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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  October 24, 2023 5:30am-5:49am MSK

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the whole of ossetia collects various kinds of donations. we have enough of everything, but the fact
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that they give us attention is also very nice. i knit on every stitch i say, please stay alive, it becomes a talisman. first we started with balaclavas. then the rapists followed, so we have been continuing to help for a year now, this car belonged to my grandmother, everything is for the front, everything is for victory, so we are working on it, we have united the nation, everyone is worried about those who are here and helps in any way possible .
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this year in preparation for review. in the first reading of the government’s draft budget , she obliged ministers to attend personally at meetings of relevant state duma committees. this is very important when a government program is presented by a responsible representative, a minister of the relevant ministry, and of course, the responsibility for review increases. the questions asked by colleagues, deputies of our committee and relevant committees are very serious and of course, you always want to receive a reasoned, clear answer, and rosary. moments in the development of this or that
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program, so of course, the presence of the first person is very important today when considering our state program. illegal investigative actions carried out by foreigners in russia are subject to criminal liability; up to 5 years of imprisonment can be imposed for carrying out operational investigative activities, which are recognized as illegal in our country. we are talking about collecting evidence, interrogating our citizens, including remotely, and obtaining samples from russians for expert research. example fingerprints, genetic material and other things, attempts to lure russians for subsequent arrest abroad, all this poses a threat to the security of our citizens and the state, and therefore should become criminally punishable. the corresponding bill has been submitted to the state duma. we will tell you in our review what measures were taken by deputies this week. the russian guard may receive the right to have its own volunteer formations. the state duma adopted the bill in the first reading; it will allow the same laws to be extended to the national guard troops. powers and
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support mechanisms that are currently established for the ministry of defense and its volunteer units. in particular, another bill, also adopted in the first reading, provides for punishment for discrediting national guard volunteers. similar protection measures are already in place today for armed forces volunteers. the famous saying of emperor alexander is that russia has only two allies - the army and the navy can well be supplemented by a third, the army, navy and troops of the national guard. and today, after expiration. a certain period of time for conducting a special military operation, we see that this is so, and today the russian guard, being there in the forefront positions, really show an example of exceptional courage, heroism and self-sacrifice, and this means that the russian guard must have everything, the whole set and all the functionality in order to honorably fulfill the tasks assigned to this presidential department. websites and pages on social networks that contain information about raising money for the armed forces of ukraine will... be blocked out of court
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ok. deputies adopted a law on closing resources for raising funds to finance the enemy in a military conflict. the procedure will be as follows: the prosecutor general receives compliance. information and contacts roskomnadzor with a demand to block the sites. with or without a seal, decide for yourself: deputies give the right to choose npos to use this tool or not. the innovation is especially relevant for non-governmental organizations without budget funding. at the same time, the law retains the provision that state and municipal institutions, and this is one of the forms of npos , are still required to have a seal. changes to the law on non-profit organizations will come into force. from june 1, 2024, this is one of the measures designed to facilitate the work of the non-profit sector. in addition to this , a bill on a new procedure for changing the composition of the founders of non-profit organizations has been submitted to the state duma. it will make it possible to exclude individuals and legal entities when communication with them is lost.
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why is this important, a person became a founder, perhaps received grants, and then left, forgot, went abroad and does not support country, and these issues, of course, are on the agenda today, despite the complexity ... of the budget, we support npos, we see the impact of socially oriented npos, but we must understand that those people who are founded, these goals for which they established, they are still in the ranks of the country, they are for the state. the state duma adopted a law on pensions for investigators. the chairman of the investigative committee will determine the procedure for organizing pensions for employees and members of their families. the head of the department will also be able to establish rules assignments, payment and revision of the monthly allowance. to the salary of ic employees who are serving and have at least 20 years of service. previously, there were regulations that allowed the head of the investigative committee to establish additional payments to the pensions of employees, then these regulations lost their force, this bill is aimed at
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eliminating this gap, it will, of course, help both those who have already retired and members their families and current employees, this is fair and it will truly add and motivation and self-confidence, and people engaged in such high-risk work, they generally deserve the right to be sure that the state will fully ensure their rights, for entrepreneurs they are softening the rules of legal proceedings, they want to enshrine in the criminal procedure code the concept of crimes relating to this area, the corresponding law has already been adopted by deputies, more and more often there is uncertainty and difficulty in... whether they were committed in connection with entrepreneurial activity or not related to it, and this is fundamentally important when electing a measure suppression. now there is a message that entrepreneurs should not be arrested in cases where investigative actions are being carried out, well, it is still unknown
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whether a person is guilty or not guilty, and accordingly, the president made it clear that the business community should not be arrested, here there are discrepancies about who is an entrepreneur after all or... let’s clarify. in russia, it may appear right now that this has happened, we are a comprehensive federal program for the rehabilitation of minors from new regions. a corresponding proposal has already been sent from the state duma to the government. this was stated by vice speaker anna kuznetsova during a regular meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate the criminal actions of the kiev regime against children. let's work through this important issue together. which will provide routing, seamless assistance to our children, including psychological rehabilitation, medical and other forms of assistance that are necessary. another important topic of the meeting is the fight against western information aggression. to this work, according to anna kuznetsova it is necessary to involve parliamentarians from other countries. the deputy speaker of the state duma cited
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data according to which in the third quarter of this year the number of fake publications about russia in western media increased by 13%. at the same time. the number of materials that, on the contrary, debunk false information about our country. dear colleagues, we are on the right path, we need to work in this direction, and we see that more and more of the international community , including human rights activists , want to know the truth. today kyiv celebrated kuznetsova commits terrorist attacks against children and involves teenagers in criminal work. according to some sources, they are used as informants and couriers during hostilities. deputy chairman of the state duma proposed adopting a convention on the prevention of terror against minors and their involvement in the activities of terrorist organizations. improve the quality of rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. this task was set by deputies at parliamentary hearings to discuss the bill on comprehensive
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rehabilitation and habilitation. the area that has been modernizing over the past 4 years has already changed significantly. the first thing we, so to speak, aimed our actions at was that we revised the order. disability status, if you know, previously a citizen collected a complete set of documents on his own, but today the medical and social examination receives documents directly from the medical organization in electronic form. now we need to finalize the bill, which aims to help disabled people with technical aids. these measures will affect almost 11 million adults and more than 700,000 children. deputies note that when providing those means of rehabilitation , not only medical indications are important, but also the social aspect. this is especially true for svo members. if a young person is injured and he wants to play sports, get an education, or work, he probably needs some special approach. to provide him with technical means of rehabilitation, taking into account his activity, or,
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for example, a person lives in a rural area, rough terrain, it is probably necessary to think that the stroller that he gets can overcome all these irregularities; over the past 4 years, the number of children's tent camps in russia has decreased almost threefold, this is associated with difficulties in their organization. excessive government supervision, on behalf of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, together with representatives of government authorities, the expert community and the public, discussed the problem at parliamentary hearings of the relevant committee. this season , about 80,000 rested in tent camps children, 50 times less than 8 years ago. the whole point of excessive regulation of their activities was voiced at the meeting. before you build this tent later, maybe take it down in a day. and further advance the same camp, but first he must go through such a bureaucracy that then
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it will all come down to the fact that why unnecessary problems, because as a teacher i do not have a criterion for my salary to increase or decrease, depending on how many tourist routes will i go there with my children, the act of holding the event, parental consent, medical reports and copies of children’s insurance policies are a small part of what a teacher should take with him on a hike. permission to use the land for tents must be issued separately, and the night temperature cannot be lower than 15°. all this combined significantly complicates the organization of children's tourism. the current standards require revision, the head of the relevant committee is convinced. the organization of such tourist trips with youth, stick camps, has simply become extremely procedurally very complicated, and sometimes it’s downright dangerous, because you can get a fine for almost anything. the state, it is simply obliged in the current situation, in our opinion, to reconsider what is currently hindering the development of youth
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tourism, to create all the necessary conditions for this, in our opinion, everyone will benefit from this. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air. russia, land of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces, and of course, we are opening new routes and points of attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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it's coming. grandiose, large-scale construction, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, the whole of big russia is here, the restoration process is underway, we have fairs every saturday, everything we eat ourselves is sold at the fair, more people have returned to the city, of course, sales have become better , there are a lot of people, visitors, a lot of
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construction workers, and restaurants are opening, this relevant, business, there are many investors here who have already wanted to work here and invest their money.
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two american military bases were attacked in syria; according to american intelligence, the attack was carried out by drones. immediately after news of what had happened, president joe biden interrupted his speech and went to emergency negotiations. washington insists that the matter concerned the palettes of the palestinian-israeli conflict. our own correspondent in the united states, robert frantsov, will tell you all the details. biden is just
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spoke at a planned briefing, spoke about the bidennomics of that version in... dear everyone.


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