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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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ah capital 10 we continue the morning broadcast. and here's what we've learned so far. the grouping of russian troops south repelled more than a dozen opponents in a day. in the middle, two groups of the enemy were destroyed for nothing, tanks of the central military district hit with various types of ammunition, such as at the observation post and equipment sticks out belarus today independence day on this day was 44 , the occupation lasted 1,100 days , president alexander lukashenko congratulated the belarusians on the holiday, sent his wishes and sent vladimir putin in france, detained almost 160
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rioters said the interior ministry hooligans attacked the police station of the gendarmes in just the last 12 hours of cars and 34 buildings while extinguishing dozens of shops. 48 forest fires on an area of ​​more than 10,000 hectares were extinguished in the russian regions over the past day , a difficult situation remains. in yakutia, there are about 90 points in effect in the magadan region, an emergency mode is declared, 12,000 hectares are on fire, and the work of firefighters is complicated by heat and dry hair further, we return to urgent news from the public relations center of the fsb according to the department.
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an attempt to assassinate the head of the crimea, sergei aksyonov, was prevented for preparing a terrorist attack, a russian citizen was detained, he was recruited by the sbu and completed a course in intelligence in a different way in the crimea, he arrived in june of this year planned to spend the car’s girlfriends to bring the criminal idea to the end. the bomber was not caught in time. when seizing an explosive device from a hiding place, a preventive measure was chosen for the figurant. and now a live broadcast from minsk is celebrated the main state holiday , independence day, we celebrate it at the foot of the majestic monument erected in honor of the heroes who liberated belarus from the german fascist invaders. the mound of glory is a holy place where fierce battles rumbled, thousands of soldiers and officers gave their lives to
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strengthen the fraternal bonds of a large multinational country with blood and blood. the fighters did not divide themselves into belarusians and russian ukrainians and kazakhs, azerbaijanis, uzbeks, and others did not divide the land into their own. they fought for our one fatherland we are standing at the place where the minsk cauldron closed. it is rightly called a triumph of soviet military art. this battle went down in history as the largest defeat of the nazi troops in world war ii. officers of the generals they were shown to the whole
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world, they were led on a shameful march across red square, immediately washing away the traces of german boots with water. newly minted nazis would do well to revisit these footage from the chronicle movie, they want to forget, but you and i must not allow this. that no one should forget should not forget, to not happen again. belarusian you remember the feat of the soviet people today, all our memorials are in flowers. in every corner of belarus, the smallest monument is a folk monument - the grave of soviet soldiers. as a monument
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, thousands have found the last shelter in our land the names of many russian people. they will live forever. low bow and eternal memory to the winners let's have almost a minute of silence for the fallen heroes of the murdered civilians.
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the great patriotic war taught belarusians to value life, peace and freedom. so today is 3 july, on the day of liberation of our capital city of minsk, we celebrate independence day. it is a great happiness for me to see that this holiday is shared with us by young people from russia , armenia
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, kyrgyzstan . i am absolutely convinced of this. after all, we have one memory of that war, one victory and one truth. such a difficult time only together we can guarantee peace in our land. only together we can be free and independent. dear friends of belarus, it is created by your dreams and desires, which come true thanks to the hard work and responsibility of each of us. we have one earth, our belarus, the greatest value. they told
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us to take care of her. we have kept it. now it's your youth's turn. take care of this piece of land you will not have another happy holiday, dear friends happy independence day
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it was a live broadcast from minsk and so
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today is a national holiday independence day congratulations to the president alexander lukashenko sent the country vladimir putin the russian leader noted that moscow and minsk together in confronting serious external threats and challenges in belarus today will traditionally host a solemn event, the main one in its capital and its environs. it all started with a flower-laying ceremony at the victory monument during the day with patriotic actions, sports competitions and fairs, and the holiday will end with a concert and fireworks. in france, over the past night, the police detained nearly 160 rioters , according to the ministry of internal affairs of the country. in the last 12 hours alone, vandals burned almost 300 cars and 34 buildings in different cities. when extinguishing a car park in one of the districts of paris, a fireman died. hooligans attacked the police station and khazar muzhandarms, three officers injured dozens of shops, looted rioters
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. also attacking local institutions to stay the mayors of france calls today to hold rallies in defense of the municipal authorities in the country mobilized 45,000 police officers. they are trying to cope with the rioters and with the help of riots in france last for almost a week, the reason was the incident in anter. there, on june 27, a patrol shot her and found her of a hard origin. the traffic jam at the entrance to the crimean bridge from the side of the e, temryuk district of the krasnodar territory has grown to 13 km, according to the operational headquarters of the kuban this, despite the opening of additional checkpoints for vehicles and luggage in the region, is the height of the holiday season , hence the increase in the number of tourist cars is explained in the ministry of transport by volunteers and rescuers assist drivers and passengers waiting in line for day. they distributed more than 5 tons of water. hotels and cafes operate on the highway, drivers are asked
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to take into account the traffic situation when planning trips to the crimea. the fighters of the yu group of troops destroyed three strongholds of the apu. with the help of the solar system, the details were reported in the press center of the unit. aviation of the southern group of forces launched missiles on bombing strikes on the accumulation of enemy manpower and military equipment in the lisichansky solidarity of artyomovsky and alexander kalinovsky direction by the calculation of the multiple launch rocket system of the tornado-s struck command post of the fifty-third mechanized brigade. artillery was foreshadowed in the area of ​​the settlement, the groups were destroyed, the enemy’s ammunition depot in the area of ​​the settlement was red during the counter-battery fight. destroyed. nationalist infantry fighting vehicle near artyomovsk. self-propelled, stud howitzer. konstantinovka 122-millimeter artillery gun up to 30 maximilianovka from 152-millimeter towed howitzers, 100, b in the area of ​​​​the village
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is acute. and now again the news with a note urgently, an explosion and fire occurred on the second floor of a building in the center of tokyo , according to a japanese tv channel, the causes of the incident are being investigated. firefighters and when everyone. we will return a little later, but for now, to other news. now about natural fires. the situation in russia is the most difficult. now in the east of the country of the magadan region rescuers are extinguishing more than 4 dozens of hotbeds complicate the work of firefighters and the heat and dry cargo in the region declared a state of emergency lyudmila shcherbakova sits on the spot behind the development of the situation an-26b cyclone aircraft lands at the magadan airport in smoke from forest fires the crew immediately begins to prepare for the next flight, the first thing they do is remove containers from with spent
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squibs, 192 of them from each side. as part of iodine silver, which is just shot at the clouds in flight. the crystal structure of silver iodide is close to the crystal structure of ice due to this. uh, it turns out an accelerated increase in the volume of a particle of water, which later turns into ice. in the process of falling, this ice crystal is melted and water is already falling on the ground. the clouds must be at a height of up to 6,200 m, and the temperature overboard should not exceed -5 °, only if these conditions are met, the crew can start working on the territory of the magadan region. in the area of ​​fires, there is quite a lot of smoke and due to this it is humid. throws it can be said that it dries up and the precipitation does not reach the ground. they just can evaporate and all due to what we do largest raindrops.
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they reach the ground in a day the crew performs up to two sorties, sometimes in the same area , in order to achieve maximum results , the equipment is checked, now it is charging it and within an hour the crew will fly again now as a pilot we still have to decide on the place of departure, it will depend on where the most suitable clouds are. an-26b cyclone aircraft has already worked in the susuman and srednekansky districts of the magadan region in the region now 75,000 hectares are on fire taiga and crew the meteorological vessel is trying to help the work of firefighters on the ground as much as possible. after shooting clouds. it usually starts to rain within an hour, but kolyma has its own peculiarities. and even a downpour does not always solve the problem, rugged terrain . these are the hills of the mountain, and yagel is burning in places on the hills. this is a cedar sweet. that is, it is a very good combustible material for a fire, and therefore, with a strong wind
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load, fires spread very quickly in the magadan region. cyclone crew. stay as long as needed alexander and kolyma are also extinguishing two planes of 2,200 and 550 people on the ground, but the high air temperature, rare rains and dry loads contribute to the emergence of more and more fire centers. lyudmila shcherbakova in growth akhmetov vesti, magadan now let's talk about the situation on the moscow stock exchange this morning , the us currency is trading around the mark of 89 rubles. and quotes continue to grow, however, like the euro has already exceeded the mark of 97, the yuan is now in the region of 12 rubles. and twenty plus cops. the moscow exchange index is 2.795 points. and if talking about rts, then there are 987 points. now let's break for a short commercial, and then economic news. pentalgin is a remedy for
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, the liberation of minsk during operation bagration , our tanks, developing the offensive, broke into minsk, the capital of soviet belarus was liberated from enemy invaders assistance, the advancing troops were provided by the belarusian partisans on this date, belarus celebrates independence day. he wants to earn about three billion euros a year on the frozen assets of russia. she plans to impose a tax on us on excess profits from their reinvestment, and we receive funds to send ukraine what prospects this initiative has and what it can lead to. she figured out whether to benefit from other people's assets, namely russian ones that were previously frozen so far, what we are talking about tax behavior plans for the unplanned profits from their reinvestment are in effect and the european commission
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promises to be careful and the proceeds are going to be transferred to ukraine until they claim the very body of the seized assets, but we are talking about windfall profits. now it is not clear what is meant by super profits. that is just all these interest incomes. uh, dividend coupons or , uh, there in excess of such a photo-level key rate. according to the calculations of the european commission , about 3 billion euros a year can be received in this way. now she is preparing the necessary documents and belgium takes an active part in this belgium is very involved in this issue, as 90% of the assets are frozen. here it is important for us that they play a certain role in financing and restoring ukraine. it is also important what exactly will be used for this; we are focused on
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excess profits; the tax on it can give 3 billion euros a year, but the method of obtaining these funds must be legally stable so as not to undermine financial system. as stated in the belgian cabinet to some extent. they already have a similar mechanism in place in the country. in last year, the platform, eurocollier, earned more than $800 million from the reinvestment of frozen russian assets, and almost the same amount in the first quarter of this year, part of the tax deductions from these incomes of 92 billion euros, the country promised to send ukraine, however , it is one thing to use ordinary tax levies for this, and the other is to essentially withdraw a portion of the profits from the operation. yes, and within the entire eu according to the financial times , the european central bank previously warned against such a practice, the regulator believes that this could undermine confidence in the euro as a reserve currency to reduce risks , brussels wants to enlist the support of a group of families, but there is also a risk that russian assets will lose value, and
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it will have to be reimbursed by european taxpayers. yes, and moscow can retaliate. e, approximately the amount of funds frozen. so, with this ruble funds, which belong to the sanctions, uh, these funds can also work, uh, in our economy. e income, so the mirror answer will simply not unfreeze the funds exist, but make sure that they worked to support the russian federation , everything in the european union is blocked about two hundred billion euros - this is a means not only of our central bank, but also of private individuals, of course. i would like not to be limited to taxes from these directly. but he doesn’t know how to do it without losing investors and without bringing down his own economy. it's all terribly complicated and no one now knows what is even possible,
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and how exactly, that's why we gave the european commission the task of sorting out this issue. confiscation - this is a serious interference in rights must be made so that later it could not be challenged in court. here, any decision, whether sanctions or the use of frozen funds, can be challenged in luxembourg at the european court, and if the court overturns the decision, this will be a retaliatory blow and one can say shame these fears are not unreasonable, experts say. moreover, europe is already losing investors this year. they managed to withdraw almost 30 billion dollars from the funds, the outflow has been observed for 16 weeks in a row. in order to confiscate our assets, they need to change legislation, if they change the legislation, uh, they basically bring down this whole system of capitalism.
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uh, everything that the european union had to vera, that is, the euro will cease to be a reserve currency and the euro will not be of interest to anyone there, because a very dangerous precedent is being created that can be deployed in relation to anyone in relation to china in relation to the monks of the persian gulf in relation to investors. there, from india, the situation is more difficult for europe; this is the reverse effect of anti-russian sanctions in a crisis for investors and business seems to be more attractive to other ions.
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having turned away from the soviet past, it was necessary to fill this gap with something after the war.
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these nationalists are all azov, whose children were zombified at school for 14 years. translated as murder with a sense of a political nature international is encouraged by europe yes, because it is a product.
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in belarus today is independence day the grouping of russian troops south repelled more than a dozen in a day, and so the opponents under the solidar destroyed two groups of the enemy tanks of the central military district beat various types of ammunition, observation post and equipment of the armed forces in france over the past night. the police detained almost 160 rioters, the ministry of internal affairs of the country said a hooligan attacked a police station and a barracks, three officers received earlier in the last 12 hours alone, vandals burned
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almost 300 cars and 34 buildings in different cities while extinguishing packaging, a fireman killed dozens of shops, riots in france continue for almost a week . 48 forest fires on an area of ​​more than 10,000 hectares were extinguished in russian regions over the past day, the situation remains difficult. in yakutia, it has been operating there for about 90 years. in the magadan region, an emergency regime has been declared . 12,000 hectares are on fire. the work of firefighters is complicated by heat. in the red lebanese direction special operations russian units develop active defense infantry support tankers of the central military district from the closest possible distance hit enemy observation posts and an electronic warfare station all the details at alexei baranov the tank leaves a closed firing position and directly


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