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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2023 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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and it has already begun to be discussed. so she made a lot of noise, and there were a lot of discussions around her, but at your meeting with the president, and the ideas from the false article were supported by this fact. that's why, of course i want to ask you. eh, well, in general, to tell. why small towns are so important today and what is being done, and in the ivanovo region. here we know that, uh, you are participating not alone today, but in a large body and and your regional center and sophia, a poznan colleague, and not today. well, it's really active. take part in. e in the work of this forum, please, sergeevich, while speaking in a voice , now leaf through the slides, then yes, you can clicker, please, yes, presentations. yes , thank you very much for thank you very much for the invitation. i have been in the ivanovo region since the first days of work. just fucking saying, fell in love with our small. yes, i understand that every
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city is unique. it has its own soul , its own history, its own traditions, perhaps undeservedly forgotten over the past decade , and on the other hand, people in small towns agree that life is more difficult, much more difficult it has happened not only, by the way, in our country, that the monopoly on a good life today in large metropolitan areas of the agglomeration , people are different in our country. we have a very diverse, someone close to such a speed and energy of the metropolis and someone wants a calm measured life. e in a small town, and it's important not to oppose. development of the agglomeration of small towns the agglomeration needs to be developed. there are many problems and issues that require attention, including from the federal level, but it seems to me that this should be accompanied by the so-called smart urbanization, that is, the creation of conditions for the development of a person's personality in a small city. i immediately wanted to say what i would tell about the ivanovo region. this is more applicable to correctly russia
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is a very diverse country, and what is suitable for central russia is one tool in the far east, completely different tools. in my opinion, there are few cities for development, but all this, in my opinion, requires political attention and understanding of joint work, and i will tell you what we are doing and tell three an example where, after all, our forum is dedicated to a comfortable urban environment, it is the transformation of a comfortable urban environment that has become such a trigger for changes in the city as a whole. so to begin with, i will say that in total we started the region. we have a compact we can afford it. we connected all the cities with normal roads, according to the data of the russian ministry of transport at last last year. uh, regional road network core regional network. in other words, the roads between cities are in a standard condition by more than 95%. it was a political choice. we started renovation not from roads in cities, but from roads between cities. why is it a matter
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of safety and people's lives in the first place, we lost our lives in cities, and now it's about road safety. by all indicators, here we are, finally, in the twenty- second year, in second place after moscow in central russia a. secondly, it is connected with the territory, we made it possible for a person to work in one place, live in another, study in the third place, and rest in the fourth place. in addition to this, a special network has been developed. passenger transportation by rail. we contacted for starters with economic centers. we can now get to moscow in 3.5 hours by a comfortable swallow train in 3 hours. maybe now we can get to nizhny novgorod, we contacted st. petersburg by air every day, but now we are not talking about that at all. we have implemented a project, which, by the way, the ministry of transport has recognized as one of the best aside in the field of intercity rail transportation. it is called the orlan rail bus , again, with comfortable trains, we connected part of our small towns, where it is possible with the regional center, again, made it possible, and we have such examples more and more
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people to live in one place, work in another , spend time in some other, and importantly, social sphere. i'm just getting here on one example of what we started to do. we paid special attention to children's health care in small towns, you probably understand, why to create? families in order for the family not to leave, e from a small town, special attention is needed in the children's infrastructure. i bring it in as an example. of course, we are engaged in schools and kindergartens, but health care is certainly a key thing. we do this under a separate regional program. and now in several cities, they are all very different, but, well, they allowed themselves to talk about them. so nothing is pressed. from the computer, can i have the next slide, please. take my word for it, now my colleagues
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will reboot, because after all, a picture is better than a thousand words. can i have the next slide, please. yes, we will start with the city of palekh on this slide, it is presented that we done with landscaping. this is the night view of the city of palekh, it did not look like this 5 years ago, when i first arrived there, unfortunately, there was a hole on the roads, it was about the same as in my childhood in soviet and it was not possible to get there. and there was nowhere to spend time, by the way, for the lighting of this park, it is made in the colors of palekh painting, palekh, a unique russian city, all the inhabitants. these are the artists. but the park received premium better than one of the best park lighting in russia , and a number of spaces were made. and most importantly, the space where artists, city dwellers could come together you can meet, please. what is the result of the growth in the income of artists, and the palekh
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iconostasis of the enterprises that are engaged in? as you might guess, window staves painted temples has become one of the largest enterprises in the country has developed exactly in the last 5 years. and today it is such a territory of creativity, because infrastructure has appeared from the road. palekh returned to the map of the country, people's incomes began to grow, shuya is a completely different example. uh, shuya won from our logistic transformations are 3 hours to moscow by swallow 2.40 to nizhny novgorod and special trains are eagles. to kovrov, vladimir region, and to the regional center, ivanovo, for half an hour, and they brought there one of the main events, according to a number of russian travel publishers, and the russian christmas holiday, where we talk about the traditions of the russian empire, how the russian empire was nicknamed christmas in general, and several spaces were transformed. naturally, together with the residents. what is the result of the industrial city develops the traditional an enterprise
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in the field of light industry, but also grew 4.5 times and became one of the largest sites in the field of microelectronics, the ivanovo region, probably, hardly anyone here associates with microelectronics. and now we are leaders, and in this , the enterprise has grown before our eyes. why the environment has changed, logistics has changed, i know that this particular enterprise is in the field of microelectronics, employees travel even from the regional center of the city, ivanovo so we talked about creativity, we talked about industry, let's talk about agriculture passat said a small russian town 25 minutes drive, on a good road from the city of suzdal which is better known from the vladimir region, and the transfiguration area was also done. the city embankment immediately drew attention to the place, large investors built the largest livestock complexes in the history of the region, developed, and those enterprises that were on the territory of the district were the fourth case of it
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. this unique city has yet to be realized. yurievets we are celebrating in the twenty-fifth year of 800 years. uh, a presidential decree was issued on this topic, and this is actually a precedent i set for vladimirovich when i discussed it. i think it is very important to celebrate the anniversary of cities that are not well known at a high level. well , you must admit, kazan yaroslavl suzdal of course , everyone knows juris. i think now there will be no forest of hands if i ask what the juris of the ivanovo region is, and a city with an amazing history from e. the birthplace of many talented famous people, and a picturesque city on the coast. volga is the key to tourism, therefore, uh through the celebration of the 800th anniversary through transformation of the city's infrastructure will attract tourists, and through this we will try to develop the city. and most importantly, increase people's incomes, because this is the most important thing. conclusion, what did i want to say? there 's been a lot of talk about this on the forum. i heard about the soul of cities. in fact. it is very important. here we are with all these projects. it seems to me
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that we should think about how to make the soul of russian cities, which is unique and really the city of this radiza keepers of the tradition of history, so that our projects will emphasize and not lose it with our transformations this. it seems to me that it is very, very important, and the second thing that is important is to approach everything in a complex, really comfortable way . this is only a part this is only a part. this is how they say, as they say, mathematics is necessary, but insufficient conditions, but sufficient conditions - this is a systemic political attention to the development of small cities. i urge everyone to do this and i will continue to do this myself. thank you thank you very much. thank you very much , we will continue. eh, let's continue at this pace. eh, you own the axles. i know you need to move soon. so we, of course, cannot let you go after all, and
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you are in the last session. eh, they talked very subtly on the topic of support. here and uh. that's all the same. what do you think, what is, er, the meaning of this wording and such prospects for the network of the country's main settlements. thank you all, well, small towns, this is really the supporting frame russia ensures national security historical memory and the historical right to our territory, small towns really play a particularly supporting function, and stanislav sergeevich's speech was perfectly demonstrated. how different can be the identity of these small towns and how different can be the tools for the development of these small towns in relation to even one constituent entity of the russian federation and mikhail vladimirovich
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said in his speech that these are small towns along with rural areas that are organized around them. it's about 70 million human. but a small town for rural areas is not only administrative centers, it is also, uh, medical centers , polyclinics, and a fire department. this is also the house of culture. this space is meaningful and meaningful, and this is life in the territory. this means that the existence of small towns also means ensuring the food security of our country. now, with the convergence of four new constituent entities of the russian federation, it is also the longest land border in the world. and that means small towns. we remember that a-a on
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zapadny on the western border of the russian federation of small towns there are many of them, and they are recognized to provide, including issues of national security and an example, on the one hand, of the russian cossacks in a historical function, and on the other hand. uh, territorial defenses, which are now border regions. including the belgorod region being formed shows how important small towns and rural settlements are to ensure, including the security of our borders. and in this regard , this is true not only for border regions small towns steering wheel few cities serve as such a frame, retention and development of our largest territory. this framework holds our country, including internal migration entropy. because as long as small towns exist, this framework we
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control our vast, largest territory in the world. at small towns. there is also the most important civilizational symbolic or promotional function. it was not by chance that god gave adam the right to name every living soul of birds and animals, because the one who names, he possesses. we bear the patronymic and surname of our fathers. sailors name islands and new lands astronomers name new planets in the galaxy when sailors we show our paternity. and there are few cities in toponymy. preserved this is the historical memory of our fatherland, and our development of this
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largest in the world in relation to ours to our cities in our country, if it disappears. huge, history is a historical page of the suzdal principality, and if this is the case, god forbid, then our right to possession will be. questioned by those who are now planning to expand our countries, and now and then trying to question the right, the possession of natural areas, natural resources , clean water reserves, and nature and politics do not tolerate emptiness, so
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small towns and toponyms are extremely important. this is really also the holding frame of our country. what to do? well, in fact, on the one hand, a lot was said in previous speeches and at previous sessions too. well , it is important to include the function of developing small towns in spatial planning, and not try to ignore them, as we retarding or an insignificant factor in the development of regions well, here are all the examples of the ivanovo region boldina myshkin sorted verkhnyaya pyshma and many other cities mentioned and here in the presentations. this has been shown to be a prime example of how small towns can be developed from an economic and cultural point of view and from a tourism point of view. and now in terms of interest and growth. ah, the number of these
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cities. and the people of the population living in them. yes, you need to find new features in the specialization of small towns that have been lost in soviet. ah, the advice, well, that was formulated in the soviet years, is now lost or forgotten. yes, this is necessary, but vivid examples of the cities already mentioned indicate that it is not difficult to give. yes, you need surgery for history. find creative meanings for cities of their specialization. every city. there are creative potentials. this is for sure, and regional competence centers can find this specialization. ah, which often combine, by the way, the function of creative industry development agencies and one industry. in this sense of this great potential for small towns. and here, it is probably necessary, of course, to train the regional team. we need some kind of design school with the support of the ministry of construction of the rf house of akatovsky
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function. here, the association for the development of territories, which includes the largest designers of our country, the largest companies, could fulfill it, and what is more important, this was also partly mentioned, the image of a small city needs to be rewritten. well, there are still some stigmata stereotypes regarding few cities, and this potential is being developed by those demonstrated today at over many sessions. here is the current plenary example, but nevertheless it remains. it is necessary to show that the describer with propaganda means, images and uh hmm media, what life means, purely in the air in an eco-environment with the ability to work at home and get a good salary should be a prestigious trend and western cultural studies describe a person with uh, middle class, uh, good good lifestyle, and that’s
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how such an ecological environment of a small city with such a bias a big healthy family is just what can be achieved in a small town, creative industry. we have already talked about this, and every year during the creative week we see how quickly these small changes happen. well, in large dynamics impressive. a. well, here, of course, a large number of federal regional development institutions can help this process, this is you pfc e-e and regional development institutions, which have already been mentioned. also , urban development projects almost often do not take into account the possibilities of creative industries and the specialization of the city here, an important task is to synchronize them. if a good example of synchronization is just here, severobaikalsk is where the master is, where, within the framework
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of the master plan and creative technical schools, couples and the project to return to the city of baikal are combined into a common concept, which, uh, is funded from various sources. this is also an integrated approach, a vivid example that can be replicated. well, the most important thing. eh, it's the people their involvement. well, no matter what hmm is gone now. this little town is not pretty. we see what has been and has become in a few years. e so many cities. and this message is displayed beautiful. you can even fall in love if this is the stage of the transformation of this ugly into beautiful and therefore the experience of working with the involvement of citizens in the improvement of the territory in changing the urban environment. uh, the successful experience of many regions. it must be replicable and used. and, of course, it is necessary
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to involve the leaders of public opinion, and the natives of the famous natives of small towns to make them ambassadors of changes. well, and relevant practices. of course there is. thank you thank you for the opportunity to accept the plane is not waiting for participation, it will not be waiting. maybe i'll be back for sure. i think for you, of course. well, the regions of the far east, let's say, at the forefront of strategic planning in the country , the development of master plans, all the last 2 years. reports personally projects are very complex , very detailed and really the highest quality of what has been planned in the country over the past 30 years. and how, at the same time , to combine strategic planning and solving specific problems of the population here and now, because they are already waiting for changes today please your good question.
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thanks. yes, actually, it's two layers of planning. we must be ready for this. but before i answer further. uh, i would like to thank everyone, how they brought together all those who actually transform our country in this particular part, in the one where, as mythologically , almost half of the population lives in the trans-baikal territory, more than half of the population lives in these territories, and moreover , the girl will pay attention with all our regalia there, some kind of reconversion federal minister. we are governors, we are all the same ordinary people, and we go and visit our relatives for various situations. we walk through these smallest towns. and, of course, we are pleasantly pleased that there are people we are not a sleeper link people in companies people in the industry who are doing this are actually seriously sincere and looking for answers. how to show the highlight of this city. now, i ’ll tell you a little about this now, how it happens in
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the trans-baikal territory, but before that, separately in the context of the far east , it’s a particular challenge in general in our country in the far east. that people live in the most beautiful. it was a live broadcast of a binary goodbye forum for the development of small towns and historical settlements, let me remind you that it is taking place today in vladivostok, we are now living on a short advertisement. we live in the same country, but we are so different, and we do not notice the distance when we hurry to our loved ones. how did you learn to temper character in water? we ignite not like a child
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, we see the future, we learn to create it and we share our knowledge. we have time with a smile, no matter what happens.
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