tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 November 6, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK
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which can be translated as equality and equity, without it there is no point in sitting down at the negotiating table. alexandrsky, nikolai petrov, valeria makhovy and marina lazareva, news of the week, china. today in st. petersburg they said goodbye to yuri temerkanov, a musician of world fame, a bright personality, he left... november 2, in his eighty-fifth year. the farewell took place in the large hall of the philharmonic, which yuri khatuevich, temerkanov led , considered his home for many years. from st. petersburg, ekaterina fisenko. queue at the philharmonic in st. petersburg familiar, but so huge, mournful, for the first time, people are seeing off yuri timerkanov and his era, and for many, many who came, the maestra was the embodiment of leningrad. and
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st. petersburg and music. yuri khatoevich was a great man for us, for our service, for our activities, we took his example in many ways and to carry out the last path is our sacred duty. in the large hall of the philharmonic , yuri temerkanov’s relatives kept in touch with his kabbordino-balkarian relatives all his life, but the first word of his musician, the honored group of russia is performed temerkanov's beloved tchaikovsky. the fifth symphony, a piercing look and the kindest smile that cannot be forgotten, he loved his orchestra immensely, an amazing sense of music , an amazing ability to control the musicians, for everyone he was a dear person, how much he gave not only with his hands, not only with his body, with his face, more than fifty times i played scheherizazada with him, he told me, tell me a fairy tale, he told his fairy tale fantastically, this is how the maestro was, as if
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he was not conducting, but dancing, this is someone else temerkanov, leningrad symphony , temerkanov conducts with tightly clenched fists, his every movement is like crossing out the blockade of the war, he puts an end to it and powerlessly closes his eyes, for more than an hour of performance. temerkanov ends this war, his military childhood in a small nalchik, his mother is an illiterate mountain woman, his father is the head of the arts department , nimirovich, danchenko, prokofiev, their house saw such guests, and a tragedy that decades later he could not talk about without tears. my father joined the partisans, it was party assignments, though they had them.
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in my opinion, for three, yes, but he was betrayed, he was 31 years old when he was shot, his father managed to convey, through his older brother, let yura study, the violin came into his life, as if by accident, but by the age of 13, everyone in nalchik knew , talent is growing, in order to be able to play the notes , as timerkanov said, you need to live such an honest life, deeply dedicated to art, and he himself... and his orchestra are a phenomenon on a global scale, his music sounded from heaven , he also directed the famous kirov theater, and this was the time when people went to leningrad specifically to hear onegin, the queen of spades, war and peace, boris godunov. the line-up was very interesting: maya mikhailovna plesetskaya, radion konstantinovichrin, maris sarvinovich, jansons, and you and me, yuri khatovich.
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unfortunately, we have never gathered in such a composition, i am seeing off a very close person, bright, friendly , strict in his work in the profession, but wonderful in communicating with him, it was good to drink red wine, talk about life, not only about music, about kindness and sincerity legends were formed about maestrarcanova, the entire cultural capital knew. interlocutor, each of his friends has his own favorite memory; the director of a large theater, visiting timerkanov, stayed in a hotel right across the road. the few meetings that i had in my life with him were in this very house , well, a very small episode, we went out and said goodbye, he said, no, i have to take you to the hotel, and the hotel is european.
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i say, yuri khatotrovich, where to take him, why? no, i have to bring you, with the last chord the orchestra descends from scenes, sat down musicians say goodbye to their teacher, who was a guide from the soul of the composer and to each guest , bravo, it was decided to bury yuri temerkanov in the cemetery in komarovo, there is a whole necropolis here and flowers, of course, are laid on other graves, anna akhmatova, dmitry likhachev , daniil granin, these people were the soul and conscience of leningrad and st. petersburg, and so was temerkanov. in memory of the maestro, the mariinsky theater today gives a free concert, conductor valery gergiev, a new cultural center in nalchik and a music school in st. petersburg, will bear the name of yuri temerkanov, wherever he was, the music began to sound differently.
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ekaterina fesenko, slema zareev, sergey ishchenko, alexey sasyrin, dmitry lukashevich, dmitry mishersky, news of the week, st. petersburg, this is news of the week, further in the program. how hitler and monerheim discussed the idea in greater finland and where the finnish sss nordost battalion fought, a unique chronicle. why the danish carlsberg was offended by the baltic, and how our pibavars will respond, and how they celebrate military intelligence day at the front. you know, such a thrill, when you start a tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i
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was completely crazy, seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well, ready, not ready, how is that not ready, as if always ready. just as women made a big contribution in the great patriotic war, so now women do a lot, here, where i am as a medic, for example, as a driver, i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in an office behind computer, when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you and says the word that we believe in you, it gives a lot, i will sit at home, do nothing, this is my land, i will protect it, i will not give it to anyone.
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slightly cool those who proposed to close the baltic to russia, close it completely. latvia edgars rinkevis. the answer was not long in coming. russian deputy foreign minister alexander grushko about the baltic sea. first, it will never turn into a nato inland sea. such figures of speech are used by lightweight politicians. i think those people who make decisions in nato and. sea for russia means closing the baltic sea to everyone. this was said without any heat. and so, just in case, for information, just don’t say later that you weren’t warned.
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if something happens, russia can do a lot to ensure the task of paralyzing the baltic for everyone, if someone really needs it. why, for example, place a flotilla of our corokurts right in lake ladour, the largest and deepest in europe. these small missile boats are equipped with missiles caliber, which, as we remember, reached syria from the caspian sea. if anyone doesn’t know, it’s almost 1,500 km. if from ladaga, then there is not so much of the entire baltic to the west; in the future, hypersonic zircon will appear near karakurt. also a 1000 km range, so the baltic will suddenly become completely quiet, if someone suddenly gets the idea to really close it for russia, this project will please only one person, greta thunberg, no motors on
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the water, no, no mission at all almost elevated, one way or another, let's see how the situation is the baltic will: develop in the future, for now finland surprises here, a country that in my memory was very friendly to us, extracted colossal... economic benefits from good neighborliness, from the construction of icebreakers on soviet orders at the värtzel shipyard and the production of paper from russian birch, before receiving energy supplies at our domestic prices to the ussr of literally everything, building materials, women's boots and men's suits, huge quantities of cheese, yogurt and juices in tetrapak bags. we 're not talking about tourism. now finland is literally building a wall on the border from us. it’s hard to imagine more stupidity, but a fact is a fact. dmitry
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pishchukhin for more details. just a couple of hours by car from st. petersburg, here it is, finland. the locals never perceived the neighboring country as a foreign country; they loved to come here for fishing, to buy finnish goods, and simply to get a schengen visa. until recently, border russian and finnish cities lived exclusively due to... mutual tourist flow, shops, gas stations, real estate, all the infrastructure that was created based on tourists are depopulated, currency exchange offices are not working, border cafes, gas stations where tourists stop are closed, of course, well, with neighbors, especially with such a large country, you have to be friends, but how can you be right here, right next to them, this is what finnish looks like lapiranta on the border with russia, now the shopping areas are empty, it went bankrupt, thousands of finns have lost their jobs. they
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are also suffering, everything was closed for them too, a lot of shops in finland were closed, a lot of people were left without work. addiction finland's economy is stronger from russia than any other eu country. there are strong connections left over from soviet times, tourism, brisk trade, and most importantly geography. of course, in eastern finland people live in some kind of hope that the border. tourism will resume, economic growth has stopped, finland is plummeting. owners of finnish real estate from russia were first closed off from which they used to pay utility bills, and then the entry rules were tightened as much as possible. now the houses of our compatriots are threatened with confiscation. on recently, finnish police conducted searches on the island of kota saari, which belongs to russian businessman igor kisaev. this is a catastrophic situation, it is necessary to open it. so that people have jobs, so that more tourists come here, everyone has a good time. the finnish authorities not only
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consistently break ties, but also literally fence off the relationship. the other day , border guards reported on the construction of the first section of the fence. the service life of the fence is estimated at 50 years, surveillance cameras and technology will be installed every 50 m updated every 10 years. the first 3 km are on the south-eastern border of finland. it will be built in the next 5 years. another 260 km. 139 million euros have been allocated in the budget for this. in total, the finns plan to fence off the entire 1,300 km of the border. a three-meter high fence with barbed wire will be equipped with dugouts and bunkers that can withstand even a direct hit from an artillery shell. the test section of the fence has already cost the finnish budget 6 million euros, but so far it only interferes with the seasonal migration of wild animals. finland is not understood. at all the scale of this russophobic campaign against russia, that when it hits
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finland, no one replaced the russians, neither the germans, nor the italians, nor other foreigners replaced them, so naturally, tourism and trade dropped very much. the most important water trade route from finland to russia, the saimaa canal, is also mothballed today, it was built for the timber trade, and trade flourished from our birch, finns. made paper and sold it all over the world. now finnish companies are left without raw materials for their production, but we discovered new markets. in the border department they sorted, now they not only process the wood, but also assemble ready-made houses on a turnkey basis. we have a workload for 2 months ahead, production is only growing, we will be building a second plant. and that's it. the wood processing enterprise found buyers for its raw materials in china, malaysia and
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korea; wood has to be transported across the whole country, but new partners compensate for logistics costs. while finnish companies that relied on russian tourism are going bankrupt, neighboring karelia, on the contrary, is experiencing an unprecedented tourism boom. we have something to show, we have the valam archipelago - this is part of our city, we have the russian... it is incredibly beautiful, new hotels and restaurants have appeared, new points of attraction are opening, such as the serdobol youth center on the picturesque shore of lake ladazhskoe, the center became a meeting place. not only children, but also parents, astronomy, design, cooking, here everyone can find something interesting for themselves, all classes are free, the center has breathed new life into the city, in a year the flow of guests to sortali increased 10 times. dmitry pishukhin, evgeny kostin, alexander borushkov, alexandra kolkova and
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galina orlova, lead the week, russian finnish border, well, let's continue the finnish theme, despite... the myth widespread in modern finnish historiography that participation in the attack on the ussr after the start of the great patriotic war, it was for the finns a continuation of the winter war, to return lost territories, historical facts indicate the opposite. the main goal of the russian occupation policy of the finns was the creation ethnically pure greater finland. after the red army advanced in 1944 and reached the old state border of the ussr, finland prayed for a change. on september 19, 1944 in moscow, the moscow armistice was signed between finland, the ussr and great britain, where they would go without it. according to it, finland left the war and took
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upon itself the obligation to begin military operations against german troops. in 948, the ussr and finland entered into an agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. thus began a period of long prosperity for the neutral finland, and since then it has not been customary to remember the crimes committed by fins in the soviet union at the official level. however, if we still turn around for the purity of relations, then at the beginning of 1941 the state information service in finland released. the book, the living space of finland, is about the fact that after the victory of nazi germany in the second world war, a new state will appear on the map of europe, greater finland, borders from the gulf of finland to the white sea. the composition of the neoplasm with the help of the german reich was supposed
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include not only all of eastern karelia, the kola peninsula, a significant part of the leningrad and pskov regions. but all of estonia, as well as the north-eastern regions of sweden and norway. the contents of the book were approved by the ministry of propaganda and the ministry of foreign affairs of the third reich. on the recommendation of these departments, quotes from the speeches of adolf hitler were added to the russian opus. about the bright period of the finnish-german brotherhood and its nature, especially for the news of the week, the editor-in-chief of the history channel. june 4, 1942. a german film magazine reports: adolf hitler is heading to finland on a one-day visit. he wants to personally congratulate the commander-in-chief of the finnish army, marshal manerheim, on his seventieth birthday.
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hitler is accompanied on his trip by the chief of the high command. the caucasus remains in a matter of weeks. on the eve of the decisive battles in the east, hitler decided to demonstrate to his finnish allies that he valued their contribution to the fight against soviet russia. landung auf einem flugplatz hinter der finnischen. hitler was warmly greeted by finnish president ristaryuti. after the attack on the ussr, he joyfully told the germans that his main dream was the destruction of leningrad. ryti even prepared a speech that was planned
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to be broadcast on the radio on the day of the fall of the northern capital of russia. other finnish leaders were also well aware of hitler's plans to wipe leningrad off the face of the earth. manerheim met hitler on the cape of the island of saimaa. a train with two restaurant cars arrived here, in which tables were set for the festive dinner. at fur's request. only vegetarian dishes were prepared for him: asparagus soup, vegetable pudding and fruit salad. as a gift, hitler brought the birthday boy a large gold cross of the order of merit of the german eagle. congratulating manner heim on his birthday, hitler said that he
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admired the courage of the finnish soldiers and was glad that such a brave people were fighting on the side of germany. thanking the fuhrer for the honor, manarheim replied that he , for his part, was shocked by the power of german weapons and added: i hope that... already this year, in the name of a good goal, to neutralize the plague and barbaric herd of the bolsheviks. after the banquet hitler had an informal conversation with mannheim. the führur traditionally complained about the terrible russian climate and the russians' ability to produce huge numbers of tanks. and people who understand each other well, and the main plot of their conversation was that they could not understand why they could not defeat the soviet union. manerheim
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fully shared hitler's views on the future of russia. it was supposed to disappear as a single independent state under the blows of a united europe. the liberated lands were supposed to be settled by the germans and were given order to create special concentration camps for the russian population in the finnish-occupied territories of the ussr. here are rare newsreels. they were filmed in karelia shortly after its liberation from the finnish occupiers. this is one of the many concentration camps created by the finns on soviet territory. on july 8, 1941, manerheim gave his troops
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an order that stated: the russian population should be taken into custody and transported to concentration camps. on the lands cleared of slavs, it was planned to create ethnically pure state, greater finland. the exact number of soviet citizens exterminated by the finnish occupiers in karelia is still unknown. according to the state commission, more than 7,000 people were killed in six concentration camps in petrozavodsk alone. in finland they really don’t like to remember the heinous crimes committed. armies in occupied soviet territories during the second world war. one of the main myths of finnish historiography says that the alliance with
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hitler was needed only in order to regain lands lost during the winter war. but historical facts and documents indicate the opposite. finland was a full-fledged and devoted ally of nazi germany, which pursued several goals in this war. among them are russia and the seizure of ancestral russian lands in the north for their inclusion in greater finland. after hitler came to power, manerheim established close contacts with the leaders of the third reich. he developed a particularly trusting relationship with reix marshal hermann gerring. this footage was filmed in 1940. during their meeting in germany, on gerring's orders, looted valuables from all over europe were brought here to his estate. having given
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manarheim a box of the best french champagne, the hospitable owner boasted that another 35,000 bottles were stored in the cellars of his estate. therefore, he will not be bored for the rest of his life. before the war. came to gerring in 1934 and 37. together they hunted and discussed issues of military cooperation. at this time, secret contacts of the finnish elite with the nazis reached unprecedented intensity. in june 1939, the head of german military intelligence, admiral canaris, secretly visited finland. to the results. was the signing of an agreement on the opening of an abwehr intelligence center on finnish territory. following him , the chief of the general
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staff of the ground forces came to finland. he inspected military installations along the soviet border, where demonstration artillery firing was held especially for him. at this time, the finnish border was only 32 km from the center of leningrad. understanding what this threatens in the case of of the coming war, and what is 32 km, this is one throw and leningrad would have been captured , the task was to push the border, the finns did not agree to this, this led to the winter war, they lost the sample and the entire karelian isthmus, the entire ladoga region, stalin’s decision to push back border away from leningrad, it turned out to be very timely, in march 1940, 1941
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, the head of the main department of the sss, gotlep berger, officially invited the finnish authorities to begin the formation of national military units of the sss. this idea was warmly supported by mannerheim’s entire leadership of soomi, including the president and prime minister. so, finland became the only one. in the world, which not only voluntarily allowed german troops into its territory, but of its own free will began to form ss military units. one of the most famous finnish sss saboteurs, lauri törni, is buried at the famous arlington military cemetery in washington. during the war, he carried out sabotage in
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the soviet union; in 1944, terne transferred his service to the germans. for his distinction in battles against the red army, he was awarded the iron cross, second class. after the war, he fled to the usa, where he larry thorne was accepted into service in the american special forces. he died in 1965 in vietnam while participating in another reconnaissance mission. today he is the only member honored to lie next to american presidents, military astronauts at arlington national cemetery. in 2004, according to the results of voting by finnish television viewers, the former ssslauri was second on the list.
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have you flown before? there were a lot of things i hadn’t done before, but then i did. dream, fly with me, will you promise now and not take it? not i’ll take it, all my life, i’m waiting until we can just talk to you, doesn’t want to hear anyone but myself, we can’t put it off , we’re preparing a flight, it’s hard to keep up with the person,
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dad, i... i want you, who’s trying to catch the wind, everyone i write a letter to him every day, and then, when he returns, i give him mine, and he goes to the storm, why are you pestering me, what do you want, let him go down, where, i worry every time when he leaves, but he is coming back, he promised me, the wind remover, come on, fedor, hold on. got used to it watch videos online, stopped working , install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries , watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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