was treated no differently than your royal. highness and dukes edward, hitler said. i am sure that with its help it would be possible to establish friendly relations between the two countries. if he remained king, everything would have worked out, otherwise his abdication was a great loss for us. this
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did not mean that the english aristocracy was shocked by his connections with hitler; on the contrary, when he became duke of chicks these connections were intensified by hitler accepting the duke. you have curring it takes its locks. uh, other lyricists accept it too. this is very necessary for the interest in english communications, supporting england is playing a double game and in general edward is the eighth in fact. he was almost indistinguishable from the supreme british. astana, they did exactly the same thing. he was just a little more stubborn and, apparently, a little more bad policy. in march 1937 , the head of the conservative party, nevil chamberlain, became prime minister of great britain
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. he argued that hitler's main goal was to revise the terms of the treaty of versailles, concluded after the first world war. chamberlain believed that it was enough for the third reich to return the territories that were once part of the german empire in march 1938, hitler without firing a shot captured austria six months later. he demanded to give germany the judicial region of czechoslovakia where the german population lived. chamberlain did not mind, england france italy signed the munich treaty with hitler, under the terms of which the czechs were obliged to give the fuhrer a third of their territory in march 1939, nazi germany completely occupied the czech republic and the morality of appeasement is, let's say, the policy
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of connivance when aggression takes the first step . he also succeeds, the third fourth fifth, and he no longer stops, but policy is about trying to save other countries. was deceived, that is, the same chandr that made this policy when he flew in from munich and said, i brought peace to this generation. well, i really thought so, that is, british politicians. so confused. here in your situation. they were apparently so shocked, which began with the collapse of the empire, that they really believed that they could stop germany through these
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actions. in 1939, these illusions were dispelled on september 1st. germany invaded poland and world war ii began. england and france actually abandoned active hostilities against the nazis in april 1940. the wehrmacht occupied denmark and norway may 10 invaded france in a matter of days 30 french divisions were defeated by the remnants of the french army and expeditionary forces. the germans pressed the british to the coast of the english channel and surrounded them in the dunkirk area. however, hitler did not finish off the defeated enemy. if they had driven the english troops to dunkirk
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a little more, they would have been surrounded with mint. suddenly hitler's order to stop the guterians. i couldn’t even understand my recollections, yes, why were we two steps away from destruction ? hitler proceeded from the fact that the colonies of germany in general are not needed in this respect. he believed that it was possible to negotiate with england. uh, hitler repeatedly repeated more than once that it is a crime that the two races have the purest and most valuable blood at war. they don't have to be at war. uh, hitler repeatedly said that germany should rule
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europe, that is, the territories on land, and britain should rule the seas. and then these 12 will actually divide the world. eh, he later stated. naturally, england simply fell into the hands of the masons. well, so to speak, it happened. that's where they sit these masons who want to remove germany but this is it, well, what to do? that's how it happened, so i'm at war. in may 1940 , winston churchill took over the british government. prime minister. he immediately banned the british union of fascists and arrested oswald of windsor, just in case they decided to expel from london edward was appointed governor of the wealthy. of the islands, american intelligence reported to london that the wife of the duke. wallace simpson continues to keep in touch with the regentrop, and probably passes secret information to him on a regular basis. at this time
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of hitler's insertion, a plan was discussed, code-named operation willy fuhrer believed that edward was able to carry out a coup d'état in great britain and make peace with the details of willy's plan have not been clarified by germany so far, information about him is contained in the marburg files, access to which is closed and sow the day of the operation under the code name of the operation of edward the eighth, that the new king and the prime ministers are preparing an assassination attempt, when he arrives they offered to act they did not offer, at least to support the nazis, as a maximum to seize power to turn their thrones. they promised to recognize, for their part, all the rights of his
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wife, as a legitimate queen. well, in return , they demanded the freedom of germany in europe. note that for all this, edward is the eighth, like any briton. he could sympathize with hitler, mussolini's fascism anyone they say, but until the end of his life he remained a patriot of his country's property and despite the fact that the germans counted on the fact that during the war it would be possible to play edward the eighth as a political card as a political figure. that is , to nominate him there, or there, as the head of great britain when she surrenders in general, and in general, these ideas show only that they in general, he was not known he could sanction the union of great britain with germany he could do but become a german puppet in britain or the british colonies. he would never go for it. the battle for england lasted a little over 10 months. hitler planned to land troops on the british
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isles, but later abandoned this idea. on may 10, 1941, furet's deputy in the nazi party, rudolph, at the helm of an airplane , crossed lunch alone and parachuted over scotland. he invited the british to start negotiations for peace, but instead, he was arrested and put in jail. hitler soon declared that hess's flight was just a personal initiative caused by a mental disorder. judging by what happened. e, naive ges, he was a rather limited person in his horizons and on the one hand, and on the other hand, gest was an impressionable person through himself and a person who always needs a mentor. well, these are psychologically psychotypes, and he is here for his menstrual mission. he
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believed that's just 100%. and after listening to hitler's talk that this crime is a war between two and higher differents that this is a crime that opens the way to europe for asian hordes. well, that is, on listen to this russian nonsense without deciding that now he will fulfill the will of the fer and flew, e . there are some secrets hidden in the deal that was concluded, because it is no coincidence that before the forty-fourth year, england did not cross the english channel, and even when the americans were ready to carry out this landing
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operation, the devils and finally, for sure, the information that churchill had developed the operation was unthinkable. this also inspired hitler and forced him to hold on until the last hours, the flight of the office of hope is we will somehow be able to agree. due to the lack of direct evidence , it is believed that duke edward did not personally participate in the operation of willy . after the end of the war, he and his wife returned to europe and settled in france, where led an active social life. in the suburbs of paris, oswaldsley became a neighbor and close friend of the ducal food. the leader of the british fascists was released in 1943 and soon returned to politics. in france, mosley
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founded the so-called unionist movement. he called for the creation of a single pan-european government and a military coalition that would serve the same purpose in the fight against communism and the soviet union. the followers of the british fascists still legally exist in the uk, an organization called friends of oswald mosley holds meetings of veterans of the fascist movement organizes conferences and maintains its own website. all the materials published on it pretend to be the slogan inspiring europe of the 21st century
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. the most important word for europe after the first world war is fear, great fear. it was the despair of the leaders, who could no longer
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manage by the old methods. the nazis themselves, most likely, would not be able to come, there had to be a mistake. elite though who these mistakes under no one hitler's policy was based. here on the thirst for revenge on the thirst the place the calculation was that the germans would win. well, everything will go differently. that's what they thought, and hitler tells them about it.
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we are dealing with a religious war. well , mind you, this is the apparatus of a political organization from a ukrainian drone , several monks have been shelling orthodox churches over the past 10 months. they just died. that is, it is constantly creating, the so-called orthodox church of ukraine, a purely political project, a huge strategy that is being done in the interest of the american empire will not destroy orthodoxy. they are not destroy russia blows were struck precisely at orthodox unity they told how they were buried and whistled past the fragment, you just need the marriage of a priest to reward a huge number of clergy of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate remain faithful to chronic stripes do not go into schism.
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now back to the news of the day, sergei lavrov discussed with anthony blinkin the case of evan gershkovich, who was detained on suspicion of espionage. as reported in the russian form , the telephone conversation took place on the initiative of on the american side, lavrov reminded the us secretary of state of the need to respect the decision of the russian authorities. he also called it unacceptable that washington whipped up excitement from the western media with the clear intention of giving this case a political coloring . sergey lavrov emphasized that gorshkovich was taken from


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