tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 October 4, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK
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now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, friends, good afternoon, tomorrow is teacher’s day in russia , i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the members of the sirius board of trustees on this holiday, and of course, to say warm words to all russian teachers, to thank them for their loyalty to the profession to their students, according to him
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noble calling, to be a teacher and mentor, to create the future of russia in the most literal sense of the word. it is precisely these people, talented, caring, bright, it was sirius who united. and these people make a significant contribution to the development of education, science, sports, and art in our country. well, that means ultimately the success of russia. through joint efforts over 8 years here in sirius we have managed to create a harmonious environment in which all levels of education are represented. university, college, as well as a lyceum on the site of which we are now located. we just looked at its new spaces and talked with students and teachers. everyone
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unanimously says that the project is unique, good, and it is on its way, it was a success, for children with different interests, for future scientists, engineers, athletes, artists, there are all conditions for learning, for participating in clubs, for participating in social work, for getting to know the profession. i am convinced that such a unified, holistic, creative environment for the development of children needs to be gradually created in schools throughout the country, and i ask serius, and all the member council, together with the ministry of education, to think about using such modern solutions within the framework of the program not only capital
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repair and construction, but this is also the main organization of work, i want to say again that sirius is one of the serious components of the national education system and is increasingly occupying this niche, so i really count on its role in the creation of new non-standard, and most importantly, sovereign approaches to the development of our schools, colleges, universities will only increase, and of course, i want to thank sirius for starting work in new territories, in new federal subjects in donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, what is being done now is a significant contribution to the integration of these regions into the general educational space of the country, and i expect that seris will use all its experience and competencies to revive all levels of education in these subjects of the federation.
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now i will not go into details here , well, we all understand how important this is, first of all important, even this, of course, is a political task, but frankly speaking, this is primarily a humanitarian task, assistance to people, children first of all, and then to everyone who works in the election, sirius has been supporting talented children for many years. and i really hope that this work , we will always, we will never forget that it was seriously created for this purpose, this is the main, main activity of the service, and this work will remain the focus of its work, i mean the service program for gifted children, to improve the qualifications of teachers, coaches, additional education teachers, of course, this is the development of the system for schoolchildren and students who have shown high
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achievements in a variety of fields, and these are presidential grants, awards for winners and prize-winners of international subject olympiads. i would like to emphasize once again that all these tools work effectively, they are in the full sense of the word unlimited, not limited by the time parameters of state programs or national projects, and therefore i very much count on the fact that uninterrupted financing of all these activities will be ensured, including from federal budget. next, i think important and necessary to define the fund... talent success as a national methodological center for the development, support and support of talents. this decision, it seems to me, is timely, justified, because, as i already said today, we were able to unite the best
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teachers, trainers, mentors, here in this territory, at the same time, special powers imply a higher level of tasks, the most the main thing is responsibility, what do i mean here? first of all , you need to significantly expand your work at the regional level, to literally reach every teacher, help him master advanced practices and best techniques. now we met with sirius teachers, with schoolchildren, and they were talking about this. for this, there are all the opportunities, experience and competencies, appropriate powers, and what is important: resources, financial resources, so i believe that the success talent fund should offer non-governmental support measures to the regional centers of sirius and the best schools in russia, which are already conduct lectures and internships for teachers, and today, of course, i would like to hear
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practical proposals in this regard. dear colleagues, as we agreed, one of the most important areas of research in innovative scientific and technological steel is life science, at the end of last year, we got acquainted with your laboratories, scientific base, i would like to repeat, the work here is going well, one might say, without involvement at a high global level, and would like to especially note the efforts of sirius to involve the younger generation in the solution environmental problems, issues related to change. here you also need to work on a national scale, it is a large-scale work, very interesting, and of course, in close connection with the government, i mean, of course, that the focus will be primarily on
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the younger generation, and this means that you need to work with movement by the movement of the first, with the participation of schoolchildren, the students themselves , and from... to list, i am sure that you will say today to the organization of this work, now i will not talk about it here, the special role of sirius is precisely is to help the younger generation themselves create new ideas, knowledge, technologies, works of art, in this sense. the first experience of creating a federal territory is positive, it is very good, because it creates the preconditions,
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if this is needed in other regions of russia, to create something similar. there is a youth festival going on, this is one of the largest youth events in the world . as far as i know, seriz, together with partners, will organize an extensive children's program, in which thousands will take part schoolchildren from different countries, in general, i believe that the service has reached a stage of development when it can and should conduct its activities at the global level, expand cooperation with friendly countries, and how are we...' colleagues from many countries of the world are so active interest in cooperation and they themselves show interest in this interaction, they want to replicate in their own countries the experience that
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sirius has gained. well, let’s talk about all these issues and how... and it’s planned, i want to give the floor to elena vladimirovna shmileva, and then i also count on my colleagues that you will also speak out on the issue that is... the most relevant from the point of view of service development, please, yes, thank you, vladimir for the meeting that just took place, we received a lot of feedback we got over, in fact, the agenda that we are working on today, and i wanted to start with your words, when you opened the teacher’s head of mentors, you gave us all, as it were, a horizon of planning and responsibility, namely, you said that we need to continue with all means at all levels to continue to form a sovereign system, what we are doing here, namely the quality of teaching, education, and expanding
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infrastructure, raising the status of teachers, all this works for this task, it seems to me that at each level we already have just elements of such a sovereign education system, but first, about sirius , of course, we are growing up, and what i will present today, what is in this report for the past year of work, is actually... accompaniment of our graduates, support the strongest teachers who work with him, over the entire period of sirius’ work, 65,000 schoolchildren have completed our intensive training and graduated, this year 9,000 people will come and therefore undergo training here, all our programs differ in selection rules, but the essence is the same, the structure is the same, it allows each talented schoolchild is consistently exposed to his or her interest, some kind of in-depth assignment before international competitions and performances and
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further professional development. we have quite a lot of effective partners, these are almost 400 companies, scientific institutes, state, concert halls, sports federations, together with them we have created a number of professional competitions that allow us to support the guys, these are constellations, big challenges, graduates who met with us today, this is the junior... stage school olympiad, which takes place on sirius courses , pedagogy of development, talent sirius summer - this is what gives us mentors from among the students, if you add up all these events, then during the year more than 3.5 millions of young people take part in it, of course, not only from the russian federation, but we counted from three dozen countries, young people come to us for our programs in one way or another. to answer separately, our colleagues have created a sirius magazine, here we are for our and advanced training programs
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for teachers in metaphysical materials, we have also created our own mediaus magazine, this is our new project, a popular science portal about education, technology, sports and art , where we tell in such accessible language about domestic inventions, breakthrough concepts, and great interest; it has already received more than a million views since the beginning of the year. since we are now developing the best pedagogical professional practices here, here, i mean on federal territory, then of course, this is what you have now entrusted to us, these are model programs for regional schools, for regional centers of additional education, and we can, on our own example, to say that due to the cooperation in this case of the presidential lyceum with the university, with its scientific and technological partners, today's presidential lyceum itself, which occupies eight buildings today and does a number of programs together with partners, it
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certainly attracts teachers, teachers come to work here for some time and then go to their regions in order to develop according to the same educational programs there, but of course we are not developing according to templates, thank you very much for supporting your colleagues’ proposal to look at some standards, including construction isan and pit, and of course to us i would like to see the construction of new schools and maybe somewhere there... reconstruction , like we have here, they would give us more, more such opportunities for education and development, but in general, here’s the profile, in the lyceum - that’s of course , the direction in which we would like to set an example, and not only in the traditional sirius physics, mathematics, computer science, but in the social and humanitarian direction. you have always noted, vladim vladimirovich, that the mission of the education system is to educate citizens. education of patriotism, and
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of course, a lot is being done now, and new education programs have been adopted , and weekly conversations about important things, and advisers, you also talked about this just now at a meeting with the guys, but of course, this is not enough if there is no social and humanitarian knowledge, programs in universities, schools , how to develop advanced training all the time, so last academic year, together with st. petersburg state university and together with the prosecutor general's office, we developed a course, including for teachers from our new regions in social studies, and he turned out to be very much in demand by teachers, we really connected our practice of working with companies throughout russia, in all regions, with the tasks that these teachers face, and he turned out to be very much in demand, and here we ask, dear member of the council, you to support this initiative of ours and continue to develop such additional professional programs for social studies teachers, and i’ll probably move on to
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the activities of the university, it is developing in the same way as the lyceum, that is, in fact qualitatively new models, mechanisms of work, he is developing master's and postgraduate programs are also based on solving real technological scientific problems of the university's partners, and partners, of course , and in all those areas in which we are opening postgraduate courses, the master's degree is involved, including in the creation of laboratories , the brightest our successes are genetics, immunology, and technological independence and biotology are generally a priority... of the innovation center, which is why we have all master’s and postgraduate programs, are created with the full participation of these partners, and we have up to 50% of practical teachers in each program, this is a very good indicator, it seems to me that this indicator inspires, of course, those who come here to study, and 2/3 of the leading scientists now work here already constantly, that is, they move, choose
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sirius as a permanent place of work in general for such scientific creativity, we are ready, in accordance with your instructions last year , to open an experimental flagship program for the strongest schoolchildren in russia cybersecurity, when general higher education programs are integrated and we can see the training of such engineer-leaders, we will begin this year and allow ourselves to report on the results of this experiment as a whole, i already suggested to you during the rounds and... right here you can make a block next to the lyceum and it seems that this is a very justified combination , because the students are research workers, they actively teach at the lyceum and they actively inspire the choice of such things, which may be difficult for a student, but very important for program countries, for example, this year we created a new resident innovation
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center together with russian railways rusatom and gazprom neft, a company that is developing an erp system. and thus the college that we opened within the structure of the university, it is in great demand among schoolchildren, five people per place, among such partners, that is, here we have connections taking place in laboratories, current tasks, we even have college students after the third year, everything is already work inside these resident companies, thank you for supporting the work of the fund as an operator of grants, grants in general and equalization of opportunities for receiving and support and education in each region, this is probably the mission of sirius, we really did a lot, and i wanted to remind you of the first national education project, payments were established for talented schoolchildren in the amount of 60,000 rubles and 30,000 rub. and when the project was completed, a number of regions established their payments, and
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our largest payments were established in moscow, where 500,000 winners are paid, 3,000 prize-winners, and 100,000 participants. and why is this led to a massive outflow of children from the regions to moscow, this is especially evident between the regional final stage of the olympiad , when the children actually formally transfer their documents to the moscow school, continue to be in their region, and of course we believe that with those instructions that sirius has, and high-quality development of these our specialized programs for sirius, and they are extremely important for the implementation of the strategy of scientific and technological development of the russian federation. we certainly would like to balance and add equity to this system of support for talented schoolchildren in all regions of russia and propose to establish these scholarships here with us, so that both the fund and the budget of the federal territory, perhaps some partners or regions, establish such scholarships at the moscow level for all winners all-russian
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olympiad for schoolchildren in subjects relevant to sirius, because we see as grant operators that the presidential prize for the winners of international olympiads for schoolchildren and their coaches is very important stimulus. this was recognition and incentive, and of course, it seems to us that if we do this, we will see a lot of strong guys and teachers who will work, including in the associated schools of sirius. we would also suggest considering , as you already said at the meeting with the guys, grants from the regional center for advanced training of teachers, year after year, it could be a center that develops the best practices and attracts the qualifications of more and more teachers. the second is internship sites, here you go guys talked about how pedagogy is the development...of talent in demand - programs when students come to teach, and this is visible at our university, it will probably gain more and more momentum, but we need to create internship sites in
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the regions on the basis of the strongest partner schools, in this regard, we could also give grants to such schools at the internship site, and then, we see this target orientation of students who have proven themselves at school, needs some kind of maybe additional support, deferred agreements, if , for example, our grantee enters into such a deferred agreement with sirius’s partner, with an employer , former, future, yes, we would just like to propose making an additional payment in the amount of the basic grant, that is, an additional grant, it seems to us that this line could be such a new core of a grant program for supporting talents throughout russia, uh, i’ll say a few words about the activities of the scientific center in the field of ecology and climate change issues, which you instructed us to create and develop, it has been created, and a number of programs that we are discussing today with roshydrometer have already allowed us to announce a targeted graduate school in the field of monitoring,
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modeling and forecasting the state of the atmosphere, the climate system. of course, we hope that such graduate school and such serious cooperation will lead to creating our own scientific school on climate science here in sirius, and of course, we have planned a number of additional professional programs in order to improve the skills of those involved in the most important innovative project state purpose, a unified national system for monitoring climate- active substances. thus, our scientific center will solve the problems of the national, the problems of the federal territory, we discussed with roshydromet, the institute of akinology of the russian academy of sciences, the main geophysical laboratory named after vaeykov, we will conduct comprehensive geo-ecological monitoring of terrestrial and marine ecosystems of the federal territory. and the black sea basin nearby, because this environmental and hydrometeorological expertise is very important for us, well, plus
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calculating the carbon footprint of any construction, as was the case during the olympics, so that we can monitor and minimize this impact, and of course, we wanted to propose here to hold an annual international scientific conference on climate change, we believe that we are very a convenient site, a site where many partners traditionally travel, including foreign ones, that’s what with the movement of the first, we are, in general , preparing for a youth festival, we have a thousand children coming, we, together with our colleagues, have drawn up program, 500 children are russian children, 500 will come to us from abroad, and of course, we could together create a national inventory of anthropogenic emissions, just the guys were talking about how they want to go on tourist trips, some kind of educational trips to the enterprise, and we will give them another... executive task, so that they collect information about the state of the environment and carry out this joint monitoring with large scientific organizations and the university, so here is such
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an open biological atlas and the federal territory and the russian federation could be created in this way, and of course, the introduction of the former will give us the necessary coverage; we can do this program of eco-technological tourism together. well, in conclusion, i wanted to say a few words about the direction of international... cooperation of sirius, since last year we have made all the olympiads that are held here in sirius open so that foreign students, foreign schoolchildren can take part in them , first of all, these are sco countries , brix, cis, this year, for the first time at the invitational stage of the all-russian olympiad for schoolchildren, we translated all the tasks and invited foreign citizens, we received 800 applications, so our physics and mathematics about it is both a calling card and a passport to the world of big science, big technology, and this is obvious from such great
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interest , in april of this year we held an international mathematics olympiad with the participation of the national teams of iran, china and thailand, and before the end of the year we will host an astronomy olympiad, with seven teams has already announced, this is bangladesh, belarus, bulgaria, china, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, our team. well, i already said that we are preparing this joint program for the youth festival and plan that then we will cooperate with all international organizations that are now partners of the festival, so our international agenda will naturally be tied to our priorities, and these are global priorities and to those organizations that are developing this today, i would like to note that this year sirius became partner of unesco in the field of environmental education, in order for our climate science center to develop, we are now considering the issue of obtaining observer status of the un framework convention on climate change, then we could just be
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our future parameter... of this monitoring , give appropriate weight , significance, and thus develop, well, a national system of measurement and training for it, but in our opinion, all this activity is important for the implementation to the fullest extent of the concept of the foreign policy of the russian federation in this regard, we are absolutely in line with our objectives, but in order to still popularize in the long term these are our strongest sides of our... general education , to protect our domestic achievements in culture in science, we would of course like to offer a comprehensive program of work with schools abroad, and in general we have already consulted with colleagues within our expert council, we see three directions, the first is
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the creation of associated sirius schools abroad, first of all, our partners will be companies that open; we are ready to take this methodological support and are ready to involve schools at the embassy and some other foreign organizations that want to cooperate with us in this work, then yes, so we will already have the first point of presence, the second is exactly what i briefly described, the involvement of schoolchildren from friendly countries in our russian talent identification system, work with talents, career guidance, here early hobbies into such... adult tasks, but very interesting for children, so all these intellectual and creative competitions are now becoming open for us, where necessary we translate, where if creative competitions we do not translate, but we create conditions so that guys who came from abroad came in, and the third thing, of course, they also said this at the meeting today, these are management and pedagogical teams, you can’t develop schools without being, that means, a manager, so our best practices here have already shown their
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efficiency, and we are ready... to develop these teams here, showing with what tools we develop the talent of each student, as well as improving the qualifications of predecessor teachers. vladimirovich, thank you for your attention, thank you for, this was footage from a meeting of the board of trustees of the talent and success foundation, which was chaired by vladimir putin. and now some footage from the government press service. on the eve of the holiday, we will say at least two words to our loved ones. and now we were presenting awards in the field of education in the year of the teacher and mentor, which was so designated by our president, and of course, on the eve of october 5, on the eve of september 1, we remember our native teachers, well, we didn’t exchange now, i said that the best thing that happened in my life in terms of mentoring was school, well, it happened
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, everyone has their own teachers, mentors, and of course, well, my dear teachers know what i’m talking about, the same choice of profession, where to go why, was associated with our school srednekannaya, basharrenkova, unfortunately, deceased, who left us, don't forget, don't forget, and they dedicated the alley there, anina terentsevina allowed me to study mathematics, a little, remember, in physics, a little, very well, everything is very connected, 100%, 100%, when... i read the book by friend guntar einstein and they asked everyone to give reports related to certain problems of physics, i chose the theory of relativity, there the relatistic coefficient was shown in a drawing, if you remember, with a triangle, after that i didn’t get it, said: okay, i ’ll allow you to study some topics at home, you’ll read, i know, what are you getting ready for,
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do mathematics, and it was wonderful, it was always fun, wonderful, and we still have memories of our seventh school, they are so vivid, and dear anatelna taught literature, what we didn’t discuss with her at that time, larisa anatelna taught to read master margarit, even at the beginning, in a printed publication, but not even in a magazine , where they had already taken it, brought it, yes, taught it, and now please, mataganka then, it was very difficult to get tickets, but those who were there began to tell, and we already knew the original knew, yes, and now, lord, the film is on, and i’m starting to say in advance, in advance, what will happen, because
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