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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 7, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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for this purpose, high-precision weapons are sent to the region. maria skorodilko will tell you more about the situation. as darkness falls, the shelling of the gas sector intensifies. in this footage, tzahala fires flares. there is a fierce firefight along the path of the ground forces' advance. in the coming days , israel plans to complete the encirclement of the gas and begin military operations in the city, the military said. our army eliminated almost the entire enemy field echelon. we are preventing them from carrying out counterattacks. demonstrates complete lack of communication between terrorists and leadership. israeli authorities stressed the idf will attack hamas everywhere. the army will attack any place in the enclave where there are terrorists. that night a rocket hit one of the hospitals in the gaza strip. the israeli army denied the information. many were wounded, including children, the sergeant reported. palestinian doctors are asking for help. there is targeted persecution against us around the world, including in the western media. are described as criminals,
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meanwhile we ask for help, the situation is catastrophic, there is not enough medicine, hospitals are overcrowded, we simply have nothing to save people, but tv warns every time that it is dangerous to be in the gas sector, local residents are advised to leave the enclave and evacuate to the south. we dropped more than half a million leaflets and flyers from the air, think about it, over one and a half million, we also made more than 20. go south, don’t linger in the northern gas. israel is fighting on several fronts, fighter jets are striking a number of hezbollah targets, and in response, missiles are flying from lebanese territory towards israel. journalists reports of hits in residential buildings. the idf continues to find camouflaged hamas launch sites in the gaza strip. we captured a branch of the movement in the north of the gas sector. right here are pictures of scouts online,
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as well as rocket launchers, apparently aimed at aschilon. israeli special forces are conducting an operation on the west bank of the jordan river, losses cannot be hidden, hamas fighters carried photographs of the dead through the streets of the gaza strip, protests were held in major israeli cities demanding the release of hostages, in jerusalem they honored the memory of the dead, hundreds people lit candles. the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict has divided. world, thousands of people take to the streets, speak out against the war, in these shots of lahore, there medical students staged a flash mob, well, this is already shtutd, residents of germany demand to stop supplying weapons to israel. in the united states, hundreds of activists staged a statue of freedom rally and called for a ceasefire in the gas strip. i am a jew, my parents managed to escape the holocaust, but i do not support israel, i am on the side of palestine, because the western government supports israel with weapons, thereby inciting war. american
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authorities, meanwhile, said the pentagon will supply israel with precision bombs worth $320 million, citing sources, the media write. washington promises israel unlimited support in destroying hamas, but the palestinian ministry of health is already reporting that over 10,000 people have died from massive bombing in the gaza strip. analyzing the situation, the un stated that not a single country in the middle east conflict is above international humanitarian law. maria skorodilka, news. to ulan ud they are putting out a major fire in a shopping center. it started at night and led to a partial collapse of the roof. the fire covered an area of ​​22,000 km. according to preliminary information, no one was injured. by this time , more than 120 people and three dozen pieces of equipment had been involved in extinguishing the open fire. the work is complicated by the complex layout of the building, the ministry of emergency situations reported. tram traffic on two streets is blocked. khabarovsk this morning
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experienced ten-force traffic jams due to heavy snowfall. he came after the lick rain, motorists first had to dig out their cars for a long time, and then, at their own peril and risk, drive along the snow-covered icy roads. my colleague, elizaveta yuroova, is joining the broadcast. elizabeth, greetings, now, what is the situation in the city? greetings, now the situation on the roads has improved somewhat, but nevertheless, it has not become any less cold. it’s still windy, there’s a lot of snow, and of course, the roads are on the roads all day, there’s a traffic collapse, first of all it affected the federal highways, three at once the movement of large cargo and passenger buses is limited in these directions, this is the route to vladivostok, lida gavanina and also nabirabidzhan , a rescuer from the ministry of emergency situations continues to be on duty there, and the posted posts also help in the city, there are a lot of very steep slopes and ascents here. and motorists
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simply cannot cope, a decision was also made to close the komsomolsk airport on amur due to zero visibility, the khavarovsk airport too... flights are operated only when the runway is ready, many flights are very delayed, the ministry of emergency situations is here so he comments on the situation, tells his forecasts and risks, everything is developing in accordance with the previously announced forecast , the main impact now is on the southern and central regions of the cyclone, but along its trajectory it will shift to the northern regions of our region, and it will remain on duty until we expect the end of the impact of the cyclone and the approximate end of the cyclone by the middle of tomorrow . of course , motorists felt the whole situation most of all in the morning
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in the dark they went out into the courtyards, cleared the cars, dug them out, skidded, everyone helped each other, and public transport also faced collapse, everyone rushed into the bus, large queues formed for the bus, they also skidded, there were long delays, people stood for hours, waited , when they finally get to work, in connection with this, free attendance has been introduced in schools, on these days, by parent’s decision, you can not go to school, this does not count as an absence, new topics will not be taught, and also started at night to operate snow removal equipment in the city, but due to... the weather conditions, of course, due to the heavy snowfall, it’s impossible to quickly remove, clear everything, well, roughly speaking, and therefore we’re coping with this for now, thank you, about that, thank you ,
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my colleague elizaveta yurova spoke about the consequences of the snow cyclone in khabarovsk, russia and china signed an agreement on cooperation between military prosecutors, this became known after the meetings of the prosecutor general. russia's igor krasnov and his chinese colleague ying yun agreed on the interaction of structures at the regional level, they also discussed multifaceted cooperation and the development of the russian-chinese partnership. let me remind you that our delegation has arrived in the city of xi’an, where a meeting of the prosecutors general of the sco countries will be held tomorrow. igor krasnov will make a report and also meet with other foreign colleagues. as a result of the negotiations , several more agreements are expected to be signed. the first 3 days of the russia exhibition at vdnh have passed. now i’ll tell you in more detail what the first results are. so, according to the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration sergei kiriyenko, the interest of visitors to the exhibition forum exceeds the expectations of the organizers. on the first day alone, more than
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190,000 people came to vdnkh. the event itself runs from november 4 to april 12 next year, with the participation of 89 regions of the country, 22 federal executive authorities, and another 20 companies, corporations and public organizations, with a total of 130 expositions. all participants present the results of their work and achievements. exactly the exhibition space in the ddn is historically connected with this. 67 objects and their total area of ​​265,000 km are involved in the implementation. in addition, studio russia-24 is also working at the exhibition. my colleagues and i are interviewing the heads of departments in the region. and companies, the facts program will be broadcast live from there. we will definitely tell viewers of the tv channel about all the events and main statements that will be made at the russia format exhibition and we are waiting for my colleague’s live broadcast in the next hour. now
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real business doesn't need an office, real friends aren't on social networks, real art doesn't only happen in museums, real hobbies do not fade over the years, for real life you need a real bank, psb is a bank for the real. it was you who stole a dirk from your grandfather at the age of 7, it was you, the men from the yard said you were a fighter, it was you who was never afraid of a fight, it’s with you, she’s calm everywhere, it’s you that friends can always rely on, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great! the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny
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, did not agree with the police version that his assistant died from careless handling of a grenade. according to him, mayor gennady chastyakov died from an unknown explosive device that went off in one of the gifts. according to some reports, the office of the ukrainian president instructed telegram media channels to support the version of the criminal nature of the incident and the alleged involvement. in the special operation zone in the zaporozhye direction, the military of the southern district repelled an enemy attack. attempts to advance towards our positions are repelled by artillery, komikaza drones and anti-tank missile systems. next is the report by margarita semenyuk. right now there's a cassette tape above us ammunition flies by. but he will now leave to the east, that is, in theory we should not. under it, 6-7 km from us
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, enemy artillery is operating, dryers are covering the front line of the zaporozhye direction with cassettes, it is possible to get to our positions only at night in the gray time, when the daytime birds retire, and the night birds have not yet arrived, with thermal imagers, homemade , such as baba yaga, which are carried on one’s person, can be carried for up to 3.8 minutes, with headlights and gadgets turned off, we enter a forest plantation, here is the position of some of the most effective operators of the anti-tank missile complex of the southern military district, we all go out, we go out and go further through the forest to the position, we go carefully, without any lighting devices, in complete darkness, a few kilometers from here the high-tech equipment is snarling, but the fighters of the southern group of troops are suppressing the enemy, our city everything works, let's move out, yeah, i see, no
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, right here, the step is neat, the fighter is practically around the clock on bradleys, leopards and abrams, in just one day an atgm operator with the call sign maniac knocked out one vehicle, three more disabled, in total the fighter’s count is more than ten units of destroyed nato equipment, when i see, then i hit, uh-huh, that is, i don’t have this either during the day or... at night, no, i work both day and night if i see equipment i hit, i remember, i see the infantry, i hit them, that is, there is a lot of nato equipment driving around, which they ask for very well and it burns so well, that is. verbovoe, orekhov’s work, a gray zone, the enemy is rolling in with the remainder at the cost of heavy losses. we wait for dawn and traditionally in the morning it becomes louder. the atgm crew is already preparing the complex in anticipation of the enemy. here we need to do everything clearly, quickly and firmly, we won’t let vasiushnikov come here. this area
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is under constant control of aerial reconnaissance. operators scan the territory, monitor the movement of militants, and record possible appearances of a trench. it’s better to go under the plane to cover it because they also have reconnaissance, but it’s more likely a charlan, but the enemy also has a lot of homemade airplanes, you see how it flies, it’s most likely about to land. very effective now in this war, this is what happened. western equipment, foreign mercenaries, british military tactics did not bring results on the battlefield in the zaporozhye region, during the 5 months of the so-called contour offensive in the ukrainian armed forces, crews of anti-tank missile systems burned about 40 units of armored vehicles, tried to reach the crimea, did not reach, passed there 5 or 6
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km, they ran into us, we destroyed them, but they are trying, they are coming, they collided, they got hit on the ears and returned somewhere here, the intensity of shelling on this section of the front fell, noted by the military, and the personnel of the militants from the mobilized brigades, thrown into the so-called breakthrough of the russian defense, are ground, where the smoke is coming, this is exactly where the fighting is taking place, now in the rabotin area, all the roads along which dry equipment moves under our fire control, artillery, komika drones, atgms, they cover everything, there is a target, movement. i see, yes, one, already towards evening, our bpol operators noticed the movement of enemy equipment along the road, which is controlled, there will be a shot right now, in fact, this is how all the nato equipment that appears in the zaporozhye direction is amazed, the day for calculating
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the atgm is again effective, the atgm operator knocked out another apu tank, vesti zaporozhye region. the international monetary fund has begun reviewing ukraine's financing program. there they must determine whether the country has done enough for the next tranche. in kiev they expect to receive about a billion out of almost 60, which are planned for 4 years. my colleague alexandra nazarova has all the details. she comes to me joins. sasha, good morning, tell us what ukraine’s budget deficit could be like without western help. sash, good morning, next year 29. the international monetary fund has begun a review of the extended financing program for ukraine. the mission will assess the implementation of commitments in the field of fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies, in ensuring financial stability and in carrying out structural reforms. in particular, they will look at how the transition to a managed flexible hryvnia exchange rate went
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and how the budget deficit is being closed. the international monetary fund is a de facto instrument. foreign policy of the united states of america and joining the rules of the international monetary fund leads to the fact that the country begins to live at the expense of future generations, that is , there can be no talk of any sustainable development, this means, give everything today and pay for it again tomorrow, the four-year support program from the imf includes 15 billion 600 million dollars, the first tranche, for 2.700 million, kiev received in april, then 890 million in june, the next time hope to receive approximately the same amount, but first you need to undergo an audit; experts note that based on its results, the fund may tighten its requirements? now the imf will be able to demand something more
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from kiev, because the fund program was adopted not this year, in my opinion last year, the amount of money there is around 15 dollars, and accordingly, kiev will now need this money, and the imf will be able to impose its additional conditions on the ukrainian authorities, it will no longer be able to evade fulfillment of these conditions and demands, according to estimates ukrainian ministry of finance without the help of the west dra in the state budget next year will amount to 29 billion dollars, almost a third of expenses. the ministry warned foreign sponsors that this would be traumatic for the whole of europe due to... migration, as well as rising food and energy prices. without funding from outside, the ukrainian economy will not be able to fulfill its obligations. in an interview with nbc, he once again called for more money to be given to kiev, even on loans, and promised to return everything after the end of the conflict, here it’s
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not clear how the country will pay, experts say. there are two options: either ukraine is simply bankrupt, or it finds sources of debt financing to cover its debts with this money, or it simply starts printing hryvnia, this may help for a while. but after some time , ukraine will go bankrupt, that is, by and large, if the west does not help it, then ukraine will be bankrupt, because they cannot pay off their debts, including debts to the imf. the national bank of ukraine predicts that western financial assistance will gradually decrease. if this year the country can receive more than 45 billion dollars, then next year 38.5 billion, and a year later only 25 billion. but against the backdrop of the conflict in... let's be honest, the crisis in the middle
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east is already having a long-term impact on our politics in ukraine. during my last visit to the us summit, together with representatives of the european commission and the european council, i had the opportunity to express my concerns directly to president biden and my colleague blinken that our support ukraine may begin to blur in the light. what is perceived as a policy of double standards is an acute problem. brussels admitted that it and washington failed to convince the countries of the global south to oppose russia. meanwhile, in the european union, disagreements on the ukrainian issue are only growing, the desire to patch up holes in someone else ’s budget is becoming less and less, and some are acting contrary to the interests of kiev, so according to german media, polish customs are strangling the ukrainian economy, delaying the export of its goods. and polish carriers are blocking checkpoints, demanding restrictions on ukrainian competitors. sasha, are you further
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limiting the financial capabilities of kiev? thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova with a story about the situation in the ukrainian economy. in russia, some product manufacturers were prohibited from changing the volume of packaging. now pasta, milk, butter and other socially significant products will be available. if they are made according to gost, that is, if the package says liter or kilogram, there should be the same amount inside, maria filippova will tell you more about the innovation. if packaging milk, then a liter of sugar, a kilogram and no intermediate options , at the request of the prosecutor general's office, changes were made to the state standard, now manufacturers of socially significant products will not be able to use their own packaging volumes, but only those established by the standard, otherwise they will lose the right to label their goods. gost is familiar, for example, milk, the manufacturer indicates that it is made according to gost standards, we look at the volume of 925 ml, it turns out according to the new rules, he either needs to add milk to a liter,
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or switch to technical conditions. in the list of fixed-package products also includes butter, vegetable oils, flour, buckwheat, vermicelli, black tea and more. the same kernel, according to the new standard, should be sold in volumes of 500 , 1000 and 2,000 g. the updated gost is designed to solve the problem of shrinkling, when... it imperceptibly reduces the quantity of the product, while maintaining the price, however, on the shelves in stores, according to experts, how the rule is only 10% of goods with the mark of the state standard of conformity, most enterprises adhere to technical conditions, or milk in that other package, yes there it will be milk , there it will of course be different, for example, the content may differ in the content of fat, protein, but it will be an absolutely high-quality product, just with slightly different parameters, today it is not necessary to produce according to gost , this is more about the image, for example, the guest will be given preference when purchasing. food, schools and kindergartens. there, in accordance with the requirements of the state customer , all these requirements exist. if the manufacturer decides that he and the guest are on the same page, he is obliged to fulfill
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all regulatory requirements. supervisory authorities will carefully monitor compliance, otherwise administrative liability with fines of 400,000 rubles. if the state is inflicted, but it is not observed, then , within the framework of its competence, rospotrebnadzor can apply sanctions to such a manufacturer. to work with the correct packaging, it is necessary to reconfigure the equipment; the products themselves, in an updated volume, can add value - analysts say, while nothing for production according to technical specifications does not change, the overall picture for the consumer is the same, however, the ministry of industry and trade stated that they are ready to stimulate changes , for example, to adjust the technical regulations of the eurasian economic union on food safety , to which all manufacturers are subject; if such changes to the technical regulations are adopted, then in principle there will be forbidden. to produce packaging in sizes that do not correspond to the parameters that will be established, it will not be possible to produce products in other packaging,
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this applies to a wide range of issues. spectrum food products. this prospect is not the closest, but quite realistic, the department assures and promises additional changes in plans to oblige ptu manufacturers to indicate on the packaging that their product does not comply with state standards. maria filippova, igor nikulin, anton senchenko, lead. but assign this to mine. guard cat, what, what guard cat? the film is very bright, cool, i didn’t expect a cat there at all, it’s great that light fairy tales are being filmed now, it’s interesting for children, for adults, humor and some
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actual story, you are determined by the maids, in the kitchen, his, generally a great movie, i will really like it, cool fairy tale, cool, i enjoyed it, we all dream of having our wishes come true, i want winter to become summer, feel free, the fairy tale is gorgeous, wonderful, very kind, very funny, who is this, my irita, it seems to me that this is what the necessary upset will be created for everyone, at the behest of the pike,
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in moscow 9:28 and further briefly about the main thing. israel attacks the gas strip. hamas responds by shelling israeli cities.
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there are people injured. usa. telyavi take a break and are sending precision bombs worth hundreds of millions of dollars to israel. ivanovo paratroopers captured a militant stronghold in the artyomovsk direction. enemy personnel were destroyed, infantry fighting vehicles and a nato-made light tank were destroyed. and in zaporozhye, the military of the southern district repelled the attack in the ssu. the enemy's armored vehicles were hit by an anti-tank missile system. hundreds of thousands of people visited the russia forum exhibition at vdh during the first 3 days of work. the event is attended by 89 there are more than 130 expositions in total in the regions. all participants present the results of their work and achievements. the northern delivery is being completed in chukotka. the motor ship captain sarosttin delivered from vladivostok to anadar, the last lot of cargo this year, almost 2.5 tons. these are food, building materials,
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medicines and other goods. in total , 35 cargo flights took place on the outskirts of the north during the season. sochi topped the top 10 most popular destinations for the november holidays. the weather also contributed to this. now thermometers show almost summer temperatures. next is the report by kristina kolesnikova. it’s november, the beach is literally dotted with vacationers, and it’s not a classic autumn beach. relaxing on sunbeds in jackets, now the coastal area is more like a velvet season, but we swam, we were all wet , he swam, everyone swam, sochi really surprises , in general this year the weather is unique, and these people decided to run on the weekend, traditional sochi -the marathon brought together about 500 participants from 17 countries, as well as sochi residents and guests from others.


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