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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 10, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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they urge people not to engage in self-diagnosis , self-medication, but to turn to doctors for specialized help; of course, you need to maintain hygiene, the head of the department, anna popova, spoke about this in an interview with my colleague askerzade. hello, anna yuevna, hello, in the fall there is traditionally an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory infections, influenza, this year there is still a lot of talk about the hong kong flu, how is it different and how does it manifest itself? we are today: entering a phase of epidemic growth, and the total incidence of influenza acute respiratory viral infections, so far the small wave in september, today’s fairly high level of treatment, is associated with non-influenza viruses, these are parainfluenza viruses, these are rhinoviruses, and a number of seasonal respiratory viruses that come to us every year, but the wave... of this year - insignificantly higher than in
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previous periods, well, we compare pre-pandemic ones with them. if we talk about influenza, then yes, over the last 2 weeks we have been identifying more and more cases of influenza, and so far all variants of the influenza virus are being identified, and influenza b we we find both influenza a pandemic h1 of the ninth year, and influenza a, well, as you say, hong kong, but not exactly this genovariant, but this is influenza ah3n2, also an old friend of ours, it is now present in a larger proportion in the population, but for now none of these variants of the influenza virus causes a high wave, but this is certainly just the beginning, and in order for us to have time to protect the population, we need to be on time with vaccinations, we are making excellent russian ones,
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now they are quadrivalent, which includes antigen-protecting ones and against influenza oh, and one second and against two variants of influenza b quadruple, four components, the vaccine is effective, the vaccine is reactogenic, so now it has already been accepted, more than 40% of the total population of the russian federation has received it, well, a little more than 60 million russians have already received it, this is good immune protection, but not yet... enough, we say that less than 50 is not enough, 60 would be a good percentage of the total population of the russian federation, we still have a little time until the end of november, to finish this, if we talk about the difference in clinical manifestations , then i would not, for example, place much emphasis on this, because the first initial signs, they are approximately the same, this is the peculiarity of the flu, there are no
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any manifestations, it is certainly an increase in temperature , this is certainly a general malaise, these are certainly respiratory signs, it could be the conjunctiva, it could be a runny nose, it could be a condition such as soreness in the oropharynx, sore throat, some other symptoms, and well when bright light interferes, irritates, this is also one of the signs, when a headache begins, this too, but these signs... can occur in cases where the disease is caused by different respiratory viruses or different influenza viruses. therefore, here - of course you need to see a doctor, this is the first thing you need to do, you need to stay at home, you need to isolate yourself, if this is a family - from other family members, you need to have your own dishes that no one else uses, you need to wash them well, it’s better to boil them , but you need - properly ventilate the room so that the virus... that is in the air, they also
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settle, die or are not so active, but wet cleaning needs to be carried out, and of course, it would be good for family members to wear masks if the patient is able to walk wearing a mask and being in a mask would also be nice, but only a doctor can make a diagnosis, the treatment tactics for influenza and other viral infections are different, but we have special antiviral drugs against the flu. i want to say that those pathogens of the influenza virus that we have already identified, which we we sequence and which we are studying, and they are today, but coincide with the vaccine composition, that is, the vaccine protects completely, and b - they are sensitive to those antiviral drugs that are in service today in the russian federation and which are available today in any inpatient treatment institution and which are in our pharmacies, that is, today these viruses are in no
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way... different from what we assumed in the spring, for which we prepared a vaccine, prepared a supply of medicines, but in order to understand what a person needs, a test is needed ..." specialist, we need a doctor, why did i say test? since the end of the previous year, we have had a general rule and for this purpose federal budget funds have been allocated for testing each patient, each patient has the right to this in a medical institution, whether in a clinic or in a hospital, and for flu for covid, in order to understand what exactly is wrong with the person happened, i would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that the general signs, the first signs, they can be exactly the same, so do not engage in self-diagnosis, do not self-medicate, seek medical help and follow all the anti-epidemic rules in everyday life that i have already mentioned. how often is swine flu detected? and swine flu is now a little less common
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than flu a h3n2, swine flu h1n1, flu a, but for now, well, probably the ratio is one to three, three times more, of the virus. influenza, ah3n2 here is a little less, but this is only the beginning, while we also have influenza b, which usually prevails at the end of the epidemic rise, but uh, today we are at the stage of the beginning of an epidemic rise, a seasonal epidemic rise, annual , total incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, but it’s too late to get vaccinated against the flu... no, we still need to get vaccinated and we have time until the end of november, we just need to do it immediately, because we want to draw your attention once again, we see an increase every week in cases of influenza, which means there will only be further development, you said that there is an increase in the incidence
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of coronavirus, a new variant of pyrol has been identified, how it differs, what is being prepared for, what we see is a new variant of pyrol, and other new... which comes to the russian federation, this is the result of the emerging, but in terms of coronovirus, well-functioning, already created, genomic nutritional surveillance, we see the circulation of various pathogens in all subjects of the russian federation, our research organizations receive this material, so we , as soon as a new genovariant appeared, they were able to... know it, in our common network, from which we receive information, today there are already significantly more than fifty different organizations, various departments, this is the consolidation allows us to monitor the situation in the country quite closely.
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perola has been circulating in the world for several months already, we have actually been waiting for it, we assumed that it would be, today 15% of cases, as they say, in the world are caused by the perola strain, so far not very many during this period, probably since april month, it did not become prevalent in the world, today we have isolated finds - these are 10 cases, mainly in moscow and st. petersburg, if we talk about moscow, all cases are very well worked out, the first case we registered the third dates, here on november 3, despite the fact that the material was selected on october 26, on the very first day we fell ill, in a person who came from abroad. came from turkey, the second case is the same, a person who came from turkey, but before that visited germany, and the third case is also associated with traveling outside the borders of his native country, this is inevitable with such migration activity
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today clinicians do not see a more severe course, although the first days are quite difficult, because a high temperature generally makes you feel weak severe malaise, there is a severe headache, but here, of course, the knowledge of doctors is also needed, and here, of course, you need to seek medical help, also because the treatment tactics for all cases caused by the new coronavirus, cases of influenza or cases of other respiratory viruses, and these are different treatment tactics , different, you need to remember this, and the same thing here, a person with symptoms of acute viral infections , with a runny nose, a cough, a fever, needs to be tested for covid for influenza, and today our medical community is ready for this,
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therefore, differential diagnosis can only be carried out in the conditions or with the participation of medical workers , you need to remember this and seek medical help, be sure to try and try to stay at home and not infect others, today there is an change from previous years, but pre-videos, when and nothing, now i, this is unacceptable today, unacceptable, because it will definitely lead to complications, definitely viruses, they are all insidious and influenza. there are 2 viruses, they will make themselves felt if you treat them disrespectfully, and if you are respectful, then you need to do everything to avoid getting sick in the first place, and if you don’t get sick, then these are still masks, but we don’t know anything better today and we can’t think of anything better, these are masks, and you came to us today, we saw colleagues they wear masks , and not because we strictly order them there, because they understand perfectly well that the risks of getting sick without a mask are much higher, visitors walk around, colleagues communicate with each other, families, transport, all this is a risk zone, of course, clean hands,
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of course, a healthy lifestyle, of course, regular ventilation, of course, disinfection of all surfaces, during the working day, at the work place, and at home, too , this cannot be done and should not be neglected, well, the rules are not complicated for everyone, they are probably very well known, maybe we are already tired from them, but they save, they protect. is it still possible to use pcr diagnostics? yes, yes, all our tests, which were initially done very efficiently and well, specifically for those stable parts of the virus 2 genome that do not change or mutate, they are today work and work very well for pyrola for all other genovariants. last season was marked by a tridemic, when there was a coronavirus infection, influenza, and a respirator.
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the rise is seasonal, it’s generally a pole-demic, why are there only three, we have different variants of the influenza virus, we also have pre-species , we had different variants, in different years, in different years their own prevailed, viruses of non- influenza etiology, once upon a time this there was a large amount of renovirus, other years. there were a large number of adenoviruses, somewhere there were parainfluenza viruses, it was severe parainfluenza, so to say that this is polytridemia, well, we can discuss it, scientists can discuss it, but the main thing for you and i is probably the first thing not to get sick, and secondly, if infection does occur, try to maintain your health as much as possible, for this is to seek medical help and maintain this health, already a little affected. in conditions of isolation at home, you talked about the rise in temperature,
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asymptomatic course also occurs , asymptomatic course occurs, of course it does, and my colleagues really like to talk about that all infections flow in such a way in the population that we always see the iceberg phenomenon, yes, that is, we see manifest forms, clinically obvious, and we see a large number of asymptomatic forms, which as a rule are not... visible, well, today, after all, these viruses necessarily cause at least some symptoms, that is, general malaise, a slight increase in temperature, well, do a test, this does not oblige anyone to anything, does not take much time, but gives an accurate idea of ​​​​your health, then, if this is in the context of a family, someone has this, you know, symptomatic or erased course, as we say, but the person remains contagious and he can be dangerous to his own people as a source. infections for your loved ones. when do you expect covid and flu cases to peak?
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well, we don’t expect, we are preparing, we must always be ready, it depends on many factors, on holidays, on holidays, on a large number of migration activities, these are all factors that are layered on the overall system or overall scheme spread, and cause surges either in the whole country or in some individual... subjects or even localities, but now it is increasing, now it is increasing, covid is growing very quickly, and over the last 4 weeks we have seen a doubling of the incidence, the flu doesn’t go that fast, uh, well, apparently, as we have observed over the past two years, the peaks of covid and the peaks of influenza are separated in time, they are still competing for each organism, so the two of them together for ours, probably, fortunately, while they are not attacking humans, the human population, but if we
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don’t defend ourselves, anything can happen, thank you very much, thank you, nelya, be healthy, thank you, now, footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. hello, today we have an important, very relevant, not only. by the way, for our country, but for us in particular, especially taking into account the current situation, the question of increasing the effectiveness of measures to ensure russia’s information security. our speaker is vladimirovich selin, director of the federal technical and export control services. please, this was footage
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of the meeting between the president and permanent members. israel agreed to open two humanitarian corridors inside the gaza strip, as well as daily four-hour pauses in the enclave , which will allow civilians to move to the south, according to a representative of the us national security council, john kirby, these and other issues will now be discussed with the russian ambassador to israel anatoly viktorov, he is in direct contact with us, anatoly dmitrievich, welcome, hello. hello, uh, please tell me, this is what the israeli authorities are saying about these humanitarian pauses, what kind of time frame they agree on, and how soon can they really move on to working on uh, effective, how to effectively implement these statements of theirs? well, such statements have been made more than once, i
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would allow myself to correct the terminology, which means that the humanitarian corridor is through which... help is forced upon you, and what the official representatives of the united states of america are talking about is safe the passage, as they say, is simply for residents of the northern, that is, northern part of gaza, guaranteed safe passage to its southern part, no more and no less, this is not a humanitarian corridor, this is the first thing, well, in general, most likely what is needed is not humanitarian corridors or there are safe passages to be made, but there needs to be a ceasefire, a ceasefire, and then we can really deal with humanitarian issues, because the population of gaza needs to be saved, infectious diseases are already appearing there, there is no water, schools are being bombed, well, you all know that, great, that’s all in the world, here
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here it also turns out that israel does not allow, for example, the un high commissioner for human rights, to come to the country and visit... the occupied palestinian territories, he was in the middle east for 5 days, it turns out that israel completely refuses to cooperate soon in this current situation? well, dmitry, this is not a question for me, this is a question for the israeli authorities, they have complex relations with human rights structures, including mr. turk, a turk who is the high commissioner, israel is suspicious of activities of human rights structures and do not accept their criticism, well, their relationship is quite complicated , well, the head of the israeli ministry of defense also ruled out a ceasefire in gaza until all the hostages are released, that is, for his part he set such an ultimatum, here it is reported that the military began to use methods of struggle, including with fortified underground tunnels, this is what this
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means in practice, is there any understanding of how israel intends to act further, but although would be to minimize attacks on civilian targets and the death of civilians. well, i expect that the israeli leadership itself has an understanding of how and in what order they will act, but i am personally alarmed by the logic that by carrying out a ground operation we will achieve the release of the hostages, what if they suddenly get caught , yes, by chance, and we will release them, or this... the conditions of the ceasefire are not very clearly formulated , by the way, by the way, we are making efforts to release a certain number, citizens of israel who also have russian citizenship, we have channels of communication with those parties who can make a decision, but unfortunately, both sides put forward
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conditions that are not acceptable to each other, so while we are there at this stage, unfortunately, time passes and people are increasingly in danger, so to speak, of their lives and health, but we will continue to do this, and how many are we talking about, i prefer not to talk about the number, so as not to cause deprivation of the emotion of anticipation, but this is not very many people, it's literal one, here’s benjamin netanyahu, who at first spoke out for the indefinite occupation of the gaza strip, but later said that israel does not seek to occupy, come, occupy or rule it after the war, but to penetrate palestinian territory if necessary, according to him, it will be necessary reliable forces to prevent the emergence of threats... from militants and so on, what options are being considered in israel now, what to do next? well, there are a lot of options being thrown into the media space,
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including in the form of even official statements, not only in israel, but in other countries , mainly overseas, there are many different statements, which is categorically, of course, unacceptable, this position was confirmed at the cairo summit, where the arab states were represented. in full force, there is absolutely unacceptability of ideas there about some kind of displacement of palestinians - neighboring countries, countries of the region, this is an absolutely unacceptable idea from all points of view, and as for the future configuration, they are very active there the united states of america is offering different options, so to speak, this is part of their idea of ​​some kind of reconfiguration of the region , apparently adjusting it to their interests, we have great doubt, so to speak, about these efforts, especially since it looks like this is a return to the idea of ​​a middle eastern nato
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, again to unite some kind of bloc of some states there, which will be directed against other states in the region, this will not work, things will only work if the legitimate interests of all countries and the region are taken into account, and how the gas will be arranged, gas, of course, according to all international legal documents, the constituent part of palestine should be considered in exactly this capacity, there are no others, which means that organizational measures should not be taken, that’s how you feel about such proposals that come, in particular from the united states, where they stated that it was possible to transfer the enclave under the control of the palestinian national authority, before that there were proposals just for this territory. was ruled by a group of, let's say , arab countries friendly to palestine, that's how it is in israel look at these proposals and do they agree with it?
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well, in general, the usa behaves like a bull in a china shop, which can lead not only to broken dishes, but shelves can collapse, which means that you can do whatever you want there, so you can write on this topic, but of course, there is a problem, on which , so to speak, including our american former partners, are speculating. well, it is necessary , of course, to ensure political and organizational unity, poly palestine, this is one of the problems, for further advancement of the peace process, by the way, we are working on we are working on this very actively , and our proposal for a meeting at the ministerial level of all regional countries is very relevant ; ideas should not be thrown here from overseas, but regional powers should play a key role here. and our proposal, which has long been, say, recently, relatively voiced this year, it remains relevant, that everyone interested should gather, compare
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approaches to middle east regulation, then work together with our palestinian colleagues so that they adequately, formulated their approaches to the peace process. in this situation, of course, now everyone is very concerned about what is happening with the displaced persons, who are now , as israel says, moving to the south, uh, israel promises not to open fire on them, here we also received information that several thousands of displaced people are now in hospitals, in the territory that israel has surrounded, information comes from there very sporadically and, of course, requires double-checking, but the whole world is now worried about what is happening there with the people, that's how... the situation is? well, you are absolutely correct in pointing out that at this point we are talking about more than one and a half million internally displaced persons, displaced within
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the gas sector, more than half of them are located in some parts of the southern part of the sector , located in hospitals, there in onov centers, schools, and so on further, but some of them actually still remain in the zone of active hostilities, which are being undertaken by the israeli... army as part of the announced ground operation, american friends israel is called upon to minimize the damage among, that is, the civilian population, to make it reasonable, but it sounds very cynical, what does it mean to minimize, what does reasonable mean, that means a reasonable number of killed civilians, you don’t need to think about this, you need to think about how to stop the military actions, deal with humanitarian ones.
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the true problem and from here everything grows, all these difficulties, no matter how emotionally both sides or other participants, regional, international, evaluate what is happening on earth, murder of civilians, hostages, bombing, so to speak, of peaceful objects, this is all scary, it must be stopped, but the root is exactly where i said, we urgently need to resume all these efforts to finally solve the already demanding, demanding problem of creation a palestinian state, everything else is lukaula, you know, like it’s there in the resolution, there is no palestine, like israel is not an occupying power, and so on and so forth, it’s all from lukavo, everything is written down in the un documents, is an agreed international legal framework, from it needs to be a starting point, well, those who call themselves mediators, in this process, although it is difficult
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to call them such, i have: the united states, many european countries, they do not even consider this possibility or probability, because as i understand it, that tensions are now growing in the arab world, some american diplomats, for example, cnn recently reported, are already directly telling the white house that the situation could get out of control, something that american diplomats in their public statements... . conflict, they do it somehow patter, through gritted teeth between stern, from which it follows that in general they do not intend to do this seriously and do not want to, apparently does not meet their interests, which means mediators, one mediator is nothing here won’t do it, we need collective efforts, we’ve always talked about this, just do it.
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how do the americans take on this matter, well , it won’t work out, we need to act completely together in one direction, which , by the way, we are calling for within the un, unfortunately, our ceasefire initiatives are there is being blocked by the same americans, partly by some western states, and of course everyone would like this conflict to be resolved as soon as possible, but what is happening now is not about that at all... thank you for being with us live, i ’ll remind you , we talked with the russian ambassador to israel, anatoly viktorov, and the presidential press secretary today made another comment regarding ukraine and the prospects for a settlement, in the absence of prerequisites for a settlement.
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means, we continue the special military operation, president zelsky, and the kiev regime, desperately promise military success on the battlefield, they promise their donors, their previous promises did not come true, the donors are worried and begin to vibrate, accordingly, zelensky has no choice but to increase the degree of his eloquence in order to convince them of that these successes will happen, in this context i just repeat once again, it’s time for them to understand that they will not be able to win on the battlefield, and the sooner they understand this, the sooner the prerequisites for a settlement, new models may arise military equipment was shown to the president at the headquarters of the southern military district, where he flew immediately after his visit to kazakhstan, that we...
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at the moment this is a skirmish with the enemy, but no longer a counter-offensive, the counter-offensive has failed. the statement of the german general luft wafe, the former head of the nato military committee, we are against sending hungarian taxpayers’ money to ukraine, not the words of the hungarian prime minister, as a mirror of the mood in the eu. another shelling of the gas sector, another destruction of hospitals, the palestinian enclave, what they say in israel, the middle east, what is happening in everything is carefully observed and analyzed by our correspondents on the ground. well, now our broadcast will continue with a new episode of the author’s program nikita mikhalkova besagon.


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