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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 6, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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several cities were left without electricity in the coastal region, the region was covered by a powerful cyclone, which brought snowstorms and freezing rains, several streets were flooded, our correspondent reported from the far east. the situation in the middle east, new attacks on american military bases in syria and iraq. in the gas sector , 450 idf fighters attacked in 24 hours . our special correspondent will talk about the situation in gaza live. the results of voting in moldova, the ruling forces are defeated in local elections, what slogans and promises did the opposition make? northern lights in the middle zone, disruptions in the operation of power systems, navigation and satellite communications, increased seismic activity. this night the earth was covered by a powerful magnetic storm, let's talk about the afterbirth. in several
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settlements of primorye , power outages continue due to a powerful cyclone; it brought a blizzard and freezing rain to the region, and two monthly norms of precipitation have already fallen. several streets and roads are flooded in vladivostok. a state of emergency has been declared in the neighboring timber factory. my colleague, sergei komarov, will tell you more. weather continues to be unpredictable, like the whole day before, all city services are now on full alert and have been working since the morning. in 12 hours, more than 80 mm of precipitation fell in the city of vladivostok, and teams were formed, that is, all the places are low with flooding, as we all know, and they worked on them in advance, opened storm wells, two problem areas are now observed, this is our area lugovaya, and naberezhnaya street
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in the area of ​​the ocean cinema , the ocean cinema has already been drained, that is, the water has gone, there is a half-way passage, there is also a strong drop in water, passage is secured, today we were near the ocean cinema, we actually saw that work was being carried out there in the morning, now the water has really become less in that area, the situation has also improved on the meadow road, where we were this morning there were certain problems for traffic, in some places cars even had to drive into the oncoming lane in order not to drown the engine, and there are also a lot of problem areas along the edge, for example, lake ahanka, we have a double standard in our region precipitation fell literally in one day, so lake khank is overflowing, houses are flooding there, literally, there are frames in which all this is clearly visible, there are also reports that ceilings are leaking in the far eastern federal district, but the fire situation is now so difficult in the north
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edge in lesozavodsk, there was freezing rain, in lesozavodsk there is now a state of emergency, 1,200 houses are de-energized there, 2,000 residents are left without electricity, also four heating stations were put out of action, two of them immediately returned to work, transferring to alternative fuel sources, another 200 are now being urgently restored. sergey komarov, alexander ostafiev, vesti primorye. last night the cities of the donetsk people's republic were shelled in the sso. the fire was fired from a 150.155mm nato caliber weapon, with details from olga lukyanko. yes kuchaevski, now people are cleaning up the consequences of yesterday evening’s shelling, the enemy fired five missiles from mlrs at a peaceful city, a private residential building was destroyed, fortunately the owner of the house survived, also a direct hit was in a multi-storey residential building, the shell practically destroyed the top floor.
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the rubble turned out to be people, by the forces of the ministry of emergency situations, bodies were removed from under the rubble, they turned out to be a man and a woman, a man born in 1958, a woman born in 1960, a girl born in 2013 was injured, her foot was injured, there was also destruction, in addition to residential buildings, the gas pipeline was damaged , the power line was damaged, this all happened in the evening, let me remind you that the shelling was carried out on civilians, now they continue to eliminate the consequences of the shelling, people are taking what they have from their apartments what remains is what was actually acquired through back-breaking labor and destroyed as a result of another terrorist act on the part of ukraine. olga lukyanchenko, vladislav mediannik, lead donetsk. the ministry of defense has declassified archival documents for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of kiev from the nazi invaders. an operational report has been published on the department's website.
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combat logs. there are documents that reflect the crimes of the nazis in ukraine, including the atrocities in babimya, where at least 150,000 people were shot. the kiev... operation was carried out by the forces of the first ukrainian front from november 3 to november 13 , 1943. the report of one of the commanders stated that by their actions, soviet tank crews literally put the nazis to flight. by the morning of november 6, 1943, kiev was liberated. the large-scale offensive operation on the right bank of the dnieper became a strategic success for the red army and significantly influenced the outcome of the great patriotic war. with historical materials you can. find out on the website of the ministry of defense in the multimedia section. now, in the situation in the middle east, in the gas sector, the united nations has suffered the largest losses in a single conflict in its entire history. this was announced by the heads of
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un humanitarian units in a joint statement. according to them, in less than a month of bombing and shelling, 88 employees of the middle east agency for palestinian refugees were killed. un representatives. demanded an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector. and now our special correspondent in region, stanislav bernwaltz. stanislav, greetings, has the israel defense forces heeded these calls? yes, hello, well, the israeli defense forces are doing everything they can not to notice such requests and not to react to them in any way. the israeli military leadership speaks openly about stopping its offensive. it does not intend to, despite the thousands of victims that have to be recorded at the moment. meanwhile, a new blow to the gas sector was caught on video and was published on social networks, as can be seen from the video published by our
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colleagues from al-jazeera, and the strike hit a building next to the square , where there were a lot of people, well, it is stated that israel is using prohibited... with white phosphorus in the palestinian sector, that's how it happened, the israeli defense army said, that completely divided the gaza strip into a northern and southern part, reached the sea , while, as they claim, the humanitarian corridor for moving palestinians to the south continues to function and... at the same time , the israeli military leadership strongly, i emphasize, strongly recommends people should move to the southern part, and where it is supposedly safe, although we have been observing for several weeks now that in the south, too, israeli aviation is using all the power
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it can, and tens and hundreds of people died due to intense gas attacks in the alkuz hospital, not ambulances may arrive for transportation, the turkish agency reports, meanwhile, the humanitarian situation in the enclave is truly critical, the russian ministry of emergency situations sent another batch of humanitarian aid to egypt, but when will it will directly fall into the gas sector, it is extremely, extremely difficult to predict, and due to the shelling, the delivery of humanitarian supplies is really very very difficult, in this seemingly hopeless darkness there is a place for very human stories, a woman who fled from khan- yunisa, who is constantly under fire, reached the south and decided to return, because at home she left her, attention, parrots , she returned for him when
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the airstrikes began, we ran to the hospital, i was halfway there and realized that i had forgotten the birds, so came back for them, i couldn't leave them... and now they are with me everywhere , i didn't worry about myself, i was afraid that the birds would die, so i came back to take them with me, now they live with me and sleep there, where i sleep, and i managed to get them food, even when israel struck khan yunis, near the old municipality, i was looking for food for the birds and did not return home until i found it, let's stop the massacre, this is the text on one of the banners in italy , pope francis addressed both sides of the conflict and called for an immediate end to the killing of women and children. please stop in the name of god, cease fire, i hope that all possible ways to resolve the conflict will be used, in order to prevent its
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expansion, it is necessary to provide assistance to the wounded to the entire population of gaza, where the humanitarian situation is very difficult, immediately release all hostages, including ... so many children, let them return to their families, yes, let's think about the children, all the children involved in this war, the jordanian air force parachuted medical supplies for the jordanian hospitals in gaza, this is indeed a very important event and one of the ways to somehow reverse the humanitarian situation in the sector. our fearless air force personnel parachuted into a jordanian field hospital in gaza at midnight. our duty is to help our brothers and sisters wounded during the war in gaza. we will always stand by our palestinian brothers. we continue to monitor the situation in the middle east, all the latest news is on our air.
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i give you my word. yes, thank you for our special correspondent in lebanon, stanislav bernwalt, was in direct contact with the studio. let me remind you that the conflict escalated on october 7 after an attack by fighters of the palestinian hamas movement on israeli territory. the israel defense forces completely surrounded gaza and reached the sea. the enclave is divided into north and south. this was announced by the head of the tsahal press service. according to him. according to him, israel will continue hostilities and intend to intensify ground operations. we will learn all the details from the head of the middle east bureau of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company sergei pashkov, he communicates directly with the studio. sergey, greetings, the floor is yours. hello, yes, indeed, now the operation is a ground operation, an expanded operation.
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unfortunately, we are currently losing contact with our colleague from israel; we will try to contact sergei pashkov again a little later in this issue. the ruling pro-european party of moldova wins elections in the districts, but loses votes in large cities. by this time , more than 90% had already been processed. turnout in most localities exceeded 25%. the main demand of the opposition is to stop unconditional support from the west and solve internal problems. voting is taking place across the country for the first time since the government applied to join the european union. let me remind you that the country's residents had to elect more than 800 mayors, as well as about 11,000 local councilors. and there was no sad news from st. petersburg. arkady ippolitov, he was a brilliant russian art critic, writer, connoisseur of italy, since
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1978 he worked at the armitage, devoted his whole life to studying the history of italian painting, he was one of the world's leading specialists in the field of italian art of the 15th-18th centuries, also taught at the european university in st. petersburg, and curated many exhibitions of classical and contemporary art around the world. arkady ippolitov was 65 years old. and now i’ve decided to get in touch again with the chief of the bureaus in the middle east, sergei pashkov is in direct contact from israel, sergei, the floor is yours. hello, when it is reported that internet and telephone connections are being cut off over the gaza strip at night, this means that the idf is making new efforts to
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attack on the palestinian enclave, if the day before we were informed... gaza and reach the coastline, as well as surround gaza city, the largest city in the palestinian authority, then that night, the encirclement began to shrink, street battles began within line of sight, the israeli military attacked izdimasam militants, destroyed anti-tank nests, looked for entrances to fought with militants there, letting dogs and trackers enter, directly eliminated detachment commanders, hamas soldiers and conducted a special hunt for those of them who had directly related to the planning of participation in the terrorist attack on october 7, when terrorists killed more than a thousand civilians in the israeli villages and settlements bordering the gas , so that the ground
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israeli defense forces admiral daniel hagar. the idf carried out a number of additional attacks on terrorist infrastructures, as well as terrorist units and vehicles. the gas is taken in a ring and divided into several parts. sahal will still allow civilians to leave the northern part of gaza while reporting that the tsal managed to eliminate dozens militants, while the israeli defense forces are counting their dead, to date, more than thirty fighters have been killed or mortally wounded in the gaza strip, these are serious losses, but from the point of view of the company’s organization, they allow the development of increased offensive actions without being shocking, israeli air strikes on the gas sector are shocking; last night
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the bombing was of an unprecedentedly powerful nature, even twenty... kilometers from gas in the coastal israeli city of azhdot. cannonades over gaza, windows and doors shook, according to local residents, attacks were carried out primarily on the underground infrastructure of hamas, tactical tunnels , weapons depots, underground headquarters, and the attacks were carried out not only on the city of gaza or its northern part, but also on hanyunus in the southern part of the israeli, excuse me , palestinian enclave, while prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that the formula for releasing hostages has now changed. hamas must first return the abducted, there are 240 hostages in the country, and some of them have dual citizenship, these are men and women and children, only then will israel agree to a temporary ceasefire, these are the words of the israeli
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prime minister. i want you to know there is one thing that won't happen. fire without the return of the hostages, this must be completely eliminated from our vocabulary, we say this to our friends and enemies, we will continue until we destroy hamas. despite a powerful ground operation and air strikes, hamas still continues to attack israeli cities and air raid sirens tseva adom sounded yesterday not only in the border areas of gaza, but in the central cities of israel, in tel aviv, that is, hamas militants show that they still intend to resist, and their firepower is completely undamaged, tsaalem, although significantly undermined, since the alarm signals began sound less often, on the northern lebanese border, they still sound quite often, several israeli cities have been evacuated there, in the city of kiryashmon, 2,000
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residents remain, since the shiite lebanese group hezbollah periodically responds powerful artillery fire on the positions of hisbal militants, the situation remains borderline, but it has not yet developed into a large ground war. thank you, sergei pakov, the head of our middle east bureau, spoke about the situation in israel, as well as what is now happening in the gas sector, and now a message is also coming in with a link to... they have taken control of a hamas military camp in the gas sector, in addition, the israeli media is now reporting that the director of the cia has arrived in israel. the earth was covered by the strongest magnetic storm due to powerful solar flares, which were previously recorded by scientists. all this provoked bright northern lights
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in many regions of russia. the sky turned different colors in crimea, the caucasus, kalinin and siberia. the magnetic storm has already reached its peak, its level is g3, this is a fairly strong degree of disturbance, there may be interruptions in communication, as well as in the operation of equipment, weather-dependent people will also feel the influence of the magnetic storm, but by the evening the geomagnetic activity will begin to weaken. now a short advertisement, and then we’ll talk about what europe proposes to do with frozen russian assets. astorutsenka will tell you a fair price for a variety of cars from your neighbor or boss, check after out of curiosity. on green day, you will receive a gift contribution when opening an investment piggy bank, protection for any occasion from sberg insurance with a discount of up to 55%. cashback bonuses in scooters using a promotional code
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this.rf. and now artyom yamshchov joins us for economic news. artyom, greetings, in the west they are now discussing the fate of frozen russian assets. what do the experts suggest? as the financial times writes, it is not only unprofitable for the west to confiscate these assets, but also to receive them. additional tax. all the details are in the issue, let's start with another topic. the currency session on the moscow exchange opened with a slight decline in the euro, but by that moment the ruble had already begun to lose ground a lot. in pairs with the dollar, trading takes place at around 92.45, for the euro they offer 99 rubles. 25 kopecks the authorities of the kherson region intend to invest in gasification up to 80 billion rubles, tas reports this with reference to the fuel and energy complex of the region. thus, the level of gas supply in the region will almost double in plans for the modernization of construction, pipelines and distribution stations.
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over 50,000 households will be connected to network gas. the west is shocked by how moscow is holding up under sanctions, first deputy prime minister andrei belausov stated this at the russia forum exhibition. he noted that our country is now actively developing its own production, let’s listen, but we have at a very high rate, i will tell you, 5-7% per month, with seasonality removed , sectors that provide import substitution are growing, these are sectors related to the production of equipment, mechanical engineering, and first of all, sectors related to the production of durable goods for the population. budget revenues of the zaporozhye region this year reached 10 billion rubles, tas reports this with reference to the head of the region, evgeny balitsky. another 65
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billion came from the federal center, with plans for next year at the expense of our own funds to replenish the treasury by another 15-20 billion rubles. the prospect for the next few years is to become self-sufficient. the government will allocate 611 million rubles this year. and renewal of the novorossiysk kersch federal highway. the order on this was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. more than half of the amount will be used for the reconstruction of a 27 km long section in the region. this will improve transport accessibility of the taman seaport. let me remind you that in mid-october the government allocated more than 46.5 billion rubles for the construction and reconstruction of federal roads, including novorossiysk kersch. then the prime minister noted that these projects are of particular importance for the socio-economic development of a number of regions. the confiscation of russian assets is not
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beneficial to the west, as the financial times writes, if this happens, the consequences for the global financial system will be disastrous. most importantly, the fear is that the confiscation of russia's assets will force other non-western countries to withdraw their reserves from the west, for fear that one day they will be treated in the same way. this is of concern because could destabilize the global financial system. the publication notes that there are also legal obstacles, which is why the european central bank has prohibited eu politicians from taxing companies that receive excess profits from frozen russian assets. let me remind you that earlier the leaders of several western countries instructed the european commission to formulate a mechanism for using such income. the uk has decided
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to issue new mining licenses annually. oil and gas, and as the country’s government reported, its own fields will reduce it dependence on imported energy resources, in addition, this will provide hundreds of thousands of new jobs . but such a solution has its own challenges, with each successive round of licensing requiring two conditions to be met: britain must import more oil and gas than it extracts, and the carbon emissions associated with production must be kept below those of imported lng. let me remind you that the kingdom’s authorities set a course for the development of new fields in the north sea last fall. this was prompted by the energy crisis in europe. from 1 january uk stopped supplies of liquefied natural gas from russia, while the financial times writes that new licenses for the development of the field cannot help the kingdom significantly reduce its dependence on imported raw materials or affect its price, due to insignificant oil and gas reserves.
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well, the exchange rate is traditionally adjusted, oops, the dollar is 93.03, and the euro is 99.01, daria, and you used to fly, you didn’t do a lot of things before, and then you did it, it’s a dream. but you’ll promise to fly with me now, but you won’t take it, i won’t take it, i’ve been waiting all my life for when we can be together i just want to talk to you, you don’t want to hear anyone but yourself, we can’t put it off, we’re preparing a flight, it’s hard to keep up with the person , dad, i want to see you, who is trying to catch the wind, i write a letter to him every day, and then, when he returns, i i give him mine, and he
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gives me his. i’m going to the mountain, why are you pestering me, what do you want, let him go , where, every time i worry when he leaves, but he comes back, he promised me, master of the wind, come on, fyoda, hold on, we’re used to watching videos in network stopped working install, open. we watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website,
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hello, i am director vladimir bortko, i am from st. petersburg, president putin did not let russia fall apart, moreover.


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