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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 2, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] here, as in your free or homely atmosphere, the success of the business largely depends on the atmosphere in which you have to work, the state works together with the founder of the business, providing support from its side, when you are not alone, the result becomes more achievable. the first steps in entrepreneurship are like walking up a mountain, and sometimes it's a cliff. there are many risks, unexpected turns, and there is not always something to grab onto, but when there is insurance and
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support, is there a solution? vladimir putin signed the recall law ratification of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty, the document was published on the official legal information portal. earlier , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov noted that this step equalizes the situation in the field of nuclear testing for russia and the united states, since washington has not ratified the treaty. our country signed it back in 1996 and ratified it 4 years later. but eight more states with nuclear weapons or the ability to develop them have not done so. also, vladimir putin signed the constitutional a law that cancels informing the secretary general of the council of europe in the event that a state of emergency or martial law is introduced in russia. the document was also published on the official legal information portal. previously, this initiative was supported by the constitutional committee and the international affairs committee of the federation council. at the same
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time, preserving. un secretary general. the president of equatorial guinea, teodoro haangongema, arrived in russia on an official visit. this morning in moscow he laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in aleksandrovskoe garden. vladimir putin will hold talks with the leader of equatorial guinea in the near future. according to the kremlin press service, they will discuss the status and prospects in various areas of the development of russia’s relations with the states of central africa. the kremlin commented on the new stage of the fight against everything russian in ukraine. after the demolition of monuments and renaming of streets, the kiev regime took up ballet. the works of the classics were banned. many artists are forced to go abroad even for rehearsals. press secretary
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president dmitry peskov called folded. kiev, this is a continuation of this absolute psychosis, the kiev regime continues to demonstrate its essence in this way, probably from time immemorial it is known that some kind of ignoring of culture, especially a culture that is inextricably linked with ukraine, is absurd, this is stupidity, well now the kiev authorities are doing it. now to the situation in the special operations zone. on the front line , our tankers show high performance in carrying out combat missions. on the ground, work is carried out in pairs, from attacks from the air, russian units defend the tori. air defense anti-aircraft missile systems are capable of detecting targets at a distance of 30 km, from the krasnolimansk direction, report by our correspondent, alexey baranov. moving near the line of combat
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contact. they try to move through the forest all the time, only when necessary they go to such open areas of the terrain, this is a group of tanks of the central military district working in the serebryansky forestry. a tank carousel is when one tank fires, the entire ammo, goes to reloading, another tank arrives instead and starts shooting off its ammunition. the effectiveness lies in the fact that the enemy does not have time to do anything. even stick your head out. actions in the krasnoliman direction are in full swing. tankers fire in pairs, covering each other. the air defense unit of the central military district provides cover from possible air attacks. this
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thor air defense system works most often. unmanned aerial vehicle, the unit commander talks only about some of the techniques of this work, i had to work on all types of drones, these are lileks. quantity, sometimes they tell me approximately what azimuth is and where the target will fly from. alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, khaled tankiev, news, line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, red-lebanese direction. the kiev regime uses the methods of terrorists, stated the official representative of mida maria. commenting on the artillery shelling of donetsk, their victims were employees of the ministry of emergency situations, and russians were also among the wounded journalists. the diplomat noted that the militants deliberately fired a second salvo to kill people who had gathered at the site of the first strike.
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just the day before yesterday, as a result of another shelling by ukrainian militants of civilian infrastructure in donetsk, three izvestia employees were seriously injured; miraculously they were not injured; tas journalists also found themselves under fire. and the zvezda tv channel did not arrive to cover the consequences of rocket salvoes at the railway station and were hit by repeated shelling, that is, the ukrainian military they deliberately waited a pause in order to guarantee a casualty among the arrivals, to eliminate the consequences of the first strike of rescuers, doctors and journalists, who does this, is this combat conducted by a regular army, this is how a terrorist acts. maria zakharova also commented on the statement of the international olympic committee, where they opposed collective responsibility and stated that israeli athletes should not
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be responsible for the actions of the country's government. we demand from the international olympic committee a clear and unequivocal refusal to the practice of double standards, strict application to all athletes without exception, for any reason, equal treatment. we strongly insist on the restoration of the rights of all russian and belarusian athletes who have suffered from deliberate politicization by the international sports agenda committee. failure to comply with our demands will mean an unequivocal admission by the leadership of the international olympic committee that its actions towards russian and belarusian athletes were initially dictated by considerations. discrimination and segregation on political, national and ethnic grounds. now a short advertisement, then to the situation in
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free delivery, a scooter without extra expenses. the israeli defense forces are attacking hamas targets in the gaza strip, as reported by the idf press service; weapons workshops, warehouses, and launch sites were hit. also in the department claim that the israeli military has broken through the first line of hamas defense in the north of the strip. all the latter, but nevertheless, now a lot of videos and photos from the ground from inside the gas sector are being published so that by reference points, by noticeable buildings, comparing them with satellite images, one can try to create a map of captured bridgeheads, or such bridgeheads now three or two, if the northern groups have already been united, are marching on the streets of the city of gaza. the soldiers show courage and determination,
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without deviating from the intended goals. the idf is moving towards the complete defeat of hamas. one has to pay a considerable price for victory, and i share the grief of the families of those who have lost loved ones; the dead are the children of all of us. more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition were dropped on gorodgaza, thousands of targets were hit, thousands of terrorists were eliminated, from ordinary militants to senior hamas commanders. in addition to territorial conquests, there has been success in eliminating warlords. kamaz, of course, together with regular army units, are now working in the gas sector and intelligence, in order to look for those captured. the best specialists will work with professionalism and dedication every minute to fulfill our moral duty to bring the hostages home. just this week we saw an example of the success of these efforts with the rescue of soldier uri migidish as a result of a brave, resourceful and determined operation by our forces. hamas' reaction was as if they weren't holding back. reflects the level of pressure
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they are experiencing, yesterday it became known that four countries immediately announced the recall of their ambassadors from the jewish states, if the first such country, bolivia, was accused of surrendering to terrorists and allegedly even supporting the murder of 1,400 israelis, then by the fourth in the country, by this morning, the degree of rhetoric is already significant, israel regrets the decision of the jordanian government to recall its ambassador for the attack by hamas, an organization that killed 10,400 israelis and kidnapped 240 women, children, babies and the elderly. israel is targeting hamas terrorists, the organization's infrastructure, which uses peaceful the population of the gas sector is like a living brush. well, with whom israel has complete mutual understanding, from where they receive full support, it is from the authorities of western countries , the united states, of course, in the first place, but everything is more difficult with international organizations, it is already known that
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last week the israeli foreign ministry quarreled with the united nations, with the secretary general of this organization, with amnesty international, with a private, but also international satellite company. elon musk, well, now the scandal has reached the red cross. i talked to today president of the red cross, migliana spoljarici, and made an immediate demand that she visit the hostages in gaza and provide them with the necessary medical care. i told her that if the red cross could not visit the hostages held by the terrorist organization hamas, it had no reason to exist. the red cross must act decisively to ensure the safety and health of the hostages, including women and children and holocaust survivors, who were abducted by hamas in defiance of all international norms. only hamas knows exactly how many hostages there are and who they are; according to israeli intelligence, at the moment there are only 240 people and probably six russians among them. alexey glavkoy, konstantin piunov, vesti israel. a new group of dual
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citizens arrived at the rafah checkpoint on the border between the gaza strip and egypt. the arab media reported this; all they have to do is pass through the checkpoint. more than 500 people are citizens of 15 countries. our special correspondent will tell you what the situation in the gas sector itself is, stanislav bernwalt. shelling continues in the gas sector, both in the south and in the north; most of all, it hits the center, where sakhalo is conducting a ground operation. let me remind you that the day before israel launched a second attack on the jabaliya refugee camp. as a result of the first strike, more than 400 people were killed and injured. yesterday, also, several dozen people were buried alive under the rubble, dozens died on the surface, the israeli military responded that they were hitting the hamas underground tunnel systems, although they knew that the majority of people in the camp
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there are women and children, here under these rubble there are children and women , we have no equipment, we can’t do anything , we can’t dig, they all died, even if there was someone alive there, we were moved as children to this area, we thought it was safe here, but it turned out that the enemy doesn’t care who they shoot at, soldiers or ordinary people, where we should go, what israel and america want from us, aren’t there enough casualties yet? this is a real massacre, the whole area was destroyed, the whole area with the people in it was destroyed, with the people who came here in seeking refuge, they were all cut to pieces, an area where there was not a single armed person. we ask the world to support us. russia is waiting for a signal from egypt to evacuate the citizens of our country through the kpf rafah. this was stated by the ambassador of the russian federation to israel, anatoly viktorov. according to him, there are currently 600 russian citizens on the list; they will be taken out as soon as the border between egypt and the gas sector is opened. meanwhile
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, the first 76 seriously wounded from the gaza strip who crossed the border into egypt were taken to al-arisha hospital, a man a completely minuscule number, now hundreds of hundreds of people need to be evacuated, negotiations are underway to ensure that this corridor is open longer and could accept more heavy people so that they can be given first aid, at the same time as the expansion of ground maneuvers in gas, hamas showed footage of destruction israeli tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. palestinian grenade launchers made a sortie from one of the tunnels and...
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the arab street does not subside in all middle eastern cities, there are protest rallies, rallies in support of the palestinian people in turkey, the rally also... several hundred people attended, gathered at the american embassy, ​​chanting the death of america, israel is a killer, america is a killer, and accordingly, as always, this happens here in the middle east, they burn the flags of israel and the united states and demand from their government to go to war against israel in order to protect the people of palestine. stanislav bernaval, andrey potap to lead. moscow calls to stop the bloodshed in the middle east and prevent the crisis from engulfing the entire region, about this stated the permanent representative of russia vasily nebenzik. at an emergency special session of the un general assembly. the diplomat emphasized: the united states is trying to get the security council to approve
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the ground operation, which, according to nibenzi , cannot be done. we do not deny israel the right to fight terrorism. but fight terrorists, not civilians. otherwise, you yourself take the side of evil and act using its own methods. the jewish people, who have suffered for many centuries from the death of innocents for the sake of blind bloody retribution, will not help restore justice in france detained a couple who were painting stars of david on the walls, according to local media, a man and a woman, immigrants from moldova. according to the prosecutor's office, they acted on behalf of a third party. the detainees were in an illegal situation; it was decided to deport them. manifestation. tism in the fifth republic intensified against the backdrop of the palestinian-israeli conflict. in recent days, stars of david have appeared on the facades of dozens of houses in paris.
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in this regard, the police are looking for another couple. visit space and walk around a park with an area of ​​more than 300 hectares. watch how new metro cars are built, miniature paintings and the famous kolominskaya marshmallow are created. the moscow region is preparing for the opening of the scale. exhibitions of the russia forum at the vdd. all regions of the country will present their achievements there. alexandra perfilyeva found out what else will surprise the moscow region. 2 days before the start, almost everything is ready for the international exhibition forum russia at vdnkh. not only federal executive authorities and foreign companies are participating, but also 89 regions russia. for example, like this. this is what the moscow region stand looks like. the moscow region has a unique idea: the regional management center. this is a place where all
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information and big data flow to manage different industries and make effective decisions. this may concern healthcare, forestry, agriculture, housing and communal services, anything. and we decided, since there are a lot of young people and children here at the russian exhibition, to make a computer game on this topic. prototype interactive game electronic platform virtue, which uses. take care of the yard, sort out rubbish rubble, feel, in fact, touch this daily work that all the people of the moscow region do, in the center of the exhibition there are three doors, behind which video capsules are virtually located, now let’s go into the first door, so the passage of the operator, here guests of the stand can see all the achievements of the moscow region, for example, now we find ourselves
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in malevich park, its area is more than 300 hectares. a total of 20 objects are presented in the moscow region, when you open the door of one of three video capsules equipped with 3d graphics, you don’t know where exactly you will end up. for example, guests of the stand can even get to a secret place that is not on the maps, but exactly. the path to space begins there, it seems to me that star city begins with the first group of cosmonauts, this is 1960, more than 130 soviet and russian cosmonauts were trained in star city, boris valynov is a pilot-cosmonaut of the first set, he remembers the first parachute jump and how they lived next door to yuri gagarin, there were about twenty of us there. i live in the house in which we shared with yuri gagarin, he himself offered me a neighbor, i didn’t refuse,
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because we knew each other well, we played volleyball together, we had a couple like that, he was a passer, i was an attacker, and behind the other door of the video capsule is a whole world of advanced technologies in the field of mechanical engineering, for example, visitors to the stand will be able to watch the creation of new metro cars; at the stand of the moscow region, with the help of a video capsule, you can make a bright and an educational journey through our huge production without leaving the capital. another video gallery will virtually take visitors to one of the ancient centers of original russian creativity, the fedoskino miniature painting factory. the most experienced craftsman, ninety-year-old nona iosifovna, is preparing a unique box especially for the exhibition. mistress of the copper mountain. i’m already preparing for this exhibition, it seems to me
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that it deserves to be at the exhibition, and viewers can also get to see the production of bedding in the count or the production of rocket technology in korolev, also for six months, speakers from the moscow region, journalists, actors, athletes, farmers will speak here every day; the russia forum exhibition will open its doors on november 4, national unity day. alexander perfileva, mikhail averenkov and dmitry timofeev, lead. in the amur region, the main air gates of the region have been prepared for winter. blagoveshchensky airport switched to winter schedule. and at the same time coped with constant flight delays, for this i had to change the carrier, soon the city residents will be able fly from the amur region directly to sochi. the airport will begin accepting wide-body aircraft. what is being done for this? alexey shcherbakov will tell you more. a wide-winged iron colossus cuts through the morning fog
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and comes in to land on board almost 90 people who have flown to the regional center from stoli. with the weather we see snow vladivostok +11 sun, warm, tell me how you got there? but the flight was great, i liked everything very much, the plane was convenient, comfortable, at the helm of this cozy domestic superjet was konstantin bednov, a pilot in the far east i’ve never been before, but now, he says, there will be a good opportunity to get to know and see our region better, by the way, almost zero visibility this morning did not affect the flight in any way, map, navigation, everything. this is all there, we don’t need visibility in principle, we’ve long wanted to visit, see the cities, and that is, we are sitting in vladivostok, yuzhnosalinsk , such a new challenge, yes, long distances, you fly so beautiful landscapes, you have time to notice, well, of course, this the flight was the first
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for the new air carrier in the amur region, it the company has changed due to plane delays, which many amur residents complained about in the summer, flights to vladivostok and back were postponed... for several days, now the problem should be a thing of the past, in addition, on an ongoing basis it will be possible to travel from the regional center to yuzhno-sakhalinsk, to krasnoyarsk increased the number of flights. previously , it was possible to fly from blagoveshchensk to krasnoyarsk every day, but only in the evenings; now morning flights have been added in this direction on some days, and, if earlier only boeing carried passengers; now airbuses and superjet are also taking to the skies. an increase in the number of air carriers, the opening of new destinations and the ability to receive ships. greater capacity has a positive effect on the dynamics of passenger traffic. last year it amounted to 843,000 people, in the future the figure will be even higher. we are preparing to receive wide-bodied aircraft, since the construction of a new runway is now in its final stage, it will be able to accommodate all types of aircraft without restrictions, there is already information that for example, next summer season,
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sales of aircraft between blagoveshchensk and sochi are already open. it will be a widebody. plane, and just those same planes that many here are waiting for. in the near future, the blagoveshchensk airport itself, on behalf of the presidential envoy to the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev, will undergo a large-scale renovation. the construction of the international terminal has already begun, and workers are now laying the foundation. at the same time, concreting of another pier is underway. the air harbor will acquire an updated and modern look in the spring of 2025 year, which means it will be even more comfortable for amur residents to fly, and the region will become more accessible and attractive for tourists. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, news, amur
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