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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 7, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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fsb officers detained a resident of the donetsk people's republic for treason. according to security officials, the man transferred secret information to the kiev special services. he left all the information in tayaniks, and also corresponded with ukrainian curators in messengers and social networks. in addition, the detainee tried to get into military service under a contract in order to gain access to state secrets, against the man.
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a criminal case was opened. in blagovechensk , a national guard member saved a man who almost froze to death on the side of the road. sergeant victor vorobyov was driving with his family in a private car and noticed a pedestrian waving his hand with all his might. it turned out that the man became ill, he fell and could not get up. a national guard officer took the victim's car and called an ambulance. thermometers in the amur region have already gone below zero and a helpless person on the street can get serious frostbite. doctors took the victim to the hospital, where he received the necessary assistance. and now for trading on the moscow exchange, this morning the dollar is trading around the 92 ruble mark. euro costs about 99 rubles, a little less, and uyun today costs 12 rubles. 67 kopecks the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading is growing 3.239 points and the rts index is 1105 points.
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and by the way, still in continuation of the topic, although we are already talking about the st. petersburg international commodity exchange, these agencies are now coming to the feeds of an information agent, today the board of directors at a meeting appointed the former head of ofas igor artemyev as president instead of alexey rybnikov, he was the head exchange since the eleventh year, this is the trading message sites. well, now dmitry chugarev joins me, which means it’s time for the fifth studio. dima, greetings, i’ll tell you what we’ll talk about today. yes, sash, greetings, good morning to everyone who is joining us, now let’s again see what the situation is in the gas sector, because today there was news that at least eight people were killed as a result of an israeli military airstrike on a hospital complex in gaza city, this was reported by the qatari aljazeera tv channel, with reference to the ministry of health and now the journalist is in direct contact with us riyanov news. hookah, he’s connected to us
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from the gas sector. tariq, we welcome you, well, now you are finally with us via video link, that is, we can say, in principle, that the communication situation in the enclave has somehow returned to normal, or how stable is it in general? good morning, well, the situation with communications is normalizing and turning off, this is the decision of the israelis, they can cut off communications from the sector at any moment. well, thank god, now there is. taryk, what is known about this latest blow to another hospital in the gas sector reported that eight people had died, how dangerous the situation really is there now, and how things are going in general in health care. we know that this is not the first hospital that has come under a massive, massive attack. well, of course, several hospitals, yesterday they received from.
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israeli airstrikes, raantisi hospital, indonesian hospital, several hospitals, they were hit and eight, as the minister announced yesterday, that eight people have already been killed, and several injured as a result of the attacks on hospitals, four or five hospitals were hit today, but the most important thing was that the elshif hospital complex, which is located in the center... of gaza city, yesterday they hit one building in the hospital, where there are electric batteries, the israelis decided how to turn off the lights completely, even the electric batteries that charge, there are some devices and telephones, they decided to hit them, therefore, as in hospitals, in hospitals the crisis is deepening, there is no fuel, no medicine, no beds, no place to work. and how deliriously the doctors work on the floor
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in the corridors and without anesthesia, well, how the crisis deepens every day, yeah. without anesthesia on the floor in the corridors, yes, this is what is already happening, unfortunately, not for the first week, but what is the situation with the supply - medical supplies, medicines, we know that in the gas territory there have been about 70 trucks in the last 24 hours uh, humanitarian aid entered, is this amount enough, or is it again a drop in the ocean, as you yourself say constantly, well , look, until yesterday, all uh, the entire number of trucks that entered the sector gas, 500, 501 trucks, this means, one day the needs of the gas sector, which until october 7, all of this was included during this entire
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time, everything, 32 days, 501 trucks, of course, not all medicines, not all food, there are all blankets and food and medicine, but there is no fuel, in the hospital they really need fuel to light the generators, to keep the lights on, to keep the operators working, very little, because there are more than 24,000 wounded, this is not a small number, all the medicines that enters the gas sector there is not enough gas for the entire hospital, as before, 16 hospitals are no longer operational. 32 medical centers are not working and this is the situation, we are just now showing footage, apparently, this was egypt now, a huge number of trucks that are standing at the checkpoint and which cannot pass, tarik, please tell me
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why a situation is being created, why can’t these trucks enter the gas sector ? is this related to the so-called humanitarian pauses, which it seems that official israel agreed to, or is there some other problem there? well look, israel can agree on the media, that’s what it says in the media, or when the blinkins come, they can tell him, let’s let it pass , let’s let it through, in fact, all the trucks, all the humanitarian aid that are in egypt, including two planes russia, who arrived at thearij airport with tons, with tens of cargo, because these trucks are released only with the permission of the israelis, then there will be permission, the egyptian country will release into the gas sector, this is with the permission of the israelis, otherwise they will be there
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stand in egypt for a long time. so, just the day before , for example, there was such information that they opened a corridor for 4 hours to evacuate civilians from the gas. according to the decision of israel and there in the continuation of this news it was indicated that dozens of people took advantage of this opportunity, as i understand it, it’s not dozens of people who want to take advantage of this opportunity, hundreds and thousands, so according to your data, why is there such a small number of people who can really , now try to get to the south somehow leave? the fact is that this corridor is open for significant hours, when from four to one , from four, excuse me, from 10 to one, from 10 to two, 3-4 hours, but they let you in without anything, which means people have to come and walk on foot, and the walk is about 5 km, they are from the first point to the end point about 5 km
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, there are israeli tanks in the middle of the road, they check everyone, check for passports, internal passports, check what they have, but they don’t let anything in at all , no shamadans, nothing, but people, as they are, will go there without anything, then many people lost their documents, because their houses were hit , were bombed, so they cannot walk without documents, well, this corridor was used by many people, many people, but still this is very few, and so here again, again in israel they declared that they had taken control. significant territories of the gas sector , it is implied, yes, that if they took control of these territories, then they must somehow ensure the safe departure of the civilian population from there and the safe the retreat is probably to the south, where the military guards are constantly pointing, this is a safe
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corridor, is there some kind of work going on, i mean ensuring the israeli military, this safe passage for refugees? well, they can announce that they are providing this for people who leave the southern, northern part of the gas sector, in fact they can beat them at any time, therefore. uh along this corridor and it was an experience, because in the first days of evacuation to the south they were in a column and 78 people died there and they didn’t even have to provide for the people in the south yet, because that they are also people, they leave their homes, go to the south, well, as the minister announced yesterday, 42% of those killed in the gas sector are people who came from the northern part to the southern part and there was an emphasis, they died there , so there is no safety
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, a safe place neither in the corridor, nor in the southernmost, in the southernmost part of the enclave, here is one more piece of news, in the remaining time, i would like you to talk about how this information was received in palestine, i will quote, netanyahu said israel is ready to accept a temporary responsibility for managing the gas sector, how did palestine generally take this news? well, of course in palestine they took it as a frivolous thing, because they are israel or the idf calling on people to leave the northern part of the gaza strip, and no one will stop there, that they will take control of the empty houses or ruins that are everywhere in the northern part of the gaza strip , it’s not serious that brother... control needs to be agreed upon with the local authorities, i mean the palestinian authority with president mahmoud
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abbas, but mahmoud abbas set the condition that i will not take control of the gas sector without stopping the war, and without political compromises in the region, well, if this happens, it will be calm, if not, i think that the crisis will deepen, even after they accept their control or... imposes their control on the northern part of the enlava. yes, political measures are exactly what this situation is all about. taryk, thank you very much, tariq alyan, journalist of the agency, was in direct contact with us, i’ll give you some more, these are the figures, according to hamas , israel drops more than a thousand tons of explosives with gas every day, so it turns out that it is three times the power of the atomic bomb that was dropped by the united states. states to hiroshima, well, thank you very much, tariq, once again, tarik alyan
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, journalist of the raonovosti agency, there was contact with us from the gas sector, we will now take a break for a couple of minutes, later we will continue with another topic. if you've already spent half an evening choosing a movie, don't waste too much by ordering it. on a scooter in the selection there is a profitable shelf, free delivery, a scooter without extra expenses, now it will appear, come on, what is it, magic cashback, with a gazprombank debit card , cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets, gazprombank, time to make dreams come true, quality of technology, reliability in
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among those, uh, representatives of, let’s say, the gaming industry or fans of computer games, there ’s really nothing here... in my opinion , there is no surprise, i mean the game, the russian game, called troubles, which was announced on russian platforms, but was not announced on western platforms, this was pointed out in the state duma, precisely because of the reluctance of foreign platforms to distribute the russian game of troubles, it was not even announced there, as we have already found out, the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on information policy, information technologies and communications, anton gorelkin, anton vladimovich, is in touch with us, we welcome you. good afternoon, anton vadimir, well, again, it’s unlikely that anyone will be surprised by such a reaction , or the lack of such a reaction to a russian it product, but what can we say, the sanctions in the gaming industry are probably like this sanctions, and dmitry, well, i haven’t lost hope that this
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product will appear on foreign consoles, for this it is necessary to talk to foreign publishers, but i think we will try , but because today this chaos is coming out on the pc platform, k play, but i hope that it will still work out, maybe through friendly countries, through chinese publishers, and we already have such experience, and there is such a russian game, very famous, popular, turn away, it is quite possible that... this game will follow the path of torney and also, through collaboration with chinese publishers, will enter the world market, of course, the fact that there is no turmoil in the console market yet it turns out that this is not a very pleasant story, because there really are quite a lot of players who use console solutions, but with the beginning of the sv
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, these companies left our market and completely... stopped cooperation, moreover, they discriminate against russian players, there are already precedents, there are already legal proceedings on this matter, it is vaguely receiving grants from the budget and in total, and their amount has already reached 490 million rubles, this is patriotic content, this is a very high-quality and vibrant game, whether it’s a lot or a little, but the budget of large... games, world games reaches from 10 million dollars and reaches 100 million dollars, so i think that the budget that the troubles have today is probably not the largest, but nevertheless, this is quite enough for the production of a high-quality game, anton vladimir, but can i just ask this question, i just don’t know, well, it somehow
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happened from the age when they play computer games, probably, well, some in mine age they play, of course, but that ’s okay, but i wanted to ask what kind of a game, is it a shooter, a shooter, or is it some kind of strategy, or how can you describe it, the game is built on a historical setting, this is the time of the polish intervention and its genre, but you can formulate it as an rpg, and you can control the hero, you can do some different activities, but this is built on our historical past and today there is a very big demand when they are trying to rewrite history, a big demand for objectivity in order to really show whether what happened to us is true, what happened, in such distant times, and you know, support for games there is not our invention, in poland they very
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actively support games financially, and yes, in the same united states, in fact they also support, and we know that they not only support, but prohibit in in the united states, games, again, yes, but before that they were banned on some kind of national basis, yes, i mean. what if national laws are violated there, for example, yes, or it somehow contradicts traditions there, for example, games were banned in china, in australia games were banned, there in particular gta, for example, fallout, in the united states, there is a whole list, a huge list of games that were first banned and then had to be modified, here, now it doesn’t work out, some, for example, countries impose restrictions its own limitations, yes, but it turns out to be some sort of supranational gaming industry that turns out to, well, formulate its own rules, or what? you know, part of the game distribution infrastructure today is somehow connected with unfriendly countries, this
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first of all, console solutions, so of course, they will try to somehow limit the development of our game industry, ah, but nevertheless, i believe that this is all temporary, it is important for us today to enter the market of friendly countries . to the chinese market, to the market of the brix countries, i’m sure we will succeed, in fact, taking into account these restrictions , a domestic store (bkp) was created, and today it is developing successfully, it began to develop successfully thanks to the release of the probably famous one of the most famous our games, this is mickhart, and therefore i am sure that the future of russian gaming will be very... bright, everything will develop, today negotiations are underway with china, quite successfully, i am sure that we will be able to enter
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the brazilian market, so we will overcome those restrictions that unfriendly countries are trying to impose today in one way or another, since part of the infrastructure is somehow connected with them, yes, if this... the product is liked by the chinese market, then here we can say that, in principle , the task has already been completed, there data for last year, there were about 700 million users of computer games, i mean active, active players, so this market is very rich, but well, here we can actually say that if this game really deserves the attention of gamers, around the world, then even in those countries that we call unfriendly, they will be found. in fact, ways to download it and how to play it, yes, if indeed, they will have such a thing, well, here is the inner desire for this, anton vadimorovich, thank you very much, anton
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gorelkin, deputy chairman of the state duma committee on information policy, information technologies and communications, was with us as a guest of the fifth studio, thank you for your attention, the northern delivery is being completed in chukotka, the motor ship captain starosttin delivered the last batch of cargo, food, building materials and others to vanadar. goods. my colleague anton sirotkin found out how the ship arrived. watch his material right now. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, good news. the anadar seaport receives the last ship of the season. final a shipment of navigation cargo from vladivostok to the capital of chukotka was delivered by the ship captain starosttin. for the first time in 10 years, anadr meets the last navigation ship, relatively good weather, almost no wind, no large ice fields that always interfere. the movement of ships, and the ice floes themselves do not exceed 10 cm. the thirty-nine-year-old container ship captain starosttin spent almost 2 weeks on the way from vladivostok to
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the capital of chukotka. according to the ship's first mate alexei dutko, captain starostin's route to the far north is familiar. this ship is in mainly delivers cargo from the capital of primorye to kamchatka, sakhalin and chukotka. the current flight , although it turned out to be quite long, was not very difficult. above the nineteenth, we walked, well, in principle, the weather seemed to be favorable, although in the okhodsky and berengovsky, in the coastal sea there were such moments that there was no weather, but we were a little lucky in this regard, we didn’t even have a storm, according to on the way to vanadr, the ship called at the port of beringovsky, where it left part of the cargo to supply the chukotka village, and after set course for the last point. unloading, the anadar approached at the entrance while waiting for the pilot, in principle, the ice conditions there are also favorable , so we installed it without any problems
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, immediately started processing , we will process it day after night, immediately transport the cargo to clients, and, accordingly, wait for the container to be returned for shipment to vladivostok , certain difficulties arose when processing the vessel, the multi-ton covers of the first hold did not open, and the seaport specialists had to help with the repairs. captain starosttin delivered 2,419 tons of cargo to the capital of chukotka. docker mechanics are efficient these days. you need to quickly unload and send containers to customers, especially if it is food cargo, after which the ship will take the empty containers back to vladivostok. this is the last ship from vladivostok, it came to us during this navigation, it has 2,500 cargo on board, there are about 140 containers, also general cargo, vehicles arrived, and the general cargo there is consolidated. vegetables and
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building materials are also the thirty-fifth ship call at the anadra seaport in the current navigation, the number of ships this summer turned out to be slightly lower than a year ago, but the port workers say that the season worked well, soon captain starosttin will head for vladivostok and thus complete the northern delivery of 2023. vladimir sirotkin, alexander kuzminov, lead chukotka.
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a large-scale clash on the west bank of the jordan, the israeli military struck the city of tulkam, fighting has been going on for several hours, including in the refugee camp.
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ice, ten-point traffic jams and massive road accidents in the khabarovsk territory and primorye. far east hit by a powerful cyclone and weather forecasters are warning of a new disaster, when can we expect it? the imf will review the financing program for ukraine, how will the assistance plan change and how much does kiev expect to receive? germany is increasing its military presence in the baltics. on a permanent basis, the bundwehr will station two tank battalions, and the number of stationed ones. military will quadruple. the israeli navy used precision missiles to hit targets of the palestinian hamas movement in the gaza strip. this was stated by the tsahal press service. there also recognized the fact of an airstrike on a building near the hospital alkutsk, alkuts, but called the bombing justified, since hamas fighters were in the building.
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ours is monitoring the progress of the conflict. special correspondent in israel.


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