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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 6, 2023 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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a roadside village in the prokhladninsky district of the kabardino-balkarian republic, the morning on the farm begins with milking, each time accompanied by music from the radio, i am the farmer here.
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the herd is quite large, 37 cows, 22 of them are milking cows. previously, sapiyat managed them manually, now there is automation, but there is still a lot of hassle. alim is the head of the family and the owner of the farm; he is one of those people whom old age will not find at home. quiet retirement, dominoes and backgammon on the boulevard are not his style. everything is good, the charm is good, the rowan tree is in its place, like in the park and like from one sofa to another. sofa warm one side before lunch, and then after lunch the other, i won’t be able to do this, even if i sell, i’ll leave, i think how i’ll be, i ’ll be bored, without a horse, without a dog, without a cat, a dairy farm is private alim’s farm, and his main job is the caretaker of the orsitelny canal, a fifteen-kilometer section certified to him, alim has been supervising for 37 years, the meaning, but not the image
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, is immediately obvious, an object of the national economy, no joke, there are night alerts with long trips when necessary clear the jam, otherwise water will rush into the fields, nevertheless, the caretaker carries out the routine watch with inspiration, when the work is going normally , it’s pleasant in the soul, there are no accidents, nothing, of course, it’s a little short, sometimes it’s an hour at night when you have to leave. to regulate the water, there was flooding there, there was a jam, but there was nothing without it, we got used to everything, and this is that even when you get tired, it happens that sometimes you get very tired, then the cattle are not right, then they are capricious, and so on, then illness, they need to be treated, get up at night, look, and you think, this is all a testing moment, you think to yourself, but so in fact i’m happy to myself, i think so. despite the fact that agriculture
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is the basis of the economy of cabbordino balkaria, its industrial potential is playing an increasingly prominent role in the life of the republic. under the conditions of sanctions , clothing production began to develop, for example, the factories of the voen-textilprom company. one of them opened in the city of baksan. the flagship enterprise avangard factory is located in nalchik, with an area of ​​more than 8,000 m2. the latest equipment, fully automated process, own training and production facilities center for training personnel from scratch and advanced training. all this allows us to produce large volumes of products ordered by the ministry of defense and the ministry of emergency situations of russia. in total , the company, included in the register of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, employs more than 1,000 people. we work for the defense industry, we produce clothing for the ministry of defense and for the ministry of emergency situations, more than... 130 items, tank suits
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, field suits, military medical clothing, hospital clothing, bed linen, well, because us like this focus, all the products that we produce must be made only from fabrics, to be more precise, from high-tech fabrics of russian production, supplied from different regions of the country, which made it possible to master, among other things, the production of high-quality children's clothing. and here it is important to note that in creating its own innovative materials, dino balkaria has succeeded far beyond the boundaries of light industry. one of the obvious trends of the 21st century is the gradual abandonment of natural materials and their replacement with polymer composites, which are widely used in any field of activity, from medicine and the space industry to the manufacture of furniture and floor tiles. every year, humanity produces and consumes more than 32 million tone-positions. balkar state
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university contributed to the development of the in-demand industry. kbgu technologies have existed since 2017, but it traces its pedigree to the laboratory created in the 60s of the century by the outstanding soviet scientist professor abdullah mikitaev, whose scientific heritage turned out to be so rich that it is not only preserved, but also significantly increased in the works of his students. recently , the center created a composite material with anti-disinfecting properties, from which handrails in public transport and window frames can be effectively made. a barrier to tuberculosis and covid; in addition, together with colleagues from st. petersburg , they have developed materials that are 10 times stronger and at the same time twice as light as aluminum, and they can be used in the temperature range from -195 to +230°. we are engaged in
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including the synthesis of materials that are promising for aviation, space, medicine, mechanical engineering, railways, and so on. since the materials are very strong, very light, do not dissolve in anything except sulfuric acid , and do not corrode, they are in demand in almost all areas, but since imported materials are not available in our country now, we have developed our own domestic technologies for producing such materials , and naturally, they are much cheaper than imported ones. and continuing the topic of medicine, perinatal center of the ministry of health kabordin of the balkar republic. the latest equipment and highly qualified staff allow it to remain year after year in the top ten perinatal centers in the country, where a significant reduction in infant and maternal mortality has been noted. we grab the nose , the genus and the chin, an indicator that here
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they strive to reduce to zero, paradoxically, this depends not only on the level of medicine, a special role is played by the traditional strong institution of the family in the region. not only do they attend motherhood school. women, they involve members of their family, we only welcome this, classes are held regularly, at the request of women, we plan the topic, these groups are staffed by psychologists and social workers, and a lawyer if necessary, we have babies who are born with extremely low birth weight bodies, receive all the necessary help, and their survival rate is 82, this is a very good indicator, but we do not stop there, one of the records our republic had was 33 in one day babies were born, if on average there are 20-23
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children, then there was a day when 33 little people were born, this was the birth this year, yes, this year it was. apples, among the many fruits grown on the territory of the republic, claim to be the most recognizable emblem of agriculture. for more than 12 years, kabardino balkaria has maintained the status of one of the best subjects of the russian federation in establishing intensive and super-intensive apple orchards. the area of ​​which grows annually by 15-200 g. next the first stage of the program was the emergence of enterprises where apples are processed extremely carefully, without loss of beneficial properties. for the fifth year , the ecofood factory has been operating in the city of northkola, where
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it produces apple marshmallow from ether using traditional technology, without the use of flavor enhancers and artificial colors. the winner here is probably productivity, natural raw materials that can be used in sufficient quantities, and there is no chemistry, there are no... no secrets, so people can get good products without worry that there will be some additional ingredients, we also use these products in our diet, so no one lives against themselves, so why these experiments? not every apple is worthy of sale from the counter, sometimes the appearance is disappointing, the color is unclear, but it contains vitamins c, iron and... actin no less than in geometrically ideal fruits, the cabal plant growing enterprise not only maintains its own gardens with an area of ​​247 hectares and eight modern fruit storage facilities with the ability to package product calibration, but also effectively uses a high-tech production complex
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for fruit processing with a capacity of 240 tons per day. here they make applesauce for baby food, the production of juices and candies , a seemingly simple procedure is actually a very creative process, this is of course a mechanical process, but without the experience of specialists we would not be able to achieve such a final product, because no two apples are alike, we at the entrance we mix the apples depending on the variety, color, solids content and acidity, so that the end result is such a tasty, healthy product. in addition, kavardino balkaria is the leader in the production of canned fruits and vegetables among the northwestern regions of the russian federation. about 500,000 tons of various vegetables are harvested here every year, which makes it possible to produce more than 350 million conventional cans of canned products. the green company enterprise produces peas. beans and corn, 15% of the total russian market. the project with a 1.5 billion
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investment has fully justified itself, creating hundreds of jobs. meanwhile in chegem in july 2023, the launch of the first stage of a greenhouse complex for the production of greenhouse vegetables took place. the total project budget is more than 9 billion rubles, the production capacity is tens of thousands of tons of cucumbers and tomatoes grown all year round. all this is based on advanced agricultural technologies, such as automatic microclimate control, supplementary lighting, watering, and power systems. we believe that kabbardino balkaria makes a significant contribution, specifically in terms of vegetable production, today this is over 300,000 tons of canned goods, we occupy a large niche, on july 20 of this year, we introduced 37 hectares from a large project on closed ground, 100 hectares will be... seven have already been introduced, in general this is a plus, this complex alone will give us about 50,000 tons. advances
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in crop production were reflected in the livestock industry. the economy of kabardino-balkaria fully covers the republic’s milk needs; it produces about 600,000 tons of it per year. pasture on the spurs of elbrus, the purest melt water and a sufficient amount of investment make it possible to create a product that in large cities central russia is classified as premium, although for the northern... caucasus it is a familiar quality standard, unshakable, like the way of life itself. of the products that we make, they all have practically a short shelf life, that is, we do not make uht products with a long shelf life, we get milk, we process everything, and in fact, what we sell, people accept, people take, people like it, there is already a turn in the market, products with a short shelf life are more useful. neutrino sounds like a name
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a settlement somewhere in italy, and this is a settlement, it has an indirect connection with italy. but more about this later, first about the fact that neutrinos are the most mysterious of the known elementary particles; they are studied here in a very unusual place in kabordino-balkaria, where scientists are entitled to benefits for working high in the mountains, but deep underground. where we will now penetrate. every second, tens of billions of neutrinos emitted by the sun pass through every square centimeter of the human body. but we don't feel it. big of them part flies through the visible part of the universe without interacting with anything. and yet it is impossible to neglect this invisible neutral even more than the neutron. she is an active participant in nuclear reactions, so there is a real hunt for her, but only deep underground. where it is possible to achieve extremely low background radiation levels necessary for key research
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in the field of neutrino physics, all developed countries are actively creating new or expanding existing underground laboratories, even the term underground physics has become established. if we are going to study the sun optically, everything that happens inside the sun comes to the surface after thousands, maybe millions of years, that is, if we look at the sun, what is happening inside, we will see at most only what has been happening for thousands or millions of years ago, and you look deep, we are trying to look deep, we have a very, very, very rare signal, some tasks must be waited for decades, and this is nalchik again, a children's academy of creativity , a sunny city, where it trains future space explorers and the russian elite. sciences, however, not only science. the academy is the largest educational institution in
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the north caucasus, part of which is a boarding lyceum for gifted children, and a center for additional education with more than 5,000 students aged 5 to 18 years. of course, there is a quantorium with the fashionable trends of robo, nano, it, but there is also something purely of its own, inherent in abordin balkaria. among the magpies. classrooms, laboratories and libraries, especially choreographic halls and a fine arts class mikhail shimyakin, and the music class of yuri timerkanov, they were here regularly for both kabordina balkaria is a small homeland, despite the fact that shimyakin was born in moscow. timerkanov is from nalchik, so here he will forever be remembered not only as an outstanding musician, a deep, wise man, but also as a real knight and dandy of his time, elegant, cheerful, with an amazing sense of humor. there are many quantum cubes and schools in the country
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equipped with the latest technology, but two such classes are only in nalchik. we are very we hope that children who attend one of the largest educational centers in the caucasus will, of course, return to us every year, and this shows our dynamics that the institution is in demand not only in terms of technical creativity, but also artistic orientation, where national nationalities are represented our dances and other styles are very, very much in demand among... our younger generation. this subtle connection of mutual respect was expressed by a monument to a teacher, recently opened in nalchik, in this case the first teacher, speaking literally, but in kabbardi nabaliya the very concept of “teacher” is usually understood more philosophically and comprehensively. in the city of
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nartkala, a station for young technicians named after zalim naloev has been operating since 1957. today, the work of his father, continues yuri naloev, who has preserved the legacy of the soviet period, when aircraft model karting , radio and photo circles were financed through the dusaf system and significantly diversified it, now an animation studio and a puppet theater are open here, yet the main task of the station for young technicians is to introduce children to technical creativity. northkala served as a reference point for dozens of regions of the country in this regard. it is here that the all-russian championships in aviation and automobile sports are held. everything that was previously condescendingly called hobby groups is now recognized as a professional orientation , but who said that hobbies cannot become a matter of life, for many this is a profession related to aviation, engineers, designers, university teachers, they also have a very rich life. , but nevertheless they do not forget, they come, they are high here
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technology, here and programming, here modern materials , including composite ones, are used, this is high technology... a sport, but our children look at them, follow them, and many then enter universities related to aviation, engineers, and become pilots. for the fifth year, the country has been implementing a national project on safe and high-quality roads, one of the flagships of which was kabargi in balkaria, where not only the support network was put in order, but much more was done. the very concept of a road as a potential source danger is rapidly disappearing into oblivion, and asphalt pavement has appeared even in hard-to-reach mountainous areas, which was simply unthinkable just a few years ago.
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all year round, since the preparatory period begins in winter, plus 4 billion rubles of investment, the latest asphalt concrete plants and road equipment, the result is quite natural. this year we are laying 150 km of new asphalt concrete pavement; in the next five years we will have 970 km of roads that have been brought into standard condition, in addition to territory of the republic, we have now been brought into compliance with the standard. 200 km of lighting this year will be plus 90 km, so in 5 years we will have almost 300 km of outdoor lighting. work is being carried out with pinpoint precision high in the mountains in areas with difficult terrain, and both local residents and tourists from distant regions of the country, who are increasingly
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using these same roads, are interested in this. we have such a highway, it is called, along the length. about 65 km, very difficult the object that we are implementing today, according to this program, a two-kilometer section is being implemented today, this is in the cramped area, where exactly the chigeem waterfalls are located, a full widening is underway, there are types of work that are being done today, these are lower retaining walls, in order to squeeze right here in the water, in the floodplain of the river, upper retaining walls are being made, the facility will be commissioned in 2024 and it is a two-kilometer long... section will be up to 10 m wide. well, the goal of this national project, of course, is safety, and today for this indicator, kabardino-balkaria has a leading position in sweat. january-august, this is a decrease of 42.9%, this is a very serious indicator of reducing mortality, this is the most important task, the second
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is, of course, ease of movement is the economy, today we are talking about the development of such areas as tourism, then also makes a big contribution. last year, more than 1,200,000 tourists visited kavardino-balkaria. in 2025, it is preparing to welcome more than 2 million guests, tens of kilometers of ski slopes, which today are significantly expanding due to the installation of new ski lifts, mud hospitals, hot springs, 450 lakes and more than 2000 rivers , crystal clear mineral and melt water, all this is widely known, but the most important thing remains outside the scope of statistical reports, this is the tranquility and aroma of the atakan garden, hot i want both cold ayran and the color of the clouds that lie like a cap on the spurs of elbrus. we arrived at the shed of the sheep farm. this is how
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people live and work at an altitude of 2,600 m. the first enemy is it's fog. but there are a lot of other problems, predators around cows need to be protected from them, which is not always possible. young animals number 12-13. a bear is a bear and there’s nothing you can do about it, well, a bear, he’s a cunning animal, you can’t just take him, homespun life, simple-looking food, but not a single restaurant in the world, even with three michelin stars, will serve you a fantastic zhau- baur, pies with mountain air and flatbread baked right in the hall will certainly not accompany serving with such a look. of course, very hard work, rain,
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snow, wind, slush, every day it’s the same thing, from morning until late evening, it’s not yet blooming in winter, they’re already kicking the lamb out of the cat, well, something still beckons here, doesn’t let go, beckons, of course, it’s not everyone can do this here, who are attached to animals, love animals, only such strong guys can only work here. everything is also a combination of hard work and absolute harmony with oneself, that on the ualima farm, where every morning the herd goes to the pasture and the faithful doll mare comes running when called, happiness is so short word, but the whole meaning of life is in this short word, as i understand it, thank god. combordina bulgaria, here i grew up, here i was drafted into the army, well, that’s probably how we were raised, our mother raised us alone, so that she would be pleased, in every possible way, you try to do
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so that, first of all, so that your mother would be pleased, not like you i’m tired or something like that, but to make your mother feel good, as if she constantly sees your every move, you can only get this job if you love this... there’s no other way to do this job, by chance here you can get there, of course, but you won’t be able to work for a long time, i like this work because it is connected with the study of nature, and to experience something unknown, with small steps we are advancing the front of science, i am very glad, very proud of what i had to do in my time it’s an honor to join the education system, i’ve been in it for more than 20 years with great pleasure, i rejoice at the success of my colleagues, and of course the success of our children, and believe me, in kabardino-balkaria, we have something to be proud of, there is someone to be proud of, someone to look up to, i like it
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this work, i like this responsibility, to pull up the team, to educate something, to energize them for some kind of victory, this is my element, and now in this republic i like to do something for my people, today we are creating workers places, and i like it too, it’s warm here, it’s beautiful, you’ve seen these mountains, how can you not love them? the most valuable, most expensive thing is , of course, a child, and the birth of a healthy child is expensive, and i am rightfully proud that there is such a center in our region, and it really declared himself at a very high level, and we are all doing a very necessary and important thing together. i really like my homeland, i don’t want to develop polymer chemistry anywhere else, if you want to do something from the heart, then it will always work out regardless. whether i have resources or not, i have this principle, i really hope that the youth who are now in my center will also educate their students and the boy will always be the center of polymer science, i am a rural
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guy, i was born in a village and live in a village , this paradise, paradise on earth, i think it’s the cabarna volkaria, well, for me it seems that the water, the forest, and the air, everything here is like in paradise, it’s probably comfortable here, i don’t want to go to the city, i don’t want to go to the city either i like it, just everything, our ancestors also said, maybe we don’t have oil, we don’t have gold, minerals, well, we have a set of rules that are called among the addygs, adyges khabza among... khartsev, adat, among the russians, values knowing how to make friends, everyone who lives in the republic, they rely on the value guidelines that were determined by our ancestors, here in the caucasus, in kabbardino-balkaria preserves all this in a special way, a set of rules and human values ​​have been written that allow us to be strong, strong, i am sure that as long as these values ​​are preserved, our
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children have a future. accordingly, in our country.
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several cities were left without power in the coastal region; the region was hit by a powerful cyclone, which brought snowstorms and freezing rain, and several streets were flooded. a report from our correspondent from the far east. the situation in the middle east, new attacks on american military bases in syria and iraq. in the gas sector during the day, idf fighters attacked 450 targets. about the situation in gas in the live broadcast of our special correspondent. voting results in moldova, the ruling forces are defeated in local elections. what slogans and promises did the opposition make? northern lights in the middle zone, disruptions in the operation of power systems, navigation and satellite communications, increased seismic activity. this night the earth was covered by a powerful magnetic storm, let's talk about the consequences.


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