tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 September 26, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am MSK
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[000:00:00;00] representative of president vladimir vladimovich putin, at which issues were discussed, including reconfiguring the personnel training system, both in the system of secondary vocational education and higher education, as well as changing approaches to organizing the retraining process itself. labor protection at enterprises should not be perceived as a formality; when signing for instructions, the employee must clearly understand his rights, for example, to receive payments in the event of a work-related injury, and he ensures them social fund of russia, the agenda of the forum in sochi included the fund’s initiatives to simplify reporting for work reports and a pilot project for the early detection of occupational diseases. one platform will be connected specifically with employers, this is a reporting form, how this reporting is generated, how it is submitted , what questions there are, so that later, based on feedback, we can make a proposal to improve it further, we also have a very interesting pilot project, it will also be discussed here, you know,
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the identification of occupational diseases in early stages, that is - let's say, adaptation of sanatorium and resort treatment, rehabilitation of those people who, thank god, have not yet gotten sick, so that we identify this in the early stages, i think that the result will be precisely the preparation of regulations that we will introduce into the ministry, together with them, will work out exactly what will improve the entire system of social insurance in case of occupational diseases, according to the reporting form, too, the health of personnel is especially vulnerable in strategic industries related to production, for labor protection industrial medicine standards are being introduced here, and the federal medical and biological agency is responsible for the development of this area. among the advanced developments in the field of industrial medicine is an electronic station that allows you to check the condition of an employee before leaving a shift in just 5 minutes, assessing pulse, pressure, temperature and other parameters. initially, this equipment was developed for nuclear power plants, but now solutions in the field of industrial medicine can be used throughout the country. we've been since twenty-one began to create a network of complex
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modern ones. industrial medicine centers, which include networks of digital industrial health centers, which are localized directly at production sites for pre- and post-shift examinations, for emergency consultations, we plan by the thirtieth year in accordance with the strategy for the development of industrial medicine, which the agency adopted so that it would already work 61 of these are a digital, highly qualified comprehensive center for industrial medicine. according to forecasts ministry of labor until 2030, the demand for labor in the country will only grow, the personnel requirement of the economy will be 73 million people. and this all the more means that personnel must be protected. dmitry moroko, mikhail vikulin, andrey greshnev, lead. if you have a dacha in snt, it is quite possible that
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you are lucky with your neighbors, but what if everything is not so. the neighbor on the left has not been seen for years ; weeds are creeping up on you from their property; on the right, on the contrary , they have opened a 24-hour tire repair shop or a dog boarding facility; we will tell you what to do in 5 minutes in program instructions. let's start with an abandoned plot, first of all, we need to remember that arbitrariness is prohibited, even though the dacha looks ownerless, it legally has an owner, you don’t have to mow your neighbors’ grass and uproot dry bushes yourself, this, from the point of view of the law, can be interpreted as a violation of rights actually. of course, of course, for the sake of fire safety , such work can be coordinated with snt when drawing up an act , because this is the safety of all gardeners located on the territory, especially adjacent land users, but it is, of course, not possible by law to occupy plots without permission, even if there is an owner who has abandoned this plot. its owner should take care of the land, try to contact him;
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the owner’s contacts may be in the register of gardeners of your snt or with the chairman. if they are not there, you can contact local authorities, the administration of the city or village near which your snt is located. if the officials cannot help, file a complaint with the federal register that the site is not processed. inspectors must come and draw up an inspection report and send an order to the owner to put the land in order. and finally, if there is no information about the owner even in the unified state register of real estate, you can only contact local authorities with a request to take the land and carry out redistribution. if there is a lot of tall, dry grass and other flammable materials in the area, notify the fire marshal. the fire inspector will draw up a report that will confirm that the problem area poses a danger to total snt. this document may be useful during legal proceedings. property can only be deprived of property through the courts. snt can file a claim in a court of general jurisdiction, and
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the local administration acts. in this case, a third party is considering the question of how, what to do with these abandoned areas, because to confiscate such abandoned areas is to deprive them of property rights. in accordance with the current constitution, article thirty is not possible except by a court decision. there are isolated cases decisions in the courts, when such plots are transferred to those owners who have been dealing with them for a long and long time or who acquired them, but, unfortunately, without proper registration. using the site for other purposes may cause even more trouble. if agricultural land, which includes horticulture, is engaged in business and does not intend to close it down, then in this case an appeal to the rosregister can help. the inspector will first issue a warning, and then impose a fine. the fines are noticeable and depend on cadastral value of the plot. for ordinary
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individuals, they start from 10,000 rubles. if an organization violates the law, then it will pay at least 100,000, and paying a fine is not permission to not change anything and continue to work. in any case, you will need to stop. business is illegal for snt, otherwise, after the first fine, others may follow. depriving property rights for inappropriate use is quite problematic. in the twenty-fourth year, the state duma plans to introduce amendments to the land code. they must clearly prescribe criteria for which lands are considered unused and which are not, approve the time frame within which the owner must develop his land, for example, prepare the site for construction, if... these are lands for individual construction, at the moment we have previously agreed upon such criteria for abandonment, let's say this is when the site is more than 50% cluttered. on this plot of land and garden there are buildings,
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well, some damaged ones with broken windows, a broken roof, and such, well, no one eliminates such defects in buildings, and also one of the criteria is supposed to be established if the area is behind... some kind of bush grass, no one has been working on it for, say, a year. so, let us repeat the main thing , the owner of a neglected site can be found through the management of snt or through the local administration, or, in extreme cases, through the rosreestr. if the owner cannot be found, or he does not respond to the order, putting the land in order and depriving the property can only be done through the court. for inappropriate use of land , significant fines are provided, the amount of which depends on. if you want to know more about the rules of snt, write to us in telegram, send your questions , we will learn everything from the experts and tell you in
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without interest. rosbank - real opportunities. the quantum world, everything connected with it is already. not the future, the present of those countries where they know how to think for the future, there is no longer a supermarket of ready-made solutions, as vladimir putin said, the west has hung up a closed sign. but russia has already created a quantum processor and quantum communication works, and most importantly, the so-called brain drain from the country stops, and even conditions are created for their influx. why do scientists choose russia? let's ask them themselves. self-confident with a subtle sense of humor, the head of the scientific
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group on quantum simulators, alexey akimov was one of those who created the russian quantum center, then went to harvard, then worked at the university of texas in america, and now akimov is here again. my path to science, it’s quite simple, school, institute, science. i managed to enter festeh, and there i learned a lot and began to work. then i went to harvard with misha lukin, worked in 2006, and we met misha at a conference there, he invited me. misha lukin, whom akimov mentions, is a professor of physics at harvard university in the usa, one of the most highly cited scientists in the world. already at the beginning of his scientific career, akimo’s work was so interesting that he was noticed by a native of russia, harvard celebrity sluki. yeah, i
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arrived, he says, well, you know, here it is there is a student, he has a problem here, he can’t solve it for some reason, let’s help him, there are some quantum dots, some silver plugs, i say, but i don’t know anything about them, well, you’ll figure it out, let’s figure it out, well, we really figured it out, did a very good job, which is still very much cited, akimov continued to work at the same time at harvard in moscow, in the fifteenth year he was invited by texas a&m university, here’s akimov. with william basics, author of one of the american physics textbooks called don’t panic, i earned a permanent professor here, i taught these american students, and trying to teach them school physics and what we go through in school, they go through at the university, well, then with the start of the military operation, all this worsened sharply, and there were bans on any communication with russia, you can’t publish... joint articles , you can’t go to conferences, you can’t
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travel at all, yes, fbi agents started coming around asking who alexey akimov was here, why he was working with russia, the biden administration is cutting spending on science not related to military technologies, says akimov, and if a scientist is from russia or china, this is now a stigma for america, it has reached complete insanity, when we already, as i already called moscow, said that guys, i i would probably like to return, the quantum center turned out to be capable. it was very cool to accept me, that is, they offered me a good salary, they offered me an apartment nearby. alexey returned to russia with his young wife, american aubrey. she is studying at graduate school chemist, so the spouses will... work together on exactly what akimov started with in his time, the so-called quantum simulators. the idea is that let us create an ensemble of particles in which we know all the interactions, arrange them the way we need them, and let them go, and let them solve the equation themselves, we will just sit and watch them, sit and watch. the ultimate
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task is to actually develop a high-temperature superconductor, that is , one that would, under normal conditions, at room pressure a and at room temperature temperature worked. the scientist has just returned from a business trip to argentina and brazil, visited more than a dozen universities there, and says: we are looking for a platform for further cooperation with those who are ready to work with russia. where the quantum direction of experimental physics becomes almost the main one. it is already being studied in schools. we have a range of educational programs, starting with the numbers lesson, which we conduct at. online offline in the regions, and secondly, of course, higher education, for example, in mythology we launched a quantum engineering program , a program for studying quantum technologies in mrs., festeh, at the higher school of economics, in our corporate academy we are creating
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a quantum university that will allow us to teach quantum computing approaches to corporation employees. at the forum of future technologies, which was held in moscow, with the support of rosatom and russian railways, in the middle of summer, with the participation of the president, they also talked mainly about quantum and the support of russian scientists who work in foreign universities and research centers, but we would like to participate in interesting projects in our country. by the decision of the president , the megagrant program was resumed and their size was increased. first of all, we need to support major scientific projects of our compatriots and leading foreign researchers, including those who have already participated in the creation
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of a world-class laboratory in russia; in 5 years, a scientist should receive a total of half a billion rubles for his project if he is ready to work in our country on... on a permanent basis. as part of the updated megagrants program we will provide assistance to promising young researchers, including our compatriots who want to return to their homeland to make a significant contribution to scientific and technological solutions, and there are many of them. one of the employees of the laboratory of kiril lokhmansky, who heads the scientific group on quantum computing on cold ions, worked abroad for about 15 years and recently returned. another one is now on an internship in japan for six months, the third is in munich, in germany, on an internship for 3 months, according to lokhmansky, they are also not will remain abroad, because in russia scientists have decent salaries and have the opportunity to purchase modern equipment for research, and now mega-grants have also been strengthened, this is an absolutely adequate mechanism
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for attracting accomplished specialists from abroad back home so that they create second laboratories here , if scientific knowledge would flow to our homes and bring benefits here. experimental physicist kiril lokhmansky lived and worked in austria for 8 years, in germany for a year, went to a scientific conference in the usa, here he is at background of the famous golden gate bridge. he says he had no thoughts of leaving russia forever. in his opinion, every scientist should see the world and try his hand at foreign laboratories. my goal was new knowledge, gain experience, gain. acquaintances, my friends, with whom we are still friends and communicate. ionami, kiril lokhmansky has been studying almost his entire scientific career, although at school he thought that he would become a linguist. i was studying greek, at some point i started researching the language, and this woke up
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here is the desire to explore. later, i had a very good physics teacher and, accordingly, i just got involved in it. finally finished. mft, in the last year of my master’s degree i won a grant to study abroad, a presidential grant went to germany for a year for an internship in the city of karlstvo, with alexey valentinovich usutinov, i worked there for a year, then came back, defended my master’s thesis, and decided to continue my career, already together with his wife olga, they met in the hostel, moscow institute of physics and technology, olga’s specialty is quantum chemistry, to europe we left together when we... salaries in fundamental science were not very high in russia, we were quite young, why not, why not, in fact, why not, yes, an invitation. there were no lokhmanskys from abroad, they chose the country of the university themselves, in the end austria, the university of innsbruck, where they were accepted almost immediately after the interview,
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which in europe is called an interview. in austria, kiril and olga were doing the same thing as in russia with quantum technologies, they say the work was easy, they didn’t share them in the scientific group, who came from where, it was only important what you know and can do. lokhmansky lived abroad from 2011 to 19 and returned to russia. for a certain period of time , the family becomes... and so on, this is also an important aspect, here we have grandmothers who can help us, at the moment, in particular, good salaries are paid to fundamental science, we realized that we want to leave for russia for the long term, not stay in europe or there in america, it’s precisely to move home, because at home, it’s personally more comfortable for us to live, now olga while working in his scientific group , kiril sets himself the task of creating a system on the basis of which it would be possible to build
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a quantum computer, we take an ion, we place it in a vacuum chamber, we begin to work with it using laser radiation, and in this way we can make qubit, a qubit is a two-level quantum mechanical system that is needed in order to implement a quantum computer. in the future it is capable of making a real revolution not only in the field of computing, but in nuclear chemistry, encryption, financial sector, transport logistics, medicine. you can go towards its creation in different ways, but in any case you need a strong scientific team, which rosatom is forming. in total, we actually have about 600 people working on the roadmap - these are 20 working groups, four scientific leaders of these groups have returned. abroad, i personally, i sincerely believe that where i was born, it was useful there, the level of interest,
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the tasks that russia now faces, it is not found in any other country, so those people who want to do something meaningful for the world after tomorrow, it seems to me that it really makes sense for them to join the work that is being done now... in russia. the scientific world is a world without boundaries, not only in the sense of knowledge, but in the literal sense. scientists must go to international conferences, go on long-term internships abroad, when in the end they decide to build their careers in their homeland, all their knowledge and inventions go to the state, which creates all the conditions for them to work.
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this is how scientific sovereignty is created. sber introduces a loan with cashback, allow yourself more, every month return 2.5% of the rate with sber bonuses , thank you, hurry up to get a loan with increased cashback, it’s more profitable with beris prime. pay less candy 13490 pyaterochka helps out seems to be an allergy premiladin renivalizinval we trust renival, we choose rinival. i could become anyone, a musician, restaurateur, presenter, producer, husband, father, and i did. because alfabank has always been free for smart free sbermarket to take care of yours
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are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, at what point will you say, that’s it, i did everything in this project, everything that i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general this is how it is to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is there a revolution taking place in any structure? dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new episode of the author’s program besagon tv, which will be called mil-pardon under the blanket, i think it will be
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promised me. soon. the sso lost more than 17,000 people this month, as well as three western- made tanks. the head of the russian ministry of defense announced this at a board meeting . by the way, the commander of the black sea fleet, who, according to kiev propagandists, was killed, also participated in it. well, what is there to discuss? they gave me a colleague who knows evgeniy petrukhin. kiev and the ukrainian media shouted at the top of their lungs that look at our attack on the headquarters of the russian black sea fleet, and the death of commander viktor sokolov. these hysterical cries, a pill of ukrainian lies tsypso, fake, which was so famously replicated by the ukrainian media.
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