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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2023 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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probably right. our gunners are working on targets. the striker has an ammunition depot from the western side of kherson. two of the five tourists who disappeared in buryatia were found alive. men heard the sound of a helicopter and signaled a rocket launcher . rescuers have already reached them. man independently get out of the water. only three fires were extinguished over the past day in the russian regions, but even larger areas are burning. the hardest situation. in yakutia, almost one and a half centenarians in the region are building up a group. air fire source will send to the magadan region. and now let's return to the topic of rain floods in the hangar behind the hydrological situation on the rivers of the irkutsk region, among our meteorologist
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ekaterina grigorova and she is now joining me. katya greetings a. now whether new rains are predicted at all, which may worsen the current situation. now nature is giving a little respite. although soon. the rain won't be that much strong, but alas, there will still be an emergency regime in two municipalities of the irkutsk region at the moment. it was introduced in the city of baikalsk and in the angarsk urban district. after heavy rains began under it the water level in the rivers. because of this, many garden plots and houses were flooded. there was land, now you see, there is nothing at all. here is the rain. let the water rise. here, take another look. ivangarsk urban district is now cut off from transport links, you can get there only by boat, and that's what the locals talk about the situation on the island. here i go. on our face, so you know, and about a meter of water is on the porch. dogs are crying
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poor. to protect residential buildings from flooding, rescuers installed a water-filled dam in baikalsk, the ministry of emergency situations for the irkutsk region is evacuating people from areas affected by rain floods, the past precipitation was associated with the influence of a cyclone, the center, which was located on the border with china , this whirlwind did not change for several days provisions wasted moisture reserves in the south of buryatia in addition, a negative role was played by the relief, the southern coast, baikal goes around the ridge, khamar-daban, mountains, which intensify the process of cloud formation of precipitation. even more intense, but mountainous rivers passed here. now they carry the accumulated rainwater down to baikal. now the influence of the cyclone is weakening. the whirlwind is gradually filling up and today the weather is forming a hotbed of high pressure, so precipitation over baikal is already likely. only very weak ones. some more rain. perhaps in the west of buryatia in the trans-baikal territory, however, on
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saturday evening the west to the irkutsk region a new cyclone will approach, precipitation will resume, but there will be no more extreme lines. in baikalsk this afternoon partly cloudy is likely, light rain maximum temperature 21°. in the evening the sky will be cleared of clouds at night with a clear sky the temperature will drop to 13 °, tomorrow afternoon a little cloudiness plus 20, but on sunday it will rain all day, in the afternoon it will be only +15 rain will continue at the beginning of next week, but the total amount of precipitation for 3 days will not be so large about 10 mm. air in moscow. today it will warm up to 28 °, in the second half it will probably rain in the afternoon. thunderstorms and bad weather until tomorrow morning, but tomorrow afternoon is likely. short-term rains, the maximum temperature will not exceed 23 ° and the same weather will be and on sunday this is the information for this minute. thanks katya. it was ekaterina grigorod, he told me. the fighters
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of the storm detachment of motorized riflemen in the central military district were awarded high state awards for courage and heroism in the special operation zone, as reported by the ministry of defense, our military received the task of setting off to strengthen the position on krasnaya limansky direction and deliver the ammunition to the place they traveled in conditions of poor visibility , they noticed that they were superior in composition to the group of ukrainian militants. by order of the commander, the motorized riflemen took a competent turn, the actions of our military made the enemy believe in the deducted superiority of the russian detachment. most of the nationalists were eliminated and laid down their arms. industrially fastening e, that is, they fell on the dove of the enemy. ah, operational actions, how well coordinated. eh, you took the fight. you know what happened, uh, take prisoners, then
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there is also completely one three hundredth four whole fighters of the ninety-fifth brigade. we took the film, disarming the combat missions that we were entrusted with, and completed the reserve group was also delivered. russian cannon and rocket artillery systematically destroys ammunition depots and enemy equipment in the area of ​​​​the antonovsky bridge, the enemy turned out to be less accurate guided missiles in this area, hitting our tank, footage of the battle, even got on the internet further material margarita semenyuk is not all the country of the video of the battle of the tankers, flew around the entire internet on the footage of the scooter. our fighters rolled straight up to the antonov bridge and were placed on the cover of the assault detachments. and it was necessary to bring into battle the cover of the capture. we went to the alyoshkinsky bridge across the river to
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the market. we began to work on the enemy, sorting out his strong point and position. after this fourth shot, the first round of a mechanic flew to us. what did you see for him? he told me what he saw. we felt that there was a hit. the tankers maneuvered the missile in time. having broken through the armor, the crew continued the battle, did not knock out the tanks. the second ptor, even without the commanders, the driver was able to get his comrades out of the enemy fire. the situation is, of course, it might have been scary, but at that time it was not very scary, because we understood we are alive and a little even a smile on our face was already something that, in the sense, didn’t work out, it didn’t work out. let's say so, yes, what does it mean from the other side, they are the same they are good professionals shot with the fighters, we are leaving for the position from here you can already see. the right bank is on fire. now we see. it was from us
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that they got into the ammunition depot. right now we are in positions, we continue to work to get ready, our artillerymen will already work on the enemy in the area of ​​​​the antonov bridge. he burns into those small groups that are trying in every possible way to seep into alyoshkinsky. hunts for an enemy self-propelled gun, which has become more active on the right bank of the dnieper , it turns out they give installations, we calculate the target and work ahead of the curve. there is already a sight running more less their lancet,
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armored ammunition is destroyed on the right bank immediately, two nato howitzers and a self-propelled gun, depriving the enemy of fire support , finish off the heavy personnel. in a volley of seven shells, the reactive system but the grad fire site liked the side of the right bank, where the enemy is now, who is trying to evacuate his wrecked equipment during the battles on alyoshkinsky island , the reactivators have already lost count of the burnt enemy equipment. living force. uh, self-propelled howitzer artillery mounts. tanks, in in general, everything that they have on the frank is still waiting. on these frames, you can see how hail was destroyed, another stronghold of the area vsu. and here , under the blow of artillery, the entire calculation of the enemy minot was sent down, even the closed rot of the disguise position. on the same night
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, the enemy cannot relax. our scouts patrol the dnieper in the area of ​​the right bank with grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. fight provokes the enemy to be designated, but not for long. militants of the kiev regime are instantly covered with rockets margarita semenyuk alexander botkin news, the kherson region of the military district with military honors reburied the remains of an unknown red army soldier who died during the great patriotic war. they were discovered in the course of performing the tasks of a special operation on the territory of the kharkiv region; personal weapons and elements of the soviet uniform were also found. examples of the age of a soldier of the soviet army as well as the nature of his injuries helped to determine the commander of the evacuation group to start a special operation on the moon participated in search expeditions. asked for help because i'm here and one of the
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sopyorov that it is necessary to inspect the grave for a subject. e metal objects. spoons to identify who is the first thing we found. it was a fragment, that is, a fragment was killed by a shell. it wasn’t very trippy, that is, everything was rotten by a comrade, they were performing the next task , and according to the relay of the trenches, at about a depth of 1.5 m, they found a piece of the cranial box, it’s clear that, well, for a very long time the earth has been decided by such conversations that, as it were here, too, was once the front line during the great patriotic war. sold kombucha ilya pupyrochka director sweet life ex no matter to whom you
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tokyo in front of the headquarters of the japanese company tepco , the operator of the emergency nuclear power plant fukushima-1 is not filmed even after the japanese authorities actually received the green light to dump one and a half million tons of radioactive water. into the ocean, handing head magaters elem groise to the japanese premier fumiki are sitting something about the fact that in this plan the agency does not see any danger to people and the environment. for many, it turned out to be insufficient giant tanks, almost the entire territory of the station was covered with contaminated water . this is the result of many years of attempts by the tep-ku company to eliminate the consequences of the 2011 accident, while the molten radioactive fuel is still not extracted, and it was decided to drain the water into the ocean, because all other ways to get rid of it, apparently considered technically difficult and economically unprofitable, despite the indulgence of the international atomic agency, a number of countries , including
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primarily china , demand from japan . is proof that it is legal and justified and releases japan from its obligations under international law responds to such statements the japanese government obviously does not intend to accurately the start date of the water discharge has not yet been determined. work is still underway to establish a system for removing radioactive waste, but one thing is clear , it will begin. this is the very near future, which causes serious concern on both sides of the pacific ocean. most of all, residents of the coastal regions of japan are dissatisfied with the plans of the government. local fishermen are convinced that the beginning of this operation, which can stretch for a decade, will be a serious blow to them. i am categorically against it, but they are clearly determined to do it. i very angry, but forced to obey the decision of his country. after meetings with japanese officials, groyse went to inspect. with me station, and
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then tried to reassure the locals, promising that the iaea will open a special verification mission, which will remain in fukushima until all work is completed. i have to admit that i don't have a magic wand. i don't have a magic solution for all the doubts and worries that may arise, but we have one we are definitely going to stay here and will stay with you decades until the last drop of water accumulated in the reactor is safely eliminated, talking about the timing of groys, he named, among other things, 2063, not forgetting to add that his personal career plans do not exactly extend that far sergey mingazhev. alexey pechkov. east asian translate, tokyo japan more sports news defender mario fernandez will continue his career at the zenith of the testimony kicked off the oral marathon and the silk road. a international federation. swimming officially recognized world records elements. kolesnikova and evgeny chekunova
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, alexander avraambu has all the details. he joins me sasha greetings tell me about the first day of the marathon. yes sasha good morning. first day of competition. it will take place just today, the first special section of the crew will go from kazan, a section of 151 km. we start with football for the defender of cska and the former defender of the russian national team mario fernandez will continue his career in st. petersburg. zenit is obvious that this is the most sensational and high-profile news of the current off-season in russia last year. mario fernandez spent in brazil quite recently there was information that fernandez was returning to russia, but as it turned out the day before, e was not in cska where mario spent 10 years, so she reacted very emotionally to this news as a direct competitor to the st. petersburg zenith. the entire russian football community. many called the player a traitor. in particular. mario fernandos first of all remembered his own words two years ago when he said that he would never go to zenit and in russia he would only play for cska about the transition. mario
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have not yet been officially announced, but according to a press report, a contract with zenit will be signed for 3 years by the communications director of the army club, kirill breidov, in his telegram channel, he spoke with explanations regarding fernandos' contracts with cska. in winter , mario expressed a desire to resume his career, but without intentions to return to russia further, within the framework of our gentlemen's agreement, a joint decision was made to actually terminate the contract, the essence of our agreement is simple in russia, mario will play only for cska, of course, without any additional payments and compensations, while the club did not report that mario had a valid cska contract, but always referred precisely to gentlemen's agreements. of course, it was unprofitable for the club to declare to the whole world that, in fact, mario is a free agent, the desire to deceive our fans from the club. it has never been common to encounter legal subtleties that, based on the interests of the club, at a certain stage cannot be brought to the media russian
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premier league, meanwhile introduced a detailed schedule of the first seven rounds of the new rpl season, the new russian championship starts exactly in 2 weeks on friday, july 21, the opening match of dynamo krasnodar, this will be the first official dynamo match under the leadership of the new head coach of marselochka, then four matches on saturday and three sunday the country's champion. zenit will start the season, just on saturday with a guest match in nizhny novgorod , cska will also play away against the urals on saturday, and spartak on sunday, july 23, at home against orenburg the solemn opening ceremony of the 13th edition of the silk way rally marathon, a parade of flags of the participating countries took place, and officials also addressed the athletes and spectators with welcoming words. well , the main event of the ceremony was the passage of the carriages along the solemn podium on the millennium square near the walls of the kazan kremlin to greet the athletes leaving for the distance. about 5,000 people have gathered already today, the competitive
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part of the rally marathon begins. the first special stage is 141 km of dirt roads. the first stage will lead to race caravan and legend in ufa the course of the silk way marathon rally will be followed for the next 9 days my colleague stood among the culls on the day of the official opening of the race. he talked to vladimir chagin, head of the silk road project, about the new aventure moto class we have this year, uh, there are participants in this standings. and this is the part of the silk road tourism credit that will contribute to the further development of tourism in our country. we have vast expanses of beautiful places, and we are always on our own. happy to travel around the country, of course, we are waiting for guests abroad.
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now tennis, world no. 7 andrey rublev emerged victorious in the russian showdown in the second round. he was dona andrey rublev. at four sites. beat aslan karatstsov on the court, the opponents spent almost 3 hours. the first is on the tiebreak. i took the karasov myself, andrey rublev already gave it. won three games in a row six seven, six three six four seven, five. this victory for andrey rublev became anniversary at the grand slam tournaments andrey won his the fiftieth match the third racket of the world danila medvedev did not have time to finish his match of the second round against the french , the neighbors interrupted the match in the third because of the onset of darkness. yes, they play today. the international aquatics federation officially recognized and approved the world records for the element of kolesnikov and evgeny chekunova, which they set at domestic competitions already during the period of removal of our
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swimmers from international tournaments kliment kolesnikov at the russian short course swimming championship in november last year set a world record at a distance of 50 meters on the back, and in april of this year evgeny chekunova set a world record at the 200 meters at the same place in kazan at the classical championship of russia. until then thank you. it was oleksandr abramov, and now to the news that you are these minutes coming to the tapes of agencies detained the military intelligence agent of ukraine reports this in the fsb public relations center, he committed on february 23 undermining the railway tracks in the bakhchisaray region of crimea, a man born in the ninety-eighth year acted on the instructions of the ukrainian special services , the security forces are talking about this. key, according to the fsb, a resident of simferopol, after the start of a special military operation in february last year, left for odessa, where he was recruited. passed a course, and reconnaissance and sabotage training.
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after that, he was sent to the crimea, he was detained, he already confessed to this , the fsb reports. their other topics, cia agents constantly visited ukraine, where they helped in operations again with weapons about the active participation of the american special services. in the conflict, writes the publication, the materials studied had mersai. in at the heart of everything what's going on in the ukraine a secret war under secret rules told the newsweek building with the utmost frankness. a senior intelligence officer of the biden administration, stressed the cia plays a huge role in this conflict, both as a master spy and as an intelligence provider and as a logistics provider that supplies kiev with weapons for this , underground networks that the cia has deployed in the eu countries, belgium, the netherlands, germany and poland, weapons are coming in. to the ports of these strange directly and the united states after which by land
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and air corridors reach the western border of ukraine, newsweek assures the channel so that kiev does not completely break the chain, and so that the war does not get out of washington’s control, allegedly the states persistently asked zelensky not to attack the territory of russia, but all this bluff emphasizes the former un military inspector personnel scout co3r. the most important thing that we must understand is that the cia is an organization that does what the state department tells it to do, and the global goal of the latter in the context of the conflict between moscow and kiev is to inflict russia's strategic defeat should not be forgotten, so all the arguments that the cia is trying to find a balance to come to peace. it's just a bluff attack on russian territory would be simply impossible without washington's go-ahead , a logical question arises. why is the cia and the united states trying to pretend to be almost peacekeepers ? experts are sure that you can radically raise the stakes and are preparing another operation under a false flag under the threat of a nuclear power plant. let's remember the recent attack on the kakhovka
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hydroelectric power station for sure, that it was not only sbu but not six. moreover, the cia, western intelligence agencies have invested a lot of money to blame russia for this catastrophe, and now they are warming up the soil in advance by destroying the zaporozhye nuclear power plant . you are steadily falling and the connection with the losing kiev regime does not add to its popularity, despite all the anti-russian propaganda, the white house is trying to distance itself from the terrible attacks of the kiev regime understands that the americans do not want a confrontation with russia, and this hits his ratings hard, especially against the background. they are a successful counter-offensive of ukraine on which the states spent billions of dollars, they need to divert public attention from this topic, and therefore the cia , at the behest of the us president, is preparing an attack on the zaporozhye
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nuclear power plant, agents will do everything to blame russia and justify further spending on the kiev regime, so that the main goal does not happen, that it is to weaken russia at any cost experts emphasize the success of our country on the field. boya only causes a wave there is no hatred in washington, here the participation of the united states in the ukrainian conflict is justified by geopolitical interests, the main of them is the strategic defeat of russia so that it cannot challenge in europe so that it does not have military power, so that it has fundamental problems with the economy, so that it is in the end finally fell apart, as it almost happened in chechnya with the active assistance of the united states . that is why the united states is ready to launch the most monstrous terrorist attacks in order to blame everything on moscow right there. news ends their article saying that the cia's containment of kiev could fail and that zelensky's regime could be disastrous.
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i traveled almost all of africa for the first such powerful breakthrough, when we take responsibility for the souls of one and three billion of the population of africa. it is interesting because the orthodox living here. this is a local temple and the service will begin very soon. orthodox christian a new life today i am an orthodox priest under the patriarchate of moscow and i am very happy that the church has moved away and
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divine law russian orthodox church. in the capital, 10, we continue the morning broadcast and this is what we learned by this hour. two of the five tourists who disappeared in buryatia were found alive; men heard the sound of a helicopter and gave a signal with a rocket launcher . rescuers have already
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reached them.


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