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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2023 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] 29 minutes and then shortly about the main thing russian transportation means this morning repelled the attack of ukrainian drones in new moscow and the moscow region near the village of valuev and krivosheino trees were shot down five drones one of them fell in the odintsovo district , the devices headed towards the capital, but did not reach their destination reached the destruction of no casualties. the crew of the russian self-propelled unit acacia destroyed the ukrainian anti-aircraft complex strela 10 combat work from lawyers and chairs that occupy positions near artyomovsk showed the ministry of defense in the krasnaya limonsky direction, the aviation forces of the russian group of troops in the center hit three points of the temporary deployment of the enemy and one accord everything is getting more expensive for me this morning for a barrel, the brand is given more than $ 75
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the day before, deputy prime minister alexander novak announced a decrease in oil exports from russia in august by 500,000 barrels in addition, saudi arabia will voluntarily reduce production by a million barrels per day, the damage from the unrest in france has exceeded a billion euros. and that's not counting the loss in tourism. hundreds of thousands of migrants continue to unrest in the country, parking lots, houses, shop windows are broken , this store is playing in some communes, a curfew has been introduced, local authorities are calling on the police to disperse the ball. and now let's talk about the weather due to the threat of rain floods. here is the toulouse region of the irkutsk region, additional forces are being pulled together. the ministry of emergency situations of the baikal go in a real tropical line. how much precipitation will pour out on the region in the near future , our meteorologist will tell right now. alina katelevskaya arina welcomes what are the forecasts? a good morning. well, the forecasts are unlikely to please the inhabitants of the baikal region. the legion will continue to pour
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rain. now there is a slight lull in irkutsk, there is no rain, but the sky over the city is overcast with thick clouds, the wind is blowing, precipitation can begin at any moment, but to the north-west of irkutsk there have already been powerful downpours in the city of siberian-usolye after the rain flooded one of the apartment buildings the courtyards of the entrance were in the water. the building was de-energized at the place of arrival of the rescuer of the ministry of emergencies with motor pumps and the water was pumped out all night. now the firemen will come and we will pump it out. from the rains began in the region yesterday afternoon and at the moment more than half of the monthly norm has already fallen in some places, so 43 mm for ust-orda is 56% of the statistical amount from the july amount of 38 mm that fell in petrovsky zabaikalsky 48%,
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well, on a mountain range, khamar-daban . so far, the most rain has poured out. 48 mm rain clouds that did not take nastya into the region are clearly visible on the satellite image. the center of the cyclone is located on the border of mongolia and the trans-baikal territory, and it will continue to circle in this place, not only today, but also tomorrow this explains the duration of the rains and their large number today at the epicenter of hatred, will be buryatia trans-baikal territory. and the irkutsk region , the heaviest rains of more than 20-25 mm are predicted in the south of the irkutsk region and the trans-baikal territory. after a new portion of rains, the rivers are also very likely to overflow their banks, a small, positive thing is that this time the showers in the keringa basin will not be so intense. and the main blow of the elements will be inflicted on the south, the baikal region in tulun, for example, it rains from nights and due to today's day in this city, which gained fame after the floods of 2019, up to 28 mm of moisture will fall. this is the third monthly norm, so the tulun region
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sent additional rescuers, if the situation with the flood starts to deteriorate sharply, the hydro depression will persist over baikal for several days. and this means that the period of the extreme dynasty will have a protracted effect, for example, irkutsk will be flooded for three days in a row and, according to our forecasts, from tuesday to thursday. more than 70 will drop here mm, precipitation 2/3 of the july volume. this practically guarantees floods in the streets. well, the air in conditions of dense cloudiness can only warm up to 18-19 °. in contrast to the baikal region in the center of the european part of the country, or downstream , the real summer weather has finally set in, it will be hot until the end of the week, but on some days short rains are not ruled out today the air will warm up to 26 next night. plus 17. tomorrow too 26. but maybe a little refreshing rain. well, the hottest thing will be thursday, the thermometers are almost reach the 30° mark. thank you, it was
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published another confession of captured fighters well, i completely summer children, but they once imprisoned us anyway, just like you will fight without preparation, without anything. they tell me that russians are bad. i saw the relationship that our commander threw our huge one, just dying a young kid died for him three whole korans of course, you decided to go out, you were ambushed. i pulled the wounded. explosion
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near the russian military destroyed the ukrainian missile system strela 10 near artyomovsk , the combat work of artillerymen and a chair and showed the ministry of defense the crew of the acacia installation receives the coordinates of the first shell pierces the concrete roof of the building, where the enemy has taken refuge, after the gunner corrects the fire and several ammunition fly right at the target at once , the explosion of ammunition is visible in the aerial frames. our artillery maneuvers and works even more and again points, therefore, the enemy simply does not
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have a chance. you just uh, shoot the wrong wave. and it gets stronger every time. yes, it's hard, but it's our job, so we 're already used to fighting morale, we don't need anything, thanks to our bodies, our families and due to the fact that our rear is very strong, before that we have a fighting spirit. we are moving forward. let's move forward without stopping. in novosibirsk, fighters of drone operators are trained by experienced instructors who have shown their skills in the special operation zone in the program of more than 140 hours, both theoretical and practical classes, and ainur-valakhmetov will tell about the training of military personnel. we fly around the wall in a straight direction. uh, we're inspecting the final missions, like a sortie , the coordinates received the drone is charged one by one others without five minutes certified
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operators. uavs begin to perform tasks. each flight at almost aviation speeds is not an exam in the control of attack drones. passing in open areas is not an easy task, because the wind is blowing from all sides, the main goal is to return it to the starting point, which in real combat conditions is impossible to do with such drones controlled from the first person most often a one way ticket. but in this training center they teach not just to fly, if possible , to reanimate drones. we learn repair drones in the field. that is, in the field directly soldering iron. they get the motor flew off. they solder such specialists. really not enough. pilots earn flight hours on simulators flying under the bridge. here, as in a real flight , the drone is controlled with the help of at least 40 hours, it allows the drones to approach the drones best of all insidious turns virtual maps pass, the only female representative in the group, everything comes with experience. in
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fact, it seemed that at the beginning it was hard that it would not work, and then, with the operating time, everything it turns out. in one class of the training center , he studies the filling of the kamikaze drone in another classroom, the vulnerabilities of enemy equipment, we hit their main vulnerabilities with cumulative ammunition in this training center based on the novosibirsk higher military school. the fighters undergo a full course of engineering and technical training , military topography, the theoretical part of the military personnel is trained by experienced instructors who have returned from their own zone, before the military personnel proceed to perform tasks at the training grounds, each takes a course the theoretical part, 2/3 of the training is given to how to control drones. such studies of various ammunition strike drones in the war zone have proven themselves to be effective weapons. in fact, not a single operation takes place without the use of drones , but managing them is not just about that, the servicemen themselves say. it cannot be controlled, and a human employee who does not have, in
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principle, some kind of skill and this skill must be trained, if compared with commercial drones, then this is completely different. the first group of servicemen successfully completed a month-long training. many will now go to combat missions with new flight experience, namely akhmetov sergey babichev alexander gaganov. elena gaeva 200, novosibirsk but in the crimea they have developed their own electric vehicles. it costs and from russian spare parts and can drive almost 200 km without recharging, while this is a pilot version. but if the test is successful , small-scale production will be launched. our correspondent visited the first test drive. ra accelerates faster than conventional cars in traffic light. the first test drive of the electric loaf miracle of technology of the domestic automobile industry can travel 180 km without recharging cars. this is, for example, the distance from sevastopol to sudak. and on this transport, you can not
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be afraid to violate the rules of the road, the maximum speed is 80 km / h, a good example of off-road qualities. as you can see , the cross-country ability is good. and now the loaf can easily climb a steep hill. this is a normal 22v outlet, the car takes 12 hours to charge, but this car may and he himself accumulate energy while driving conditionally, if drivers go down the serpentine loaf will replenish up to 20% of the resource expended the electric motor is three times less than the internal combustion engine and at the same time the car is 30% more powerful the electric motor was assembled from domestic parts in the voronezh plant battery cells from the lipetsk region, and battery control from moscow, while crimean developers have created a safe battery that will last at least 10 years. for example , lithium-ion batteries are used. which explosive everyone knows these much safer, non-explosive developers to create an electric vehicle for transporting tourists through nature reserves a truck for
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food and a car for utilities . the cost of an electric loaf, in contrast to the same with an internal combustion engine, e will be e. well, somewhere in the 1.3 to 1.5 million. above in 2 1/2 years, the electric loaf will fully pay off only on fuel, not counting repairs and maintenance. and if we consider the life cycle of 7 years, then an electric loaf is another 2 million rubles. bring it for now. it's just pilot version to launch small batch production plans next year. now the production of electric vehicles is actively developing in our country. this year, prime minister mikhail mishustin approved the 29th world of support for this market, and today in russia for the first time the share of sales of this vehicle has reached one percent, but in order for drivers to massively switch to electric vehicles , modern infrastructure is needed. today, crimea is a pilot region where gas stations for such cars are created, this is 2,000 in the twenty- fifth year, they plan to open 125 fast stations victoria golubev vladimir danenko
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single number online. pupyrochka, the director of the former sweet life , does not take it, no matter to whom you transfer or pay , it is important that, without commission and restrictions, he was the first in russia to cancel the commission for all transfers and payments. order a free debit alpha card, alpha bank is the best mobile bank, in the beginning there was a word, and today there are pictures of emoji stickers. meet megafon 3:0 everything, with red. you again tin, which is now available to all subscribers. tsy and the french wanted do everything possible to prevent war. my grandfather always considered
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an alliance with russia as the main condition for more than 20,000 people on biblo day during the great patriotic war. we are at a very dangerous moment in human history , what is happening now in ukraine is the lessons of goebbels textbook 2018, the june 22 edition is designated as the beginning of the german-soviet war. well, ukraine has nothing to do with the lessons of the past. otherwise, we will repeat it politicians using speculators from history make a decision on the basis. and now news with an urgent note, this is a message from the public relations center of the fsb of russia, so the service detained
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a russian accomplice of the ukrainian special services in tyumen, he persuaded the military to go over to the side of the armed forces after arriving in the special operation zone and, of course, we will return to this topic at 10. now let's talk about sports at wimbledon , the matches of the first round are being held another star replenishment in the saudi arabian football championship and the continental hockey league refuses to register a new contract for goalkeeper ivan fedotov cska all the details alexander abramov will tell, he will join me. sasha good morning. tell us who else we will be waiting for in the football championship. yes? sash good morning, there are indeed many star transitions. here steven gerard led the legendary club al-tifaq, and marcelo brosovich. the croatian midfielder will now be the backbone of cristiano ronaldo starting with tennis, world no. 7 andrey rublev cleared the first round barrier in the most prestigious and oldest tournament of the grand slam series on wumbledon without any visible problems. andrey rublev at three
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sites. he beat the australian max purcel 6:37564 for victory rublev had a little more than an hour and a half five times, during the match andrey took the opponent's serve in the second round , he was don andrey rublev. now he will play against another russian aslan karatsky, who the day before for the first time in his career in the suburbs of london passed the first round, he was the don tournament. i am very happy to be back. after a two-year break from playing here in london playing wimbledon is a special feeling already at 11:00 am going all the way dion i am also happy that i won, of course, you always want to win in three sets. as easy as possible, but not always, it turns out, i was 2.5 behind and i was lucky that i managed to win back, because i was already preparing for the third from this one, but then i made some good shots , i finished the second set with quality world no. 3 danil medvedev was new done starts today, and also on the eve of the exit, in the second
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round, the main favorite of the tournament designed. sickle new djokovic novak with three sets beat the representative of argentina pedro ukachino for djokovic. it was 29 wins in a row in matches on grass since 2018. novak djokovic does not give up the title at the london tournament. yesterday's serba match after the first set was interrupted for an hour and a half due to rain during this pause, new ones helped the tournament staff prepare the court, wiped the court with a towel and jokingly blew onto the court so that the match resumed faster. now football is another star addition to the saudi arabian championship , the legendary english football player steven gerard has become the head coach of the club al and tifak on the appointment of the famous forty-three-year-old native of liverpool club reported with e. on your social networks. under this condition, that the most important term of the contract is not called in the coaching career of steven gerard. and leti fax will be the fourth club. previously, jerome worked in
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the youth team of liverpool in the scottish glasgow rangers and in the english aston willie , from where he was fired last fall, the new club jerome took seventh place in the last saudi arabian championship? well, the croatian midfielder of inter, marcelo brozovic, will now be a teammate of cristiano ronaldo in according to unofficial data, inter milan for the transfer of the football player walser will receive 18 million euros. brozovic's contract with al nasr is calculated up to 26 years for inter milan , two-time world cup winner martin brovic. played in 2016. already this week, next thursday, the 13th edition of the silk way rally marathon will start in kazan on the millennium square. after that, the participants will drive along a unique route with a total length of over 5,000 km. they will pass through the territory of 13 regions of russia and finish the relay marathon on july 15, the silk road
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found your way near the moscow kremlin. e, they said with 98 crews and the most massive category. these are suvs. there are 25 crews. in total , representatives of 23 countries will start the silk way marathon rally this year, including russia switzerland france cyprus and ran kyrgyzstan and many others. the continental hockey league refuses to register a new contract of goaltender ivan fedotov with cska, the reason for the incomprehensible status of the goaltender with the philadelphia flyers nhl club , there was previously information that after service in the army ivan fedotov signed a new two-year agreement with cska, but an nhl official says that the goalkeeper has a valid and binding contract with philadelphia, which begins to operate just in the coming season. let me remind you that as part of cska, ivan fedotov won the gagarin cup in 22 and that the same year as part of the russian national team, fedotov became the silver medalist of the beijing olympics, so far
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, see you tomorrow. thank you. it was alexander abramov. maybe we will stop now and at 10:00 we will continue talking about the main
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topics this morning. we'll take care of this. it will be the honest
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detective. and in moscow 10 we continue the morning broadcast. and here's what we've learned so far. and so the ukrainian drones of new moscow and the moscow region were repelled by a unit of russian air defense systems, four drones bs bits, and another suppressed by electronic warfare , the devices were heading towards the capital, but the destruction


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