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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 2, 2023 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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the alarm system did not work in the high-rise building and there were no fire hoses to meet the manager or the chief engineer. an employee of the management company left for a long time in the office area closed from visitors, when she returned, she announced that the reporter had refused an audience, comrade director, can i talk to you? you are a tv channel here, russia 24. come out to us, we are looking at the premises unexpectedly. it turned out that the director's office was empty, like the rest of the rooms, or the lady was leaving to confer about the interview with herself, or the leadership of the communal organization. just ran through the back door. on the elevator to the first floor, probably within the framework of the criminal case, the investigators will have questions to the leaders of the management company. and so, according to old traditions, to the sound of sirens on the territory of the fire station, they said goodbye to the dead rustam nakibov without a father.
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there are two small children left. from the age of four, rustam dreamed of becoming a fireman and loved his profession with all his heart, the comrades of the deceased fireman, even such a mournful moment were ready to quickly gather around anxiety and risk their lives to save those in need. andrey romanov maria bukata alexander bikarevich vesti the duty station and zheleznovodsk with a victory the report of our correspondent karin kharitonova was recognized as the best journalistic investigation at the international telekino forum the new reality of the material about the web hunting for moose in the yaroslavl region was aired on the air of our final issue by a poacher who staged a massacre in the wilderness the forest did not manage to sit out. and now it's a criminal case. under special control of the investigative committee the work of the journalists of the vesti duty program was highly appreciated by the professional jury of the jury. there you can argue there on tastes. yes, well, well, there are, these are the people on the jury who have different tastes. they somehow got along. here on these films e nominees for three
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nominations. and when you see, this one, uh, already selected the strongest, what is called what happens uh at the shows? it just turns out you see a really cool movie. here is one contest after another. new reality was organized by the union of journalists of russia took place over four days. in the stavropol territory in total this year 406 applications from 56 regions of russia and other countries entered the grand prix received the film of the channel, house 24, donbass the tormented heart of russia the masquerade is over this week the fugitive killer alexander mavride, who turned every court session into a show, received 20 years of the colony, why did he choose the crossbow as the murder weapon of the so-called sausage king, and what does love have to do with oleg is capable of the finale of a high-profile trial. the verdict of the moscow regional
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court alexander mavride listened, standing, hiding from journalists in a folder of documents. in the frame, his powerful and strong fingers flickered with one of them, the defendant and pressed the hook, firing a deadly arrow from a crossbow at the billionaire owner of the sausage empire vladimir morogovo, such an exotic murder weapon was silently purchased in the moscow shopping center without documents. here is how pashakhmetov, an accomplice of mavridia, told the investigators about the preparation of the attack. arrows and went to another part of the city, where they moved to another car citroën investigative actions took place at the scene of the murder of the so-called sausage king in the village of anosino near moscow, a businessman. vladimir morogovo. they forced him to take a brunette in the bathhouse together with his cohabitant sabina gazeyeva and took the brunette to the dressing room, shot at the entrepreneurs from a crossbow and finished him off with a poker so far. we can’t understand what
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was the reason for shooting a man at point-blank range with a crossbow, killed to kill, i also can’t understand, you can just use a crossbow. he took, to somehow put pressure on him to do something, but in the end. this is my home, my conclusions, that something went wrong after killer was detained in his rented apartment, the investigators found lawyer alexei zavgorodny mavride handcuffed to the battery, forced the kidnapped lawyer to transfer all his property to him for almost 70 million rubles. who is this killer ? in fact, our colleagues from the investigation program of eduard petrov met him for the first time on russian television and gave the maurita an opportunity to speak. here he took such a position, he sits like a pout, the turkey sits like this later for a long time and does not react to our questions. moreover, he does not comment on what we have voiced , they do not give any statements later, the name mavride once again hit the front pages. newspapers. after a daring escape from the temporary
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detention center in istra near moscow on august 6, 2021 . he escaped with four juices , using a wrench, according to some reports, he was brought by a lawyer in underwear, to the management of the detention center - this was worth the positions in relation to the employees who were on duty that shift sergey lavrentiev elizaveta bardakovskaya opened a criminal case. they themselves ended up in a signal isolator, so the case has something to do with you out of nothing . mavrid watched the action, hid for more than a month in an unfinished fitness center building. yes, and even began to keep a video diary of his adventures. little texas nevertheless found, and mavrida was detained at the supermarket, when, ironically
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, the killer of the sausage king came for sausage, the last name, first name, patronymic, the lawsuit on the high-profile mavrida case turned into a show, or rather into a masquerade. here is the sinister mask a dangerous man with a two-tone face and protruding teeth, but in the form of a bloodthirsty maniac with a scar and bright red lips, it may seem that mavride had fun, however, in fact, he tried to influence the court in this way, it was established that through lawyers mavride received specialized literature, and further used the symptomatology of mental illness. this is the period of conducting a forensic psychiatric examination against him, and this is an orientation on alexander mauride, which appeared after his escape from the air force in the column a special surname, and villa von prudnikov alexandra anatolyevich, born in 1971, you. here, in kazakhstan, he was a member of a group of racketeers, not sibay on senov known in criminal circles, like red diamond in the late nineties in the early
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2000s, according to the lawyers of mavrida, prudnik three times, became a defendant in criminal cases, but the trick with the symptoms of schizophrenia and so further provided the killer with immunity. is it possible to somehow fake uh signs of schizophrenia at all to play a schizophrenic, well, of course, it is possible, because artists do it well. and we see this both in the theater and in the cinema. at the same time, in practice in general in legal practice. uh, there are a lot of cases where people are criminals. uh, they mowed down like fools, what is called, and they ended up not in prison, not in a zone, but directly in a psychiatric hospital during the trial for the murder of vladimir morogov. the killer also tried, what is called being weird, shouted that they see demons staged a murder, however, the leading specialists of the serbsky institute mavrida was recognized as sane, these shots were made just after the advocacy informed the defendant of the results of the examination. he
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immediately went berserk. please tell me to be quiet. the moscow regional court found aleksandr mavridinovny guilty of murder , kidnapping, extortion , money laundering and unlawful imprisonment and appointed his accomplice 20 years in a strict regime colony. pasha akhmetov received 13 years in prison, the terms were appointed and the investigation did a great job as a participant in the escape from the istra detention center in the mavrida case. however, many are concerned about another question: where did the billionaire's former business partner go? vladimir morogovo, evgeny rybin is sure that the entrepreneur brought most of his wealth abroad, and tried to get rid of creditors with the help of bankruptcy. what kind of bankruptcy is a rich man, the richest man, who owns there, a large company for the sale of wine, owns a sausage production, owns a number of other enterprises. uh, an illegal business is actively established and funds abroad that have
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houses with palaces of horses, alexander assures, that he also came to the bathhouse with a crossbow for the ex -wife of vladimir morugov tatyana mavride, had a romantic relationship with her, and the ex-husband allegedly demanded the return of the property received during the divorce. pick up the transmission of the right-handed person, as he threatened his tatiana , pick it all up. but the mother of vladimir morogov. lyubov is sure that the killer staged an accidental acquaintance with tatyana in the queue at the registry office won her trust was going to seize property after the murder of her ex-husband. he imagine here is a tarmak, where everything is two steps away. that's just souls, and our house and took her to kick. why almost the same was the official version of the investigation, the court agreed that mavrid and dealt with morogov because of hostility and the court's decision alexander mavridy. pasha akhmetov will have to pay multimillion-dollar damage to the relatives of the billionaire. however, during a search, alexander the mauritian
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found 70,000 rubles. about one and a half. euro domorogov billions mavrida did not manage to get oleg allowances eduard petrov mikhail verenkov dmitry kamsky sentence of the week in kemerovo and in the case of a fire in the winter cherry shopping center, the former head of the ministry of emergency situations of kuzbass, alexander mamontov, was convicted; he will go to a colony for 10.5 years for negligence and large-scale embezzlement; . as investigators established, former high-ranking employees of the ministry of emergency situations knew about violations of fire safety in the shopping center, but did not take any measures. as a result , the tragedy on mars in 2018 claimed the lives of 60 people, 37 of them children. a feat in bronze in pyatigorsk, presidential plenipotentiaries in the north caucasian federal district, yuri chaika, took part in a rally dedicated to the opening of the monument, military personnel and employees of the national guard
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who died in the line of duty , a monument in the form of a fighter in uniform with a weapon in his hands, as a symbol of the defender of the fatherland was accepted participation and the head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the north caucasian federal district sergey bachurin, the most distinguished servicemen and employees of the national russian guards were awarded.
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the foster mother hid the body of the child in the garage for several months, and then announced the loss, actively participated in his search after a shocking story in yekaterinburg , the deputies of the state duma proposed to reform the system of organs, guardianship, because in the case of the missing six-year-old boy, the inspectors did not notice the absence of the child for six months in the family, as such, perhaps, olga cherenkova, a resident of yekaterinburg, veronika naumova , talked about the missing person for three days with tears in her eyes adopted son of trust. can you hear it anywhere ? your family is there, they are waiting for you , along with volunteers and the police, took part in the search, told how she put the child to bed in the evening, and in the morning he disappeared, perhaps he ran away, perhaps he was stolen. all these words upwards of cynicism, the woman knew perfectly well that the child had been dead for a long time according to the data of the shifts. she beat him to death last december and hid the body in a bag in the garage. is it possible to trust children like that? to whom this
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story shocked many in the first place cruelty of the foster mother veronica naumova , 34 years old, she is a geography teacher in a private family center and a mother of three children of her own. and three more foster children of little daler she took his older sister dasha in august 2019. the outer family seemed to be prosperous, there were no scandals. children, all friendly normally for half a year. veronica lied, told everyone around the older children that the younger one had run away at work. complained that the child was sick and that's it. this is for one purpose, so that the families do not take the rest of the adopted children and deprive her social benefits investigators opened a criminal case. under three counts, murder , torture and fraud officially appointed as the guardian of the said child, received a monthly. payments for the needs of maintenance and guardianship, despite the fact that the boy died a woman for several months, not informing the law enforcement authorities about the death of the child and guardianship intentionally and she received these payments for self-interest it is hard to believe, but the guardianship authorities did not
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notice the absence of the child for six months . although they were required to come with checks every 3 months during the last visit in may, the guardian said that the child was with a friend, the specialists noted in the documents that everything was in order with the boy, as soon as our film crew appeared at the district department of guardianship and guardianship of the department of social policy, the women of rubensian forms began frantically sorting through the documents and declaring about the fact that the questions are not for them about the family of young christians sent here to you at the reception by the head of the department of social policy. the secretary was nervous. recall that the room where located the authorities are a public place and no filming permission from any secret. rsh is not required, after all. at the very head , sergei konov nevertheless appeared in the doorway and delivered a speech, commentary was given. we press. talk about when we
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were last registered at all, and i can’t visit this family, i won’t tell you. please send a written request. and we will answer your request in writing. please note that journalists are not required to apply to any what press services, and the media law allows for both written and oral requests for information, probably mr. konov did not like our questions. he began hinting to journalists that they might have problems if they did not leave the reception, i would just go out to yours now. let us explain to the audience and the investigating authority that this was a refusal to provide information to a media representative, recorded on video , it is unlikely that guardianship officers will also behave boldly and boldly during interrogation by investigators a criminal case was initiated under the article negligence, there are really a lot of questions by the regulatory body, if the inspectors were more attentive to their professional duties. the trouble, perhaps
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, would not have happened a year and a half ago. there was already an incident in this family, a former pupil. veronica naumova ran away from home . according to him, the woman abused the deceased doler bila and underfed him, bila was hiding on him and used to be a shocker. uh, yes, in the basement, that is, he lived there for a couple of days in cold water, vanya kept him boiling water and out watering cans. watered investigations. eduard petrov has already been told that the cruelty and greed of some guardians knows no bounds, so does the spouse. you from the volgograd region tried to kidnap someone else's child in order to pass off as your adopted son , whom they dealt with and buried in the courtyard of the house, the guardians were afraid that the terrible truth would be revealed, they would be taken away from them, the remaining foster children would be deprived of monetary benefits, and he is always here there lies cartoons watching the institution of guardianship in our country the state is developed in every possible way supports the reception families who take in orphans.
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money is allocated for each adopted child. experts believe that the financial issue may be of interest to some adults. this is how good undertakings turn into business as usual. and children are a way to generate income. when accepting a child for upbringing, the guardian receives a number of benefits and preferences from the state, firstly, a one-time allowance, its size in the regions is different. it all depends on the age of the child, the presence of a disability, if the guardian takes a brother and sister into the family, the amount can reach up to 200,000, in addition, foster parents are entitled to a monthly allowance, usually from ten. up to 20,000 for each child, and guardians are provided with a plot for building a house free of charge, travel to a place of rest and a number of other benefits with such large payments. we just gave birth to, uh, such not very decent, not very even, probably, some greedy sadists, in theory, they should be punished, and whoever missed it should also suffer. such
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a guardian, a terrible story with a six-year-old daler from yekaterinburg, was discussed this week in in the state duma, deputies believe that it is necessary to reform the guardianship system, for example, limit the number of children that a family can take from an orphanage and, of course, change approaches to the work of bodies. the guardianship of the new rules has been tacitly called the law further by rabiev repeatedly. we talked about the need to reform the guardianship authorities, now carefully, studying uh, hmm and the situation. uh, all the circumstances of this evidence and the conclusion of law enforcement agencies that describe this case, we once again come to the conclusion, that if the guardianship and their work had been built professionally and efficiently, this tragedy would not have happened by the investigator. still to be found out. what exactly happened to the daler of his guardian veronica naumova, the court sent the season. why the child was killed and adopted and their children and families seized
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this is probably not the last high-profile content in the region. now investigators are checking not only employees of the guardianship authorities, but also employees of the kindergarten, in which they did not notice the absence of the child for six months. after all, as you know, precisely, the indifference of adults often becomes the cause of the death of defenseless children olga zherenkova victor nosov maria bukata ekaterina shilova sergey klinkov vesti duty department girls' best friends are not only diamonds, so the investigators were convinced by the operatives who searched the deputy chairman of the government from karachay circassia 7. irina gerberbekova is accused of embezzling money from the federal government. budget in the mansion where mrs. gerbekova allegedly lived, they discovered a real shoe store of famous brands. here are the pumps of the italian designer sergio roxy shoes from jimmy choo company italian shoes of the lorbock brand, the price of only one and such a pair starts from 100,000 rubles. and she could spend about 2.5 million rubles only on shoes and boots in these 27 frames. according to investigators in 2015, while still
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being the chief physician of the karachay-cherkessian republican clinical hospital. irina gerbekova created a criminal group money that was allocated for the purchase of medicines , medical equipment and for the payment of salaries to employees went into the pocket of gerbekova and her accomplices damage to the state exceeded 100 million rubles. now the official is under house arrest and in the future they risk going. in a colony, where instead of luxury clothes, shoes. we'll have to wear a prison robe a one-way flight of the chairman of the investigative committee. russia alexander postretkin instructed to submit a report on the progress of the investigation into the crash. light-engine aircraft in the suburbs, students of the aviation institute and his 18-year-old passenger crashed to death , this incident again drew attention to the activities of various offices that sell tickets to the sky without the necessary permits and insurance. so, who is responsible for the incident at the height and what did the guards of the airfield where the plane crashed try to hide from journalists, did
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our film crew suffer during the preparation of this report? so our film crew was greeted with fists at the malino airfield near moscow, where everyone was sent for money for an unforgettable pleasure flight. one of them ended in tragedy , a yak-52 light-engine aircraft, the pilot crashed, his passenger died on location, we wanted to find out. what did the crashed aircraft have to do with the airfield. and that's what we got instead of an interview, damn it, leadership. you can call for a day off. today i don't touch everything. calm down, this is a man, as it turned out later, the guard of the airfield and was not going to calm down most of all, for some reason he was annoyed by the tv camera. take away said. thank you to the camera operator, an incomprehensible person who is actually located on this territory. perhaps there is something to hide the camera recorded that after the crash airfield employees did not even immediately
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respond to the emergency, neither ambulance nor other special vehicles, in order to get there, the workers simply ran across the field to the crash site. but they couldn’t help, it was too late, the investigator conducted an inspection of the scene for a very necessary forensic examination, a complex of investigative actions was organized aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the causes and conditions of the incident . he conducted training flights and practiced aerobatics at an altitude of 300 m from the ground and for some unknown reason did not get out of the dive next to him in the cockpit was a seventeen-year-old girl, according to some sources, his girlfriend. yes , usually a violation of the right to perform will go. here, let's say it in russian. yes, it's just bullshit. oh, and decorate too. well, i can, i can, i didn’t happen in this rastoz. according to one of the versions , the engine of the aircraft failed, according to another, due to insufficient height. the pilot was unable to get out of the figure and
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the car crashed to the ground at the airport where the tragedy occurred. several glider and flying clubs are based there are open hangars to accommodate private aircraft on a commercial basis. here, just in the distance, you can see the planes on them to everyone. they offer to make a pleasure flight for 25,000 rubles. at one o'clock. here they offer atmospheric walks, spectacular photo shoots and extreme sports at a height among the services there is also a flight on the yak-52 it is on such a plane that evgeny bessmertny crashed it is no secret that many models of yak-52 aircraft previously out of order, but after repair they began to be used by entrepreneurs for commercial purposes, giving away today to some organizations. so maybe even a one-day businessman or a businessman with good intentions, but he has no experience in providing such services, and therefore he does not know how to properly provide aviation services. they are still special, this is not a trade in pies,
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but merchants continue to trade in the case of small aircraft, feed summer for a year. these are those who want to tickle their nerves or just admire views of the moscow region from a bird's eye view does not become less business on small aircraft brings big profits with a minimum of costs , customers are often sent on their last flights for their own money. and she has an inscription here such a life was beautiful daughter. lidia baimov, remained disabled. after a pleasure flight , a twelve-year-old girl miraculously survived after a plane crash near klin. the pilot died, and the owners of the flying club refused to pay for the child’s treatment, but there was no contract , everything was here. money on the card, you understand what happened, no one stopped them until now, everyone is flying and there are dozens of such cases across the country in november 2020 in the moscow region, when a light-engine aircraft crashed , tv presenter alexander kolotova and his companion caught fire in may 2021
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year, tatarstan, as a result of a hard landing of a feverish aircraft, pilots died, a passenger is another recent case of the republic. komi plane crashed into the courtyard of a private house miraculously there were no casualties in many respects this floor white market. first of all, pay attention to those documents that are drawn up and carefully look at the sections dedicated to the person who performs the transportation. you decided to conduct a journalistic experiment and went to one of the metropolitan flying clubs. to purchase a ticket for a light aircraft, the girl was very kind until we asked a question about life insurance. it turned out that this company simply does not have such a service. we like it self-export. we can only issue certificates, it is obvious that small aircraft can climb in business only with a professional approach and large investments in safety aircraft maintenance, service contract, life insurance instruction. only after
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that you can fly according to the rules . this light-engine aircraft was originally intended for agricultural work. now it is used to monitor the area. well, pleasure flights. well , there are risks here too, so entrepreneurs and loopholes cannot collect money for flights according to the law, so many people do it this way, that is they take people to the club, they take membership fees, and then flights are already made with it at the malino airfield. where the 21-year-old pilot died, his passenger was closed for the duration of the investigation, all commercial orders. had to postpone the staff plucks evil, but reporters good content, yogurt sales pads. what else can you nod? is there a muzzle here? lord, now my maternity hospital employee. you will have to answer not only the investigator’s questions and about the plane crash, the guards tried so zealously to protect the airfields from reporters that they broke
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television camera. and this is an obstacle to the legitimate professional activities of journalists. you wrote a statement to the police, an inspection began, after which the materials can be transferred to the investigative committee for initiating a criminal case andrei ivlev. mikhailovich dmitry cor. sakov igor penkov maria buka and vadim chetverkov news the duty unit even more authorities in the telegram channel weigh the duty unit, we conduct it around the eyes daily. well, the most operational tape with the results of journalistic investigations is telegram channel honestly detective. subscribe and be aware of all the events our release on this completed studio was andrey ivlev. good luck to you. on planet earth , only two organizations inspired awe and fear. this is, of course, the kgb and cia management, a sector appeared that
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began to deal with the change of power in other countries the united states and nato countries are using ukraine to try to destroy russia on us, because you should bring profit to us . blatant politicization of the activities of our department. now we are witnessing the birth of a new international order russia is in a unique position to fight for the preservation of western civilization. russian channels and all tv series
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movies and cartoons educational programs and documentaries for free without registration
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we watch in the app or on the website perished, as well as st. george's crosses and departmental medals for strengthening the combat commonwealth, the fighters, their commanders were noted for their stamina and selflessness. high professionalism in the course of hostilities. thanks to these servicemen, it was possible to develop the offensive in several areas of the special operation at once.


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