tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 May 8, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm MSK
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mr. alexander was lyubech. i understand all the advantages of emperor napoleon, but i also have the russian tsar and strong allies. this is space and time. the tsar summed up the frenchman on a map of russia and pointed to having passed the strait. this is chukotka count do you imagine where it is not? your majesty i can't imagine. i chutka i said everything. and the german was finished, when the watermelon came out, alexander ordered general balashov, prepare a trip to the army.
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in the right year on the bank of the neman you will pour, he stood pensively motionless on the left shore. on the other side was the russian coast to be the eternal union of france and in a state of war with england today is breaking its oaths. fate captivates the russians later the destiny will come true. that a terrible danger hung over the country. the 500,000-strong army assembled from almost all european countries resembles nothing, ready to invade russia, which was left alone, but another person led the country, who read, but knew that the will of perseverance decides everything on the score
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in the russian city. that is, alexander was informed about the war of the state, he told them, i will measure only when not a single armed rejection remains on my land. in napoleon's office although to be honest, alexander's office was occupied by napoleon my brother alexander would like to put on the case napoleon said holding in his hands, for 25 years, they did not interfere in the affairs of civilized europe how is this similar to the bottom statement?
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marshal ney galloped, the russians ran away, the road was open for a long time and general balkai de toli retreated napoleon was a military genius. in general, it was very difficult for you, he was the unstoppable, forward. russian army under the command of the lay tolli and bagration retreated and it was right, but the officers and russian society were not happy. allow me to remark your majesty said the prince. volkonsky at a dinner with alexander, we listen to you if your majesty gives them the armies of one chief, and we all know whom. everything can be lost without return, the army does not have any confidence in you, who are commanded by the general, barclay and prince bagration get along very poorly . and it is necessary that your
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majesty appointed him without wasting a minute. otherwise, russia perished. send feedback to russia alexander, who did not like the field marshal, had to make a decision in august in st. petersburg in the winter palace emperor alexander receives kutuzov prince mikhail speech. i appoint you commanders-in-chief of all russian armies and militias. i will give dinner , your majesty, i will not lay down weapons, until not a single armed rejection remains on russian soil. ordinally imposes cheese, russian prisoner shows that the command of the confrontation
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kutuzov accepted the nobility, the russians stopped in front of the village of bagratino. napoleon smile. finally, kutuzov will give a fight to make a pleasant nobility in a couple of weeks. alexander will have no stalinists left. no army understood that immediately napoleon did not need and was not profitable. well, under the pressure of public opinion, the army and all of russia had to. many believe it was the central battle of the entire war. however, this is far from the case. after that, the war continues for another 2 years. mikhail igorelochka was also not only a talented commander, but also an experienced diplomats aim at the palace.
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he was now elected, sent to the tsar waiting for news in st. petersburg, saw how the victory of the russian arms battle was general and lengthy and lasted until the very night were read to alexander or there was a great loss with the object of the enemy’s damage, judging by the stubborn attacks, our troops of your imperial should be very superior majesties fought with her, probably, courage ended in rejection by superior forces. haven't won five of the earth haven't won five of the earth. this is a victory, your majesty's victory to publish a report in the transportation of kutuzov himself for the title of a general film. marshal and 100,000 rubles. i will fire his wife to stand up as a lady. the next day, dirty, more exhausted, galloped to st. petersburg, he was escorted to the sovereign moscow left without a fight , the russian army leaves along the ryazan road
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alexander molchin, as if not understanding, looked at him, then turned and slowly walked along the long corridor of the palace. standing on guard, kutuzov at his headquarters in tarutino reads a letter from the emperor. i immediately i want to hear from you about the state of the army. i have prompted you to stop sadly determined to depart for some time sitting in thought, then turning to write. napoleon's entry into moscow is not yet the subjugation of russia in september 19 in the kremlin in the chambers. in the middle of the night, napoleon was awakened by the cry of his bed, he ran to the window, moscow
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alexander looked for some time at the bustle in his mother's apartment. you are going to leave your majesty i want to take my daughters and leave russia not to live the same places with napoleon answered maria fedorovna alexander saviors firmly said to his mother. like a son, i begged you to stay. now, as an emperor, i demand that you stay. dine , he said, mother wants me to conclude places. napoleon asks brother konstantin arakcheev rumyantsev balashov about the same. so they have almost the entire yard of cats on their knees to walk me about it. will you sign asked his wife elizabeth alexander slowly answered me they will forgive me that i was sitting in
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st. petersburg when we were fucked by the army, they will forgive me smolensk death of moscow loss now decide who to lose the crown to me or him became stubborn, he put his life on the line. kutuzov paused, looking at the real calico in front of him, looked with one of his collazes, then said in russian. i would subject myself to the curse of posterity. if they thought that i gave rise to some kind of reconciliation. this is the current way of thinking of our people. translate said. then napoleon came across
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a letter to alexander, sir, brother, my beautiful great, the city of moscow no longer exists, trampling its beetle, if your majesty has the remnants of the former feelings of clowns from nothing to say to him letter, in any case, you cannot but be grateful that i told you about what is happening in moscow what to do with napoleon's letter, the sovereign asked the archievs who entered. leave unanswered and you think? why haven't you done anything now? asked his wife. i'm proud of you. in moscow in october, in the kremlin, napoleon looked out the window at the burnt and plundered city along the kremlin square, staggering almost without falling . drunken french dragon. napoleon
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turns to the man standing in the middle of him. chief of staff. we're going back to paris . in st. petersburg, alexander held an epistle in his hands and said, now my company begins. kutuzov did not want to fight. he understood that with the onset of winter the french army would begin to melt, and this happened in parallel, the descending and dying french and the nobility entering into battle with them demanded a replacement body. well, the tsar was tv, he remembered his mistakes, because he did not deprive kutuzov of command. he became wiser and stood dirty, the victory of the enemy army demoralized half of the french armies collapsed.
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rest i said bezglivo in an old man 's way shouted kutuzov for two months of the journey , 60,000 people got out of line, 48,000 sick, 12,000 killed in fear, died of wounds. i wanted to shit before the marshal to appear to the king and not so the end of the french end. well, what are you going to fight alexander sits, why change him with closed eyes says konstantin looking alexander is he really napoleon will leave asks his mother brijon. does kutuzov really want to deprive russia of glory crushing the enemy and does not want to save europe from their iron. alexander is silent. she is from
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russia, the river berezina, we can only build one bridge, says the general, fucking 20 thousand . this is all that is left of the great army. does not answer in russia napoleon left russia in december 12, the sovereign arrived in the army, entering the office. his high dignitaries were waiting for me. they said the field mar, kutuzov's ass was not his pleasure. i am dissatisfied with several events, namely the slowness of the pursuit of the enemy and the mistakes in red and embankment. all the same, god's help is the enemy of israel
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from the state of russia there must inform the prince that i intend to fight further than other limits entered majesty before paris, your lordship. this is not to add the words of russia, our dinner performed said, too, not a single armed rejection was left on russian soil, the country. your majesty. army. tired of fighting, the people want peace, confirmed chancellor rumyantsev alexander everything was decided. you are right, it’s actually strange, but who ruined it, who destroyed dozens? years, who killed tens of thousands of people, who kept horses in our churches? who raped our women? because of whom absolutely moscow tomorrow our army bakes the border of the nations to the kings, we will remind them of their duty, interests, we will hand over the hand, we will go with the people, someone said softly.
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allow me to leave your majesty kutuzov did not want to pursue napoleon, he considered his task, alexander understood that they were pursuing napoleon, he only postpones a new war general marshal kutuzov to a further role and after a short time mikhail died with a rope of aces in germany april cracks, wiping alexander's tears, dictated a letter not a single shedding tear i'm crying with you and crying, russia let alexander give the emperor a document to sign. you know surprisingly, i wrote the widow the truth, alexander says to his brother konstantin, despite his false victorious reaction, despite my head to relax and birch bark. i bow to the old man. maybe his doing nothing and saved russia the earth in peace. yes, he will forever remain a national hero. alexander, you are seriously
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asking me, looked at him in surprise konstantin we are now in the center of europe who alexander brought here in front god willing victory yes, and how much this victory will cost , maybe the old man was right ; so he got off. there is no emperor. what are you doing? right at the winners returning to paris, napoleon assembled a new army, the war continued , but all of europe was interesting. the aliens went to russia for foam rubber and now, together with the russian tsar, fought against napoleon .
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no matter where the two armies converged near leipzig and here napoleon was defeated he had to flee alexander saw the fulfillment of his dream. napoleon ran away from him napoleon is running away from me already said, konstantin alexander looked at him seriously said. almighty god has given us the victory of the over-poleon. you can guess what is happening in my heart, nevertheless, the war continued alien blows by the alliance to the troops following him throughout europe tell your majesty your actions were necessary and understandable, but now the cold is mud nucleus, which can kill russia in hundreds of years. for what? to lead the peoples, and the ambition of the conqueror to return to each people the enjoyment of its rights. for this, the works
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of the emperor of russia were then another explanation. i can survive the humiliation, but russia never, and the emperor and pruzhsky on the opposite side. king. now russia's allies wanted to offer napoleon peace. i will not make peace while napoleon is on the throne - said alexander napoleon as a peaceful monarch is impossible and unthinkable for him to reign. it means to fight, it won't be, the world will be very temporary truce lord, how it looks. agreed on this. he realized that the war was lost. from the allies did not put a penny came
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such a great idea. we, as we know, passed to the russian emperor alexander, here it is perseverance and determination on march 19, 1814, the allied army led by the stubborn emperors alexander entered paris for the russians the war was over, the emperor napoleon went into exile on the island. nevertheless, i would still like to note two episodes. driving at the head of the victorious troops along the paris bridge, one of the the heroes of the war chieftains in whose honor the airport is simple and your majesty said this, maybe, according to which we are going now, it is called, and at our archer's shame. let's blow it up. well, let's say to hell it's enough that we come along it smiling answered alexander the russian always knew
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how to fight, well, you almost never knew how to extract this way out, the winners who gathered in paris began to divide the booty, change borders and tear france apart. and by the way, what does great russia want to get? thinks his majesty the emperor alexander asked them? the heat of those present turned alexander i think, gentlemen, that the frontiers of france must remain historically unchanged. this is the first and second, france must be a great world power. needless to say, france was very strong and confident that in future awakenings you will proceed from these principles, the meeting was tensely silent. alexander smiled. now i'm asking. excuse me, he got up and in silence. having passed through someone above, what shall the lord do, based on what the emperor said. alexander details. it will be possible to discuss separately, maybe the french fairy vera smiled and called the austrians.
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did the lichen do the right thing by practically preserving france , not the fate of france as a counterbalance in relation to at least england , so that determination and perseverance saved russia in victory, a long peace and a leading position in europe. to victory over the most powerful enemies. both in 1812 and in 1941 i have no doubt that the result of this confrontation will be the same as in the 19th and in the 20th century. we will definitely win. behind us is
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the russian soldier's stubbornness and determination , regained after a year of war. let's remember what another stubborn russian emperor , now of georgian origin, said, our deeds will be just victory. that's all. and the two warriors, and the one that was and the one that goes a little bit, it seems, goodbye. all the best. bars barcelona burger and barcelona burger with chicken at a bargain price in tasty and point, as well as delivery is simple order through
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fires in the urals, according to confirmed data, 7 people died the most difficult situation in the kurgan, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions , the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived in kurgan to coordinate actions; foreign mercenaries of the kharkiv region were taken off by a su-34 bomber, strikes were carried out by bombs in the area of the village of ivanovka soup in the nizhny novgorod region charged
12:00 pm
alexander permyakov with terrorism , suspected of organizing a terrorist attack against zakhar prilepin , our correspondent is following the meeting. looking forward to a live stream. lampada lit from the memorial of the eternal flame and portraits of veterans of the action. on the eve of victory day, they are held throughout russia and in dozens of countries around the world, the semenovsky district court in the nizhny novgorod region determines the world of suppression, suspected of attempting to kill zakhar prilepin, alexander permyakov was charged with terrorism, this was reported in the investigative committee of russia , the meeting itself is held behind closed doors mode at the court building is now working our correspondent stanislav beren wald. he is on the line contact with the studio stanislav what do you know at this moment? indeed, alexander permyakov was brought to the building of the semyonovsky district court at about 10 o'clock
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