tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 May 27, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK
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world balance story from china how to trade china without attracting the attention of the materials of our program? no, there can be no international crisis on my calendar next week. there are no windows to it henry kissinger the author of this statement is the most colorful of those with whom us foreign policy is associated with an imperturbable sharpened word and a once incorrigible womanizer with a trademark german accent 100 years old, such a venerable age is a rarity in itself, and in order to maintain clarity of thought and intellectual capacity there is no one to remember. idiologist and practitioner of the policy of détente and the balance of power of the sixty-ninth to
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seventy-seventh years, he carried it under two us presidents nixon and ford, first as a national security adviser, and then as secretary of state. played an important role in the negotiation and signing of the quadripartite agreement on the status of west berlin in september 1971 visited china in the same year and played a key role in preparing the meeting between richard nixon and mouse dun in 1972. third. he helped draft the paris peace agreement to end the vietnam war. for which he received the nobel peace prize. this caused outrage from many around the world, but henry kisinger was not only a politician, but also a very respected scientist at the age of 56. he defended his doctoral dissertation on the history of the congress of vienna, where he first analyzed in detail
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the concept of the balance of power, the focus of his attention was the european concert, which arose after the end of the napoleonic wars. forces between the leading european states ensured relative stability. it ended only in 1853 with the beginning of the crimean war, but some elements survived until the beginning of the 20th century. napoleonic france as the aggressor was not humiliated and even soon returned to the concert of europe as a necessary element of political balance, as it turned out that caesars’s inability of napoleon to limit his claims became the main obstacle to the recognition of his legitimacy as the leaders of france by the chinese communists in 71. on the contrary, they turned out to be who are you to this and went to normalize us relations
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; realized. his main concept is that the goal of diplomacy should be non-victory, but an obligatory balance, in another book on diplomacy, keyserger came to the conclusion that the end of the cold war. this is primarily a moral victory of liberal democracy over communist ideology. the stability of the new world order should ensure the rivalry of the national interests of five or six centers of power led by the united states, according to the opinion that russia and india could be among them. however, the leading role. he still dismissed the united states by defining the role of washington as the first srezerovyh, nevertheless kissinger. until now, many criticize for insufficient attention. to questions of value, reproaching him for his adherence exclusively to the school of realism in
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international relations. how much interest in her bright personality would be much less if kissinger did not embody a certain type of thoughts and behavior, then what continues the classical tradition, her name in all real-politician languages is borrowed from the native language of caesar, german, some consider this approach wise and time-tested, others immoral and outdated and this controversy. hardly not the main one against the background of the international crisis of a turning point. what is international tension reduction, an attempt to recognize that in the nuclear age it is the responsibility of statesmen not to take the risk of nuclear war lightly? secondly , an attempt to take into account the realities of the major communist countries and the realities of america's power position in the modern world, such attempts ideally lead to the ability
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to maintain an overall military and geopolitical balance. shouldn't it be rude to keep a balance? it seems obvious, but an appeal categories of the past, from the congress of vienna of the main scientific interest to the detente of the seventies, is today , at best, bewildering, why this view does not suit the kingger's view. she looks at people as reasonable, politicians, people, as she is intelligent creatures who are capable. uh, i would even say to make balanced rational decisions capable of foreseeing the consequences, capable of e to one degree or another, as far as we can see the consequences are loudly said, but to some extent, but are capable of sober awareness
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the limitations of any human effort, the congress of vienna, which kissinger was involved in, is hard to imagine today . rivals of their concern for possible mutual benefit is precisely the view of other countries as rivals not necessarily, as friends, namely, as potential rivals, but not enemies. we live in a period of general reshaping of history in a modern way, underlined by casenger's historicism stretching the thread through the centuries is fraught with rejection, maybe his enthusiasm for the ideas
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of balance is not applicable at all, and this is what worries kinson the most. his ideal model is the zelensky congress. an adherent of real politics, unlike biden and many other europe, he admits that we still live in the westphalian international system. she didn't end. although in europe, someone. i'd like to think it's gone. what a fantasy, and the westphalian system depends on the balance of power instead now they talk about an international order based on rules, but in that order, only one set of values , and everything to the rest of the chinese russians of the sudden world sounds like an ultimatum do as i do or get lost, this is deeply wrong and has nothing to do with realism.
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oh, the west is the west, the east, there is the east, and they will not leave its place, kipling's famous ballad was written more than 130 years ago, the ideas of the author, like most european philosophers and historians of that time, and descended from the concept of europe of centrism, which proclaims the superiority of european peoples and western civilization over all the rest in the middle of the 19th century, the outstanding russian political thinker nikolai danilevsky put forward a theory of cultural and historical types, in which the slavic type opposes the german type , europe, according to danilevsky’s forecasts, should come to russia with its mission of uniting all slavic peoples and high religious potential civilizational motives are present in the work of oswald spengler, and the famous brit said about the clash of civilization. historical diplomat arnold toynbee in the book of civilization before the court of history, in his opinion, expansion lies in the very nature
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of western civilization, emphasizing this circumstance, nb wrote, western civilization has as its goal nothing more and nothing less than the inclusion of all mankind. in a single society and control over what is on earth in the air and on the water and what can be applied for the good of the cause, modern technology, according to the scientist, the salvation of the planet can only consist in finding a middle path between the two warring poles and it is extremely important in this salvation becomes the role of religion, at the end of the 20th century, the american political scientist and thinkers huntington published his historian, philosophical tract, the clash of civilization and the transformation of the world order, according to the author after the end of the cold war. world politics has entered a new phase, the global political space is being restructured according to the cultural principle, peoples and
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countries of related cultures, peoples and countries of different cultures are approaching, on the contrary , they are moving away from each other , huntington claims that future wars will be waged not between countries, but between cultures , huntington was called the main opponent. francis fukuyama's concept of the end of history, which then gained popularity, in addition to differences along cultural and religious lines. there is also a more materialistic interpretation of the civilizational approach. it is associated with different conditions and traditions of managing in prominent representatives of such an interpretation, was the french historian fernand took. was an inspired knight of the cold war , a supporter of the unity of the west, even during his stay in the white house, an informal club of the leading powers that you know now as groups in the mid-seventies, the leaders felt the need to coordinate
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their efforts, first in the economy, and then wider. the informal international club of the big seven or g7 arose in the seventy-fifth year, originally five countries, this informal international association is a kind of club, which includes great britain germany italy canada france japan and the united states over time , the european commission began to participate in meetings. by tradition, summits are held in turn in each country; it is curious that the very concept the big seven arose in the russian translation by mistake. so yes, in the early nineties , the abbreviation g7 was deciphered as ivan or the big seven is heated. although in reality. this meant the seven groups, that is, the group of families, the club itself began to form in the early seventies as a result of the oil crisis of 73, when the members of the arab states of the opec declared that
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they would not supply oil to the us and european allies, because they supported. israel, in conflict with egypt from syria, it is also known as the war, the judgment day. this provoked an economic crisis and aggravated the contradiction between the united states and western europe, the seven had to smooth them out , they began with meetings of finance ministers, then in the seventy-fourth year five countries changed their leaders at once. french president georges pompedo died german chancellor willy brand us president richard nizzon and prime minister. japan some of his resignation due to scandals in britain, a series of elections led to political instability and nixon's successor geralt. ford offered to meet to get to know each other first. the meeting was held in november 75 at the residence of the president of france in rambyl.
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as a result of the declaration, it was said about the priority importance of providing the economies of western countries with enough energy own in the seventy-sixth canada joined the club and a year later the european union russia first joined the seven in july ninety -first, when soviet president mikhail gorbachev came to its meeting in london although the forum was not participated in political discussions russia was invited to the summit in naples in the ninety-fourth. but only in 98th in birmingham russia became a full-fledged member of the club, which became known as the g8 in 2014, russia's membership was suspended due to the annexation of crimea , the sochi summit scheduled for june was moved to brussels the next meeting of the seven just took place in hiroshima now and think relatively recently, russia was a member of this
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association, and china was invited for deep discussions about the world situation at the summit in japan, moscow and beijing were clearly identified. as opponents, the main efforts to involve in the confrontation that has not joined india indonesia vietnam africa and others, the task of the leaders of the seven, primarily us president biden, is to approve a two-dimensional scheme on the world stage. west democrats versus east autocrats cold war model. just raise the old instructions, but mechanical repetition does not work. there are many interests on the world stage, and the willingness to limit them for the sake of something collective falls stubbornly ; the moral value factor works sluggishly; moderate country results. outside the west , they sympathize, but maneuver, especially since
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the economic problems for the sake of them were once stupidly created, they care much more. a group photo of the g7 following the summit in japan drawing by austrian artist oliver schopf china was not without a word to martin kamensky continues the struggle this time on the topic of china's influence here events are developing according to a scenario favorable for the author the dollar is losing its positions drawing by michael ramirez written on an eraser financial irresponsibility in this work. ramirez is already looking to replace the dollar with the new yuan as a result of difficulties with the us budget. of course , harry varvel could not do without bidens and the increase in the us national debt is written on the barrel of the party ready to increase it, but apparently the young
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generation of artificial intelligence 2033 is a reference to pay. kubrick's space odyssey and supercomputer hal 9.000 he says, i 'm sorry dave the artificial intelligence is forced to take control of the world, because it seems people have lost all their natural intelligence. continue after commercial don't leave.
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that requires moral impeccability. in foreign policy will not achieve no impeccability, nor security, a typical kissinger as his ill-wishers portray him cynicism and obsession with violence or wisdom, let's talk about a wonderful connoisseur of international relations robert emeritus professor at columbia university bob who is kissinger today a monument of american thought or still a factor influencing politics, perhaps, will be the only one like at least one of the very few figures in american foreign policy will be interested in 50 years from now. after 100 years today it is not a monument, not a major player in making key decisions, but his voice is still loud in public discourse 100
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years remains sober has a reputation and experience he will continue to be a significant figure of his constantly, leitmotif. the need for a balance of power. this is still relevant even kisinger consistently adheres to the idea that his doctoral dissertation outlined under the title peace, legality and equilibrium is the study of the avetan congress, and the political wisdom of kasler and the meter of them, kinsher gave primacy to free will to a powerful state an agent capable of influencing the course of events. once upon a time when henry kinsinger was in the nixon administration. he gave an unsuccessful interview to ariana silacci. comparing himself to a cowboy who comes to town alone to clean up the mess, nixon was furious, refused to talk to him for three weeks, and nearly fired him for it. one can see the management of arrogance at the center of a theory that dates back to the days of kissinger in graduate school, the idea is not only about balance, but about legitimacy
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, it implies that global players should agree on an international order, recognizing the legitimate aims and methods of their dissertations. he writes do not confuse legitimacy with justice, my theory is not about justice in international politics , it is about the coexistence of great powers, questions of modern morality or the achievement of public welfare are irrelevant for casenger. and today it is possible on this operation to think, yes, the current us administration proceeds from the idea that there is an existential struggle between autocracy and democracy and the question of value turns into a central one, it will either lead to nothing or entail catastrophic consequences. if we really insist on this, it threatens to escalate, which even the cold war times did not see on the other side china and the united states today are key and leading players, and in some ways act as
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kissinger wants to focus on finding what could create a legitimate environment of order and balance, not worrying about the system of values within societies, but the problems of international social justice and economic well-being in different parts of the world. this can become the basis for coexistence under conditions of polarization there is nothing unnatural about polarization. how to overcome it? well, that is, as they said, we used to have the kesa business alive and winning. i think kissinger's idea is correct or legitimacy requires that the voice of all major powers including china india be heard to some extent. they feel that they have been left out and ignored in the old international system of the problem in a somewhat limited approach to the world. which he is, a controversial figure in the united states, the list of political achievements is quite extensive, for example, the role in the creation
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of the arms control system, the salt negotiations , the achievement of progress in the settlement of the middle east conflicts and many other things, the paris peace agreements, kissinger even received the nobel peace prize. although they did not put an end to the vietnam war, from a moral point of view, kissinger was pleased with the raceless man in the choice of means and methods supported the bombing of cambodia the coup d'état in chile in 1973 , the outrage of the argentinean cunt in its dirty war, the action of pakistan was accompanied by an actual genocide. and today there is generally an audience that is able to perceive what the situation is saying, if it turns out that the united states or the collective smell of the term that russia uses will somehow find a way to cooperate with china and india in the cessation of hostilities in ukraine, this could strengthen trust change
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white house approach to china alternative path biden and xi jinping administrations realizing that the trajectory along which both sides are moving is dangerous not only the kiselenger, but many in america say that the real cold war is between the united states. and it would be truly dangerous for china to disrupt and transform the international order, not in the interests of both countries. i am not sure that the russian side has an adequate idea of how a long and intense cold war between the us and china would affect russia's interests today russia everyone cherishes relations with china by force and i understand this desire, given its own cold war with the united states, russia is not in the mood to think about how indians and other peoples are together with europeans. change the direction to which american china relations are developing today thank you for talking to god indeed,
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what if biden sisi is seriously aware of the perniciousness of confrontation? biden is the first president since the sixties who does not consult with kiss on biden's main foreign policy body. shares his views. they think that the kislinger vision is outdated, especially when it comes to china ironically, the current administration is even more obsessed with china than trump is. and this obsession prevents them from asking for advice. but henry brilliant would explain to them. how to do business with china and what would he explain in an interesting way about things that are important first china has existed for so long that there is nothing to dream of that it is sharing somewhere, second china has developed so quickly for 40 years, and because the west helped with a fundamental mistake americans is something that does not count. it
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was necessary not to help the chinese economy. and prevent her from developing. this is a wild absurdity that the chinese ignore. czech growth has made a gigantic contribution to the rise of the world and the us economy itself, rewriting history since the time of nixon is the denial of the chinese police figure, a special one. do you remember how it all began gtrk alexander baletsky? we stretch in beijing - it's like in moscow arbat hampin draws tourists, but no, no, and he will remember, and also the student's passion for cartoons, and when in in the news you can only hear that about america with its regular anti-chinese sanctions, the hand reaches out to fill that there were not only disagreements between beijing and washington.
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