tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 October 25, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK
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[000:00:00;00] in europe they turn a blind eye to blasphemy and vandalism against muslim shrines, in a number of countries they are already openly glorifying at the official level nazi criminals and anti-sem who have the blood of holocaust victims on their hands, in ukraine they are leading the way to ban the canonical orthodox church and deepen the church schism. the goal, in my opinion, of all these actions in the world is obviously to divide cultures, peoples, world religions , to provoke a conflict of civilization, all according to the well-known principle: divide conquer, and at the same time they are talking about something new world order, the essence of which is actually the same, hypocrisy, double standards, claims to exclusivity, to global dominance, to the preservation of an essentially
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neocolonial system. in the west they see how the process of forming a multipolar world order is gaining strength, and in order to restrain the development of independent , sovereign countries, to split the world, the world majority, they are using all the same means, including islamophobia, anti-semitism, russophobia, of course, these forces that carry out such a policy or try to it is beneficial to carry it out so that there is an epidemic of violence and hatred. covered not only the middle east, but also other regions, so that old hot spots would escalate and new hot spots would arise in eurasia. in many ways, by orchestrating the conflict in the middle east, fueling, provoking nationalism, religious intolerance towards the whole world, these same forces, of course, pursue their hostile goals in relation to our country,
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these goals are declared by the ruling circles... of some countries to openly attack us , as they put it, a strategic defeat, and here there is also nothing new, they need the middle east and any other religious or national conflicts in the world to be directly or indirectly connected in one way or another with russia, or more precisely to hit russia against our society, so they will use lies and provocations external internal reasons to weaken and split our society. national and religious strife in our home, i will now emphasize on leaders of public opinion, leaders of political parties, public associations, heads of regions of our large country, pastors, traditional religions, all institutions of civil society bear a colossal responsibility
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for the future of russia, each of us in our words and actions must... from the main thing, that the main thing, from the fundamental interests of our own, multinational people, always, always remember that interethnic and interreligious harmony is the basis of russian statehood, everything else, every other position has an anti-russian orientation and component, i know that for... us, pastors, spiritual leaders, christians, muslims, buddhists, followers of judaism, such harmony, the unity of our society is an absolute value, i thank you for such a principled position, i want to note the great attention that you pay to educational work, the development of interreligious dialogue, representatives of faiths together implement social,
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charitable projects, more once i return to where i started, they provide support to the participants in the special military operation and their loved ones, the contribution of our traditional religions to the strengthening of family values is great, patriotic education of young people, and of course, in the harmonious development of interethnic relations based on mutual understanding between people of different ethnic groups, traditions, and religions. i will emphasize once again that we are one people, we have one homeland , we all bear a common responsibility for its well-being and safety, i propose to talk about this topic, your testimony, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for the initiative to hold this meeting for your words , which you have now
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addressed to us, indeed. this is very a timely and necessary initiative, of course, is of particular concern to many today, the conflict that has flared up with renewed vigor... in the eastern mediterranean. for centuries, this region has attracted the attention of believers of all abrahamic religions. jerusalem remains a holy city for christians, jews and muslims. the territory of palestine and israel is a holy land on which the most important events of world history took place, and above all, directly related to the communication of god and man. historically, russia maintains the closest ties with. holy land, strives to maintain a russian presence there, the history of which is exceptionally rich in facts and events. numerous written evidence, as well as cultural artifacts, indicate that the pilgrimage to jerusalem was one of the most desired and significant events in the life
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of pious russian people. it was precisely ensuring the possibility of visiting the holy land for a wide range of our compatriots that was one of the main goals of the establishment for more than 140 years (decision emperor alexander ii, imperial orthodox palestinian society. this organization has undoubtedly made a significant contribution to supporting the palestinian people, primarily in the educational and social spheres. schools, shelters, hospitals were created, that is, very significant charitable activities were carried out aimed at supporting the local population. it is gratifying that today the traditional relationship between russia and the holy land continues to develop. and would like to especially note that our state strives to support historically formed with connections through centuries , established traditions, including cultural interaction with the countries and
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peoples of the middle east. our current meeting is taking place at a very difficult time, although i don’t know if there are simple times , sometimes simple, simple for some, and simple for others, it becomes very difficult. today, many conflicts are unfolding in the world, their consequence is the emergence of new threats to the peaceful existence of peoples and countries, friendly good neighborly relations are being destroyed, the strength, well-established ties of representatives of different cultures and religions are being tested, because religions are also drawn into this conflict, representatives of religions, the events of recent weeks are of greatest concern, because they touch upon the most complex issue of the collision, as well as the relationship between the interaction of two ancient abrahamic religions, this is islam and judaism. i would like to express my gratitude to you, as
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the president of the russian federation, to the state leadership of russia for your consistent peacekeeping position in connections with problems of settlement, including the middle east conflict. it’s hard to say what would happen in... the middle east if it weren’t for this peacekeeping role of russia, and only a blind person could fail to see that stability and tranquility largely depend on this very role, to the extent that it is possible to have this tranquility in the holy land . i am sincerely convinced that we have representatives of different religions in russia, government authorities and the public have a common interest in ensuring that interreligious and intercultural dialogue serves creating peace and achieving harmony. we all want relations between believers of traditional religions to be mutually respectful and friendly. for this we have the necessary, solid foundations in the form of moral consensus, a common understanding of
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what is good and what is evil. this is the fundamental point. in a sense, we have a common system of moral values. of course, painted in some cultural, religious tones, but. should not serve the cause of hatred, calls, calls that are heard today, unfortunately, sometimes, including including in radical religious groups, i think that all the spiritual leaders present here will agree with the statement that the ideas of a person of hatred cannot in any way be associated with religion, moreover, the product of the enemy of the human race, the devil, these ideas are undoubtedly the inner nature of which hates the good, we leaders of traditional religions in russia are well aware of the tragedy of what is happening today in the middle
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east, and therefore we have no right to allow in our country a call for hostility and manifestation hate on religious grounds, thank god, with the exception of some very marginal groups, nothing like that happens in russia. the conflict in the holy land should not affect relations between religious communities, including in russia. our fellow believers see us sitting at the same table today. in dialogue with each other with the head of state, this is generally such a unique example of how the russian state interacts with religions represented on the territory of russia. together we testify to the absence fundamental disagreements, including on issues related to public life. moreover, as i already said, we have a lot in common in matters of morality, and we consider sin, a genuine evil
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that affects the human soul, to be our common enemy. of course, secular ethics, and especially secular law, does not operate with the concept of sin, but operates with the concept of, uh, violation of the law. and sin is a violation of god’s law, which lies at the basis of human morality, on the basis of human morality, historically formed in many cultures, law arises, therefore there is... of course, there is a deep connection between, in a sense , religious values, religious faith and law. now, unfortunately, provocative actions are taking place aimed at exacerbating the middle east conflict by dehumanizing the opposite side, using information resources. to eliminate this threat, widespread and unbiased coverage of the situation is necessary. obviously . consistently upholding the principle
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of respect for the legitimate interests of each party , fully supporting the desire for civil the population of israel and palestine towards the establishment of a lasting, just peace, its position contributes to the search for ways to end the armed conflict and the restoration of dialogue between political opponents. at the same time, it is impossible not to say that any attacks on civil institutions and religious shrines are worthy... perhaps this is why religious objects are often subjected to such violent attacks in order to provoke hardening the hearts of people, and thereby making the conflict more cruel. unfortunately, in recent days it has been there is a lot of news of this kind.
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the jerusalem orthodox church, which feeds christians living on both sides of the confrontation, its position is principled and consistent: civilians should not become the target of armed attacks, they need to be given help and support, i would like to join you, your excellency, as well as with the brothers who present here today, participating in this conversation, to express joint support for the efforts of the jerusalem patriarchate, led by patriarch theophilos, and urge everyone: not to weaken in prayers in our further joint efforts to establish a lasting, just peace in the holy land. the holy land is our common treasure, spiritual, cultural, historical, and therefore peace in the holy land is our common responsibility and common concern. thank you for your attention. thank you very much for your assessments, they are extremely important for believers, in general for a moral understanding
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of the processes taking place, the importance of unity for our multinational country, please, dear muft. bismilirm, deeply respected president vladimir vladimirovich, your holiness, patriarch kiril, and considered participants in this long-awaited meeting, i cordially greet you, on behalf of the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia. assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi warakatu. vladimir vladimirovich, we sincerely thank you for the invitation to this meeting. it is very difficult and painful for us to endure what is happening in the middle east, and in the world in general. we sincerely thank you for your evaluation, which we find. understanding not only among russians, not
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only among us, spiritual leaders, and throughout the world. these days, many of our friends and acquaintances, religious figures, public figures, government figures, are talking about the very balanced position of yours, vladimir vladimirovich, of the russian federation. and they say that they really hope that russia will make its worthy contribution to the establishment of peace and harmony. in the middle east, at the same time , the conflict of the sacred lands around the abodes of peace of jerusalem, which flared up with renewed vigor, reverberates in our hearts with severe pain and great sorrow, about this you and yours holiness spoke very thoroughly,
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because these places are dear to everyone, and for muslims, for christians, for jews, and for all of humanity, all of humanity is not indifferent. this includes, of course, the basis of this conflict lies in injustice towards the palestinian people, laid down more than 70 years ago, during which the resolutions on the organization of the united nations, on the creation of two states of israel and palestine, are not implemented, this is not today’s problem, but somehow found there has always been mutual understanding, and passions have not reached ... the limit, what is happening and the development of the confrontation between the two sides has led not only to the violation of all norms of international law and the norms of relations between peoples and states, but to the use of barbaric methods of struggle, when civilians suffer, and, above all , die women, children, historians. unfortunately, some countries not only do not contribute
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to a fair resolution of this conflict, on the contrary, they once again demonstrate to the whole world their right, strength and double standards. also, there are obvious attempts to distort reality in the information space and falsify facts, this undoubtedly indicates the provocative basis of what is happening in the middle east, and undoubtedly, as you confirmed, their goal is to increase instability in the world, they are not happy with the multipolar world, and when there are many hot spots, this is very profitable for some. therefore, the people of muslim countries, and many countries of the world, are outraged by the cruelty that occurs against civilians, moreover, on both sides, by the demands for their evocation and intentions carry out a large-scale ground military operation, which could lead to even
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greater casualties among civilians, and have a global impact on the state of peace in the world. today, as when the whole world is boiling with peoples and countries of the world, we all undoubtedly must make a worthy contribution to the preservation of peace and the affirmation of the values of life. we consider it our duty to call on the parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities, release the hostages and prevent the escalation of the conflict, death and suffering of the civilian population. we call on the world community of the country and the islamic world to support russia's efforts to convene as soon as possible. security council of the united nations, to discuss the situation in the middle east and make every effort to start negotiations at the highest level and initiate new actions, maybe even peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone, organizing humanitarian corridors for refugees and supplies of humanitarian aid.
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today, this undoubtedly needs to be done faster in order to further stop the shedding of blood. in it. in connection we consider it necessary also, in the near future , organize work to provide humanitarian assistance to victims of this conflict; for this purpose, we propose to create a single center for coordinating this work with the active participation of the interreligious council of russia and the spiritual centers of traditional faiths of our country. at the same time, we call on our compatriots to remain calm and united, not to succumb to provocations and allow the incitement of interethnic and interreligious hostility, to make a worthy contribution to the defense of the fatherland and support for the defenders of a united fatherland, we ourselves are in such a state today, and even religious figures, imams, clergy of traditional faiths are there along with the defenders
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of our fatherland, there has never been confrontation between traditional faiths in our country, this is not only... what has been handed down to us, but it is inherent at the basis of our traditions, because we recognize a single root as one single creator, we have nothing to share in this world, in eternity, especially since we believers undoubtedly need to pray and turn to the almighty, the lord of the worlds, with a request bless our efforts, your efforts, first of all the heads of state who are members of... the united nations, recognize the responsibility and bless your our efforts in the peaceful resolution of the conflict, the restoration of justice, peace and stability in the middle east. and throughout the world, thank you for your attention, thank you very much , thank you, you once again emphasized the need
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for interreligious and ethnic harmony, an extremely important thing, in general always, at the moment, especially, dear mufti, please, dear rain, please, deeply respected mr. president, first of all, thank you very much for your initiative, for bringing us all together, for your speech, every word, i think that you just need to write it and put it everywhere, it is no coincidence that we gathered precisely on the eve of 4 november, national unity day, this is symbolic, national unity, this is the uniqueness of russia, they correctly said that this is the most important thing, in fact it is, we all the time feel peace, mutual respect between people from different
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nations, different cultures, different faiths, in in many other countries, not to mention there are no interethnic or interfaith joint projects, people cannot even gather at the same table, but in our country , thank god, this tradition has already been around for many years, in recent years it has become even more important and relevant, i can say that every time we get together, especially here , we feel real friendship, it’s not just different projects that we can implement together, it’s that we really feel respect for each other, and this is without any doubt, thanks to you , we let's look at the outside world and we immediately see how restless it is, here, once again i want you... which is thanks to the fact that we don't have this tension in russia, even the fact that people here
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don't take to the streets with demonstrations, this very good, because we all know that extremists take advantage of street demonstrations everywhere, and even if, according to the plan, this is supposed to be a peaceful entry, in practice it often leads to violence. and it is very important that our meeting today sent a clear signal to the whole society: we are for relations of mutual respect, friendship, cooperation, but at the same time we will not be tolerant of those who are not tolerant themselves, who profess extremism and call for violence. unfortunately, history already shows that the line between hatred and violence is very thin. ideology of hatred. always leads to violence, sometimes
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even leads to terrorism, very correctly, our patriarch said that religion and hatred are incompatible, this is exactly the opposite, any sermon, any lesson that religion or a religious leader gives, that you need to find a way, how can you not only to love each other, but to live truly , and thank god, for many years here in russia we have not experienced state anti-semitism, and there is even no practical street anti-semitism, but we have concerns about the past, so our main request today is to the authorities, to federal at the local level, that there was a constant and uncompromising fight against extremism. and if i already spoke about the experience of the past, a few days ago we celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the uprising in the nazi
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camp sabibor, the man who organized this uprising, an officer of the red army, alexander aronovich, pechersky understood that you cannot give up when power reigns, you must protect yourself and those who are next to you. and we are like any religion. we pray for peace, for there to be no more wars, but peace with murderers is impossible by definition, so when we now mourn the hundreds of innocent victims killed by terrorists, on october 7, when we pray for the salvation of more than 200 hostages, thank you, mufti talgad that they really should get together, do everything possible, that they already... and return home, we know that there are no there can be no negotiations with terrorists, much less any compromises; any
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terrorist organization must be isolated. destroyed. i myself have no doubt that israelis, palestinians, jews, muslims can live in peace, respect each other and, if necessary, even help each other. there are all the conditions that we could not be friends together. you can take an example, what we have here in russia, peace between christians, muslims , jews, buddhists, all religions, all peoples, in fact it is... an example for everything world, you might think why here we can be friends, really help each other, rejoice together, but there it is impossible , the answer is simple, here we have a wise president who, when he sees that he can, on the contrary , help in this friendship, or god forbid the moment
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when maybe god forbid there is some difficult moment, gather... us together and, as you said today, this clearly gives the position that this is the most valuable thing that we have today in russia, in russia, glory god, they also deal with terrorists very harshly, and the results are obvious, so i really hope that the russian experience will serve as a good example in the middle east, in other regions that, unfortunately, still... face similar problems, so thank you very much again and god grant that there may be a blessing from this meeting, which he receives from all religious leaders, gave you the power to really resolve the problem, solve it, and so that there would be peace in the middle east, with god's help
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throughout the world. thank you. thank you guys, thank you for also paying attention to our fundamental values. vladimir putin holds a meeting with representatives of religious associations in russia. things that suit you are more important than just new ones, men's jackets from 3,000 rubles on avito. where to get one answer? to know everything about a dairy product, to have detailed, accurate information about the composition and expiration date, where the cow is from, what region it is from, you need to do this, check everything in the application: honest sign, honest sign, the path of the milk from the cow to you. rinastop helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price, and rinostop provides double help and promotes gentle recovery
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